NRRC-R-01-SR11 1
NRRC-R-01-SR11 1
NRRC-R-01-SR11 1
Management of Naturally
Occurring Radioactive
Materials In Non-Radiological
Specific Regulation
Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials In
Non-Radiological Practices
Table of Contents
Table of References
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 6
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 8
Exemption and Clearance Levels (NRRC-R-01-SR01). 10
Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 14
Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 15
Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01) 16
Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities
with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02) 17
Management of Radioactive Waste (NRRC-R-16) 18
Section 1: Objective
1. This specific regulation establishes the regulatory requirements, based
on a graded approach, concerning facilities and activities involving
naturally occurring radioactive materials, seeking to ensure the con-
trol of the occupational and public exposure. This specific regulation
also defines the scope and content of the radiological evaluation that,
in compliance with the Regulation on Radiation Safety (NRRC-R-01)
(Articles 288 and 289) and shall be conducted by the person responsi-
ble for the concerned facilities and activities.
Section 2: Scope
2. The requirements of this specific regulation applies to facilities and ac-
tivities involving naturally occurring radioactive materials of amounts
that may cause significant occupational or public exposure. More spe-
cifically, this specific regulation applies to the following activities:
a. Extraction of rare earth elements.
b. Production and use of thorium and its compounds.
c. Production of niobium and ferroniobium.
d. Production of oil and gas.
e. The zircon and zirconia industries.
f. Manufacture of titanium dioxide pigment.
g. The phosphate industry.
h. Production of tin, copper, aluminium, zinc, lead, iron & steel.
i. Water treatment.
j. Cement production.
k. Geothermal energy production.
l. Mining of ores other than uranium ore.
m. Metal recycling industries.
Section 3: Definitions
NORM by-product
A secondary substance or object incidentally resulting from a NORM in-
dustrial production process for which further use is intended.
Exposure to radon
Exposure to radon progeny.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
Radioactive material containing no significant amounts of radionuclides
other than naturally occurring radionuclides.
Naturally occurring radionuclides
Radionuclides that occur naturally on Earth in significant quantities, such
as: Potassiu-40, Uranium-235, Uranium-238, Thorium-232 and their ra-
dioactive decay products.
4. To control compliance with the dose limits and dose constraints, the
authorized person shall evaluate the occupational and public exposure
in terms of the projected doses.
5. The authorized person shall establish dose constraints for occupation-
al exposure, subject to approval by the NRRC.
6. To control public exposure, the authorized person shall ensure that
the exposure of the representative person due to an authorized activity
does not exceed the dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/y.
7. The authorized person shall evaluate on a regular basis the annual
effective doses to the occupationally exposed workers and the mem-
bers of the public due to their exposure to NORM, considering the
following exposure pathways:
a. External gamma exposure.
b. Ingestion of materials containing NORM.
c. Inhalation of dust containing NORM.
d. Inhalation of radon gas and its radioactive decay products.
Chapter 2: Regulatory Control
a. Radiological characterization:
i. The activity concentrations of the naturally occurring radio-
nuclides in all materials used, processed, produced, stored or
in any other way handled in each workplace, facility, or site
where the working activity is performed.
ii. The activity concentrations and total annual releases of the
naturally occurring radionuclides in all liquid and airborne
effluents discharged from each facility into the environment.
iii. The concentration of radon in the air in each workplace
where the working activity is performed, and in particular
in underground workplaces and workplaces where materials
containing Radium (Ra-226) are stored or processed.
b. Assessment of doses to occupationally exposed workers:
i. Identification of workplace/worksite and jobs where workers
(both permanent and external) may be exposed to ionizing
radiation, tasks associated with each job, number of workers
affected, and time spent in workplace/worksite.
ii. Radiological evaluation of each workplace radiation levels
based on a radiation survey. The survey shall include evalu-
ations of both gamma dose-rates and airborne radioactivity
as required.
iii. Exposure scenarios. Relevant exposure pathways, scenarios
leading to these exposures, and parameters involved in dose
a. Exempted facility.
b. Authorization by Registration.
c. Authorization by License.
Section 7. Authorization
17. In case the results of the dose assessments performed in accordance
with Article 9 indicate that the annual effective doses to workers ex-
ceed 1 mSv/y but are lower than 5 mSv/y and the annual effective
doses to the representative person does not exceed 0.3 mSv/y, the
working activity shall be registered in accordance with the Regulation
on Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and Activities with
Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02), provided that the conditions pre-
scribed in Section 8 of this specific regulation are met.
18. In case the results of the dose assessments performed in accordance
with Article 9 indicate that either the annual effective doses to work-
ers exceed 5 mSv/y or the annual effective doses to the representative
person exceed 0.3 mSv/y, the working activity shall be licensed in ac-
cordance with the Regulation on Notification on and Authorization
of Facilities and Activities with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02), pro-
vided that the conditions prescribed in Section 9 of this specific reg-
ulation are met.
21. The person responsible for a facility, where working activity(ies) sub-
ject to registration are or will be carried out, shall, in addition to the
provisions under Article 20, ensure compliance with any further re-
quirements and conditions specified by the NRRC to control and op-
timize the occupational and public exposures.
25. The authorized person shall ensure that the transport of any NORMs
under its responsibility complies with the relevant NRRC require-
ments, and the terms and conditions specified in the respective license.
Section 10. Release of NORM byproduct and residue for reuse or recy-
cling purposes
26. The authorized person intending to reuse or recycle or enable the
reuse or recycle of residues or by products containing naturally oc-
curring radionuclides shall apply for an authorization as specified by
in Regulation on Notification on and Authorization of Facilities and
Activities with Radiation Sources (NRRC-R-02).
27. The authorized person shall ensure that residues containing naturally
occurring radionuclides generated during the technological processes
may be recycled or reused providing that the potential doses:
a. to the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
residues will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure path-
b. to the representative person as a result of exposure to the recy-
cled residues will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
28. Residues containing naturally occurring radionuclides may be incor-
porated into building materials, provided that the specific conditions
established under the applicable legislation are met.
waste management facilities and rehabilitating the site.
h. A system of periodic assessment and review of the adequacy and
effectiveness of procedures and to take account of potential im-
provements consistent with best practicable technology.
31. The authorized person shall ensure that waste is not discharged unless
the amount and concentration of NORM meet the criteria specified
in Annex II.
32. If the criteria specified in Article 31 are not met, the authorized per-
son shall ensure through an assessment of the specific release condi-
tions that the potential doses:
a. To the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
NORM waste will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
b. To the representative person as a result of exposure to the dis-
charged or disposed NORM waste will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in
all relevant exposure pathways.
35. The authorized person shall ensure through the safety case and safety
assessment that the potential doses:
a. To the workers involved in the transport and processing of the
NORM waste will not exceed 1 mSv/y in all relevant exposure
b. To the representative person as a result of exposure to the dis-
charged or disposed NORM waste will not exceed 0.3 mSv/y in
all relevant exposure pathways.
Annex I. Notification form for Activities Involving NORM
1. Administrative Information:
1.1. Notifying organization:
a. Name.
b. National Address.
c. Telephone.
d. Email.
e. Government ID.
1.2. Legal representative:
a. Title.
b. Full name.
c. Telephone.
d. Email.
e. Personal ID.
2. Working activity (indicate the concerned activity):
2.1 Type of activity:
a. Extraction of rare earth elements.
b. Production and use of thorium and its compounds.
c. Production of niobium and ferroniobium.
Annex II. Reference Levels for Unconditional Discharges of
NORM Wastes
Table II.2. Reference levels for discharges of liquid effluents into the
sea for different types of releases.
238U+ 9.2E+06 8.1E+07
234U 1.6E+07 6.2E+08
232Th 5.4E+03 6.6E+05
230Th 2.4E+05 1.6E+07
228Th+ 9.3E+04 2.0E+07
228Ra+ 1.2E+04 1.1E+06
226Ra+ 2.2E+04 1.0E+06
210Pb+ 3.0E+04 1.5E+06
210Po 8.9E+04 4.8E+06
Summary of naturally occurring radionuclide decay chain segments in
TableII.1 and II.2
U-238, Th-234, Pa-234m (99.8%), Pa-234
U-234 U-234
Th-230 Th-230
Ra-226, Rn-222, Po-218, At-218 (0.04%), Pb-
214 (99.96%), Bi-214, Po-214
Po-210 Po-210
Th-232 Th-232
Pa-231 Pa-231
Ac+227 Ac-227, Th-227 (98.6%), Fr-223
Ac+227 (1.38%), Ra-223, Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-
211, Po-211 (0.28%), Tl-207 (99.72%)
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