EC and SH 3
EC and SH 3
EC and SH 3
It is this legal status that offers you certain rights entitled to other citizens.
By having that legal status of a citizen, a person can claim rights as a citizen.
In every state, there is a law of citizenship that governs the legal status of
The most important rights that the legal status of citizenship offers a citizen is
security and protection. The state has a duty to protect its citizens and the citizens
have a legal right to expect protection from the state.
In the liberal understanding, citizenship is primarily a legal status which offers individuals
political and civil rights to be free citizens within a political community.
This legal definition of citizenship has shortcomings as well. Its main weakness is that it
assumes that all individuals have equal access to rights on the basis of the legal status of
When a society has many inequalities, based on social class, caste, gender, ethnicity,
physical and mental abilities etc., the state does not treat all citizens equally.
There are three concepts of citizenship that addresses this shortcoming of the
conventional, legal definition of citizenship. They are:
(a) social citizenship,
(b) differentiated citizenship, and
(c) multi-cultural citizenship.
• The concept of social citizenship was advanced by T. H. Marshall, a British sociologist, in 1949.
Marshal theory begins with accepting the basic definition of citizenship, offered by liberal political theory,
and then goes beyond it.
Accordingly, citizenship is “a status bestowed upon those who are full members of a community. All those
who possess the status are equal with respect to the rights and duties with which the status is endowed.”
What is new in Marshall’s approach is that this status and rights of citizenship has three other dimensions
(a) civil: the civil rights to which citizens are entitled. It includes individual freedoms and rights such as
freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of thought and conscience, and the right to own
(b) political: the right to take part in the political process as a voter, member of a political party, and
as a person with the right to contest elections to get elected to parliament other legislative bodies. To
guarantee the ‘political’ dimension of citizenship there should be universal adult franchise,
representative democracy, and political equality.
(c) social: the right of citizens to enjoy equal social rights such as social security, employment, housing
and education etc., that enables citizens to enjoy social protection.
Without social rights, civil and political rights do not guarantee full
For citizenship to be fully meaningful, it should offer citizens all these
three aspects of citizenship rights.
Many countries in the world have accepted the concept of differentiated citizenship and
have taken steps to implement policies to overcome discrimination. some examples are:
Positive discrimination policies in India that gives special educational and employment
rights to citizens of certain marginalized caste and tribal communities.
Affirmative action policies in America to enable black citizens and women in education
and employment.
Special policies to ensure rights of women, elderly, differently able citizens, migrant
workers etc.
The theory of ‘multi-cultural citizenship tries to address the question, How should
a concept of citizenship accommodate cultural diversity?
This theory of citizenship emerged in Canada during the 1980s. Will Kymlicka,
a Canadian political theorist, is credited with developing it conceptually.
Canada is a multicultural country.
Kymlicka identified that Individual citizens belonging to minority groups suffer
discrimination because they belong to minority groups, not merely because they
are individuals.
Therefore, Kymilicka revised the liberal theory of citizenship by bringing groups
rights approach to the liberal theory of citizenship.
The concept of multi-cultural citizenship acknowledges group rights. That is not
rights applicable to individuals, but cultural communities as groups. A group-
rights based the theory of citizenship.
‘Agency’ in social theory refers to human beings who think and act either as
individuals or groups in social and political processes.
citizenship offers individuals political agency. That is the rights to think and act
politically. Acting politically is a right of the citizen in a modern democratic
While the citizens have a right to act politically, the state has a duty to protect
the right of the citizens to act politically. Thus, the agency of the citizen is
protected by the democratic state.
There are two approaches to the citizen’s political agency. They are liberal and
republican theories.
The liberal theory of citizenship does not expect the citizen to play an active
political role in society, other than voting at elections, becoming a member of a
political party or a political club, attending political meetings, and getting
interested in political affairs. This is a minimalist concept of political agency.
The liberal theory of citizenship offers this minimalist approach to citizens’ political
agency, because in a democratic state, as assumed in the liberal theory, the state
protects citizens’ rights and freedoms.
The Republican theory of citizenship accords the citizen with an active role. A
tradition goes as far back as to the classical Greek political thought of Aristotle.
The Republican theory expects the citizen to actively take part in politics. In modern
representative democracies, citizen’s active role expected by the republican
political theory is political activism, to defend freedom and rights.
That activism involves more than voting or being members of political parties or
clubs, as assumed in the liberal theory. Taking part in protests, critiquing the
government’s behaviour and decision that affect freedom, being alert to the
possibility of the governmental power being used in a tyrannical manner and
resisting it are examples of such political activism. Thus, the Republican theory of
citizenship has advanced a concept of active political agency.
Almost all our societies are diverse. This diversity emanates from social,
cultural, linguistic, gender, and other differences.
Although pluralism of societies has been a historical fact, it is only recently,
during the last few decades of the twentieth century, that pluralism began to be
acknowledge as a key theme in relation to the state, democracy and citizenship.
Diversity, as opposed to homogeneity, of citizenship is an important
development in the theories of citizenship developed during the 1990s. The
concept of multicultural citizenship, is the most important development in the
theory of citizenship, in response to the recognition of cultural and ethnic
The key ideas of this new approach to citizenship in diverse societies are as
(i) Because of ethnic and cultural diversity of societies, political power tends to
be distributed unequally among these communities and it has often led to
majority-minority divisions. Even in democracies, political power has tended to
be concentrated in the hands of the majority ethnic and cultural communities.
This leads to discrimination against minority communities. Such discrimination
undermines the principle of equality among citizens.
(ii) When diversity is recognized as a constitutive feature of plural societies,
more democratic ways of conceptualizing citizenship becomes possible.
Protection of minority rights, women’s rights etc., by the state should be the goal
of such re-conceptualizing of citizenship.
(iii) Democracy in diverse, plural and multi-cultural societies calls for ‘inclusive
citizenship.’ Inclusive citizenship is an approach to citizenship in which no
community of citizens is excluded from enjoying the rights and entitlements
available by being members of a political community.
With the feminist movement’s intervention in challenging the conventional approach to politics;
the last few decades of the past century saw the expansion of the idea of citizenship by
bringing gender as a factor to define citizenship.
From the classical Greek days onwards, politics was seen by all political philosophers and
thinkers as a male vocation. Women were excluded from politics, politics being
conceptualized as the activity in the ‘public domain.’ Thus, the world of women was the
‘private domain’, which is the family and the household.
Feminists in the 1970s and 1980 developed a sharp critique of this mail-centric idea of
politics, which has remained unquestioned for over two thousand years.
Kate Millet’s book, Sexual Politics focus on two major points in the feminist critique of the
traditional concept of citizenship. They are:
(i) The traditional political theory of citizenship was ‘gender blind.’ It did not see the
differentiation of society into men and women, extension of that differentiation in to all
spheres of social, economic, cultural life, etc. Further this conception had no concept of gender
- based inequalities.
(ii) The traditional theory of citizenship excluded women from the domain of citizenship and
political rights. Accordingly, a citizen was essentially a male person. Only member could claim
and secure member ship of the state, or the political community.
Arising from these critical perspectives, feminists argued that there cannot, and should not, be
a universal and uniform theory of citizenship and that there should be a new theory of
citizenship based on gender.
In the feminist alternative thinking, three feminist approaches to citizenship have
(i).Gender-neutral citizenship. This approach emerged within the liberal
feminist tradition. Its main point was that women should be given full citizenship
rights on the basis of gender equality.
(ii) Gender differentiated citizenship. This approach was developed as a
critique of the gender- neutral citizenship theory. It argued that differences
between men and women are actually real and therefore a feminist theory of
citizenship should be based on the recognition of gender differentiation in
society. It also denies the traditional view that there can be a universal theory
of citizenship.
(iii) Gender pluralist citizenship. Influenced by the post-modern social theory,
this approach denies that women are a homogenous category. Women, instead,
are differentiated in terms of race, skin colour, social class, education,
profession, sexual orientation and European or non-European etc. Therefore, a
theory of citizenship for all women is not correct. Instead, any theory of
citizenship for women should account for these internal differentiations among
Freedom from historical forms of domination and oppression has been
conceptualized as political emancipation.
Individual and political freedoms are either restricted or denied by the all-
powerful state. In many such societies, citizenship does not entail civil and
political rights.
To realize full citizenship, citizens are compelled to struggle and fight for
political emancipation. A contemporary example from a recent political
struggles is the Arab Spring.
In our common sense as well as social scientific usage, the word ‘minorities’ has
two meanings.
Minorities as the numerically lesser segments within a group, or a
population, in contrast to the numerical majority.
A minority as a social group with no power, although in some
circumstances they may be the numerical majority. Women are the
example of this definition of a minority.
Other than the ethnic minorities there are also Social minorities, in states. They too face
many challenges in relation to their citizenship rights as a result of the conditions of
marginalization, discrimination and oppression. These conditions have in turn lead to
social exclusion which is define as denial to individuals equal opportunities in economic,
social, educational, cultural and political life, resulting in poverty, lack of freedom and
multiple forms of deprivation. In almost all South Asian societies, depressed caste
communities continue to suffer social exclusion, which rooted in the history as well social