Energy & Environmental Science: Accepted Manuscript
Energy & Environmental Science: Accepted Manuscript
Energy & Environmental Science: Accepted Manuscript
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Fan, S. Liang, S. Li, H. HUANG, Z. Ling, C. Hao and J. QIU, Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, DOI:
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Environmental Science
Tailor-made edge site-enriched inorganics coupled graphene hybrids hold a promising platform material for
high-performance supercapacitors. Herein, we report a simple strategy for fabricating edge site-enriched
nickel-cobalt sulfide (Ni-Co-S) nanoparticles decorated on graphene frameworks to form integrated hybrid
architectures (Ni-Co-S/G) via an in-situ chemically converted method. The Kirkendall effect-involved anion
exchange reaction, e.g. the etching-like effort of the S ions, plays a crucial role for the formation of edge
site-enriched nanostructure. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the Ni-Co-S edge sites
have a high electrochemical activity and strong affinity for OH in the electrolyte, which are responsible for
the enhanced electrochemical performance. Benefiting from the integrated structures of Ni-Co-S
nanoparticles and conductive graphene substrate, the resultant Ni-Co-S/G hybrid electrodes exhibit a high
-1 -1
specific capacitance of 1492 F g at the current density of 1 A g , superior rate capability of 96% when the
current density is increased to 50 A g , and excellent electrochemical stabilities. An asymmetric
supercapacitor fabricated using the edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids as the positive electrode and
porous carbon nanosheets (PCNS) as negative electrode shows a high energy density of 43.3 Wh kg at a
−1 −1
power density of 0.8 kW kg , and an energy density of 28.4 Wh kg can be retained even at a high power
density of 22.1 kW kg .
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 | 1
2 | J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
The electrochemical properties of the samples were evaluated by a nanoparticles. The morphology and structure of View theArticle
CHI 760D electrochemical workstation in a three-electrode cell in 6 materials are completely different from that DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03633J
produced at high
M KOH aqueous electrolyte, in which platinum foil and Hg/HgO temperature gas-solid reaction and/or one-pot refluxing process,
electrodes were used as the counter and reference electrodes, where the morphology has no significant change before and after
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 | 3
found that the Ni-Co-S species in the hybrids exist in the form of the anion-exchange reaction method, the Ni-Co-S/G Viewhybrids at
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Ni1.5Co1.5S4, which is in agreement with the above EDS and XRD different reaction stages were collected andDOI: the 10.1039/C5EE03633J
corresponding FE-
results. This implies that the successful transformation of Ni-Co SEM and transmission electron microcopy (TEM) images are shows
hydroxides to Ni-Co sulfides, basing on an anion exchange reaction in Figure S3. When the Ni-Co precursor reacts with TAA for 3 h
amount and relatively low diffraction intensity. Nevertheless, the results suggest that Kirkendall effect-involved anion exchange
presence of graphene can be confirmed by the Raman spectrum. reaction, e.g. such an etching-like effort of the S ions, is
Two characteristic peaks of the D and G bands of the integrated responsible for the formation of edge site-enriched nanostructures.
edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids are observed at about 1350 It should be also noted that the pristine Ni-Co-S species tend to
and 1580 cm (Figure 2b), respectively. Compared with the GO, the form aggregations made of nanoparicles with a large size of 50-100
ID/IG ratios of the graphene nanosheets obtained by reduction of nm (Figure S5) in the absence of graphene, which is unfavorable for
the GO and Ni-Co-S/G hybrids increase slightly from 0.95 to 1.07 retaining the largely accessible contact area with electrolyte to fully
and 1.15, respectively, indicating that more structural defects are fulfill the redox reaction kinetics of the electroactive species. For
present on the edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids, which is the B-Ni-Co-S/G hybrids that were directly fabricated from metal
obviously related to the intimate anchoring of Ni-Co-S species on salts, TAA, and graphene oxide (GO) via one-step hydrothermal
the graphene surface. method, the typical FE-SEM images are shown in Figure 3d-f. The
particle size of the Ni-Co-S species with irregular bulky sphere
shapes ranges from 200-500 nm, and it was difficult to identify
integrated hybrid structures with strong interaction between Ni-Co-
S species and graphene (Figure 3d, e). The high-resolution FE-SEM
images show that some smaller Ni-Co-S particles with a size of 20-
50 nm are also present and anchored on graphene surfaces (Figure
3f), which may be attributed to in-situ growth of metal ions
absorbed on the GO surfaces. These results indicate that the
structure and morphology of Ni-Co-S species are a dependent-
Figure 2. Structure characterization of the samples: (a) typical XRD patterns process behavior, nevertheless, this is not the case for the
of the integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G and B-Ni-Co-S/G hybrids; (b) component and crystal structure.
Raman spectra of GO, graphene, and integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-
S/G hybrids.
4 | J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
resolution TEM (HR-TEM). As shown in Figure 4a and 4b, the In order to obtain detailed information aboutView the surface
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pristine Ni-Co-S species with a particle size of 50-100 nm disorderly electronic states of as-fabricated integratedDOI: edge10.1039/C5EE03633J
site-enriched Ni-
stack together to form an aggregated structure in large visual fields. Co-S/G hybrids, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
For the Ni-Co-S/G hybrids, the low-magnification TEM image shows measurements were performed and results are presented in Figure
attributing to the (311) planes of the cubic (Ni, Co)3S4 phase, and shows the high-resolution S 2p spectrum, in which the two major
Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) image from yellow square region peaks about 163.2 and 162.0 eV correspond to metal-sulfur bonds
2- 12
demonstrate the {311} plane preferential orientation for the Ni-Co- and the S in low coordination on the surface, respectively. For
S edges. Furthermore, the nanoparticles with thickness of about 5 the C1s XPS spectrum of Ni-Co-S/G hybrids, the spectrum can be
nm in the Ni-Co-S/G hybrids were also observed (Figure 4e, the red fitted and divided into four peaks: the aromatic-linked carbon (C=C,
region), indicative of a plate-like structure for small-sized 284.6 eV); the C in oxygen single-bonded carbon bonds (C-O, 285.1
nanoparticles. And the lattice spacing of 0.33 nm corresponding to eV); the carbonyl carbon (C=O, 286.1 eV), and the carboxylate
27, 28
the (220) planes is observed (Figure 4e, the red region). In the case carbon (O-C=O, 288.9 eV) (Figure 5d). This implies that some
of B-Ni-Co-S, it is apparent that the edge sites just extends to the oxygen-containing functional groups are still present on the
first few layers since the FFT pattern in the interior differs from that graphene surface under the hydrothermal conditions, which is
in the edges (Figure S6d), indicative of the relatively poor exposure consistent with the EDS results. Moreover, these oxygen-containing
for edge sites on bulky sphere surface. In addition, scanning TEM functional groups are beneficial for intimate anchoring Ni-Co-S
(STEM) image of the Ni-Co-S/G hybrids and corresponding species on graphene and enhancing structural stability of hybrid
elemental mapping from the square region marked in Figure 4f electrodes.
further reveal a uniform distribution of the Ni-Co-S species and
ultrahigh loading on graphene surfaces, and intimate interaction
between them.
Figure 5. High-resolution XPS spectra of (a) Ni 2p, (b) Co 2p, (c) S 2p, and (d)
C 1s for the integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids.
Figure 4. TEM and HR-TEM images of samples: (a, b) TEM images of the
pristine Ni-Co-S in absence of graphene; (c) TEM and (d, e) HR-TEM images
of the integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids, the inset is FFT 3.2 Electrochemical performance of the integrated edge site-
(Fast-Fourier Transform) images obtained from the yellow square region; (f) enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids
STEM image of the integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G hybrids and The electrochemical performance of the as-fabricated samples
corresponding elemental mapping of C, Ni, Co, and S from the square region was evaluated in a three-electrode cell in 6 M KOH aqueous
marked in (f). It is noted that the bright part in C elemental mapping is electrolyte. It should be noted that the bare Ni foam substrate
attributed to carbon film from copper grid. shows a smaller current in comparison to the edge site-enriched Ni-
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 | 5
Co-S/G hybrid electrodes, indicative of the negligible contribution of amount of edge active sites derived from small-sized effects
View Article of
the Ni foam substrate towards the capacitance under the nanoparticles. In addition, optimal balance of DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03633J
active species within
conditions adopted in the present work (Figure S7). The CV curves hybrid matrix, short transport distance of electron and electrolyte
of the pristine Ni-Co-S, integrated edge site-enriched Ni-Co-S/G ions in integrated nano-scaled dimension, together with strong
6 | J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
with the (311) surface also possesses rich active sites (a-m) in k 1.79 3.17 View Article Online
comparison to that with the (220) surface (a-h). That is to say, the l 1.81 2.77 DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03633J
Ni-Co-S edge sites are electroactive site-enriched, being responsible m 1.81 2.78
for the high electrochemical activity.
and experimental results further suggest that the edge site- wrinkled carbon nanosheets and tends to a relatively loose and
enriched Ni-Co-S particles play a pivotal role for enhancing redox open structure. The mass ratio of the two electrode materials was
reaction kinetics and superior electrochemical performance. balanced before making the asymmetric supercapacitor devices,
and the voltage window of the asymmetric supercapacitors was
determined to be 1.6 V, according to their individual
electrochemical behaviors (Figure S14). As shown in Figure 8c, the
CV curves at scan rates from 5 to 100 mV s demonstrate that the
as-fabricated asymmetric supercapacitor shows an excellent
capacitive behavior at 0-1.6 V. The typical galvanostatic
charge/discharge curves at different current densities (1-30 A g )
show that the potential-time curves at all current densities are
almost symmetric, indicative of a high Coulombic efficiency (Figure
8d). The specific capacitance calculated from typical galvanostatic
charge/discharge curves at different current densities show a
specific capacitance of around 122 F g was obtained at a current
−1 −1
density of 1 A g (Figure 8e), which was still 105 F g with the 86%
of capacitance retention rate at 10 A g , which is higher that of
fabricated the Ni-Co-S/G//activated carbon asymmetric
Figure 7. Optimized structural models of the Ni-Co-S with different surfaces:
supercapacitor (74%). The specific capacitance of the asymmetric
(a) top view and (c) side view of (311) surface, in which thirteen metal atoms −1 −1
supercapacitor remains at 95 F g even at 30 A g , and 78% of the
(a-m) are exposed; (b) top view and (d) side view of (220) surface, in which
specific capacitance was retained, which further evidences the high
eight metal atoms (a-h) are exposed.
capacitance and excellent rate performance of the Ni-Co-S/G//PCNS
asymmetric supercapacitor. These results are comparable to data
Table 1 The distance (dM-O) of OH- and metal atoms on the (311) and (200) 11, 20, 33-35
reported in the literatures. Figure 8f shows a Ragone plot,
plane surfaces, and OH- adsorption energies (EOH-) on metal atoms of the
which demonstrates the relationship between the energy and
(311) and (200) plane surfaces.
power density of the asymmetric supercapacitors. It can be seen
Ni-Co-S (311) plane surface Ni-Co-S (220) plane surface −1
that an energy density of 43.2 Wh kg (6.48 mWh cm ) at an
metal atom dM-O / Å EOH- / eV metal atom dM-O / Å EOH- / eV average power density of 0.8 kW kg
can be achieved, and
a 1.82 2.94 a 1.88 1.73 -3
corresponding to the volumetric energy density of 6.48 mWh cm
b 1.82 2.91 b 1.93 1.71 based on the total tap density of two electrodes. Moreover, an
1.82 2.92 1.87 1.80 −1
c c energy density of 28.4 Wh kg can be kept for a power density of
d 1.82 2.94 d 1.93 1.79 22.1 kW kg . These results are much better than Ni-Co-S/G // AC
−1 −1
e 1.79 3.10 e 1.86 1.82 symmetric supercapacitor (19.9 Wh kg at 6.8 kW kg ), and some
f 1.78 3.10 f 1.93 1.82 reported values in the literatures, such as Co3O4 // carbon (15 Wh
−1 −1 33 −1 −1 36
g 1.83 2.89 g 1.88 1.81 kg at 8 kW kg ), CoMoO4 // AC (19.9 Wh kg at 6.8 kW kg ),
−1 −1 20
h 1.82 2.88 h 1.97 1.64 NiCo2S4 // G/CS (22.9 Wh kg at 10.2 kW kg ), Ni(OH)2 // AC (12.6
−1 −1 34 −1
i 1.83 2.85 average 1.91 1.77 Wh kg at 1.67 kW kg ), GSP-LDH // SGC (20.4 Wh kg at 9.3 kW
−1 37 −1 −1 38
j 1.87 2.23 kg ), MnO2/G // MoO3/G (42.6 Wh kg at 0.28 kW kg ). In a
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 | 7
word, our present work provides a new yet efficient strategy for In summary, a simple strategy has been demonstrated for
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fabricating high-rate and high-energy density asymmetric DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03633J
fabricating integrated hybrid architectures composed of edge site-
supercapacitors by combining the Ni-Co-S/G hybrids with PCNS enriched Ni-Co-S nanoparticles and graphene via an in-situ chemical
electrode materials. The cycling performance of the Ni-Co- transformation from their pre-fabricated hydroxide species. The
J. Y. and C. Y. contributed equally to this work. This work was partly
supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.
21361162004, 21522601) and the Education Department of the
Liaoning Province of China (No. T2013001).
8 | J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2015, 00, 1-3 | 9
Juan Yang, Chang Yu, Xiaoming Fan, Suxia Liang, Shaofeng Li, Huawei Huang,
Zheng Ling, Ce Hao, and Jieshan Qiu*
Published on 14 January 2016. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 15/01/2016 02:41:24.