Jacob Westerhout
October 19, 2023
These notes mainly consist of a summary of Griffiths. I sometimes got a bit excited while reading
this stuff and looked outside of course content. For the most part stuff outside course content is
placed in boxes and make no claim that what is written is correct.
Week 1
Rather than considering the position of particle, in quantum mechanics we consider the wave function
of particle Ψ = Ψ(x, t). This is found by solving the Schrodinger equation
∂Ψ ℏ2 ∂ 2 Ψ
iℏ =− + V (x, t)Ψ (1)
∂t 2m ∂x2
for potential energy function V .
It is possible to derive the Schrodinger equation, but for the purposes of this course we treat it as a
postulate. For an intuitive argument where the equation came from, see Ref. [1].
The wave function gives rise to a probability density, |Ψ(x; t)|2 . Loosely speaking this is the proba-
bility of finding a particle at position x at time t.
This is a true probability — not a consequence of a ‘coarse grained’ analysis (i.e. by ignoring some
low level details as to give the appearance of a probability). Given infinite knowledge of the universe,
you still would not have knowledge of the position of the particle (unlike in coarse grained analysis
where infinite knowledge completely eliminates probabilities). There is no fundamental mechanism
that would determine which particular outcome is realized.
From the wave function we can get the probability of finding a particle in the interval [a, b] at
time t as
|Ψ(x; t)|2 dx (2)
Upon measurement of the position of the particle, the wavefunction collapses. (What is meant
by a measurement remains unclear.) If the particle was found to be at position c at time t, then
the wavefunction immediately after the measurement would be very shapely peaked at c (except is
some esoteric cases). The wavefunction then spreads out in accordance with the schrodinger equation.
In the orthodox interpretation, it is not clear what exactly you can measure. This is a problem
since what you can measure is determined by the devices you can construct which is determined by
properties of the environment. It is also not entirely clear what precisely the wave function collapses
The orthodox interpretation also places quite significant emphasis on the ‘observer’, which is not
governed by the theory of quantum mechanics. This is a problem as when the universe as a hole is
considered there (by definition) cannot be any external observers.
The ‘relative-state’ interpretations gives the entire universe a wavefunction that obeys the
Schrodinger equation.
Modal interpretations allow for definite measurement outcomes without collapse of the wavefunction
— the wavefunction evolves unitarily indefinitely. The central role of these approaches is to
provide an interpretation of decoherence. It’s more of an empirical theory than a theory about the
fundamental truths of the universe. It dictates what properties can be measured at what times and
with what probabilities (these do not arise dynamically from the Schrodinger equation). This is a
controversial interpretation.
There are collapse theories with modify the Schrodinger equation to give a physical mechanism for
the collapse of the wavefunction. There are ‘stochastic dynamical reduction’ theories that added
some noise to to the Schrodinger equation. However, it is often not clear how to add in this noise,
nor what state the system should collapse into.
This then gave rise to ‘spontaneous localization models’ where the wavefunction is spontaneous
localized at some random point (proportional to |Ψ|2 ) at random intervals in time. This localization
is just postulated as some fundamental process. The rate of the collapse is chosen so that there is
unitary evolution at microscoptic scales with ensuring macroscopic objects collapse rapidly. This
can further be generalized to ‘continuous spontaneous localization models’ where the schrodinger
equation is augmented by spatially correlated Brownian motion terms. However, this only leads
to partial wavefunction collapse (otherwise you require infinite momentum) and hence require
some addition interpretive framework to explain our perception of outcomes. In principle this
interpretation can easily be tested experimentally. However, state of the art experiments need 6
more orders of magnitude of accuracy to actually disprove the theory.
Bohmian mechanics gives that the wave equation is more like a guiding field (like a velocity field)
that the particles follow. That is quantum mechanics is like Newtonian mechanics but with new
equations of motion. However this is a hidden variable theory and hence is likely not correct.
However, decoherence never actually guarantees determinate values of physical quantities and hence
collapse is still required. Also, decoherence is only for local measurement. If the system is enlarged
enough, decoherence still gives a non-negligible probability of a particle being in a mixed state. I.e.
without collapse, it is plausible (if not likely) that the entire environment is in multiple places at
Because measurement causes collapse “it is impossible to uniquely determine an unknown quantum
state of an individual system by means of measurements performed on that system only” [4].
Measurement is not the only thing that can cause wavefunction collapse. The wavefunction can
collapse whenever 2 quantum systems interact (such as collisions between particles) or even sponta-
neously in radioactive decay [5].
While collapse to a fully deterministic state is possible for quantities with discrete outcomes (such
as spin), it is not possible for position. Having a definite position would mean infinite uncertainty in
momentum and hence a significant probability of getting a near infinite momentum (not possible as
velocity must be at least smaller than the speed of light) [6]. That is, you can do only do a ‘partial
measure’ [7].
I.e. the particle must be somewhere. However, this is not guaranteed by the Schrodinger equation. If
Ψ solves the Schrodinger equation, then so does λΨ for any λ ∈ C. However the Schrodinger equation
preserves normalization. If Ψ satisfies equation (3) at time s, then it will also satisfy equation (3)
for all times t ∈ R. Hence solving for the wavefunction of a particle really requires solving equation
(1) and (3).
Again because |Ψ(x; t)|2 is a probability density, various statistical quantities are found in the
standard way. For example the average position of a particle is
⟨x⟩ = x|Ψ(x; t)|2 dx (4)
These averages are not taken over many observations of the wavefunction (as a single measurement
collapses the wavefunction and hence if you repeat the observation it is for a different wavefunction),
but the average is over an ensemble of particles. I.e. you have many identical experimental setups
and make a single measurement on each of setup.
Note that these expected values are time-dependent in general. From this we can then calculate
the expected value of the momentum of the particle (actually computing the momentum wavefunction
comes later)
ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞
d ⟨x⟩ d ∗ ∂
⟨p⟩ = m = 2
x|Ψ(x; t)| dx = ... = Ψ −iℏ Ψ dx = Ψ∗ p̂Ψ dx (6)
dt dt ∂x
−∞ −∞ −∞
Q(x, p) =
So the expected kinetic energy of a particle is
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
p̂2∗ −ℏ2 ∂ 2Ψ
⟨T ⟩ = Ψ Ψ dx = Ψ∗ dx
2m 2m ∂x2
−∞ −∞
However, this is not we are using here. Here we are defining multiplication of functions as function
composition (this is surprisingly common). Hence,
∂ 2f
∂ ∂ ∂
(f ) ≡ (f ) =
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x2
This is called separation of variables. In principle this greatly reduces the number of initial
conditions that can be considered, but this turns out not to be the case.
For the potential V time-independent, after substituting this form of Ψ into the Schrodinger
equation, we get that
−ℏ2 d2 ψ
ϕ(t) = e−iEt/ℏ + V ψ = Eψ (10)
2m dx2
for some constant E. This right equation is called the time-independent Schrodinger equation
and can be written as
Ĥψ = Eψ (11)
where Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator (i.e. the energy operator)
Ĥ = +V (12)
Note that there subtleties that make this definition of Ĥ more complicated when the problem is not
defined on the entire real line [8].
It turns out solutions of the form given in equation (9), the variance of the hamiltonian is 0. I.e.
these are states of deterministic energy.
Standard PDE theory would indicate that to for a wavefunction to solve the time-independent
Schrodinger equation must be twice differential as the Schrodinger equation requires the second
derivative of ψ. However Griffiths states that solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equa-
tion are continuous everywhere, and differentiable everywhere except possibly where the potential is
infinite [13]. I have put the detailed math below but this become clearer when actually solving the
Schrodinger equation later.
There are some restrictions on the functions allowed. The discontinuities of the derivatives can at
most be on a set of Lebesque measure 0 [18]. We further require the expectations of all moments of
position and momentum to be well defined and finite (otherwise the solution is not physical) [19].
This rules out step functions as they yield infinite energies [16].
The proof presented in Ref [13] does not actually show continuity of the wavefunction. It does
show that step discontinuities are not allowed but says nothing about removable discontinuities. If
you take a continuous function and add a removable discontinuity to it, this new function will be
completely equivalent to the first function from the perspective of the probability amplitude (these
2 function are in the same equivalence class) [16]. This is except in the case where the removable
discontinuity is at infinity. In principle ψ could include the dirac-δ function as it has well defined
derivatives [20].
If your potential is square integrable and finite, there are no problems and ψ will be smooth [21]
and weak solutions are just regular solutions [17]. Because in reality there are no discontinuous or
infinite potentials, the wave function will always be well defined for physical scenarios. But when
approximating physical systems we can get strange things out of the wavefunction.
Solutions of the form given in equation (9) also have time-independent probability density as
As such the expectation of any dynamical quantity is also time-independent. Because of this, solu-
tions of this form are called stationary states. In particular ⟨x⟩ is constant so ⟨p⟩ = 0.
As will become apparent later the time-independent Schrodinger equation has infinitely many
ψ1 (x), ψ2 (x), ... (14)
each with allowed energies
E1 , E2 , ... (15)
It turns out that any general wavefunction Ψ(x, t) can be written as
Ψ(x, t) = cn ψn (x)e−iEn t/ℏ (16)
I.e. a general wavefunction is a linear combination of stationary solutions. Note that Ψ(x, t) is not
necessarily stationary.
Because the linear combination of continuous functions need not be continuous, Ψ(x, t) in general
may be discontinuous and have discontinuous derivative of any order. This is in contrast to ψ(x)
which must be continuous (justified above).
It will be proved later that |cn |2 physically represents the probability that a measurement of
energy would return En . This then means that
⟨H⟩ = |cn |2 En (17)
There are some properties about solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equation from week
4 that I feel is better suited here
with ˆ
cn = ψn (x)∗ f (x) dx (20)
We tend to take f (x) = Ψ(x; 0) to solve for cn in real problems (there really isn’t any other
Outside the well ψ(x) = 0 (i.e. the probability of finding the particle there is 0). Intuitively the well
exerts an infinite force at the boundary that prevents the particle from escaping. A more rigorous
justification is possible later after analysis of the finite square well.
Inside the well (where V = 0) ψ satisfies the time-independent Schrodinger equation
−ℏ2 d2 ψ d2 ψ
= Eψ ⇐⇒ = −k 2 ψ (22)
2m dx2 dx2
where √
k≡ (23)
Note that this assumes that E > 0. This must be the case otherwise Dx 2 ψ and ψ have the same
sign which leads to an unnormalizable solution (see Griffiths Problem 2.2 for the details). This right
ODE is the famous simple harmonic oscillator equation and it has solution
To solve for A and B we need 2 boundary conditions (could possibly also use initial conditions but
the boundary conditions are more intuitive). We can use the continuity of ψ(x) (justified in week 3)
to deduce that we require ψ(0) = 0 = ψ(a). This gives
k = kn = , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . (26)
Using that |ψ|2 must integrate to 1 (equation 13) gives that
r r
2 2
A=± ≡ (27)
a a
where we take the positive root of convenience (the sign of A does not change |ψ|2 ). Because k can
only take discrete values, this means E (as defined above — energy) can only take discrete values as
ℏ2 kn 2 n2 π 2 ℏ2
En = = (28)
2m 2ma2
It is interesting to note that ψ doesn’t actually solve the Schroedinger equation (in the typical
sense) because it is not differentiable at 0 and a. That is, we supposedly have a solution to a
differential equation that isn’t differentiable. This is fine because we are looking at weak solutions
to the differential equation (as mentioned above).
Algebraic Method
This a very cleaver technique using ‘ladder operators’.
Some background
Before doing anything I think it is best to talk about commutators. In general it the commutator
of  and B̂ is h i
Â, B̂ = ÂB̂ − B̂ Â (30)
This is not so obvious to compute as we will see below. To evaluate this we tend to see how it acts
on a test function. I.e. compute h i
Â, B̂ f (31)
and try and manipulate this expression into
Ĉf (32)
Similarly the energy of â− ψ is E − ℏω. The reason this is useful is because if we know what any
solution is, say ψn (x), then we can immediately get all ψm (x) for m ̸= n just by applying the ladder
Note that their are some subtleties to this because how do you know that you get all the solutions.
For a given state you can generate many other states from it by application of raising and lowering
operators, but there might be some states that are not accessible this way. The idea is that if there
was some state that wasn’t accessible by applying raising and lowering operators, then there must
be at least 2 states for which â− ψ = 0. That is there must be at least 2 ground states. Below we see
that the equation â− ψ = 0 reduces to an ODE which has a unique solution. Thus, all states must
be accessible via applying the raising and lowering operators.
There is a more advanced question of can we get uniqueness of the ground state without resorting
to differential equations. From what I can tell the answer is no. See [22].
Griffiths takes the approach of finding ψ0 (x). We know that there cannot exist a state with
energy less than 0 (problem 2.3 in Griffiths) and hence we cannot keep applying â− and get a valid
wavefunction. However, from above we know that â− ψ will satisfy the Schrodinger equation. What
fails is the normalization condition.
The latter is likely not correct as this would lead to either a significant probability of finding the
particle far from 0 (not something you’d expect of the lowest energy solution, especially when the
higher energy solutions don’t have this property) or the wavefunction is unbounded on some finite
interval (this would then require the particle to have a significant probability of having near infinite
momentum — not something you’d expect of the lowest energy solution). Instead we take the first
option (if this were to fail we could investigate the second option more closely). This requires
1 d dψ0 −mω
â− ψ0 = 0 ⇐⇒ ℏ + mωx ψ0 = 0 ⇐⇒ = xψ0 (40)
2ℏmω dx dx ℏ
for some An (as â+ does not necessarily preserve normalization). Note this is not an explicit form
for the wavefunction, just a method of computing it.
To determine An the idea is to note that (directly from the above equation)
Then (by combining a bunch of equations from above — Griffiths states which ones)
and hence √
cn = n+1 (49)
ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞
(â− ψn )∗ (â− ψn ) dx = (dn ψn−1 )∗ (dn ψn−1 ) dx = |dn |2 |ψn−1 |2 dx = |dn |2 (50)
−∞ −∞ −∞
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
= ψn ∗ (â+ â− ψn ) dx = n|ψn |2 dx = n (51)
−∞ −∞
and hence √
dn = n (52)
In conclusion √ √
â+ ψn = n + 1ψn+1 â− ψn = nψn−1 (53)
1 1
ψn (x) = √ (â+ )n ψ0 (x) with En = n+ ℏω (54)
n! 2
mω 1/4 −mω 2
ψ0 (x) = exp x (55)
πℏ 2ℏ
Note that r r
ℏ ℏmω
x̂ = (â+ + â− ) p̂ = i (â+ − â− )
2mω 2
By Taylor’s theorem this is with minimal loss of generality. Under this guess the Schrodinger equation
further becomes ∞
[(j + 1)(j + 2)aj+2 − 2jaj + (K − 1)aj ]ξ j = 0 (63)
By the uniqueness of power series expansions, it must be that all the coefficients of ξ j must vanish.
2j + 1 − K
(j + 1)(j + 2)aj+2 − 2jaj + (K − 1)aj = 0 =⇒ aj+2 = aj (64)
(j + 1)(j + 2)
Griffiths gives the full details, but for large j and large ζ
2 2 /2
h(ξ) ≈ Ceξ =⇒ ψ ≈ eξ (65)
which is not normalizable. Hence it must that exists some n s.t. an+2 = 0 (so that the large j formula
approximation is invalid) and it must also be that a1 = 0 if n is even and a0 = 0 if n is odd. From
equation (64) this then must mean that
K = 2n + 1 =⇒ En = n + ℏω (66)
which then simplifies equation (64) to
−2(n − j)
aj+2 = aj (67)
(j + 1)(j + 2)
Unlike the algebraic method, this is actually a complete formula for the wavefunction.
V =0 (70)
This is the same as the infinite square well except now there are no boundary conditions restricting
the values of k. This solution is the sum a wave moving to the right and a wave moving to the left
(or unchanging shape) with speed r
ℏk E
v= = (74)
2m 2m
However there is a problem
and hence
Ψ(x, t)∗ Ψ(x, t) (76)
is not normalized. This is one case where using separation of variables to solve the Schrodinger
equation failed. This also means that there are no states of definite energy. Or equivalently, a free
particle can never have definite energy.
However, these solutions are not useless to us as they still solve the Schrodinger equation. The
idea is to take linear combinations of these to get a solution that is normalizable.
For reasons that will become clear later we will instead consider wavefunctions of the form
Ψk (x, t) = Aeik(x− 2m t)
and just remove the restriction that k must be positive. k > 0 means the wave is moving to the right
and k < 0 means the wave is travelling to the left. This still doesn’t fix the normalization problem
(in this case the integral of |Ψ|2 is infinite) but it means that linear combinations of these functions
are a more familiar. Specifically, we want
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
ϕ(k)eik(x− 2m t) dk
Ψ(x, t) = ϕ(k)Ψk (x, t) dk ≡ √ (78)
−∞ −∞
This wave packet is no longer of constant shape as the stationary solutions that make it up are
moving at different speeds. The velocity presented above in equation (74) represents a phase velocity.
For any wavepacket of the form
f (x, t) = √ ϕ(k)ei(kx−ωt) (81)
the phase velocity is (the motion of the individual peaks and troughs in the wave)
vphase = (82)
and the group velocity (the motion of the wave envelope) is
vgroup = (83)
In this case
ℏk 2
ω= (84)
so we get
ℏk ℏk
vphase = vgroup = (85)
2m m
This group velocity is the velocity of a wave predicted by classical mechanics.
and scattering otherwise (E is the energy of the particle). Griffiths introduces these ideas with the
idea that if a particle is bound the energy levels are discrete and if the particle is not bound then
the energy levels are continuous.
I.e. for all times, the probability of finding the particle near infinity is 0 [23]. This could also have
been written as [24]: ˆ
∀ϵ > 0, ∃R > 0 : sup |Ψ(x, t)|2 dx < ϵ (88)
There are some potentials that follow this definition but have E > V (∞) [23].
I have managed to find some rigorous theorems (that I can understand — this comes under spectral
theory which I do not know)
• If V is bounded from below and there exists some set S with Lebesgue measure zero s.t if
x ∈ S, V is square integrable on some neighbour hood of x, then bound states have discrete
energies and scattering states have continuous energies [24].
Basically also long as the potential is square integrable then what Griffiths said was correct.
• If
lim V (x) = ∞ (89)
then all energy levels are discrete [25] (presumably this also means that state are bound).
Apparently Griffiths result comes from the ‘RAGE’ theorem [26] but I can’t find anything solid on
it and I can’t see how it follows (see [27] for a statement of the theorem). There is some more notes
on the spectrum in week 8.
This is technically not a function (despite it’s name). It is instead a distribution. This distinction
is very important. If you took δ was being a function, then its integral would be 0. Later we will
do things like scale the delta function. Treating δ as a function αδ = δ ∀α > 0, as α ∗ ∞ = ∞ and
α ∗ 0 = 0. However, because δ is a distribution, αδ ̸= δ.
The delta function has the property that for any function f : R → R,
δ(x)f (x) dx = f (0) (92)
and hence the delta function can be thought of as an operator that takes a function f and returns
Delta potential
Consider a potential of the form
V (x) = −aδ(x) (94)
where α ∈ R+ is the ‘strength’ of the potential. This represents an infinitely deep hole of width 0.
Bound states
Consider when E < 0 (i.e. the energy of the particle is negative). For x ̸= 0 the Schrodinger equation
reads (want to ignore the point where x = 0 for as long as possible as infinities are difficult to work
d2 ψ 2 −2mE
= κ ψ κ ≡ (95)
dx2 ℏ
This has solution
ψ(x) = Ae−κx + Beκx (96)
In the region where x ≤ 0 we required A = 0 otherwise ψ blows up as x → −∞. Similarly in the
region x ≥ 0 we required B = 0. Hence to solution is
Aeκx x≤0
ψ(x) = −κx
Be x>0
We can solve for B using normalization. The difficulty is solving for κ (and hence the allowed
energies). The standard way to do this is to use the continuity of the derivative of ψ but this is not
possible since the potential is infinite at 0.
The main complication is that we have differential equation that involves a distribution — it is
not a regular differential equation. Hence, we cannot get a solution in the typical sense (this is why
we can’t have continuity of the derivative and hence having ψ not second differentiable). We must
find a ‘weak solution’ to the Schrodinger equation. I have mentioned that this is what we are doing
above many times and this is where the distinction between a strong solution and a weak solution
matter. To avoid writing up a full introduction to distribution theory (which any good exposition
would required knowledge of functional analysis, topology, and measure theory) we can just trust in
the magic process.
The way to find the κ is to integrate the Schrodinger equation. The idea is that if you a solution
ψ to the Schrodinger equation then you must also have ∀ϵ
ˆϵ ˆϵ ˆϵ ˆϵ
−ℏ2 dψ
dx + + V (x)ψ(x) dx = E ψ(x) dx
2m dx2
−ϵ −ϵ −ϵ −ϵ
Now over course this left hand side goes to 0 ordinarily. But we leave don’t simplify it (even though
in this process we simplified many other terms). Again, we trust in the magic process.
Using that V (x) = −αδ(x) this simplifies to
dψ −2ma
∆ = ψ(0) (99)
dx ℏ2
So, in conclusion √
ma ma2 |x| −mα2
ψ(x) = eℏ E= (104)
ℏ 2ℏ2
Of note is that there is only 1 bound state for the delta function potential.
Scattering states
For E > 0 the Schrodinger equation reads for x ̸= 0
d2 ψ 2mE
= −k 2 ψ k≡ (105)
dx ℏ
This has general solution
ψ(x) = Aeikx + Be−ikx (106)
Hence, (
Aeikx + Be−ikx x≤0
ψ(x) = (107)
F eikx + Ge−ikx x>0
Continuity of the wavefunction gives
F +G=A+B (108)
• A is the coefficient of a wave starting for the left and moving to the right
• B is the coefficient of a wave starting for the left and moving to the left
• F is the coefficient of a wave starting for the right and moving to the right
• G is the coefficient of a wave starting for the right and moving to the left
In a typical scattering experiment, particles a fired in from one direction. Let’s say from the left
direction. This then means that the amplitude of the wave coming from the right will be 0. That is
G=0 (111)
Delta barrier
The analysis above is for the delta function extending down the negative infinite. Now we consider
the delta function instead extending up to positive infinity. I.e. taking a < 0.
The bound state completely disappears (E < 0 is now not well defined). The reflection and
transmission coefficients only depend on a2 so nothing changes there. This is quite surprising —
the probability of passing over a delta function well is the same as passing through a delta function
barrier. Classically a particle could never pass a delta function barrier as it would never have enough
energy to do so.
where V0 ∈ R+ is a constant determining how deep the well is and a is half the width of the well
(note this is different to the infinite square well where the well had length a).
Bound states
Take the case where E < 0. Classically this is when a particle is stuck in the well. The idea to solve
the Schrodinger equation is to solve in the in the regions x < −a, −a ≤ x ≤ a, and a < x and then
stitch the solutions together using the continuity of the wavefunction and its derivative.
The Schrodinger equation in the region |x| > a is
d2 ψ 2 −2mE
= κ ψ κ ≡ (116)
dx2 ℏ
This has solution
ψ(x) = Ae−κx + Beκx (117)
When x < −a, A = 0 othwerise ψ blows up as x → −∞. Similarly where x > 0, B = 0.
In the region −a ≤ x ≤ a the Schrodinger equation reads
d2 ψ 2 2m(E + V0 )
= −l ψ l ≡ (118)
dx2 ℏ
where we have exploited the fact that E > −V0 else the solutions is not well defined (Griffiths
problem 2.2). The solution is
ψ(x) = C sin(lx) + D cos(lx) (119)
So now the Schrodinger equation reads
x < −a
ψ(x) = C sin(lx) + D cos(lx) −a ≤ x ≤ a (120)
Ae x>a
The constants can be solved for directly but there is a nice shortcut we can use. Because the
potential is symmetric about x = 0, |Ψ|2 must also be symmetric about 0 (if flipping the problem
doesn’t change the potential, it can’t change the probability of finding a particle). This then means
that ψ must be either odd or even.
Even solutions
We known that C = 0 (otherwise the solutions wouldn’t be even). This then means we can write
F e
ψ(x) = D cos(lx) 0 ≤ x ≤ a (121)
ψ(−x) x<0
This is 2 equations for 3 unknowns (F, D and E which is present in both l and κ). Normalization
can give the 3rd required equation. Dividing these 2 equations gives an equation for E
κ = l tan(la) (123)
n2 π 2 ℏ 2
En + V0 ≈ , n = 1, 3, 5, . . . (126)
Presumably the case is similar for even n. The RHS of this equation is the energies for an infinite
square well (with a 7→ 2a as now the well is twice as wide) and the left is the energy above the
bottom of the well (what we where calling the energy in the infinite square well).
Quite intuitively as V0 → ∞ the problem becomes identical to the infinite square well. Quite
surprisingly as a → ∞ the energies become the same as the infinite square well, although presumable
the normalization will require that in this limit that |ψ|2 → 0 and hence the problem is not physical.
Odd solutions
Similar to even solutions. Instead take D = 0 and follow the procedure.
Scattering state
Now considering E > 0 We will try and recreate the scenario considered in the delta function
potential. That is a particle coming in from the left and scattering of the well (very surprisingly the
particle will scatter off a hole in the ground).
sin(2la) 2
l − k2 F
B=i (133)
e−2ika A
F = 2 +l2 (134)
cos(2la) − i k 2kl sin(2la)
(Griffiths does not talk about the restrictions on energies but because the state is scattering there is
a continuous spectrum of energies). We can then compute the transmission coefficient as
|F |2 V0 2
2 2a
T ≡ = ... = 1 + sin 2m(E + V0 ) (135)
|A|2 4E(E + V0 ) ℏ
R≡ (136)
Note that if the sin2 is ever 0 then T = 1 and the particle gets perfectly transmitted. This
happens when
2a p n2 π 2 ℏ 2
2m(En + V0 ) = nπ ⇐⇒ En + V0 = n∈Z (137)
ℏ 2m(2a)2
which are the allowed energies for the infinite square well.
Introduction to states
We have said repeatedly that a wavefunction is a normalized solution to the Schrodinger equation.
The normalizability of the wavefunction means that it must be square integrable. That is
|Ψ(x, t)|2 dx < ∞
The space of all square integrable functions is denote L2 (technically this isn’t L2 but the subtleties
don’t matter). So a wavefunction must be an element of L2 . I.e. Ψ ∈ L2 .
We also require that wavefunctions must be continuous (this isn’t typically required in the more
general theory, see [16]). The space of continuous functions is denoted C, so Ψ ∈ C. Combining
this with above we have that Ψ ∈ L2 ∩ C. There are more conditions that a wavefunction must
satisfy (e.g. compact support or rapidly decreasing). We can just denote the space in which all the
wavefunctions live as H (this is often L2 or some extension of L2 but how this works is beyond this
Later on we will see that we can represent a ‘spin wavefunction’ as an element of C2 . There we
will take H = C2 . This doesn’t matter for now but just note that H can be very arbitrary.
It can’t be completely arbitrary however. We require some conditions. Here we require H to be
a Hilbert space (a more complete theory takes it as rigged Hilbert space). A Hilbert space has a
very technical definition: a complete inner product space. Since the math requirements to appreciate
such a statement are not required for this course we have to go with a much less rigorous definition.
Griffiths basically gives that the Hilbert space is a space of column vectors. This seems clearly
false as we just said that wavefunctions are in Hilbert spaces. How do you write you
mω 1/4 1 2
ψn (x) = √ Hn (ξ)e−ξ /2
πℏ 2n n!
as a column vector? There is technical way to do this (through the use a Schauder basis) but this
doesn’t matter for now. What Griffiths is getting at is that elements in your Hilbert space behave
like column vectors. This will become more apparent when we start talking about operators in detail.
On a Hilbert space we always have an inner-product. This how we compute projection of one
element of your Hilbert space onto another element. When working with wavefunctions we have the
inner product
⟨Ψ|Φ⟩ = Ψ∗ (x)Φ(x) dx
It is often convenient to ‘break the inner product up’. This is what is called braket notation.
Written in very unconventional notation we have
|Φ⟩ (x) = Φ(x) ⟨Ψ| (f ) = Ψ∗ (x)f (x) dx
Similarly, if we were given ⟨Ψ| we can get back |Ψ⟩ just be reading off the term in the integral.
This means that we can move back and forth between bras and kets. In math this is called an
isomorphism. When working in more abstract Hilbert spaces we always have something similar by
the Riesz representation theorem (you don’t have to know this).
There is some notation for this.
This notation comes from when we are not working in Hilbert spaces but over regular (finite dimen-
sional) vector spaces. For example when working over C2
⟨x|y⟩ = x1 y1 + x2 y2 = (x1 x2 ) 1
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
So to move between a ket and a bra all we do is rotate your vector and take the complex conjugate
of the elements. That, is
⟨y| = (|y⟩∗ )⊤
This is called the Hermitian conjugate is often notated
⟨y| = |y⟩†
For all of these isomorphisms we have that (this is technically a requirement to call it an isomorphism)
However there is an equivalent way of viewing matrices. We can view matrices as functions. You
can consider multiplication by a vector as the action of the function A on a vector. By are abusing
notation we can say
x1 + 2x2
A(x) =
3x1 + 4x2
The functions are special. They are linear in the sense that
This follows immediately from the rules of matrix multiplication. There is a really neat result that
any linear function f is just a matrix (once an ordered basis is fixed). We can define the (i, j) element
of f as
[f ]i,j = e†i f (ej )
where ei is a vector of all 0’s except at position i where there is a 1. E.g.
e2 =
Written in braket notation we have that the (i, j) element of f can be expressed as
where we recall that f (ej ) is a vector. We can then write the matrix as
⟨e1 |f (e1 )⟩ ⟨e1 |f (e2 )⟩
[f ] =
⟨e2 |f (e1 )⟩ ⟨e2 |f (e2 )⟩
You can check for yourself but another way to write the matrix [f ] is
2 X
X 2
[f ] = fi,j ei e⊤
i=1 j=1
Now an operator is just a linear function from H to H. A classic example of an operator acting
on a space of functions is the derivative. We can write something like D : C ∞ → C ∞ (where C ∞
denotes the set of infinitely differentiable functions)
D(f ) =
This function is linear because
d df dg
D(αf + βg) = (αf + βg) = α + β
dx dx dx
With this we also have the momentum operator, the position operator, and the Hamiltonian are all
operators (as you’d expect from the name).
Another example of an linear function (but not an operator) on a space of functions is I : L1 → R,
I(f ) = f (x) dx
Again this is linear by the standard rules of integration. Similarly we also have every bra is a linear
function (and hence the name linear functional).
Another example example of an operator is
|a⟩ ⟨a|
for some a. This is called the outer product. It’s action is as you’d expect
|α⟩ ⟨α|
P̂ = (139)
|α⟩ ⟨α|Ψ⟩
P̂ |Ψ⟩ = (140)
This operator is particularly useful when computing probabilities when the eigenvectors have some
degeneracy (we will see this later).
It is an assignment question to show that equation (138) works in the Hilbert space setting. That
is, in a (separable) Hilbert space all operators are ‘infinite matrices’. Keep in mind that we will not
always be working over Hilbert space (sometimes in rigged Hilbert spaces). This formula sometimes
fails and the idea of a matrix starts to make less sense.
but this isn’t by linearity. This is just by definition of the action of a sum of functions Remember
bras are just functions. We can write this not in braket notation as
This is just how we define linear combinations of functions (that take as arguments other functions).
There are a lot of other operations that just follow by definition. E.g.
! !
⟨ψn | |Ψ⟩ = ⟨ψn |Ψ⟩ |ϕn ⟩ ⟨ψn | |Ψ⟩ = |ϕn ⟩ ⟨ψn |Ψ⟩
n n n n
ˆ ˆ
|ϕn ⟩ ⟨ψn | dn |Ψ⟩ = |ϕn ⟩ ⟨ψn |Ψ⟩ dn
All of these have very natural analogues in finite dimensional vector spaces
1. To sum vectors just sum their components
Ĥ(ψ) = Eψ
or in braket notation
Ĥ |ψ⟩ = E |ψ⟩
Note that there are some subtleties above ‘bases’ which will be discussed next week.
This means that solving the time independent Schrodinger equation just boils down to solving
for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian. There are a lot of subtleties in this as
neither eigenvalues or eigenvectors of operators are defined in the analogous way to how they are
defined for matrices. We have that in the traditional there need not be an eigenvector associated to
an eigenvalue (this will be discussed next week). This is mainly caused by H being above to have
Ĥ |ψn ⟩ = En |ψn ⟩
∂Ψ −ℏ2 ∂ 2 Ψ
iℏ = +VΨ
∂t 2m ∂x2
can be written as
iℏ |Ψ(t)⟩ = Ĥ |Ψ(t)⟩
When we are working over a (separable) Hilbert spaces we always have a (Schauder) basis, much
like in linear algebra. For example, we have seen that we write any state as a linear combination of
stationary states
Ψ(x, 0) = cn ψn (x)
cn = ⟨ψn |Ψ(0)⟩
If we don’t want to work with stationary states, and instead with some other (Schauder) basis
{|en ⟩} and a more abstract state |f ⟩ we have the same formula
|f ⟩ = ⟨en |f ⟩ |en ⟩
based on ‘how many basis vectors there are’. You can technically also have a mix of these. Equiva-
lently ˆ
|Ψ⟩ = ⟨en |Ψ⟩ |en ⟩ |Ψ⟩ = ⟨en |Ψ⟩ |en ⟩ dn
All bases we will be working over will be ‘eigenbases’. In order to describe what these are we
need to talk more about operators which will be done next week. There is also the problem of the
existence of such ‘bases’ which will also be discussed next week.
x† Ay = (A† x)† y
(AB)† = B † A† (A† )†
⟨x|Ay⟩ = A† x y
This is how we define the hermitan conjugate of an operator. For any operator  the hermitian
conjugate † is defined as the operator such that for any vector |ψ⟩ , |ϕ⟩
ψ Âϕ = † ψ ϕ
The idea is that if you want to more A to the other side of an inner product, you can do this but at
the cost of raising A to the †. There are problems about existence an uniqueness of A† that we wont
worry about here.
We then say that  is Hermitan if for any |ψ⟩ , |ϕ⟩
ψ Âϕ = Âψ ϕ
This is equivalent to saying  = † . Because it doesn’t matter which side of the inner product A
acts we will often write D E
ψ Â ϕ
to mean either of the above 2 inner products.
These Hermitian operators are by far the most important operators in physics as all observables
are represented as Hermitian operators. That is the Hamitonian and the position and momentum
operators are Hermitian. Hermitian operators were the natural choice to represent observables as
they have real expectations. That is
Q̂ = ψ Q̂ ψ ∈ R
We also have that Hermitian operators have real eigenvalues (there are some subtitles to this presented
below). This will be very important when talking about the generalized statistical interpretation of
quantum mechanics.
I |Ψ⟩ = |Ψ⟩
It is a tutorial problem to show that when we have a countable basis {|ψn ⟩} we can express
I= |ψn ⟩ ⟨ψn |
This then means that we have (depending on the size of the basis)
X ˆ
I |Ψ⟩ = |ψn ⟩ ⟨ψn |Ψ⟩ I |Ψ⟩ = |en ⟩ ⟨en |Ψ⟩ dn
When we talk about bases for operators what we tend to mean is the representation for which we
are working over.
The main point of this section is to just say that sometimes the operators look different depend-
ing on the focus of a problem. It may be more important to know properties of the momentum
wavefunction than it it is to know properties of the position wavefunction. We may want to be able
to figure out an equivalent form of our operators that work on the momentum wavefunction instead.
In the position representation we know that
x̂ = x p̂ = −iℏ (142)
and hence for a wavefunction Ψ
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
⟨x⟩ = x|Ψ|2 dx ⟨p⟩ = −iℏ Ψ∗ dx
−∞ −∞
Âv = λv
ψk (x) = Aeikx
However, these functions do so satisfy the above definition of an eigenvector as ψk isn’t square
integrable and so ψk ∈ / L2 .
This has real physical significance as it meant that these states aren’t physical. But we still want
to be able to find these states as in taking ‘linear combinations’ of these we can generate physical
states. There is a very technical way to fix this problem but this is physics and not math so I wont
go into this.
The basic fix is to remove the condition that v ∈ H in the equation
Âv = λv
and just let v exist. We can’t always take v to be a function as below we will see that we need v to
be the delta function (which recall isn’t a function).
Using this definition of eigenvalues and eigenvectors we can define the spectrum of an operator
to be the set of all eigenvalues. The discrete spectrum is the eigenvalues that actually have a
v ∈ H, and the continuous spectrum are the one where v ∈ / H (there are technicalities here that
don’t matter). As you’d expect the discrete spectrum tends to have discrete elements in it which the
continuous spectrum tends to be continuous.
σdisc (H) = {}
– When there are degenerate eigenvalues we can still construct orthogonal eigenvectors by
using Gram-Schmidt and using that any linear combination of degenerate eigenvectors is
still an eigenvector (corresponding to the same eigenvalue)
• We restrict ourselves to those operators with real eigenvalues (i.e. the spectrum consists only
of real numbers)
• For real eigenvalues, eigenfunctions are not normalizable (by above) but they are Dirac or-
thonormal in the sense that we can take ⟨λi |λj ⟩ = δ(i − j) (as opposed to the standard
δij ).
In order to talk above vectors in different bases we need to talk above the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the position and momentum operator. In eigenvalues of the momentum operator is
position representation isn’t all that hard. We want to solve
P̂ p(x) ≡ −iℏ p(x) = λp p(x)
Remember even in linear algebra eigenvectors are not determined up to a scaling. We like orthonormal
basis so we would like to solve for A such that
δ(λp − λp′ ) = p′ (x)∗ p(x) dx
This integral is given in Griffiths example 3.2 (and also in a tute sheet) and we have
p′ (x)∗ p(x) dx = |A|2 2πℏδ(λp − λp′ )
e−iλp x/ℏ
p(x) = √
We will look at how to write this in bracket notation below. The form of the position operator in
momentum space is similar and we have
x(p) = √ eiλp x/ℏ
Of note is that these 2 are complex conjugates of each other. We will see why below.
The full proof is given in Griffiths (example 3.3) that the (normalized) eigenvalues of the position
operator in position space are
x(y) = δ(y − x)
with eigenvalue x. Similarly the eigenvalues of the momentum operator in momentum space are
p(q) = δ(q − p)
with eigenvalue p.
When working in the position basis we could have equivalently have written
⟨x|Ψ⟩ = Ψ(y)δ(y − x) dy
for δ the delta function. This then means that braket notation is actually doing an inner product
(technically no because delta function isn’t a function). Also reading from the inner products, in the
position representation we have that
|x⟩ (y) = δ(y − x) |p⟩ (x) = √ eipx/ℏ
Similarly, in the momentum representation
|x⟩ (p) = √ e−ipx/ℏ |p⟩ (k) = δ(p − k)
As we saw above these expressions are exactly the expression for the eigenvectors of x̂ and p̂.
This then gives a way to find the components of a vector |Ψ⟩ in a basis {|en ⟩}: the n’th component
⟨en |Ψ⟩
In the case of using the position or momentum eignestates to define a basis, the ‘components’ are the
value of the wavefunction is just the wavefunction evaluated at a point. That is the xth component
of |Ψ⟩ in the position basis is
⟨x, Ψ⟩ = Ψ(x)
and the pth component of the |Ψ⟩ in the momentum basis is
⟨p, Ψ⟩ = Φ(p)
We actually use the above notation to write
⟨y|x⟩ = δ(y − x) ⟨x|p⟩ = √ eipx
⟨p|x⟩ = √ e−ipx ⟨k|p⟩ = δ(p − k)
where |y⟩ is the eigenvector of x̂ with eigenvalue y, and |k⟩ is the eigenvector of p̂ with eigenvalue k.
x̂ ⟨x|Ψ⟩ = xΨ(x)
and when we want to talk about acting on the momentum wavefunction we write
x̂ ⟨p|Ψ⟩ = iℏ
This notation is a bit contradictory to what we defined above. For x̂ = iℏ , ⟨p|Ψ⟩ is a number
Φ(p) it looks like we are differentiating a number. But with the substitution on the right the formula
looks fine. It is like instead of looking at specifically ⟨p|Ψ⟩ we look at ⟨q|Ψ⟩ for q close p so we are
not actually just differentiating a number.
The reason for the notation that we want to basically say that x̂ either acts on the position
wavefunction Ψ or the momentum wavefucntion Φ where we have ⟨x|Ψ⟩ = Ψ(x) and ⟨p|Ψ⟩ = Φ(p).
To move between representations we use
This is a definition. x̂ as an operator that acts on ⟨p|Ψ⟩ = Φ(p) is the same operator that when we
act it on Ψ̂ and look at it in the momentum basis. This seems like we have gotten nowhere. We
wanted not to have to compute x̂Ψ because this is weird and abstract and yet we have defined our
fix exactly in terms of x̂Ψ.
This turns out to not be a problem because the eigenstates of x̂ in a particular representation.
The problem we are trying to solve here is to move the knowledge of one representation into another
representation. We can write (using the identity operator in the position basis)
ˆ ˆ
⟨p|x̂|Ψ⟩ = ⟨p| x̂ |x⟩ ⟨x|Ψ⟩ dx = ⟨p|x̂|x⟩ ⟨x|Ψ⟩ dx (146)
where we note that we can move ⟨p| and x̂ into the integral by linearity. We can then use that |x⟩
is an eigenvector of x̂ with eigenvalue x to give
ˆ ˆ
⟨p|x̂|Ψ⟩ = x ⟨p|x⟩ ⟨x|Ψ⟩ dx = x ⟨p|x⟩ Ψ(x, t) dx (147)
Then the probability of getting λj as a measurement when the system is in state |Ψ⟩ is
Ψ P̂ Ψ (150)
Uncertainty principle
The generalized uncertainty principle is
2 2 1 Dh iE
σA σB ≥ Â, B̂ (151)
We say 2 observables are incompatible if
h i
Â, B̂ ̸= 0 (152)
This can be phrased as finding Ψ s.t. the above equality holds. The general solution is (not a well
formed equation as the averages also depend on Ψ) is
2 )/2ℏ
Ψ(x) = Ae−a(x−⟨x⟩) ei⟨p⟩x/ℏ (154)
Assuming the Q is not time dependent we can combine this with the generalized uncertainty principle
to give
ℏ d ⟨Q⟩
σH σq ≥ (157)
2 dt
If we take
∆E ≡ σh ∆t ≡ (158)
|d ⟨Q⟩ /dt|
then the energy-time uncertainty principle follows immediately. From the definition, rigorously ∆t
represents the amount of time it takes for ⟨Q⟩ to change by 1 standard deviation.
Where Q̂ also doesn’t depend on time (e.g. for a Hamiltonian associated with a time independent
potential) the Heisenberg equation reduces to
d i Dh iE
⟨Q⟩ = Ĥ, Q̂ (159)
dt ℏ
−ℏ2 2
Ĥ = ∇ +V (161)
Everything from 1D then generalizes very naturally. The time independent Schrodinger equation
doesn’t change
Ĥψ = Eψ (162)
which solutions leads to the wavefunction
which can then be used to construct a general solution to the Schrodinger equation via
Ψ(r, t) = cn ψn (r)e−iEn t/ℏ (164)
The normalization of Ψ is ˆ
1= |Ψ(r, t)|2 dr (165)
Spherical potentials
To solve a problem that is more natural in spherical coordinates all we need to do is use the spherical
coordinate version of the Laplacian
2 1 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂
∇ = 2 r + 2 sin(θ) + 2 2 (166)
r ∂r ∂r r sin(θ) ∂θ ∂θ r sin (θ) ∂ϕ2
If we assume that V = V (r) (i.e. a spherically symmetric potential), we guess that the solution to
the time independent Schrodinger equation (analogously to the 1D case) is of the form
We get
−ℏ2 d2 u ℏ2 l(l + 1)
m (2l + 1)(l − m)! imϕ m
Yl (θ, ϕ) = e Pl (cos(θ)) + V + u = Eu (168)
4π(l + m)! 2m dr2 2m r2
Ylm are called the spherical harmonics and the differential equation is called the radial equation.
It has the same form as the 1D schrodinger equation, but there is a term adding to the potential.
This is analogous the centrifugal (quasi)-force in classical mechanics. Note that u is normalized (note
the integration bounds) as
|u|2 dr = 1 (170)
ˆ∞ ˆ2π ˆπ
1= |Ψ(r, θ, ϕ)|2 r2 sin(θ) dθ dϕ dr
0 0 0
That is you have to include the Jacobian for the transformation from cartesian coordinates to spher-
ical coordinates. When we have spherical symmetry Ψ(r, θ, ϕ) = Ψ(r) this result reduces to
1 = 4π |Ψ(r)|2 dr
Similarly, under spherical symmetry the probability density is no longer |Ψ(r)|2 but is instead
4πr2 |Ψ(r)|2 .
Hydrogen atom
The potential of the hydrogen atom is the same as the coulomb potential (hydrogen has just 1 charged
−e2 1
V (r) = (171)
4πϵ0 r
1 2 e2 1 2
Ĥel = p̂ − , Ĥcom = P̂ (177)
2µ |r| 2(M + m)
In this case we only focus on Ĥel and are ignoring where the centre of mass is. The full wavefunction
is the solution we found, times the wavefunction of a free particle (as discussed in week 12, when
you can separate the Hamiltonian like this the total wavefunction is just the product of the solutions
to the 2 Hamiltonians). There would then also have to be some coordinate shift back the standard
This potential gives rise to bound and scattering states but we will just look at the bound states
(E < 0). The Schrodinger equation can be written as
d2 u me e2
ρ0 l(l + 1) −2me E
= 1− + 2
u, ρ ≡ κr, ρ0 ≡ 2
, κ≡ (178)
dρ ρ ρ 2πϵ0 ℏ κ ℏ
As ρ → ∞ the ODE becomes
d2 u
= u =⇒ u(ρ) = Ae−ρ + Beρ (179)
We require B = 0 so this does not blow up as ρ → ∞. For ρ ≈ 0 the ODE becomes
d2 u l(l + 1)
= u =⇒ u(ρ) = Cρl+1 + Dρ−l (180)
dρ ρ2
We require D = 0 so this does not blow up as ρ → 0 (so the solution can still be normalizable).
Much like the case of the Harmonic oscillator we then guess that the solution is of the form
u(ρ) = ρl+1 e−ρ ν(ρ) (181)
The Schrodinger equation then becomes
d2 ν dν
ρ 2
+ 2(l + 1 − ρ) + [p0 − 2(l + 1)]ν = 0 (182)
dρ dρ
−ℏ2 κ2 −me e4
ρ0 = 2(N + l) ≡ 2n =⇒ E = = 2 2 2 2 (186)
2m 8π ϵ0 ℏ ρ0
and so the allowed energies are
2 2 #
m2 e 1 E1
En = − 2 2
= 2 (187)
2ℏ 4πϵ0 n n
This then means that equation (184) gives rise to a recurrence is well known which gives (with
incorrect normalization)
v(ρ) = L2l+1
n−l−1 (2ρ) (191)
where p
Lqp (x) ≡ (−1) p
Lp+q (x) (192)
is the associated Laguerre polynomial and
ex d
Lq (x) ≡ (e−x xq ) (193)
q! dx
is the q th Laguerre polynomial. Combining everything together (and then normalizing) this then
gives stationary solutions
2 l
2 (n − l − 1)! −r/na 2r 2l+1 2r
ψnlm (r, θ, ϕ) = e Ln−l−1 Ylm (θ, ϕ) (194)
na 2n(n + l)! na na
By Plancks formula E = hν and that λ = c/ν we can get the wavelength of a photon ab-
sorbed/emitted during a transition is
1 E1 1 1
= − (197)
λ 2πcℏ ni 2 nf 2
We can define this plane in terms of it’s normal vector. We are free to move this normal vector
around the plane as we please so place it at the centre of the rotation. This normal vector then acts
the vector for which our object is rotating about. Any plane has 2 possible normal vectors, so we
chose the one which follows the right hand rule. This is the direction of the angular velocity vector.
The length of the angular velocity vector defines how fast the rotation is.
We can do this in more generality. Consider a point particular moving along a trajectory x(t)
with velocity v(t) = x′ (t). The classic way of thinking about this is that at time t, the particle is at
point x(t) and some small time dt afterwards the particle is at x(t) + dtv(t). There is another way
of thinking about this which is important for what we are doing here.
x(t) and v(t) define 2 vectors. If we include the origin we have 3 points which uniquely defines the
plane. We can then define the normal vector of this plane (up to scaling to be discussed in a second)
as the angular velocity ω of the particle. We can think that at time t the particle is a position x(t),
and some dt time later it is as if the particle had been rotated around ω by some small amount.
We technically define
This aligns with the definition given above as v × x is perpendicular to x and v. Note that in this
generality we can define the angular velocity of a particle moving in a straight line (or moving along
any other path). However, doing so probably isn’t practical.
From this we can define the angular momentum of the particle as
L = Iω
We can see this by looking at rotation vectors. If you consider an arbitrary rotation matrix
R consisting of a product of rotations about the 3 cardinal axes (see [33] for the forms of these
matrices). That is R corresponds to a sequence of rotations about the cardinal axes. Because all
rotation matrices are unitary it has eigenvalues ±1 and if all eigenvalues are −1 then what we actually
have is a flip and not rotation. Then there is some vector n such that
Rn = n
I.e. a point that doesn’t change under rotation. This is exactly the vector of the rotation.
So then in quantum section below, when we are talking about Lx this is basically a measure of
how fast a particle is rotating about the x-axis.
L=r×p (199)
L̂x = ŷ p̂z − ẑ p̂y , L̂y = ẑ p̂x − x̂p̂z , L̂z = x̂p̂y − ŷ p̂x (200)
Note that this means that quantum mechanically, a particle does not have a well defined vector of
rotation. Griffiths has a good picture
If you know what Lz should be, then any on the sphere at the hight Lz is a valid rotation vector.
Note that we don’t allow points in the sphere as if you know Lz you know L2 (they commute).
L̂2 f = λf L̂z f = µf
L̂2 (L̂± f ) = .... = λ(L̂± f ) L̂z (L̂± f ) = .... = (µ ± ℏ)(L̂± f ) (205)
Note that such an f exists as [L̂2 , L̂z ] = 0. Hence L̂± increases/decreases the angular momentum in
z-direction but not the total angular momentum. Hence L+ is called t he raising operator and L−
is called the lowering operator. There was no particular reason to choose z, L̂2 commutes with
the angular momentum in all other directions.
with f l+1 and f k−1 not being physical (i.e. not normalizable) Griffiths leaves it as an exercise to
show that
p p
L+ f m = ℏ (l − m)(l + m + 1)f m+1 , L− f m = ℏ (l + m)(l − m + 1)f m−1 (207)
Using this, it follows directly that these states aren’t normalizable for m = l and m = −l. In light
if this I’m now going to use Griffths notation of fln to refer to the eigenstates of Lz accessible by
applying the raising and lowering operators to f .
Now we actually have to solve for one of the eigenvalues. Let the eigenvalue for L̂z corresponding
to fll be ℏq and the eigenvalue corresponding to fl−l be ℏq (with the goal of finding q and q). Because
you can move between these states using the raising/lowering operators, both these states have the
eigenvalue λ corresponding to L̂2 . Griffiths then shows that
L̂2 = L̂± L̂∓ + L̂z ∓ ℏLz (208)
from which he gets 2 expressions for λ by applying this to fll and fl−l
So either q = q + 1 (which doesn’t make sense as this would mean the lowest angular momentum is
higher than the highest angular momentum) or
q = −q (210)
Hence the eigenvalues have to move between −ℏq and ℏq in n steps of size ℏ between −l and l. This
then means that the eigenvalues of L̂z are mℏ for m ∈ Z ∩ [−l, l].
This also means that l = −l + N which means that l = N/2. If it is possible to move between
the lowest rung and the upper rung in an odd number of steps then l must be a half integer, whereas
if it takes an even number of steps l must be an integer. Hence,
L̂2 flm = ℏ2 l(l + 1)flm L̂z flm = ℏmflm , l = 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, . . . , m = −l, −l − 1, . . . , l − 1, l (211)
For each given value of l (i.e. for each total angular momentum) there is 2l + 1 different values of m
(i.e. values for z angular momentum). Note that from the eigenvalues, l corresponds to a measure-
ment of the total angular momentum with m corresponds to a measurement of z angular momentum.
By symmetry arguments it turns out that only integer values of l are actually physical [34]. The
half-integer values make an appearance later with spin. So the concluding equations are
L̂ = −iℏ(r × ∇) (213)
2 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂
−ℏ sin(θ) + 2 2
flm = ℏ2 l(l + 1)flm − iℏ flm = ℏmflm (219)
sin(θ) ∂θ ∂θ sin (θ) ∂ϕ ∂ϕ
However this set of equations was seen when solving the Hydrogen atom (equations omitted in these
notes). The solution is
flm = Ylm (θ, ϕ) (220)
I.e. in a spherically symmetric potential the average value of the angular momentums doesn’t change
in time.
L̂2 = SDS −1
where D is a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues along the diagonal. L̂ is then defined as
L̂ = S DS −1
where the square root of a diagonal matrix is the square root of each element on the diagonal. What
matters most about this is that L̂ shares the same eigenvectors of L̂2 (that matrix S was unchanged)
with eigenvalues the square root of those of L̂2 . Physically this√makes sense. If you measure L̂2 and
get λ then if you had just measured L̂ you would have gotten λ.
S 2 |s m⟩ = ℏ2 s(s + 1) |s m⟩ , Sz |s m⟩ = ℏm |s m⟩ (222)
S± |s m⟩ = ℏ s(s + 1) − m(m ± 1) |s (m ± 1)⟩ (223)
Every elementary particle has a specific and immutable value of s called it’s spin. Then m takes
m = −s, −s + 1, . . . , s − 1, s (224)
Here we allow s to take integer and half integer values.
Spin 1/2
Spin 1/2 particles just have 2 spin state
1 1 1 −1
, (225)
2 2 2 2
called spin up and spin down. These 2 states form a basis for all possible spin states. In matrix
form, any spin state can be expressed as
a 1 0
χ= = aχ+ + bχ− ≡ a +b (226)
b 0 1
|a|2 + |b|2 = 1 (227)
in the eigenbasis of spin. You can similarly define matrix elements of S 2 and Sz in the spin eigenbasis
2 3 2 1 0 ℏ 1 0
Ŝ = ℏ Ŝz = (228)
4 0 1 2 0 −1
In this case
Thus a measurement on the z-spin of both particles returns the sum of the spins of the individual
particles. Note the same is not true of the total spin.
Given s1 and s2 possible the eigenvalues of total spin S 2 = |S 1 + S 2 |2 is [39]
Given one of these eigenvalues and a value of Sz there is 1 (and only 1) associated vector (not
necessarily a basis state) [39]. n o
2 2 (1) (2)
Then instead of using a basis consisting of the vectors of S1 , S2 , Sz , Sz we now move
2 2 2
into the basis consisting of the eigenvectors of S1 , S2 , S , Sz . I.e. rather than considering the
spin in the z-direction of each particle, we instead consider the total spin and the total spin in the
z-direction. Denote elements of this basis as |s m⟩. Note that we are only working with particles of
a constant spin so s, m refer to the quantum numbers of S 2 and Sz . Technically we should notate
|s m⟩ ≡ |s1 s2 s m⟩. We can calculate expressions for this new basis in terms of the old basis as
X s2
|s m⟩ = (|s1 m1 ⟩ ⊗ |s2 m2 ⟩)(⟨s1 m1 | ⊗ ⟨s2 m2 |) |s m⟩ (247)
m1 =−s1 m2 =−s2
The coefficients (⟨s1 m1 | ⊗ ⟨s2 m2 |) |s m⟩ are called the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and are de-
s1 s2 s
noted Cm 1 m2 m
in Griffiths. You can also go the other way and calculate values in the old basis in
terms of the new basis
1 +s2 s
X sX
1 +s2 s
s1 s2 s
|s1 m1 ⟩ ⊗ |s2 m2 ⟩ = |s m⟩ ⟨s m| (|s1 m1 ⟩ ⊗ |s2 m2 ⟩) = Cm 1 m2 m
|s m⟩ (248)
s=|s1 −s2 | m=−s s=|s1 −s2 | m=−s
The values of the Clebsh-Gordan coefficients are usually stated in a weird table.
It can be shown that the eigenstates of Ŝ 2 with eigenvalue 2ℏ2 (and hence correspond to total spin
1) are
11 11
|1 1⟩ = ⊗ (250)
22 22
1 11 1 −1 1 −1 11
|1 0⟩ = √ ⊗ + ⊗ (251)
2 22 2 2 2 2 22
1 −1 1 −1
|1 − 1⟩ = ⊗ (252)
2 2 2 2
Similarly it can be shown the eigenstates of Ŝ 2 with eigenvalue 0 (and hence correspond to total spin
0) are
1 11 1 −1 1 −1 11
|0 0⟩ = √ ⊗ − ⊗ (253)
2 22 2 2 2 2 22
There is no need to explicitly check it spin-z as by above the total spin z is just the sum of the
individual spin z’s.
Non-interacting particles
This means that each particle is only subject to some external force. In this case the potential is just
V (r 1 , r 2 ) = V1 (r 1 ) + V2 (r 2 ) (261)
Note that the total potential will always be the sum of the potentials of the 2 particles, it’s just in
this case that the potential of one of the particles does not depend on the position of the other. In
this case the time-independent Schrodinger equation can be solved using separation of variables
ψ(r 1 , r 2 ) = ψa (r 1 )ψb (r 2 ) (262)
in which case the time-independent Schrodinger equation becomes 2 equations
−ℏ2 2
∇1 ψa (r 1 ) + V1 (r 1 )ψa (r 1 ) = Ea ψa (r 1 ) (263)
−ℏ2 2
∇2 ψb (r 2 ) + V2 (r 2 )ψb (r 2 ) = Eb ψb (r 2 ) (264)
where the total energy is just E1 + E2 . Hence
Ψ(r 1 , r2 , t) = ψa (r 1 )ψb (r 2 )e−i(Ea +Eb )t/ℏ = Ψa (r 1 , t)Ψb (r 2 , t) (265)
It is also possible to have entangle states which are sums of these types of solutions. E.g.
3 4
Ψ(r 1 , r 2 , t) = Ψa (r 1 , t)Ψb (r 2 , t) + Ψc (r 1 , t)Ψd (r 2 , t) (266)
5 5
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Bosons and Fermions
Suppose we have 2 non-interacting particles. Then
If we have identical particles, the probability density should stay exactly the same if the 2 particles
swapped places. I.e. if r 1 7→ r 2 and r 2 7→ r 1 then the wavefunction should stay the same. The above
equation does not have this property hence it is for distinguishable particles. To fix this problem
we simply construct a wavefunction that is non-committal to which particle is in which state.
ψ± (r 1 , r 2 ) = √ [ψa (r 1 )ψb (r 2 ) ± ψb (r 1 )ψa (r 2 )] (268)
These functions are s.t.
ψ− (r 1 , r 2 ) = −ψ− (r 2 , r 1 ) ψ+ (r 1 , r 2 ) = ψ+ (r 2 , r 1 ) (269)
and hence the probability density generated from these wavefunctions remains the same after ex-
change of particles. ψ+ correspond to Bosons (which have integer spin) and ψ− correspond to
Fermions (which have half integer spin). This connection to spin is given by the spin statistics
theorem [40].
If 2 fermions are in the same state (i.e. a = b), then the wavefunction is
ψ− (r 1 , r 2 ) = √ [ψa (r 1 )ψa (r 2 ) − ψa (r 1 )ψa (r 2 )] = 0 (270)
Hence you cannot have 2 particles in the same state (the wavefunction cannot be normalized). This
is the Pauli exclusion principle.
Exchange forces
For distinguishable particles (in 1D)
(x1 − x2 )2 = x2 a
+ x2 b
− 2 ⟨x⟩a ⟨x⟩b (271)
(x1 − x2 )2 ±
= x2 a
+ x2 b
− 2 ⟨x⟩a ⟨x⟩b ∓ 2| ⟨x⟩ab |2 (272)
where ˆ
⟨x⟩ab ≡ xψa (x)∗ ψb (x) dx (273)
When ⟨x⟩ab ̸= 0 there is like there is a force of attraction between identical bosons and force of
repulsion between identical fermions. This is called an exchange force (although it’s not an actual
force, just a consequence of symmetrization requirements)
Spin in wavefunction
The state of particle whose position is not coupled (similar to entangled) to it’s spin can be written
|Ψ⟩ ⊗ |S⟩ (274)
For a neutral atom with atomic number Z (hence Z protons and Z neutrons) the Hamiltonian is
(assuming a stationary nucleus)
−ℏ2 2 Ze2 e2
X 1 1 1
Ĥ = ∇j − + (281)
2m 4πϵ0 ||r j || 2 4πϵ0 j̸=k ||r j − r k ||
where the first term is the kinetic energy plus the potential energy for each electron in the electric
field of the nucleus, and the second sum is the potential associated with the repulsion of the electrons.
Unfortunately the time-independent Schrodinger equation is too complicated to solve except for the
case of Z = 1 (hydrogen).
Note that this Hamiltonian for the electrons is not accurate. We are not taking into account the
position of the protons in the nucleus and instead considering them to all be at the origin. As such
we are also ignoring the motion of the protons caused by interactions with the electrons as well as
interactions with other protons [41].
This doesn’t particularly matter as the electron is significantly lighter than the protons and quickly
rearranges in response to the slower motion of the nuclei [30]. This is called the Born-Oppenheimer
approximation. When considering the motion of the electrons separately the wavefunction is
where r i denotes the positions of the electrons and Ri denotes the position of the protons
This was exact in the case of Hydrogen.
If we don’t impose some of the assumptions presented above the Hamiltonian is [30]
2 2 2 X n
−ℏ2 X 2 X ZA e2 ZB e2 e2 ZA ZB e2
Ĥ = ∇i − + + + (284)
2me i=1 i=1
4πϵ0 riA 4πϵ0 riB i=1 j>i
4πϵ0 rij 4πϵ0 RAB
where A refers one proton and B refers to the other. The first term is the kinetic energy of the
electrons, the second is the Coulomb attraction between the electrons and the nuclei, the third term
is the electron-electron repulsion, and the last term is the nuclear-nuclear repulsion. This last term
doesn’t contribute anything to the dynamics we’re interested in (electrons ignoring the motion of the
protons) but it does contribute
ZA ZB e2
4πϵ0 RAB
to the overall energy.
If we just ignore the last term, the potential becomes separable and we get
where ψnml is just the solution to the hydrogen potential but with e2 7→ 2e2 (due to the extra energy
from the extra proton). Hence using that for separable potentials, the energy of the total system is
just the sum of the constituents (equation (261)) and the expression for energy of the hydrogen atom
(equation (187)) with e2 7→ 2e2 we get
" 2 2 #
1 1 m2 e
E = 4E1 2 + 2 E1 = − 2
n m 2ℏ 4πϵ0
Because the ground state ψ0 (Griffiths states it exactly) is symmetric, the spins of the electrons
in the ground state must be antisymmetric (as the electrons are fermions). Because electrons are
spin 1/2 this must mean that the spin state is the ‘singlet’ (equation (253)) with the spins oppositely
If one electron is in the excited state then (without symmetrizing)
as if you put 2 electrons in an excited state, one immediately falls down to the ground state and
gives enough energy to knock the other other electron into a continuum state.
It is possible to have both symmetric and anti-symmetric position wavefunctions [42],
ψ = √ [ψnml (r 1 )ψn′ m′ l′ (r 2 ) ± ψnml (r 2 )ψn′ m′ l′ (r 1 )] (289)
This means that we can have antisymmetric spin states (called parahelium) or symmetric spin
states (called orthohelium). The energy for orthohlium should be lower than for parahelium as by
above symmetric wavefunctions have the particles slightly closer together.
correspond to 2 electrons in (1, 0, 0), 2 electrons are in (2, 0, 0), and 2 electrons are in some combi-
nation of (2, 1, 1), (2, 1, 0), (2, 1, −1).
In chemistry, the state of an atom (in it’s ground state) tends to be given by a term symbol (or
a Russell-Saunders term symbol [43])
LJ (291)
where S is the total spin, J is grand total angular momentum, and L is the letter (capitalized version
of what’s above for various l) corresponding to the total orbital angular momentum. However, this is
not consistent with the atomic structure of the atom as we have currently stated — we do not know
the orbitals of the atoms for a given filling of the subshells so we cannot have definite momentum or
For example, in the case above there are 2 electrons with angular momentum quantum number
1 (l = 1) while the rest have angular momentum 0. Hence the possible values for the total angular
momentum are 2, 1, 0. The states (1s)2 and (2s)2 must have the spins in the singlet as both electrons
are in the same spatial state and hence the wavefunction is intrinsically symmetric [44, 45]. For the
(2p)2 the electrons can either be in a singlet state or a triplet state as the electrons do not have to
be in the same spatial state. Hence the total spin could either be 1 or 0 and hence the grand total
angular momentum (orbital plus spin) could either be 3, 2, 1 or 0.
There is ritual known as Hund’s Rules for figuring which states the electrons would be in when
the atom is in it’s ground state. This is not so trivial because we found above that the energy of the
electrons doesn’t depend on l or s. Hence if an electron has angular momentum quantum number l
and spin quantum number s, there are (2l + 1)(2s + 1) possible states with the same energy [46].
But this calculation has same strong assumptions. It neglects, for example, the interactions of the
atoms which obviously changes the energy of the electrons (for example, intuitively states where the
electrons are ‘further’ apart should have lower energies). It also doesn’t take into account spin-orbit
interaction which is a relativistic effect [46].
Hund’s rules are[47]
• The term with the maximum spin multiplicity has the lowest energy (I.e. electrons fill up all
position states before doubling up — the triplet state tends to have lower energy than the
singlet state [48]).
• If a subshell (n, l) is no more than half filled (this is orbital angular momentum, not spin so
there can be more than 2 electrons in the subshell) the the lowest energy has J = |L − s|, else
if the subshell is more than half filled then J = L + S has the lowest energy.
For the example above, Hund’s rule gives 3 P0 . Some notes about Hund’s rules
• The output of Hund’s rule is not always right as it is from generalizing some experimental
observations [47].
• Hund’s rule does not give the specific states (only what the spin and angular momentum of
the states must be). E.g. most of the time it will give that the spins of the electrons must be
aligned, although it tends not to say which direction.
– I don’t think that the electrons need to be in definite state — I think they can be in
superpositions in the spin-(spin-z) basis (else how can spin and angular momentum be
• You cannot apply the same rules to generate an ordering of the energies for the term numbers