Respiratory System by Dr. Vincent-Jr
Respiratory System by Dr. Vincent-Jr
Respiratory System by Dr. Vincent-Jr
Dr. Igben O. Vincent Jr
A patient who has a cough with abundant mucus production for 18
days should be suspected of having which condition?
(A) Pneumonia
(B) Acute tracheitis
(C) Chronic bronchitis
(E) Small cell carcinoma of the lung
What type of epithelium is found in the trachea?
A. Squamous cells epithelium
B. Ciliated Pseudocolumnar epithelium
C. Transitional epithelium
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
The respiratory tract is lined with what type of muscle?
A. Smooth muscle
B. Cardiac muscle
C. Skeletal muscle
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
• The respiratory system, consist of
the the lungs and a series of
airways that connect the lungs to
the external environment, can be
functionally classified into two
major subdivisions:
These structures
• warm, moisten, and filter the air before it reaches the respiratory
components, where exchange of gases occurs
The nasal cavity
Subdivided by the median nasal septum into right and left nasal
cavities, each leading to the para nasal sinuses, thus providing a large
surface area for filtering, moistening, and warming the inspired air.
These are the nostrils; their outer portions are lined by thin skin.
a. They open into the vestibule, the first portion of the nasal cavity,
where the epithelial lining becomes non keratinized.
b. The vestibule has vibrissae (thick, short hairs), which filter large
particles from the inspired air and a richly vascularized lamina propria
(many venous plexuses) and contain sero-mucous glands.
• 2. Each nasal cavity contains bony shelves that originate from the
lateral nasal wall and project into the nasal cavity. These are the
superior, middle, and inferior conchae (turbinate bones).
• Divides it into separate regions
• Creates airflow turbulence
• Increases the surface area for warming, filtering, and moistening the
inspired air respiratory epithelium due to the presence of respiratory
Clinical case
Abuse of cocaine by inhalation has long been known to result in the
perforation of the nasal septum.
precise function of the paranasal sinuses is not known.
Other components: lamina propria that contains many veins and unmyelinated nerves
and houses Bowman glands.
Olfactory cells are bipolar nerve cells characterized by a bulbous apical projection (
olfactory vesicle) from which several modified cilia, known as olfactory cilia ( olfactory
hairs), extend.
Olfactory cilia are very long, non motile cilia that extend over the surface of the olfactory epithelium and act
as receptors for odor.
NB. Contain microtubules
b. Supporting ( sustentacular) cells possess nuclei that are more apically located than those of the other two
cell types. They have many microvilli and a prominent terminal web of filaments.
c. Basal cells form an incomplete layer of cells that rest on the basal lamina but do not extend to the surface.
They are believed to be regenerative for all three cell types.
d. Bowman glands (serous glands) lie deep to the epithelium and produce a thin, watery secretion that is
released onto the olfactory epithelial surface via narrow ducts.
1. The lamina propria of the nasopharynx, located beneath the respiratory epithelium, contains mucous and
serous glands as well as an abundance of lymphoid tissue known as Waldeyer's ring, including the
pharyngeal tonsil.
CCR: Adenoid.
C. The larynx connects the pharynx with the trachea. It functions to produce sounds and close the air passage
during swallowing.
1. hyaline cartilages (thyroid, cricoid, and lower part of arytenoids) and elastic cartilages (epiglottis,
corniculate, and tips of arytenoids) skeletal muscle, connective tissue, and glands.
2. The vocal cords consist of skeletal muscle (the vocalis muscle), the vocal ligament (formed by a band of
elastic fibers), and a covering of stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium.
b. Inferior to the vocal cords, the
lining epithelium changes to
respiratory epithelium, which lines
air passages down through the
trachea and intrapulmonary
1. Primary bronchioles have a diameter of 1 mm or less and are lined by epithelium that
varies from ciliated columnar with goblet cells in the larger airways to ciliated cuboidal
with club cells (formerly known as Clara cells) in the smaller passages.
a. They divide to form several terminal bronchioles after entering the pulmonary lobules.
2. Terminal bronchioles, the most distal part of the conducting portion of the respiratory
system, are lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium that contains mostly club cells, some
ciliated cells, and no goblet cells and have a diameter of less than 0.5 mm.
a. Club cells divide, and some of them differentiate to form ciliated and non ciliated cells.
(1) They secrete a surfactant-like material that reduces alveolar surface tension
preventing the collapse of alveoli. They also produce club cell secretory protein whose
function is assumed to be the protection of the respiratory epithelium.
(2) They metabolize airborne toxins, a process that is carried out by cytochrome P450
enzymes in their abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
• This portion of the respiratory system includes the respiratory
bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli, all in the lung.
The exchange of gases takes place in this portion of the respiratory
Components of the respiratory portion of the respiratory system, including a respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, and
alveolar sac, are illustrated, as well as the exchange of oxygen (021 and carbon dioxide (CO21 across the blood-gas barrier.
(From Gartner LP. Color Atlas of Histology. 7th ed. Baltimore, MO: Wolters Kluwer; 2018:331 .I)
• Respiratory bronchioles mark the transition from the conducting to the
respiratory portion of the respiratory system.
• Characteristic
• Lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium that contains mostly club cells and
some ciliated cells, except where their walls are interrupted by alveoli,
have thin walls which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuison
Large surface area (About 500 million alveoli exist in the lung)
A low-magnification electron micrograph showing part of a terminal or respiratory bronchiole lined by a simple cuboidal
epithelium composed of two cell types: club cells (CLI and ciliated cells (Cl. In the wall of the bronchiole, smooth muscle cells
(Ml and elastic tissue (El are present. A venule (VI containing a white blood cell, several capillaries (arrowheadsl cleared of
blood cells, and alveoli (Al lined by the markedly thin cytoplasm of type I pneumocytes (Pl I are also present ( x 1,5001.
A light micrograph of an alveolar duct (AD) leading from a respiratory bronchiole into an alveolar sac (AS). The
alveolar duct consists of adjacent alveoli, separated from one another only by an inter-alveolar septum. At the rims of
the adjacent alveoli are a few smooth muscle cells (arrow) that appear as knobs in histologic sections. Notice that the
rims of alveoli (A) in the alveolar sac do not contain smooth muscle
Alveolar cells
b. Type II pneumocytes (type II alveolar cells, great alveolar cells, granular pneumocytes,
and septal cells) are cuboidal and are most often found near septal intersections.
1. Free surface that contains short microvilli
2. form tight junctions with adjacent cells.
• (1) These cells not only divide and regenerate both types of alveolar
pneumocytes but also synthesize pulmonary surfactant, which is
stored in cytoplasmic lamellar bodies.
(2) Thicker regions of the barrier measure as much as 0.5 μm across and have an
interstitial area interposed between the two unjused basal laminae.
Function. The blood-gas barrier permits the diffusion of gases between the
alveolar airspace and the blood.
Clinical correlate
• Carbon monoxide poisoning
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