The lens mount index is a mark on the lens mount that helps
you to attach the lens securely to the camera body. Align this
mark with the identical one on the camera mount, and then
turn the lens until you hear a click.
Enable wireless remote shutter release. Trigger the
shutter remotely when using slower shutter speeds to
prevent camera movement
Infrared Remote Control enables wireless remote
shutter release.
The range is approximately 16ft in front of camera.
The ML-L3 offers an immediately release mode and
two second delay mode.
Primary Mirror is responsible for sending light to
the pentaprism and into the viewfinder.
CPU lens is attached to DSLR camera, metal
Secondary mirror reflects light down which allows
contact on the lens are used to communicate
to get exposure or to do autofocus
lens information and provide power and
instructions to the lens from the camera.
A Lens Mount may be screw threaded type, a
bayonet type or breech lock (friction lock) type.
Still modern camera lens mount are of the
bayonet type because the bayonet mechanism
precisely alligns mechanical and electrical
features between lens and body
, usually denoted by a “Q,” for “quick menu.”. e camera’s LCD screen, which
can be controlled directly, useful for adjusting ISO, white balance and drive
mode settings
Live View is activated by either a switch or an 'Lv' button on the camera body. It
enables you to view and compose the shot on the LCD screen, enabling you to shoot
with the camera at an unusual angle or away from your body.
selecting menu items, but it can also center
the active focus point when using single-point
adjust camera settings, focus and release the shutter, view photos and movies,
enter text, and navigate the menus.
locks the battery in place when the battery
is fully inserted