This document discusses concepts related to family health nursing. It defines the family as the basic social unit and examines how family health nursing cares for the family as a single client. Key points include:
1) The family is the basic social unit that provides for members' needs and helps them grow. Family health nursing cares for the entire family unit.
2) There are various family types defined by structure and relationships. Stages of the family include founding, childbearing/rearing, launching children, and empty nest.
3) Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations is discussed as the theoretical basis, emphasizing the nurse-client relationship to affect health changes.
4) Characteristics of
This document discusses concepts related to family health nursing. It defines the family as the basic social unit and examines how family health nursing cares for the family as a single client. Key points include:
1) The family is the basic social unit that provides for members' needs and helps them grow. Family health nursing cares for the entire family unit.
2) There are various family types defined by structure and relationships. Stages of the family include founding, childbearing/rearing, launching children, and empty nest.
3) Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations is discussed as the theoretical basis, emphasizing the nurse-client relationship to affect health changes.
4) Characteristics of
This document discusses concepts related to family health nursing. It defines the family as the basic social unit and examines how family health nursing cares for the family as a single client. Key points include:
1) The family is the basic social unit that provides for members' needs and helps them grow. Family health nursing cares for the entire family unit.
2) There are various family types defined by structure and relationships. Stages of the family include founding, childbearing/rearing, launching children, and empty nest.
3) Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations is discussed as the theoretical basis, emphasizing the nurse-client relationship to affect health changes.
4) Characteristics of
This document discusses concepts related to family health nursing. It defines the family as the basic social unit and examines how family health nursing cares for the family as a single client. Key points include:
1) The family is the basic social unit that provides for members' needs and helps them grow. Family health nursing cares for the entire family unit.
2) There are various family types defined by structure and relationships. Stages of the family include founding, childbearing/rearing, launching children, and empty nest.
3) Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations is discussed as the theoretical basis, emphasizing the nurse-client relationship to affect health changes.
4) Characteristics of
FAMILY HEALTH NURSING the health and growth of each member
together not as each one
● Now this implies that family members are Objective: Examine and integrate concepts, theories assessed and each of their needs are and principles learned in providing nursing for the intervened indeed! But all members’ family as the basic unit in Community Health situation and interaction must be viewed like Nursing. a whole piece of the puzzle where each is connected as one unit and not a separate Topic Outline: being. IX. Definitions ● Otherwise, failure to address family X. Types of Family dynamics influencing family problem results XI. Stages of Family in the rebound of the problem XII. Family Health Nursing XIII. Characteristics of a Family as a client Types of Family XIV. Family Health ● Refers to the type of family structure where XV. Theoretical Basis of Family Health Nursing members are described, and the head of the XVI. Family Health Nursing Process family identified. This is needed to manifest a. Family Health Assessment the extent of family relationships living or i. Health History not living together. This also depicts the ii. Past Health History dominant power in the family influential for iii. Family Health History decision making. Most common types are: iv. Genogram ❖ Extended refers to the types v. Present Illness and Chief Complaint composed of a father and mother vi. Physical Examination meant to generate offspring thus vii. Gordons 11 Functional Health Patterns includes their children b. Outcome Identification ❖ Nuclear refers to three generation c. Planning and Objective Setting of family, First the grandmother d. Nursing Diagnosis Identification and and grandmother, followed by their Prioritization of Family Health Problems children and their grandchildren i. Suggested Format for Family Health ❖ Joint Family refers to brothers and Nursing Care Plan sisters together with their ii. Health Teaching Plan in Family Health respective partners and their kids Nursing living in a single house. e. Process Oriented Ana-Holistic Evaluation ❖ Family By Choice refers to Rubrics Nursing Care Family: Family LGBTQ+ couples who’s living Nursing Care Plan together and forming a family. They are not necessarily married or Family considered by law as a family by ● Refers to the most basic unit of the society, legal parameters. Although there it is the cradle of upbringing and rearing of may be marriage for their cases every person, especially children which is within the community, such very crucial for nation building. marriage may not be sanctioned by ● Thus, taking care of the family implies law, This type of family also support of social strata in the community includes their adopted children, live and the nation. - in couples / cohabiting status, close friends, and relatives of each The Family as Single Unit of the partners. ● The family as single unit is taken whole unit ❖ Blended Family refers to a type of meaning that their interaction factors much family formed from the union of divorced or widowed persons to ● Every family has their own culture, their partner where one or both may practices, and values. already have a child or children. ● The family grows and move as single unit ● The family addresses the needs of each Stages of The Family member for the benefit of the whole unit. 1. Founding of the Family ● The family is connected to other members of a. Refers to the stage where mutually the community or neighborhood engaged partners decided to live together as one. Family Health 2. Bearing of a Child ● Refers to the holistic a. This is the stage where the partners bio-psycho-soci-spiritual wellness and decide to have a child either by optimum level of functioning of the natural biological means or by legal individual member, the family as a single adoption method. unit and the family as members of the 3. Raising of a Child community. a. This is the stage where the partners are committed to helping and Theoretical Basis of Family Health Nursing sustaining the needs of the child for ● There are various theories to support the role over health and welfare of the nurse in family health nursing, but 4. Launching of the Child Peplau is among the best. a. This is the stage where the child ● Here is the discussion of Peplau and its has grown enough to do things on relationship to family health nursing his own and becomes independent ● Hildegard Peplau “Theory of 5. Empty Nest Interpersonal Relations” a. This is the stage where the child, ➢ Explains that the caring being old enough to live on his own professional relationship between has left the home leaving an empty the nurse and the patient is the nest foundation of the nursing profession. It attempts to Functions of the Family emphasize that efforts of nursing ● The Family provides emotional, care must be directed towards the psychological, social, spiritual, and physical clear understanding, reciprocal and needs of eats members to grow and mature respectful interpersonal relationship as a person, a family and citizen. between the nurse and the patient as the initial foundation and core Family Health Nursing structure to affect health related ● Refers to a specialization in nursing care positive changes. whose focus is the family as single unit of ➢ Introduced the Interpersonal clientele Model. She defined nursing as an ● Each member’s health needs are assessed interpersonal process of therapeutic and addressed and then the dynamics of the between an individual who is sick family as a grouped analyzed in its or in need of health services and a relationship to health problems arising and nurse especially educated to solutions that can be generated recognize and respond to the need for help. Characteristics of the Family as Client ● Orientation: the nurse ● They have unique needs in each member and the client initially do and as a whole unit. not know each other’s goals and testing the role each will assume. The diagnosis for the family as a nursing client. client attempts to identify This format will make it more efficient difficulties and the amount because it is similar in context and process of nursing help that is to individual patient nursing care plans, only needed. that, the focus is the family. ● Identification: the client ● Family Health Nursing Process follows this responds to help process: professionals or the significant others who can meet the identified needs. Both the client and the nurse plan together an appropriate program to foster health ● Exploitation: the client utilizes all available resources to move toward Family Health Assessment: a goal of maximum health ● This is the aspect of nursing care where data functionality. are gathered to determine the condition of ● Resolution: refers to the individual members of the family, the family termination phase of the as a single unit and the family as a member nurse-client-relationship. of the community (Hanson on David et. al. It occurs when the client’s 2007) needs are met, and he/she ● Thus, the family health assessment method can move toward a new reflects the same assessment tools used for goal. Peplau further individual patient care BUT further details assumed that of this assessment are considered on how nurse-client-relationship each member interacts with each other as a fosters growth in both the family and how the family relates to their client and the nurse. community. ➢ In effect, the focus of the nurse in family health nursing in application of the Theory Components of Family Health Assessment of Interpersonal Relations by Peplau is to ● Remember: these are done for each establish the therapeutic use of self and member of the family to detect any health therapeutic relationship with the patient. alterations to individual members and then Once achieved, the nurse utilizes this how these interact to influence their family relationship to affect positive or health dynamics. congruent changes in the patient and to this ● Some instructors suggest that this should extent, his family. only focus on those who are obviously sick members of the family, but this is WRONG Family Nursing Process because you can never tell who are sick ● Refers to the nursing process applied unless you are done assessing all the specifically to the family as a unified unit, members of the family. but it also addresses individual family ● Some also proposed that assessment should members health related concerns. focus on the family as a whole and not on ● Family Nursing Process in this book follows each member. This is WRONG. Because the closely the pattern of North American family does not exist in a separate realm to Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA), This is because it has a well-established nursing