Gen Bus 1
Gen Bus 1
Gen Bus 1
RECOMMENDATION: That the scwd2 Desalination Task Force review and provide comment
on draft Technical Memorandum No. 2 from Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) titled Desalination
Process Preliminary Design, accept as final with comments incorporated as appropriate, and
support staff recommendation on the desalination process.
BACKGROUND: At its September 2010 meeting the Task Force approved the scope of work
with Camp Dresser & McKee for design of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination facility.
CDM’s first task (Task 1.1 of their scope of work) was to recommend a pretreatment process(es)
ahead of the seawater desalination system. CDM’s first deliverable, Technical Memorandum
No. 1, summarized their evaluation of six pretreatment alternatives and recommended DAF +
pressurized MF/UF as the preferred pretreatment process for the project. At its December 2010
meeting the Task Force supported this staff recommendation on the pretreatment process.
CDM’s next task, Task 1.2, was to advance the design of the desalination plant downstream of
the pretreatment process to the point of connection to the potable distribution system.
DISCUSSION: The SWRO Pilot Test Program recommended a single stage reverse osmosis (RO)
system as the main desalination components to achieve water quality goals with a future potential second
pass to provide flexibility. The CDM design team and technical advisory committee revisited the SWRO
Pilot Test data, assumptions and goals and confirmed that this proposed configuration remains
appropriate. Because the recommendation on the desalination process was consistent with the
recommendations from the pilot work, there was no workshop necessary to vet different
alternatives as was done with the pretreatment process. Rather, staff met with CDM on several
occasions to review the evaluation process, review and modify the TM, and concur with its
While the focus of Task 1.2 was design of the RO process, other components upstream and
downstream of the RO process were also advanced in their level of design to adequately inform
the project and the Environmental Impact Report. There are many design considerations that
will be further evaluated as the project proceeds; several are shown below.
1. As mentioned previously to the task force, no standby power will be provided for the
main process equipment. Because the facility provides supplemental water supply,
periodic, short-term interruptions in plant operation caused by power outages will be
mitigated by existing raw water supplies and treated water storage.
2. The current area required for the proposed treatment facility is approximately 4 to 5
acres. This will be refined as the actual site alternatives is narrowed; decisions are made
about functionality of the Control Building (currently oversized at 7,000 sf to
accommodate meeting and office space and other amenities that may be reduced and/or
eliminated); and the overall design progresses.
3. As the design proceeds, additional consideration will be given to flexibility, reliability
and redundancy with an eye towards reducing costs.
CDM is currently on hold until the site selection process is able to eliminate those sites with
significant space limitations. Once sites are eliminated, CDM will resume work on completing
preliminary design so as to fully inform the EIR. (The site selection process is discussed in a
separate agenda item.)
FISCAL IMPACT: Costs are inclusive of all major SWRO treatment facility elements and
ancillary systems known at this time. (I.e., costs shown below do not include intake facilities, or
other infrastructure improvements leading to and from the SWRO treatment facility.)
Construction costs include a 30% contingency to allow for additional costs that cannot be
estimated without detailed engineering design drawings and were escalated at 3% per year from
January 2011 to the midpoint of construction assumed to be June 2015. The engineer’s opinion
of probable construction cost at this level of design effort is $47 to $71 million. The purpose for
presenting a range of costs is to address the uncertainties and variability associated with: design
considerations; site location; permitting; environmental constraints; economic conditions;
availability of equipment, material and labor; and, other factors that may impact construction
Operation and maintenance costs include a 10% contingency and were escalated at 3% per year
to 2015. The engineer’s estimate is $2.75 million.
Draft Technical Memorandum No. 2 (TM-2)
Desalination Process Preliminary Design
The primary purpose of Task 1.2 Desalination Process
Purpose .................................................................. 1
Preliminary Design is to advance the design of the Summary ................................................................ 2
desalination plant from the equalization basin ahead of the Production and Water Quality Goals..................... 8
reverse osmosis (RO) process to the connection to the Summary of Functional Analysis ......................... 10
potable distribution system. Other components before Overview of Preliminary Design........................... 11
and after the RO process are discussed and advanced in Reverse Osmosis Membrane System and
Energy Recovery Devices..................................... 13
their design as appropriate at this level of evaluation.
Post-Treatment, Disinfection and Product
Preliminary design criteria and process flow diagrams are Water Pumping..................................................... 27
presented in this memorandum for: Chemical Storage and Feed Systems ................. 31
RO Concentrate Storage and Pump Station....... 33
Desalination and Energy Recovery Residuals Production, Handling and Disposal ... 35
Disinfection and Treated Water Pumping Projected Energy Use........................................... 40
Desalination System Construction and
Chemical Systems Operating Cost Estimates.................................... 41
Residuals Handling Appendices
A. TM-2A Summary of Functional Analysis
Also included are more detailed process and B. Preliminary Design Criteria Tables
instrumentation diagrams and electrical one-line diagrams C. Preliminary Design Drawings
for the following components that comprise the D. Source Water Quality Summary
desalination system: E. Membrane Projections
F. Acronym Table
Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration (MF/UF) Filtrate and RO
Feed Water Equalization Basin
Single-Stage High Pressure RO Feed Pumps
Single-Stage RO Membrane Skids
RO Cleaning System
Calcite Contactor, Chlorine Contact Tank and Distribution Pumps.
In Task 1.1 Pretreatment Process Evaluation and Recommendation, the project team evaluated six
pretreatment alternatives: 1) slow sand filtration; 2) MF/UF with no chemical addition or clarification; 3)
dissolved air floatation (DAF) and MF/UF; 4) flocculation, sedimentation and MF/UF; 5) DAF and granular
media filtration (GMF); and 6) flocculation, sedimentation and GMF. The evaluations were conducted with
assumptions made regarding the number, size and operating criteria for each alternative and for the
ancillary equipment (such as residuals handling and chemical systems) required for each alternative. The
CDM Team made these assumptions based on pilot testing results, experience at other similar facilities
and treatment practices throughout the drinking water industry. scwd2 selected DAF and MF/UF based
Α TM2-1
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
several factors including performance, cost, reliability, energy efficiency, area requirements and other
considerations. In Task 1.2, the design team developed more detailed preliminary design criteria for the
pretreatment facilities, residuals handling system, chemical systems and other ancillary equipment. This
information was used to develop recommendations for the primary electrical power system, prepare
electrical single-line diagrams for the facility and develop area requirements and conceptual equipment
layouts for the plant.
Desalination System
The scwd2 Pilot Testing Program recommended a single-stage RO system with a future partial second
pass as the main treatment facilities to meet the water quality and supply objectives for the Project. In
Tasks 1.1 and 1.2, the CDM Team reviewed this recommendation, confirmed that the treatment
techniques are appropriate and developed more complete preliminary design information.
The recommended desalination process (illustrated in Figure 1) features four equally sized, single-stage
RO skids, each with a design treatment capacity of 0.83 million gallons per day (mgd). The firm treatment
capacity is 2.5 mgd with three units in service and one unit in standby mode. Provisions for a future
second pass of low-pressure RO membranes have been incorporated into the preliminary design should
future regulations or water quality objectives require additional treatment.
Under normal raw water quality conditions (characterized by low turbidity and low algae concentrations),
pretreatment will consist of chemical coagulation, MF/UF and cartridge filtration. When storm events (high
turbidity), moderate algae blooms or red tide events occur, DAF pretreatment units will clarify the
seawater to reduce particulate and organic loading to the MF/UF membranes and to mitigate potential
fouling of the RO membranes. As shown in Figure 1, the CDM team recommends pump water injection
rather than a static mixer for rapid mixing and placing a strainer before the MF/UF system rather than
upstream of the DAF units. The rationale for these recommendations is found later in this TM.
The RO system will meet the scwd2 water quality goals in an energy efficient manner through a
combination of high rejection and low energy RO elements. The RO system will operate at flux rates
ranging from 8 to 10 gallons per day per square foot of membrane area (gfd) and permeate recovery rates
of 40 to 50 percent. The optimal RO system recovery for energy efficiency will be approximately 42.5
percent. This range of flux and recovery values allows flexibility to achieve production during anticipated
source water quality variations and to temporarily produce more water from an individual unit as
necessary. Energy efficiency will be realized through the use of high-efficiency pumps and motors and
energy recovery devices mounted on each of the four RO skids. The anticipated average energy use for
the entire treatment process from raw seawater pumping through treatment and distribution of the finished
water is 14.1 kWh/kgal. This estimate is similar to the average energy use estimates included in the Pilot
TM2-2 Α
Seawater Desalination
Chlorine (Optional)
Supply System Facility
Ferric Chloride
Transfer MF/UF
Dissolved Air Flotation Pumps
Raw Pumps
Seawater Strainer
Intake &
Carbon Dioxide
Caustic Soda
Corrosion Inhibitor
Desalination Pipeline
Facility Improvements
Carbon Dioxide
High Service
Single-Stage Calcite Pump Station
Filters High Pressure
RO System Contactor
Booster Pumps To Distribution
Bypass for
Future Partial
Bypass for Split Stream
2nd Pass RO System
ERD Pressure Remineralization Chlorine Contact
Booster Pump High Transfer Tank/Clearwell
Pressure RO Pumps
RO Feed Concentrate Outfall
RO Feed Water
Recovery RO Concentrate
System Equalization Basin
W:\REPORTS\Santa Cruz City of\Desalination Project_10\TM-2_Jan11\Figures\Figure 1_SWRO Desalination Plant Treatment 03/31/11 JJT
Figure 1
12 SWRO Desalination Plant Treatment Process
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Program Report and the Pretreatment Technical Memorandum (TM-1). Energy use will continue to be
evaluated and updated as the preliminary design progresses.
Post Treatment
Because reverse osmosis removes many of the minerals from the water, desalinated water tends to taste
flat, and the lack of hardness and alkalinity makes the water more corrosive to concrete and other
materials. To improve the taste and reduce the corrosive properties of the desalinated water, the
permeate will be treated with carbon dioxide, then pass through calcite contactors to increase the calcium
content and alkalinity. The treated permeate will pass through a chlorine contact basin to meet regulatory
requirements for primary disinfection. After disinfection, a corrosion inhibitor, identical to the chemical
currently used for corrosion control at the Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant, will be added before
pumping the finished water into the distribution system.
Α TM2-3
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Figure 2
Residuals Handling System
Flow Schematic
Standby power for the main process equipment is not proposed. Because the desalination plant
provides a supplemental water supply, scwd2 anticipates that periodic, short-term interruptions in plant
operations caused by power outages will be mitigated by existing treated water storage in the
distribution system and the existing primary water supplies such as the City’s Graham Hill Surface
Water Treatment Plant, Beltz Groundwater Treatment Plant, or the District’s groundwater wells and
treatment facilities.
TM2-4 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
A small emergency diesel engine generator will be provided for operation of critical life safety systems
and RO flush valves and pumps.
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) will be provided for all programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
and operator-machine interface (OMI) hardware.
All facility lighting will be designed to comply with California Title 24 Energy Efficiency requirements.
A photovoltaic system (PV) may be included in the project. It is assumed that PV panels will be
mounted on the Control Building and other roofs as appropriate. Sizing and other PV system concepts
will be developed in Task 1.10 Solar Power Evaluation.
Concepts for auxiliary systems such as security, access control, in-plant communications, the City’s
wide area network (WAN), fire alarm, and others will be developed in Task 1.8 Overall Desalination
Facility Preliminary Design.
PLC system will be Modicon hardware to match the Graham Hill WTP.
OMI system will be WonderWare System Platform software to match the Graham Hill WTP.
In general, all field equipment connections to the PCS will be via hardwired connections to I/O
modules. Data highway connections to field equipment are not proposed.
Typically a “Local / Off / Remote” hardware switch will be provided at the motor controller for each
major component. Local allows manual operation and remote allows automated operation from the
The PCS major components (PLC and OMI) will typically be interconnected with fiber optic cabling
utilizing Ethernet protocol.
Α TM2-5
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
A “system supplier” approach will be used for the RO and MF/UF to maximize unit responsibility to
provide effective system performance and warranty requirements. Instrumentation and control
components directly affected by the system mechanical equipment will be furnished by the system
1. The Control Building area increased from an assumed size of approximately 2,000 sf to approximately
7,000 sf; scwd2 is currently evaluating the proposed uses and room sizes.
2. In previous work, CDM assumed concentrate storage facilities to store approximately 200,000 gallons
onsite; however, a recent study by Brown and Caldwell recommends 600,000 gallons of onsite
storage for the proposed 2.5 mgd plant, and 2,000,000 gallons at the plant’s potential future expanded
capacity (4.5 mgd).
3. For more effective and reliable operation, current design of the residuals handling system provides
approximately one week of onsite storage of sludge in the clarifier/thickener units under worst-case
conditions; and the redundancy of one duty and one standby clarifier/thickener. Previous design
assumptions assumed smaller, high-rate clarifiers with limited thickening ability and minimal onsite
sludge storage (i.e., less than one day).
4. In anticipation of the California Coastal Commission requiring more stringent stormwater handling
practices, the CDM team used 25-year storm event data to size retention and pervious areas instead
of 10-year storm event data as assumed in earlier planning.
5. Visual buffering areas and vehicle access routes for staff, visitors and chemical deliveries are larger
for the three sites now being evaluated.
Three potential sites are currently being evaluated by scwd2 and the CDM Team under Task 1.3 Site
Investigations and Task 1.6 Site Layout Plans. Figure 3 presents a layout for the 2.5 mgd plant and
includes major process units, buildings and ancillary equipment. Potential future equipment additions such
as second pass RO units and process units to expand the plant to an ultimate capacity of 4.5 mgd are
also shown.
TM2-6 Α
Stormwater Stormwater
Retention Basin Detention Basin
Future Future
RO Concentrate
RO Concentrate RO Concentrate
EQ Basin
Handling Solids Solids EQ Basin EQ Basin
Building Clarifiers and Clarifiers and
Thickeners Thickeners
Used Washwater
EQ Basin
EQ Basin
CIP Area
MF/UF Skids
RO Feed Water
EQ Basin
2nd Pass RO
2nd Pass RO
Calcite Contactors Future
HP Pump HP Pump
Cartridge Filters
W:\REPORTS\Santa Cruz City of\Desal Pilot_Final Report_09\Graphics\Figure 3_Preliminary Site 03/30/11 JJT
Figure 3
Preliminary Site Layout
17 (4 acre site)
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Operating costs for the desalination plant are estimated at $2.75 million per year, as shown in Table 2.
Α TM2-7
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
and additional land for potential future expansion to 4.5 mgd treated water; land cost assumed to be $1 million
per acre.
TM2-8 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Α TM2-9
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Table 5 summarizes the range of anticipated raw seawater quality used to develop the preliminary design
for the Regional Desalination Plant. The values were developed during the pilot testing phase and are
based on both historical water quality data and water quality sampling data collected at the pilot plant
intake during the scwd2 Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Pilot Test Program (March 2008 to April
2009); and the proposed plant intake during monitoring for the Watershed Sanitary Survey (January 2008
to December 2009). This sampling data is summarized in Appendix D.
TM2-10 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
The CDM team developed four production scenarios for the plant based on information from scwd2
communicated in the project description in the Request for Proposal and in discussions at the
Pretreatment Workshop:
High 2.0 mgd- Upper end of daily average production requirements in non-drought months.
Average 1.6 mgd- Approximate average of daily production requirements in non-drought months.
Low 0.83 mgd- Lowest average daily production requirement of approximately 1 mgd as described by
scwd2 and based on the smallest RO skid evaluated in the functional analysis.
Next, the team developed nine process alternatives (3 DAF, 2 MF/UF and 4 RO), each consisting of
various numbers and sizes of major equipment items. Design and operating assumptions were
documented and estimates for the frequencies and durations of planned and unplanned outages were
prepared for each major equipment item. Probability analysis techniques were applied to determine the
estimated outages for each unit process and the impacts on overall plant production. The alternatives
were compared with respect to relative reliability, construction and operating costs, area and building
space requirements and other factors. The following are CDM’s recommendations for the number and
size of treatment units for the plant:
DAF- Two basins (3.1 mgd each; 6.2 mgd nominal design capacity)
MF/UF- Four racks (2.1 mgd each; 6.2 mgd nominal design capacity)
RO- Four skids (0.83 mgd each; 2.5 mgd nominal design capacity)
Table 6 presents a summary of the results of the functional analysis in terms of the estimated days per
year that each unit process and the plant can operate at treated water production capacities up to 2.5
mgd. A more thorough discussion of the assumptions, alternatives, methodology and results is presented
in Draft TM-2A Summary of Functional Analysis (provided as Appendix A).
Α TM2-11
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
The results presented in Table 6 indicate that during a given year, the plant is expected to produce:
The City and District indicated during the Pretreatment Workshop that 2.5 mgd is expected from the
facility during summer months during a drought, but that reduced production from the facility during other
times of the year is acceptable for short periods of time.
The reason that the RO system is not expected to be as reliable as MF/UF or DAF is that RO has different
operational requirements and is more apt to be offline than more traditional water treatment processes.
The CDM team considered adding a second redundant RO unit to improve anticipated reliability; however,
the additional cost could not be justified for the minor increase in reliability provided by an additional unit.
TM2-12 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
scenario will require pretreatment facilities and treatment process at least as comprehensive as a
subsurface intake scenario. If a subsurface intake is determined to be viable for this project, naturally
occurring sand/soil layers or pre-engineered fill material may provide filtration for the removal of
suspended solids and isolation of the intake from algal blooms. In this case, it may be possible to
eliminate some of the pretreatment unit processes, such as the DAF. However, the remaining
desalination and post-treatment facilities would be similar to those shown in the drawing. From this
perspective, this drawing represents a more comprehensive treatment process which may be simplified if
a subsurface intake can be developed.
The SWRO desalination plant will likely include the following components. These recommendations are
based on the assumption that the plant will be supplied from an open ocean intake.
SWRO Desalination: Equalization basin, RO feed transfer pumps, cartridge filters, high pressure RO
feed pumps, RO units, energy recovery system, RO cleaning and flushing systems. Provisions will be
included to accommodate the installation of a partial second pass RO treatment system in the event
that it is determined that higher levels of boron removal will be desired in the future.
Post-treatment and Distribution: Carbon dioxide (CO2) system, calcite contactors, chlorine contact
basin, clearwell, and high service pump station. Provisions will be made to facilitate the installation of
onsite product water storage facilities if they are determined to be desired in the future.
Chemical Systems: Sodium hypochlorite, sodium bisulfite, ferric chloride, antiscalant, caustic soda,
CO2, sodium hypochlorite, corrosion inhibitor, provisions for additional MF/UF and RO cleaning
chemicals including, citric acid, caustic soda, strong acid, and other cleaners. Provisions will also be
included for future chemicals.
Miscellaneous Facilities: Operations and maintenance rooms, electrical equipment room, yard piping,
stormwater detention/handling, and other miscellaneous items.
Α TM2-13
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
In TM-1, 100 to 120-micron strainers were recommended before the DAF units. These strainers would
protect both the DAF and MF/UF systems from debris that could potentially damage the process
equipment. As the preliminary design has progressed, the design team assumed that the DAF basins
would be outdoors and uncovered. With uncovered basins, debris (such as sand or pine needles) could
enter the basins, be pumped to the MF/UF system and damage the membranes. Based on discussions
with the potential MF/UF system suppliers and experience at other MF/UF facilities, CDM recommends
locating strainers after the DAF units and MF/UF feed pumps, and immediately before the MF/UF
membranes. This revised strainer location will prevent debris larger than approximately 100 microns from
reaching the MF/UF membranes when the DAF units are in operation or when raw or coagulated water is
bypassed around the DAF basins and sent directly to the MF/UF membranes. CDM will continue
discussions with potential DAF equipment suppliers to determine if screens, strainers or other particle
removal equipment should also be installed before the DAF units.
Similarly, static mixers were shown for rapid mixing in the Pilot Test Program Report and TM 1. In TM-2,
CDM recommends pumped water injection because it will provide the following benefits over static mixers
or impellor-type mixers: 1) more effective mixing over the entire range of anticipated flows; 2) less
susceptible to fouling and fewer maintenance requirements; 3) closed pipe system can be located indoors
or outdoors and will not produce potentially corrosive salt water aerosols; 4) low energy use; and 5)
preference expressed by City’s operating staff.
TM2-14 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
The Technical Advisory Committee recommends that provisions for antiscalant, caustic soda, and sodium bisulfate be
included upstream of the RO system. Antiscalant addition may be desired to reduce iron fouling of the RO membranes
when an iron based coagulant is added during pretreatment. Caustic soda addition may be desired to temporarily reduce
boron concentrations in the desalinated water. Sodium bisulfate addition will be necessary for dechlorination when chlorine
is added upstream for biofouling control and/or MF/UF cleaning.
Α TM2-15
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Figure 4
Desalination System
Table 7: Mass Balance for Desalination System at Maximum Daily Plant Flow
ID Description Flow TDS TSS
No. (gpm) (mg/L) (mg/L)
1 Pretreated/RO feed water from MF/UF pretreatment via the 6.3 36,000 <0.1
RO feedwater equalization basin
2 Split RO feedwater stream through high pressure pumps 2.6 36,000 <0.1
3 Split RO feedwater stream through energy recovery system 3.7 36,000 <0.1
4 Recombined RO feedwater 6.3 36,750 <0.1
5 RO permeate 2.5 150 <0.1
6 RO concentrate 3.8 62,500 <0.1
TM2-16 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
The low pressure concentrate stream leaving the ERD’s will pass through a flow control valve which
regulates the flow through the ERD’s and will flow to a concentrate equalization basin. Transfer pumps
will pump the concentrate from the equalization basin to a pipeline where it will blend with the treated
effluent from the waste water treatment facility prior to disposal in the ocean through the existing outfall
As discussed in the functional analysis section of this memo, membrane unit capacities in the range of
0.83 mgd to 1.25 mgd would be a logical choice to provide a balance between capital and operating costs
and plant reliability. The selection of the type of high pressure RO pump may also impact the selected
capacity for the membrane treatment units as described in the High Pressure RO feed pump section of
this TM.
Membrane projections defining the anticipated operating envelope for this project are presented in
Appendix E. As shown in the projections, the maximum TDS and minimum temperature condition at the
maximum assumed membrane age requires the highest membrane operating pressure. This pressure is
used in the calculation to determine the required total dynamic head (TDH) for the design of the HP RO
Α TM2-17
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
pump. The maximum TDS and maximum temperature case at maximum membrane age represents the
worst case membrane permeate quality. Performance at average conditions reflect typical plant operating
values for parameters such as power and chemical consumption that can be used as a basis for
evaluating typical system operating costs. The minimum TDS and maximum temperature case with new
membranes reflects the lowest head condition for the HP RO pump and defines the turndown ratio of this
pump from the maximum design TDH to the minimum required TDH.
It is intended that the design of this facility provide sufficient flexibility to allow operation over a range of 40
to 50 percent recovery to provide the optimum balance between plant operating costs and capital cost.
For operation over a wide range of the anticipated salinity and temperature conditions a recovery rate of
42.5 to 45 percent should be optimum. However, at extreme conditions of maximum salinity and minimum
temperature, it may be desirable to operate at approximately 40 percent recovery. Similarly under certain
conditions, there may be benefits in terms of reduced feed flow requirements or concentrate discharge
requirements associated with operation at higher recovery. Experience with other seawater RO projects
indicates that operation at an average design flux of approximately 8 gfd results in optimum balance of
power cost versus capital cost. The system could be operated at an average flux of up to 10 gfd at
conditions of lower salinity and higher temperature; however, as shown in the membrane projections, flux
and recovery will be limited as the membranes age and foul.
For this design, it was determined that a combination of “high boron rejection” and “low energy” seawater
RO membranes would provide the optimum solution to meet the established boron treatment goal at the
lowest energy consumption. For the membrane performance projections, a hybrid design was selected
that utilizes three high boron rejection Hydranautics SWC4B membranes in the lead element positions
and four lower energy consumption Hydranautics SWC5 membranes in the tail end positions of each
pressure vessel, which is where TDS will increase and feed pressure will decrease as seawater flows
through the vessel. Although the performance projections were based on Hydranautics RO elements,
seawater RO elements from other qualified manufacturers can also meet the treatment goals and the RO
elements will be competitively bid during the procurement phase of the project.
The Hydranautics RO performance projection program also provides the flexibility for the user to adjust
how membrane performance might vary over time with respect to membrane flux decline and salt passage
increase. Hydranautics published RO membrane design guidelines give “conservative”, “typical”, and
“aggressive” values of membrane flux decline factor and salt passage increase factors based on the
application (brackish, seawater, groundwater, surface water, etc.) and the level of pretreatment required.
These membrane projections are based on Hydranautics “typical” design guidelines for an open seawater
intake with MF/UF pretreatment ahead of the RO system. The “typical” design guidelines for MF/UF
pretreatment ahead of the RO system are an RO membrane flux decline factor of 7 percent per year and
a salt passage increase factor of 10 percent per year. For end of life membrane performance, an average
membrane life of 5 years has been used in these projections; therefore the projections are conservative.
The RO membranes are often replaced systematically at frequencies that maintain the 5-year life, but
TM2-18 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
reduce the average membrane age to less than 5 years; in these cases, water quality may be better than
indicated by the projections for 5-year membrane life.
Table 8 provides a summary of membrane performance at maximum, average, and minimum operating
A total of 3 RO feed transfer pumps will be provided with two pumps required for operation at full plant
capacity with the third unit serving as an installed spare. The RO feed transfer pumps will be designed to
provide a suction pressure of 20 to 30 psi at the suction side of the HP RO pump allowing for
approximately 15 psi pressure drop for dirty cartridge filters, static mixer and piping losses. It is
anticipated that these pumps will be vertical turbine wet pit type pumps. These pumps will be of
superduplex stainless steel construction for seawater service. Table 8 indicates that these pumps will be
equipped with variable frequency drives; however, these pumps will be further evaluated during the
detailed design to determine whether constant speed pumps will provide adequate coverage over the
required operating range.
Α TM2-19
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TM2-20 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Table 9: RO Feedwater Equalization Basin and Low Pressure RO Feed Pumps Design Criteria
Potential Expansion to
Parameter Units Initial 2.5 mgd Facility
4.5 mgd
MF/UF Filtrate/ RO Feedwater EQ Basin Type Concrete Concrete
Rated Capacity (Minimum-Maximum) mgd 1.7-6.3 1.7-11.3
Number of Chambers no. 2 2
Nominal Rated Capacity gpm 4,340 7,813
Volume Required for 10 Minutes of
gallons 78,000 78,000
Equalization at Future Rated Capacity
MF/UF Backwash Volume Required gallons 17,000 28,000
Dimensions Each Chamber
Length feet 27 27
Width feet 30 30
Height feet 20 20
Water Depth (Maximum) feet 18 18
Total Volume gallons 109,000 109,000
Detention Time at Rated Capacity minutes 25 14
RO Feedwater Low Pressure Transfer Vertical Wet Pit with Vertical Wet Pit with
Number of Pumps in Operation No. 2 3
Number of Pumps in Installed No. 3 4
Design Flow per Pump gpm 2,170 2,604
Firm Capacity gpm 4,340 7,813
Design Differential Pressure (TDH) psi 50 50
Motor Size HP 125 125
For seawater RO systems there are several alternate materials of construction that have been used for
cartridge filter housings. High alloy stainless steel construction such as AL6XN, 254 SMO, or super
Α TM2-21
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
duplex stainless steel have proven to give reliable service in seawater RO plants; however, these alloys
can cost two to four times as much as 316L SS housings. On large international design/build/operate
projects some contractors have supplied carbon steel rubber lined vessels. For the size of cartridge filter
housings for the scwd2 project, fiberglass cartridge filters can be a cost effective solution that provides a
high degree of corrosion resistance. As shown in Table 10, three cartridge filter vessels will be provided.
Each housing will hold the equivalent of 472, 10-inch long filters. This will result in loading rates of 3.1
gpm per 10-inch cartridge with 3 cartridge vessels in service and 4.6 gpm per 10-inch cartridge with 2
vessels in service when producing 2.5 mgd at 40 percent recovery.
TM2-22 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
anticipated that the efficiency difference between centrifugal pumps is due to differences in pump models
rather than differences in the pump capacity. Consolidated Water supplied both the 2.6 mgd Windsor and
the 7.2 mgd Blue Hills desalination plants as well as over a dozen other seawater RO plants in the
Caribbean in the size range of 0.2 mgd to 7.2 mgd. Some of these facilities use positive displacement HP
RO pumps while others use centrifugal pumps. Consolidated advised that based on their experience with
both positive displacement and centrifugal HP RO pumps, that “even with approximately $0.35/kWh
(USD) electrical costs (in several Caribbean islands) we are moving away from reciprocating PDs and
going exclusively to centrifugal pumps, due to overall cost effectiveness and reliability.” Until a final
decision is made concerning the type of HP RO pump to be used for this project, the design criteria has
been based on the use of centrifugal pumps which result in a more conservative design approach in terms
of power consumption and configuration of the electrical power system. These options will be investigated
further in the detail design phase to determine whether improvements can be made on energy efficiency
and the cost of the electrical power system.
One dedicated horizontal multistage split case HP RO pump with variable frequency drive will be provided
for each RO membrane unit. A total of four HP RO pumps are provided with three pumps normally in
service when the plant is operating at full plant capacity with one installed standby unit, which is dedicated
to the standby RO unit. The design criteria data for the HP RO pumps are based on a budgetary pump
quote for horizontal multistage split case (HMSC) centrifugal pumps. This is the pump type currently used
in Blue Hills, Tampa, Trinidad and numerous other seawater desalination plants. Another option for
centrifugal HP RO pumps is the radially split multistage centrifugal pump. These pumps tend to be
somewhat lower in capital cost but not quite as efficient (76 percent) as the HMSC pumps. The HMSC
pumps are also considered to have higher reliability and are easier to maintain.
Α TM2-23
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
To optimize operating efficiency over this range of operating flow and pressure, a variable frequency drive
will be provided on each HP RO pump. The variable frequency drive will allow the RO membrane unit to
maintain water production under varying water quality conditions, temperatures, and fouling conditions.
These variable frequency drives conserve energy by allowing the pump and motor to operate at the
minimum energy required for that particular operating condition. The HP RO pumps will be installed in a
separate pump room to minimize pumping noise in the rest of the membrane plant. The materials of
construction will be superduplex stainless steel or equal in terms of corrosion resistance.
The RO units will be configured as independent membrane units with a dedicated HP RO pump and
energy recovery system for each membrane unit. Each membrane unit will be arranged in a single pass
configuration with the membrane vessels in that pass installed in parallel in a single stage configuration.
Each membrane unit will have 37 pressure vessels installed and will be configured to accommodate the
installation of a total of 42 vessels. Each pressure vessel will contain 7 membrane elements, for a total of
259 elements per skid. Membrane elements will be arranged in a hybrid configuration with high rejection
boron elements in the lead positions and low energy elements in the tail positions of each vessel to
optimize the balance between boron removal and power consumption. The configuration reflected in the
membrane projections is based on three high boron rejection SWC4B membranes followed by four SWC5
low energy elements in each vessel. The design basis reflects the use of standard 8-inch diameter by 40-
inch long seawater RO elements with 400 sf membrane area per element. Due to the potential for
biofouling associated with algal bloom events, this design envisions the use of standard 400 sf rather than
higher membrane area elements. In addition, it is recommended that membrane elements with 31 mil or
larger feed/brine spacers be selected to reduce pressure drops across the membrane elements during
biofouling events as compared to standard 28 mil spacers. It is recommended that biostatic spacers be
provided where available. The larger feed/brine spacers reduce pressure drop per element which
translates to lower energy loss. The larger feed/brine channels tend to be less susceptible to biofouling
buildup and facilitate membrane element cleaning. Each membrane unit will include all pressure vessels,
membrane elements, supporting frame, sample panels, on-board instrumentation and associated panels,
piping, valves and actuators, and all necessary appurtenances.
TM2-24 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
A total of four 0.83 mgd permeate production capacity membrane units will be provided for the initial
design phase. Three membrane units would normally be in operation with the fourth unit representing an
installed spare.
Α TM2-25
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
The feedwater stream leaving the ERD’s will require minor pressure boosting by an ERD booster pump to
compensate for the pressure losses experienced from the feed/concentrate stream passing through the
feedwater channels of the RO membranes, any pressure loses in the piping, and ERD pressure transfer
energy inefficiencies. Each energy recovery system will have a dedicated vertical in-line centrifugal ERD
booster pump. Each pump will be designed to deliver 925 gpm at a total dynamic head of 55 psi. Each
pump will be supplied with a 50 HP motor and a variable frequency drive to maintain water production
under different fouling conditions.
RO Cleaning System
Because RO membranes are very effective in removing dissolved and suspended solids, they tend to foul
or become dirty over time and periodic cleaning is needed. A clean-in-place (CIP) system will be provided
for periodic cleaning of the RO membranes. As shown in Table 12, the primary components of the CIP
system include cleaning tanks with a tank heater, cleaning pumps, and cartridge filters. Two cleaning
tanks are recommended to provide operating flexibility and reduce cleaning time. With two tanks, the
operator can be cleaning with a low pH solution in one tank and can be preparing a high pH cleaning
solution in the other tank. Having this flexibility can save a couple of hours on every cleaning operation. A
small batching tank will also be provided. This tank will allow chemicals to be batched in smaller
quantities closer to ground level and then transferred to the cleaning tanks.
TM2-26 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
The primary RO cleaning chemicals anticipated for use in the facility will be acid for low pH cleaning and
sodium hydroxide for high pH cleaning. This selection of cleaning chemicals is based on foulants that
might migrate past the MF/UF units in the pretreatment. Other acids or bases may need to be used for
less common cleaning applications. Various common detergents may also be used in combination with
the acidic and basic solutions.
After use, these high pH and low pH cleaning solutions will be neutralized to a pH range of 6 to 9 prior to
being discharged to the sanitary sewer for treatment at the City wastewater treatment plant.
Α TM2-27
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
RO Flushing System
Because of high concentrations of dissolved salts in seawater and the concentrate, it is recommended to
flush the RO concentrate out of the system when an RO membrane unit is shut down for any reason to
reduce the potential for membrane scaling and to reduce corrosion potential. The flushing will be done
with RO permeate from a tank that is kept full and renewed periodically.
This simple permeate flushing system will consist of a tank and a flush pump that is similar to the cleaning
pumps, along with the appropriate controls and valves to automatically flush a membrane unit on
shutdown including those initiated by plant operators, system alarms and power outages.
TM2-28 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
To address taste and corrosion concerns, calcium and alkalinity are added to the desalinated water. Post-
treatment typically includes reintroducing calcium carbonate into the water in the form of lime or limestone
and carbon dioxide addition. Blending with another potable water source, pH adjustment with caustic
soda, and the addition of phosphate-based corrosion inhibitor are additional post-treatment methods used
at desalination plants.
Calcite contactors, carbon dioxide, and corrosion inhibitor are the post-treatment processes selected
during the scwd2 Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Pilot Program to meet the post-treated water
goals summarized in Table 13. Carbon dioxide addition will add alkalinity and lower the pH to increase
calcium uptake from the calcite, which adds hardness and increases pH. Figure 5 illustrates the post-
treatment process.
Figure 5
Α TM2-29
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Calcite Contactors
Calcium hardness will be added to the RO permeate as it flows through the calcite contactor bed. The
calcite slowly dissolves and must be periodically replenished. The rate of calcium uptake will be
determined by the pH and hardness of the RO permeate. Continuous carbon dioxide will be necessary to
reduce pH to meet the target alkalinity and hardness goals. The carbon dioxide dose will vary to a slight
degree as the RO membranes age.
Calcite can be delivered as needed or stored onsite as dry chemical. Options for loading the calcite into
the contactors will be investigated as the design advances; options include pneumatic loading, lifting
equipment with bag splitters, and conveyor systems. Calcite loading is expected to occur between once
and twice a year per contactor. Table 14 summarizes design criteria for the calcite contactors. The criteria
assumes the calcite contactors will be sized to treat 2.5 mgd; split-stream re-mineralization will be
evaluated in more detail during subsequent tasks.
TM2-30 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
1 Assumes that calcite will be replenished when approximately half of the volume is remaining.
Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) will be added before and/or after the calcite contactors for disinfection.
Corrosion inhibitor will be added after the calcite contactors to provide additional stabilization to reduce
corrosion in the distribution system and to match addition at the Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant
(GHWTP). Final pH adjustment will be achieved through addition of sodium hydroxide (to increase pH as
needed) or carbon dioxide (to decrease pH as needed) downstream of the calcite contactors. It is
expected that carbon dioxide to lower pH will be required more often than caustic soda based on water
quality model calculations. Design criteria for carbon dioxide, corrosion inhibitor, and caustic soda storage
and feed systems are presented in the Chemical Systems section of this Technical Memorandum.
Table 15: Range of CT Values to Meet Pathogen Inactivation Based on Projected Treated Water
Temperature and pH
CT at 1.0 mg/L of free chlorine,
CT at 1.0 mg/L of free chlorine, pH =
pH = 8.01, and temperature =
Pathogen Inactivation (log) 6.02, and temperature = 20oC
(mg/L x minutes)
(mg/L x minutes)
Giardia 0.5 27 7
Virus 2.0 3 1
1. Although the product water pH goal is approximately 7.2, a conservative pH value was selected because pH will vary
during the post-treatment process.
2. A pH of 6.0 assumes that chlorine is added prior to the calcite contactors.
Α TM2-31
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
TM2-32 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Table 17: High Service Pump Station and Wetwell Design Criteria
Initial 2.5 mgd Potential Expansion
Parameter Units Facility to 4.5 mgd
Number of Pumps in Operation No. 2 3
Number of Pumps in Installed No. 3 4
Rated Capacity gpm 1,736 3,125
Design Flow per Pump gpm 868 1,042
Total Installed Capacity gpm 2,604 4,167
psi 125 125
Design Differential Pressure (TDH)
ft 289 289
Motor Size (HP) HP 125 125
Assumed Efficiency % 75% 75%
Pump and Drive Type Vertical Turbine with Variable Frequency Drive
Wetwell Length ft 10 10
Wetwell Width ft 25 25
Wetwell Water Depth ft 16 16
Chamber Sidewall Height ft 20 20
Wetwell Volume gallons 30,000 30,000
Wetwell Detention Time minutes 17 10
Α TM2-33
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
TM2-34 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Therefore, concentrate will be stored onsite to reduce discharge during periods of low effluent discharge
(e.g., night hours during low rainfall periods) from the WWTF. Work performed by Brown and Caldwell
from a separate study indicates that up to 600,000 gallons of concentrate storage should be provided for a
facility producing 2.5 mgd and space should be provided to allow up to 2,000,000 gallons for a potential
future expansion to 4.5 mgd. Table 20 summarizes the results of the Brown and Caldwell Study.
Α TM2-35
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Table 21 summarizes the preliminary design criteria for the concentrate equalization basin and discharge
TM2-36 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Figure 6 illustrates the concentrate storage and disposal system. The concentrate equalization basin will
also be designed to capture and discharge saline overflows
from plant processes such as raw seawater before
coagulant addition and RO feedwater following
pretreatment, and overflows from the solids clarifier
thickeners. Overflows from the DAF and MF/UF feedwater
equalization basin will be captured and transferred to the
solids clarifier thickeners for treatment before overflow to
the concentrate equalization basin.
Α TM2-37
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Figure 7
Mass Balance Schematic for Residuals Handling System
Table 22: Mass Balance for Residuals Handling System at Maximum Daily Plant Flow(1)
ID Description Flow TDS TSS
No. (gpm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (lbs/day)
1 Used Washwater from MF/UF to Solids Clarifier/ 536 36,000 51 330
Thickener No. 1
2 Clarified MF/UF Used Washwater from Solids 535 36,000 2 13
Clarifier/Thickener No. 1
3 Thickened Solids from Clarifier/Thickener No. 1 1(3) 36,000 20,000 317
4 DAF Waste to Clarifier/Thickener No. 2 109(2) 36,000 2,259 2,967
5 Clarified DAF Waste from Solids Clarifier/Thickener No. 2 97 36,000 2 3
6 Thickened Solids from Clarifier/Thickener No. 2 12(3) 36,000 20,000 2,964
7 Combined Reclaimed Water to Plant Influent 632 36,000 2 16
8 Combined Thickened Solids to Sanitary Sewer 13(3) 36,000 20,000 3,281
Assumptions for Mass Balance include:
Raw Seawater Flow = 7 mgd Raw Seawater TSS = 45 mg/L
Ferric Chloride Dose = 30 mg/L MF/UF Efficiency = 90%; used washwater production = 10%
RO Recovery = 40% DAF Efficiency = 98%; DAF waste production = 2%
Thickened Sludge = 2% by weight
DAF Waste flow of 109 gpm is the daily average; actual flows will be intermittent and are anticipated to range from 150 to 600 gpm.
Thickened sludge flows from clarifier thickeners are daily averages; actual flows will be intermittent and are anticipated to
range from 150 to 600 gpm for a 4-inch to 6-inch diameter discharge line to the sanitary sewer.
TM2-38 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Solids Production
Solids will consist of naturally occurring organic and inorganic matter in the raw seawater and iron
precipitated from coagulation with ferric chloride. An average of 320 pounds of dry solids will be produced
per day based on total suspended solids (TSS) of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and an average plant raw
water flow rate of 3.72 mgd. A maximum of 3,281 pounds dry solids per day will be produced during worst
case conditions (storm events or algae blooms where TSS averages 45 mg/L and maximum raw water
flow of 7.0 mgd).
DAF Waste
Approximately 1 to 2 percent of the incoming flow to the DAF basins will be removed with the coagulated
solids and sent to the residuals handling facilities. Most of this flow will be recycled back to the headworks
of the plant after clarification and only a few thousand gallons of water per day will be disposed of as
sludge to the City’s sanitary sewer system. The TSS of the DAF waste will typically range between 5,000
to 20,000 mg/L depending on water quality and operating conditions. The DAF solids will be pumped
directly to one of the clarifier/thickeners or combined with used washwater from MF/UF in Washwater
Equalization Basin. Operators will have the option to add ferric chloride to the DAF waste prior to the
Clarifier/Thickener to enhance clarification and thickening; no polymers will be used as
clarification/thickening aids due to potential fouling of membranes.
Α TM2-39
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
RO Cleaning Solutions
Intermittent cleaning of the RO membranes will be conducted to remove biologic, organic, metals and
mineral fouling. The frequency of cleanings will typically be once per every three to six months per skid.
Chemicals will typically include sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), detergents and acids. Spent cleaning
solutions will be pumped to a neutralization tank where the contents will be dechlorinated and neutralized
for pH (6 to 9 units). The dechlorinated and neutralized water will be sent to the sanitary sewer for
Solids Disposal
Sludge will accumulate in the clarifier thickeners and thicken to a concentration of 20,000 to 60,000 mg/L
depending on water quality and operating conditions. The clarifier thickeners will have the capacity to
store solids (sludge) for up to 7 days during adverse water quality conditions (i.e., storm events or algae
blooms) while operating at the maximum design rate of 2.5 mgd. This design will provide operational
flexibility to allow operators to optimize the storage and disposal of sludge to mitigate the potential impacts
of increased solids loading at the City’s wastewater treatment facility. Under normal raw water quality
conditions (i.e., low turbidity), the clarifiers/thickeners will have the ability to store up to approximately 38
days of sludge at the maximum flow of 2.5 mgd. However, the thickened sludge will typically be
discharged to the City’s sanitary sewer system on a daily basis; average sludge detention times will be
less than one week. Odors are not expected to be a problem because the clarifiers/thickeners will
maintain aerobic conditions throughout the depth: 1) the units are relatively shallow; 2) rotating rakes will
continually mix the sludge to aid thickening; and 3) used washwater and DAF solids streams will contain
high levels of oxygen and will constantly flow from the bottom of the units to the overflow weirs at the
water’s surface.
Gravity Clarifiers/Thickeners
Two 40-ft diameter units will treat DAF Solids and MF/UF washwater separately (preferred) or combined.
The maximum hydraulic loading of 0.40 gpm/sf will occur with 500 gpm of flow to one unit; the average
hydraulic loading rate of 0.25 gpm/sf will occur with 320 gpm of flow to one unit. The maximum and
average solids loading rates with all solids split between two (2) clarifiers/thickeners will be 1.3 lb/d/sf and
0.13 lb/d/sf, respectively.
TM2-40 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Α TM2-41
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
This estimate is similar to the average energy use estimates included in the Pilot Program Report and TM-
1. However, a 3% contingency has been added to provide estimates for miscellaneous electrical loads
not accounted for in the process design criteria assumptions. Energy use will continue to be evaluated
and updated as the preliminary design progresses.
TM2-42 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Note that the RO system energy use calculations have been updated to reflect the specific design criteria
included in this memorandum; this includes a three (3) RO unit design sized for 0.83 mgd each using
horizontal split-case centrifugal pumps, isobaric PX-300 energy devices, and a hybrid SWC4B/SWC5
membrane combination. Selecting different pumps, RO unit size, membranes, or energy recovery devices
will change estimated energy use for the proposed plant.
Unit costs for similar facilities from recent projects that were designed and/or built by CDM.
Estimates from potential equipment suppliers for major process equipment packages (such as DAF
equipment, MF/UF membrane sysystems, and SWRO membrane systems).
Prorates as percentages of total facilities costs were used to estimate the cost for the electrical
distribution system (15 percent), instrumentation and control systems (10 percent) and site
development and yard piping (20 percent).
A 30 percent contingency was added to estimate the cost of items not identified at this preliminary
stage of design (i.e., without detailed design drawings and specifications).
Α TM2-43
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
Escalation of 3 pecent per year from January 2011 to the midpoint of construction assumed to be
June 2015.
The engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost for the scwd2 Regional Desalination Plant (midpoint
of construction in June 2015; online by June 5, 2016) is $54.8 million. Table 25 presents the anticipated
costs for each major treatment process or facility, land, a contingency for unidentified items, and
escalation. The Association for the Advancement of Cost Estimating International (AACE) recommends
presenting the engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost at the preliminary stage of design as a
range of -15 to + 30 percent of the engineer’s estimate. The purpose for presenting a range of costs is to
address the uncertainties and variability associated with: design considerations; site location; permitting;
environmental constraints; economic conditions; availability of equipment, materials and labor; and other
factors that can affect the construction cost. The range of costs based on the engineer’s opinion of
probable construction cost is $47 to $71 million.
At this stage in the design process, there are several decisions that will need to be made by the scwd2
and design team before the preliminary design is advanced and a more accurate estimate (i.e., less
uncertainty and smaller cost range) is prepared. Examples of important pending decisions related to the
treatment plant include, but are not limited to:
Site Selection - Foundation design, excavation, drainage, working conditions, permitting and
environmental constraints, security, access, power and other utilities.
Residuals Handling - Type and size of facilities, provisions for future dewatering.
The estimated total is similar to the costs presented by CDM in the Pilot Test Program Report and TM-1;
however, the costs for the various systems have changed to reflect the preliminary design criteria such as
the recommended number and size of the facilities, and moving the start-up date from July 2015 to June
2016. More detailed cost estimates based on equipment quotes, quantities and labor estimates will be
prepared and presented in the Preliminary Design Report as the design is advanced.
TM2-44 Α
City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design
Average source water flow of 3.7 mgd which corresponds to a treated water flow rate of 1.6 mgd at 43
percent RO recovery.
Labor: two operators onsite for 16 hours per day and one operator onsite for 8 hours per day; salaries
assume rates from GHWTP Basis of Design Report (BDR) times 1.3 multiplier.
Sewer disposal cost: $10 per 100 cubic feet plus flat fee of $2,011 per month.
Α TM2-45
Draft TM2: Desalination Process Preliminary Design City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District
TM2-46 Α