Cases Conjoint Analysis
Cases Conjoint Analysis
Cases Conjoint Analysis
XYZ Paint Company identified the attributes which are important to their customers and also
classified each of the attributes into their levels. Based on this, they want to use the technique of
conjoint analysis to determine from a potential customers point of view, how important each
attribute is to him. They also want to know how much utility the customers derive from a given
combination of these levels of attributes. It also helps to understand the feasible offerings from
the marketer’s point of view. The three important attributes identified for the paint are:
Price Ranking
Life( in (Rs/Litre . Nng yrs) ) Color (27 to1)
1 5 50 green 27
2 4 50 green 26
3 5 50 cream 25
4 5 50 blue 24
5 5 60 green 23
6 4 60 green 22
7 5 70 green 21
8 5 60 blue 20
9 5 60 cream 19
10 4 50 blue 18
11 4 50 cream 17
12 5 70 blue 16
13 3 50 green 15
14 5 70 cream 14
15 3 50 blue 13
16 4 60 blue 12
17 4 60 cream 11
18 3 50 cream 10
19 4 70 green 9
20 3 60 green 8
21 4 70 blue 7
22 3 60 blue 6
23 4 70 cream 5
24 3 60 cream 4
25 3 70 green 3
26 3 70 blue 2
27 3 70 cream 1
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1443.369 6 240.562 24.720 .000a
Residual 194.631 20 9.732
Total 1638.000 26
a. Predictors: (Constant), VAR00006, VAR00004, VAR00002, VAR00001,
VAR00003, VAR00005
b. Dependent Variable: VAR00007
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 14.463 .603 23.969 .000
VAR00001 -6.252 .818 -.653 -7.642 .000
VAR00002 -1.013 .801 -.106 -1.264 .221
VAR00003 4.981 .851 .522 5.852 .000
VAR00004 .815 .858 .085 .950 .353
VAR00005 4.037 .858 .423 4.708 .000
VAR00006 -1.352 .851 -.142 -1.588 .128
a. Dependent Variable: VAR00007
Utility Table:
Combination utilities:
The total utility of any combination can be calculated by picking the attributes levels of our
For example, the combined utility of the combination 5 yrs of life, Rs 50 litres and Green
color is 7.26 +4.9+4.037 = 16.27.
Next best is 5 yrs of life, Rs 60 litres and Green color . utility= 7.26+.815+4.037=12.117
Individual attributes:
Can find increase or drop in utility by comparing individual utilities of various levels.
Price: Rs 5, Rs 7, Rs 10, Rs 12
Color of ink: blue, black, red
Diameter of tip: .25 mm, .45 mm, .5 mm
Since there are 4 ,3 n 3 levels of attributes, we get total of 4*3*3= 36 different combinations of
attributes levels.