SESSION: 2009-2013
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I have put my sincere efforts to accomplish my objectives within the stipulated time. I
have worked to my optimum potential to achieve desired goals. Being neophytes in the
highly competitive world of technology, I came across some difficulties to make my
objective a reality. With the kind help and genuine interest and the guidance of my
supervisor. I tried my level best to conduct a research to gain a thorough knowledge
about the project. I put the best of my efforts to bring out this piece of work. If anywhere
something is found unacceptable or unnecessary to the theme; valuable suggestions are
thankfully acknowledged.
Yours sincerely
Aarti Sagar
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I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who provided me with support and
guidance throughout the course of my summer internship program.
Firstly I wish to thank Mr. Chitra Kumar (Head-Plant Production), Mr. Vishwanath
Vishwakarma (Head-Machining dept.) for giving me an opportunity to undergo summer
training at REYNOLD INDIA Pvt. Ltd., NOIDA. without the supervision and continued
guidance of whom it wouldn’t have been possible to complete this project
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History of Company
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History of Company:-
We are a group of engineers from premier institutes of India, like IITs, with more than
fifteen years experience in the field of REFRIGERATION. We always remain front-
runners to research and utilize the latest in design, technology, process and product to
provide prime quality equipment and services to our customers in India and many other
countries. Our greatest strengths have, always, been our commitment and focus over the
specific product line and providing tailor-made solutions, specifically for each process
cooling requirement.
The chillers are made with air as well as water-cooled condensors - with a capacity
ranging from 2 TR to 750 TR and temperature range of upto (-) 50° C. All the
components are globally sourced from Copilane, Danfoss, Alco, Sportan, Bitzer, Carrier,
Siemens, among others. To ensure timely and efficient pre and after-sales-service back-
up, we have fully-equipped branch offices at BANGALORE, MUMBAI, KOLKATA,
CHENNAI and PUNE, apart from our head offices at NOIDA.
We have a more than 2500 installations - not only through the length and breadth of India
but in 20 OTHER COUNTRIES as well.
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Air Cooled Chiller for Batching Plant Cascading Glycol
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Introduction of Chiller Machines:-
All air conditioning systems require a means for generating thecooling effect that offsets
building heat gain due to externalloads (sun, wind, outdoor temperature) and internal
loads (heat and moisture from people, lights, and equipment). In smallerbuildings and
residential applications, this is usually accomplished with an air-based system that ducts
cold airfromthepointofgeneration (usually on the roof) to each space in thebuilding that
requires cooling.Larger buildings and multiple building campuses usually use achiller
plant to provide cooling.
In such systems, chilled water iscentrally generated and then piped throughout the
building to airhandling units serving individual tenant spaces, single floors, orseveral
floors. Ductwork then runs from each air handler to thezones that are served. Chilled
water-based systems result in farless ductwork than all-air systems because chilled water
piping isused to convey thermal energy from the point of generation toeach point of
use.Whereas the all-air systems used to cool smaller buildings usuallycontain all of their
components packaged within a single cabinet(ergo the term “packaged cooling unit”), a
chiller plant is acollection of individual components that have been selected towork
together as a system .
Though more costly toinstall and more complicated to operate, a chiller plant offers
anumber of benefits over simple packaged cooling units, includinggreater energy
efficiency, better controllability, and longer life.Additionally, a chiller-based system can
be much more efficient interms of space utilization within the building
becausecomponents need not be located within the same space.Chiller plants are usually
used to cool large buildings becausetheir components require much less space within the
buildingthan all-airsystems.
One reason that less space is needed is thatthe size of pipes that convey chilled water
throughout thebuilding is much smaller than the size of air ducts that woulddeliver cold
air to provide the same cooling effect. Water is a morespace-efficient heat transfer
medium than air, and therefore workswell in space-constrained applications such as high-
rise buildings.One pound of water can store about four times as much thermalenergy as
the same mass of air, and—because water is muchdenser than air—a pound of water has
a much smaller volumethan the pound of air.
The combination of increased thermal capacity and higher density makes water an ideal
medium forspace-efficient heat transfer. This difference in heat transfercapacity is
exemplified by the fact that cooling ducts are typicallysized to provide 400 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) of supply airperton of cooling required, whereas a chilled water system
requiresonly 1.6 to 3.0 gallons per minute (gpm) per ton (or about 0.13to 0.33 cfm of
fluid) with typical value in the range of 2.4 gpm/ton. Clearly, the chilled water pipes will
be far smaller thanthe ducts to deliver the same rate of cooling.
The benefit to thebuilding owner is that less space will be required for
mechanicalsystems within the building, which increases the amount of spacethat can be
leased or put to other good use.Another reason for the use of chiller plants is that a much
higherlevel of efficiency can be achieved than with packaged, all-airsystems—especially
during the partial load conditions that prevail99 percent of the time that air conditioning
is needed in a typicalbuilding. Whereas a typical packaged cooling unit has an
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efficiencyof 0.94 to 1.4 kW/ton, a chiller-based system can have a full loadefficiency that
is far lower—a value of 0.6 kW/ton for the entirechiller plant is typical. Today the best
efficiencies in chillers are lessthan 0.47 kW/ton.
The real advantage of a chiller system comes intoplay during partial load conditions,
when the outdoor temperatureis warm enough to warrant air conditioning, but far from
the worstcaseconditions for which the system was designed. Under partialload conditions,
the efficiency of a packaged unit does not improvesubstantially, whereas a properly
designed and operated chillerplant becomes far more efficient.Typically, a chiller plant
can be designed with a lower totalcooling capacity than a packaged unit system designed
for the same building. Because not all spaces in a building require fullcooling
simultaneously (e.g., west- and east-facing spaces caneach have large cooling loads due
to the rising and setting of thesun, but these events do not
occursimultaneously),thecoincident load typically is much smaller than the sum of
thepeak loads for each space.
A chiller plant can be sized to meet that smaller coincident load, resulting in an overall
reduction incooling capacity without sacrificing comfort. On the other hand,a package
unit system with individual cooling units serving eachzone would typically be designed
to accommodate the “sum ofthe peaks” for all zones, resulting in a larger cooling
system.Another benefit of a chiller-based system vs. a packaged systemis longer
equipment life.
The components of a chiller plant aretypically industrial-grade machines and are
designed to lastmore than 20 years. Most packaged cooling systems aredesigned to last
about 15 years.1 This issue is particularlyimportant in the case of high-rise buildings
where HVACequipment may be located deep in the basement or in amechanical
penthouse on the 30th floor. The longer theequipment lasts, the less frequently invasive
replacementprojects will need to
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What Level of Efficiency Is Achievable Today ?
There are three key characteristics of an efficient chiller plant.Severe shortcomings in any
one of these areas cannot necessarilybe overcome by excellence in the others:
Efficient components:-
Chillers, pumps, fans, and motorsshould all be selected for stand-alone as well as
systemicefficiency. Examples include premium efficiency motors,pumps that have high
efficiency at the anticipated operatingconditions, chillers that are efficient at both full and
partialloads, and induced-draft cooling towers.
Achiller plant that meets the first two criteria can still waste alot of energy—and provide
poor comfort to buildingoccupants—if it is not installed or operated properly. For
thisreason, following a formal commissioning process thatfunctionally tests the plant
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under all modes of operation canprovide some assurance that the potential efficiency of
thesystem will be realized.
A valid concern when designing a highly efficient chiller plant is that it be cost-effective
and not prohibitively more expensive on a first-cost basis than standard practice. One of
the most effective ways to minimize the possible extra cost of an efficient plant is to
apply the concept of integrated energy design (see the Energy Design Resources design
brief on this topic for more information).
The least expensive ton of air conditioning is the one you don’t have to purchase, and
following an integrated design approach is one way to ensure that HVAC systems are
“right-sized” instead of “super-sized.” Specifying high-efficiency lighting, good glass,
and appropriate insulation materials reduces the cooling load for the building, which can
translate into a smaller-capacity, less expensive chiller plant that still provides excellent
comfort. It is often the case that a properly sized, highly efficient chiller plant has a lower
initial cost than an oversized plant designed to minimum Title 24 requirements. However,
to achieve such cost savings, when performing cooling load calculations the mechanical
engineer must use the actual design information for these more efficient building
The mechanical engineer should not use the conservative estimates that are often initially
used but not always updated. Because large HVAC systems can cost $2,000 or more per
ton (air and waterside),there is ample motivation to properly size the HVAC system.
An example of a recent project that benefited from an integrated design process is the
Santa Monica Public Safety Facility. The peak cooling load for this 100,000+ square-foot
facility was initially calculated to be about 240 tons, but application of a number of load
reduction measures reduced the peak to only 180 tons. Due to smaller equipment sizes,
this resulted insavings of both construction cost and space. This reduction inequipment
size became critical later in the design processwhen architects and engineers faced the
challenge of fittingductwork into some especially constrained spaces. Fortunately,the
mechanical engineer on the project updated the loadcalculations to reflect the reduced
loads, and as a result theywere able to “right-size” the systems with confidence.
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Five Design Strategies for Efficient Chiller Plants:-
Though there are a vast number of details associated with designing an efficient chiller
plant, stakeholders in new construction projects will benefit if the following key design
strategies are addressed:
To achieve the impressive levels of energy efficiency, it is necessary to change the way
one thinksabout chiller plant efficiency. In most facilities, efficient operationunder
average conditions is more important than how the chilleroperates under extreme but rare
weather conditions.
Chillers are usually selected based on their efficiency when providing 100 percent of
their cooling capability, but most rarely operate at this condition. There are a number of
ways to express the efficiency of a chiller , but probably the most common metric is
kiloWatts of electrical input (kW) per ton (12,000 Btu/hr) of cooling produced,
abbreviated as “kW/ton”.
Though advertisements in trade magazines often tout “0.55 kW/ton” chiller efficiency
(orbetter) at full load, hoping that this implies efficiency under allconditions, it is more
significant in most cases to know theefficiency across the spectrum of loads from 10 to
100 percent. Ananalogy would be purchasing a car based upon its handling at topspeed
instead of at normal driving speeds. On a few invigoratingoccasions, perhaps that high-
speed performance will be useful, butthe performance during average driving conditions
will probablybe of greater utility over the life of the vehicle.
Three methods for improving chiller plant load efficiency are: specify a chiller that can
operate with reduced condenser water temperatures, specify a variable speed drive (VSD)
for the compressor motor, and select the number and size of chillers based on anticipated
operating conditions
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Specifying a chiller that can operate with reduced condenser water temperatures provides
the opportunity to significantly improve efficiency. The condenser water loop on a chiller
plant is typically designed to cool condenser water leaving the chiller at 95°F to 85°F
degrees before it reenters the chiller (this is referred to as a 10° “split” or “delta T” on the
condenser). As the entering condenser water temperature drops below 85°F, though, the
efficiency and capacity of the chiller improve by about 1 to 2 percent per degree of
reduction.3 Thus, if a chiller can operate with 65°F entering condenser water
temperature, it will be 20 to 40 percent more efficient than when it receives the warmer
85°F water.
The balancing act that takes place means that it is more difficult to design a chiller
thatoperates at the lower condenser water temperatures withoutencountering operational
problems, such as tripping a low oilpressure alarm.From the standpoint of the chiller
manufacturing community,there are certain companies whose chillers excel in this area—
and this capability is promoted extensively in their productliterature. Other manufacturers
do not recommend operating their chillers at significantly reduced condenser
watertemperature. While each manufacturer probably leads the packin at least one facet
of chiller performance, it pays to ask eachcompany sales engineer about their ability to
operate at reducedcondensing water temperatures. This feature gives the buildingoperator
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substantial energy benefits and is worth the inquiry.For centrifugal chillers, the second
factor to consider is inclusionof a variable speed drive (VSD) to modulate compressor
capacity.This option is available from all major chiller manufacturers(though, once again,
certain manufacturers have greater expertisewith this approach than others), and it can
dramatically improvechiller part load efficiency—especially at low loads.4From a
practical standpoint, centrifugal chillers are usually available in capacities of 200 tons or
more, and VSDs are not often used with other compressor types (reciprocating, scroll,
or screw compressors). Thus, the benefits of a variable-speed chiller will not be available
for every project. For projects that will use centrifugal chillers, though, a VSD is best
considered when a new chiller is ordered from the factory. It is more complicated and
costly to install a VSD on a retrofit basis because careful engineering is required to make
centrifugal compressors operate properly at slower speeds, and compressor motors and
accessories must be selected to provide reliable operation under variable speed. If you’ve
missed the opportunity to order the chiller with a VSD and a retrofit is desired, it is
important to have the installation performed by factory-trained technicians for your
particular brand of chiller.
This is because they will have the detailed compressor performance data necessary to
make the VSD operate synergistically with the rest of the system, as well as support of
the factory to make sure the retrofit operates as intended. Centrifugal chillers featuring a
VSD and the ability to operate at reduced condenser water temperature can have
impressive energy performance .
According to one source, the This centrifugal chiller, which includes a variable speed
drive (VSD) as well as the ability to use low entering condenser water temperature, is
substantiallymore efficient than a standard chiller under most load conditions.
combination of low entering condenser water temperature(ECWT) capability and a VSD-
driven compressor can provide anaverage of 30 percent annual energy savings and up to
75percent savings under light load conditions, compared to a fixed-speed, fixed-
condensing water temperature chiller.Regardless of whether the chillers specified for a
particularproject have the features mentioned above, it makes sense toselect both the
quantity and the capacity of individual chillersbased on the anticipated operating
For example, if a20-story office building will primarily house “9-to-5” tenants butone
floor will be devoted to a 24-hour call center, it makes senseto install a smaller-capacity,
“pony” chiller to serve that relativelysmall but constant cooling load. By operating the
pony chillerovernight when all but one floor of the building is largely vacant,operation of
a much larger chiller,along with its associatedchilled water pump, condenser water pump,
and cooling tower,can be avoided. In addition to improved energy efficiency, thisstrategy
will reduce short cycling of the larger chiller compressor,which can extend its useful life.
In cases when the usage habits of the eventual building tenants are not well understood
(such as in a speculative office building), it can be effective to specify multiple unequally
sized chillers.
One proven approach for a two-chiller system is to install one chiller sized to meet one-
third of the cooling load and a second one to meet two-thirds of the load. In this way the
capacity of the plant can be staged in increments of 33 percent so there will seldom be
occasions when any chiller operates at extremely light loads. A downside of this
approach vs. the conventional approach of installing two equally sized chillers is
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that some flexibility is lost with respect to taking a chiller offline for preventative
If the larger chiller requires service, only one-third of the design capacity will be
available to meet building cooling loads. When the occupancy of a facility is well
understood, it is often helpful to use computer-based simulation tools, such as DOE-2, to
predict daily cooling load profiles and then determine the most logical sizing increments
for the chillers. When properly applied, building simulation can provide useful design
input on sizing, as well as the quantified energy savings information for a variety of
energy efficiency upgrades (see the Energy Design Resources Design Brief entitled
“Building Simulation” for more information).
Energy use of chilled and condenser water circulating systems is often overlooked, but it
can be substantial. In extreme cases, the collective energy use of these systems can
eclipse that of the chillers. Nevertheless, Title 24 doesn’t say much about the efficient
design of such systems.
A common cause of energy waste is that many chilled and condenser water circulation
systems are significantly oversized and then “throttled” to produce the desired
performance. In such systems, pumps are selected to provide a certain amount of fluid
flow while overcoming frictional resistance as the fluid moves through pipes, coils,
valves, and other piping system components. Often, pumps are oversized, meaning that
they are capable of overcoming a higher level of pressure than will actually be
experienced in operation.
Because of the way in which a centrifugal pump operates, it circulates more fluid when
working against lower pressure than when working against higher pressure, and this is
not usually desirable in HVAC applications.In order to adjust the flow to what is actually
required, a valve is installed on the discharge side of the pump and partially closed in
order to choke or throttle the flow of fluid leaving the pump. By adjusting this false
pressure drop, it is possible to achieve the desired flow. While a throttling valve is useful
for making minor adjustments to fluid flow and balancing the system, it is common for
pumps to be selected in exceedingly conservative fashion with the knowledge that
adjusting this valve after the system is installed will atone for any design flaws.
Engineers rarely get in trouble for selecting a pump that is too large, but an undersized
pump can lead to all sorts of issues.
There are two significant problems with oversizing pumps.first, this practice increases
construction cost due to the larger pump, pump motor, and electrical system serving it.
Second (and more significant), an oversized pump can waste a lot of energy because of
the extra work required to overcome pressure drop through the throttling valve. An
analogy would be stepping on the gas pedal and the brake simultaneously in order to
drive a car slowly.
This approach penalizes the building owner every hour the pump is in operation, year
after year. Energy use in pumping systems may be reduced by sizing pumps based upon
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the actual pressure drop through each component in the system as well as the actual peak
chilled water flow requirements, accurately itemizing the pressure losses through the
system, and then applying a realistic safety factor to the total. The idea is not to design
systems that are undersized, inflexible and ill-prepared for unforeseen changes to system
operation, but rather to balance uncertainty about how a system will be used.
Friction increases as the squareof fluid velocity, so keeping velocities low can
substantiallyreduce pressure loss as fluid flows through the pipingsystem. To keep
frictional losses low, size pipes for a fluid velocity that does not exceed four feet per
second and, depending on the pipe sizes involved, consider selecting the next larger
(instead of the next smaller) pipe diameter that will result in acceptable pipe velocities.6
The longer the lengths of pipe involved with a project, the greater the savings potential
will be for this strategy.
A chilled watersystem that is designed based upon a 10°F temperature risethrough the
cooling coils must circulate about 2.4 gpm/ton,whereas a system with a 20°F difference
circulates only about 1.2 gpm/ton, resulting in a nominal savings of 50percent of
pumping energy.7 Selecting chilled water coilsthat provide a larger temperature
difference will reduce thesize of piping, pumps, motors, and piping accessories, whichcan
offset some or all of the added cost of the coils.
Minimize the use of unnecessary valves, flow control devices, turns, transitions, and
other “pressure wasters.” Though these devices all have their place in good piping design,
most systems are littered with an excessive quantity of them, resulting in additional
pumping energy. Also, newer technology can eliminate the need for some pressure-
wasting devices that are de rigueur in yesterday’s system designs, such as automatic flow
control valves. For example, pressureindependentcontrol valves can eliminate the need
for flow control devices that waste pumping energy while stillensuring that flow is
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balanced to each coil in the system.Another loss that is frequently overlooked is pressure
dropthrough the evaporator and condenser barrels. This can bemitigated by selecting a
chiller that balances heat transferefficiency with pressure loss.
More and more newchiller plants are defying the long-held design wisdom thatflow rates
through the chiller should not vary. Such plantsuse variable speed drives to control the
primary chilledwater pumps so that flow through the chillers and out tothe coils varies
with the demand for chilled water, instead ofthe traditional “primary/secondary”
approach method bywhich only flow to the coils is varied. If properlyimplemented, the
variable flow piping approach uses lessphysical space, requires fewer components, and is
intuitiveto many building engineers.
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Design Strategy 3: Properly Select the Cooling Tower
The cooling tower is responsible for rejecting unwanted heat from the condenser water
loop to the air outside of the building. Proper sizing and control of cooling towers is
essential to efficient chiller operation. Cooling towers are often insufficiently sized for
the task;however, this undersizing may result from the following two issues:
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■ Cooling towers are large and heavy:-
They usually dominate the roof of the buildings they serve and are heavy because they
are full of water. Additionally, they must be screened so they are not readily visible from
outside the building. As a result, cooling towers are not popular with some members of
the design team, and there is often motivation to reduce the size of the cooling tower in
order to ameliorate other design problems.
Consider more thanjust the ASHRAE data for the nearest weather station. Arethere
microclimate conditions that may cause higher humidity levels (lakes, rivers, agriculture,
industry)? Bemindful of the fact that chiller capacity will suffer if thetower cannot meet
its heat rejection requirements. Sincecooling towers are relatively inexpensive (about
$100/ton) compared to chillers ($300–600/ton), it makes sense toinvest a little more in a
tower that allows the chiller todeliver its full rated capacity.
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■ Apply intelligent controls:--
Like a chiller, the load on a cooling tower varies throughout the year, and there are many
hours when it operates at partial load. To meet part loads efficiently, specify variable
speed drives to control cooling tower fans. When comparing the cost of VSDs with that
of other approaches such as two-speed fan motors, keep in mind that the VSD allows you
to purchase a less expensive single-speed motor, eliminates the moreexpensive two-speed
starter, and gives more precise control of condenser water temperature. A VSD will
normally reduce the wear and tear on the fan belt when compared toone- or two-speed
fan motors. Along with the VSD, it is beneficial to specify control sequences that reset
the condenser water temperature setpoint based on ambient conditions. This will allow a
balance of improved chiller performance with cooling tower fan energy savings. Note
also that the minimum condenser water temperature should be determined in close
cooperation with the chiller manufacturer to ensure reliable operation.
Design Strategy 4:
Most new chillers are microprocessor-controlled, but for some reason their local “brain”
is not usually networked with the computer-based Energy Management System (EMS)
that controls other HVAC system components. This is usually because the chiller and the
EMS follow different communication protocols and therefore cannot communicate
directly without additional hardware or software.
Modern chiller control panels pull together a wealth of detailed operating data for the
chiller, but these data can be used only if intelligent decisions are made about how to
operate the rest of the system. For example, raising the chilled water temperature setpoint
improves chiller efficiency and capacity, but may increase the amount of water that is
circulated to the cooling coils or the amount of air delivered to the building. This leads to
a net increase in energy use. Networking the chiller controls together with the rest of the
EMS—and installing sensors on all plant components to measure instantaneous and
ongoing energy use—is the only way
to get a handle on the overall HVAC system efficiency. Four strategies for integrating
chiller controls with building EMS are: specify an “open” communications protocol, use
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a hardware gateway, measure the power of ancillary equipment, and analyze the resultant
All is not lost when the chiller control panel follows a different protocol than the house
EMS. A hardware device called a “gateway” can be installed that serves as a translator
between the two languages, allowing most data to be shared between the foreign devices.
Collecting scads of data from the chiller plant is of no benefit unless this information is
analyzed and ultimately used to draw useful conclusions about how to improve chiller
plant operation. Though it is not the ongoing responsibility of the design team, it is
worthwhile to specify that the eventual operators of the chiller plant receive training in
the use of EMS so that they can take advantage of it. This is most often tied in with
specification language related to commissioning, addressed in the next section.
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Design Strategy 5: Commission the System:-
Most chiller plants (even those designed to minimum Title 24 Standards) have the
potential to operate reasonably efficiently, but many never reach this potential due to
installation problems, poor control system programming, or lack of coordination between
the design team and the contractor. In particular, the advanced control systems that now
pervade mostbuilding systems can be problematic if their programming is notcarefully
Commissioning a chiller system—that is, functionally testing itunder all anticipated
operating modes to ensure that itperforms as intended—can improve efficiency and
reliabilityand ensure that the owner’s are getting the level of efficiencythey paid for.
Ideally, commissioning starts early in the designprocess and is performed by an
independent third party (thatis, an entity who is not part of the design or construction
team).For more detailed information, please refer to the Energy DesignResources Design
Brief entitled “Building Commissioning.”
Even when a full commissioning process cannot be implemented, some focused
commissioning of specific building systems can still reap substantial dividends. This was
the case for a new chiller plant installed on the campus of a large university in Southern
California, where a two-day commissioning effort identified improvements to the
sequences of plant operation that improved chiller efficiency by as much as 30 percent
under certain operating conditions
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Even though California’s 2008 Title 24 Standards require a higher level of efficiency
from chiller plants, it is still possible to improve upon these standards by a significant
margin—and to do so cost-effectively. Designers who are interested in energy efficiency
should consider the Title 24 Standards as the starting point for efficiency and not the final
destination. Ultimately, a combination of good design practice, efficient components, and
proper installation and commissioning is the key to efficient, reliable chiller plant
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