Sestino Copper Rod Lines
Sestino Copper Rod Lines
Sestino Copper Rod Lines
Rod Lines
Over the years Continuus-Properzi, starting from the
seed planted by Mr. Ilario Properzi, has developed
an extensive portfolio of CCR Line configurations to
satisfy all market requirements in terms of capacity
(from 5 tph to 35 tph and even more) and copper rod
diameters and qualities.
For more than 30 years, Continuus-Properzi has
designed, engineered, and commissioned Complete
Plants for both ETP and FRHC Cu rod worldwide.
The CCR Line sketched here below represents a
typical line configuration that can be combined with
a Shaft Furnace, to continuously melt cathodes and
clean copper scrap, and/or a Refining Furnace or set
of Furnaces, to melt and refine copper scrap (even of
low quality) in batch mode or continuously.
The lay-out of the selected Furnace set and CCR Line is
designed according to specific customer requirements
tailor made for each need.
he first Continuous Casting and Rolling Line (CCR
Line) for Cu rod production, born from Mr. Ilario Starting from the left side of the sketch, we have the
Properzi’s experiments in the 1950s, still remains following main equipment:
the essence and basis of the modern CCR Line. At that
time the traditional production process, based on the “1” Refining Furnace (set):
hot rolling of wire-bars through the so-called Belgian Continuus-Properzi can supply Reverberatory Furnaces
Looping Mills, was very low with less repeatable rod (to operate in batch) and/or a set of Furnaces (to
quality. This new system led the world of copper rod operate continuously) to melt and refine copper scrap.
production to a major breakthrough. Different solutions can be provided according to the
1 Refining Furnace
Continuous Casting & Rolling
Copper Line layout
copper scrap available, with the objective to maximize “3” Casting Machine:
savings in operational costs while minimizing raw a wide range of Casting Machine models, differing
material expenditures, in order to grant constant and mainly in the casting wheel diameter and cross section
homogeneous quality of the FRHC copper rod. These of the cast bar, can be provided in accordance with
furnaces can be combined, if required, with the Shaft the production rate and the environmental conditions.
Furnace described here below in order to give the system
maximum production flexibility to alternatively produce “4” Automatic Bar Shear:
ETP and FRHC rod on a daily basis or on a campaign to cut the bar automatically during the start-up and in
basis according to the availability of scrap and cathodes. the unlucky event of an emergency downstream.
“2” Shaft Furnace and Holding Furnace: “5” Bar Preparation Unit:
this Furnace set is designed to continuously melt this unit straightens the cast bar, removes the top
cathodes and clean scrap; the melting capacity is corners of the cast bar, and facilitates descaling of the
defined in accordance with the capacity of the CCR cast bar before it enters the rolling mill train.
Line. The Shaft Furnace uses a uniform scattering
of the cathodes inside the furnace, optimizing the “6” Rolling Mill:
thermal efficiency and reducing the gas consumption we have twelve Rolling Mill models, with 2-roll and
to the lowest level. The Holding Furnace has the main 3-roll rolling stands, that can be combined in several
purpose to continuously receive the liquid copper from rolling train combinations defined by considering the
the Shaft Furnace and homogenize the liquid metal cast bar section (linked to the production rate) and
bath which feeds the Casting Machine. the rod diameters to be produced. The Properzi unique
• 100% engineered internally, tailor made, from lay-out
to software
• Our equipment is manufactured and assembled at
our headquarters in Italy
• Only the highest quality and safety in our equipment
• Lowest operational costs in the industry
• Lowest consumption of utilities
• Incomparable longevity of our plants ENGINEERING TAILOR MADE
• Overall equipment efficency above 85%
• Several models of casting machines, rolling mills and
coilers to satisfy all possible customer requirements
• Rod can be coiled in concentric or orbital type coils
• Complete technical assistance for training,
commissioning and start-up
• Continuous customer service: remote and on-site
• Longest availability of spare parts even several
decades after equipment supply
• Prompt and precise Spare Parts service
• Latest available technologies and automation, ready
2 Shaft Furnace
3 Casting Machine
2 Holding Furnace
combination of a Roughing Mill with 2-roll rolling stands
that provide the necessary high reduction rate and a
Finishing Mill with the legendary 3-roll rolling stands
ensures rod diameter tolerance and quality surpassing
the ASTM B49 specs.
“10” Coiler:
the Coiler model is defined according to the preferred “11” Control Room & Electrical Control Cabinets:
coil type (concentric and/or orbital coils) and the the widest range of the most common electrical/
production rate. The Coiler is provided with all the automation components can be incorporated in
devices to palletize, strap, and unload the coils. These our design according to customer requirements/
operations can be manual or automatic according to preference, including the latest market developments in
customer preference. automation and compatibility with Industry 4.0.
• Inventor of the continuous casting & rolling system
for non-ferrous metals
• More than 70 years of experience with numerous
casting and rolling lines designed, manufactured
and commissioned
• Widest knowledge of non-ferrous metals global
market having operated in more than 60 countries
• Unique group of experts in terms of knowledge and
• Transfer of refining know-how
• Always innovator of our innovation without
• Our goal is customer satisfaction
9 Waxing Unit