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1 Department of Dermatology, Sabya General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
2 Jazan General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
3 King Fahd Central Hospital, Ministry of Health, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jazan University,
Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
5 Faculty of Medicine, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
* Correspondence:
1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Vitiligo is a common acquired hypopigmentation skin disorder characterized by
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
an idiopathic, progressive, and circumscribed loss of melanin pigment from otherwise
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
healthy-looking skin, with a complete absence of functioning melanocytes in microscopic
conditions of the Creative Commons
examination [1–4]. The distribution of macules may be localized or generalized and may
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
coalesce into wide, depigmented areas. These macules are usually cosmetically disfiguring, especially in individuals with dark skin. Skin lesions are often visible to others, so vitiligo is
4.0/). commonly associated with emotional distress, social stigma, and poor quality of life [5–7].
The literature suggests that vitiligo is the most common cause of skin depigmentation,
with a worldwide incidence rate ranging from 0.1% to 2% [1,8,9]. The prevalence of vitiligo
is equally distributed in males and females and individuals from different racial, ethnic, or
socioeconomic backgrounds [4]. Vitiligo may occur at any age, but its incidence peaks in the
second and third decades. Among patients with vitiligo, approximately 33% are children,
and 70% to 80% are adults before the age of 30 years [3]. The etiology of vitiligo is not fully
understood, but seems to include an interaction of genetic, neurological, and immunological
factors [1,10]. Patients commonly attribute the onset of their disease to specific events, such
as physical injury, pregnancy, sunburn, or emotional stress. However, at present, there is
no evidence supporting a causative relationship of these factors with vitiligo. The high
frequency of comorbid autoimmune diseases, such as halo nevus and malignant melanoma,
in patients with vitiligo suggests an autoimmune etiology of the disease [4].
Several observational studies have examined the knowledge of and attitudes toward
vitiligo and showed that misconceptions and poor awareness of vitiligo are prevalent
among the public and even patients themselves [9–14]. Although a few studies [13–15] have
been conducted assessing the knowledge of and attitude toward vitiligo in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia (KSA), no study has been conducted in Jazan, southwest Saudi Arabia. The
present study aims to evaluate the knowledge and perceptions of and attitudes toward
vitiligo among the general population of Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia, and to explore the
local myths.
participants. Knowledge and perceptions of and attitudes toward vitiligo were assessed
using 17 items in three main categories. Regarding the knowledge items, a score of 10 was
given to each correct response, with incorrect responses being scored 0. A total knowledge
score was computed by summing the individual responses for each participant. Adequate
knowledge was defined as a total score above 50% of the correct responses. Lower scores
indicated inadequate knowledge. Regarding the attitude items, a score of 10 was given for
each positive attitude, and 0 for a negative attitude. A total attitude score was computed
by summing the individual responses for each participant. Participants with scores over
50% were classified as having a good attitude. The tool’s reliability was assessed using
Cronbach’s alpha and revealed a value of 0.60.
3. Results
A total of 496 participants were approved to fill in a self-administered online question-
naire assessing the knowledge of and attitude toward vitiligo in the Jazan district in the
KSA. Table 1 shows that the study included participants of different ages; about half (49.4%)
were between 31 and 50 years old. Participants with a bachelor’s degree and secondary
education reported higher knowledge scores (M = 71.89, SD = 16.7; M = 71.26, SD = 14.2)
than the other participants, but without statistical significance (p > 0.05). Young participants
(18–30 years) showed higher positive attitude scores (M = 56.13, SD = 20.3) than the other
age groups, but also without statistical significance (p > 0.05).
Table 1. Study participants’ background characteristics and knowledge and attitude scores according
to some selected characteristics (n = 496).
Table 2 shows that most respondents (98.2%) had heard about vitiligo before. The
majority of the respondents (84.5%) knew that vitiligo is not contagious. Additionally,
88.1% of the respondents answered “No” when asked whether vitiligo is related to the
ingestion of fish or eggs. However, the majority of the participants (78.6%) did not know
that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and 64.7% of the respondents reported that vitiligo
is not a hereditary disease. In addition, 69.8% of them did not know that vitiligo worsens
with psychological stress, and 69% of the study population reported that vitiligo affects
Table 2 shows that most respondents (98.2%) had heard about vitiligo before. The
majority of the respondents (84.5%) knew that vitiligo is not contagious. Additionally,
88.1% of the respondents answered “No” when asked whether vitiligo is related to the
ingestion of fish or eggs. However, the majority of the participants (78.6%) did not know
that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and 64.7% of the respondents reported that vitiligo
Clin. Pract. 2022, 12 is not a hereditary disease. In addition, 69.8% of them did not know that vitiligo worsens 879
with psychological stress, and 69% of the study population reported that vitiligo affects
the social life of patients. Most participants (95.4%) reported that vitiligo is a dangerous
the socialAbout
life ofhalf of theMost
patients. respondents reported
participants thatreported
(95.4%) there is no treatment
that fora vitiligo.
vitiligo is dangerous
disease. About half of the respondents reported that there is no treatment for vitiligo.
Table 2. Participants’ responses to questions regarding the knowledge of vitiligo.
Table 2. Participants’ responses to questions regarding the knowledge of vitiligo.
Questions Count Percentage
Questions No Count
9 Percentage
Have you heard about vitiligo before?
No 4879 98.2%
Have you heard about vitiligo before?
NoYes 487
419 98.2%
Is vitiligo contagious?
Is vitiligo contagious? Yes
No 77
419 15.5%
Is vitiligo related to the ingestion of NoYes 77
437 15.5%
fish or eggs? No
Yes 437
59 88.1%
Is vitiligo related to the ingestion of fish or eggs?
NoYes 59
390 11.9%
Is vitiligo an autoimmune disease? No 390 78.6%
Is vitiligo an autoimmune disease? Yes 106 21.4%
Yes 106 21.4%
No 321 64.7%
Is vitiligo a hereditary disease?
Is vitiligo a hereditary disease?
No 321 64.7%
Yes 175
175 35.3%
Does vitiligo worsen with psychologi- No 346 69.8%
No 346 69.8%
Does vitiligo worsen with
cal stress? psychological stress? Yes 150 30.2%
Yes 150 30.2%
Does vitiligo affect the social life of pa- NoNo 154
Does vitiligo affect the
tients? social life of patients? Yes 342 69.0%
Yes 342 69.0%
NoNo 473
473 95.4%
Is vitiligo a dangerous
Is vitiligo a dangerous disease?
disease? Yes
Yes 2323 4.6%
NoNo 258
258 52.0%
Is there a treatment
Is there a treatmentforfor
Yes 238
238 48.0%
In Figure
In Figure1, 1, the
the graph
graph shows
shows that
that social
social media
media is
is the
the main
main source
source of
of information
information about
vitiligo forthe
the majority
majorityof of the
the study
study population
population (70.4%),
(70.4%), followed
followed by
by journals
journals (21.4%)
(21.4%) and
TV (8.3%).
Source of information
Figure 1. Source
Source of
of information
Table 3 shows that about half of the respondents (46%) reported that vitiligo is a
common disease in the KSA. Most of the respondents (93.1%) do not avoid shaking hands
with vitiligo patients to prevent infection, accept food prepared by vitiligo patients (69.4%),
accept sharing plates with vitiligo patients (73.6%), and accept to be helped by a vitiligo
patient (86.7%). The majority of the participants (76.6%) thought that there was a lack of
awareness regarding vitiligo.
Clin. Pract. 2022, 12 880
Table 4 shows the association between demographic factors and knowledge status.
More males than females had a high level of knowledge (83.7% compared with 80.8%),
but without statistical significance (p > 0.05). The table further indicates that the knowl-
edge of vitiligo in the study population was not correlated with any of the demographic
characteristics, such as age, education, or occupation (p > 0.05 for all).
Knowledge Level
Variables Low High
n % n %
18–30 years 34 (16.3) 174 (83.7)
Age group 31–50 years 40 (16.3) 205 (83.7) 0.099
>50 years 7 (16.3) 36 (83.7)
Male 52 (15.1) 293 (84.9)
Gender 0.252
Female 29 (19.2) 122 (80.8)
Primary 2 (33.3) 4 (66.7)
Preparatory 7 (31.8) 15 (68.2)
Education level 0.095
Secondary 22 (13.2) 145 (86.8)
Bachelor 50 (16.6) 251 (83.4)
Unemployed 32 (15.2) 179 (84.8)
Occupation 0.546
Employed 49 (17.2) 236 (82.8)
All participants 81 (16.3) 415 (83.7)
Table 5 shows that the participants’ attitude toward vitiligo is significantly associated
with age (p = 0.004) and gender (p = 0.001). However, the participants’ education level and
occupation have no significant association (p > 0.05) with the attitude toward vitiligo.
Clin. Pract. 2022, 12 881
Attitude Score
Variables Poor Attitude Good Attitude
n % n %
18–30 years 124 (59.6) 84 (40.4)
Age group 31–50 years 126 (51.4) 119 (48.6) 0.004
>50 years 14 (32.6) 29 (67.4)
Male 167 (48.4) 178 (51.6)
Gender 0.001
Female 97 (64.2) 54 (35.8)
Primary 4 (66.7) 2 (33.3)
Preparatory 14 (63.6) 8 (36.4)
Education level 0.507
Secondary 83 (49.7) 84 (50.3)
Bachelor 163 (54.2) 138 (45.8)
Unemployed 120 (56.9) 91 (43.1)
Occupation 0.161
Employed 144 (50.5) 141 (49.5)
All participants 246 (53.2) 232 (46.8)
The logistic regression analyses for the factors associated with positive attitudes
toward vitiligo are presented in Table 6. The table revealed that the most important factors
associated with good attitudes were male gender (COR = 1.92; 95% CI: 1.92–2.84; p = 0.001)
and an age of more than 50 years (COR = 3.06; 95% CI: 1.53–6.13; p = 0.002).
4. Discussion
Vitiligo, a widespread depigmenting skin condition, is estimated to affect between
0.1% and 2% of the global population [14]. The condition is distinguished by a selective loss
of melanocytes, resulting in non-scaly, chalky-white macules [15]. Significant progress has
been made in the knowledge of vitiligo etiology, which is now defined as an autoimmune
disease. Vitiligo is sometimes ignored as a cosmetic issue, although its symptoms can be
psychologically distressing and have a significant impact on everyday life [16].
The emotional impact of vitiligo is significant and well documented [17,18]. The skin
is a crucial part of our connection with the environment, and noticeable skin problems
can restrict healthy psychosocial development due to the stigma associated with these
conditions. Historically, skin illnesses and the people who suffer from them have been
stigmatized [19]. Therefore, the current study aims to evaluate the knowledge and per-
ceptions of and attitudes toward vitiligo among the general population of Jazan Province,
Saudi Arabia.
Clin. Pract. 2022, 12 882
Our results showed that about half of the participants (49.4%) were aged between
31 and 50 years old. The majority of the respondents were males (69.6%) and had a
bachelor’s degree. More than half (57.5%) of the participants were employed. A study
from northern India by Mahajan et al. (2019) found that the onset age of vitiligo ranged
from 6 months to 82 years, with the majority of patients (71.3%) experiencing the condition
before the age of 25 [20]. Another study by El-Husseiny et al. (2021) also documented that
the average onset age of vitiligo in children was 6.18 years, with a mean condition duration
of 2.12 years [21]. A meta-analysis assessing the prevalence of vitiligo by Zhang et al. (2016)
found that vitiligo was more common among females than among males [22].
In addition, our results showed that most of the respondents (98.2%) had heard about
vitiligo before. The majority of the respondents (84.5%) knew that vitiligo is not contagious.
Additionally, 88.1% of the respondents answered “No” when asked whether vitiligo is
related to the ingestion of fish or eggs. In contrast, a study by Fatani et al. (2014) showed
that only 6.9% of the respondents had heard of vitiligo [14]. A cross-sectional study by
Juntongjin et al. (2018) agreed with our findings. The researchers stated that approximately
two-thirds of the participants in the survey were aware that vitiligo does not transfer by
direct touch [23]. Another Turkish study by Topal et al. (2016) also noted that 90% of the
respondents believed that vitiligo was not contagious [24].
The present study also illustrated that the majority of the participants (78.6%) did not
know that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and 64.7% of the respondents reported that
vitiligo is not a hereditary disease. In addition, 69.8% of them did not know that vitiligo
worsens with psychological stress, and 69% of the study population reported that vitiligo
affects the social life of patients. Most of the participants (95.4%) reported that vitiligo is a
dangerous disease. About half of the respondents reported that there is no treatment for
vitiligo. A study by Topal et al. (2016) showed that according to 84%, 37%, and 22% of the
participants, respectively, stress, excessive sun exposure, and inheritance were thought to
be causes of vitiligo, while 35% thought that vitiligo had no significant influence on the
quality of life. Thirty-six percent thought that the condition was serious [24].
Moreover, our results indicated that social media is the source of information about
vitiligo in the majority of the study population (70.4%), followed by journals (21.4%) and
TV (8.3%). Algarni et al. (2021) also supported our results. They found that the most
often-mentioned source of information (34.7%) was social media/Internet, followed by
family/friends/acquaintances (30%) [25]. An Ethiopian study by Tsadik et al. (2020)
also mentioned that friends and family were regarded as the most prevalent source of
knowledge regarding vitiligo (70%) [26]. Our current results also showed that about half of
the respondents (46%) reported that vitiligo is a common disease in the KSA. In contrast,
research by Al Shammrie et al. (2017), who studied the pattern of skin diseases in Saudi
Arabia, showed that vitiligo comprised only 7% of skin diseases [27].
In this study, the majority of the respondents (93.1%) do not avoid shaking hands
with vitiligo patients to prevent infection, accept food prepared by vitiligo patients (69.4%),
accept sharing a plate with vitiligo patients (73.6%), and accept to be helped by a vitiligo
patient (86.7%). Most of the participants (94.9%) had no partners diagnosed with vitiligo.
About half of the participants (50.4%) refused to marry a person diagnosed with vitiligo.
However, 89.1% of the study population thought that vitiligo does not affect marital
life. The majority of the participants (76.6%) thought that there was a lack of awareness
regarding vitiligo. A study by Alshammrie et al. (2019) also supported these findings,
showing that the majority of the study participants (73.8%) would refuse to marry a vitiligo
patient [28]. Tsadik et al. (2020) also found that 43.7% do not mind shaking hands with
vitiligo patients, 39.3% would exchange meals with vitiligo patients, and 38.7% would
receive food made by a vitiligo patient [26].
Our results indicated that the knowledge of vitiligo in the study population was not
correlated with any of the demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, education, or
occupation. Juntongjin et al. (2018) also showed that there were no statistically significant
Clin. Pract. 2022, 12 883
associations between the knowledge score and gender, age, marital status, occupation,
education, family members working in the healthcare industry, and monthly income [23].
Furthermore, our results indicated that the attitude of the participants toward vitiligo
was significantly associated with age and gender. However, the education level or occupa-
tion of the participants has no significant association with the attitude toward vitiligo. The
attitude of the participants toward vitiligo is significantly associated with age. It was also
found that a good attitude toward vitiligo is more often found in older participants than in
younger ones. The attitude of the participants toward vitiligo was significantly associated
with gender. A hospital-based study by Asati et al. (2016) supports these findings. The
researchers found that males, younger age groups, married people, and those who work in
healthcare or are jobless had considerably higher attitude scores. Female gender was the
only other significant indicator with a low attitude score [11].
Our research has some limitations that should be reported. First, the study is an
observational cross-sectional survey, so the associations revealed by this study should be
interpreted with caution. Second, the study was conducted using a web-based survey,
which decreases the generalization of the study outcomes.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, our study found that the people of Jazan had a high level of knowledge
of vitiligo and good attitudes toward vitiligo patients. The majority of the study population
regarded social media as the primary source of knowledge of vitiligo. The majority of those
surveyed were aware that vitiligo is not contagious. The study population’s knowledge of
vitiligo was not associated with any of the demographic parameters, such as age, gender,
education, or occupation. The participants’ attitudes toward vitiligo were substantially
related to their age and gender. Males and older adults had a more positive attitude toward
vitiligo patients.
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