An Eye-Trackinge - Based Dichoptic Home
An Eye-Trackinge - Based Dichoptic Home
An Eye-Trackinge - Based Dichoptic Home
Purpose: Comparing visual outcomes after use of a novel binocular eye-trackingebased home treatment
(CureSight; NovaSight, Ltd) with patching.
Design: Prospective, multicenter, randomized, masked, controlled, noninferiority pivotal trial.
Participants: One hundred three children 4 to < 9 years with anisometropic, small-angle strabismic or
mixed-mechanism amblyopia were randomized 1:1 to either CureSight treatment or patching.
Methods: The CureSight treatment uses combined anaglyph glasses and an eye tracker to induce real-time
blur around the fellow eye fovea in dichoptic streamed video content. Participants used the device for 90 minutes/
day, 5 days/week for 16 weeks (120 hours). The patching group received 2 hours of patching 7 days/week (224
hours). The prespecified noninferiority margin was 1 line.
Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome was the improvement in the amblyopic eye visual acuity
(VA), modeled with a repeated measures analysis of covariance. Secondary outcomes included stereoacuity,
binocular VA, and treatment adherence rates, analyzed by a 1-sample Wilcoxon test within each group and a 2-
sample Wilcoxon test comparing groups. Safety outcomes included the frequency and severity of study-related
adverse events (AEs).
Results: CureSight group VA improvement was found to be noninferior to patching group improvement (0.28
0.13 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR] [P < 0.0001] and 0.23 0.14 logMAR [P < 0.0001],
respectively; 90% confidence interval [CI] of difference, e0.008 to 0.076). Stereoacuity improvement of 0.40 log
arcseconds (P < 0.0001) and improved binocular VA (0.13 logMAR; P < 0.0001) were observed in the binocular
treatment group, with similar improvements in the patching group in stereoacuity (0.40 log arcseconds;
P < 0.0001) and binocular VA (0.09 logMAR; P < 0.0001), with no significant difference between improve-
ments in the 2 groups in either stereoacuity (difference, 0; 95% CI, e0.27 to e0.27; P ¼ 0.76) or binocular VA
(difference, 0.041; 95% CI, e0.002 to 0.085; P ¼ 0.07). The binocular treatment group had a significantly higher
adherence than the patching group (91% vs. 83%; 95% CI, e4.0% to 21%; P ¼ 0.011). No serious AEs were
Conclusions: Binocular treatment was well tolerated and noninferior to patching in amblyopic children 4 to
< 9 years of age. High adherence may provide an alternative treatment option for amblyopia.
Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the
references. Ophthalmology 2023;130:274-285 ª 2022 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. This is an
open access article under the CC BY license (
Amblyopia can have a substantial impact on quality of life, Patching6), residual amblyopia, and recurrence of
with estimates of prevalence ranging from 1% to 5%. amblyopia (reported to be approximately 25% of patients),
Associated deficits involve contrast sensitivity, fixation, even after successful treatment, in addition to adverse
stereopsis, and binocularity,1e6 which may result in poor psychological effects.10e12
academic performance.7 The conventional amblyopia Over the last decade, binocular amblyopia therapy with
treatment is optical correction of the uncorrected refractive dichoptic presentation has been developed as an alterna-
error, followed by part-time monocular deprivation by tive treatment approach with the potential benefit of
patching or penalizing the fellow eye to force the visual improved adherence and better outcomes. Novel binocular
system to use the amblyopic eye.1,8,9 The limitations of this treatments with dichoptic presentation adjust the visual
treatment include poor adherence (44%e57% for stimuli between the amblyopic and fellow eye,
Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 3, March 2023
Wygnanski-Jaffe et al
CureSight Amblyopia Treatment
ATS ¼ Amblyopia Treatment Study; BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity; D ¼ diopter; E-ETDRS ¼ electronic Early Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy
Study; logMAR ¼ logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; PACT ¼ prism alternate cover test; PD ¼ prism diopter; SE ¼ spherical equivalent;
SPCT ¼ simultaneous prism and cover test; VA ¼ visual acuity.
*Patients with cycloplegic refractive errors that do not fall within the requirements noted for spectacle correction may be given spectacles at the in-
vestigator’s discretion but must follow the study-specified prescribed guidelines, as detailed elsewhere in the table.
Because this determination was a prestudy procedure, the method of measuring VA was not mandated.
Heterotropia of 5 PD at near, as measured by SPCT, was allowed for inclusion in the study (although the protocol text reads < 5 PD). This is specified
correctly in the study definition for strabismic amblyopia in criterion 2a.
study coordinator at each site using the secure electronic data enrollment was used throughout the study, regardless of the age
capture, web-based computer software. Allocation concealment at follow-up. Stereoacuity was assessed using the Randot Pre-
was achieved by keeping the randomization sequences hidden. school Stereoacuity test (Stereo Optical Co, Inc) at near (0.4 m).
Examiners who performed primary outcome measurements were A simultaneous prism and cover test and prism alternate cover
masked to the treatment group assignments at all follow-up visits. test were used to measure the ocular alignment. Adherence was
Patients assigned to the binocular treatment group were pre- monitored objectively by analyzing the treatment logs of screen
scribed the CureSight home treatment for 90 minutes per day, 5 gaze as recorded by the eye tracker for the binocular treatment
days per week for 16 weeks for a total of 120 hours. At the group and was calculated using the guardians’ manual self-
beginning of each session, a positioning algorithm automatically reported logs for the patching group. At the end of treatment
guided the child to sit at the optimal position for treatment (at a (16 weeks), visiting patients’ treatment satisfaction was assessed
viewing distance of approximately 60 cm). As soon as optimal using a questionnaire.
positioning was achieved, a brief eye-tracking calibration was
performed. Patients assigned to the patching control group were Outcomes
instructed to wear an adhesive patch (Ortopad; Pietrasanta Pharma)
over the fellow eye for 2 hours per day, 7 days per week for 16 The primary effectiveness outcome was defined as the mean
weeks (for a total of 224 hours). improvement from baseline in amblyopic eye VA to week 16 in
Outcome assessments were performed at weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16 both study groups (a noninferiority of no more than 0.10 logMAR).
(1 week). Outcome measures comprised the Amblyopia Treat- Secondary and additional outcomes included the change from
ment Study diplopia assessment and a symptom survey (5-question baseline to week 16 in the stereoacuity test score, the amblyopic
ocular symptom survey from the Amblyopia Treatment Study eye near VA, the binocular VA, and the binocular near VA. Safety
Miscellaneous Testing Procedures Manual30); masked examiners was evaluated by the frequency, severity, and causality of adverse
performed distance VA and stereoacuity testing. events (AEs). Adverse events were captured using a protocol-
Monocular and binocular VA testing was performed using defined questionnaire of parents and participants for diplopia,
CTS software (M&S Technologies). Participants 7 years of age or headaches, and eye strain and the examination data for new or
older underwent VA assessment by the electronic Early Treat- worsening heterotropia (an increase of 10 prism diopters from
ment for Diabetic Retinopathy Study (E-ETDRS) protocol31 baseline), worsening of VA in either eye (a decrease of 2 lines
using Lea numbers optotype, whereas participants 4 to younger from baseline), and seizures. The mean change in the fellow eye
than 7 years of age were assessed by the HOTV protocol31 BCVA from baseline to week 16 also was compared between
using Lea symbols optotype.32 The same VA protocol used at groups.
Step 1: Step 2:
Anaglyph color conversion Central blur illustration
Large diameter, high amplitude Small diameter, low amplitude
Fellow eye channel
Figure 1. Diagram showing binocular treatment setup. Step 1: Streamed visual stimuli is converted into 2 anaglyph separate channels, blue for the
amblyopic eye and red for the fellow eye, and are presented superimposed. Step 2: Illustration of the blurred fellow eye channel (red) central visual area, a
high-diameter blur area with a high amplitude blur (left) and a small-diameter blur area with a low blur amplitude (right). The amblyopic eye channel is not
affected by the blur.
Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 3, March 2023
Wygnanski-Jaffe et al
CureSight Amblyopia Treatment
relation to control participants within a margin of e0.1 logMAR. Safety Outcomes (ITT Population)
These findings were consistent in the per-protocol and ITT pop-
ulations as well (Table S4). Amblyopic eye VA demonstrated a No serious AEs and no unanticipated AEs occurred in the study.
statistically significant improvement in both treatment groups Nonserious AEs were reported in 27% of patients (14/51) in the
from baseline at weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16 (P < 0.001). binocular treatment group and 27% of patients (14/52) in the
patching group. The most commonly reported AEs were related to
pathogens and allergies that are not related to the study (Table 8).
Secondary Effectiveness Outcomes (mITT Two of 51 patients (3.9%) in the binocular treatment group and 5
Population) of 52 patients (9.6%) in the patching group experienced AEs that
possibly were related to the treatment procedure. Most AEs were
At baseline, the median stereoacuity was 2.3 log arcseconds for mild, and all were resolved without sequelae. Other theoretical
both groups. At week 16, the median stereoacuity was 1.78 log risks of a digital dichoptic system, such as diplopia, eye strain,
arcseconds for the binocular treatment group and 2.0 log arc- and seizures, were not reported in the binocular treatment group.
seconds for the patching group (Fig 4). At 16 weeks, the binocular No significant linear trend was found for change in the VA of
treatment was associated with a median improvement in the Randot the fellow eye for the type of treatment, CureSight or patching (P
stereoacuity of 0.40 log arcsecond (range, e0.65 to 1.78 log > 0.05 at all visits, CochraneArmitage trend test). At week 16, 3
arcseconds; P < 0.0001, Wilcoxon 1-sample test; Table S5). The participants in the patching group showed a worsening of fellow
improvement from baseline to week 16 was also significant in eye VA of > 1 line, as opposed to no participants in the binocular
the patching group (P < 0.0001), with a median improvement of treatment group.
0.40 log arcsecond (range, e0.60 to 1.95 log arcseconds) and no
significant difference between the groups in the magnitude of
change (difference, 0 log arcseconds; 95% CI, e0.27 to 0.27 log Discussion
arcsecond; P ¼ 0. 76). As observed from the upper quartile
(quartile 3), at week 16, 75% of the participants showed a
Randot stereoacuity of better than 2.3 log arcseconds in the We report that the novel digital, binocular eye-track-
binocular treatment group and 2.6 log arcseconds in the patching ingebased home treatment device was as effective as
group. patching as a treatment for amblyopia stemming from
In addition, at 16 weeks, mean SD binocular VA had anisometropia, small-angle strabismus, or both in an
improved significantly from baseline by 0.13 0.09 logMAR in evaluator-masked multicenter RCT. The mean amblyopic
the binocular treatment group (P < 0.0001, 1-sample t test); eye distance VA improvement from the binocular treatment
however, the difference between the groups was not statistically was 2.8 lines over 16 weeks. Importantly, the benefit was
significant (difference, 0.041 logMAR; 95% CI, e0.002 to 0.085 seen in both age subgroups (4 to < 7 years and 7 to < 9
logMAR; P ¼ 0.07). A significant improvement also was observed
years), with the advantage of significantly higher adherence
at weeks 4 through 12 (P ¼ 0.0001 at week 4; P < 0.0001 at other
visits). A significant improvement from baseline also was observed rate for the binocular treatment users compared to patching.
at weeks 8 through 16 in the patching group (P < 0.0001), by 0.09 The improvement in the control patching group observed
0.12 logMAR at week 16, whereas the change from baseline at in this study is comparable with what has been reported in
week 4 did not reach statistical significance (P ¼ 0.13). the literature for 2-hour patching in a similar age group.8,9,34
The percentage of patients with a 2-line or more improve-
ment in the binocular treatment group was 79% (34/43 pa-
Additional Effectiveness Outcomes (mITT
tients) versus 61% (30/49 patients) in the patching group.
Population) Although this difference was not statistically significant
Subgroup analysis did not reveal significant differences in the (P ¼ 0.0635, Fisher exact test), the improvement in the
primary end point of improvement in amblyopic eye VA by the binocular treatment group seems to be higher than what was
baseline covariates of the age group (4 to < 7 years, 7 to < 9 observed with patching group. Table S9 (available at
years), the type of amblyopia, previous amblyopia treatment, or the presents the distribution of line
baseline VA levels (< 0.3 logMAR, from 0.3 to 0.5 logMAR, > change from baseline in amblyopic eye VA in each
0.5 logMAR). treatment group for weeks 4 through 16 for the mITT set.
At the 16-week visit, the proportion of participants with 2 lines
Note that the distribution of subjects in our study was
or more improvement from baseline in amblyopic eye VA was
79% (34/43) in the binocular treatment group and 61% (30/49) in even between younger children aged 4 to < 7 years and
the patching group, with no significant difference between the slightly older children aged 7 to < 9 years and between
groups (difference, 17.9%; 95% CI, e0.43% to 36.1%; P ¼ those who had not received previous amblyopia treatment.
0.0635, chi-square test; Fig 5; Table S6, available at Although some studies23,24 have associated a younger age and no prior treatment with a better outcome from
At 16 weeks, the regimen adherence (as determined by the total amblyopia therapy, we did not observe any statistically
treatment time) of the binocular treatment group was significantly significant effect of age and prior amblyopia therapy in
greater than that of the patching group (median adherence, 91%; this study. One of the differences in the baseline
range, 33%e137%) in the binocular treatment group and 83% characteristics in this study compared with other binocular
(range, 22%e130%) in the patching group (difference, 8%; 95%
treatment RCTs24e26 is the interocular difference criterion
CI, e4% to 21%; P ¼ 0.0114). In addition, 88% of parents re-
ported satisfaction with the CureSight therapy and believed that of 2 logMAR lines or more (vs. 3 logMAR lines). The
this treatment therapy had greater ease of use. The mean adherence improvement from baseline in the subset with a 3-line or
in the binocular treatment group also was greater than that of the more interocular difference (about 60% of the study pa-
patching group: 93% versus 78% (Fig S6 and Table S7, available tients) was 3.1 (1.6) lines in the binocular treatment group
at and 2.6 (1.4) lines in the patching group, reflecting the
Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 3, March 2023
Figure 2. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials diagram of the trial. PI ¼ principal investigator; VA ¼ visual acuity.
Wygnanski-Jaffe et al
CureSight Amblyopia Treatment
0.28 Patching 79
0.18 60
0.20 48
0.12 0.15
39 36
n=45 n=46 n=44 n=47 n=44 n=46 n=43 n=49 n=45 n=46 n=44 n=47 n=44 n=46 n=43 n=49
0.00 0
Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16 Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16
Follow-Up Visit Follow-Up Visit
Figure 3. Bar graph showing the change in amblyopic eye distance visual Figure 5. Bar graph showing the proportion of participants with
acuity (AEDVA) from the baseline at each follow-up visit at 4, 8, 12, and improvement of 2 lines or more in amblyopic eye visual acuity at each
16 weeks for participants in the binocular treatment group compared with follow-up visit.
the patching group (modified intention-to-treat population).
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 was alerted, and the pause time was not calculated as
treatment time. Holmes et al23 found that the adherence
1.8 1.8 could be reduced substantially, even in the case of
binocular treatment with iPad (Apple, Inc) games, when
the viewed content was repetitive for children. Because
n=49 n=49 n=45 n=46 n=43 n=47 n=44 n=46 n=43 n=49 our treatment offers children the choice of unlimited
streamed visual content to keep them engaged and
Baseline Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16
treatment is tailored individually, along with continued
Follow-Up Visit support from the monitoring center, the adherence to
Figure 4. Bar graph showing the change in stereoacuity (Randot preschool treatment likely will remain high even outside the rigor of
test) in arcseconds from baseline and at follow-up visits at 4, 8, 12, and 16 a clinical study.
weeks for participants in the binocular treatment group compared with the The subjective satisfaction questionnaire also matched
patching group (modified intention-to-treat population). the objective measure of adherence, with 88% of parents
Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 3, March 2023
reported being either very satisfied or satisfied with the beneficial option in young children whose resistance to
CureSight system as a treatment for amblyopia (Table S11 wearing a patch, resulting from psychological and sensory
available at Most parents answered factors, could adversely affect the treatment.20,22
favorably to questions regarding adherence (including the The safety profile of the reported binocular treatment is
ability to track adherence data on the system), the ease of comparable with the standard of care patching of the non-
use, and satisfaction. Hence, our treatment also may be a amblyopic eye. Headaches associated with the binocular
Wygnanski-Jaffe et al
CureSight Amblyopia Treatment
treatment showed a lower incidence (4%) than in the conservative noninferiority limit should have been
patching (8%). Other notable risks, including diplopia, eye considered, and we intend to use such margins when
strain, and seizures, were not observed. planning future studies.
The current study has several limitations that should be
considered. Most patients had anisometropic amblyopia
(90% of the patients in this study vs. 50%e60% in com- Conclusions
parable RCTs23,26). Although the amblyopia-type subgroup
analysis showed no significant difference in the groups, To the best of our knowledge, this is the only successful
further generalizability confirmation to strabismic and multicenter RCT to demonstrate the effectiveness of a dig-
mixed amblyopia populations should be explored. ital dichoptic amblyopia therapy delivered through passive
Moreover, future studies are needed to evaluate the impact video watching requiring no gaming skills compared with
of dosing on the rapidity of visual improvement and its the gold standard of patching therapy. The evaluated novel
durability and the effect of subgroups on treatment binocular treatment was found to be noninferior to patching
effectiveness compared with other binocular treatments. after a 16-week trial period and was associated with higher
Tropia was limited to no more than 5 prism diopters. regimen adherence rates and parent preferences. Stereopsis
Finally, using a subjective self-logging compliance diary and binocular visual acuity also improved significantly,
by the guardians of the patching group was another limita- despite a twofold shorter overall treatment time than with
tion in our study because evidence is ample for over- patching. Hence, it is reasonable that this approach to
estimating compliance in this type of patching amblyopia treatment represents a safe, engaging, and
monitoring.42,43 personalized alternative to patching. Whether this binocular
In the current study, we used a noninferiority margin of treatment can apply for other forms of amblyopia and to
1 line (0.1 logMAR), which is more than that used in the older children and adults is yet to be investigated.
other noninferiority studies, with more conservative limits
of either 0.05 or 0.075 logMAR. As shown in Table S4, if Acknowledgments
we had performed the statistical comparison using either The authors thank Gregg T. Lueder for serving as the safety officer
of the more conservative noninferiority margins, the for the study and Lisa Deutsch, PhD, and Netanel Deutsch, MA,
study conclusions would have been the same. the study biostatisticians (Biostats Statistical Consulting, Ltd,
Nevertheless, in retrospect, we believe that a more Maccabim, Israel).
Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 3, March 2023
Obtained funding: N/A; No additional funding was received. Keywords:
Overall responsibility: Wygnanski-Jaffe, Kushner, Moshkovitz, Belkin, Amblyopia, Binocular treatment, Dichoptic treatment, Eye tracking,
Yehezkel Stereopsis.
Abbreviations and Acronyms: Correspondence:
AE ¼ adverse event; BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity; Oren Yehezkel, PhD, 1 Hayarden Street, Airport City 7019801, Israel.
CI ¼ confidence interval; ITT ¼ intention-to-treat; logMAR ¼ logarithm E-mail:
of the minimum angle of resolution; LS ¼ least squares; mITT ¼ modified
intention-to-treat; RCT ¼ randomized controlled trial; SD ¼ standard de-
viation; VA ¼ visual acuity.
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Department of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota