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Dramix ®

Reinforcing your industrial floors


the future

of concrete

industrial floors

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‘Modern-day warehouses have become
very demanding environments. Floors are a
critical element to ensure safe and efficient
operation. That’s why we opt for jointless
fiber-reinforced floors in all the warehouses
we build all over the world.’

‘The Dramix® steel fibers in particular offer

a strong answer to the challenge of crack
control, enabling us to reduce maintenance
for our floors and create more durable and
environmentally friendly warehouses.’

07 New possibilities for steel fiber floors 20 Thin jointless (renovation) floors
08 All future floors will have steel fibers 21 Coated floors
11 The ultimate range of Dramix® fibers 22 High serviceability pavements
13 Standard floors and hardstands 25 Structural floors Gregory Loësel,
14 Saw-cut floors and bonded overlays 26 Industrial floors on piles Director Project Management
15 Jointless floors 28 Industrial mat slabs Prologis France, Southern Europe
17 High serviceability floors 30 Rack supported building
18 Seamless floors 33 Reinforcing your knowledge
19 Liquid tight floors 34 Reinforcing your world

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A world of new possibilities for steel fiber floors

Every floor has its needs STANDARD indoor industrial floors and hardstands
Every industrial floor has its own
very specific needs. From the Saw cut floors 14
liquid-impermeable surfaces in the
Bonded overlays 14
chemical industry to the founda-
tions for high-tech rack supported Jointless floors 15
buildings, modern floors play a
crucial role in ensuring safe and
efficient operation. The new HIGH SERVICEABILITY industrial floors
Dramix® range of steel fibers
provides you with the right solution Seamless floors 18
for the reinforcement of any type Liquid tight floors 19
of floor.
Thin jointless (renovation) floors 20
Coated floors 21
Heavy-duty outdoor pavement 22

STRUCTURAL industrial floors

Floors on piles 26
Industrial mat slabs 28
Rack supported buildings 30
Seismic floors 30

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Four reasons to have all future floors with steel fibers

A multidimensional network reinforces your floor

Reinforcing your industrial floors with steel fibers has many advantages. Since the fibers are evenly distributed
throughout the concrete, every part of your floor is actively reinforced—at the top layer, in the core, at the sides, at
the bottom. No matter what forces are working on your floor, no matter how strong they are, the fibers are always in
exactly the right place to do their job.

1 Optimal load bearing 3 High fatigue resistance

Steel fibers reinforce your floor Fiber floors offer a higher fatigue
throughout the concrete slab. resistance than traditional
No matter where the load is reinforcement methods. They reduce
placed or where the stresses maintenance and repair costs in even
occur, optimal load bearing is the most demanding and heavy-duty
always guaranteed, avoiding environments, and make longer
deformation and damage. lifespans a reality.

4 High impact resistance

Fiber floors are better equipped to
resist impact, keeping the surface of
your industrial floors intact and
ensuring smooth operations.

Get more out of your floor Longer lifespan Optimized thickness

2 Optimal crack control Thanks to high fatigue and impact Steel fiber reinforcement enables
Easier to maintain resistance, fiber floors enjoy a you to optimize the thickness of
Steel fibers ensure optimal control of Optimized crack control means longer lifespan, while minimizing your concrete floors, while
even the smallest cracks in your fiber floors are easier to maintain, the need for repairs. safeguarding performance and
concrete floors—ensuring safe and since the floor structure is more durability.
efficient operations at all times. resistant to wear and tear. Better performance
They also enable you to create liquid Steel fibers enable you to get the Timesaving construction
tight floors that comply with best out of your floor—heavier Using steel fibers for reinforce-
the most stringent safety and environ- loads, more efficient operations, ment saves time and money
mental requirements. increased safety, better during construction.
environmental performance.

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The ultimate range of Dramix® fibers

Bekaert offers you a complete range of steel fibers for the concrete reinforcement of industrial
floors. Every fiber has been specifically engineered to provide the right solution for all of your

applications, from standard industrial floors to the most demanding applications.


4D 5D

Dramix ®


Dramix ®
Standard floors High serviceability floors Structural floors

A proven concept for cost- For the highest hygiene and Unseen levels of performance
efficient industrial floors safety requirements The unique capabilities of the
Over the years, the Dramix® 3D The Dramix® 4D series has been Dramix® 5D series enable you to
steel fibers have proven to be the designed with the highest service- use fiber-only reinforcement in a
most cost-efficient solution for the ability in mind. It enables you to wide range of new applications
reinforcement of standard indus- meet the most demanding including structural floors,
trial floors. Mesh is no longer hygiene, safety, and environmental extremely demanding
necessary when steel fibers save requirements. The 4D is also the environments, and high-tech
time during construction, delivering recommended solution for applications such as rack
excellent performance and combined reinforcement, giving supported buildings and industrial
durability, along with optimized you the most cost effective and floors on piles.
crack control. efficient liquid tight solution.

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Standard floors and hardstands

The perfect balance
between cost-efficiency
and performance

The 3D series is a robust rein-

forcement solution for industrial
floors that are independent of the
building structure, with regular
load-bearing requirements and
dynamic loadings. The 3D fibers
offer excellent performance and
durability without having to rely on
more expensive and time-con-
suming traditional reinforcement
solutions. At the same time, the
thickness of the concrete slab can
be optimized, enabling further The Dramix® 3D series strikes a perfect balance between cost-efficiency and
saving on material and construc- performance for standard industrial floors and hardstands.
tion costs.

Designed for:

> Standard floors and

> Saw-cut floors and
bonded overlays
> Jointless floors

12n 13n


Dramix ®
Saw-cut floors and bonded overlays Jointless floors

> Production halls > Distribution centers

> Light-trafficked warehouses > High-bay warehouses
> Bulk storage > Cold-storage rooms

431,000 ft2 (40,000 m2), Fort Stewart US Army Base, USA 754,000 ft2 (77,000 m2),

Solid and cost-efficient Bonded overlays For intensive

fiber floors Dramix® 3D also provides you with and specific usage
The Dramix® 3D series provides the ultimate solution for the repair The Dramix® 3D series enables you
you with the most cost-efficient of your floors should they ever to build jointless and super-flat
solution for solid, durable, and need it: a thin overlay of steel fiber floors for high-intensity traffic and
virtually maintenance-free saw-cut concrete duplicating the existing high-bay warehouses in the most
floors. Mesh—or any other saw-cuts. cost-efficient manner without the
traditional reinforcement method— use of mesh and with a minimum
is no longer needed to build a thickness of concrete.
long-lasting floor, saving time and Because of its excellent perfor-
money during construction. mance in impact resistance and
The excellent performance of the crack control, the 3D series also
3D steel fibers also enables you to offers a cost-efficient solution for
optimize the thickness of your more demanding applications such
floors, and the amount of fibers as cold-storage rooms.
needed for reinforcement. 14n 15n
High serviceability floors

For the highest service­ability Control of even smallest Ideal solution for combined
requirements cracks reinforcement
Regular industrial floors are most The Dramix® 4D fibers have been Steel fibers of the Dramix® 4D
often designed according to engineered with special regard for family are the ideal solution for
anticipated load requirements. controlling the smallest crack combined reinforcement (steel
Serviceability specifications are widths immediately. Their greatest fibers along with traditional
generally met with subsequent effectiveness occurs in the range of reinforcement). Including 4D steel
detailing and execution. However, 0.004 to 0.012 inches (0.1 to 0.3 fibers in a concrete mix makes it
there are floors with higher mm) in order to meet high possible to replace a considerable
serviceability requirements where requirements in the serviceability amount of conventional
additional consideration of a limit state of floors. High durability reinforcement in order to achieve
stringent crack control is and impermeable floors are the same or even a lower crack
mandatory, and the traditional way achieved in all of those special width limitation compared to a
of constructing can’t either be flooring applications in which highly reinforced traditional
applied or is not sufficient to meet hygiene and environmental safety solution. Our 4D steel fibers
the requirements. This is take priority and demands special immediately pick up stresses at
particularly the case for seamless considerations. smallest crack width and
floors in the chemical and food simultaneously provide the highest
industries or wherever a fluid tight performance level at small cracks.
floor and/or specialty coating is Along with traditional
requested. Special requirements reinforcement, an ideal solution is
for serviceability of floors typically provided to assure for highest
lead to high levels of traditional serviceability and crack control for
reinforcement. Dramix® 4D fibers cracks in the range of 0.004 to
in combination with a single top 0.012 inches (0.1 to 0.3 mm).
layer of steel fabric (mesh) fulfill
the service­ability requirement in a
very effective, cost, and
timesaving manner. Tight crack Serviceability limit state
width limitations along with load
considerations can solved with a 200%
combined solution. Traditional
reinforcement is largely replaced

by the addition of 4D fibers.

fΔ / fp (%)
100% Steel


0.1 (0.004) 0.2 (0.008) 0.3 (0.012) 0.4 (0.014) 0.6 (0.016)
ΔDeflection mm [in]
Designed for: 67 pcy 4D 65/60BG + 6x6 -W4.5xW4.5 6x6 -W4.5xW4.5 67 pcy 4D 65/60BG

> Seamless floors

> Liquid tight floors Combining mesh and Dramix® 4D fibers offers you the best of both
> Thin jointless (renovation) floors worlds—perfect crack control between 0.004 to 0.012 inches (0.1 to 0.3
> Coated floors mm), and the added strength of the mesh.
> High serviceability pavement

16n 17n


Dramix ®
Seamless floors Liquid tight floors

> Distribution centers > Food industry

> High-bay warehouses > Chemical industry
> Cold-storage rooms > Petrochemical industry
> Scrap yards

Large surfaces, intensive seamless floors remains intact For the highest hygienic and They are the perfect solution for
use, no joints environmental requirements
even with intensive usage, the food, chemical, and
Seamless industrial floors are reducing maintenance and repair The Dramix® 4D series has been petrochemical industry.
Completely increasingly replacing jointless
floors as the industry standard for
costs, and boosting your
specifically designed to affect
cracks between 0.004 to 0.012
joint-free floor traffic intensive and high bay inches (0.1 to 0.3 mm), enabling

surfaces warehouses. Whereas jointless

floors still have expansion joints
you to create durable liquid tight
floors that comply with the most
All joint troubles are now a every 130 feet (40 meters) or less, stringent hygienic and
thing of the past. Thanks to seamless floors have no joints environmental requirements.
Dramix® 4D we can create whatsoever no matter how large These 4D floors of fibers in
431,000 ft2 (40,000 m2) the surface of your floor. The combination with mesh have been
warehouses without any optimized crack control and high designed in compliance with the
joints or expansion joints. impact resistance of the Dramix® relevant European standards
4D series in combination with (Eurocode 2 and DAfstb Richtlinie
mesh ensures the surface of your (German guidelines)).

18n 19n

Dramix ®
Thin jointless (renovation) floors Coated floors

> Medical and healthcare

> Underground parking lots > Chemical industry
> Indoor scrap yards > Food industry
> Distribution centres > Semiconductor industry
> Underground parking lots

Cost-efficient renewal A supplementary protection

of your floors Dramix® 4D floors can also be
The Dramix 4D series provides
used as the substrate for hard thin
you with a cost-efficient solution for toppings such as epoxy layers
the renovation of any type of and other coatings on jointless
industrial floor. Using steel fibers slabs. Thanks to the optimized
and top mesh enables you to crack control of the 4D fibers,
create a new—and completely liquids or corrosive substances
joint-free—thin overlay of rein- are prevented from infiltrating the
forced concrete in a minimum of epoxy concrete. At the same time,
time and using a minimum amount potential damage from concrete
of concrete. The excellent crack cracks to your coatings is
control and impact resistance of reduced to an absolute minimum.
the 4D series ensures that the reno- The 4D series is also the ideal
vation layer is durable and requires solution in combination with
only a minimum of maintenance. mesh.
20n 21n

Dramix ®
High serviceability pavements

> Harbor pavement

> Airport pavement
> Outdoor scrap yards

Port of Barcelona, Spain

4D without mesh
Heavy-duty concrete in any High impact resistance results in
type of environment a surface free of spalling effects,
The Dramix® 4D series is the ideal ensuring safe and efficient
solution for dynamic loading: operations, and preventing
heavy-duty pavement for damage to machinery and
harbors, airports, and other containers. Because of their
outdoor industrial activities. ease-of-use during construction,
Engineered to affect small cracks, 4D pavement also represents a
the 4D fibers protect the pave- cost-efficient solution when
ment surface from the most compared to traditional paving
severe weather conditions and methods.
the damaging effects of seawater
or chemical substances.

22n 23n

Dramix ®
Structural floors

Dramix ®
The high demands of The ultimate in load bearing 5D Steel fiber concrete

Dramix ®
structural floors capacity strength

Industrial floors are usually ground- The Dramix® 5D series has been
supported and completely developed with the demands of 140%
separated from the actual structure structural floors in mind. Because 120%
of the building. However, this of their unique features and 100%
design principle cannot be applied capabilities, the 5D fibers offer a

f∆ / fp (%)
in some situations. load-bearing capacity never before 60%
seen in steel fiber reinforcement, 40%
Poor soil conditions often enabling fiber-only solutions for 20%
> necessitate the use of pile- structural floors. In extremely 0%
supported floors. Without the demanding environments, the 5D 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
support of the soil, the load- fibers can be combined with (local) (0) (0.2) (0.04) (0.06) (0.08) (0.1) (0.12)

bearing capacity of the floor slab traditional reinforcement methods. Deflection, mm (in)

needs to be much higher. Even 60 pcy (40 kg/m3) 5D 65/60BG

though pile-supported floors are

usually separated from the building, The Dramix® 5D series offers
they must be designed to meet the the ultimate in load-bearing
structural requirements. capacity and outperforms any
steel fiber on the market today.
In seismic areas, floors often
function as a tie beam for structural
> elements, such as columns and
pad foundations. Significant
upward forces, originating from the
horizontal movement of the racks
during a seismic event, have to be
Serviceability limit state
accounted for.
Modern warehouses and

Dramix ®
industrial facilities increasingly 120%
use floors that also act as the 100% Steel
> superstructure’s foundation system
or are at least an integral part of the 80%

fΔ / fp (%)
foundation. These structural floors 60%
not only have to withstand all loads
from the regular operations but also 40%
from the building itself. The weight 20%
of the building, along with snow
and wind loads, has to be safely 0%
transmitted into the ground. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Resistance to seismic loads is (0) (0.02) (0.04) (0.06) (0.08) (0.1) (0.12)
an additional but critical Δ Deflection mm [in]
Designed for: requirement. 67 pcy (40kg/m3) 5D 65/60BG 6x6 -W4.5xW4.5

> Industrial floors on piles Naturally, the design and the Dramix® 5D fibers offer a comparable load bearing capacity to structural
> Industrial mat slabs execution of these floors need to reinforcement at a lower cost.
> Rack supported building comply with the most stringent
foundations and seismic floors requirements.

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Dramix ®
Industrial floors on piles

> Warehouses
> Production areas
> Shopping malls
> Distribution centers

The fiber-only solution for

The Dramix® 5D series enables structural floors
the construction of floors on Because of its exceptional
piles without the use of mesh or load-bearing capacities,
any other traditional reinforcement Dramix® 5D steel fibers enable the
method. construction of floors on piles—
fully independent from the
structure—without or with a
minimum use of mesh or other
traditional reinforcement. This not
only saves time during
construction, but also creates new
possibilities and new applications
for floors on piles.

26n 27n

Dramix ®
Industrial mat slabs

> Seismic floors

> Mat Slabs

The fiber-only solution for The 5D series not only enables you
Thanks to its unique Mat Slabs to create extremely strong and
capabilities, the Dramix® 5D The Dramix® 5D steel fibers have durable foundation slabs, but also
can be used to reinforce Mat been designed with structural enables you to save time during
Slabs without the use of applications in mind. Its unique construction since mesh is no
additional mesh. and outstanding performance in longer needed. This is especially
concrete makes it the perfect convenient when constructing mat
fiber-only solution for industrial slabs in more challenging circum-
floors that—unlike traditional stances and environments.
floors—also act as the foundation
of the building structure itself.

28n 29n

Dramix ®
Rack Supported Building Foundations

> High capacity distribution


Concrete floors for the integrity of the rack supported

The Dramix® 5D series has high-tech warehouses structure from downward, uplift
been designed to withstand The Dramix® 5D series offers you from wind-loads, and even seismic
the downward, uplift, and even the ideal solution for the forces.
the seismic forces rack reinforcement of rack supported
supported buildings are buildings. This can be in
subjected to. combination with or even without
the use of mesh or any other
traditional reinforcement methods.
Because of its unique capabilities,
the 5D series provides the required
strength and durability to preserve

30n 31n
Reinforcing your knowledge

Pushing the boundaries—together Our design and calculation

The Dramix® steel fibers open up a whole new world of possibilities for services
concrete floor applications. However, with new applications come new
challenges. Whatever your project, our knowledge and expertise is only > DraPro:
a click or a phone call away. From online calculation tools to on-site Become a member of Dramix®
consultancy, we are here to help you push the boundaries ! club and use our online
calculation tool.

> Support:
We help you determine the most
suitable fiber types, calculate
optimal dosages, select the right
concrete quality, and/or advise
you on the best usage.

> Integrated full service:

We can guide you step by step
through your structural
applications or projects.

All our calculation tools and

methods comply with
international standards.

Register now !

32n 33n
Reinforcing your world

Bekaert provides building professionals around the world with innovative, high-performance, Always close to you
and durable reinforcement systems. Our aim is to answer the needs of the modern world of Bekaert Building Products has production plants and sales offices all over the world. This means you can always
building, a world in which speed, cost-efficiency, safety, and sustainability are critical. count on fast delivery, extensive support, and professional advice. Anytime, anywhere.


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34n 35n
Bekaert ( is a world market and technology leader
in advanced solutions based on steel wire transformation and coatings.

Bekaert (Euronext Brussels: BEKB) was established in 1880

and is a global company with headquarters in Belgium,
employing more than 25 000 people worldwide.
Serving customers in 120 countries, Bekaert pursues sustainable
profitable growth in all its activities.

Responsible editor: Hendrik Thooft - 52.10.19

NV Bekaert SA
1395 S. Marietta Parkway
Building 500, Suite 100
Mariette, GA 30067
T 800 372 6940
F 770 426 8107
All mentioned trademarks are registered trademarks owned by NV Bekaert SA
© 2013 Bekaert

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