The Anodization of Aluminum For Nanotechnology App
The Anodization of Aluminum For Nanotechnology App
The Anodization of Aluminum For Nanotechnology App
Article in JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society · June 2010
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-010-0088-5
44 2,419
1 author:
Woo Lee
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
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All content following this page was uploaded by Woo Lee on 15 September 2017.
In light of the ever-increasing demand oxide can be imparted to the aluminum to anodic oxidation. The anodic pro-
for the development of an effective, or its alloys by subjecting the metal cess also provides a suitable surface
inexpensive and technologically simple or base for subsequent electroplating,
method, a naturally occurring self-orga- How would you… painting and decorative coloration by
nization of oxide nanopores during the incorporation of pigments followed by
…describe the overall significance
anodization of aluminum has recently of this paper? sealing of the anodized materials.
attracted a vast amount of research at- This article conveys some of the This electrochemical process has
tention in the field of nanotechnology. latest advances in anodization of recently drawn a renewed attention in
This article gives a brief overview on aluminum, which has long been an academic research, especially in the
some of the recent advances in the indispensible process in the surface field of nanotechnology. An idealized
finishing industry, but now becomes
anodization of aluminum, focusing one of the most important processes structure of nanoporous anodic alum-
on the fabrication of highly ordered in nanotechnology for developing inum oxide (AAO) is schematically
nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide. advanced nanodevices. shown in Figure 1c. Anodic aluminum
Conventional anodization, newly …describe this work to a oxide formed by porous-type anodization
developed hard anodization, pulse materials science and engineering under a controlled electrochemical
anodization process, and generic ap- professional with no experience in condition is characterized by a large
your technical specialty?
proaches for the fabrication of three- number of non-interconnecting paral-
This article is an introduction to
dimensional pore structures with pe- anodization of aluminum, which
lel pores extending through the film to
riodically modulated diameters are is a subject of electrochemistry. the oxide/metal interfaces, where each
discussed. Anodization of aluminum under a cylindrical nanopore is closed by a thin
controlled electrochemical condition barrier oxide layer with hemispherical
INTRODUCTION yields ordered porous alumina with
a close-packed hexagonal array geometry. Each pore and the region
Anodization is an electrochemical of cylindrical nanochannels. The surrounding it comprise a hexagonal
oxidation process employed to increase diameter, density, and aspect ratio cell. These cells are self-organized in
the thickness of the native oxide layer of pores can be tightly controlled by the form of a hexagonally close-packed
varying the anodization condition,
on the surface of metals (e.g., Al, Ti, Hf, which makes the porous anodic structure, like a honeycomb.6 Based on
W, Nb, Sn, Zr, etc.) or semiconductors alumina an important platform the recent development, self-ordered
(e.g., Si, InP, GaAs, etc.) (Figure 1a).1–3 in nanotechnology for developing nanoporous AAOs with a uniform pore
various functional nanostructures. diameter in the range of 20–400 nm
Among anodizable materials, aluminum
has been of particular interest due to its …describe this work to a and with a pore density in the range of
many profitable engineering properties. layperson? 108–1010 pores/cm2 can conveniently be
In general, anodization of aluminum Anodization of aluminum, prepared by anodization of aluminum.
an electrochemical oxidation
can result in two different types of of aluminum, can produce a
The depth of straight nanopores can
anodic oxide depending on the nature honeycomb-like nanoporous oxide easily be controlled in the range of a
of an electrolyte used; a compact and film. The process was developed few tens of nanometers to more than
non-porous barrier-type oxide from for the protection of seaplane parts several hundred micrometers by varying
from corrosive seawater in 1923.
neutral electrolytes and a porous-type The products of the process can be the anodization time. Due to the unique
oxide from acidic electrolytes (Figure found everywhere around us, for structural feature of nanoporous AAO
1b).3 Over the last several decades, example in cookware, architectural and also to the tailoring capability of its
the process, particularly porous-type items, vehicles, and machine parts. structural parameters, the anodization
Now nanotechnology scientists
anodization, has raised substantial are paying attention to this nearly process has attracted scientific attention
technological interest in the industry.4,5 century-old process for developing in the use of the resulting AAO not only
Many desirable properties such as various functional nanostructures. as template for fabricating structurally
This article gives a brief overview on well-defined nanostructures (e.g.,
higher thickness, hardness, good
the recent progress in the anodization
corrosion resistance, higher abrasive of aluminum. arrays of nanodots, nanotubes, and
and wear resistance over the native nanowires) in a large quantity,7–12 but
Film Al Pore
ζMA = 2.5 nmV−1
400 H2C2O4
Dint (nm)
ζHA = 1.8−2.0 nmV−1
0 50 100 150 200
Anodization Potential (V)
Figure 2. (a) A schematic procedure of a conventional two-step mild anodization (MA) for self-ordered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO).
(b–d) Representative SEM micrographs of self-ordered AAOs produced by MA using (b) 0.3 M H2SO4 at 25 V, (c) 0.3 M H2C2O4 at 40
V, and (d) 1 wt.% H3PO4 at 195 V. (e) A color-coded SEM image of AAO formed by two-step MA using 0.3M H2SO4 at 25 V, showing a
poly-domain structure (Reprinted with permission from Reference 44 © 2008 American Chemical Society). An area with the same color
consists of a domain. Pores that have no apparent hexagonal coordination (i.e., defect pores) are marked white. (f) Summary of self-
ordering potentials and the corresponding interpore distance (Dint) in mild anodization (MA) and hard anodization (HA).
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