MRK Manual Spreads Low
MRK Manual Spreads Low
MRK Manual Spreads Low
Mörk Manual
The Classic Fantasy Hack For Mörk Borg
By Rodney Rickrode
o r t - of Druid Scrolls 82
The s
Chapter 6: Things To Encounter 84
Creatures A-Z 86
Stat Blocks 86
Creatures By Threat 128
Chapter 7: Artifacts 131
Special Treasure Table 132
D10 More Consumables 134
Intelligent Weapons 136
Chapter 8: The Journey Begins 138
a r ri v ed ! Encounters
Vagabond Skills
Universal Skills
Reference 156
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Millennia ago the GALGEN family dwarven kings, council of elves,
laid roots at a confluence of and halfling mayors to build a
mountain streams. Those roots league of free nations.
grew deep and the harvest
bountiful. The beck and it’s Then the STRANGER came to
surrounding land grew from a GALGEN'S BECK. He accepted the
handful of homes into the most trials of the wizard’s school
prosperous city in the VALE. and surpassed all others in the
strength of his POWER. He would
Centuries later, the BORDER WARS go on to became counselor to
ended in a treaty and the VALE the GALGEN KING and his trusted
knew peace. Orcs, goblins, and friend.
more fearsome creatures were
routed beyond the mountains, Then came the days of orcs and
and vigilance kept the people free goblins once more. Their armies
to prosper. poured through the mountain
passes and overran the border
It was a time of growth and fortresses. Nowhere in the VALE
learning. Wizards discovered was out of their reach. Fell
many secrets and built schools beasts came with the goblins
in every kingdom. The people and were their cavalry, while
harnessed magic; halflings for wyverns and dragons guarded
farming, dwarves to craft items them from above. The free
of POWER, and elves to nurture people were free no more.
nature. Over time, all people
could touch some amount of The STRANGER went with the line
POWER, albeit most only able to of GALGEN and the other rulers of
do minor things: sharpening a the VALE to assail the goblin
scythe, mending a torn shirt, or army on the field of battle.
repairing a cracked wagon The conflict to come is what
wheel. The most powerful we now call the TRAITOR'S WAR.
magics, those able to control
life itself, were still exceedingly When the armies met, the
rare. clamor was heard in every
corner of the VALE. As the
In those early days the line of moment of victory was at
GALGEN was strong. Its eldest son hand, the STRANGER betrayed the
led the kingdom which grew GALGEN KING, slaying him with foul
outward from the city. The magic. He joined the side of the
GALGEN KING worked with the invaders and made it known
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
that he was their leader and
architect of the invasion.
2•1 In Sarkash, the worms foretell of stirring in the garden-tombs of Graven-Tosk. The
gardeners fear the Hell-door was left ajar. 2 In the west are born calves bearing two heads
The prophecies were recorded by Ron, who in all historical accounts, is described as
who speak tidings of disease and famine. 3 Winds of change blow south through the The
raving mad. He lived in a shack built against a derelict section of the Galgenspire
Kergal Pass, carrying the cries of war-wrought banners dropped by the dead but risen
wasn’t until many years after his death that locals discovered his ramblings were
and spent his life chiseling his ramblings into the fallen tower’s stone blocks. It
anew. 4 Burning rains slough skin and scale alike. 5 The ground shakes for 2 and 5 days as
ankapede larvae take flight. All in shadow are devoured. 6 The Dragon of Cursed
Reckoning returns to the Vale. Wounded and wretched, it lands in Wästland. Its death
heralds another arrival.
3•1 In the Emerald Hall, the father of fathers returns. He is rot and ruin and rust to his
people. 2 In Wästland, a king lies slain, a böllshirk rampage left unchecked. 3 Men of the
fire caste coax the Harriklees Peak in the Bergen Chrypt to release its molten core. 4 The
hidden folk emerge from the night, revealing their sanguine and blood-hungry nature to
their neighbors. The thousand year feast commences. 5 The Devourer Court ends the rule of
pirate-kings in the city of Grift. 6 A star falls in Tveland and the elsewhere-things
emerge. The tin chirurgeons bring numbness and forgetfulness to those they touch.
4•1 Where pass the tribe of goblins, the yellow lung will follow. 2 In their wake a chimera
shall come preaching of HE and gathering the mind-weak to HIM as HIS flock. 3 In Lake
Onda, the leviathan shall rise from the silt-dead depths and the water will be stained with
the blood of mir. 4 In Kergüs, the Ice Queen lies frozen as a King of Giants wears her
crown. His call will be answered by all giantkin. 5 One in three firstborn shall waken with
an eye on their brow with which they always see HIM. Madness will follow. 6 The trees
of Sarkash shall weep blood and make war on the axe-men. Many will burn until the Green
Cenobite returns through the veil to end the madness.
5•1 The color shall fade from the eyes of man until naught but gray and black and white
remain. 2 In veils of white they come from the Tamalion. In veils of red they so shall
return. 3 No light can penetrate the darkness fallen in Galgenwreck where once the wizard
school stood. Cries for salvation can be heard coming from inside. 4 In the halfling parishes,
the fruits of the trees grow with the likeness of the dead, and all weep for seeing such
things. 5 The bergenwurms leave their mountain lairs and bring terror to all, moving
nightly throughout the Vale seeking something. 6 HE will open the void hidden behind all
Start with a D100 or D20 and roll every eyes and speak to all people. I AM COMING.
day of in-game time. When a 1 is rolled, 6•1 The people of Tveland weep in the night, but know not why. The last Galgen heir has
a prophecy comes to pass. Roll D6 and D6 fallen. 2 The outcasts’ calls for aid go unanswered and the Dolomite King is lost to the
mountain’s secret. 3 The days of grieving are 8 and 12 as the lammasu purge the land of
and consult the chart. Move the dice to lesser evils. 4 Greater magic becomes poison to those without its touch. 5 Doomsayers shall
the next step down and repeat. The 7th sing the coming of HE and lament that the good of men does not will it to not be so.
6 The yellow ichor-mist knows all lungs and locales. The Vale is a pustule not to be drained.
prophecy has been foretold already.
coming true.
7 HIS tower is built of the flesh of men and HE ascends the throne and takes HIS crown
You need not roll for that. upon HIS head. HE opens the third eye of all people and they hear HIS voice and weep.
12 13
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
You should have rolled D4
minus D4 (D4 - D4) four
times in Step 2. You should
, have 4 different numbers,
defenders each ranging from -3 up to
doomsayer people andof the 0 and as high as +3. Once
use priests and , of attentio center you pick a class, assign
strong in the t prophets w false n. your results to each Ability
of scrolls b . stole Powe o
h as you see fit and modify
them based on the class’
weak in body from a GO r , description.
shepherds of ABILITY OPTION 2
FALLEN, wielders the wild and For less explosive character
of the sword and OUTCASefTen, ders wielders of
Abilities, use the classic bell
curve method instead.
the power. stalwart d
and sworn enemies
of Power. Roll 3D6 four times, and
giants and goblins. tally the results. For each
result, review the chart
below to determine your
RUNT, agile and Ability score. Record them.
small, they use SAVAGE, Then you can discard the
relentless w STARTING HP 3D6 roll tallies. When you
their size as an
and master arriors
Each class has its own pick a class, assign your
starting HP dice. Roll scores to each Ability as
wilderness. of the your starting HP dice
and add your
you see fit and modify
them based on the class’
Toughness modifier, description.
warriors who can thieves and 3 or under -3
use any weapon b ur glars, nimble HP OPTION 2 4-5 -2
or armor. Instead of rolling your 6-8 -1
fingered and HP dice, just take the 9-11
resourceful. max possible result and
add your Toughness.
15-16 +2
17 or more +3
14 15
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
C H ARLAOT A N Who Taught You Magic?
Hedge Wizard: you were
taught by an aging fool.
Expend a Power: you
summon an invisible hand. It
can lift 5 lbs and go
Hp mens
D4+Toughness D2 1 anywhere within a 30' radius
of you. This lasts for D3
other action except walking).
Necronomicon: you read a
One day, you woke up Dirt Witch's diary. Expend a
and could feel cosmic 2 Power: your finger lights up
like a candle. This requires
vibrations. Some called Annealed Mind, +1 concentration to maintain (no
you mad, others said Presence. Studious, -1 other action except walking).
Disciple: you were recruited
you were drunk, but Strength. Anyone seen my into a cult. You spent most
when the light started walking stick?: Roll D3 days scrubbing floors and
washing underwear. Expend
leaking out of your eyes, on the weapon table and a Power: you can mend or fix
they all shit themselves start without armor. You 3 minor damage to mundane
things. It takes 1 minute to
and ran. Now you can start with 1 random mend cloth, 2 for wood, 3
summon energy out of Lesser Wizard Scroll and for metal. This requires
2D6x10 silver. You can’t concentration to maintain (no
the aether and unleash other action except walking).
Hell. Fingers crossed, use shields or armor, but Kin: you were born with it
are able to use one-handed inside you. Expend a Power:
you won’t send yourself 4 you can sense magic within a
there on accident. It weapons. You can use 15' radius.
could happen. Wizard Scrolls.
kapowee counter
Expend a Power: You
Expend a Power: You fire a magical blast at one
target. Test Presence DR12, D4 damage. This counts sacrifice your next turn but
as a magical weapon and has a 60’ range. can attempt to stop a
Scroll from being cast in
You fed a stray and now you have a
line of sight. Test Presence
for the Scroll being cast at
small animal companion who travels - +4DR. If successful, the
with you. Expend a Power and Test Scroll casting fails.
Presence DR12. If successful, you +0
share minds and senses. This works Kapowee, Communion, and
up to D4 miles apart and you must It gains +1 HP the cantrips in Who Taught
concentrate (no other action except when you Get
Better. You Magic are not susceptible
walking) to maintain the connection. to Scroll Fumbles (pg. 73).
16 17
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
ts False
vestem e n
ar light
You may w rmor
or medium a Scrolls.
and still use
Once per day, you
may Expend a
D6+Toughness Omens D2
Power and gain an
Omen. Test
Toughness DR12
POWERS D4+Presence
or take D4 You found a god-
damage when
you do.
maybe not the ‘True’
god, but certainly
Unyielding, +1 Toughness.
better than some gods. Unbending tenets, -1
Your devotion has been Agility. Pass the offering
rewarded with a sliver plate: Roll D4 on the
of Power and you've weapon table and D2+1
used it to serve your on the armor table. You
own selfish ends. start with one random
You've embellished your Lesser Priest Scroll and
god's exploits and 3D6x10 silver. You can
added a few false use one-handed weapons,
testimonies to find some light and medium armor,
shields, and Priest Scrolls.
followers for them. But
you were driven out by
rival conmen and now
carry the good Word
Expend a Power: You may
on the road, trying to put your hand on someone
refill those coffers. while praising yourself,
healing them for
Expend a Power: You may repel or destroy
undead within a 30’ radius. Test Presence.
Any undead of DR equal to or less than your
roll will flee from combat. If you exceed their
DR by 4, they are destroyed instead of
18 19
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Hp D6+Toughness Omens D2
POWERS D3+Presence
At the start of combat, you
Your people are long- may Expend a Power and
lived but it has not given make the first attack,
them long perspective. regardless
You blame the other Grace, +1 Agility. of initiative.
people of the Vale for Diminishing, -1
the loss of true Power. Toughness. Swindle the
You know darker days unwary: Roll D6+4 on
are coming, but are too the weapon table and
apathetic to care. You D2+1 on the armor table.
spend your time You start with a Scroll of
distracting yourself with
whatever pain or pleasure
Bestial Speech and
2D6x10 silver. You can Trip The Light
use shields and all Expend a Power: If
comes cheap. While you your next attack hits,
are beautiful to behold, weapons, but only light
or medium armor. You can you may attack again.
when your charm fails, You may continue until
you steal and burglarize use Lesser Wizard Scrolls.
you miss, stopping at
to meet your needs.
Immortality 3 total attacks. The
second attack is
Fallen die from DR+2; if that
beheading, stabbing, hits, the third is
You roll on the reaction blunt force trauma, and DR+4.
table with a +3 bonus if blood loss, but never
you haven’t met before. disease, infection, poisons, Nosy Neighbor
If you have met, even a toxins or old age. You Fallen have a +3
pretty face won’t change are immune to them. bonus to Move
what they remember.
Your impressions last even Blood Memory Silently, Listen at
Doors, and Detect
if your perspective doesn’t. You may wear light or Secret Doors. You may
medium armor and still Test to Detect Secret
use Scrolls. Doors even if not
20 21
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
You were chiseled from
the mountain by hate
and sorrow. You’ve
been forced to leave
Sturdy, +2 Toughness
and -1 Agility.
your homeland to sate Xenophobic, -1
your wanderlust and Presence. Dig for Hp D8+Toughness Omens D3
hunger for violence.
You’ll temper your
silver: Roll D4+4 on
the weapon table and
powers D3+Presence
molten heart in blood D3+1 on the armor HEART OF GRANITE
until it is as cold and table. You begin with You get a +3 bonus to
unforgiving as stone. 3D6x10 silver and a resist magic or Powers,
While you have no real shield. You can use disease, infection, and
interest in the ‘other,’ shields and all poison.
those strange folk on weapons and armor.
the surface and their You can use Lesser SAPPHIRE EYE
feuds, you trudge Priest Scrolls only. You can see in
onward anyway. darkness as easy
Leaving and returning Molten heart as full sunlight.
to the mountain is Expend a Power: For
uphill. Both ways. your next attack, you
may reduce your
attack bonus by X
and add that amount quench
ANCESTRAL sin to your damage. The fire
Old animosities die Expend a
hard deaths. You Stone sense Power: If
attack goblins and You get a +3 bonus to
Listen at Doors and Tests your next
giants on sight and to recognize new or attack hits,
recieve +2 to hit. Test deceptive stonework. This the target is
Presence DR14 to includes Tests to Detect
knocked to the
restrain yourself from Secret Doors and Traps if
they’re made of stone. You ground. They are
charging either when may Test to Detect Secret DR10 to hit until
you see them. Doors and Traps even if not they recover.
22 23
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
You get +3 to H
Shadows, Move ide in
Silently, and L
Elusive, +1 Agility.
Small, -1 Strength.
Breaking and entering:
Hp D6+Toughness Om D3 at Doors. If scoistening
ahead, Initiativeuting
Roll D4 on the weapon
table and D2 on the
POWERS D3+Presence are won on 3+. Tests armor table. You begin
with 2D6x10 silver. You
You were born in a hole in the can use one-handed
Lua cPokwy
ground and some day you’ll be weapons, shortbows,
dumped back into one. But, at light armor, and shields.
er: You can use Lesser
the moment, you want Expend itue
adventure and to see the You may subst mens Wizard Scrolls only.
You can carry 6 +
world. Your people are the your current O for Strength regular-sized
only people not affected by as your ability at items.
HIM. You drink to excess, any non-comb
eat more than those twice Test. CahPu gr and
Low Blow
your size, and always owe
laugh when someone gets Expend ou may
hit in the crotch. Hell, You get a + roll a D3. Y your
most of the time you 3
when fightingbonus add that to re for
threw the punch. You sized beings, large- Strength attack.
live like life is just one ogres, giants, such as your next
big party. With the horses. Fuck and
This doesn’t horses.
Pew Pew
with Pew Pew You recieve a +2 bonus
maybe it is. . when using bows and
The last slings.
Nuetm b
You g a +2
sts to
bonus on Te ease,
resist dis
infection, an .
24 25
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
bers erke r envy
Expend a Power: You go You w
BESERK. You deal +3 damage weaponield two-handed
for D6 + Toughness rounds. hand. Youin just one
so while using even do
f lurry
Expend a Pow
a shield.
Sinewy, +1 Strength. ____ of Stars: this
weapon is made of sky
Stoic -1 Presence. metal. It’s unbreakable.
D10+Toughness D2 Illiterate: you are
Hp incapable of reading
Scrolls. Reroll any Scrolls 2
____ of Light: this
weapon glows like a
POWERS D2+Presence go I’m t
you start with. Suit Up:
Roll D8+4 on the
torch if you will it to.
____ of Omens: this
You have two dependable
pals who are always by your
side, itching for a
YA y!
hi- d gu e
weapon table and D3+1
on the armor table. You
3 weapon grants +1 omen
and points true north if
you will it.
fight, and two old H! begin with 2D6x10 silver.
Vorpal ____: 19 & 20
buddies who help You can use shields and count as critical hits
you flee to safety all weapons and armor. with this weapon.
when your pals get
you into trouble.
Coup de grace
Anytime you hit and deal
more damage than the
You're target has HP, you may
skilled apply the excess damage
at physical to a target of your choice
combat and,
while you may within reach.
Low blow
not be the best,
you’re still alive.
For now.
Expend a Power: if your
We’re next attack is successful,
Doomed. the target is stunned for
D3 rounds.
throw sand
Expend a Power: you can
attack 3 times this round
but with a -4 penalty.
28 29
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
VAGABOND Expend a Power: If making your
next attack against an unaware
enemy, add D6 to the damage.
Hp D6+Toughness Omens D2
SYoliucecan & D ic e
POWERS D2+Presence fight with
any D6 damage
Once upon a time, there was a knight in weapon and a
shining armor. He spit on you as he rode by dagger. Your
your hovel. Now, you use your wits and your attack has a
-2 penalty.
skills to spit back. You take what you need Roll D6 for
through cunning, bluffing, and sleight of damage
hand. No one has caught you. Yet. twice.
Keep the
Abilities Self-Made
You recieve a +3 bonus
Scrawny, -1 Strength.
Fast thinker, +1 to Tests to Climb Sheer
Surfaces, Find/Disarm
Presence and Agility. Traps, Hide in Shadows,
Loot the coat room: Pick Locks, Pick
Roll D6 on the Pockets, Listen at
weapon table and D2 Doors, and Move
on the armor table. Silently. See Vagabond
Vagabonds may use Skills, (pg. 144).
light armor and one-
handed weapons, but
not shields. You begin
Knife Work
You always have
with 2D6x10 silver
something sharp
and lock picks. You handy. Test Agility
can use Lesser Wizard DR13 as a free action E
Scrolls only. to produce a dagger your next attack
or improvised shiv. ignores armor.
30 31
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Expend a Power: You detect
Hp D8+Toughness Omens D2 the presence of any magic
creatures or effects, undead, or
POWERS D2+Presence demonic creatures within 60’.
You know the distance and
You’re descended from the direction to them. For D6
survivors of the Galgen rounds, your aura also
King's royal guard. Your gives +1 attack and
predecessors were supposed Pose in the Mirror, +1 defense against evil.
to protect the young heirs Strength but -1 Agility.
but managed to lose all of Beg for Charity: Roll D4
them instead. Millennia for armor and start with a
later, you carry on the longsword and shield. You
hunt for a Galgen heir who can use shields and all
can unite the Vale. Your weapons and armor. You
patrons and their coin begin with 2D4x10 silver.
abandoned the fight long You can use Lesser Priest
ago, but the Galgen Scrolls only and start with
Reliquary still burns, a Scroll of Detect Evil.
signifying an heir is living
somewhere. If you could
only find them. Each Warden carries a
longsword+1 (D8+1) that Expend a Power: You may
counts as a magical weapon. touch a being and heal D6
It is unbreakable and only HP. When you do this,
Expend a Power: You may you heal yourself for 1/2
call upon the Warden functions as magic in the
network to find minor aid hands of a Warden. To all that amount.
and information. Test else, they appear old and
Presence DR12 (village) or dull and function as
DR16 (hamlet), larger towns shortswords.
do not need a Test. Aid is You may wear any armor
minor, like a free room to and still use SCROLLS.
stay in or introductions made
to help advance your quest.
- Scroll Tests made while
You radiate a 10’ aura of wearing heavy armor are
Information ranges from local confidence. Anyone within
rumors to more secretive DR16 and rolls of
information at the game
is immune to Fear, but not 1-3 are Fumbles.
master’s discretion. stupidity.
32 33
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Expend a Power: You
commune with worms in
a 300’ radius for 2D10
minutes. While you
commune, the worms
Hp D6+Toughness Omens D2
can tell you about the
location of surface POWERS D3+Presence
activity, subterranean
You stepped out of a tree to
activity, dead bodies,
and nearby disturbances. Abilities
which you spent eternity
bound and cut the cord. Now Lithe, -2 Strength. Tenacious
you inhabit a discarded meat Will, +1 Presence and
suit left behind by a clumsy Toughness. Scavenger: Roll
human. You’re alien and D3 on the weapon table and
despair frightening in demeanor,
often blunt, and frequently
D2 on the armor table. You
Expend a Power: Creatures start with a Scroll of Knots
within 10’ of you Test brutal. However, the longer in the Bark. You can use
you stay in human guise, the Druid Scrolls, light armor,
Morale or are stunned more empathy and emotion
for D3 rounds. Taking shields, and one-handed
you feel. Wurmspeakers have weapons. You begin with
damage ends this effect. one goal, to save Sarkash and 2D6x10 silver.
other wilderness areas from
any more ravages. Your love
Mind grub of plants has led you to pathfinder
Expend a Power and choose consume only meat and You never get lost while
a target. They Test Presence consort with only carnivores. traveling in the wilderness
DR14 or are charmed into Dry-Hads are what the elves and recieve a +3 bonus to
helping you for 2D10 rounds. called you before this body. Hunting Tests.
They will not fight for you.
Undead are immune to this
effect. Specialities Apex Dry-had
1 Hunter: food for D6 people Expend a Power: You
after hunting for D2 hours embrace your wild spirit and
Bloodhound: can track the
Best friends 2
smell of blood anywhere
Loyal: never needs to test
shift into tree form. Your
stats change as follows:
You recruit wolves and Morale +D4
mountain lions as 4 Killer: critical hits on 19-20 D4 Barkskin
henchmen. Follow the 5 Sensitive: wins initiative on 3-6 D8+1
same rules, but with the 6 Keen senses: able to find traps
Specialities listed opposite. Rough tongue: slobbery lick
Both bite for D6 damage. 7 cures infection D6+Presence Rounds
8 Pathfinder: always finds the way
34 35
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
5. Weapons Roll As Directed In Your Class Abilities
(Damage In Parentheses)
F lwa
(d ee
y s
CL )
UB ( D6
4) T S WO
fi nd yo G (D4 2. STAFF (D4)
stones )
u r own ( D 8 )
6. SPEAR 9. C RO wi t h 1 0 bolts
R (D 4 )
4. 10. LONGS
E )
6 )
36 37
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Roll As Directed In
Your Class Abilities
1) ,
(-D4 DAMAGE, TIER 2) †
. ( )
(- , ) ††
You can choose to break yo k.
shield to ignore one att
† Medium armor, -2 penalty to Agility Tests
excluding Defense. Defense Tests are DR14.
†† , -4 penalty to Agility Tests
excluding Defense. Defense Tests are DR14.
‡ SCROLLS never work when wielding a
zweihänder or wearing medium or heavy
armor, unless another ability says otherwise.
38 39
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Outcomes are determined by
Tests. Roll a D20, add the
appropriate ability, and
compare the total to the
Test’s Difficulty Rating (DR).
If it equals or exceeds the
DR, you succeed. For
example, if you want to
climb a tree (DR12), you Test
Agility. You roll 11 and add
your Agility (+2) for 13 total,
Roll D6,
Hey there, buddy… While BROKE
2-3 We’ll kill you scvm! & You’re
4-5 We’re angry with you! D EA D
6-8 Meh. We’re neutral. ROLL D6 FOR BROKEN
9-10 We’re friendly. -
Battered, you are knocked out for D4 rounds, then
recover with D4 HP.
Maimed not murdered. As above, and roll D6.
11-12 We want to help you! -
1-lost eye 2-lost ear 3-disfigured 4-6 broken or
severed limb or torso injury. You also permanently
† For non-intelligent beings, treat results lose -1 to an ability of your choice,
as aggressive (2-3) to indifferent (11-12). Severe trauma, you will die in D2 hours unless
stabilized. To Stabilize, Test Toughness DR16 for the
Sometimes the best help you can get is first hour, DR18 the second. If stable, treat as above.
just not being killed and eaten. YOU’RE DEAD.
42 43
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Players and enemies each attack once per round, unless
another rule says otherwise. The players roll for both attack
and defense (see the breakdown at the bottom of the page).
A round lasts 6 seconds. You can move 30’ and do one of the
following: attack, use a scroll, or use an item.
: the order in whicoll
sides of a c o n fl ic t c an a c t. R MStEreL EthEDR12
D 6 a nd c o n s u lt below: Test ng
a Damage
Strength +5 = +1 Apply
C O N C E N T R A T E Sheathe or stow a weapon. Retrieve an
item from a backpack, belt pouch, or
You focus on maintaining an sack. Switch active magic items.
ongoing ability or Scroll. You
may move 30’ or make 1 free
action only. R U N penalty
60’, but you take a -4
D I SENGAGE Move up to
on d ef en se Tes ts un ti l your next turn.
e 30’ away from en
Current Omens DR12. emies and Test
you manage to break aw Success means
battle. The game maste ay from the
Get back up after
the time and distance rer determines
being knocked do
quired if
enemies pursue. Add +2
greedy enemies with to for distracting
predators with abandonessed coins or
These actions are usable once per round, but
do not count as an action:
AND Roll a 2 0 o
a g e . R e d u ce th e target’s
double da m
or b y 1 T ie r. R o ll a 20 on a
50 51
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
MOVE M E N T (on a road) 24 miles/day
32 miles/day
24 miles/day
16 miles/day
36 miles/day
48 miles/day
These numbers assume you’re carrying normal
loads. Adverse conditions and Difficult Terrain
decrease this to half the distance. More than 1
of either make it a quarter of the distance.
Adverse conditions are strong storms, deep
snow, and extreme heat or cold. See terrain
modifiers (pg. 139)
Your normal carrying capacity is 8+Strength items
of regular size (like a torch, hammer, or Scroll).
Going above your normal capacity causes a –2
penalty to Strength and Agility Tests.
52 53
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
D6 silver coins
6D6 silver coins
A lesser Scroll
A greater Scroll
54 55
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
These rules will work for
situations when you need to
MULTICLASS fight another player
When you “Get Better,”
do not follow the rules as Initiative is determined by
rolling D6+Agility and
Instead, choose 1 named acting in descending order.
ability from the
Scoundrel, Vagabond, Melee Combat: Test
Doomsayer, or Charlatan Strength DR12+Target’s
class. You now have that Agility. Success is a hit.
ability. Roll damage, subtract
armor as normal. No need
Your Omen die drops 1
step (D3→D2→D1→0)
to Test Defense.
and you LOSE D3 HP. Grapple: make opposed
You may do this until you Strength Tests. The high
have 0 Omens but only roll pins their opponent.
once per “Get Better.” Test again if the situation
You do not gain the other
benefits of Getting Better, Ranged Combat: Test
but still roll for Agility DR12+Target’s
Something Shiny. Agility. Success is a hit.
Roll damage, subtract
Greater Scrolls
Greater Scrolls do not have any additional Power
armor as normal.
expenditure when using them unless specified in a SCROLLS: Test as normal. For
specific Scroll description. You can increase the cost Scrolls that require additional
to 2 Power if you want to limit their usage. Tests, follow as above.
56 57
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
The best way to survive is to tip the
scales of fate in your favor. Making a
plan and being prepared will help. The
chart below can be used as a guide
when attempting to find equipment.
Defense fumbles reduce Vale arre weighs Failure, roll a D6. Horse, work (pg. 109) 80s
armor Tier 1 step. 50 silveound. 1-3 ignores you, Horse, war (pg. 109) 140s
a p 4-5 does the opposite, Mule 10s
400 silvse a
Pony, work (pg. 109) 50s
6 bites YOU.
Armor can be repaired, counts asized
Pony, war (pg. 109) 80s
62 63
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
You aren’t special and A little coin and elbow
they aren’t flocking to Time to talk money. Any
grease will speed up the deviation from 1/2 a share
you. Test Presence once process of hiring. Consult of loot and D4 silver a day
Hire·ling: a person per day to attempt to
locate prospects using the
the table below and changes the odds. You can
assume each action, unless look ahead to Step 4 to
employed to undertake chart below: listed otherwise, takes 3 determine their specialty.
menial work. Paid a days to work, and on When ready, Test Presence
peasant’s pittance, the 3rd day you get the DR12 to try to recruit.
daily. Recruiting Location DR bonus.
Large City DR12 Recruiting Tools Bonus Recruitment Modifiers Bonus
Recent local failure (major) -4
City DR14 Hiring a well-connected Henchmen recently died in
+4 -3
fixer to help (150 silver)
Hench·man: a Town DR16
Consulting with local
your service
Bad local reputation -2
follower prepared r
Village DR18 leaders (guild, watchmen, +3 Public nuisance -1
Hamlet DR20 mayors) (105 silver) Current henchman is from
engage in crime o . Tests equal to the DR bring in 1
Hiring town criers (17 +2 the same town +1
dishonest practices
silver a day for 3 days) Good local reputation +2
prospect. For each point over, an
Visiting social gatherings Offering 100s bonus +3
Paid a stipend and
additional prospect shows up. +1
and asking around (1 day) Recent major accomplishment +4
1/2 a share of loo
64 65
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Morale Modifiers Bonus
No share of loot -4
Your Presence score Another henchman died
determines how many on current adventure 1 substance 16 a good cup of
No rations today -2 abuse coffee
henchmen you can have Treated poorly -1 an audience being alone
and what morale bonus ¼ share of loot -1
2 for repetitive
17 to pray at
you confer to them. ½ share of loot +0 snores, but chewing on
Consult the table below. Full share of loot +1 3 will not
admit it
18 chalk
Treated respectfully +1
to steal small hurtful
Small gifts given +2 4
petty objects
Presence Number of Conferred
Score Henchmen Morale Bonus Gifted a magic item +3 recognition
Has been on 2 or more instigating He got a job
≤0 1 0 +4 5 for good 20 conflicts
+1 1 +1 previous adventures work henchin’ for
+2 2 +1 6 to talk in dem murder
3rd person hobos!
+3 2 +2 watching the
+4 3 +2 7
+5 3 +3
Roll a D12 and consult 8 singing while
+6 4 +3 marching
the following list: 9 killing
a fine cooking
Henchmen have HP, 10 pot, worn as
a helmet
Morale, and come with a
1 4 Fingers: able to disarm traps
few quirks, but don’t the player characters find 11 ghosts stories
2 Brute:
have a class like a player able to lift very heavy
objects and carry twice as much complaining
character. That is, unless +2 to sneak if player 12 about their
a party members dies. 3 Burglar: stomach ulcer
characters follow their guidance
Con Man: very convincing, +2 wearing wool
4 on reaction roles when they’re socks
present taking credit
Roll D4-D4 for all four Latchkey Cook: recover an 14 for other
abilities. There is no 5 additional +1 HP when
allocating stats on a 6 Pathfinder: able to find the way
15 you to their
henchman, they are 7 Safe Cracker: +2 to pick locks last employer
applied as rolled.
8 Second-Story Man: able to
scale sheer surfaces
Snatcher: +2 bonus to steal
Roll a D6 + Toughness to 9 a coin purse-sized object off
determine HP.
10 Tainted: knows and can cast
one Lesser Scroll once per day
Tinkerer: able to repair
11 mundane items and armor
Base Morale is 5 + any by 1 Tier
Conferred Morale Bonus. 12 Torchbearer: able to cobble
together a torch and keep it lit
66 67
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
abrasive 6 curious 11 greedy 16 know-it-all
1 17 lazy
2 anxious 7 disobedient 12 grim
8 emotionless 13 grumpy 18 reckless
3 argumentative 19 scary
4 bad hygiene 9 enthusiastic 14 joker
10 fawning 15 jovial 20 sullen
5 calm
5. Chews shirts 6. Treasure hunter
a nt y
W ll m
sme ger?
2. Bites
e n c h m a n c o mes with a
Each h io
ns, water, a pon
sac k , D 4 r a t a
4 on the we
a weapon (Dspecific equipment
10. Petty theft
68 69
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
You’re responsible for
covering the cost of food,
providing lodgings, and
If a player character
would die and a
henchman is within
Bums that get paid
furnishing equipment. touching distance, they
Money given to may substitute the for menial work.
Consult the union D2,
henchmen for their henchman for their own HP 5, Leather
rules before hiring 7,
service is gone. Expect death. Any henchmen
them. DR12, Morale
them to spend it that see this must Test ling D4
Spear D6 and S
frivolously and recklessly Morale. If they fail, and
as quick as they get it. they will flee. UNION RULES Guards caravan
camp, defensive
1. Hirelings will combat only.
never fight for you
or follow you into
battle, unless you hire HP 3, DR12,
en are in extreme a Soldier.
Extreme Danger - If henchm ect, or if the lights go Morale 5.
danger, subject to a fear eff . They flee if they 2. They don’t go Always runs.
out in a dungeon, Test Morale into dungeons.
fail. Porter, torchbearer
en is killed using the 3. They normally
Sacrifice - If another henchm hmen who witness it have one job, usually excavator, guide.
Sacrifice special rule, any henc
ey will flee. unskilled labor.
Test Morale. If they fail, th
n an adventure is HP 4, DR12,
Adventure Conclusion - Whe ey fail, they leave.
concluded, Test Morale. If th Morale 6.
Always runs.
Armorer, miller,
Don’t forget to give them a name. Also, a blacksmith, doctor,
slightly irritating catchphrase has never hurt Consult the e
anyone. This would be a good time for the
blocks on tices, carpenter, fletcher,
game master to pick a voice for the henchman. right for p ities, miner.
Probably something annoying. Yeah, that one b il
special a tats. The more risk, the
sounds good. Henchman are great opportunities and their s higher the fee. All fees
for roleplaying and fun. paid daily.
70 71
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 71
e r 5 CRITICAL hit (Natural 20)
R S Roll a 20 on a scroll Test and it do
consume a Power use. Any damage or not
healing effects are doubled.
med by
Powers are consu
r scrolls.
items, abilities, o
and items
Finding scrolls
of Power isn’t ea
gs that
They’re not thin
change hands ov
silver. Expect to
favors, services,
we r
other items of Po
in return. Scroll Failure
(Result of 2-11)
Each day, roll for Powers Test Presence DR12 Take D2 damage and
suffer SPELL BURN for Fumble (Natural 1)
as directed in your class. an hour. Roll a 1 on a scroll
Every time you use a Test and the cosmos
scroll or an ability with SPELL BURN: scroll vibrates. Consult the
Test Presence Corruption table, (pg.
a Power cost, you expend As Indicated Tests are +2DR
during this time. 74) to determine the
a Power.
Additional failures ripple effect.
Powers Per Day are Succeed, and the Scroll
while Spell Burned
always MINIMUM 1. works as intended.
count as Fumbles. YOU WILL KNOW FEAR
72 73
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
As 1-4 and your footprints
corruption As 1-4 and you must
consume a cup of blood
13 every 3 days or become 17
smolder and char the earth
as you walk. Those that
notice fear you. A hellhound
Suffer Spell Burn (pg. 73) is always nearby. You suffer
for 1 hour and take D3 As 1-4 and holy water Infected and begin
dying. +1 to further Corruption
1-4 damage. You can’t use 9 burns your skin, dealing Rolls.
that Scroll until you D4 damage on contact.
take a Long Rest. As 1-4 and an imp makes a
As 1-4 and you’re nest in your consciousness.
As 1-4 and your eyes As 1-4 and your shadow unable to cross a You’re unable to enter holy
5-6 function as normal. Your 10 moves
turn solid black, but independently and
14 threshold into a private places unless you first Test
mocks you, frightening home without first 18 Presence DR16. The next
eyes draw curious looks. those you meet. being invited, unless time you awaken, you have
you own the home. horns. You suffer +1 to
As 1-4 and you hear a further Corruption Rolls.
As 1-4 and your incisors voice in your mind. It
lengthen into wolf-like As 1-4 and your mind The Scroll you cast turns to
7 fangs. Your smile is 11 stays with you always and
splits into 3 aspects: ash and you take D3
whispers half-truths at Presence damage. You will
unsettling. anger, mania, and
the worst times. 15paranoia. Your actions 19 recover 1 point per day. Roll
As 1-4 and you get a lean toward one of them a Prophecy (pg. 11). You
As 1-4 and a single crow splitting headache as a and it switches every time suffer +2 to further
follows you as you third eye emerges from you fail a Test. Corruption Rolls.
8 travel. It occasionally 12 your forehead. You are You have drawn HIS eye
calls your name. able to see unhelpful As 1-4 and your eyes and he has claimed you. You
spirits. You suffer +1 to glow red in darkness. shed your skin like a snake
further Corruption Rolls. Reaction rolls you make and you catch fire, the ash
16 at night are at -3. A 20-22 drifting away until all that
hellhound occasionally is left is your skeletal
follows you at a frame. You abandon your
distance. quest and join HIM and
HIS legions.
23+ You ponder how the Scroll turns to ash as your mind fills
with magic. For a moment you are a God, holding all the world’s
Power within you. Then you explode, dealing Presence x D6
damage to anyone within 15’ of you. They are knocked down.
74 75
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
2D12 LESSER scrolls DR12
14. Metzhuotl's Blind Your Eye
The target turns invisible for
D6+Presence rounds. This effect
ends if the target is hurt for
any reason. They recieve a +6
bonus to Attack and Defense
rolls while invisible.
20. Te-Le-Kin-Esis
You can move objects with your
mind in a radius of 100’. This
spell lasts for D6 minutes.
76 77
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 77
Master’s to o scared to use any of his greater
D20 GREATER SCROLLS Scrolls. He said something about the Church of
the New God sniffing around lo oking for rogue
Use the DR indicated with each Scroll. wizards. Why Galgenwreck is letting these
weirdos get a fo othold is beyond me.
1. Dome of Dissolution (dr14) 6. Greater Paul-e-Morf (dr14) 12. Nine Violet Signs Unknot 17. Te-Le-Port (dr15)
Summon a 7’ diameter dome. This works as Paul-E-Morf, but The Storm (dr14) Instantly travel to any location
All creatures inside the dome are the target is turned into a larger- Choose 3 targets (it can be the you've been to before (DR14) or
invisible and untouchable to all than-human shape. They gain same target). Lightning strikes of which you have significant
creatures without. The dome +D6 HP and their attacks have the target(s) for D6 damage each. knowledge (DR16). You can
endures for D4 hours. a -2 penalty, dealing D8 or D10 transport up to your Presence
damage (game master’s 13. Palms Open the Southern score in other individuals. For
2. Death (DR17) discretion). Gate (dr14) each living being which travels
Take 2D4 damage. All creatures Choose D2+1 targets. You with you beyond that, increase
within a 30’ radius take 4D10 7. Haunter Of Dreams (DR13) conjure and throw a D8 ball of the DR by 1.
damage. Creatures within 30’ must Test fire at the target(s), which
Morale with a -2 penalty automatically hits. 18. Tongue of Eris (dr14)
3. Ettin breath (dr14) (Presence DR14 for player Choose a target. They suffer
You conjure a 30’ diameter cloud characters) or flee for 14. Hourglass (dr17) confusion (pg. 51) for 10 minutes.
of poisonous gas. Those inside D6+Presence rounds. Undead and You take D4 damage and age 1
take D6 damage per round until dragons are unaffected. year. Time stops in a 7’ radius 19. Twin Of Lies (dr14)
they leave. They must Test around you. This spell lasts D6 You create D2+Presence illusions
Toughness DR12 or be knocked 8. Heavens Release The Wind (dr14) rounds (rolled in secret by the which are copies of yourself.
unconscious by the gas. The gas You may conjure changes in the game master). They stand nearby and mimic
dissipates after D6 rounds. weather, causing or ending rain, you. For any successful attack
dropping the temperature or 15. Shadow shroud (dr14) against you, roll a D6. Results
4. Foul Psychompomp (dr14) raising it, clouding or clearing All light within a 60’ radius of 3+ hit a copy, making it
You summon the undead and the sky. immediately goes out, causing disappear.
they obey a 12-word command. complete darkness for everyone
Roll D6, results of 1-3 summon 9. Hills That Walk (dr13) within except you. You see as 20. Wall of Elements (dr14)
D4 skeletons and 4-6 summon You may open a tunnel in solid well as in full daylight. When You conjure a wall of fire or ice
D4 zombies. n they mop?
Ca rock, dirt, or sand. The tunnel you move, the darkness will
follow you until the spell ends.
up to 60’ long and 12’ tall, or a
is big enough for a man to walk circle of elements with a 30’
5. Gift (dr20) through and can extend up to 10 This spell lasts 2D10 minutes. diameter that’s 9’ tall. A wall
Take 3D4 damage and Expend 2 x Presence feet. of fire deals D6 damage to
Powers. Succeed and you have 16. Stars Transfix The Night those who pass through it (2D6
the power to alter reality, 10. Magic boat (dr14) (DR13) to undead or highly flammable
making a statement of 12 words You empower a flat object to fly The target, gripped by frost, creatures). A wall of ice must be
or less that is now true. The on command. The spell lasts 8 takes D8 ice damage and is held broken through. It has 6 HP
Scroll disintegrates after use. hours and the object can carry 6 transfixed for D10+Presence per square foot and is treated as
Failure results in death. adults and gear 56 miles. rounds. having medium armor, -D4
11. Metzle's Mind Melt (dr14)
Target D3 creatures. They lose
their memories of the last D3
78 79
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 79
17. Knots In The Bark 21. Righteous
2D12 LESSER scrolls DR12
Choose a target. They can converse
with plants for D20 minutes.
22. Sermon
turned back from stone will live D6 creatures are spellbound by you
2. Aegis Of Sorrow (DR13) D6 damage and are frozen rigid once more. This affects 10 cubic and unable to act. You must
Choose a target. They recieve for D6 rounds. feet of stone or one humanoid. concentrate to maintain the spell
+2D6 extra HP for 10 rounds. and the effect continues D2 rounds
10. GILL LUNG 19. Purify The Well after you stop.
3. Bestial Speech Make a 1 HP blood sacrifice. You
D4+Presence targets grow gills turn up to 2 gallons of water into
Choose a target. They can talk to and can breath underwater. This 23. Strength of Harriklees
Holy Water (pg. 61). This makes The target gains D3 Strength
animals for D20 minutes. lasts for D2+Presence hours.
Squirrels see everything.
approximately 8 vials of Holy Water.
and +1 melee damage for 1 hour.
4. Cure Disease 11. Grace For A Sinner 20. Reveal
Choose a target. They are cured You bless the target's next All magic in your path is revealed 24. Words of the Mouthless
of curses, disease, infection, and to you. Magical alterations, You may dispel magic or
action, conferring a +D6 bonus enchantments but not the effects
poison. They heal D2 HP. to their next roll. items, and enchantments emit a
bright light. of a magical item. To dispel
5. DETECT Evil something created by another,
You can sense the presence of 12. Grace Of A Dead Saint Test Presence DR14.
evil beings within a 60’ radius. Choose D2 targets. They each
heal D8+Presence HP. Is a mimic maw really the on
You can tell which direction and ly wa
how far they are away from destroy a magic item? y to
13. Harriklee's Chitinous Shell
you. This spell lasts 2D10
minutes. You gain D4 Magical Medium
Armor for 1 hour. This protects
6. Draw Life From The Well
You conjure 6D6 gallons of
against all damage. It can be
reduced in Tier or destroyed by
water. It takes 1 minute per 6 Critical Hits on Scrolls or Attacks. Use the DR indicated with each Scroll.
gallons of water to materialize.
Alternatively, you may conjure 6 14. Hariklee's hastening 2. Burrow (DR14) 4. CONSECRATE (dr16)
gallons instantly. The target's speed is increased You may travel by burrowing Make a 2D4 HP blood sacrifice.
for D6+Presence rounds. They underground up to 150’ a You may bless an area in a 30’
may attack twice per round or minute. You may take D4 others radius. The blessing lasts one week
7. Fairy lights and prevents all beings of ill intent
Conjure D2 glowing orbs which move at twice normal speed. with you. This spell lasts for
3D10 minutes. from entering. It always repels
function as torches. They last undead and magical beings. This
for 2 hours. 15. Hermetic Step spell takes D4 hours to cast.
All traps in your path are revealed 3. Columns Of The Temple (DR15)
to you for 2D10 minutes. Sacrifice D4 HP. You cause a 5. Divine Sinkhole (dr14)
8. False Dawn/Night's Chariot localized earthquake which
You create an aura of light or
16. Holliander's Banquet Bo om
extends in a 75’ radius. Buildings !
Make a D2 HP blood sacrifice
darkness out to a 60’ radius. and choose D2 targets. The
Make a D2 HP blood sacrifice. inside collapse. Fissures and targets are trapped in another
This spell lasts 3D10 minutes. chasms open. 1-in-6 people
Tramsute the blood into a meal dimension for 10 rounds. There's a
for D4+Presence individuals. inside the area will be 2-in-6 chance a hellhound follows
9. Ghost Hand swallowed by the earth.
Make a melee attack against the them back when the spell ends.
target. If successful, they take
80 81
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 81
6. Enochian Syntax (dr17) 11. Power Word (DR15) takes 2D4 rounds. Alternatively, D3 targets vomit up a large worm
Sacrifice D4 HP. A target of your You speak the true name of your the vines may be commanded to which poisons them for D3 damage.
choosing obeys a 12-word-or-less God. D2 targets take D12 damage concentrate in one spot and grow They take D3 damage each turn
command without quetion. and are deafened for D4 hours. up to 30’ high. until they Test Toughness DR12.
7. Heavens release the winds (dr14) 12. Roskoe's Consuming Glare (dr15) 7. Eye-Kar-Us Rising 16. Wurmwood
You may conjure changes in the Choose D4 targets. They take D8 Summon D3 giant eagles which can Target a tree. It unroots itself and
weather, causing or ending rain, damage and must Test Morale. carry two people each. They can will serve you for D2 hours. The
dropping or raising the temperature, fly 3 hours at 40 miles per hour. tree has extraordinary strength,
clouding or clearing the sky. 13. Stepping Stones (dr14) able to lift and carry extremely
Sacrifice D4 HP. You may turn air 8. False Dawn/Night's Chariot heavy objects and break down the
8. Hrothl's Hell Horn (DR14) to a solid, creating up to 600 You may create an aura of light or strongest doors, but is too slow to
Summon a hellhound to serve or square feet of flat surface area. The darkness out to a 60’ radius. This be effective in combat. It has 12
fight. It stays for D8+Presence solid air is invisible to everyone spell lasts 3D10 minutes. HP and Armor D6.
rounds. If you rolled a 1 for except you.
duration, it refuses to help and
attacks you before leaving. 14. Tongue of Eris (dr14)
9. Heartbeats Reverberate Greater Scrolls
Choose a target. They suffer
You can sense the presence of living DR as Indicated
beings within a 60’ radius. You can
9. life (dr16) confusion (pg. 51) for 10 minutes. tell which direction and the 1. Boring Hole (DR15)
You take D3 Toughness damage distance they are away from you. D3 Targets Test Agility DR13 or
(see Drain, pg. 51). All beings 15. Unmet Fate (dr15) This spell lasts 2D6 minutes. are swallowed by the earth. Success
within a 15’ radius heal 3D10 HP. Target a recently deceased corpse. means they’re knocked unconscious.
The target is resurrected, but 10. Metzhuotl’s blind prying eyes
10. Part the sea (DR14) brings with them haunting Target a georaphic feature and 2. Call of the wild (dr13)
Sacrifice D4 HP. You may raise or memories of the afterlife. They create an illusion to replace it. This You conjure D4 horses, D3 wolves,
lower the water level or part a suffer -1 to all abilities. lasts D4 hours and ends if touched. or D2 black bears. The animals will
body of water. This lasts for D6+4 obey you. They serve or fight for
minutes. 16. Whispers Pass The Gate (dr13) you for D4 hours.
Target a corpse. You may ask three 11. SErpent's Uncoiled Kiss
questions and it will answer. Summon D2 poisonous snakes
which attack the target. The 3. fae twilight (DR17)
target takes D4 (D6 for 2 For 2D10 rounds you are immune to
magical attacks.
82 83
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 83
Ask that
henchman for
Now that’s an deposit back!
attack dog!
Large Monstrous Insect
Presence Test. When using a
The first thing planted in every pasture mirror, roll a D6 every time the
is the boulder to stand on. basilisk hits. Results of 5+ mean
–Wästland proverb the basilisk has petrified itself.
1, or a pack of D4.
17 (12’ long) or 22 (18’ long)
Ankapede 87 Gnoll 105 Orc 118 Exoskeleton D4 Basilisks look like wingless dragons,
Basilisk 87 Gnome 105 Owler 118 7 but drool constantly and act like
Bat 88 Goblin 106 Rat, Giant 118 Mandibles D10 + Acid hungry dogs. Some are vicious and
Beamer Beast 88 Griffon 106 Raüper 119 , if hit roll a D6. On a 1, others are playful and just want a
Bear 89 Halfling 107 Rust Roach 119 bone to gnaw on. The best time to
reduce armor 1 Tier. If the target kill a basilisk is while it drinks,
Beastman 89 Harpy 108 Scorpion, Giant 120 isn’t wearing armor, take D4 since it has to close it’s eyes
Böllshirk 90 Hellhound 108 Serpent Folk 120 damage instead. to do so.
Brownie 91 Hobgoblin 108 Shambling Rotter 121 D3
Bugbear 91 Horse 109 Shark 121 Basilisk live in
Chimera 92 Human 110 Skeleton 121 Ankapede tunnel around underground subterranean areas.
Chryptwurm 92 Hydra 110 Snake, Giant 122 and mostly stay there, but can explode
through the soil to grab surface prey.
Cockatrice 92 Kobold 111 Spider, Giant 122 Livestock are their most frequent
Crocodile 94 Lammasu 111 Spôrshreek 122 targets, but many travelers disappear
Cyclops 94 Lich 112 Stira 123 on roads near rural farming
Devourer 95 Lizard Person 113 Trawlfish 123 communities. The ground will shake D4
Dragon 96 Lycanthrope 113 Troll 124 rounds before ankapede surface.
Dry-had 99 Manticore 114 Tyrannosaur 124
Dwarf 99 Mandible Mole 114 Vampire 124 Lightly forested areas and
Elemental 100 Medusa 114 Whirring Man 125 foothills, especially near farms. Head 100
Elf 100 Mimer 115 Wight 126 silver, captured 500
Ettin 101 Mimic Maw 116 Wolf 126 Segmented exoskeleton silver. The eyes
Ghost 103 Naga 116 Wyvern, Vale 126 100 silver, prized for use in making still petrify for
armor. 2D4 minutes
Ghoul 103 Ogre 117 Zombie 127 after death.
Giant 104 Ooze and Dungeon Gel 117 Zornth 127
Use the following guide to read the creature entries. Large Magical Monster
The creature’s HP total. Roll the listed die and subtract the Lolling tongue and
resulting amount from any damage taken by the creature. A “D1” stomping footfalls
indicates damage is reduced by 1. All hits deal a minimum of 1 damage.
This is the target number to hit the creature. If none is listed, it is 26
DR12. The creature’s Morale score. This entry lists any
attacks the creature has and their damage. A written number, such as Scales D2
“two,” denotes the creature can use that attack twice. A “+” indicates 8
that attack has a special ability. An “or” indicates a second attack option. Bite D10 + Petrify
These have specific names and the description explains , if hit, Test Presence
their function. See Creatures by Threat (pg. 128). DR14 or be turned to stone.
Attempting to fight while
looking away is DR16.
The creatures which follow may have A basilisk reflection
Scroll-like abilities listed as Powers. These are innate abilities and
not Scrolls. If the listing calls it a Power or named ability, no
Test to use it is needed. They may have Tests to resist the effect.
However, if the description says the creature has access to Scrolls,
the creature needs to Test DR12 to cast it. Failure means it doesn’t
work. On a Scroll Test result of 1, they take D6 damage.
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297) 86 87
Bears use caves, dungeons, and
thick brush to make their dens.
Small Animal Large Magical Monster
Large Animal
Foul beasts which spread disease. Cybernetic dimensional traveler. “Its eyes were bloodshot and its Pelts, black bear 35
mouth… it was watering.” silver, grizzly bear 55 silver, cave bear
31 –Grift merchant 85 silver.
See Swarm, Below Thick Shell D4
- 11
5 See Eye Beams, Below 13
Ponderous - Medium Monstrous Humanoid
D3 + Feed Servants of the DARK LORD.
, for each damage dealt by this , beamer beasts fire D3 6
creature, heal it by the same beams per round. Roll 2d6 on Two 8
amount, but not above its maximum the chart below to determine Claws D3
Leather and Shield D2+1
HP. the effect used. + Grapple, 8
, this creature has HP equal 1, a solitary or Bite D8
, if both Spear D6 + Contagion
to the number of individuals in the creature. , if hit, roll a D12. A
swarm. claw attacks
are successful, result of 1 means the target is
2D6 Beamer beasts are cybernetic diseased and will turn into a
floating orbs covered in a chitinous the target takes
an additional D4 beastman in D4+Toughness days
hide and ceramic armor plates. unless cured. They sprout horns the
2 Their giant central eye fires a damage.
D2 next morning if not treated and cured.
- Death Ray. They have a dozen Patrol D4 or more. If
6 tentacle-like arms growing out of more than 18, add an Acolyte
D3 + Feed and Unclean the top of their head, each ending (HP15, can use Night’s Chariot, but
, for each damage dealt by this in a hand-like structure holding an 25 must sacrifice a follower to do so).
creature, heal it by the same eye that shoot ray attacks. They -
amount, but not above it’s are visitors from another world 8 Servants of the unclean, beastmen look
maximum HP. here to hunt humans for sport. Two Claws D6 + Grapple, like large goat-headed humans. Some
, if bitten, Test Toughness sprout extra limbs, tails, or even a
or Bite D12 second head. They want to spread
DR12 or be infected. Beamer beasts prefer , if both claw attacks are
3D4 subterranean or desolate areas for mayhem and hasten the rise of the
successful, the target takes an DARK LORD.
their hunting. They avoid heavily additional D4 damage and is
Flea-ridden and festering, these foul populated locations such as cities.
creatures swoop down to harass and knocked to the ground. They live in remote areas and
menace. 1, a solitary creature. raid cities and towns, then disappear
Central eye 100 silver, back into the darkness.
ceramic armor plates 125 silver.
Subterranean and other dark Search their trophy sack; roll on
locations. 18 Corpse 2D6 silver,
the Special Item Table. captured 30 silver.
None 7
Two Claws D4 + Grapple,
or Bite D10 Beastmen are descendants
of the
, if both claw attacks are traitors who fought alongsid
e the
Zzzzt, take D6 damage. Suspended Animation, you’re successful, the target takes an DARK LORD against the
Vale (true).
paralyzed for D4 rounds. If you eat a beastman’s hea
additional D4 damage and is rt, you’re
immune to their con
Temporal Slowdown, all knocked to the ground. (false, and probably causestagion
combat Tests have a -4 Terrify, cower in fear for D4 1, a solitary creature. Beastmen steal children to infection).
rounds, losing your ability to act. because they can’t reproduturn them
penalty for D4 rounds. Beastmen fear fire
ce (true).
People go missing all the time, but a
Mind Zap, Test Presence DR12 Disintegrate, wide array affects grizzly or cave bear will leave bits of (true, because fire fucking
You can only kill a beastm hurts).
or obey a single command of D3 targets. Take 2D8 damage. meat, blood, and hair to follow so you or silver (false, they die an with iron
up to 12 words. No self harm. Zzzaaappp! can find something to bury. like humans
and have no resistan
Death Ray, take 3D10 damage. Beastmen only attack at ces).
they have no aversion to t (false,
88 89
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
tear a person into pieces and a Any quiet woodland, plains, or
body of corded muscle encased hilly region.
Large Magical Monster in armor-thick skin. Not the Small Humanoid Fae
brightest creatures, they can Wary and watchful. Blood, pint 50 silver,
“Always know where there’s a sought by alchemists to make potions.
large tree to climb." often be out-climbed, but rarely
–Travelers Proverb be outrun. If you can get to it 7
safely, the underbelly is less 9
21 protected and only D2 Armor. Dagger or Sling D4
Armored Hide D6 Otherwise, the eyes have no Fae Agility
10 armor but are DR16 to hit. , Tests made to hear or
Bite D12+3, or Two see a hidden brownie are DR18. Large Goblin
Front Hooves D4+2 Any above-ground area, l, they can step into a Yellow broken-tooth smile. They’re
although they prefer warmer shadow in one spot and walk out the bump you hear in the night.
1, a solitary climates with lots of large of a shadow elsewhere within 50’.
creature. mammals to feed on. 1, a solitary creature. 8
Hide Armor D2
Bloodshot eyes and drooling Hide 250 silver, can be Brownies are small, elusive fae and 9
yellow ichor, this 6-ton used in making armor. mostly benevolent. They’re master Shortsword or Spear D6
nightmare has a mouth able to craftsmen and superb woodsmen. , they win initiative on 1-4.
They can repair most mundane D4 or more. If more
objects and serve as woodland than 12, a Bigbear (HP 17, Bastard
guides. They can be convinced to Sword D8+1) will be present.
lend aid to well-meaning folk with
a successful DR14 Presence Test. If Large hairy goblins with
they are threatened, they’ll use disproportionately long arms, they
traps and tricks to kill instead of walk hunched forward with a
direct attacks. loping gait. They are often
encountered grinning, with an
almost mad look in their eyes.
They’re used to pushing around
smaller goblins, so the chance to
hit someone new is exciting and
fun. But not for you.
90 91
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
DR16. A cockatrice’s reflection is Head 50 silver,
not harmful; using a mirror to captured 400 silver or more to a
Large Monstrous Insect fight is DR14 and avoids the motivated buyer. Safely convincing
Large Magical Monster Also known as the Bergenwurm, one Presence Test. When using a them of the authenticity is the
The last whisper of a dead god; they kiss and you’ll never be the same. mirror, difficult part.
want vengeance. roll a D6 every
14 time the cockatrice
29 - hits. Results of 5+
Thick Skin D2 9 mean the cockatrice
9 Eight Tentacles + Paralyze, has petrified itself.
Goat D4 and Lion D6 and or Consume 1, a
Dragon D10, or Breathe Fire 2D6 , if hit, Test Toughness solitary creature.
, D3 times per day, the DR12 or be paralyzed and unable
dragon head can Breathe Fire in a to move for 2D6 rounds. A nightmare
25’ line. There’s a 1-in-2 chance , swallow target whole, D4 birthed
the dragon head uses this; Test cumulative damage per round if the by some quirk of
Defense DR12 to dodge. target does not resist. failed magic, or
this beast is unholy and D2, a solitary creature perhaps purposefully
wrong. When encountering a or mating pair. by some mad hedge
chimera, roll on the chart below. wizard. This
1, a solitary creature. Chryptwurms are 9-foot-long abomination is a cross
segmented worms with eight between a chicken and a
Birthed by the death of a demigod, tentacle- like proboscises that encircle lizard, but the melding
these creatures are caricatures of their mouth. They excrete a of the two beasts can
nature. They’re a putrescent melding paralyzing poison through their
of lion, goat, and dragon which appear in myriad ways.
proboscises which stuns prey. Once
rarely forms in storybook fashion. stunned, they consume them. All are unsettling and
Instead, the heads are asymmetrical, grotesque, like the 3-
necks twisted and bent, and the legs Chryptwurms live in places of legged hissing beasts
don’t match in length. Their ungodly total darkness like caves and sewers. found near Grift.
gait summons images of what is to They sometimes come to the surface
come should HE ascend HIS throne. at night, but will retreat at the first Nature curses them,
sign of light. but they can still show up
Dungeons, caves, mountains, anywhere.
hills, or deep forests. The places gods Poison gland 90 silver
go to die. to a skilled alchemist or can be used
as a contact poison. D4 applications,
Heads 85 silver each, each use Test Toughness DR12 or be
roll on the Special Treasure Table paralyzed for 2D6 rounds.
(pg. 132).
Hysteria D4 Reactions
1 You feel like you’ve seen this beast
in your nightmares. Roll a D6 each
round while within 60’ of the
chimera, results of 1 mean you are Small Magical Monster
unable to act. “What the hell is wrong with that ch”
2 Test Toughness DR12 or vomit –Inscription on a statue near Sarkash
violently for D2 rounds. Suffer -1
Strength for D6 further rounds. 13
3 You keep it together, but it isn’t -
pretty. Any Tests for Scrolls will 7
be at +2DR while within 60’ of Bite D4 + Petrify
the chimera. , if hit, Test Presence DR14
4 Test Presence DR12 or cower in or be turned to stone. Attempting
fear for a round. to fight while looking away is
92 93
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
living under Grift, using their abilities
to influence the world above to their
own ends. The Pirate Kings have
Medium Or Large Animal Large Monstrous Humanoid Medium Monstrous Humanoid promised a princely reward should
“The water rippled and then was still. They’ll crack a femur to get to the Don’t delve into the darkness unless someone locate and stop them.
That was right before it came up marrow and it doesn’t matter to them you’re ready for the darkness to delve
starboard side and pulled Ulf to his if the owner is still screaming or not. into you. Corpse 100 + 5D20 silver.
death.” When they take enough damage, the
–Grift fisherman 23 21 hivemind collapses and they turn into a
Tough Skin D2 - pile of worms. If someone consumes at
7 9 least a handful, consult the table below.
12 Tree Club D10+2, or Boulder Telepathic Blast D6 + Flay,
Thick Hide D2 2D6, or Snack 2D8 or Power
7 Depth-less Perception Prescient
Bite D8 if a combatant falls down or , this attack ignores armor.
D3. Every 6 rounds of loses more than half of their HP, , devourers may use Tongue of
combat risks attracting more. Roll there’s a 2-in-6 chance the cyclops Eris, Te-Le-Kin-Esis, and Enochian
a D6; on a 5+ D3 more swamp will use Snack. The cyclops stops Syntax (Target Tests Presence
crocodiles will arrive in D3 rounds. defending and the target gets a DR12 to resist), and can cast D3+2
free attack, but then must Test Powers per day.
DR16 or be hit. 1 or cabal D3.
19 1 or family clan D4.
Thick Hide D4 Devourers are masses of sentient,
7 Cyclops are 20’ tall and visually writhing worms inhabiting a corpse.
Bite D10 + Roll challenged. They raise livestock and The worms share a hivemind and have
If an attack deals 7+ damage, fish but will leave home a few times a psychic powers. Devourers will mind
year to search out their favorite control lesser beings for survival and
Test Strength D14 or you are delicacy, man. Rotten teeth and broken consume their brains when they grow
grappled. If in water, the crocodile nails are typically the last thing anyone too weak to continue. The hivemind
will pull you under, suffocating you sees when they run into a cyclops. can replicate itself, planting a festering
for D4 additional damage per mass of young worms in a corpse to
round. On land, you are held in Cyclops live in natural caves, grow a companion (or rival).
place and Defend with a -6 penalty often near large bodies of water as fish
against further attacks until you are an easy source of food. They hate sunlight and only live
break free. in underground or otherwise dark areas.
1, a solitary creature. In some cases, they live in abandoned
Head 100 silver, corpse buildings, sewers, or even basements if
200 silver. A cyclops’s cave will have they can get control of the occupants
Swamp crocodiles can reach 10’ or an area of discarded remains. Searching
12’ and typically stick to shallower above. Rumors circulate of a cabal
this area produceS a roll on the Special
waterways, feeding on small Treasure Table
mammals and fish. If they’re (pg. 132). They
hungry, they will attack people. don’t keep coins.
River crocodiles can grow over 20’
long and live in deep bodies of
water, hunting bigger game and,
when they get the chance, unlucky
In and around bodies of Death. The worms had Gain Telepathic Blast.
water and occasionally sewers. enough life in them to Expend a Power: Deals D4
mess your insides up. damage & ignores armor.
Swamp crocodile hide Gain a Scroll. Roll D3.
30 silver, river crocodile hide 50 You get ill. -1 to Agility, 1Tongue of Eris,
Strength, and Toughness
silver intact. Slashed and cut to for D3 hours. You vomit a 2 Te-Le-Kin-Esis,
pieces they’re worth half that. 3 Enochian Syntax.
lot during this time. Take D3 damage when used.
94 95
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Large Magical Monster
When the Offal Dragon passed over
Galgenwreck, the peasantry froze for
hours and the streets ran with piss. 37
Rotten Scales D6
44 10
Rusted Scales D6 Two Claws D8 and Bite
10 D12, or Breath Attack 3D6, or
Two Claws D8 and Bite Power
D12+2, or Breath Attack 3D6 , D3 times per day, the
, D3+1 times per day offal dragon can spew poison in a
the dragon can Breathe Fire or 50’ line 10’ wide. There’s a 1-in-2
poison in a 50’ line 10’ wide. chance it attacks this way.
There’s a 1-in-2 chance it attacks , the offal dragon has access
this way. to Foul Psychompomp, Whispers
, if the player characters Pass The Gate, and Unmet Fate.
win initiative, there’s a 2-in-6 Each is usable once per day.
chance the dragon is asleep. , if the player characters
1, a solitary creature. win initiative, there’s a 2-in-6
chance the dragon is asleep.
Dragons are ancient, and the coming 1, a solitary creature.
end has not been kind. Most show
some sign of disease or blight, their This beast lives somewhere outside
former powers diminished but still of Galgenwreck and passed over
ferocious. They cling to their treasure the city in its hunt for a hoard-
hoards and hope they can find a way home. No one knows what drove it
to survive, but they quickly forget from its previous den and no one
when the sleep takes them. wants to find out. Rumors persist
Dragons spend most of their time that this beast can be reasoned
dreaming of days long passed, of with and it has power over the
devouring and wanton destruction. dead. Follow the nightmares to
Any humans asleep nearby experience find the way.
that dream but as a victim, gaining
no HP during rest. When they can Bring three cows, seven sheep, and
drag themselves awake, dragons take a chest of silver, and you may be
out their anger on lesser species. able to find your doom.
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Medium Humanoid Fae Medium Humanoid
In Sarkash, it isn’t just man and beast Their mad kings welcomes the coming
that walk the forest. Ragnarok.
9 4
Thorn Fingers D4, or Power Chainmail and Shield D4+1
Shimmer 8
, by Expending a Power the Battleaxe or Crossbow D8
dry-had may possess a nearby tree. , immune to poison and DR14
See below for their stats when doing to hit with Scrolls and magic.
so. They cannot use Powers while in , dwarves are DR15 in the
this form. dark.
, the dry-hads may use Call Of D6 to 4D100. If more
The Wild, Dry-Had's Reaching than 20 appear, a Sergeant will be
Grasp, Metzhuotl’s Blind Prying present.
Eyes, and Shroud Of Springtime
Fog, and can cast D3+2 powers per
, 3 rounds after they take 14
damage the dry-had begins to heal Chainmail and Shield D4+1
D3 HP per round, even regrowing 9
lost limbs. They stop regenerating Battleaxe or Crossbow D8
when at or below 0 HP. , dwarves are DR15 in the
1, or a Glade D3. dark.
Dry-hads are the guardians of the forest , they add +1
and the true form of the spirit inside a Morale to any dwarves in their line
Wurmspeaker. They hate most humanoids of sight. This effect does not stack.
and view them as enemies of the wild and , immune to poison and DR14
destroyers of the green. They may be more
favorable toward Fallen. Dry-hads can step to to hit with Scrolls and magic.
into trees, although they still take damage if
the tree is hurt. These squat and dirty creatures are
ill-mannered and melancholy and
Inside trees and forest glens in wild given to consume in excess. They
areas, usually near a stream or water source. are long-lived and remember the
halls of their fathers. Ask a dwarf
The hair of a dry-had is for help and they may flick a
woven through fabric and rope to enhance booger at you, but introduce them
strength and make enchantment easier. Scalp to a goblin and watch them fill
80 silver.
with blood lust. They attack orcs,
goblins, and hobgoblins on sight,
and Test DR10 to hit them.
Current + D6 (young tree) or
+2D6 (ancient tree) They build their fortresses
Gnarled Bark D4 inside mountains and occasionally
9 small surface communities grow
Two Club Arms D8, or around the entrances.
Cumbersome Corpse 15 silver and, if
the dryad can step out of the a Sergeant is present, roll once on
tree to its true form at any time. the Special Treasure Table (pg. 132).
98 99
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Large Planar Traveler Medium Humanoid
A hurricane has no compassion and Pale, gaunt, and lour with antler-
shows no mercy. Neither does an long ears, they died a millennia ago Large Humanoid
elemental. and just haven’t realized it. “The two heads were arguing
with each other while they
26 ate Mikel.”
Force of Nature D4 (D6 vs –trader, from Lake Onda
non-magic) 5
9 Studded Leather D2 27
Elemental Blast D8 + Nature 8 Stinking Animal Hide D2
, if hit, the attack has Longsword D8, or Bow D6 8
additional effects. Consult the chart , elves win initiative on 1-4 Right Club D10 and Left
below based on the Nature of the and Tests made to see or hear a Club D8 + Conjoined Attack
elemental. hidden elf are DR14. , Test DR16 to sneak
1, a summoned D6 to D100. If more up on or by an ettin. They win
creature. than 12 appear, a Captain will be initiative on 1-4.
present. , roll a D6 every
Elementals are brought here by round the Ettin attacks. If the
dark sorcery, usually to serve evil result is 1-3, they attack with the
ends. The trip usually leaves them Right Club only; if it’s 4-6, they
angry and homesick. If the 15 attack with both clubs.
summoner sends them back or Scalemail D4 1, a double-header.
releases control within 5 minutes, 9
the elemental will go home. If Longsword D8 and Dagger Ettin are neither bright nor
they get free after that, roll a D6. D4 cunning, but they make up for that
They will attack the summoner and , when an elf dies, any elf with grinding teeth and horrific
anything in their way on a 2+. within line of sight of the captain strength. They stalk areas just
are DR13 and +1 damage until their outside of civilization, feeding off
What nature is you elemental? next turn. This effect does not stack. whatever weak and easy prey they
Fire: when hit, Air: when hit, , elves win initiative on 1-4 can get. Their double heads make
Test Presence Test Toughness and Tests made to see or hear a them harder to surprise, but are a
DR12 or a carried DR12 or be hidden elf are DR14. liability in a fight.
item catches fire. pushed backward
10’ by the wind. The remaining elves live in the
forest of Sarkash, their crumbling Ettin live in caves and
Earth: when hit, Water: when towers and dilapidated hovels dungeons. They use cover of
Test Agility hit, Test lorded over by their ‘high council.’ darkness to do their dark deeds.
DR12 or be Strength DR12 They can often be found wandering
knocked down by or be held fast in small groups looking for Corpse 100 silver and a
the earth shaking. by strong distraction. Some think elves have sack of body parts kept for
currents 1 round. lost all hope and are just waiting to snacking. If encountered in their
die. They lost their fae magic. lair, roll once on the Special
They have no home here. Treasure Table (pg. 132).
Water elementals can only be Elves live in secretive
summoned into a body of water enclaves deep in the heart of the
and must stay in water. biggest forests.
None Corpse 12 silver.
100 101
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
D12 Things Found in a ghoul nest
An altar with an offering plate of human eyes and a crude effigy of a skeletal face.
A small table. On it rests a bristle less hairbrush, a lace less shoe, and a locket.
Undead Humanoid Undead Humanoid
A necklace, placed on a wall-hook. Its beads are dried human toes. 3
Hate and menace wrapped in shadow. Pack hunters whose hunger for flesh is
It’s bound by regret or a necromancer. a void which cannot be filled.
A pouch of mismatched rings. Many are flecked with dried blood. 4
Wind-chimes. A closer inspection reveals they're made of bones. 5
15 7
- -
A pile of children's blocks and crudely carved wooden animals. 6 7 8
A dented and tarnished horn sits propped against a chair. 7 Claw D6, or Power Claws D3 + Paralyze,
A mirror. Its clouded face is the only clean surface here. 8
, ghosts may use Te-Le-Kin- or Bite D6
Sleeping hammocks made of hair hang from the ceiling. 9
Esis and Enochian Syntax (target , there’s a 2-in-6 chance
Tests Presence DR12 to resist) and a ghoul will be wearing the face of
A shelf lined with alphabetically-organized books. 10 can cast D3 Powers per day. its last victim. If it is, the ghoul is
, mundane weapons do not
Mismatched shoes are lined up against a wall. 11
so unnerving it’s DR14 unless you
hurt ghosts, but silver or magical rip the skin-mask off.
A grimy barrel filled with salted meat. 12
weapons do. , if hit, Test Toughness
, immune to damage from DR12 or be paralyzed and unable
poison and Scrolls that affect to move for D4 rounds.
biological creatures. , immune to damage from
1, a solitary creature. poison and Scrolls that affect
biological creatures.
Ghosts are bound by a necromancer D3
or trapped by their own desires to
finish some task left undone. They Ghouls are cunning and retain a
will attempt to possess anyone who vestige of their pre-ghoul selves.
gets in their way before resorting Post-feeding, elements of their
to physical attacks. Holy water former personality may surface, but
deals D8 damage per flask thrown as the time after feeding grows,
on a ghost and they are unable to the hunger and ghoulish instincts
cross salt. grow. When hunting, they will
stalk prey, waiting to take them
None by surprise. They paralyze with
their claws and consume the bodies
Spiritual residue 75 of their victims. Any victim killed
silver, used to make potions of who isn’t consumed, will rise in D3
Whispers Pass The Gate. days as a ghoul themselves, unless
doused in holy water or set on fire.
D4 ghostly rumors
1 Place a beloved personal item of the Ghouls live underground,
deceased into a pouch with a doves feather, away from the sun and prying
dried lily blossoms, and a pearl. Burn it at eyes. They can inhabit caves and
the haunting site to banish it (False). dungeons, but most often will stay
2 Fine silver chains made with silver can in crypts, mausoleums, and in
bind a ghost. They can also be fashioned sewers. They prefer places with
into a net to capture it (True, this works). easy access to fresh food and a
3 Tricking the ghost to look at itself in a place to dispose of the leftovers.
mirror will banish it from the living
world (False, this is rubbish). Corpse 13 silver, if
4 Fire keeps a ghost at bay. Setting it on encountered in their lair, there is
fire will remove it permanently. likely scattered things left laying
(False, but if they haunt a pile or burned about worth 3D10 silver.
rubble would anyone notice?)
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
They’re intelligent like fire giants,
but just as cruel as hill giants,
combining the most dangerous traits Medium Monstrous Humanoid Small Humanoid
of both. They’re often encountered Shrieking laughter and wild taunts, Blank stares and cold eyes, chiseled
Large Monstrous Humanoid with a pet bear or two (roll a D6: they’re hunting something. You. from a boulder by belligerence.
Towering titans who love cruelty 1-4 black bears, 5-6 grizzly bears).
and smashing people into paste. 7 4
Rough Leather D2 Leather and Shield D2+1
7 8
Spear or Sword D6 + Pack Warhammer D4, or Crossbow D6
, if this gnoll is fighting , gnomes are DR14 against
32 22 adjacent to at least two other human-sized or larger combatants.
Scalemail D4 Thick Skin D2 gnolls, Test Defense DR13. Patrol D6 to 200. If
10 8 Patrol D6 to Horde more than 20 appear, a Guild
Gutsword 2D8+2, or Spear Club D10, or Boulder 2D6 200. If more than 20 appear, a Leader (HP 12, Morale 9) will be
2D6, or Spew , Test Defense DR10. The Packmaster (HP 14, Morale 9) will present.
, fire giants are immune hill giant attempts to grab and bite be present.
to fire damage and effects. a smaller creature. If successful, the Gnomes affinity for illusions burnt
, Test Defense DR14. The fire attack deals D12 damage and causes Gnolls are cunning warriors, but prone out generations ago. Now, they
giant belches flame in a 10’ cone, infection. Usable once per day. to bickering and infighting. If a battle make do as craftsmen and pushy
able to hit D3 targets for D6 1 or Gang D3. turns against them, they cut and run. salesmen. Their dour demeanor
damage. This ignores armor. Usable makes them painful to haggle with.
once per day. Tree swinger, boulder tossing They prefer subterranean areas,
1, a solitary creature. bastards from the hills, these dirty but will make a surface encampment Gnomes dig burrows into
behemoths steal livestock, raid work, if needed. hills or mountains. They’re
Fire giants are master metals trade caravans, and spread terror. reclusive when not trying to sell
smiths, and able to create works of Corpse 2D6 silver. something.
metalcraft beyond other smiths. Giants live in castles, caves,
They’re intelligent and can be and mountain passes. Diminutive corpse 13
reasoned with, but don’t be fooled silver each.
by their calm demeanor; they’re Corpse 75 silver,
still giants. Fire giants often keep captured 500 silver. Their lair
hellhounds as pets. contains 7D20 silver.
112 113
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Presence DR14 or be stunned for to fight while looking away is
D4 rounds. DR16. A medusa’s reflection is not
Large Magical Monster 1, a solitary creature. harmful; using a mirror to fight is
DR14 and avoids the Presence Test. Humanoid Magical Monster
Watching from the woods or trailing It’s watching you.
from the sky, when they scent prey, Mandible moles have four multifaceted When using a mirror, roll a D6
they are relentless. crystalline eyes and a large set of every time the medusa hits. Results
mandibles. They move through stone at 13
of 5+ mean the medusa has -
24 half human speed and soil at full
walking speed. Their mandibles click petrified itself. 8
- and clack while they burrow 1, a solitary creature. Shadow Claws D6
8 underground. Phantasm
Bite D8, or Two Barbs D4 They may look humanoid if disguised,
, manticore win but when they rise up to their full 9- . 1, a solitary creature.
They keep a subterranean den
initiative on 1-4. near the center of their territory. It’s foot height, there’s no mistaking their
heritage. They have coiled serpents for Mimers slip through tears in reality to
1, or a pack of D3. rumored the females consume the males hunt humans and wear the corpse like a
after copulation and their lair contains a hair which attack, but their petrifying
Ruthless and deceptive, manticore have gaze is their true weapon. costume. They’re two-
small fortune in mandible mole eyes. dimensional and
a human face but are wild beasts. They
will stalk people from a distance, either move in odd and
Eyes 30 silver (D4 total). Caves, dungeons, or otherworldly ways,
in the air or creeping along behind The eyes loose their hypnotic charm abandoned ruins. There is always a
them. Their face disarms most people appearing to the casual
upon the mandible mole’s death. garden or room filled with unsettling observer to be a shadow.
long enough for them to close the statues taken as trophies.
distance for the kill. They can shoot
tail barbs up to 30’. Found inside a mandible mole’s den Head 20 silver, After
1 The gnawed femur of a hill giant captured 300 silver. Roll once on learning a
Mountains, caves, dungeons, and 2 The broken antlers of a dire stag the Special Treasure Table few of
other wilderness areas, but usually not far (pg. 132). the human’s
from the road. 3 A bronze belt buckle with heraldry on it
4 A crushed giant tortoise shell mannerisms,
they attack. If
D8 Barbs 8 silver each. If 5 A finely wrought but shattered being followed,
encountered in their lair, roll on the Special noblewoman's mirror engraved “MSH” There’s a cave in
Treasure Table (pg. 132). Bergen Chrypt Test Presence
6 5D10 ancient silver coins with a dead where a medusa DR16 to notice
king’s face on them has spent the it’s not a
last decade shadow.
luring in travelers
and painstakingly
petrifying them in None
specific poses. It’s
Large Monstrous Humanoid trying to recreate
“We heard the scraping echoing famous works of art
through the tunnel, but it was already using petrified people
Large Magical Monster to match subjects of
Four eyes blink back in the dark. too late for the others.”
–Bergen Chrypt Survivor the paintings. After
Humanoids are their favorite prey. petrifying, it paints
the victims to match
16 the painting. So far,
23 -
Stony Hide D4 it’s recreated a dozen None
7 paintings.
D3 Snake Bites D3 + Petrify,
Mandible D10 + Snack, or or Constrict D8
Mesmerize , if hit, Test Strength
Cumbersome DR14 or the medusa will wrap
, following a successful hit, itself around you. While
the mole will drag their prey back constricted, the medusa deals D8
to their lair. Test Agility DR14. damage each round. You can Test
Failure means you’re pulled 10’ every round to escape.
toward the mole’s tunnel. , if hit, Test Presence DR14
, the mole uses its or be turned to stone. Attempting
crystalline eyes to confuse you. Test
114 115
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
EXPERIMENTS doom, and to that end they will aid
anyone with the same goal. Nagas
Subterranean Magical Monster No one knows how a mimic maw look like large snakes with human
It waits patiently for the next meal recognizes what form to take to lure in faces. Each face is taken from a dead
and always asks for seconds. prey, but one wild guess by a wizard person. Nagas implant their young
from Galgenwreck sounds likely. The Magical Monster
into a corpse’s skull to grow more Oily magical essence given form.
theory goes that they not only eat nagas. In doing so, their faces take
19 their prey, but they consume their It seeks out metal and magic to absorb.
- on the appearance of the corpses.
memories. That’s why the wizard has
8 been feeding people to a captive mimic, Nagas are often found working with
Toothed Maw D8 + Grapple trying to see if he can control what
Wurmspeakers, and reaction rolls
Stationary shape it takes. 9
made between the two are done with -
, when touched, a mimic a +3 bonus.
maw will attempt to grapple a -
victim. Test Agility DR12 or be Pseudopod D4 + Caustic
Subterranean areas or bodies , if hit, reduce medium or heavy
grappled. While grappled, the Large Magical Monster of water, you’ll know what it is by armor by 1 Tier. If it cannot be reduced
mimic maw hits automatically. The They desire to end the DARK L ORD. the crinkle of their molted skin further, it disintegrates.
target can Test Strength DR14 to underfoot. , oozes are immune to magic.
break the grapple once per round. 29 1, a solitary creature. Roll a
1, a solitary creature. - Head 25 silver. If D6: on a 5+ the ooze is actually a dungeon gel.
Mimic maws change shape to mimic 10 encountered in their lair, roll once on
the Special Treasure Table (pg. 132). Oozes are mindless creatures of magical
ordinary stone or wood items. They Bite D4 + Constrict, or essence. They can climb vertically and
feed infrequently and move slowly Power horizontally across walls and ceilings.
and, once they are in place, they can , if hit, Test Strength DR14 They appear to be liquid or semi solid,
hibernate for long periods of time. or the naga will wrap itself around and dissolve metal on contact. If hit
Touching one will trigger it to you. While constricted, the naga with a metallic weapon, roll a D6. On
attack. deals D8 damage each round. You can Large Monstrous Humanoid a 1 or 2, it is destroyed.
Test Strength every round to Cruel eyes and broken nails.
Mimic maws hate the sun and attempt escape. Oozes inhabit natural or man-
It’s driven by hate and hunger. made stone structures, most frequently
only live in caverns, dungeons, and the
densest of forests. caves and dungeons.
Animal Hides D2
Stomach acid 100 silver.
Mimic maw stomachs contain the most 9
caustic acid known to Club or Spear D10, or 22
exist and can Two Hands D6 -
break down Band D4, Tribe -
and digest , naga may 2D6+2.
use Grace of a Stun
magic Ponderous
items. Dead Saint, Ogres are not very intelligent, but
Eyelid Blinds the , if a dungeon gel touches a creature’s
they make up for that in sheer size skin, the target must Test Toughness DR14
Mind, and and meanness. They travel in or be stunned for 2D4 rounds. The stunned
Unmet Fate. groups and often serve as creature is absorbed into the body of the
They can cast D3 mercenaries and guards, willing to dungeon gel, where it begins to be digested,
Powers per day taking D6 damage per round. If the victim
but Unmet Fate no work for anyone who pays. Ogres is still alive after the stun wears off, they
more than once. grow to 9’ tall. can Test Strength DR12 to attempt escape.
D2. Dungeon gels are nearly transparent and
Ogres live in villages of their difficult to spot, Test Presence DR14 to
Naga live underground in own or alongside orcs or other notice them. They move at half walking
caves, dungeons, or monstrous humanoids. They stay above speed, but are relentless, never tiring. Unlike
sometimes in -ground unless hired to work below. oozes, dungeon gels only digest organic
subterranean water matter. They do not dissolve metallic objects.
bodies. They want Corpse 5D10 silver
to stop the worth of items on them. They are most often encountered in
coming dungeons, where they travel the tunnels
cleaning them of organic matter.
116 117
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Ooze, none. Dungeon gel, Special Treasure Table (pg. 132). If rolling for
6D12 silver, roll D3 times on the weapon infection wasn’t enough,
table, and 1-in-6 chance for something on find recompense elsewhere. Medium Animal
the Special Treasure Table (pg. 132). Ignore Rats aren’t leaving ‘Swish swish swish’
any results of non-metallic items. anything besides pustules –The sound a rust roach
Large Animal and shit. makes when chasing you
A dagger-beak and baleful eyes.
1 A handful of fancy toy soldiers “Twas an Owler what did that.” 3
A broken sextant and pirate’s hook –the bloody vagrant, in reference to the Thick Exoskeleton D4
2 corpse neatly butchered at their feet
3 Two gold teeth 7
4 A dented lamp, it still contains oil 19 Subterranean Magical Monster Antennae + Rust
A ring inscribed with “Love, Sondra” Feathered Hide D2 It’s not a picky eater. Clumsy
5 , if hit, consult the chart below
A pair of glasses, the lenses dissolved 8 (10 if juveniles are present)
6 Two Claws D4 and Beak D8 14 to determine where the hit landed.
, if a juvenile gets hurt in combat, Rocky Dermis D4 If the hit lands on armor, reduce it
damage is +2 until the end of combat. 7 by 1 Tier. If it cannot be reduced
1, or a family of D4. D4 Noodle Arms D3 + further, it disintegrates. Magical
Monstrous Humanoid Grab, or Bite D10
Yellow tusks and snarling grunts. objects may resist the attack; Test
In any encounter with more than one owler, Sloth-like
half will be juveniles (HP 11, Claws D4 and
Presence DR12. If no metal object
, any victim hit must Test
Beak D6). Strength DR12 or be grappled. Each round is at that location, the hit deals 1
the raüper drags the victim 10’ closer. When damage. Otherwise, it destroys one
5 Owlers are strange crossbreeds with the victim is beside the raüper it will bite metal object at that location.
mysterious origins. Adults are solitary, but for D10 damage. You can Test Strength 1, a solitary creature.
Crude Shield D1 mating pairs remain together until their every turn to attempt escape.
6+1 for every 4 orcs in the clutch is fully grown. Adult owlers are over D3 Rust roaches are large, solitary insects which
encounter, up to 9 Morale max. 10’ when standing on their hind legs. roam subterranean areas searching for metal
Shortsword D6, or Club D4 Raüpers have six rope-like arms that can to consume. They can smell metal from 100’
, immune to Morale Tests as long Owlers prefer caves or dungeons to reach up to 20’ away. They can attack with away and will follow the smell back to its
as they outnumber the enemy 2-to-1. build their nests, but can make do with an D4 of them a turn. They grab and drag source. They are nearly blind and rely on
Scouting party D6 or more. overgrown and dense thicket. During the victims to themselves to consume. They their senses of smell and touch to navigate.
For every 15 orcs appearing, 1 will be a winter months, they often hibernate and can excrete a sticky, oily substance which they
Hobnail (9 HP, Sword D6). If 3 Hobnails go unnoticed–until they wake up that is. use to attach themselves to the ceiling.
take part, 50% chance Da Boss will also be
D6 Things To Disintegrate
present. Corpse 35 silver, captured Raüpers inhabit caves and other Object in hand. If both hands are full,
egg 100 silver, captured infant 500 silver. subterranean areas so they can take roll another D6. Odd=right. Even=left.
advantage of their natural rocky camouflage. 3-4 Armor or chest.
They typically live near the surface, where
prey is most plentiful. If the cave is Backpack or sack. Tally the number of
5 metallic
inhabited by large enough creatures to keep objects and roll the die with
Corpse-Thrifted Mail D4 them satisfied, they will move deeper into the closest-matching number of sides to
10 the earth. determine which one is destroyed.
Small Animal
Two Axes D6 “The rats found a way into every house in 6 Coin pouch. Destroy 6D6 coins.
, roll a D6. On 5+, an ogre the village. Then the dying started.” Tar gland 100 silver, Test
mercenary is with Da Boss. –Wästland plague survivor Agility DR16 to remove. Failure results in Rust roaches do not build dens or
, immune to Morale Tests as long the character’s hands being glued to nests and, unless trapped, will continue to
as they outnumber the enemy 2-to-1. 3 whatever they were holding during the wander in their hunt for sustenance.
attempt for D3 days.
Pig-faced-orcs, they have large tusks and 7 Antennae 50 silver, 1-in-4
unsettling smiles. They’re cunning chance they survive intact.
adversaries and prefer to ambush and attack Bite D3 + Infect
under cover of darkness. , if hit, Test Toughness DR12 or
become infected.
Orcs prefer to live in caves or Scavengers D6, Infestation Tallasdaeg Tradition
dungeons, but will build camouflaged hogans 3D12. In the village of Tallasdaeg, they hold a test
above ground. Many a traveler’s last vision each spring. They give each teenager coming
is of a hungry group of orcs, after they Giant rats bring death and ruination with of age a metal rod, and lock them up in a
wandered into an orc village unaware. them. Their telltale signs are mounds of maze with a dozen rust roaches. The first one
droppings, dead cats, and teeth marks on to emerge with their rod intact gets first
everything. choice of available apprenticeships. The town
Corpse 6 silver, captured 20
silver. If Da Boss is present, roll on the Anywhere they can steal food. stays afloat selling tickets, beer, lodging, and
less-legal things to spectators come to watch.
118 119
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Reptilian Humanoid Large Aquatic Animal
They fight to save their dying gods. Teeth and terror and blood.
Large Animal 17
Large Fungal Humanoid -
Surly and stupid and tenacious enough to
chase you while you run away screaming. 9 It plants a seed in everyone it 8
Scaly Skin and Shield D2+1 meets. Bite D8
17 7 Agile
Carapace D2 Trident or Bow D6 17 , the shark may make two
10 Patrol D3 Hardened Mycelium D4 attacks in place of their normal
Two Claws D4 and Sting 9 one. The shark is DR10 until its
D6 + Poison Two Arms D6 + Seeding next turn.
, if hit, Test Toughness DR12 , if both attacks hit the 1, or frenzy D6 .
or fall to 0 HP. The poison 15 same target, Test Strength DR13
paralyzes the target for D10 Scaly Skin D2 or be pinned. The target is unable Sharks love lurking near docks, coves,
minutes. 9 to act while pinned, except to and other areas frequented by smaller
1 or a colony of D3. Dagger D4, or Scrolls attempt to break free. The DR to prey and humans. They will not
, Each priestess knows 2 break free increases by 1 each hesitate to grab a hunk of human if
round. After 4 rounds, the pinned there isn’t a better option.
Large and angry, these beasts Scrolls. Roll once on the Lesser
charge in and attack all interlopers Priest and Lesser Wizard lists. target is dead and the rotter has
managed to extend its mycelium Ocean and bays and anywhere
in their territory. They’re prized as they can get which has things that bleed.
guardians, but will sting any into their brain.
hand that gets too close. 1, a solitary creature. Teeth 4 silver, corpse 40
silver, captured 75 silver.
Scaly Skin D2 Shambling rotters look like a
- humanoid covered in wet rags.
They will Whipsword D8, or From a distance, they can fool
turn any hole in Whirlwind unwary travelers into getting close
the ground big , the Temple Fang enough to attack. Inside each rotter
enough into a den. They Undead Humanoid
launches an all-out assault. They is a mass of tubers where its Fearless. Mindless. Puppets.
prefer warmer climates,
but can tolerate colder may make two attacks in place of consciousness lives. When a victim
regions if they locate a their normal one. The temple fang is dead, it will take what 4
cave or dungeon which is DR10 until their next turn. sustenance it needs to survive and Skeletal Physique D2
maintains a steady plant one of its own tubers inside
temperature. (vs. bows and blades only)
Serpent folk are snake-like the victim’s chest. The sapling -
humanoids. They’re xenophobic and takes root in D4 days and begins Sword D6
Stingers hide from outsiders, using misdirection
65 silver and can be used and subterfuge to reroute them growing another rotter. , immune to damage from
as a contact poison. Each around their territory. Their poison and Scrolls that affect
application is effective powerful warriors are led by Shambling rotters are found biological creatures.
for one use and, on the
first successful hit, the their temple priestesses. Each in or near swamps, bogs, and Patrol D6, guards
target must Test priestess is bonded with a marshes. They can also be found 3D6, army of darkness 5D100.
DR12 or take D10 Temple Fang, who serves as inside damp caves and dungeons.
damage. Each their guard and companion. Skeletons are mindless remains
stinger has D6 animated by a necromancer. They’re
applications. Roll a D6: on 4+, roll
Serpent folk inhabit once on the Special Treasure Table able to carry out simple commands of
warm climates and can most no more than a dozen words. They
often be found in remote stone (pg. 132). Otherwise, the corpse is always deal D6 damage, regardless of
temples or in underground lairs. worth 6D6 silver. weapon used.
124 125
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Wolves stalk the wilderness areas of the Wyverns live in deserts and rocky , zombies attack on sight and
Vale. They range throughout the mountains, terrain. won’t stop until they’re destroyed, but
forests, and plains with impunity, being fast they always lose initiative and act last
Undead Humanoid enough to outrun most threats and numerous
It wants to spread suffering. enough to take down most prey. They Poison tail 125 silver. If in combat.
know people are an easy source of food. encountered in their lair, roll on the Special , immune to damage from poison
15 Treasure Table (pg. 132). and Scrolls that affect biological
- creatures.
They live in caves or burrows and
10 move seasonally to follow their food supply. Putrid corpses either raised by a necromancer
Claws D4 + Drain or kept moving by contagion. Animated
, if hit, Test Toughness DR14 Pelt 8 silver. zombies are mindless and only able to carry
Undead Humanoid out simple commands of no more than a
or be drained of 1 Strength, Slow to shamble, but fast to feed, the dozen words. They all shamble at half
Presence, and Agility. This effect is moaning is drawing closer. humanoid speed.
, any Scrolls cast within None
Large Magical Monster
30’ are +2DR. Eyes red like an ember, quick to attack but 3
, mundane weapons do not slow to learn. Rotting D1 None
hurt wights, but silver or magical -
weapons do. Bite D4
, immune to damage from 25 Shambling
poison and Scrolls that affect Scaled Hide D2 , zombies attack on sight and
biological creatures. 9 won’t stop until they’re destroyed, but Large Magical Monster
Bite D8, or Tail D6 + Sting they always lose initiative and act last Hungry for gold and jewels.
1, a solitary creature. in combat.
, a wyvern changes color to 25
Wights are corpses inhabited by an evil match its surroundings. They win , immune to damage from poison
spirit. They’re malevolent and relentless. and Scrolls that affect biological Rocky D6
Holy water deals D8 damage per flask
initiative on 1-4 and, if they win, creatures. 10
thrown on them. they attack twice on the 1st round. D6 patrol, 3D8 horde Three Arms D4 and Bite
, if hit, Test Toughness DR14 2D8
They inhabit barrows, mausoleums, or fall to 0 HP. The poison Zornth have 3
and tombs, and seldom stray far from those paralyzes the target for D10 legs and obey their own physical
locations. rounds. 5
Rotting D1 laws. They may walk on walls or
1 or a pack of D3. ceilings.
2D10 +10 silver and roll once -
on the Special Treasure Table (pg. 132). Wyverns are a cross between a dragon and Bite D4 + Contagious 1 or expedition of D3.
a scorpion, with a jagged-toothed snout, Shambling 8
wings, and a tail. They pounce from above, , if bitten, Test Toughness Zornth feed on metal and minerals, and
using the stinger at the end of their tail to their plane of existence is running out of
immobilize prey. DR12 or turn into a zombie in D4 + both. They’ve come here hunting grub, and
Toughness hours. Results less than 1 they’ll demand anyone they meet surrender
become a zombie immediately. anything edible to them. They can phase
Medium Animal through rock (D2 turns to
Cunning hunters, they use ready their bodies to do so),
deception and and will flee this way if
subterfuge to ambush. they fail a Morale Test.
Offers of gems or silver add
5 (Winter +4 to reaction rolls with
Wolf 13) zornth.
7 The Zornth plane.
Bite D6,
or Power (Winter Wolf only) Corpse
, if this wolf is fighting 400 silver if you take
enough time to
adjacent to at least two other hack their rocky
wolves, Test Defense DR13. bodies apart to get
, Winter Wolves can use Stars to the crystalline
Transfix The Night D3 times per day. deposit-filled inside.
1 or hunting party D6.
126 127
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
11 Bat 11 Ankapede
12 Bear (Black) 12 Bear (Grizzly)
13 Beastman 13 Chimera
14 Brownie 14 Chryptwurm
15 Bugbear 15 Cockatrice
16 Crocodile (Swamp) 16 Crocodile (River)
21 Dwarf 21 Cyclops
22 Elf 22 Devourer
23 Ghoul 23 Dry-Had
24 Gnoll 24 Ettin
25 Gnome 25 Ghost
26 Goblin 26 Giant (Hill)
31 Griffon 31 Hellhound (Greater)
32 Halfling 32 Hydra
A Note On Encounters 33 Harpy 33 Lammasu
34 Hellhound (Lesser) 34 Lich
Each of the creatures presented in 35 Hobgoblin 35 Manticore
Mörk Manual has a No. Appearing in
36 Horse 36 Medusa
41 Human (Commoner) 41 Mimic Maw
their stat block. This is a guideline 42 Human (Priest) 42 Naga
only, and each encounter should 43 Human (Thug) 43 Ogre
be weighed against the player 44 Human (Soldier) 44 Ooze (Dungeon Gel)
character’s abilities, equipment, and 45 Human (Zealot) 45 Owler
any advantages they have access to. 46 Kobold 46 Raüper
51 Lizard Person 51 Rust Roach
The most enjoyable encounters are 52 Mimer 52 Scorpion, Giant
those that challenge the players, 53 Ooze 53 Shambling Rotter
not the characters. Include as 54 Orc 54 Shark
much forewarning as possible when D6 Reasons 55 Rat, Giant 55 Snake, Giant
the players encounter something 56 Serpent Folk 56 Spider, Giant
that is significantly more powerful To Not Fight 61 Skeleton 61 Trawlfish
than their characters are. Build Creatures and Animals 62 Spôrshreek 62 Troll
63 Stira 63 D6- Wereboar(1-3) Werewolf(4-6)
opportunities for escape and 1 Just fed
potential environmental advantages 64 Wererat 64 Whirring Man
2 Injured or sick 65 Wolf 65 Wight
into each encounter, such as tables 3 Just curious 66 Zombie 66 Zornth
to flip over for cover, columns to 4 Fleeing bigger predator
topple onto enemies, etc. 5 Has young with them
6 Carrying food
Make sure to use the reaction
table, as not all encounters are Intelligent Beings
On a mission 1 Basilisk 7 Giant (Fire)
going to be fights. It’s possible that 1 2 Beamer Beast 8 Giant (Frost)
band of goblins is sick, not feeling 2 Carrying supplies 3 Bear (Cave) 9 Mandible Mole
well, and just wants to be left 3 Injured or sick 4 Böllshirk 10 Tyrannosaur
alone. Or that the dragon just 4 Party of noncombatants 5 Dragon 11 Vampire
devoured a wandering horse and is 5 Just curious 6 Elemental 12 Wyvern, Vale
now ready to fall asleep. 6 Fleeing a threat
128 129
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Magic item limits
You can use up to your
Presence score (minimum 1)
permanent magical items at
any given time. This includes
things like a +1 shortsword,
a Mask of Muscle (hill giant
strength), and other items
P e r m a n e n t
which carry a permanent,
h av e a p ower w hich is reusable
always-functional Item s that ch
antment which
li m it or an en he
without . a +1 shortsword). T e.
enchantment. You can carry in ef fe ct (i.e
always es e has been lost to
items beyond that pow er to m ak e th
limit but are unable
to take advantage
of their magical
Disposable magic, th
properties unless you single-use items or wese items are crafted as
uses. Usually they taa limited number of
give up the benefits of medicinal or fortifying ke the form of
another item. It takes 1 items (pg. 60 & 134)
round to switch in combat.
Consumables do not count
toward this limit. i n t e l l iwgellecrafntet
d, they
hes e item s wer e so ibit
on a li fe of th eir own. They exhhave
took d
ter intelligence anem.
h um an-l ev el or b et
owner uses th
a say in how their
130 131
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
41 Astral Candle, burn this candle while you sleep. In your dreams, you can
contact another person, imparting 3 images and a message of up to 12
words. They recognize this is a message even if they don’t know you.
42 Stave of Suspension, this foot-long metal rod has a small button on the
end. Once pressed, this rod will not move from that spot. It will float in
the air, if need be. Hitting the button again unlocks it so it can move
This table is referenced in Chapter 6: Things To again. The rod will hold up to 6,000 pounds, or about the weight of
Encounter, but can be used for special treasure for s.
four adults, 4 horses, and a wagon laden with equipment.
43 Edible Brownie, eating a bar of it heals the user 2D6+3 health. This is
all occasions. These are mostly Permanent Artifact made of fae blood, and for D4 days, any reaction rolls made with fae are
at -4 penalty.
44 Soma’s Small Surprise, this coin pouch contains a magical animal. Opening
it will produce (Roll a D6: 1-2 giant rat, 3-4 wolf, 5-6 black bear)
which will serve the opener for 30 minutes. Usable once.
45 Tablet of No-Kee-Ah, this stone tablet counts as 3 normal items when
carried. If smashed, the breaker is treated as having just cast Whispers
11 Petrified Dwarf Bone, if you hold it tight, it keeps you warm. Pass the Gate.
12 Troll Knucklebone Charm, when wearing this necklace you heal double HP every 46 Ever-Hungry Torch, this torch will burn indefinitely, but needs to be fed
time you get a full night’s rest and you regrow missing limbs in 7 - Toughness to keep it going. It consumes D3 HP to get it burning and will work for
days. While wearing this you must Test Presence DR14 when near fire or flee. an hour, but then needs an additional D3 HP. The torch will function
13 Aldred’s Eye, looking through this bloody orb makes magic within a 60’ radius this way for up to 4 hours before it’s too sated and needs to rest for 4
visibly glow. Attacks made for the next D2 hours have a -2 penalty. hours.
14 Cloak of Sunshine, once per day, this cloak can mimic the appearance of nearby 51 Sword of Styx, this sword will allow the wielder to walk on water for
sand, brick, or rock. The effect lasts 5 minutes.
15 Clark’s Crown, this purple velvet sack is meant to hold 72 small-sized items, 2D8 rounds per day. While doing so, you have a -2 penalty to Agility.
but can hold up to 20 normal-sized ones without changing dimension or weight. 52 236 Figures in a Can, this book contains mathematical formulas that make
When removing an item, roll a D6: on a result of 1, the item is stained purple. the reader’s head ache. Roll on the Lesser Priest or Lesser Wizard list
16 Mask of Muscle (hill giant strength), this mask is made from the flesh of a hill and gain that Scroll. You must spend D4 hours transcribing the Scroll to
giant. Wearing it gives +2 Strength but -1 Presence and Agility. use it.
21 Haukler’s Bow, D6 damage and, once per day, this bow allows you to shoot 53 Rope of the Raüper, this rope is a 50’ long piece of cord. It can be
around corners. This attack is made with a -2 penalty. commanded to tie and untie itself at will. While holding it, anyone can
22 Urn of Diener, grab a pinch of ash and sprinkle it over a mundane item to repair order it to tie a knot, but only the person who ordered the knot can ask
it. The urn contains D6 uses. it to untie itself. Despite its name, the enchantment is achieved in part by
23 Trawlfish Tentacle, made from a shriveled and dried tentacle, this wand allows weaving dry-had hair throughout the rope. Reaction rolls made with fae
the user to cast Tongue of Eris D3 times. This counts as a Scroll. are at -4 penalty while this rope is in your possession.
24 Head of Gurz, this pickled human head in a jar belonged to a wizard. Once per 54 Träsh-Ors Bat, D4+2 damage and on a successful hit, if the damage die
day, you can make it communicate with animals via Bestial Speech or plants via result is 4, the target is knocked down and confused (pg. 51) for D2 rounds.
Knots in the Bark. Roll a D6: on a 1, it lies about what they say. 55 Tongue of Viki, this shriveled and dried human tongue is disgusting, but
25 Robe of Ringle, while worn, this robe gives D2 armor against Scrolls and wearing it on a necklace will allow you to lie easier. You get a +1 bonus
magical abilities, but the wearer suffers -2 Strength.
26 Mar-Vel’s Mar-bells, this bag contains D6 marbles which, once thrown, turn to Bluff Tests or when being deceitful.
into a ball of fire dealing D6 damage (this damage is doubled against trolls and 56 Ash’s Sword of Saws, D8 damage. On a successful hit, roll a D6. On a
the undead). If the bag is exposed to fire, any marbles inside will explode, result of 1, the sword severs the target’s limb or other appendage.
hurting anyone within a 15’ radius. 61 Tear-E-Buhl’s Horn, this severed horn can be placed on a forehead where
31 Hrothl’s Hole to Hell, this inky black cloth is a 6’ diameter circle. When laid it will take root, giving +1 Toughness but -1 Presence. It deals D4
flat, it creates an extra-dimensional space 8’ deep and 8’ wide. Living beings damage if used to attack.
placed inside can breath for 10 minutes, but there is a 2-in-6 chance D3 lesser 62 Burning Ring of Fire, once placed around someone’s neck, this metal
hellhounds will be drawn to the disturbance and attack anyone inside. collar confers the ability to use Palms Open the Southern Gate. The
32 Bottle of Bruz, this 40-ounce container will always refill overnight with malt collar reduces Agility by -1. Removing the collar destroys it. This counts
liquor. Roll a D6, on a result of 1, it’s undrinkable. as a Scroll.
33 Fork of Forbes, each morning, this fork will produce 1 meal. It always leaves 63 Robin’s Mask, this D4 scalemail (medium) is made from star metal. On a
your mouth and breath smelling foul. You suffer -1 Presence any day you use it Defense Test Fumble, roll a D6. On 4+, the armor Tier is not reduced.
to eat. 64 Cruciform of the Veil, this wooden cross is etched with arcane symbols.
34 Nilla’s Rubber Oil, takes effect in D4 minutes. This oil makes the user take no
When broken, treat the breaker as having just cast Unmet Fate.
damage from falling, take half damage from blunt weapons, and jump twice as
far. Only for the patient. 65 Liceleaf’s Arm, if held against a shoulder, this arm-sized severed tentacle
35 Boots of Spider, these boots will let you climb walls for D4 minutes per day, will take root and become a functional third arm. It will allow an extra
but you must consume a housefly for them to work. You have a 1-in-6 chance of attack each round made at a -2 penalty. Attacking in such a way is
becoming infected when doing so. unwieldy, making Defense DR14.
36 Comb of Feces, this comb will allow you to magically change your appearance 66 Staff of Stergios, this black staff allows the user to cast Foul
for D4 minutes like Hawk Molts Its Feathers but makes you smell like feces Psychompomp. To use it, the wielder must raise their off-hand in the air
while the illusion is in effect. while making the shape of two horns. This counts as a Scroll.
132 133
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
This paste makes you
smell like a rotten,
festering corpse. It will
allow you to pass
unnoticed by undead as
This torch will burn
three times (3 hours),
changing color every
Rare and disgusting, trading is usually the only way
long as you don’t draw hour. It occasionally to get these.
attention to yourself. explodes a plume of Drinking this dark,
embers: 1-in-6 chance of Consuming this odd- viscous, and bitter
catching something on smelling wafer will liquid will allow you
fire when it does. immediately refresh to heal 3 HP every
Drained from a dead fire you as though you had other round for
giant, drinking this a Long Rest. Regain the next 12 rounds.
horrid sludge causes your Dug out of a dead mir Powers, Omens, and It will also make you
skin to blister, crack, and enchanted, pressing heal D6 HP. Test uncontrollably angry,
and harden into a scaly this dried and shriveled Toughness DR14 lashing out at any
shell. You are immune or become perceived threat unless
gill to your neck bonds addicted.
to fire damage for D3 it to you. It allows you
you Test Toughness
hours, but -2 to Agility. to breathe water for 2
You shed your hard hours, after which you
shell at the end of the throw up the gill.
duration. This foul This frothy foam
charm is made allows you to control
from a harpy’s D4+1 hellhounds for
pellet, blood, 2D10 minutes. They
Dug from a zornth This desiccated ear is placed and human fingernails. will obey a command
kidney, swallowing this on your shoulder, causing a It is worn around the of up to 12 words.
stone allows you to defy second head to sprout from neck, causing the Greater hellhounds
gravity. You can walk your neck. It will argue and wearer’s fingers to count as 2.
on ceilings and walls for deride you, but you gain +3 grow into claws. It This does not
D2 hours. When the to Notice and Intimidate. confers a +3 bonus to summon hellhounds
duration ends, you pass You win initiative on 3+. to Climb and makes and will only
this stone in your urine, This lasts 4 hours, after unarmed attacks D6. work on
taking D4 damage. which the head shrivels and It lasts D3 hours. those in your
falls off. presence.
134 135
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Roll D8 To Discover An Intelligent Item
Intelligent 1 Hamley’s Crusher PL15 (haughty)
: To fight the undead.
5 Spear of Sarkash PL16 (suspicious)
To defend the wild.
weapons of
(D6+1) (+2 against undead) (D6+1)
: You are invisible to undead : This spear causes D3 nearby
for 2D6+2 rounds. Attacking cancels this. animals or plants to double in size or
: You heal D3 points of height, increasing their damage by one die
weapon, you must Test Toughness DR15 or suffer -3 The spear returns the following round if thrown.
on all reaction rolls.
2 Trident of the Mir PL14 (curious) 6 Flail of the Old God PL15 (pretentious)
To reclaim what was lost. To renew that which was lost.
(D6) (D8+1) (+2 against Fae)
Intelligent weapons are for D2 hours.
: You can breath underwater : The weapon can remove or
reveal memories from the target.
artifacts of great power, : You summon a shark that
will follow a command of up to 12 words.
You can see what occurred
in the last 24 hours within a 10’ radius.
so much so that they can This weapon needs to be polished with saltwater This effect is stationary and instant.
This flail sounds like the wails of a banshee when
Power Level
to 5D12 pebbles look and feel like silver passages in a 15’ radius for 2D10 minutes.
coins for D3 hours before they change You must Test Toughness DR15 to lie.
This weapon will be stolen if not secured.
Every int 4 Stone Giant’s Slasher pl16 (brash) 8 Staff of the Unwise pl17 (boastful)
has a Pow lligent weapon To cause destruction and chaos. To encourage risk-taking.
er (D10+1) (+2 against giants) (D4+1)
To activa Level (PL). : This weapon makes one : You can cast Scrolls into the
em’s te staff for use later. Test Toughness DR17 to
If the intelligent it h power(s), it’s special
giant or D3 normal-sized creatures confused activate the staff, Expending a Power for its use
([pg. 51) for D10 rounds. and Expending Power(s) for the Scroll to be
it y
goals are aligned w e Expend a Pow ou must : This weapon reveals any
giants in a 5-mile radius.
stored. When recalling the Scroll later, you Test
like normal for using the Scroll but it doesn’t
ceiv Toug er and Te
your actions, you re
expend a Power. This staff holds up to 4
h n e s s a g ainst the st This sword is made of stone and counts as two castings. Greater spells count as 2 castings.
a + 3 bo nu s on th P L.
normal-sized items. The staff allows you to smell magic in a 10’ radius.
ll 5 other magical items and pick no more 11 The weapon jumps out of your hand and is
-4 to attacks with it for the next hour.
Intelligent weapons all have personalities and can See TrRaoit, up.
The weapon will forgive you if you
communicate with their owner telepathically. See the a ) 6 immediately make an action to serve 12 The weapon refuses to attack, -4 to attacks
(pg. m68ore its goal. with it for the next hour.
dominant personality trait listed with their name. r
fo ions!. In all instances, the weapon will still function as a Weapon+X regardless, but refusing its
opt demands incurs a -4 penalty on any attacks made with it until you meet the demand.
136 137
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
C HJOA P TBEEGIR 8 Hunting is done as a standalone activity and not while
138 139
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
A troll living in a small
1 A mandible mole mound 11 cave littered with rotten
and fresh blood stains. meat and blood.
2 2D6 weary bugbears Beastmen preparing for a
resting and eating. raid.
A hole, an empty chest, A band of goblins with
3 and a bloody corpse with 13 young in tow.
wounds on its back.
4 D3 bears hungrily gorging 14 An ogre building a lean-to.
on berries.
2D6 hungry commoners
5 3D6 wolves hunting a meal. 15 carrying bows and a deer.
6 A wurmspeaker D3 victims wrapped in
communing with nature. webs and hanging in trees.
1 A lone cockatrice loitering. 11 D6 dour dwarves hunting
7 A
a specific goblin. group of bandits and A brownie, watching from
A caravan of human their encampment. a tree branch in the air.
2 D6 giant rats eating
8 2D6
12 merchants and wary zealots worshiping an 18 2D6 dwarves digging a
something in the ditch. evil idol. tunnel into a hill.
guards moving goods.
A lone goblin who tries to 2D6 elven bandits
3 A caravan of 3D6 gnome 9 A group of orcs on patrol. 19
13 barter a handful of coins emerging from the bushes.
craftsmen grumbling. for supplies and directions.
10 A wyvern, nursing its An inquisitive, but wary
A diseased bear, confused 20
broken wing. beamer beast.
14 An owler crossing the road
4 and wandering along the with two juveniles in tow.
Encounter Setup
A hill giant, seen off in
5 D6 hungry wolves. 15 the distance, pushing over
trees in anger.
band of pilgrims led by 16 A band of drunken
6 A halflings going to a • Inside encounters are D6+Presence × 10’ away, or as the
a crazy-eyed priest. festival. situation dictates.
A farmer and his horse, • Outside encounters are 2D6+Presence × 10 yards away, or as
7 his plow is stuck fast in a 17 2D6 irritable elves
traveling with purpose. the situation dictates.
muddy field beside the road.
D6 human thugs who may A messenger on horseback,
8 stalk you if you’re an easy 18 two horses in tow, moving If either side is unaware of the other, Test Presence DR12.
target. swiftly. Failure means that side is surprised and can’t act the first
round of the encounter.
2D6 human thugs who A wurmspeaker talking to
9 shake you down for coin. 19 a tree beside the road.
2D6 soldiers patrolling; A knight with a retinue of Roll D6. 1-3 enemies go first. 4-6 players go first.
10 they ask for protection 20 commoners hunting For groups, choose one member to Test Presence for
money. someone. Distance and Surprise.
140 141
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
1 D3 thugs step out of an 11 A fortune teller offers to
alley. read your palm.
A wealthy woman,
2 A street urchin follows a 12 shrieking, being pulled
wealth-flaunting merchant. from a carriage.
3 Savory scent fills the air as 13 A vibrant street market
a baker puts out rolls. with stalls of all kinds.
4 A spooked horse, rearing 14 A robed man approaches
1 A peculiar squirrel with knowing eyes. against its reigns. selling dubious baubles.
2 A down-on-their-luck stranger sizes you up.
A shifty-eyed stranger
5 Guards
3 Two maids talking at the well. linger on the street 15 offers to navigate for a
4 A drunk stumbles by muttering about the treasure. corner eating lunch.
5 An old goat, limping and threadbare, hungrily watches.
6 A gray-bearded old man you’ve seen before. The walker? Strange symbols carved on
6 A stray dog eating food
7 D3 hooded figures dragging a large cloth-wrapped object out of town. 16 doors and brickwork
from the trash.
8 A group of kids toss rocks and bones in a circle scratched in the dirt, appear throughout the city.
innocently laughing.
7 A mediocre minstrel with 17 A wanted poster, torn and
9 A preacher giving an angry sermon outside. a wailing song and sad lute. faded, nailed to a wall.
10 Raucous yelling coming from a nearby building.
8 Two elderly men bicker 18 A
11 An old woman chanting over pouches as she buries them around her black-tooth beggar,
property. over some petty argument. hands out, pleading.
12 A mob of angry villagers accusing someone of being a corrupt witch. A street where the
A bloody knife, tossed
19 buildings meet overhead,
9 against a building in the forming a tunnel filled
tall weeds.
1 The town’s trash sinkhole. 7 A fountain with flowery water. with shack houses.
2 Hot springs known for healing. 8 Giant-scale ruins near the town. A tarnished and moss- A councilman and guards
3 A dilapidated charlatan’s tower. 9 Occasional fantastical market visits. 10 encrusted statue stands 20 forcing their way through
4 A dry-had-inhabited tree ring. 10 Catacombs under the town. forgotten. the crowd.
5 A statue of an unknown alien warrior. 11 Ancient barrows close by.
6 A Temple of the New God. 12 A dangerous, but beloved beast
lives nearby. They protect it.
142 143
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Vagabond Skills These skills are only usable by
Vagabonds unless a rule or ability
says otherwise.
is hid
These skills are usable by
Vagabonds only, unless a
rule or ability says
Climb Sheer Surfaces otherwise.
Test Agility DR17. You can climb
smooth vertical surfaces, like a tower
made of obsidian. FIND TRAPS
Test Presence DR14+. The
Hide in Shadows more well-hidden the
Test Agility DR17. Success means you trap, the higher the DR.
hide in a shadow but otherwise are You move 20’ a minute
out in the open.
p owe while searching for traps
Suc of in a 5’-wide corridor. It
Move Silently rv atio drops to 10’ per minute in
Test Agility DR16. If you succeed, you obs a 10’ wide corridor. Test
move undetectable by sound. once for each trap to see
if you find it.
Pick Locks
Test Agility DR14+. The higher
quality the lock, the higher the DR.
If you succeed, you open the lock. Test Agility DR16+. The
This doesn’t disable traps built into more ingenious the trap,
locks. You can Test once per lock. the higher the DR.
Succeed, and it can’t go
off. If you Fumble, it
Pick Pockets always goes off.
Test Agility DR14+. The warier the
target, the higher the DR. If you
succeed, you can take something off a
person. If you fail the Test by more
than 10, you are caught.
LISTEN AT DOORS If you don’t find a trap
Test Presence DR15. Success will let or you fail to disarm a
you hear any obvious noises, better trap, roll a D6. On a
results will be more distinct. Maybe result of 1-2, the trap
you hear nothing, or just water goes off. For some traps,
dripping, but there could be the sound the game master may rule
of heavy breathing or chair legs that they always go off.
scraping the floor.
144 145
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
search universal skills
Universal Skills
Test Presence DR16 for For most tasks, you can describe what you’re
Secrets. Searching a attempting and the game master can
room takes five adjudicate success or failure based on the
minutes for every 10’ × situation. You are always likely to succeed if
10’ area. Secrets you have ample time to dedicate to a task.
usually have a trick to However, in some scenarios, the obvious
access, like a disguised outcome may be unclear or time may be
lever or button. limited. In those instances, the game master
Hidden stuff doesn’t. may ask you to make an Ability Test to
If you have enough determine success. See below for what
time you can find Ability to use for different types of Tests.
almost anything. See Difficulty Ratings (pg. 41) for example
Test Difficulty Ratings.
Strength tests
Detect Climb, Intimidation, Jump,
Lift, and Swim
This works like Search,
Sleight of Hand
but only applies to
hidden doors and other Resist Disease, Resist Infection,
portals. This skill is
usable by Fallen and Resist Magic, and Resist Poison
Outcasts (when related
Presence tests
to stonework) only.
Both are able to Test
to Detect Secret Doors
passively, the roll Bluff, Disguise, Hunt/Forage (pg.
being made by the 139), Navigate, and Notice
game master in secret.
The test is made once.
150 151
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
Adventures in the V
The DARK LORD’S most powerful
lieutenants know how to call his will,
known as Specter of Malice, to aid
them. This aura is felt by anyone
within the area. The Specter affects a
single location only, such as a village,
a patch of forest, or a ruined castle.
While under the Specter of Malice:
154 155
Simon Trucmuche (Order #41545297)
hand-to-hand combat, lifting,
STRENGTH 1-3 Enemies go first
and wrestling
defense, ranged attacks,
AGILITY 4-6 Players go first
Individuals can roll D6+Agility to
TOUGHNESS HP, endurance, resisting disease determine order, if needed.
PRESENCE perception, influence, Scrolls KILLING
Roll 2D6 and compare to Morale score. Attack, 2× damage & reduce Armor 1
Test when leader is killed, 1/2 group dead, Defense, players gain a free attack.
or for individual at 1/3 HP
Scroll, double damage/healing.
If the roll exceeds Doesn’t Expend a Power use.
The Enemies...
the Morale score, 1-3 flee, 4-6 surrender.
roll a D6 at right. FUMBLE (ROLL A 1)
Attack, weapon either breaks or is
REST dropped/stuck.
Defense, 2× damage & reduce Armor
Short Rest Gain D4 HP 1 Tier.
Long Rest Gain D6 HP Scroll, oopsies. (See Powers, pg. 73)