NRRC-R-01-SR11 1

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NRRC Specific Regulations

Management of Naturally
Occurring Radioactive
Materials In Non-Radiological

Specific Regulation
Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials In
Non-Radiological Practices



In accordance with the provisions of the Radiation Safety Regulation

(NRRC-R-01), approved by the NRRC’s Board of Directors in resolution
No. (R/1/1/2022), dated 20 April 2022, in chapter (16) section (106), this
specific regulation establishes the regulatory requirements, based on a
graded approach, concerning facilities and activities involving naturally
occurring radioactive materials, seeking to ensure the control of the occu-
pational and public exposure.
This specific regulation has been prepared on the basis of International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards, as well as the and the interna-
tional best practices and the experiences of similar international regulatory
bodies, and in accordance with the Kingdom’s international commitments,
and it has been approved by the NRRC’s CEO resolution No. 1137, dated


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Objective, Scope, and Definitions 6

Section 1: Objective 6
Section 2: Scope 6
Section 3: Definitions 7
Section 4: Radiation Dose Limits and Constraints 8
Chapter 2: Regulatory Control 9
Section5: Notification and Radiological Evaluation 9
Section 6: Exempted Facility 13
Section 7: Authorization 14
Section 8: Authorization by Registration 15
Section9: Authorization by License 16
Section 10: Release of NORM byproduct and residue for reuse
or recycling purposes 17
Section 11: Predisposal and Discharges of NORN Waste 18
Section 12: Disposal of NORM Waste 19
Annex I. Notification form for Activities Involving NORM 21
Annex II. Reference Levels for Unconditional
Discharges of NORM Wastes 23

Table of References
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 6
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 8
Exemption and Clearance Levels (NRRC-R-01-SR01). 10
Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 14

Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 15
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 16
Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 17
Management of Radioactive Waste (NRRC-R-16) 18


Chapter 1: Objective, Scope, and Definitions

Section 1: Objective
1. This specific regulation establishes the regulatory requirements, based
on a graded approach, concerning facilities and activities involving
naturally occurring radioactive materials, seeking to ensure the con-
trol of the occupational and public exposure. This specific regulation
also defines the scope and content of the radiological evaluation that,
in compliance with the Regulation on Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01)
(Articles 288 and 289) and shall be conducted by the person responsi-
ble for the concerned facilities and activities.

Section 2: Scope
2. The requirements of this specific regulation applies to facilities and ac-
tivities involving naturally occurring radioactive materials of amounts
that may cause significant occupational or public exposure. More spe-
cifically, this specific regulation applies to the following activities:
a. Extraction of rare earth elements.
b. Production and use of thorium and its compounds.
c. Production of niobium and ferroniobium.
d. Production of oil and gas.
e. The zircon and zirconia industries.
f. Manufacture of titanium dioxide pigment.

g. The phosphate industry.
h. Production of tin, copper, aluminium, zinc, lead, iron & steel.
i. Water treatment.
j. Cement production.
k. Geothermal energy production.
l. Mining of ores other than uranium ore.
m. Metal recycling industries.

Section 3: Definitions
NORM by-product
A secondary substance or object incidentally resulting from a NORM in-
dustrial production process for which further use is intended.
Exposure to radon
Exposure to radon progeny.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
Radioactive material containing no significant amounts of radionuclides
other than naturally occurring radionuclides.
Naturally occurring radionuclides
Radionuclides that occur naturally on Earth in significant quantities, such
as: Potassiu-40, Uranium-235, Uranium-238, Thorium-232 and their ra-
dioactive decay products.


Occupationally exposed worker

Employee who is exposed to NORM sources of radiation as a result of
their regular duties.
Projected dose
The dose that would be expected to be received if planned protective ac-
tions were not taken. It is the dose resulting from the activity and facility
involving NORM.
Any combination of isotopes of the element radon Rn-220 and Rn-222 and
its progeny (the short-lived radioactive decay products) as appropriate.
NORM Residue
Material that remains from a process and comprises or is contaminated by
naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM).
Working activity
An activity involving the presence of naturally occurring radioactive ma-
terials that leads to the exposure of workers or members of the public
although the materials are not used because of their radioactive, fissile, or
fertile properties.
Section 4: Radiation Dose Limits and Constraints
3. The authorized person shall ensure that the dose limits specified in
the Regulation on Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) for occupationally
exposed workers and the representative person are not exceeded.

4. To control compliance with the dose limits and dose constraints, the
authorized person shall evaluate the occupational and public exposure
in terms of the projected doses.
5. The authorized person shall establish dose constraints for occupation-
al exposure, subject to approval by the NRRC.
6. To control public exposure, the authorized person shall ensure that
the exposure of the representative person due to an authorized activity
does not exceed the dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/y.
7. The authorized person shall evaluate on a regular basis the annual
effective doses to the occupationally exposed workers and the mem-
bers of the public due to their exposure to NORM, considering the
following exposure pathways:
a. External gamma exposure.
b. Ingestion of materials containing NORM.
c. Inhalation of dust containing NORM.
d. Inhalation of radon gas and its radioactive decay products.
Chapter 2: Regulatory Control

Section 5. Notification and Radiological Evaluation

8. The authorized person and any other responsible person for a facility
carrying out or intending to carry out an activity as referred to in
Article 2, shall notify the NRRC as indicated in Annex I, where there


is an indication or evidence that the radiological scenarios could be

characterized under the following criteria:
a. The activity concentration of NORM in any of the following ma-
terials exceeds the clearance levels established in the specific reg-
ulation on Exemption and Clearance Levels (NRRC-R-01-SR01).
i. Raw materials.
ii. Intermediate compounds.
iii. Commercial products generated.
iv. Residues and waste produced on a large scale.
v. Waste in small quantities (concentrates, scales in pipes or
equipment, wet deposits) produced during the industrial
process (if applicable).
vi. Dust and suspended material present in the installation (if
vii. Volatilized material (fly ash, precipitated ash, and smoke
from chimneys) generated in processes carried out at high
temperatures (if applicable).
b. There is a potential scenario indicating an annual average radon
concentration inside workplaces higher than 300 Bq/m3.
9. In accordance with Article 8 of this specific regulation, the responsible
person shall develop a radiological evaluation in the time frame set by
the NRRC, that includes, at least, the following elements of evaluation:

a. Radiological characterization:
i. The activity concentrations of the naturally occurring radio-
nuclides in all materials used, processed, produced, stored or
in any other way handled in each workplace, facility, or site
where the working activity is performed.
ii. The activity concentrations and total annual releases of the
naturally occurring radionuclides in all liquid and airborne
effluents discharged from each facility into the environment.
iii. The concentration of radon in the air in each workplace
where the working activity is performed, and in particular
in underground workplaces and workplaces where materials
containing Radium (Ra-226) are stored or processed.
b. Assessment of doses to occupationally exposed workers:
i. Identification of workplace/worksite and jobs where workers
(both permanent and external) may be exposed to ionizing
radiation, tasks associated with each job, number of workers
affected, and time spent in workplace/worksite.
ii. Radiological evaluation of each workplace radiation levels
based on a radiation survey. The survey shall include evalu-
ations of both gamma dose-rates and airborne radioactivity
as required.
iii. Exposure scenarios. Relevant exposure pathways, scenarios
leading to these exposures, and parameters involved in dose


iv. Indication of potential or accidental situations likely to in-

crease exposure.
v. Dose assessment for considered exposure pathways and sce-
c. Assessment of doses to representative person members of the
i. Identification of the representative person of the public.
ii. Evaluation of the exposure scenarios, including:
- The long-term impact of any waste that, at the moment of
the evaluation, has been disposed of.
- The impact of residues containing NORM or by-products
that may be recycled.
- The impact of products of the production process con-
taining NORM.
iii. Identification of the relevant exposure pathways and param-
eters involved in dose assessment.
iv. Dose assessment for considered exposure pathways and sce-
10. The responsible person shall ensure that the evaluation conducted, as
per Article 9 in this regulation, meets any related requirements spec-
ified by the NRRC.
11. The NRRC, based on the results of the radiological evaluation under
Article 9, may apply one of the following regulatory approaches:

a. Exempted facility.
b. Authorization by Registration.
c. Authorization by License.

Section 6. Exempted Facility

12. A facility and the relevant working activity(ies) can be exempted from
authorization if the results of the radiological evaluation performed
under Article 9 indicate that the average annual effective dose does
not exceed:
a. 1 mSv for occupational exposure.
b. 0.3 mSv for the representative person.
13. The person responsible for a facility which is exempted from authori-
zation in accordance with Article 12 shall notify the NRRC when the
origin of the raw materials, the technological process or the equip-
ment or installations used in the technological processes are going to
be changed or modified.
14. The person responsible shall notify the NRRC if external events
(flooding, fire, land slippage, subsidence) have impacted the operation
of the facility, as specified by the NRRC.
15. The person responsible for an exempted facility shall then perform a
radiological evaluation:
a. Every five years based on the scope and content specified in Ar-
ticle 9. The relevant report shall be submitted to the NRRC
before the end of the 5th year.

b. If the NRRC deems it necessary based on the notifications re-

ferred to in Article 13 and 14, the responsible person shall en-
sure that the radiological evaluation complies with the related
requirements specified by the NRRC.
16. The person responsible for a facility which is exempted from
authorization in accordance with Article 12 shall allow the NRRC
to perform its regulatory activities, including the conduct of
supplementary measurements and the collection of samples for
verification purposes as necessary, in all premises and sites where
exempted activities are performed.

Section 7. Authorization
17. In case the results of the dose assessments performed in accordance
with Article 9 indicate that the annual effective doses to workers ex-
ceed 1 mSv/y but are lower than 5 mSv/y and the annual effective
doses to the representative person does not exceed 0.3 mSv/y, the
working activity shall be registered in accordance with the Regulation
on Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities with
Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02), provided that the conditions pre-
scribed in Section 8 of this specific regulation are met.
18. In case the results of the dose assessments performed in accordance
with Article 9 indicate that either the annual effective doses to work-
ers exceed 5 mSv/y or the annual effective doses to the representative
person exceed 0.3 mSv/y, the working activity shall be licensed in ac-
cordance with the Regulation on Notification on and Authorization

of Facilities and Activities with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02), pro-
vided that the conditions prescribed in Section 9 of this specific reg-
ulation are met.

Section 8. Authorization by Registration

19. The person responsible for a facility where working activity(ies)
subject to registration are or will be carried out in accordance with
Section 7 of this specific regulation, shall apply for such an authoriza-
tion submitting the information prescribed by the NRRC.
20. The person responsible for a facility where working activity(ies) sub-
ject to registration are or will be carried out shall implement, at least,
the following:
a. Inform the workers about NORM and associated exposures.
b. Classify the working places where radioactive materials are used,
stored or processed as supervised areas.
c. Evaluate work procedures and protective clothing to limit expo-
sure to NORM.
d. Specify the training requirements and conduct the training pro-
gram to control occupational exposure.
e. Assess occupational exposure.
f. Apply engineering controls which shall include, as appropriate:
i. Special arrangements for the storage of bulk materials con-
taining naturally occurring radionuclides.


ii. Limitation of exposure time and access restrictions.

iii. Dust control.
iv. Respiratory protection program.

21. The person responsible for a facility, where working activity(ies) sub-
ject to registration are or will be carried out, shall, in addition to the
provisions under Article 20, ensure compliance with any further re-
quirements and conditions specified by the NRRC to control and op-
timize the occupational and public exposures.

Section 9. Authorization by License

22. The person responsible for a facility where working activity(ies) sub-
ject to licensing are or will be carried out in accordance with Section
7 of this specific regulation, shall request such an authorization by
submitting to the NRRC the required information.
23. The person responsible for a facility where working activity(ies) sub-
ject to licensing are or will be carried out, shall ensure compliance
with the related requirements as specified in Regulation on Radiation
Safety (NRRC-R-01), on case-by-case basis, and in accordance with a
graded approach.
24. In case the results of the radiological evaluation under Article 9 indi-
cate an annual average radon concentration inside workplaces higher
than 300 Bq/m3, the person responsible shall ensure compliance with
the requirements as specified by the NRRC to control the exposure
due to radon in workplaces.

25. The authorized person shall ensure that the transport of any NORMs
under its responsibility complies with the relevant NRRC require-
ments, and the terms and conditions specified in the respective license.

Section 10. Release of NORM byproduct and residue for reuse or recy-
cling purposes
26. The authorized person intending to reuse or recycle or enable the
reuse or recycle of residues or by products containing naturally oc-
curring radionuclides shall apply for an authorization as specified by
in Regulation on Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and
Activities with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02).
27. The authorized person shall ensure that residues containing naturally
occurring radionuclides generated during the technological processes
may be recycled or reused providing that the potential doses:
a. to the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
residues will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure path-
b. to the representative person as a result of exposure to the recy-
cled residues will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
28. Residues containing naturally occurring radionuclides may be incor-
porated into building materials, provided that the specific conditions
established under the applicable legislation are met.


Section 11. Predisposal and Discharges of NORN Waste

29. To provide for the proper management of radioactive waste arising
from the operation of a facility involving NORM subject to licens-
ing, the authorized person shall implement the relevant provisions to
comply with the applicable requirements established in Regulation on
Management of Radioactive Waste (NRRC-R-16).
30. The authorized person shall ensure that the radioactive waste manage-
ment program includes:
a. An outline of the processes generating waste, and a description
of the waste generated.
b. A description of routes and procedures to control the planned
discharges, including the conditions and limits.
c. A description of the system for waste management including
the facilities and procedures involved in the handling, treatment,
and storage of radioactive waste.
d. A program for monitoring the concentration of radionuclides in
the environment and assessment of radiation doses to the repre-
sentative person.
e. Provisions for dealing with accidental releases, or circumstances
which might lead to uncontrolled releases of radioactive waste,
to the environment.
f. A schedule for reporting on the operation and results of moni-
toring and assessments required by this plan.
g. A plan for decommissioning the operation and the associated

waste management facilities and rehabilitating the site.
h. A system of periodic assessment and review of the adequacy and
effectiveness of procedures and to take account of potential im-
provements consistent with best practicable technology.
31. The authorized person shall ensure that waste is not discharged unless
the amount and concentration of NORM meet the criteria specified
in Annex II.
32. If the criteria specified in Article 31 are not met, the authorized per-
son shall ensure through an assessment of the specific release condi-
tions that the potential doses:
a. To the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
NORM waste will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
b. To the representative person as a result of exposure to the dis-
charged or disposed NORM waste will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in
all relevant exposure pathways.

Section 12. Disposal of NORM Waste

33. The authorized person shall not dispose of NORM waste unless the
relevant disposal option, conditions and limits have been authorized
by the NRRC.
34. The authorized person shall request the NRRC authorization for dis-
posal providing that the safety case and supporting safety assessment
met the requirement established by the NRRC for the control of waste
disposal facilities.

35. The authorized person shall ensure through the safety case and safety
assessment that the potential doses:
a. To the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
NORM waste will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
b. To the representative person as a result of exposure to the dis-
charged or disposed NORM waste will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in
all relevant exposure pathways.

Annex I. Notification form for Activities Involving NORM
1. Administrative Information:
1.1. Notifying organization:
a. Name.
b. National Address.
c. Telephone.
d. Email.
e. Government ID.
1.2. Legal representative:
a. Title.
b. Full name.
c. Telephone.
d. Email.
e. Personal ID.
2. Working activity (indicate the concerned activity):
2.1 Type of activity:
a. Extraction of rare earth elements.
b. Production and use of thorium and its compounds.
c. Production of niobium and ferroniobium.


d. Production of oil and gas.

e. The zircon and zirconia industries.
f. Manufacture of titanium dioxide pigment.
g. The phosphate industry.
h. Production of tin, copper, aluminium, zinc, lead, iron & steel.
i. Water treatment.
j. Cement production.
k. Geothermal energy production.
l. Mining of ores other than uranium ore.
m. Metal recycling industries.
2.2 Overall description of the technological processes involving
NORM and basic radiological characterization of the raw ma-
terials, byproduct, residue, and wastes.

Annex II. Reference Levels for Unconditional Discharges of
NORM Wastes

Table II.1 Reference levels for discharges of airborne effluents into

the atmosphere through a facility stack of different heights.
Reference levels (GBq/y)
Radionuclide / Stack Stack Stack Stack
chain segment 10 m 50 m 100 m 200 m

238U+ 1.4E+02 2.3E+03 1.2E+04 2.3E+04

235U+ 1.2E+02 2.2E+03 9.3E+03 2.0E+04
234U 1.1E+02 2.0E+03 1.0E+04 2.0E+04
232Th 1.4E+02 2.1E+02 7.3E+02 1.9E+03
230Th 2.8E+01 5.1E+02 2.7E+03 5.0E+03
228Th+ 9.3E+00 1.7E+02 9.4E+02 1.7E+03
231Pa+ 2.8E+00 4.8E+01 2.2E+02 4.6E+02
228Ra+ 1.2E+02 1.5E+03 4.1E+03 1.2E+04
226Ra+ 6.6E+01 7.3E+02 1.6E+03 5.4E+03
227Ac+ 7.1E-01 1.3E+01 7.3E+01 1.3E+02
222Rn 1.5E+05 2.7E+06 1.6E+07 2.8E+07
220Rn 2.0E+03 3.7E+04 2.1E+05 3.7E+05
210Pb+ 1.6E+02 1.6E+03 3.1E+03 1.1E+04
210Po 7.0E+01 8.0E+02 1.7E+03 5.8E+03


Table II.2. Reference levels for discharges of liquid effluents into the
sea for different types of releases.
238U+ 9.2E+06 8.1E+07
234U 1.6E+07 6.2E+08
232Th 5.4E+03 6.6E+05
230Th 2.4E+05 1.6E+07
228Th+ 9.3E+04 2.0E+07
228Ra+ 1.2E+04 1.1E+06
226Ra+ 2.2E+04 1.0E+06
210Pb+ 3.0E+04 1.5E+06
210Po 8.9E+04 4.8E+06


A. When performing assessments, the chain segments should be essen-

tially treated as individual radionuclides with composite character-
istics. These long-lived radionuclides with their short-lived progeny
constitute decay chain segments for which it can be assumed that the
short-lived progeny is in radioactive equilibrium with the long-lived

Summary of naturally occurring radionuclide decay chain segments in
TableII.1 and II.2
U-238, Th-234, Pa-234m (99.8%), Pa-234
U-234 U-234

Th-230 Th-230
Ra-226, Rn-222, Po-218, At-218 (0.04%), Pb-
214 (99.96%), Bi-214, Po-214

Pb+210 Pb-210, Bi-210

Po-210 Po-210

Th-232 Th-232

Ra+228 Ra-228, Ac-228

Th+228 Th-228, Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-
212, Bi-212, Po-212 (64.1%), Tl-208 (35.9%)
U+235 U-235, Th-231

Pa-231 Pa-231
Ac+227 Ac-227, Th-227 (98.6%), Fr-223
Ac+227 (1.38%), Ra-223, Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-
211, Po-211 (0.28%), Tl-207 (99.72%)


©Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission , 2023

King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data
L.D. no. 1444/10267
ISBN: 978-603-92031-3-1

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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