Thermal Evolution of The Mechanical Properties of
Thermal Evolution of The Mechanical Properties of
Thermal Evolution of The Mechanical Properties of
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Ceramics International 40 (2014) 1709–1716
Calcareous earthenware is used very frequently for tableware, and fired twice between 980 1C and 1040 1C. Before firing it mostly consists in a
kaolinitic clay accompanied by quartz and ≈7 wt% of carbonates (Ca and Mg) as fluxing fraction. In this article the firing temperature correlation
with the textural, structural and mechanical properties was established in the 700–1100 1C firing range. Materials fired between 800 and 1050 1C
presented an interesting correlation between the processing variable (temperature) and the evaluated properties. The porosity in this range was almost
constant however the properties evolved exponentially with the temperature. A parallel behavior between flexural strength, diametral compression
resistance and dynamic elastic modulus was observed. Furthermore within the technological temperature range the correlation was linear.
Finally the incorporation of the porosimetric analysis performed permitted to understand that the firing processes of calcareous earthenware
below 1050 1C is not strictly a sintering process with a gradual densification and loss of porosity: it should be considered as a series of complex
chemical processes accompanied by a textural evolution of pore size increase with no important porosity decrease. Only for higher temperature
treatments (which exceed the technological ones) the porosity diminishes abruptly. When this reduction takes place, it is accompanied by an
increment in the mechanical properties figures and a loss in the dimensional stability.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
0272-8842/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
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is to predict the phase transformations in silicate ceramics, forming and dried to constant weight in an oven at 100 1C.
since non-simple relationships occur between the structural They were then fired at different temperatures between 700
characteristics of the fired products and the physical properties. and 1100 1C with a heating (and cooling) rate of 10 1C/min,
Upon firing, the minerals in the clay bodies undergo and a 15 min soaking time was applied. The selected tempera-
chemical and structural modifications deeply transforming ture range was chosen because the earthenware is usually fired
the original materials. The high temperature, low-pressure at 980 1C (Orton standard cone 06) in the first firing usually
mineral transformations are mainly influenced by the chemical known as biscuit fire, and the second glazing firing is usually
and mineralogical composition of the original clay, its grain- carried out in the 1020–1040 1C range (cone 05).
size distribution, the maximum heating temperature, heating Chemical analysis of a dried clay sample (clay) is shown in
rate, duration of firing and kiln redox atmosphere [1]. Table 1. In the same table, some properties of the unfired
Firing transformation inside traditional ceramic kilns was materials are shown: these values are typical for the kind of
extensively reported in the literature, but usually this kind of materials used in the local ceramic industry. It can be pointed
evaluation is carried out qualitatively and not quantitatively. out that the material present a high proportion of silica and that
During ceramic process, once the crystalline structures of the alumina content is low. Furthermore the fluxing fraction is
minerals exceed their stability limits, they are partially (or principally composed by calcium, magnesium and with small
completely) decomposed while simultaneously others are being amounts of potassium and sodium. Finally, the iron content
formed. The destruction of the pre-existing structure does not occur is 0.66%.
instantly, the processes are governed by the system′s thermody-
namic and kinetic properties. Moreover these transformations 2.2. Textural properties of the calcareous earthenware
determine the final properties of the ceramic products [1–5].
The objective of this article is to elucidate the effect of the firing Fig. 1 shows the textural properties evolution with the firing
treatment in the mechanical properties: flexural strength, diametral temperature (porosity: P, water absorption: WA, and density:
compression and dynamic elastic modulus and to correlate them D). As a first glance P, WA and D remained stable up to
with the textural and structural properties of different ceramics 1000 1C; a slight variation after 900 1C could be detected,
processed from an important ceramic body fired in a wide range of showing that before this temperature some mineralization
temperatures that include the industrial employed conditions. started. Another remarkable result is the observed stability of
A second objective is to establish the temperature range the properties in this wide temperature range which make them
where the studied mechanical properties are parallel. unsuitable for quality control parameters. Instead, a mechanical
The material studied in this work is a ceramic paste (body) for characterization is suggested.
commercial white earthenware (“Pasta blanca lisa”, earthenware The dilatometric behavior of the material was presented and
commercial formula from Argentina) and was previously studied in discussed in the mentioned previous work [6], but the most
other aspects by the same group of authors. This kind of material is important result contraction started only at 1050 1C and was
frequently used for tableware, and other small ceramic objects, abrupt, up to 1100 1C (the end of the experiment).
usually fired at low temperatures in electric or gas kilns [21].
The present study complements the results obtained in a
recent article [6]. In that work, the textural and crystalline 2.3. Phase evolution, XRD-Rietveld analysis
thermal evolution of the calcareous clay were established by a
complete thermal analysis (DTA-TG and dylatometric study Fig. 2 shows the thermal evolution in the crystalline phase
accompanied by an XRD-Rietveld characterization of the of the original material. The material consists in a mixture of
samples fired in a wide range of temperatures (800–1100 1C). quartz, clays (caolinite and illite) and carbonates (calcite and
In order to understand this paper, some of the results are dolomite) accompanied with a small amount of feldspars.
transcribed in the materials and methods of this paper in Table 1
Sections 2.1–2.3. Furthermore in Section 2.4 we present the Chemical composition and properties of the calcareous earthenware (unfired).
Hg porosimetry performed for this article, that complement the
Archimedes textural characterization carried out in the former As received dried clay (%wt)
article. In Section 2.5 we present the mechanical characteriza-
SiO2 70.85
tion carried out. In Section 3 we present the results and Al2O3 12.81
discussion, finally we present the conclusions in Section 4. Fe2O3 0.61
TiO2 0.53
2. Materials and methods CaO 3.62
MgO 1.65
Na2O 0.15
2.1. Materials processing K2O 2.00
LOI 7.80
In a recent article the firing transformations of this material Total 100
were presented [6]. The same material was employed for the Properties
Green density (gr/cm3) 1.94
mechanical characterization carried out in this article. Pris-
Green porosity (%) 28.3
matic specimens of 8 8 70 mm3 were elaborated by plastic
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2.4. Hg porosimetry
Pore size distributions (Hg intrusion) are shown in Fig. 3. 3.2. Dynamic elastic modulus (E) of the calcareous
Accumulative pore size curves are not similar for group of earthenware
materials studied, showing an important change when achiev-
ing 1100 1C. The starting asymptote of the materials behavior The obtained values are comparable to the ones that can be
is concordant with the Archimedes results (Fig. 1), the under found in literature [21]. The dispersion values are low for this
fired samples present higher and constant value. And the property. Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the dynamic elastic
sample fired at 1100 1C presented the lowest value. modulus of the material as a function of the maximum firing
However same difference could be evaluated: small pores temperature employed in the 700–1100 1C range. The results
(between 50 and 100 nm) proportion in the samples fired at were grouped in two groups in terms of the porosity evaluated
low temperature (800–900 1C) are important and null for the by the Archimedes method (Fig. 1), materials fired between
samples fired at 1000 and 1100 1C. 700 and 1050 1C presented porosities near to 30% and the
Finally, the mean pore diameter was plotted as a function of material fired at 1100 1C presented a 15% porosity value.
the firing temperature, inset in Fig. 3. The average pore size is An exponential growth is evident in the first group
clearly correlated with the firing. Remembering that the (squares); in the graph the exponential growth fitting results
porosity was constant and ≈30% for samples fired below are also shown. The fitting results (measured in the value of
1050 1C, the evaluated progression is remarkable. Showing R2) are adequate. This exponential growth has been reported
that the firing processes of earthenware below 1050 1C is not for different ceramic materials. And is usually related to the
strictly a sintering process with a gradual densification instead sintering (densification and decrease in the porosity) of the
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Fig. 5. Flexural strength (sf) of the calcareous earthenware as a function of the Fig. 6. Diametral compression resistance (sd) of the calcareous earthenware as
firing temperature (materials with ≈30% of porosity in squares and the material a function of the firing temperature; the exponential growth fitting is shown
with 15% of porosity as a circle); the exponential growth fitting is shown as well.
as well.
Fig. 8. Dynamic elastic modulus (E) and flexural strength (sf) as a function of Fig. 9. Dynamic elastic modulus (E) and flexural strength (sf) of the
the firing temperature (intermediate range). The results of the linear fitting are earthenware as a function of the porosity.
shown. The vertical lines represent the manufacturing temperatures.
was carried out satisfactorily showing that the E slope is five times
the flexural strength slope. An interesting result is that within this
temperature range both technological properties are bonded. This
fact could represent an important operative saving in production
control (E¼ 4.1+4.86sf) and (sf ¼ 0.84+0.206E).
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