Review Papers2
Review Papers2
Review Papers2
Abstract - The process of land registration in any Blockchain-based land registry schemes use the same
country is known to be a multistep process, since it functionalities as sound land registry systems have. At the
entails the engagement of all stakeholders who will same time, blockchain knows that these assets are owned
have a direct or indirect stake in the registration. The by that person and also at what time a particular
currently used land record title storage system raises transaction took place. The intuition behind building this
major issues about data fraud, the security of highly was to make the process of land registration resilient and
sensitive data, and the risk of system failure due to decrease the cases of fraud in the process. Using the
natural disasters, such as the server used for data system, validation of the lands is also possible as
immutable transactions are being stored in the public
storage going down. Compared to the current
approaches and procedures for land title management
and data storage, blockchain is a cutting-edge LITERATURE SURVEY
technology and database that has the ability to [1] This paper highlights issues related to manual land
completely address the problems that plague current registrations processes such as transparency,
systems. The basic and most important aspect of centralization, authenticity, reliability, etc and proposes a
blockchain technology is that it is a decentralised better method to overcome these problems using
network in which all data supplied by a single node Blockchain Technology for the people in Bangladesh.The
are confirmed by all other available nodes, and only introduction of Blockchain to the current land registration
after a consensus is made can then the shared data be system will bring transparency in ownership evaluation
saved to the blockchain.There are various platforms and prevent illegal Transactions.
being used for the creation of reliable, decentralised, [2] This paper proposes a framework for secure data
transparent, immutable, and secure blockchain-based storage of land registration using Blockchain as it is
land registration and management systems. Smart decentralised, transparent and fast compared to the
contracts based on the Ethereum blockchain are traditional software approach. For the validation of the
gaining traction among these systems. Being a public proposed framework, it compares the proposed and
blockchain platform, it allows anyone to participate in existing methods.The aim of this paper is to develop a
the blockchain ecosystem . land registry system using Blockchain with a detailed and
Key Words: Blockchain, Ethereum, Smart user-friendly feature with high reliability and good
Contracts, Ganache, Metamask, Ganache, Truffle. interface. It mainly focuses to cover the rules and
procedures stated by the Indian government regarding
the land registration.
Blockchain was developed from a bitcoin paper [3] This paper discusses the transparent nature of the
published by Nakamoto in 2008. It is a peer-to-peer blockchain and how it will make it possible to trace the
network where all participants (peers) serve as a property’s hands. The immutable,auditable and traceable
node and all the nodes hold the same information . features of blockchain entices government around the
Blockchain is a ledger dispersed publicly above a world to implement decentralised technology within the
network that registers transactions associated with process of land Registration.
other network applicants . Instead of relying on the
single authority such as administrators that can
forge the database, blockchain technology offers a
decentralised environment that offers robustness
and security as well.Untrustworthy administrators
can abuse this power.
The system uses blockchain with the FLOW DIAGRAM
employment of hyperledger. This gives rise to a
system that is more evolved and features all the
activities like buying and selling in an efficient and
reliable way. Blockchain technology made this system
secure and faster
The problem statement for land registration
using blockchain technology is how to design and
implement a system that can overcome the limitations
and challenges of the existing land registration
system, provide secure property rights, ensure
compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks,
and build trust and community acceptance. This
requires addressing technical, legal, and social
challenges and developing a sustainable, scalable, and
interoperable system that can be adopted by different
countries and communities.
It is a complex process that often involves
multiple intermediaries, paper-based documentation,
and high transaction costs. The current land
registration system is vulnerable to fraud, corruption,
and inefficiency, which can lead to disputes over
property ownership, impede economic development,
and deprive vulnerable groups of their property
System Components
Fig: Drawing land on map User Interface (Front End):
• After land adding, only the Land inspector can This is where the interaction between the user and the
verify it. proposed system is going to happen. This servers as an
• After land has been verified by the land inspector, interface between the user and the underlying
user i.e., blockchain.This component has mainly 4 users
owner of that land can make it on sell.
• Once it is on sale, all other users can see all the Seller
lands in the land Gallery option. Here they can
see all land details, area on the map and can send
request to buy the land. Inspector
• Owner of land can see all received requests and Higher official ( Government)
can reject or accept the request.
Fig1: Login
Fig2: User
Working - First user adds his land details which are
verified by the land inspector. To buy or sell land,
user must send a request to land inspector. After the
request has been 26 accepted by land inspector the
users can make the transactions. The transaction is
verified by the land inspector. After the transaction is
verified, the ownership is transferred.
A land registry combined with blockchain
technology has the potential to truly revolutionise
governance. After identifying the necessary
components, we developed a framework based on
fundamental notions that have been employed in both
classical and new record keeping systems. Land
record storage, like today, has a centralised origin. As
a result, this centralised storage can be hacked, forged,
or misappropriated, while in our framework, we used
entirely decentralised blockchain-based solutions.
We have also highlighted privacy as a fair
consideration. Some of the nodes in the framework
are required as part of the decentralised system’s
characteristics. Only those who are permitted to
interact, such as a block generator or a government
official or officer, can interact in this system. In terms
of methodology, we © 2022 IJCRT |
Volume 10, Issue 6 June 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
IJCRTS020025 International Journal of Creative
Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 203
gathered primary data directly from the stakeholders,
including government offices and officers, village
officers, and the general public who use this system.
1. Blockchain based land registry system using
Ethereum Blockchain Journal of Xi'an University of
Architecture & Technology – Rijhwan Khan, Shadab
Ansari, Sneha Jain, Saksham Sachdeva
2. Blockchain-Based Land Registration System: A
Conceptual Framework Hindawi - Applied Iqbal,
Ahmad Alturki, Saddam Hussain,Amerah
Alabrah ,and Syed Sajid Ullah
3. Land Registry Using Blockchain - A Survey of
existing systems and proposing a feasible solution -
IEEE Published in: 2019 5th International
Conference On Computing, Communication, Control
And Automation (ICCUBEA) Disha Shinde; Snehal
Padekar; Siddharth Raut; Abdul Wasay; S. S.