Magneto Defects
Magneto Defects
Magneto Defects
1. Effectivity
2. Purpose
3. Background
Figure 1 – General Arrangement of 20/200 Series Magneto (Sourced from TCM Aviation Technician
Advanced Training Program)
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Date : 20 October 2014
“E” gap and setting engine timing. “E” gap timing is set by adjusting the breaker
points so that they open and close at the correct rotor angular position.
In one instance, a left hand rotation magneto was installed in the position
where a right hand rotation was specified. This resulted in a rough running
engine with reduced power and the associated possibility of destructive
Care needs to be taken to ensure the correct model magneto is fitted that will
suit the direction of rotation of the engine. This is typically marked on the
magneto data plate with either “L” or “R”. The L or R text does not refer to the
position on the engine. Check with the approved technical data for the correct
magneto and installation instructions. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Data plate showing typical code for direction of magneto rotation
There has even been a case of incorrect rotation direction magnetos being
installed on factory supplied engines. Due to the possibility of extensive
internal damage, all affected engines had to be removed, dismantled,
inspected and repaired to avoid catastrophic in-flight failure of the engine.
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distributor gear was found with several gear teeth broken away from the gear.
The teeth were retained inside the magneto case. No other parts were found
out of place inside the magneto case. This magneto was documented to have
approximately 1000 hours TSO (total since overhaul); however, overhauled
magnetos may contain components which have been in service for many
Figure 3 - Broken Distributor Gear Teeth (Sourced from FAA Alert 401, December 2011)
A distributor gear which either rotate sporadically or does not rotate due to
broken teeth, may also result in additional internal arcing damage to other
electrical components, such as tracking burns on the distributor cap and burnt
high tension coils. See Figure 4.
This is because the high tension electricity is still being generated as the
magneto continues to operate and if the electrical energy cannot discharge at
the spark plug, it seeks alternate paths to earth.
Although the nylon or "plastic" distributor gears can suffer problems due to
ageing, and suffer hardening of the gear material and fatigue cracking, tooth
failures may also be attributed to:
• Prop strikes
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• High temperature
• Kick back during starting before fire events
• Magneto “locking devices” being left in the magneto
• Lightning strikes see CAAP 42L-1(0)
• Incorrectly installed gears
• Any other event which can cause shock on the gear trains of the back
gears and distributor gear
The use of holding devices (including large flat-bladed screw drivers) to hold
the magneto distributor gear in the correct #1 cylinder firing position when
installing the magneto to the engine is not recommended.
Magneto miss-firing and dead-cuts have been traced to the distributor wheel
shaft bearing spinning and moving in the bearing block. 30 SDRs have been
reported regarding this type of failure. On one occasion this problem caused an
engine failure on take-off.
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When distributor block bearing failures occur, the nylon distributor gear can
become intermittently disengaged from the pinion gear and this problem may
be first apparent by engine rough running, loss of engine power, and as the
failure progresses, complete loss of timing and no output due to distributor
gear wheel teeth being sheared off the nylon gear. On inspection because of
the play from the bushing it was found that the internal timing had skipped
teeth on distributor gear wheel and was 180 degrees out of timing. See Figure
Lower bearings have been found loose in the cap has also allowed the
electrode on the rotor finger to contact the high tension terminals in the cap
(see Figure 7). This type of failure could cause premature magneto failure.
Figure 7 - Sheared teeth and debris from electrode contacting high tension terminals
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Several incidents have occurred in Slick 4300 and 6300 series magnetos
describing magneto shaft bearings spinning in the end cap. Champion
Aerospace have advised that the bearing spin incidents could occur under
abnormally high temperature environments with high vibration and/or high
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This problem was addressed with the end cap bore diameter being changed to
provide an improved interface with the bearing. Champion Aerospace has also
advised that tolerances have been tightened even further on the bearing and
end cap and replacing the bearing only may cause the bearing to spin in the
end cap. Bearings supplied without the end cap are not approved spares and
should not be used.
There have been reports from magneto repairers regarding the Bendix
magneto shafts spinning on the bearing. This causes damage to the magneto
shaft that is beyond economical repair. It is a recommendation that 4300/6300
series magnetos are overhauled at 300 hours or less depending on severity of
operating environment.
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Figure 10 shows sand blast beads were found in the block bushing. This issue
was identified during an overhaul of the magneto.
Figure 11 - Original gear compared to sandblasted gear and cracked gear tooth
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Figure 12 shows both sides of the magneto distributor block where a distributor
block spring was missing in the assembly of the magneto.
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Failures of this kind may also be linked to the same possible causal factors
listed in as detailed in paragraph on Broken Distributor Gear Teeth.
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"Transport Canada (TC) has recently been informed of certain Piper and
Mooney aircraft, powered by Lycoming engines, which had magnetos installed
with incorrect gaskets. The magnetos were Bendix S-20 and S-200 series from
Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM). The first report was a Piper PA23-250,
powered by a Lycoming IO-540 engine, which had a magneto fall off in flight in
the USA.
According to the A&P mechanic who repaired the aircraft, the failure was
caused by the installation of an incorrect gasket which did not provide proper
support for the mounting flange, causing the flange to fail. It is thought that the
thickness of the gasket had a bearing on the failure. The aircraft's remaining
magnetos were inspected and were also found to have incorrect gaskets
installed and, although two of the magnetos were cracked, none had
progressed to failure. This particular magneto application calls for the
installation of two Lycoming gaskets (P/N 62224), one on each side of the
adapter plate see Figure 14. The failed magneto on this aircraft had one P/N
62224 gasket between the adapter and the engine case, but had an LW 12681
gasket, and possibly a TCM P/N 534750 gasket, between the magneto and the
adapter plate, which is incorrect.
The repair shop operator, who reported this problem to Transport Canada, has
since found two aircraft with the same problem: a Mooney powered by a
Lycoming O-360 engine, and a Piper PA24-250 powered by Lycoming O-540
engine. Although incorrect gasket installation was found, none of the magnetos
had progressed to failure. None of these magnetos were installed by the
engine manufacturer, but had been removed and reinstalled.
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TC contacted TCM/Bendix about this problem and was told the magneto
gaskets were furnished and installed by the engine manufacturer at time of
build-up, and that different engine manufacturers use different gaskets for the
same model magneto, e.g. Lycoming engine magneto gaskets differ from
Continental engine magneto gaskets. TC also contacted Textron Lycoming,
who confirmed that proper installation for the S-20 and S-200 magneto
incorporates two P/N 62224 gaskets. These magnetos have an eyelet on the
top and bottom of the magneto case, and are mounted using two of these
gaskets, one on each side of the adapter plate.
LAMEs are reminded that extra precautions should be taken when new parts
are drawn from stores and used during re-installation. The gaskets were all
authentic Bendix magneto gaskets. It was their particular application that was
faulty in these instances." Note in Bendix SB 3-80B, Bendix attributes broken
magneto attachment flanges to over-torqueing the attachment flange nuts.
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Over torqueing has also been attributed to distributor block cracks (SDR
In several cases the engine could not be started when hot due to weak or no
spark output from the magneto. Only when the engine magneto cooled down,
could the engine be started. It was found that the coil in the particular magneto
was susceptible to very high temperatures. Bench testing of magnetos by
simulating in-flight conditions of heat, altitude and vibration can reveal issues
not easily seen by a simple test.
The capacitor in breaker point circuit prevents points from burning and aids in
the rapid collapse of the magnetic field thus increasing secondary out voltage
to the spark plugs. A magneto exposed to very high temperatures, may also
cause the dielectric in the capacitor to break down. This can cause a partial
short between the plates which can lower the voltage in the primary coil. Signs
of high temperature on the contact spring or severe breaker point erosion are
signs of a failing capacitor. If the capacitor checks okay but the points are burnt
then either the capacitor is being overheated or the capacitor has a poor
Some capacitors use oil impregnated paper as the dielectric material. High
temperature makes the paper brittle and then as mechanical shock from rapid
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temperature changes and engine vibrations takes its toll, the paper insulation
wears through, reducing the capacitor's performance.
Figure 17 - Capacitor
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Particular attention should be paid whilst inspecting the impulse coupling wear
between the flyweight axles and axle holes. This should be done on the
assembled magneto by employing a small wire hook to pull the flyweight
radially outward at a position midway between the axle hole and the weighted
end of the flyweight. Reach between the cam and the flyweight with wire hook
as near as possible to the stop pin. Ensure that flyweight tail rests against body
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As some flyweight assemblies are set to disengage the stop pin at 450 rpm,
the aircraft manufacturer’s manual should also be consulted when setting
engine idle speeds, to ensure that the impulse coupling does not engage while
the engine is idling. If the coupling will not pass any of the above checks or, if
the magneto is removed in service and any sign is found of the radial
extremities of the flyweight assembly having contacted the magneto stop pin,
the cam plate and flyweight assembly should immediately be discarded.
The FAA issued AD 94-01-03 R2 to eliminate poor design coils and certain
design rotating magnets. That action was prompted by reports of accidents
caused by failures of magnetos incorporating older Bendix components that
had not been replaced in accordance with superseded AD 73-07-04,
Amendment 39-1731 (38 FR 27600, October 5, 1973). That condition, if not
corrected, could result in magneto failure and subsequent engine failure.
• Cracked
• Damaged insulation
• Loose connections
• Wear at the contact of the pole shoe laminations
• High tension tab is worn
• Fail resistance checks
• Clamps which fail to meet specifications, damaged or worn
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Hard starting can be caused by low coil output voltage due to shorted
secondary windings in the magneto coil. Secondary windings carry several
thousand volts along thin wires in a small physical space.
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Wedges securing the coil core inside the magneto case were found bent. A
bent wedge is unserviceable and will not perform its intended function of
securing the coil.
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Instances of loose coil wedges have been reported to CASA. Loose wedges
have could cause the coil to become dislodged and cause premature magneto
An SDR has identified missing bearing retainer plate screws. The magneto
below in Figure 23, became heavily contaminated with engine oil which had
entered the magneto via the missing retainer plate screws. The right hand
distribution gear had suffered severe burning and melting. The gear was
severely distorted and no longer in mesh with the drive gear.
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of the seal wears against a rotating surface. Oil seals should be changed
during magneto overhaul.
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Although the magneto drive rubbers or cushions become hard and brittle
during normal operation, it has been found that abnormal torsional engine
vibration may cause magneto drive rubbers to fragment.
A case study was published by The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF)
into Lycoming engine torsional vibration in 2009 as a result of an
investigation into 6 in-flight failures of Engine Driven Fuel Pump (EDFP)
The study found that torsional vibration from the engine crankshaft was
transmitted through the accessory gears to the EDFP coupling and to the
magneto coupling. Torsional vibration caused the left hand magneto drive
damper within the coupling to fail as illustrated in Figure 25(above). Similar
failures of both EDFP couplings and magneto drive rubbers have also been
reported in Australia. In the resulting post-study engine overhaul, the cause of
EDFP coupling failure was attributed to worn crankshaft counterweight damper
rollers and bushes.
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Service Bulletins
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Currently Active Approved Spark Plug List of spark plugs by engine model and
SIL03-2C 3/4/13
Application maintenance requirements.
CSB08-9A 14/10/08 Slick Service Bulletin 03-8A Mandatory inspections on specific magnetos
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Reprint of Slick Service Bulletin SB1-12 Information on warranty claim for magnetos
SB 603 S1 8/10/12
Supplement 1 affected by SB1-12
Mandatory pressurized magneto pressure Relief valve and system check for certain serial
SB 573 23/2/07
tests numbered engines
Reprint of Slick Aircraft Products Service Mandatory periodic inspections on certain models
SB 568 27/3/06
Bulletin No. SB1-88B of slick 6300 series pressurised magnetos
4. Recommendations
5. Reporting
or by use of CASA Form 404 and forward completed form to the address listed
on the form.
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Please include Time Since New (TSN) or Time Since Overhaul (TSO)
information when sending in SDRs to assist with trend analysis.
6. Enquiries
or in writing, to:
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