Cement Additives For Oil Well Drilling
Cement Additives For Oil Well Drilling
Cement Additives For Oil Well Drilling
Global Drilling Fluids and Chemicals Limited is the single largest cer fied manufacturer of Specialty Drilling Fluid
Addi ves, Mud Chemicals, Cement Addi ves, Mining chemicals and Horizontal Drilling Fluids (HDD) based out
of India. We are a Drilling Fluids Addi ve manufacturer for the Oil and Gas Drilling and Explora on, Cemen ng,
Mining and Horizontal Drilling Industry. We are the preferred supplier for most Drilling contractors and Service
Companies. Our Products are manufactured and supplied to over 60 Countries in all 5 con nents.
CEMENT ADDITIVES we boast of our state of the Art R&D facility ensuring regular upgrading of our product
range making them fully domes cally and interna onally acceptable. Our capability to manufacture each of our
chemicals custom made to the requirement of our customers. Our stringent Quality Control Department ensures
that the products manufactured are to Interna onal standards, which is proven by the company's success in
compe ng in Global Markets.
Global Drilling Fluids and Chemicals Limited has its own Cemen ng Division primarily designing and manufacturing
customized Cemen ng Addi ves for a range of Cemen ng Applica ons our Comprehensive Drilling Cement
Addi ve Package is cost effec ve and High Performance and reliable way to place the Cement Slurry between the
casing and the wellbore forma on.
Cement Addi ves are Chemicals that are added to the Drilling Cement Slurry to op mize the proper es of the
Drilling Cement and achieve the desired Proper es for cemen ng. During the Cemen ng Opera ons the
Temperature ranges from Below Freezing to 350°C (660°F) also the pressure ranges from ambient to almost
30,000 PSI, Cement Addi ves must perform in such condi ons.
Our Product Range of Cemen ng Addi ves to Increase the Se ng Time. They are specialty
cemen ng slurry addi ve used to increase the thickening me for Cement Slurries to
enable proper placement and is applicable for Primary and Secondary Cemen ng jobs and
is compa ble with all API Oil Well Cements. They have good dispersing and Fluid Loss
Proper es Retarders Manufactured by GDFCL are classified into various different product
categories and can be customized as per customer requirements with varying temperatures
and wells.
Cement Slurry An -foam. These are addi ves that are added to the cement Slurry to reduce the foaming
tendency of the Cement Slurry used as a preven ve measure Cement Slurry Defoamer. These are
addi ves that are added to the Cement Slurry a er the forma on of the Foam to Destroy the Foam.
Cement Spacers are addi ves that are pumped between the Drilling Fluid and the Cement Slurry to form
a buffer and prevent the drilling fluid and the cement slurry from coming into contact. Cement Spacers
are effec ve displacement aids, because they separate incompa ble fluids such as Cement and Drilling
Fluid and to assist and condi on the walls of the wellbore for effec ve cement bonding. Spacers
manufactured by GDFCL are used to aid the removal of Drilling Fluids before a primary cemen ng
opera on.
Global Drilling Fluids
ISO - 9001:2015 14001:2015 45001:2018
and Chemicals Limited Manufacturing Facility & R&D Centre
33/1, Ghansar, Halol, Distt. Panchmahals,
Gujarat - 389 350, India
Regd. Office: 12 Friend's Colony West,
New Delhi-110065- India
Corporate Ofce
75, Mathura Road, Sector-27C, Faridabad, Delhi (NCR) -121 003 India
Phone: +91-129-4271500, Fax: +91-129-4155502
E-mail: global@globaldrilling.in