SBC by IS Method-8.0m
SBC by IS Method-8.0m
SBC by IS Method-8.0m
Following are the shear parameter of the soil of the top layer (from VUP 19+905,BH 01)
C = 65 kN/m2
f = 10 Degree
g = 17 kN/m3
Df = 1 m
Inclination Factor
ic = iq = iγ = 1 (For vertical Wall)
q Ult = C NcScdcic + q NqSqdqiq + 0.5 g B' NgSγdγiγ W' (As per IS 6403:1981)
= 616.74 kN/m
q safe = 308.4 kN/m ( FOS=2.0)
30.8 t/m2 > Required q safe Safe