Pop Cycle - Madi Severson Section 1 2

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Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.23

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes
Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and
Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should
be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.

Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Madi Severson Madi.severson@smes.org Phonics 3rd Grade

Mentor Email School/District Date

Penny Mateer Penny.mateer@smes.org St. Margaret’s Episcopal Oct. 17, 2023

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title

Know and apply grade-level Students demonstrate Phonics: Vowel-r ar, or, w+ar, Vowel R Teams
phonics and word analysis skills understanding of the vowel- w+or
in decoding words both in r patterns ar, or, w+ar, and
isolation and in text. CA a.
Identify and know the meaning w+or by correctly
of the most common prefixes identifying, reading and
and derivational suffixes. b. writing pattern words in
Decode words with common isolation and in passages.
Latin suffixes. c. Decode
multisyllable words. d. Read
grade-appropriate irregularly
spelled words.
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)

1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire

CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
CSTP 1 and 2.)
Teacher: Students make use of real-life connections provided in single lessons or
1.3 Connecting subject matter to T- Applying sequence of lessons to support understanding of subject matter.
meaningful, real-life contexts S- Exploring
Student: Integrates connections from subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts,
including those specific to students’ family and community.

1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies, T- Applying Teacher: Utilizes a variety of strategies including culturally responsive pedagogy,
resources, and technologies to meet S- Applying resources, and technologies during ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse
students’ diverse learning needs learning needs.

Students participate in instruction using strategies, resources, and technologies

matched to their learning needs.
Creating a rigorous learning environment Teacher: Strives for a rigorous learning environment that includes accuracy,
2.4 with high expectations and appropriate T-Exploring understanding, and the importance of meeting targeted learning goals.
support for all students Works to maintain high expectations for students while becoming aware of
S- Applying achievement patterns for individuals and groups of students.
Student: Students engage in a variety of differentiated supports and challenges in
ways that promote their accuracy, analysis, and problem solving in learning.

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you
will address them My English Learner student speaks My student with an ILP requires My focus student number 3 is a
during this lesson. Chinese and so there are extra time and so building that into student who struggles with recalling
disconnects between the Chinese the day so that he does not have to information, or processing directions.
to English translation with certain finish all at once. We have two I will be sure to auditorily give
words. By providing a Chinese to teachers in the room which makes it instructions, write them so they are
English dictionary for this student it easier for us to be able to provide visible, and have them repeated
allows them to stay on track if they more instruction later. He also is back to me before having students
are getting confused with what below grade level in reading due to go to work.
words mean. a variety of diagnoses, so auditory
learning helps him work as I say the
words out loud and point so that he
can follow along without feeling like
he is missing the learning.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
lesson plan.

Inquiry Focus/Special Engagement strategies for learning- because our That is a great idea. The lesson and some of
Emphasis phonics curriculum is so structured, I would love the workbook might be a good start and then
 What is your inquiry focus you could move to a student pattern scavenger
to develop ways that we could expand the
and/or special emphasis?  hunt where they moved around the room and
engagement and not make it as workbook found words using that pattern. Some type of
How will you incorporate the
inquiry focus and/or special centered. collaborative, movement work might help keep
emphasis into the lesson? engagement, and interest high. The kids might
even start a word pattern jar for the week so
 What specific feedback do you
I would love for Penny to be able to share which they take ownership for their learning.
want from your ME?
parts of the lesson are the most engaging and
then work with me to find ways to bump up
engagement on other parts of the lesson where
they fall flat.

Inquiry Focus/Students I am hoping that Penny will be able to tell me if I will watch for engagement and ability to
 What specific feedback those focus students were engaged with the answer questions in the workbook
regarding your focus students learning and if they were engaged, were they independently after the lesson and on the Exit
do you want from your ME?
able to answer the questions independently or ticket. We can evaluate next steps if they have
did they need extra assistance? Are they able to any trouble with any of the expectations.
apply the pattern to the exit ticket?
Specific Feedback Were students fully engaged in learning? Are If they are not engaged, what will you do and
 What additional specific they able to move onto the independent work what would you like me to do? If they are
feedback do you want from without clarification of learning or directions? struggling with independent work, what will you
your ME regarding lesson
do and what would you like me to do?

Instructional Planning Opening: a whole group warm up with phoneme What differentiation strategies would you
 How is the lesson addition. They will be given a word and asked to consider if they aren’t engaged or aren’t able to
structured (opening, add a phoneme to the front of the word to make complete the independent work? If you notice
body, and closing)?
a new one. They are then introduced to the they are struggling as you monitor their progress
 What varied teaching
vowel r teams that we are working with that day. what help will you give, if any?
strategies and differentiated
instruction will help students We learn the pattern together. This will introduce
meet lesson goals?  What the sounds that vowel r teams can make and
progress monitoring strategies what happens when we add w to the beginning
will be used? How will results of -or, and -ar.
inform instruction?
Body: we do two practice words together that
follow the pattern we learned which is vowel-r
teams. They are then asked to sort words that
have vowel-r teams and put them into the
corresponding columns. Does the word follow the
-or or -ar pattern? We then do sound spelling
mapping boxes where I tell them a word and they
have to put it into boxes that correspond to the
amount of sounds they hear in the word, while
also spelling each sound correctly.

Closing: to close out our lesson we read a

passage together and as we are reading the
students will highlight words that follow the vowel-r
team patten that we discussed today. When they
have found one, we walk through how we would
say it based off the patterns we learned.

The lesson will be relevant to all students

Student Engagement/Learning I like the addition of words or discussions that
 How will you make the because they in turn use these patterns to help connect with the students!
lesson relevant to all the them spell words when they are writing
students? independently. We can use words that
 How will students show incorporate interests of the students rather than
progress towards master of the ones that the book gives us.
lesson objectives?
Students will show progress over a course of 5
Will you check the workbook to see who has
days with the vowel-r team pattern and at the mastered the concept?
end of the 5th day they will be given a spelling
What will be some next steps if you have a
test that has words that follow the pattern. They student that does not meet expectations on the
are not given a spelling list to memorize spelling test?
because the goal is that they can recognize the
pattern and apply that to any word they need to

Classroom Management Students are always encouraged to share their I like all of the students talking and learning
 How will you maintain a ideas in our classroom. With phonics it can be together. If you have a student or students that
positive learning easy to mix up one pattern with another so when are quiet and don’t participate, how will you help
environment with a
students do mix it up, instead of shutting it down, engage them?
welcoming climate of
I will expand that thinking and we will look at
caring, respect, and
fairness? what pattern that word follows. This allows them
to see that they were doing the brain work, it just
happened to be for a different pattern. I often ask
students to come up with words that are not in
the book and to share with their groups. This
allows them to collaborate and work together,
but also learn from each other.

 Identify specific classroom

procedures and strategies for
preventing/redirecting While students work in their workbooks, I It sounds like an engaging, high participation
challenging behaviors. circulate the room to ensure that students are on lesson which will likely cut out a lot of challenging
behavior. If a student does not redirect after
task and doing what is asked of them. We utilize pointing out positive behavior in others, what
PBIS so highlighting another child typically brings strategies might you try?
attention to the behaviors that we don’t want
without having to say anything. The students want
the praise, so they fix their behavior on their own.

Closure We will close the lesson by reading the passage I like the exit ticket idea. How will you revisit
 How will you close your together and identifying words that follow the students that did not master the concept?
lesson? pattern we are looking for. I will be able to
 How will you assess
assess if there is student participation and by
student learning and
prepare them for the next checking their workbooks to see if the correct
lesson? words are underlined.

To prepare them for the next lesson, I will ensure

that students walked away understanding the
vowel-r teams that were introduced by using an
exit ticket. They can either write on a sticky note
a word that has a vowel-r team or I will give them
a word and they have to write which vowel-r
team pattern that word follows.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions

EXAMPLE Sets the tone for learning – Students transition – “Oh yay” Students were engaged because
CSTP 1: watches quiet transition and for scoreboard they were asked to participate in a
Engaging All rewards-score board and clip Clipping up variety of ways. They have to
Students  In ups respond to a prompt during the
what ways warm up, and they would have to
Students participating to share
were students show specific hand gestures based
engaged? Engages students in learning by what they have been working
on the words that we were working
reminding what we have been on this week
on. There was a variety of
working on: “Let’s review what participation from students.
we’ve learned”
Students watch teacher –
Calls attention / asks for eye
everyone responds to
contact as students work
through sound deletion / required queues
addition. This work is done in
pods for table groups

Specific 2 students who appear to not I believe that the way that 2 of my 3 focus
Feedback consistently watch always have student’s learn is by fidgeting with other
 What Teacher is aware and watching the correct answer. 1 student things to help them listen. They tend to look
specific students. Calls on them who is watching has a hard like they are not paying attention but when
information called on or asked to explain thinking, they
can you whenever they participate. Uses time risking participation in case are able to do so. I would love to be able to
provide the proximity, verbal and visual he’s wrong. build the confidence of one of my focus
NT cues. student’s so that he feels comfortable
regarding answering questions- even when wrong,
requested All 3 students answer a helping him understand that making
Teacher gives positive question or two at some point mistakes is a part of learning.
feedback? feedback and encouragement and complete workbook

CSTP 1: Call and response questions Students are working and ask Students are engaged by doing whole group
Engaging All given – teacher is walking questions as needed as teacher work and being asked to show specific hand
gestures. They also needed to be able to
Students around – check ins - proximity walks by show their work in their workbooks. All
 In what ways students were able to complete the
were students Teacher continues walking independent work in the workbooks and it
engaged? How was monitored by me walking around the
around- looking at workbooks Students continue to work
were class as their worked and checking in.
students not
and helping as needed
 How did Continued check ins – proximity
contribute to Students continue to work and
their learning? show sign of thumbs up, pen up
 How did
to let the teacher know when
teacher and/or
students they are done
learning? 
How were the
students engaged
throughout the
CSTP 2: Everyone included and Students are showing the Students responded to prompts and were
expected to participate – visual, required gestures in phonics or able to apply the learning to their
Effective workbooks. I gave a variety of ways to
Learning verbal, and written verbal cues as required provide the lesson, including saying words
Environment out loud and having them on the board so
 How did that students can see them and write them.
students and This helps students that have different types
teacher of learning styles.
contribute to an


CSTP 3: Explicit Teaching Students are given the We warm up together before we dive into
information they need to the lesson. We reviewed what we have been
working on in Phonics prior to this lesson. I
Subject Matter understand what is expected of then explicitly teach what the pattern is
 What actions them going to be for this lesson, in this case it
of the NT was -ar and -or. We work through some
contributed to words together and how to sort them. Then
Shared Work Students work with teacher
student they were sent off to sort more words in
assimilation of through material to build their workbooks. This is important because
subject understanding for ind. Work they are given examples to look back on
matter? when it comes to the time for independent
 How did Students mainly complete work work. They can be problem-solvers and use
students Individual Work on their own with very few their resources that are in their workbooks
construct during independent work because we
questions worked through a few of them together
knowledge of
subject before starting.
 What Students check their work with
misconcepti Checking of individual work teacher (answers on the board)
ons did
students Independent finding of words in
have and Finding other words in the pattern—students are having
pattern fun with this
were they
addressed by
the teacher?

I did not see any

misconceptions during this
CSTP 4: Most of the work in this subject Students work with teacher and Differentiated instruction looks different in
is whole group and not class to complete work this program because of the way it is
structured. The main points of
Experiences differentiated by the general differentiation are saying the words verbally
 How were structure of the program and having them visually on the board. The
students students that can hear the words and
supported understand what type of word it is can listen
Students participate with: Verbal Students are answering
through to me say it and do the work and the
differentiated gesture and written review, chorally or with a gesture and students that need to see the word are able
instruction? teaching and checking then working in their workbooks to look at it and identify what type of
 How did pattern it is.
participate? With that being said, the students that need
 How did the to see it first, are then able to see how it is
NT contribute spelled and work to apply the pattern to that
to student word and other words like it.

CSTP 5: Teacher has students work Students work in their Students were able to complete their
Assessing individually in their workbooks workbooks – very independent independent work accurately- all workbooks
were checked.
Student and monitors as they do and accurate
 How did When students completed the exit ticket
students Students achieve objective there were no clarifying questions about
demonstrate what they were supposed to turn in and all
because teaching is very explicit Students work is accurate and
contributed to

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
All students achieved lesson objectives- all of the exit tickets were correct with the correct vowel r team pattern written down.
To what degree
By looking through their workbooks, I could see that they all accurately sorted the words into the correct columns and were
did students able to identify words with the -ar pattern vs. -or pattern.
achieve lesson

To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus w/ILP/504
students achieve
Although it seemed that this student wasn’t This student was engaged and showed all She was quiet and did not participate as
focused, and she often had her gaze on the gestures for the vowel-r team. He much as she usually does. She was able
objectives? something else other than her book or the participated more so than normal and was to follow along and didn’t ask clarifying
board, she did actively participate when encouraged with positive feedback when questions. She correctly identified the
she knew the answer to a question, and she he shared an answer. He was able to vowel-r team for the exit ticket
was able to identify the pattern for the identify the vowel-r team for the exit
word that was given to them for their exit ticket.
Next time, I would try and add in a movement to help keep children engaged and motivated. Our program is scripted so it can
What would you do
be challenging to stray away from the workbooks.
differently next
Connection with kids, engaged with eye contact when answering a question, a good proximity to students and knowledge of the
What were three
top Lesson
Encouraging small group talk with their tables, adding movement into the lessons, and working to let all students work at their
What were three
pace and still feel like they are not falling behind. Our curriculum tries to put a time on how long the lessons will take and we
top areas for
try as much as we can to stick to that time slot, but I don’t want the students to feel rushed.
Next step would be to finish out the next few days of the lessons, adding w+or and w+ar and then giving a spelling test and
What are next steps?
seeing if students were able to apply the pattern to their spelling words. If they weren’t, they would be pulled for small groups
to reteach and revisit the lessons.
Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document
and submitted to course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on
the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
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