BIOLOGY For Pre Science

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Tibia is a bone found in the ____________?

A. Three Kingdoms
A. Skull B. Five Kingdoms
B. Arm C. Two Kingdoms

C. Leg D. Six Kingdoms
D. Face
Kingdom Protoctista includes____________?
Which is the largest gland in the

human body? A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotes
A. Thyroid E. protists

B. Liver D. Piantae
C. Pancreas
D. None of these Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
Water has maximum density
A. 0°C
B. 4°C
N A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms
B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular
eukaryotic organisms
C. Non-chlorophylls, multi
cellular,thailophytic organisms
C. 4° K D. both B and C
D. 4.8°C
Earthworm is included in_____________?
The scientific study of livings is called?
A. Kingdom Plantae
A. Anatomy B. Kingdom Protoctista
B. Biology C. Kingdom Monera

C. Geology D. Kingdom Animalia


D. Zoology
The word “BIOLOGY” has been The Study of organisms inhabiting the
derived from_________ word? sea and Ocean and the physical and

chemical characteristics of their

A. Latin environment is:
B. English
C. Greek A. Social Biology
D. French B. Marine Biology
C. Environmental Biology
According to modern system of D. Fresh Water Biology
taxonomy, living organisms have been
classified into? The branch of Biology which deals
with the use of data and techniques A. Unicellular structures
of engineering & technology B. Multi-cellular structures
concerning living organisms is: C. Sub-cellular structures
D. Non-cellular structures
A. Human Biology
B. Environmental Biology Functional unit of DNA Is____________?
C. Genetics
D. Bio-technology A. Nucleus
B. Genes
The branch in which organism’s life C. Chromosomes
cycle, mode of transmission and D. Nucleolus

interaction with their hosts are
studied is: Various tissue types combine to make
A. Anatomy

B. Physiology A. Cells
C. Parasitology B. Organs

D. Social Biology C. Organ System
D. Organelles
The molecules of living matter that
provide building blocks are mostly
based on:
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
N Two or more populations of different
species living and interacting in the
same area form
A. Biosphere
B. Community
D. Ammonia C. Population System
D. Ecosystem
Human blood is an example of__________? E. Species
A. Organelle A group of similar cells that perform a
B. Tissues specific function is:
C. Organic compound
D. Inorganic compounds A. Organ

B. Tissues

With different chemical arrangements C. Organelle

and formation Of complex molecules, D. Organ System
the life emerges on the level of the ?

Which of the following is an example

A. Cells of “molecule”?
B. Tissues
C. Organs A. Chloroplast
D. Organ System B. A Nerve Cell
Organelles are_______________? D. Hydrogen
A group of very similar inter breeding New data —> Conclusion
organisms constitutes?
Malaria is associated with___________?
A. Biosphere
B. Ecosystem A. Culex Mosquito
C. Population B. Culiesta Mosquito
D. Species C. Anopheles Mosquito
D. Culex & Anopheles Mosquito
Members of one species inhabiting the
same are form__________? Biologist ‘Grass’ discovered the life
cycle of plasmodium in_______?

A. Species
B. Community A. 1896
C. Ecosystem B. 1897
D. Population C. 1898

D. 1899
On the basis of collected facts and

figures, a scientist formulates a The first antibiotic to be discovered
factitive statement called: was_____________?
A. Observation
B. Research work
C. Hypothesis
D. Inductive Reasoning
Robert Hooke discovered_____________?
N A. Penicillin
B. Cephalosporin
C. Amino glycosides
D. Erythromycin
Immunization by vaccination was first
introduced by?
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria A. Fleming in 1945
C. Cell B. Florey & Chain in 1975
D. DNA C. Flore & Chain in 1795
D. Edward Jenner in 1795
Steps Involved in scientific method are
? The Science of growing terrestrial

plants in an aerated solution is_________?


A. Hypothesis –>Accumulated data –>

observation & experimentation –> A. Hydrodynamics
conclusion B. Hydroponics

B. New data —> Conclusion —> C. Hydrotonics

Accumulated data —> Observation & D. None of them
C. Accumulated data – New data – An educated guess is called:
Observation & experimentation –
Hypothesis –> Conclusion A. Accumulated Data
D. Accumulated data —> Hypothesis B. Observation
–> Observation & experimentation —> C. Hypothesis
D. Conclusion The average internal temperature of
human body is __________?
Dolly, the sheep was a highly
successful clone from a somatic cell, A. 35 oC
reported back in________? B. 36 oC
C. 37 oC
A. 1993 D. 38 oC
B. 1994
C. 1995 The study of fossils is called?
D. 1996
A. Environmental Biology

Crop rotation helps in______________? B. Historical biology
C. Palaeontology
A. Growth of pathogens D. Social biology
B. Soil Infertility

C. Slowing of crops growth About __________ of the body weight of a
D. Eradication of disease mammal is water ?

People living in high altitudes (like A. 60%
mountains) usually have a _________? B. 65%
A. smaller number of Red Blood Cells
B. larger number of Red Blood Cells
C. smaller number of White Blood Cells
D. larger number of White Blood Cells
NC. 70%
D. 75%
The experiments on DNA molecules in
chromosomes for knowing the basis of
inherited diseases are conducted by ?
Which character differentiates living
things from non-living organisms? A. Molecular biologists
B. Microbiologists
A. They live in the same ecosystem. C. Freshwater biologists
B. They are highly organized and D. Social biologist
complex made of one or more cells
and contain genetic material On wound __________ fight foreign
C. They are acted upon by the same particles, like bacteria?


D. Both a and b A. White Blood cells

B. Red Blood Cells
Which Vitamin is needed for the C. Platelets

formation of a light-sensitive pigment D. Plasma

in the retina.
Sythetic insulin from pork was formed
A. Vitamin A by which technique?
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D A. Biotechnology
D. B complex B. Social biological techniques
C. Parasitology
D. Both a and c Oxygen accounts for ____ % of totals
human body mass?
Blood is carried towards the heart by
__________? A. 65%
B. 18%
A. Arteries C. 10%
B. Capillaries D. 3%
C. Veins
D. none of these The atoms of different elements
combine with each other through
The branch of biology which deals ionic or covalent bonding to produce

with the study of social behavior and compounds this stable form is called:
communal life of human beings living
in any environment is called ? A. An organ
B. A molecule

A. Environmental biology C. Tissue
B. Social biology D. Both a and c

C. Human biology
D. Both b and c Which one of them is a micro-
__________ is essential for the formation
of hemoglobin.
A. Calcium
B. Iron
N A. Polysaccharide
B. Protein
C. Hemoglobin
C. Water A structure formed by groups of
D. Carbohydrates similar cells organized into loose
sheets or bundles performing similar
Out of 92 naturally occurring chemical functions is called as:
elements how many are considered as
bio-elements? A. An organ
B. An organism
A. 6 C. A Tissue

B. 16 D. A Cell

C. 26
D. 15 Haemodialysis means cleaning

___________ are needed as a source of

energy for the vital activities of the A. Urine
body? B. Blood
C. Glomerular filterate
A. Calcium D. Coelomic fluid
B. Iron
C. Water In animals coordination is achieved by
D. Carbohydrates means of?
A. Nervous system D. none of these
B. Endocrine system
C. Respiratory system A large regional community primarily
D. Both A and B determined by climate is called ?
Production of sweat and sebum is A. Population
related with ? B. Community
C. Biome
A. Skin D. Habitat
B. Liver
C. Lungs Most cell membranes are composed

D. GIT principally of ?
Group of living organisms of the same A. DNA ad protein
species living in the same place at the B. Protein and Lipids

same time is called ? C. Protein and Chitin
D. Protein and RNA

A. Community
B. Population The concept that various organisms
C. Ecosystem dominated this planet during various
D. Biome
The evaporative cooling in the
respiratory tract of dogs is called?
A. Vasodilation
Ngeological time period and thus
placing organisms in a time squence
came from the studies by ?
A. Environmental biologist
B. Paleontologist
B. Vasoconstriction C. Marine biologist
C. Panting D. Social biologist
D. All of these
Normally, in the process of osmosis,
Different species of plants and the net flow of water molecules into or
animals living in the same habitat is out of the cell depends upon
called? differences in the ?

A. Population A. Concentration of water molecules


B. Community inside and outside the cell

C. Biome B. Concentration of enzymes on either
D. Habitat side of the cell membrane

C. Rate of molecular motion on either

Which of the following pathogen type side of the cell membrane
cause disease that can be treated D. None of these
with antibiotics ?
It is possible to date the rocks by
A. bacteria comparing the amount of specific
B. fungi radioactive isotopes they contain.
C. virus Which of the statement is correct in
this respect? A. Experimental inquiry
B. Esthetic preference
A. Older sediment layers have equal C. Philosophical ideas
amount of these radioactive isotopes D. Imaginations
as that of the young ones
B. Older sediment layers have less Which is an organic compound found
amount of these radioactive isotopes in most cells ?
as that of the young ones.
C. Older sediment layers have greater A. Water
amount of these radioactive isotopes B. Glucose
as that of the young ones. C. Oxygen

D. Older sediment layers did not have D. Sodium chloride
these radioactive isotopes
A series of hypothesis supported by
Sodium ions are “pumped” from a the results of many tests is called ?

region of lower concentration to a
region of higher concentration in the A. Scientific law

nerve cells of humans. This process is B. Theory
an example of C. Data
D. Deduction
A. Diffusion
B. Passive transport
C. Osmosis
D. Active transport
An unbroken series of species
NWhich are the four most abundant
elements in living cells ?
A. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur
B. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
arranged in ancestors to descendent C. carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus
sequence with each later species D. carbon, sulfur, hydrogen,
having evolved from one that magnesium
immediately preceded it is called?
Which one is not correct for a
A. Biome productive theory?
B. Phyletic lineage
C. Community A. It is predictive

D. Population B. It has explanatory power


C. It discourages suggestion of
Proteins are made from amino acids different hypotheses
by the process of ______________? D. None of these

A. Hydrolysis Conclusion of Mendels work latter

B. Pinocytosis became a_____________?
C. Dehydration synthesis
D. Active transport A. Scientific hypothesis
B. Theory
Biological sciences have a set C. Scientific law
methodology and it is based on ? D. Productive theory
Starch is converted into maltose by? pasteurization?
A. diastase A. It is used to preserve yogurt and
B. invertase milk
C. maltase B. It was developed by Louis Pasteur.
D. amylase C. It involves heating the substance at
high temperature for just few sec.
Breeders have developed new and D. It can be used to preserve
better varieties of food items by using vegetables and meat.
which technique?
Protein factory is___________?

A. Pasteurization
B. Hydroponic culture technique A. nucleus
C. Genetic engineering B. ribosome
D. Biological control techniques C. golgi complex

D. centriole
Co-enzyme is often formed from ?

What is the mode of transmission of
A. lipid Hepatitis virus?
B. protein
C. inorganic ion
D. vitamin
Messenger RNA is formed in_________?
A. nucleus
NA. Aerosol
B. Parentral (via blood)
C. Skin penetration
D. Unknown
Smallest disease causing agents in
B. chloroplast plants are ?
C. mitochondria
D. none of these A. virion
B. mycoplasma
Astronauts may use which technique C. viroids
to grow fruits and vegetables? D. prions
A. Tissue culture techniques Which disease can be controlled by

B. Cloning vaccination?

C. Pasterisation
D. Hydroponic culture technique A. Measles
B. Cancer

Number of chromosomes in E.coli? C. Diabetes

D. Heart attack
A. 1
B. 2 The major cell infected by the HIV is
C. 4 lymphocyte ?
D. 6
A. helper-T
Which statement is incorrect for B. B
C. both T and B Fungi resemble plants because they
D. none of these lack___________?
Vaccine was first developed A. Cell wall
by_______________? B. Cytoplasm
C. Centriole
A. Louis Pasture D. Nucleus
B. Edward Jenner
C. Jaber Ibn Hayan Which treatment is instituted in a
D. Aristotle cancerous patient?

Pigment present in red algae A. Antibiotic therapy
is_____________? B. Radiotherapy
C. Gene therapy
A. fucoxanthin D. None of these

B. phycocyanin
C. phycoerythrin Which is a parasitic plant?

D. bilirubin
A. cuscuta
Which disease has been totally B. rose
eradicated from the world because of
effective vaccination?
A. Measles
B. Polio
C. Small pox
N C. ferns
D. mosses
Which statement is incorrect for
D. Hepatitis A. The nucleus of a fertilized egg is
replaced by the nucleus from the cell
Nutrition in fungi is___________? of a fully developed individual
B. Division of a single egg into one or
A. Photosynthetic more separate embryos.
B. Chemosynthetic C. The individual is the mirror image of
C. Completely parasitic the parent organism
D. Absorptive heterotrophs D. It involve methods of sexual


Which of the following statement is

incorrect about antibiotics? True roots absent in_____________?

A. They are used against A. ferns

microorganisms B. bryophytes
B. They are always effective against C. gymnosperms
bacteria D. angiosperms
C. They are used in diseases like
tuberculosis and pneumonia Removal or degradation of
D. They are derived from bacteria only environmental pollutants or toxic
materials by living organisms is
called__________? Biological organization is_____________?
A. Integrated disease management
B. Hydroponic culture technique A. simple
C. Pasteurization B. advance
D. Bioremediation C. complex
D. highly complex
The mechanism for ATP synthesis
is_____________? Operculum is present in_____________?
A. Chemosynthesis A. bony fish

B. Photosynthesis B. sea fish
C. Phosphorylation C. cartilaginous fish
D. Chemiosmosis D. none of these

Which of the following is not a viral The arrangement of ________ speaks of
disease? the division of labour within cell?

A. Cowpox A. Molecule
B. Mumps B. Subatomic particles
C. Tetanus
D. Small pox
Enzyme present in the saliva
C. Atoms
D. Organelles
In which animal respiratory surface
are found in more than one organ?
A. lipase A. birds
B. trypsin B. human
C. ptyalin C. fish
D. invertase D. frog
In human body 99% of total mass is Communities are ________ collection of
formed of_____________? organisms?

A. 16 Bio-elements A. Static

B. 12 Bio-elements B. Dynamic
C. 10 Bio-elements C. May be static or dynamic
D. 6 Bio-elements D. None of these

Nitrogen is present in___________? The heart is enclosed in a membrane

A. carbohydrates
B. proteins A. pleura
C. lipids B. pericardium
D. carbonates C. peritoneum
D. epithelium
The number of species of organisms D. Japan
currently known to science is?
Which of the following is the basic unit
A. 3500000 of classification___________?
B. 35000
C. 2500000 A. Species
D. 25000000 B. Genus
C. Family
From right ventricle blood is pushed D. Order
Euglena belongs to the

A. pulmonary trunk kingdom___________?
B. brain 0
C. aorta
D. body A. Fungi

B. Monera
What is the branch of biology in which C. Protista

structure and function of tissues are D. Non of them
Viruses are considered living
A. Cell Biology
B. Taxonomy
C. Histology
D. Morphology
Biometry is the application of_______ in
N organisms because__________?
A. They can be crystallized
B. They occur in plants and animals
C. They are microscopic
D. They contain DNA and can be
biology. reproduced
A. Algebra All of the following are elements that
B. Statistics plants need in very small amounts
C. Matrix except___________?
D. Geometry
A. Iron
Study of insects is called_________? B. Hydrogen

C. Chlorine

A. Immunology D. Copper
B. Parasitology
C. Entomology Capillaries are the example of_________?

D. Paleontology
A. Organ System
The term biology was introduced B. Cell
in__________ in 1800? C. Organ
D. Tissue
A. Germany
B. Turkey Who discovered the living cell first
C. Italy time?
A. Robert brown A. Cytoplasm
B. Robert hooke B. Cell membrane
C. Rudolf virchow C. Chloroplasts
D. Antoni van leeuwenhoek D. Vacuole
Amoeba can move with the help of? _____________ is a scientific word for
human beings?
A. Flagella
B. Pseudopodia A. Animals
C. Water B. Homo sepions
D. Cilia C. Omnivore

D. Consumer
Who is Called the Father of
Demography? Lactometer is used for__________?

A. ALAN Turing A. Ship
B. John Dalton B. Milk

C. Charles Babbage C. Honey
The one which is present in all living
A. Cell nucleus
C. Cell membrane
enzyme is_____________? catalyst
c. Gland
D.None of these
D. Vacuole
Exact replica of chromosome refers to
The study of nature is called__________? ___________?
A. Science A. Chromatid
B. Atom B. Centromere
C. Molecule C. Kinetochore
D. Element D. Arms

Animals that eat plants are Density gradient centrifugation

called___________________? separates the materials on the basis

A. Herbivores
B. Consumer A. Size alone
C. Carnivores B. Density alone
D. Omnivores C. Both a & b
D. Velocity of movement
_____________________ contains the green
chemical called chlorophyll. Ribosomes are tiny Granules first
studied in 1955 by__________?
A. De-Duve A. Centromere
B. Schwann B. Centrosome
C. August Weismann C. Chromatid
D. Palade D. Centromere
Virus consist of Parts:__________? The main types of plastids are___________?
A. 1 A. Chloroplasts
B. 2 B. Chromoplasts
C. 3 C. Leucoplasts
D. 4 D. All of these

I can break down fatty acid to Fibers of the extracellular matrix is the
succinate__________? characteristics of_______________?

A. Peroxisome A. Plant cell wall
B. Glyoxisome B. Bacterial cell wall

C. Lysosome C. Cell membrane of bacteria
D. Golgi bodies D. Fluid mosaic model of cell
Mitosis is divided into_____________?
A. Karyokinesis
B. Cytokinesis
C. Interphase
D. Both a & b
The process involved in inflammation
of liver___________?
A. apoptosis
B. Necrosis
Ribosomes and DNA are also present
in_________? C. Both a & b
A. mitochondria D. Non disjunction
B. golgi complex
C. endoplasmic reticulum Polysome is formed during __________
D. lysosomes process?

Taking in liquid material into the cells A. Transcription

is known as_________? B. Secretion
C. Translation

A. Phagocytosis D. Division
B. Pinocytosis
C. Exocytosis In 1831, the presence of nucleus in the
D. Both a and b cells was reported by__________?
Under a compound microscope A. Robert Koch
chromosome is made of arms B. Robert Hooke
and___________? C. Robert Mug Abe
D. Robert Brown C. Peptide chain reaction
D. Pentapeptide chain reaction
7 Secretions are products formed
within cell on__________? The innate tendency of offspring to
resemble their parents is called________?
A. E.R
B. Golgi bodies A. heredity
C. Ribosome B. heridisk
D. Nucleus C. variation
D. none
On average there are _______ or more

thylakoid per granum? Ribosomes were discovered by_______?
A. 60 A. Golgi
B. 50 B. De Duve

C. 40 C. Palade
D. 70 D. R. Brown

Un-separated replica of chromosome Which character differentiates living
is called___________? things from non-living
A. Chromatin
B. Kinetochore
C. Chromatid
D. Centromere
A. They live in the same ecosystem.
B. They are acted upon by the same
C. They are highly organized and
A-biogenesis means that_____________? complex made of one or more cells
and contain genetic material
A. Living things originated from D. Both a and b
B. Mycobionts The study of fossils is called__________?
C. Non-living things
D. None of these A. Environmental Biology
B. Historical biology

The tumours which are of small size C. Palaeontology


and localized are___________? D. Social biology

A. benign A chemical substance that reacts with

B. malignant enzyme but is not transformed into

C. gentle product and thus blocking active site
D. nasty is called__________?
PCR stand for _________? A. Substrate
B. Co-factor
A. Polymerase chain reaction C. Inhibitor
B. Poly carbomyl reaction D. Promotor
The experiments on DNA molecules in ___________ is the potential surce of
chromosomes for knowing the basis of chemical energy for cellular activities?
inherited diseases are conducted
by________? A. C-H bond
B. C-O bond
A. Molecular biologists C. C-N bond
B. Microbiologists D. P-O-C bond
C. Freshwater biologists
D. Social biologist The branch of biology which deals
with the study of social behavior and
Percentage of water in brain cells communal life of human beings living

is_______? in any environment is called________?
A. 20% A. Environmental biology
B. 65% B. Social biology

C. 85% C. Human biology
D. 89% D. Both b and c

The atoms of different elements The concept that various organisms
combine with each other through dominated this planet during various
ionic or covalent bonding to produce
compounds this stable form is
A. An organ
B. A molecule
N geological time period and thus
placing organisms in a time sequence
came from the studies by________?
A. Environmental biologist
B. Paleontologist
C. Tissue C. Marine biologist
D. Both a and c D. Social biologist
Different species of plants and Group of living organisms of the same
animals living in the same habitat is species living in the same place at the
called ___________? same time is called________?
A. Population A. Community

B. Community B. Population

C. Biome C. Ecosystem
D. Habitat D. Biome

In animals coordination is achieved by Control of organisms by using living

means of_________? organisms is called_______?
A. Respiratory system A. Bioremediation
B. Nervous system B. Integrated disease management
C. Endocrine system C. Antisepsis
D. Both b and c D. Biological control
Which one is a micro molecule__________? functions is called as________?
A. Polysaccharide A. An organ
B. Protein B. An organism
C. Hemoglobin C. A Tissue
D. ATP D. A Cell
Unbroken series of organisms Oxygen accounts for __________ percent
arranged from ancestor to of totals human body mass?
descendant sequence is____________?
A. 65%

A. Biodiversity B. 18%
B. Phyletic lineage C. 10%
C. Connecting link D. 3%
D. Evolutionary line

Out of total organisms on earth,
Out of 92 naturally occurring chemical _____________are vascular plants?

elements how many are considered as
bio-elements__________? A. 53.10%
B. 19.90%
A. 6
B. 16
C. 26
D. 15
A large regional community primarily
N AC. 17.60%
D. 9.40%
Breakdown of large molecules into
smaller ones utilizing water molecules
determined by climate is called__________?
A. Hydration
A. Population B. Hydrolysis
B. Community C. Dehydration synthesis
C. Biome D. Electrolysis
D. Habitat
Intake of liquid material by cell
Branch of biology which deals with membrane is called___________?

the study of chemical components


and chemical processes in living A. Endocytosis

organisms is called________________? B. Exocytosis
C. Phagocytosis

A. Molecular biology D. Pinocytosis

B. Physiology
C. Biochemistry Which one is not correct for a
D. Atomic biology productive theory________?
A structure formed by groups of A. It is predictive
similar cells organized into loose B. It has explanatory power
sheetsor bundles performing similar C. It discourages suggestion of
different hypotheses comparing the amount of specific
D. None of these radioactive isotopes they contain.
Which of the statement is correct in
___________ is concerned with cell this respect:
A. Older sediment layers have equal
A. Endoplasmic reticulum amount of these radioactive isotopes
B. Golgi complex as that of the young ones
C. Lysosomes B. Older sediment layers have less
D. Cell membrane amount of these radioactive isotopes
as that of the young ones.

Sythetic insulin from pork was formed C. Older sediment layers have greater
by which technique__________? amount of these radioactive isotopes
as that of the young ones.
A. Parasitology D. Older sediment layers did not have

B. Social biological techniques these radioactive isotopes
C. Biotechnology

D. Both a and c Reverse transcriptase is present
Cytoskeleton involved in assembly
and disassembly of the spindle during
mitosis is of_________?
A. Microtubules
B. Microfilaments
C. Intermediate filaments
NA. All RNA viruses
B. All DNA viruses
C. All retroviruses
D. All viruses
Destruction of all life forms is
D. None of these called___________?
___________ is used to relieve one kind of
headache, migraine? A. Sterilization
B. Disinfection
A. Pencillin C. Antisepsis
B. Lovastatin D. Preservation
C. Cyclosporine

D. Ergotin Pox viruses are_________?


Bacteria which grow either in the A. RNA non-enveloped

presence or absence of B. RNA enveloped

oxygen___________? C. DNA non-enveloped

D. DNA enveloped
A. Aerobic bacteria
B. Anaerobic bacteria Pollen grains in pinus have __________ for
C. Facultative bacteria dispersal through wind?
D. Microaerophilic
A. Flagella
It is possible to date the rocks by B. Cilia
C. Wings The arrangement of _________ speaks of
D. Feathers the division of labour within cell?
The single healthy megaspore A. Molecule
retained within the megasporangium B. Subatomic particles
germinates to form an egg containing C. Atoms
female gaemtophyte called______________? D. Organelles
A. Ovule NADH is oxidized by___________?
B. Seed 0
C. Fruit

D. Embryo sac A. Coenzyme?
B. Cytochrome b
Alternation of generations is absent C. Oxygen
in___________? D. Glycolysis

A. Hydration Salivary glands present in front of ear

B. Obelia are___________?
C. Jelly fish
D. Physalia A. Sublingual
Double fertilization is feature
A. Ferns
B. Whisk ferns
N B. Submaxillary
C. Submandibular
D. Parotid
How many spiracles are present in
C. Gymnosperms
D. Angiosperms A. 5
B. 10
If bile pigments are prevented from C. 20
leaving digestive tract, then they D. 40
Which of the following is the correct
A. Hepatitis sequence in the biological method?

B. Jaundice

C. Gall stones A. Observation? Hypothesis? Law?

D. Blockage Theory
B. Observation? Hypothesis?

Initial pH of food vacuole during Deduction? Testing of deduction

digestion in amoeba is____________? C. Hypothesis? Observation?
Deduction? Testing of deduction
A. 5.3 D. law? Theory? Observation
B. 5.6
C. 7.3 Amphibians are considered to be
D. 7.6 evolved from___________?
A. Newts
B. Varanope
C. Dipnoi
D. Hagfishes
Enterobius vermicularis is commonly
known as____________?
A. Flatworm
B. Pinworm
C. Hook worm

D. Tapeworm
Red to orange pigments are_____________?

A. Carotenes
B. Carotenoids

C. Xanthophylls
D. Chlorophyll
Animals of which class of arthropoda
are present everywhere_____________?
A. Crustacean
B. Insecta
C. Arachnida
D. Myriapoda
Gaseous exchange in birds occurs at
level of_______________?
A. Alveoli
B. Air sacs
C. Bronchi

D. Parabronchi

______________ of earth surface is covered

with water?

A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 75%
D. 90%

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