Potent I o Metre

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Electrical Instruments – Assignment II (Potentiometer & Meter Bridge)

vxj jsl esa nkSM+ gh jgs gks]

rks thrus ds fy, nkSM+ks

1. A battery with negligible internal resistance is connected with 10m long wire. A standard cell gets
balanced on 600 cm length of this wire. On increasing the length of potentiometer wire by 2m then the null
point will be displaced by
(a) 200 cm (b) 120 cm (c) 720 cm (d) 600 cm

2. In the following circuit a 10 m long potentiometer wire with resistance 1.2 ohm/m, a resistance R1 and
an accumulator of emf 2 V are connected in series. When the emf of thermocouple is 2.4 mV then the
deflection in galvanometer is zero. The current supplied by the accumulator will be

+ – R1


Hot Cold
Junction Junction

(a) 4 ´ 10–4 A (b) 8 ´ 10–4 A (c) 4 ´ 10–3 A (d) 8 ´ 10–3 A

3. The resistivity of a potentiometer wire is 40 ´ 10–8 Wm and its area of cross section is 8 ´ 10–6 m2. If
0.2 amp. Current is flowing through the wire, the potential gradient will be

(a) 10–2 volt/m (b) 10–1 volt/m (c) 3.2 ´ 10–2 volt/m (d) 1 volt/m

4. A deniel cell is balanced on 125 cm length of a potentiometer wire. When the cell is short circuited
with a 2 W resistance the balancing length obtained is 100 cm. Internal resistance of the cell will be
(a) 1.5 W (b) 0.5 W (c) 1.25 W (d) 4/5 W

5. A potentiometer wire of length 10 m and a resistance 30 W is connected in series with a battery of

emf 2.5 V and internal resistance 5 W and an external resistance R. If the fall of potential along the
potentiometer wire is 50 µV/mm, the value of R is (in W)
(a) 115 (b) 80 (c) 50 (d) 100
6. A 2 volt battery, a 15 W resistor and a potentiometer of 100 cm length, all are connected in series. If the
resistance of potentiometer wire is 5 W, then the potential gradient of the potentiometer wire is
(a) 0.005 V/cm (b) 0.05 V/cm (c) 0.02 V/cm (d) 0.2 V/cm

7. In an experiment to measure the internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer, it is found that the
balance point is at a length of 2 m when the cell is shunted by a 5 W resistance; and is at a length of 3 m
when the cell is shunted by a 10 W resistance. The internal resistance of the cell is, then

(a) 1.5 W (b) 10 W (c) 15 W (d) 1 W

8. A resistance of 4 W and a wire of length 5 metres and resistance 5 W are joined in series and connected
to a cell of emf 10 V and internal resistance 1 W. A parallel combination of two identical cells is balanced
across 300 cm of the wire. The emf E of each cell is

10 V, 1W

E 5W

(a) 1.5 V (b) 3.0 V (c) 0.67 V (d) 1.33 V

9. A potentiometer has uniform potential gradient across it. Two cells connected in series (i) to support
each other and (ii) to oppose each other are balanced over 6 m and 2 m respectively on the potentiometer
wire. The emf’s of the cells are in the ratio of
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 1

10. In the following circuit the potential difference between the points B and C is balanced against 40 cm
length of potentiometer wire. In order to balance the potential difference between the points C and D,
where should jockey be pressed Rh
+ –
40 cm

10 W G

C 4W
B 10 W D

r = 1W K
A + –

(a) 32 cm (b) 16 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 4 cm

11. In the following circuit diagram fig. the lengths of the wires AB and BC are same but the radius of AB is
three times that of BC. The ratio of potential gradients at AB and BC will be
(a) 1 : 9 + –

(b) 9 : 1
(c) 3 : 1 C
(d) 1 : 3 A

12. With a certain cell the balance point is obtained at 0.60 m from one end of the potentiometer. With
another cell whose emf differs from that of the first by 0.1 V, the balance point is obtained at 0.55 m. Then,
the two emf’s are
(a) 1.2 V, 1.1 V (b) 1.2 V, 1.3 V (c) – 1.1 V, – 1.0 V (d) None of the above

13. A cell of internal resistance 1.5W and of emf 1.5 volt balances 500 cm on a potentiometer wire. If a wire
of 15W is connected between the balance point and the cell, then the balance point will shift
(a) To zero (b) By 500 cm (c) By 750 cm (d) None of the above

14. In the given figure, when key k is opened, the reading of the ammeter A will be
+ –
10 V
(a) 50 A
(b) 2A E A D

(c) 0.5 A A
10 4W K
(d) A

15. An ideal ammeter (zero resistance) is connected as shown. The reading of the ammeter is
(a) 0
(b) 2R R
3R E
(c) R R

16. If an ammeter is to be used in place of a voltmeter the we must connect with the ammeter a
(a) Low resistance in parallel (b) High resistance in parallel
(c) High resistance in series (d) Low resistance in series
17. When connected across the terminals of a cell, a voltmeter measures 5 V and a connected ammeter
measures 10 A of current. A resistance of 2 ohms is connected across the terminals of the cell. The current
flowing through this resistance will be

(a) 2.5 A (b) 2.0 A (c) 5.0 A (d) 7.5 A

18. An ammeter reads upto 1 ampere. Its internal resistance is 0.81 ohm. To increase the range to 10 A the
value of the required shunt is
(a) 0.09 W (b) 0.03 W (c) 0.3 W (d) 0.9 W

19. An ammeter of 100 W resistance gives full deflection for the current of 10–5 amp. Now the shunt
resistance required to convert it into ammeter of 1 amp. range, will be

(a) 10–4 W (b) 10–5 W (c) 10–3 W (d) 10–1 W

20. An ammeter and a voltmeter of resistance R are connected in series to an electric cell of negligible
internal resistance. Their readings are A and V respectively. If another resistance R is connected in parallel
with the voltmeter
(a) Both A and V will increase (b) Both A and V will decrease
(c) A will decreases and V will increase (d) A will increase and V will decrease

21. A galvanometer of resistance 20 W is to be converted into an ammeter of range 1 A. If a current of 1

mA produces full scale deflection, the shunt required for the purpose is

(a) 0.01 W (b) 0.05 W (c) 0.02 W (d) 0.04 W

22. An ammeter gives full deflection when a current of 2 amp. flows through it. The resistance of ammeter
is 12 ohms. If the same ammeter is to be used for measuring a maximum current of 5 amp., then the
ammeter must be connected with a resistance of

(a) 8 ohms is series (b) 18 ohms in series (c) 8 ohms in parallel (d) 18 ohms in parallel

23. The resistance of an ideal ammeter is

(a) Infinite (b) Very high (c) Small (d) Zero

24. In order to convert a milliammeter of range 1.0 mA and resistance 1.0 ohm into a voltmeter of range 10
V, a resistance of how many ohms should be connected with it and in what manner
(a) 999 ohms in series (b) 999 ohms in parallel (c) 9,999 ohms in series (d) 9,999 ohms in parallel

25. If an ammeter is connected in parallel to a circuit, it is likely to be damaged due to excess

(a) Current (b) Voltage (c) resistance (d) All of these
26. A galvanometer of resistance 36 W is changed into an ammeter by using a shunt of 4 W. The fraction i0
of total current passing through the galvanometer is

1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
40 4 140 10

27. In the circuit shown here, the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter are
6 V, 1W
(a) 6 A, 60 V
(b) 0.6 A, 6 V A
(c) 6 A, 6 V 4W

(d) 6/11 A, 60/11 V

28. A voltmeter has range 0 – V1, volt with a series resistance R. When the series resistance is increased to
2R, the range becomes 0 – V2 volt. The correct relation between V1 and V2 is
(a) V2 = 2V1 (b) V2 > 2V1 (c) V2 < 2V1 (d) V2 = V1 exactly

29. A microammeter has a resistance of 100 W and full scale range of 50 µA. It can be used as a voltmeter
or as a higher range ammeter provided a resistance is added to it. Pick the correct range and resistance

(a) 50 V range with 10 kW resistance in series (b) 10 V range with 200 kW resistance in series
(c) 10 mA range with 1kW resistance in parallel (d) 10 mA range with 0.1kW resistance in parallel

30. In the circuit shown P ¹ R, the reading of galvanometer is same with switch S is open or closed. Then

(a) iR = iG P Q

(b) iP = iG S
(c) iQ = iG R

(d) iQ = iR

31. In the diagram shown, the reading of voltmeter is 20 V and that of ammeter is 4A. The value of R
should be
(a) Equal to 5 W V
20 V
(b) Greater from 5 W
(c) Less than 5 W R
(d) Greater or less than 5 W depends on the material of R

32. A battery of emf E is connected in series with three resistances R, 2R and 3R. The voltage across 2R is
measured with a voltmeter whose resistance is 10 R, what is the percentage error
(a) + 11.76% (b) – 11.76% (c) +5.88% (d) – 5.88%

33. A potential difference of 220V is maintained across a 12000 ohms rheostat AB as shown in figure. The
voltmeter V has a resistance of 6000 ohms and point C is at one fourth of the distance from A to B. What is
the reading in the voltmeter B

(a) 20 V
220 V C
(b) 40 V
(c) 60 V A

(d) 0V

34. A, B and C are voltmeter of resistances R, 1.5 R and 3 R respectively. When some potential difference is
applied between X and Y, the voltmeter readings are VA, VB and VC respectively
(a) VA = VB = VC B

(b) VA ¹ VB = VC A
(c) VA = VB ¹ VC
(d) VB ¹ VA = VC

35. In the following circuit diagram (figure), E = 4V, r = 1 W and R = 45 W, then reading of the ammeter A
will be
(a) 1 A
(b) A
2 R R R
(c) A
8 E
1 A
(d) A r = 1W

36. A galvanometer of resistance 20 W gives a full scale deflection when a current of 0.04 A is passed
through it. It is desired to convert it into an ammeter reading 20 A in full scale. The only shunt available is
0.05 W resistance. The resistance that must be connected in series with the coil of the galvanometer is
(a) 4.95 W (b) 5.94 W (c) 9.45 W (d) 12.62 W
37. The length of a potentiometer wire is l. A cell of emf E is balanced at a length from the positive end
of the wire. If the length of the wire is increased by . At what distance will the same coil give a balance
2l l l 4l
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 2 6 3

38. A milliammeter of range 10 mA and resistance 9 W is joined in a circuit as shown. The ammeter gives
full scale deflection for current i when A and B are used as its terminals, i.e., current enters at A and leaves
at B(C is left isolated). The value of i is
9W, 10 mA

(a) 100 mA
(b) 900 mA
0.1W 0.9W
(c) 1A
(d) 1.1 A

39. A battery of emf E volt is connected to a resistance network as shown in the figure. If the deflections in
the galvanometers G1 and G2 are zero, then the ratio of emfs of cell E1 and E2 is
(a) 1:1 + –
(b) 3:2 3W
(c) 2:1 E1 E2
+ – + –
G1 G2
(d) 1:2

40. In the given circuit ammeter and voltmeter are ideal and battery of 6V has internal resistance 1 W. The
reading of voltmeter and ammeter is
(a) Zero, W
3 3W 6 V, 1W

(b) V, zero V 3W
(c) 6 A, 0.1 A A

(d) 3.6 V, 0.6 A

41. In a meter bridge with standard resistance of 5 W in the left gap the ratio of balancing lengths of meter
bridge wire is 2 : 3. The unknown resistance is
(a) 1W (b) 15 W (c) 7.5 W (d) 3.3 W

42. In a meter bridge, the balancing length from the left end (standard resistance of one ohm is in the right
gap) is found to be 80 cm. The value of the unknown resistance is
(a) 0.8 W (b) 0.5 W (c) 0.4 W (d) 0.25 W
43. In meter bridge or wheatstone bridge for measurement of resistance, the known and unknown
resistances are interchanged. The error so removed is

(a) End correction (b) Index error (c) Due to temperature effect (d) Random error

44. In the shown arrangement of the experiment of the meter bridge if AC corresponding to null deflection
of galvanometer is x, what would be its value if the radius of the wire AB is doubled
(a) x
(b) x/4
R1 R2
(c) 4x G

(d) 2x A x C B

45. If the resistivity of a potentiometer wire be r and area of cross-section be A, then what will be
potential gradient along the wire
iρ i iA
(a) (b) (c) (d) iAr
A Ar r

46. The length of a wire of a potentiometer is 100 cm, and the e.m.f. of its standard cell is E volt. It is
employed to measure the e.m.f. of a battery whose internal resistance is 0.5 W . If the balance point is
obtained at l = 30 cm from the positive end, the e.m.f. of the battery is

30E 30 E
(a) (b)
100 100.5
30 E 30 ( E - 0.5i)
(c) (d) , where i is the current in the potentiometer wire
(100 - 0.5) 100

47. A potentiometer has uniform potential gradient. The specific resistance of the material of the
potentiometer wire is 10–7 ohm-meter and the current passing through it is 0.1 ampere; cross-section of
the wire is 10–6 m2. The potential gradient along the potentiometer wire is
(a) 10–4 V/m (b) 10–6 V/m (c) 10–2 V/m (d) 10–8 V/m
48. AB is a potentiometer wire of length 100 cm and its resistance is 10 ohms. It is connected in series
with a resistance R = 40 ohms and a battery of emf 2 V and negligible internal resistance. If a source of
unknown emf E is balanced by 40 cm length of the potentiometer wire, the value of E is
R 2V

(a) 0.8 V
(b) 1.6 V 40 cm
(c) 0.08 V
(d) 0.16 V
49. In the figure battery E is balanced on 55 cm length of potentiometer wire, but when a resistance of
10W is connected in parallel with the battery then it balances on 50 cm of length of potentiometer
wire. The internal resistance of the battery (r) is

(a) 1W 1m
(b) 3W
(c) 10 W r

(d) 5W

50. A potentiometer consist of a wire of length 4 m and resistance 10 W. It is connected to a cell of emf
2V. The potential difference per unit length of the wire will be

(a) 0.5 V/m (b) 2 V/m (c) 5 V/m (d) 10 V/m

51. In a potentiometer circuit there is a cell of emf 2 volt, a resistance of 5 ohm and a wire of uniform
thickness of length 1000 cm and resistance 15 ohm. The potential gradient in the wire is
1 3 3 1
(a) V / cm (b) V/cm (c) V / cm (d) V / cm
500 2000 5000 1000

52. Sensitivity of a potentiometer can be increased by

(a) Increasing the emf of the cell (b) Increasing the length of the potentiometer
(c) Decreasing the length of the potentiometer wire (d) None of the above

53. In an experiment of Wheatstone bridge, a null point is obtained at the centre of the bridge wire.
When a resistance of 10 W is connected in one gap, the value of resistance in other gap is
(a) 10 W (b) 5 W (c) 1/5 W (d) 500 W

54. A potentiometer is used for the comparison of emf of two cells E1 and E2. For cell E1 the no deflection
point is obtained at 20 cm and for E2 the no deflection point is obtained at 30 cm. The ratio of their emf’s
will be
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/2 (c) 1 (d) 2

55. The length of a potentiometer wire is 10 m. The distance between the null points on its wire
corresponding to two cell comes out to be 60 cm. If the difference of emf’s of the cells is 0.4 volt then the
potential gradient on potentiometer will be
(a) 0.67 V/m (b) 0.5 V/m (c) 2.5 V/m (d) 0 V/m
56. If the radius of a potentiometer wire is increased 4 time, keeping its length constant then the value of
potential gradient will become
(a) Four times (b) Two times (c) Half (d) Constant

57. The adjoining diagram shows a potentiometer circuit to determine an unknown emf E. When the
jockey makes contact at point A, the deflection is towards left. On moving the jockey from A to B, the
deflection always remains towards left but goes on decreasing. This means that
+ –
(a) The unknown emf E is wrongly connected
(b) The main potentiometer battery is wrongly A

(c) The unknown emf is less than the battery emf + –


(d) The unknown emf is greater than the battery emf

58. In using a Wheatstone bridge to determine an unknown resistance the battery key is always pressed
first and galvanometer key is pressed thereafter. If the order of pressing of the keys is reversed, it can
(a) A damage to the battery (b) A damage to the unknown resistance
(c) A damage to the galvanometer (d) A decrease in the sensitivity of the bridge

59. A potentiometer is to be calibrated with a standard cell using the circuit shown in the diagram. The
balance point is found to be near L. To improve accuracy the balance point should be nearer M. This may
be achieved by
(a) Replacing the galvanometer with one of lower resistance
(b) Replacing the potentiometer wire one of higher resistance per unit length
(c) Putting a shunt resistance in parallel with the galvanometer
(d) Increasing the resistance R

60. Two resistances of 400 W and 800 W are connected in series with 6 volt battery of negligible internal
resistance. A voltmeter of resistance 10,000 W is used to measure the potential difference across 400 W.
The error in the measurement of potential difference in volts approximately is
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.02 (c) 0.03 (d) 0.05

61. The length of a potentiometer wire is l. A cell of emf E is balanced at a length from the positive end
of the wire. If the length of the wire is increased by . At what distance will the same coil give a balance
2l l l 4l
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 2 6 3
62. A battery of emf Eo = 12 V is connected across a 4m long Eo R =8W
uniform wire having resistance 4 /m. The cells of small
emfs E1 = 2V and E2 = 4V having internal resistance 2 Ω
and 6 Ω respectively, are connected as shown in the N
figure. If galvanometer shows no deflection at the point N, A
the distance of point N from the point A is equal to E1 r1
1 1
(A) m (B) m r2
6 3 E2
(C) 25 cm (D) 50 cm

63. AB is 1 m long uniform wire of resistance 4Ω, E=10V R =6W

connected across the battery of emf E = 10 V through
a rheostat R. If galvanometer shows no deflection for
AN = 25 cm and internal resistance of the battery of N
emf Eo is r = 0.5Ω, the emf Eo is equal to B
__________. Eo r = 0.5W G


64. In the arrangement shown in the figure when the switch S2 is open, the 10W
galvanometer shows no deflection for  = L/2. When the switch S2 is
• S2
5 6V
closed, the galvanometer shows no deflection for  = L . The G
internal resistance (r) of 6 V cell, 
(A) 3W (B) 2W A L
(C) 4W (D) 5W

65. The diagram show is a modified meter bridge, which is used for R R1 R2

measuring two unknown resistances R1 and R 2 at the same

time. When only the first galvanometer is used, balance point is
found at point C. Now the first galvanometer is removed and the G1 G2
second galvanometer is used, which gives balance point D. Using
the details given in the diagram, find out the value of R1 and R2 25cm
C D 100

(A) R1 = 5 R / 3 (B) R2 = 4 R / 3
(C) R1 = 4 R / 3 (D) R2 = 5 R / 3
1.b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. d 10. a 11. a 12. a 13. d
14. b 15. d 16. c 17. b 18. a 19. c 20. d 21. c 22. c 23. d 24. c 25. a 26. d

27. d 28. C 29. b 30. a 31. c 32.b 33.b 34.a 35. d 36. a 37. b 38. c 39. b

40. d 41. c 42. d 43. a 44. a 45. a 46. a 47. c 48. d 49. a 50. a 51. b 52. b
63 65
53. a 54. a 55. a 56. d 57. d 58. c 59. d 60 d 61 b 62 C 64 B
4/3 V A,B

L1 l 10 600
1. Solution : (b) By using = 1 Þ = Þ l 2 = 720 cm .
L2 l2 12 l2

Hence displacement = 720 – 600 = 120 cm

E E 2.4 ´ 10 -3
2. Solution : (a) E = x l = ir l \ i= = = = 4 ´ 10 - 4 A .
rl rl 1.2 ´ 5

V iR irL ir 0.2 ´ 40 ´ 10 -8
3. Solution : (a) Potential gradient = = = = = = 10 - 2 V/ m
L L AL A 8 ´ 10 - 6
l1 - l2 125 - 100 1
4. Solution: (b) By using r = ´ R' Þ r = ´ 2 = = 0.5 W
l2 100 2

e R
5. Solution : (a) By using x = .
(R + R h + r ) L

50 ´ 10 -6 2.5 30
Þ = ´ Þ R = 115
10 - 3 (30 + R + 5) 10

e R
6. Solution : (a) By using x = . Þ
(R + R h + r ) L
2 5
x= ´ = 0.5 V /m = 0.005 V /cm
(5 + 15 + 0) 1

æ l - l2 ö l - 2ö
7. Solution : (b) By using r = çç 1 ÷÷ R' Þ r = æçç 1 ÷÷ ´ 5 …… (i)
è l2 ø è 2 ø

æl - 3ö
and r = çç 1 ÷÷ ´ 10 ……. (ii)
è 3 ø

On solving (i) and (ii) r = 10 W

e R 10 5
8. Solution : (b) By using E eq = . ´l Þ E = ´ ´ 3 Þ E = 3 volt
(R + R h + r ) L (5 + 4 + 1) 5

9. Solution : (d) If suppose emf’s of the cells are E1 and E2 respectively then
E1 + E2 = x ´ 6 ……. (i) [x = potential gradient) ]
and E1 – E2 = x ´ 2 …….(ii)

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