The accused, Sumit Kamra, has filed an application in court requesting to testify as a defense witness in his own trial. He states that the case is at the evidence stage and he wants to examine witnesses, including himself, to rebut the prosecution's evidence and help the court reach a just decision. Allowing him to testify would not prejudice the complainant but not allowing it would greatly prejudice the accused. The accused requests the court permit him to provide oral testimony in his defense.
The accused, Sumit Kamra, has filed an application in court requesting to testify as a defense witness in his own trial. He states that the case is at the evidence stage and he wants to examine witnesses, including himself, to rebut the prosecution's evidence and help the court reach a just decision. Allowing him to testify would not prejudice the complainant but not allowing it would greatly prejudice the accused. The accused requests the court permit him to provide oral testimony in his defense.
The accused, Sumit Kamra, has filed an application in court requesting to testify as a defense witness in his own trial. He states that the case is at the evidence stage and he wants to examine witnesses, including himself, to rebut the prosecution's evidence and help the court reach a just decision. Allowing him to testify would not prejudice the complainant but not allowing it would greatly prejudice the accused. The accused requests the court permit him to provide oral testimony in his defense.
The accused, Sumit Kamra, has filed an application in court requesting to testify as a defense witness in his own trial. He states that the case is at the evidence stage and he wants to examine witnesses, including himself, to rebut the prosecution's evidence and help the court reach a just decision. Allowing him to testify would not prejudice the complainant but not allowing it would greatly prejudice the accused. The accused requests the court permit him to provide oral testimony in his defense.
If Demand Notice U - S 138 NI Act Mentions Correct Address of Accused, Question of Delivery Due To Variation in Postal Receipt To Be Decided at Trial - J&K&L HC