Cmca 1
Cmca 1
Cmca 1
Path of sperm
Seminiferous tubules >> tubulus rectus >>
rete testis >> efferent ductules >>
Interstitial Cells
Surrounding the seminiferous tubules are
interstitial cells that produce androgens
Epididymis is
The penis Non-motile sperm enter, pass through iits
Copulatory organ designed to deliver sperm tubes and become motile
into the female reproductive tract Upon ejaculation the epididymis contracts,
Prepuce (foreskin) - cuff of skin covering the expelling sperm into the ductus deferens
distal end of the penis (removed during the
circumcision) Ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct
Propels sperm from the epididymis is to the
Internal penis - the urethra and cylindrical urethra
bodies of erectile tissue Vasectomy - cutting and ligating the ductus
Erectile tissue - spongy network of deferens, which is a nearly 100% effective
connective tissue and smooth muscle form of birth control
riddled with vascular spaces
Corpus spongiosum - surrounds the urethra Urethra - conveys both urine and semen (at
and expands to form the glans and bulb of the different times)
the penis Consists of three regions:
Corpus cavernosa - paired dorsal erectile Prostatic - portion surrounded by the
bodies prostate
Erection - during the sexual excitement, the Membranous - lies in the urogenital
erectile tissues fill with blood causing the diaphragm
penis to enlarge and become rigid Spongy or penile - runs through the penis
and open to the outside at thee external
urethral orifice
Accessory glands: Seminal vesicles Ovarian - anchors the ovary medially to the
Lie on the posterior wall of the bladder and uterus
secretes 60% of the volume of semen Suspensory - anchors the ovary laterally to
Join the ductus deferens to form the the pelvic wall
ejacuulatory duct Mesovarium - suspends the ovary in
Accessory glands: Prostate glands Broad ligament - contains the suspensory
Doughnut-shaped gland that encircles part ligament and the mesovarium
of the urethra inferior to the bladder
Plays a role in thee activation of sperm
Enters the prostatic urethra during
Can be palpated by digital rectal