Therapeutic Effects of Phytochemicals and Medicina

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BioMed Research International

Volume 2017, Article ID 6596241, 11 pages

Review Article
Therapeutic Effects of Phytochemicals and Medicinal
Herbs on Depression

Gihyun Lee1,2 and Hyunsu Bae1

Department of Physiology, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, 26 Kyunghee-daero, Dongdaemun-gu,
Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea
Department of Research and Development, National Development Institute of Korean Medicine, 94 Hwarang-ro,
Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 38540, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Hyunsu Bae;

Received 14 December 2016; Revised 22 March 2017; Accepted 4 April 2017; Published 19 April 2017

Academic Editor: Gail B. Mahady

Copyright © 2017 Gihyun Lee and Hyunsu Bae. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Background. Depression is a recurrent, common, and potentially life-threatening psychiatric disease related to multiple assignable
causes. Although conventional antidepressant therapy can help relieve symptoms of depression and prevent relapse of the illness,
complementary therapies are required due to disadvantage of the current therapy such as adverse effects. Moreover, a number of
studies have researched adjunctive therapeutic approaches to improve outcomes for depression patients. Purpose. One potential
complementary method with conventional antidepressants involves the use of medicinal herbs and phytochemicals that provide
therapeutic benefits. Studies have revealed beneficial effects of medical herbs and phytochemicals on depression and their central
nervous system mechanism. Here, we summarize the current knowledge of the therapeutic benefits of phytochemicals and
medicinal herbs against depression and describe their detailed mechanisms. Sections. There are two sections, phytochemicals against
depression and medical herbs against depression, in this review. Conclusion. Use of phytomedicine may be an alternative option for
the treatment of depression in case conventional drugs are not applicable due to their side effects, low effectiveness, or inaccessibility.
However, the efficacy and safety of these phytomedicine treatments for depression have to be supported by clinical studies.

1. Introduction childhood adversity may contribute to the disease, especially

if epigenetic changes are involved [4, 5]. Structural and func-
Depression is a recurrent, chronic, and incapacitating psy- tional brain abnormalities seem to be related with abnormal
chiatric ailment connected to significant mortality and mor- function of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, low
bidity [1]. This life-threatening psychic disorder is one of the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and glutamate
most crucial reasons of disability in adults. The incidence of mediated toxicity [6].
depression is about 3–10% in general; however, it is much There are three major categories in the conventional phar-
higher in patients with chronic disorders, ranging between macological agents for the treatment of depression: the mo-
22 and 46% [2]. Although the exact cause of depression is noamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, the tricyclic antidepress-
not known, it is thought to be influenced by the complex ants, and the second-generation antidepressants. MAO in-
interactions of several genetic factors and subsequent wide hibitors are chemicals that inhibit the activity of the mono-
exposure to environmental variables throughout lifetime. amine oxidase enzyme family. MAO inhibitors including tran-
Researchers have been showing that psychological, genetic, ylcypromine, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, and moclobemide
and environmental factors remarkably increase the risk of are often used as first-line therapy [7]. The MAO inhibitors
developing this illness. The risk of this disease involves block norepinephrine and serotonin transporter, which enhan-
trauma, stress, and viral infections [3]. Environment-gene ces their synaptic c levels and thus increases neurotransmis-
interplays seem to forecast a person’s risk for the disease sion [8]. Recently, tricyclic antidepressants are being increas-
better than environment or genes alone. In addition, the ingly replaced by new antidepressants, which have fewer
2 BioMed Research International

adverse effects. The new second-generation antidepressants to be mediated by the dopaminergic brain pathways in
include the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, the select- mice [19]. Zotti et al. showed that carvacrol administration
ive serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and the serotonin–norep- (12.5 mg/kg, by mouth [PO] for 7 days) can raise 5-HT and
inephrine reuptake inhibitors. Despite the development of dopamine ranges in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
those conventional drugs, depression treatment still fails to [20].
lead clinical remission in lots of cases [9]. It is explained by
the number of interconnected systems related to depression. 2.2. Curcumin. Curcumin is a key active constituent of Cur-
Moreover, many patients still display intolerant or refractory cuma longa. This yellow natural phenol has been used histor-
responses with these drugs [10]. Indeed, use of these agents ically in Oriental medicine; its potential medicinal properties
is limited by unexpected side effects and some of them show are under investigation [21]. Curcumin oral administration
contradictive outcomes [11, 12]. Adverse effect of antidepres- exhibited low levels in tissues and plasma, rapid metabolism,
sant drugs involves anxiety, diaphoresis, tachycardia, tremor, and extensive rapid excretion [22]. Insolubility in water and
sedation, insomnia, serotonin syndrome, parkinsonism, pos- nonabsorption are potential factors which limit the bioa-
tural hypotension, blurred vision, and so forth [13, 14]. vailability of curcumin; therefore multiple approaches to
Because of these, many studies have investigated alterna- increase curcumin bioavailability are ongoing with the use
tive curative approaches that improve clinical results against of absorption factors, a structural analogue, liposomes, or
depression. Phytomedicine is one of the major comple- nanomaterials [23]. Antidepressant benefit of curcumin sup-
mentary remedies with conventional drugs. Some phyto- plement has been proven in various murine models. In rats,
chemicals/medical herbs have been examined for depression curcumin administration (1.25–10 mg/kg, PO for 14 days)
care and there has been a material progress. We conducted improved damage in step-down passive avoidance and behav-
an open-ended, English restricted search of MEDLINE
ioral abnormalities in the open field. Curcumin treatment, in
(Pubmed) and Scopus for all available articles up until August
addition, decreased the immobility time in the forced swim-
31, 2016, using terms pertaining to phytomedicine, phyto-
ming test and completely improved the bilateral olfactory
chemical, herb, depression, and major depressive disorder.
In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the bulbectomy-induced alteration of 5-HT, noradrenaline, and
phytochemicals/herbs and how they can improve symptoms dopamine in the hippocampus [24]. Kulkarni et al. demon-
of depression and reduce its occurrence. We also provide their strated that curcumin (20 and 40 mg/kg, intraperitoneal
mechanisms of actions. injection [IJ]) administration increases 5-HT level in mice
and the antidepressant effect of curcumin can be increased
by various kinds of antidepressants including bupropion,
2. Phytochemicals against Depression fluoxetine, and venlafaxine when given jointly [25]. They also
Phytochemicals derived from herbs are known to decrease showed that this phytochemical can restore biochemical and
the risk of some severe disorders including autoimmune and behavioral changes induced by the chronic stress [26]. Wang
cardiovascular diseases as well as neurodegenerative diseases. et al. also examined that the antidepressant benefit of cur-
Indeed, popular polyphenols such as curcumin, ferulic acid, cumin (10 mg/kg, PO) involves 5-HT receptors, specifically
proanthocyanidin, quercetin, and resveratrol have shown 5-HT1A/1B and 5-HT2C subtypes [27]. Xu et al. again showed
potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These that curcumin (10 and 20 mg/kg, PO) can reverse 5-HT1A
phytochemicals repeatedly have demonstrated their neuro- mRNA alteration in rat hippocampus [28]. Additionally,
protective effects, strongly suggesting that they can improve Hurley et al. demonstrated that the antidepressant action
the symptoms of depression. The antidepressant activity of of curcumin may be related to the increase of hippocampal
these phytochemicals is detailed in Table 1. brain-derived neurotrophic factor closely implicated in the
pathophysiology of depression [29].
2.1. Carvacrol. Carvacrol is a monoterpenic phenol isolated
from aromatic herbs including oregano and thyme. This 2.3. Ferulic Acid. Ferulic acid is phytochemical that is known
aromatic phytochemical has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, to have powerful antioxidant capacity [30].
antiarthritic, antiallergic, anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, car- This compound is derived from phenylalanine, which is
dioprotective, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, and neu- converted to 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and then caffeic acid
roprotective properties [15]. This monoterpenoid phenol and has shown various medicinal actions including anti-
regulates human ion channels transient receptor potential inflammatory, antitumor, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective
V3 and A1 causing a sensation of warmth [16]. It is also properties [31–34]. Yabe et al. found that oral administration
known that carvacrol can activate PPAR and suppress COX- of ferulic acid (100 and 250 mg/kg) can mitigate stress-
2 mediated inflammation [17]. Dong et al. demonstrated that induced abnormal behavior in mouse depression model.
enzyme cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) is the predominant Moreover, they demonstrated that ferulic acid can enhance
drug-metabolizing enzyme involved in the metabolism of phosphorylation of CREB and brain-derived neurotropic
carvacrol requesting attention when carvacrol is coadminis- factor mRNA level in the hippocampus [35].
trated with other compounds mainly undergoing CYP2A6-
mediated metabolism [18]. Orally administered carvacrol 2.4. L-Theanine. L-Theanine is an amino acid discovered as a
(12.5–50 mg/kg) induces antidepressant effects that seem component of Camellia sinensis (green tea) in 1949. This
BioMed Research International 3

Table 1: Phytochemicals against depression.

Phytochemical Dose Study design Effects and mechanisms Reference

Induce antidepressant effects that seem to be dependent
Oral administration
12.5–50 mg/kg on an interaction with the dopaminergic brain [19]
in mice
Carvacrol Raise 5-HT and dopamine ranges in the hippocampus
Oral administration and prefrontal cortex
12.5 mg/kg [20]
in rats Influence neuronal activity through modulation of
Reduce immobility time in the forced swimming test
Oral administration Reverse bilateral olfactory bulbectomy-induced
1.25–10 mg/kg [24]
in rats hyperactivity in the open field and deficits in step-down
passive avoidance
Intraperitoneal Enhance 5-HT level [25]
20–40 mg/kg
injection in mice Restore biochemical and behavioral changes induced by
Curcumin the chronic stress
Reverse the decreased immobility period and MAO
activity induced chronic stress
Oral administration Reduce duration of immobility in forced swimming test
10 mg/kg [27]
in mice May be associated with 5-HT1A/1B and 5-HT2C subtypes
Oral administration Attenuate the stress-induced hippocampus 5-HT1A
10–20 mg/kg [28]
in rats mRNA
Attenuate stress-induced behavior
Oral administration
Ferulic acid 100–250 mg/kg Increase CREB phosphorylation and brain-derived [35]
in mice
neurotropic factor mRNA level in the hippocampus
Reduce immobility time in the forced swimming test
Oral administration and tail suspension test without ambulation in the open
L-Theanine 1–20 mg/kg [41]
in mice field test
Antagonize reserpine-induced ptosis and hypothermia
Reduce immobility period in the forced swimming test
Oral administration and tail suspension test
Proanthocyanidin 25–50 mg/kg [46]
in mice Enhance 5-HT levels in hypothalamus, hypothalamus,
and frontal cortex
Oral administration
Quercetin 20–40 mg/kg Prevent hyperactivation of the HPA axis [50]
in mice
Decrease immobility period in the despair tests without
Oral administration influence on locomotor activity
20–80 mg/kg [59]
in mice Enhance 5-HT and noradrenaline concentrations in the
Resveratrol Reverse less weight gain, reduce sucrose preference and
deficits in the shuttle box
Oral administration
40–80 mg/kg Raise 5-HT, dopamine, and noradrenaline [60]
in rats
concentrations in brain
Reduce MAO activity

amino acid has been demonstrated to have various therapeu- receptors and as an agonist of the NMDA receptor [38]. L-
tic benefits including improving concentration and learning Theanine have shown effects in the central nervous system,
ability, enhancing antitumor activity, preventing the vascu- including the potentiation of 𝛾-aminobutyric acid, dopamine,
lar diseases, reducing blood pressure, providing antiobe- and serotonin and inhibition of glutamate reuptake [39].
sity effect, improving the immune system, and displaying With potentiation of 𝛾-aminobutyric acid, the brain’s main
neuroprotection [36]. This behaviourally and physiologically inhibitory transmitter, L-theanine, may act as a mild anxi-
active compound is structurally similar to the excitatory olytic. Gomez-Ramirez et al. demonstrated the effect of L-
neurotransmitter glutamate and, in accordance, binds to theanine on attentional process. L-Theanine influenced con-
glutamate receptors, though with much lower affinity in tinuous processes accountable for maintaining attention over
comparison [37]. Specifically, it binds to ionotropic glutamate a period of difficult work rather than on specific moment-to-
receptors and acts as an antagonist of the AMPA and kainate moment phase deployment processes [40]. Administration
4 BioMed Research International

of L-theanine (1, 4, and 20 mg/kg for 10 days) exhibited activity support the idea that resveratrol interacts with the
an antidepressant action in mice. In addition, L-theanine monoaminergic system for its antidepressant effect [60].
treatment markedly blocked ptosis and hypothermia induced
by reserpine [41]. In the open-label clinical trial, L-theanine 3. Medical Herbs against Depression
administration (250 mg/day for 8 weeks) was safe and man-
ifested various beneficial effects on depressive symptoms, Herbal medicine is the most popular complementary ther-
cognitive impairments, sleep disturbance, and anxiety in apy [61]. Depression has prominent indications for herbal
patients with depression [42]. medicines [62–65] and the majority of people with depression
try complementary medicines [66]. Some medicinal herbs
2.5. Proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are oligomeric and have improved the symptoms of depression in preclinical
polymeric flavan-3-ols found in various plants including and clinical trials (Table 2). The psychopharmacological
apple, cocoa bean, grape, and tea. Researchers have proven effects of these antidepressant herbs involve regulation of 5-
that these phytochemicals have extensive pharmacological HT/dopamine/noradrenaline reuptake, MAO inhibition, and
properties including cardioprotective, antioxidant effect, and neuroendocrine modulation [67, 68].
antinociceptive effects [43–45]. Xu et al. have demonstrated
that proanthocyanidin (25 and 50 mg/kg PO for 7 days) 3.1. Camellia sinensis (Green Tea). Leaf of Camellia sinensis is
decreases immobility time in both forced swimming and a source of green tea. Green tea has shown anticancer, antifi-
tail suspension tests in mice. In addition, proanthocyanidin brotic properties, anti-inflammatory, and antineurodegener-
treatment increased 5-HT concentrations in hypothalamus, ative activities [69]. Recently, preclinical study demonstrated
hippocampus, and frontal cortex. Authors suggest that the polyphenols (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg PO for 7 days) obtained
antidepressant benefit of proanthocyanidin may be asso- from Camellia sinensis improved depression-like behavior
ciated with the central monoaminergic neurotransmitter and decreased serum level of corticosterone. These results
systems [46]. suggest that green tea polyphenols can regulate the HPA axis
involved in the pathology of depression [70].
2.6. Quercetin. Quercetin is a polyphenolic flavonoid found
in many fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. This fla- 3.2. Crocus sativus (Saffron). Crocus sativus is best known
vonol has been reported to inhibit the oxidation of other as the spice saffron, which is produced from parts of the
molecules by acting as a scavenger of free radicals that are flower. In two randomized controlled trials using saffron
responsible for oxidative chain reactions [47]. Quercetin is a (30 mg/day), patients exhibited remarkable improvement of
nonspecific protein kinase enzyme inhibitor [48] but it depression over placebo on the Hamilton Rating Scale for
activates estrogen receptors [49]. In preclinical studies, quer- Depression [71, 72]. They also reported equivalent effects
cetin (20–40 mg/kg, PO) prevented depression-like behaviors on Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression in three inde-
resulting from hyperactivation of the hypothalamic–pitu- pendent randomized controlled trials comparing saffron to
itary–adrenal (HPA) axis in mice. The effect was comparable imipramine or fluoxetine [73–75]. A limited meta-analysis
with fluoxetine (10–20 mg/kg, IP) [50]. concluded that saffron supplementation can improve symp-
toms in patients with depression [76] and another review lit-
2.7. Resveratrol. Resveratrol is a type of natural phenol found erature indicated that it helps with mild to moderate depres-
in grapes and red wine. In a clinical study with oral adminis- sion [77]. Authors propose that saffron’s antidepressant effects
tration of 500 mg over 13 weeks, resveratrol was measured in potentially are due to its serotonergic, antioxidant, anti-
cerebrospinal fluid [51]. Although 70% of orally administered inflammatory, neuroendocrine, and neuroprotective effects.
resveratrol is absorbed, its bioavailability is around 0.5% A recent double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled
because of extensive hepatic glucuronidation and sulfation trial conducted by Mazidi et al. showed that saffron treatment
[52]. One way to overcome this obstacle may be buccal (100 mg/day PO for 12 weeks) had a significant impact in the
delivery absorbed directly via tissues on the inside of the treatment of depression with rare side effects [78].
mouth. When 1 mg of resveratrol in 50 ml 50% alcohol/water
solution was retained in the mouth for 1 minute, 37 ng/ml of 3.3. Echium amoenum (Borage). Echium amoenum is a member
resveratrol was detected in plasma 2 minutes later. This con- of the Borage family that grows in most parts of Europe and
centration could be achieved with 250 mg of resveratrol taken in northern parts of Iran. The flower of Echium amoenum
in a pill form [53]. Its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective is used in alternative medicine as an antifebrile, as an anti-
effects are proven by various researchers [54–57]. Yáñez inflammatory, as a possible cancer protective, and as well
et al. showed that resveratrol inhibits 5-HT/noradrenaline as an antidepressant agent [79]. To elucidate the effects of
uptake and MAO activity in rats [58]. Moreover, it is Echium amoenum against depression, Sayyah et al. con-
showed that trans-resveratrol (20–80 mg/kg) could provide ducted a preliminary randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
an antidepressant action, with the enhanced levels of 5- Results revealed that aqueous extract of Echium amoenum
HT/noradrenaline in mouse brain [59]. Recently, Yu et (375 mg/day PO) is superior to placebo in improving the
al. also demonstrated that this phytochemical can inhibit Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression at week four of the
chronic stress-induced depression-like behaviors. Enhanced study, although the difference was not significant at week six
levels of 5-HT/dopamine/noradrenaline and decreased MAO (𝑝 = 0.07) [80].
BioMed Research International 5

Table 2: Medical herbs against depression.

Herbs Dose Study design Effects and mechanisms Reference

Decrease immobility in the tail suspension test and
Oral administration
Camellia sinensis 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg forced swimming test [70]
in mice
Modulate the HPA axis
30 mg/day controlled clinical Improve the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
Crocus sativus [71–75]
Improve Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety
100 mg/day controlled clinical
Inventory Scores with rare side effects
Randomized Improve the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression at
Echium amoenum 375 mg/day controlled clinical week four of a study, however this result was not [80]
trials maintained at week six
Long-term follow-up
3 × 300 mg/day study involving 426 Prevent relapse after recovery from acute depression [81]
16 g containing Improve the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating
Piper methysticum 250 mg of Scale with no serious adverse effects and no clinical [82]
controlled trials
kavalactones/day hepatotoxicity
Increase hippocampus 5-HT level-induced proliferation
Oral administration
1.5–6 g/kg of neural stem cell, repairing the damaged neuronal [83]
in rats
cells in hippocampus
Revert decreased sucrose intake
Oral administration Reduce moving behavior
Rhodiola rosea 10–20 mg/kg [84]
in rats Minimize weight gain and dysregulation of their
estrous cycle
Randomized Improve overall depression, together with insomnia,
340–680 mg/day controlled phase III emotional instability, and somatization, but not [85]
clinical trial self-esteem with no serious side effects
Inhibit depression-like behaviors in forced swimming
Inhalation in rats and elevated plus-maze tests [86]
Reverse spatial memory deficits
Lavandula Randomized
Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in pregnant
angustifolia Lavender cream controlled clinical [87]
Lavender Reduce depressive symptoms
controlled clinical [88–91]
aromatherapy Improve the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Oral administration Reverse the decreased sucrose intake and the decreased
4 g/kg [92]
in rats 5-HT1A receptor binding in brain
Oral administration Increase struggling time and first latency time in the
2.1 g/kg [93]
in rats forced swimming test
Nelumbo nucifera Improve the start latency, rearing number, grooming
0–2000 mg/kg for rats time, and decreased visiting counts caused by chronic
Oral administration
0–4000 mg/kg for mild stress in the forced swimming test [94]
in rats or beagle dogs
beagle dogs No toxicity during 28 days of administration in dogs
and 13 weeks of administration in rats

3.4. Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort). Hypericum depression while long-term maintenance and tolerability in
perforatum is the most famous herb that has long been continuation were comparable with placebo [81]. Linde et
used to treat depression [95]. A number of clinical stud- al. showed that Hypericum perforatum extract is better than
ies demonstrated that Hypericum perforatum is clinically placebo in depression patients and is as curative as standard
efficacious for depression [96–106]. A long-term follow-up antidepressants but with lesser adverse effects [107]. An
study recruited 426 responders to Hypericum perforatum authoritative systematic review and meta-analysis have come
extract (3 × 300 mg/day) to be assessed for remission rates. to almost the same conclusion [108, 109]. Standardization and
Results showed a beneficial effect of Hypericum perforatum quality, however, prove difficult for Hypericum perforatum, as
extract for prevention from relapse after recovery from acute extracts show diversity of the potential effects due to unequal
6 BioMed Research International

component profiles [110] and some clinical studies fail to properties [121]. Hritcu et al. reported that chronic lavender
support the efficacy of Hypericum perforatum in depression oil exposure markedly inhibited depression-like behaviors
[111, 112]. Moreover, Hypericum perforatum’s reputation has in rats in forced swimming and elevated plus-maze tests
been challenged since it is inducer of the enzyme cytochrome [86]. Hancianu et al. reported neuroprotective benefit of
P450 2C9 (CYP2C9), 2C19 (CYP2C19), 3A4 (CYP3A4), and lavender oil through antioxidative effects in a rat dementia
p-glucoprotein and may thus accelerate the metabolism of model [122]. Kasper and his colleagues have reviewed the
drugs excreted or biotransformed via these pathways [13, data on the effect and tolerability of lavender oil to treat
113]. It was uncovered to stimulate cytochrome P450 enzyme anxiety disorders [123] and the clinical trials examining safety
and thus reduce the plasma level of a wide range of con- and potential for drug interactions of lavender oil as well
ventional drugs including warfarin, voriconazole, verapamil, as its anxiolytic effect and tolerability. In the clinical trials,
talinolol, tacrolimus, simvastatin, quazepam, oral contra- lavender oil was devoid of adverse effects except for mild
ceptives, omeprazole, nifedipine, midazolam, methadone, gastrointestinal symptoms. Moreover, it did not provoke
mephenytoin, ivabradine, irinotecan, indinavir, imatinib, gli- withdrawal symptoms or drug interactions at doses of 80
clazide, fexofenadine, erythromycin, digoxin, debrisoquine, or 160 mg daily [124]. They also investigated the anxiolytic
ciclosporin, chlorzoxazone, atorvastatin, amitriptyline, and efficacy of lavender oil administration for the treatment of
alprazolam [114–116]. anxiety-related restlessness and disturbed sleep. It confirmed
the calming and anxiolytic efficacy of lavender oil through
3.5. Piper methysticum (Kava). Root of Piper methysticum randomized and placebo-controlled trial confirms [125].
has been used for a long time to make a psychoactive There are also several reports demonstrating positive effect of
drink in the South Pacific region. These days its extract is lavender in decreasing depressive symptoms. Effati-Daryani
widely consumed as anxiolytic medicine in the whole world, et al. studied the effect of lavender cream on depression in
including Europe and the United States [117]. In 2009, a pregnancy and demonstrated that the cream can be used
3-week double-blind crossover trial involving 60 patients for pregnant women to reduce depression [87]. Lavender
was conducted to examine the anxiolytic and antidepressant oil infusion showed several curative benefits on depression
effects of Piper methysticum extract. The study found that the patients, essentially decreasing mean depression score [88].
aqueous extract of Piper methysticum (16 g containing 250 mg Lavender aromatherapy for 4 weeks improved the Edinburgh
of kavalactones/day) supplies a remarkable improvement of Postnatal Depression Scale in high risk postpartum woman
comorbid depression on the Montgomery–Asberg Depres- [89]. I.-S. Lee and G.-J. Lee also reported that aromatherapy
sion Rating Scale. Importantly, the extract did not show using lavender has a beneficial effect on depression in female
any grave side effects or clinical hepatotoxicity suggesting college students [90]. Complementary therapy of lavender oil
its safety as a drug [82]. However, some manufacturing with imipramine for the treatment of moderate depression
companies withdrew this medicinal plant because of worry in 45 patients led to improved and faster results. Moreover,
about latent hepatotoxicity [118]. the anticholinergic adverse effects of imipramine, including
urinary retention and dry mouth, occurred less often when
imipramine was administered with lavender [91].
3.6. Rhodiola rosea (Rose Root). Rhodiola rosea is a biennial
flowering plant that has been used as a traditional medicine
in some Asian and European countries. Rhodiola rosea has 3.8. Nelumbo nucifera. Fruit of Nelumbo nucifera (Nelumbi-
been referred to as a physical and mental booster [119]. nis semen) has long been used as a natural tranquilizer
In depressive model, Rhodiola rosea extract (1.5–6 g/kg PO) in Asian countries. Our lab and coworkers have revealed
increased 5-HT level in rat hippocampus. In addition, Rho- its psychiatric benefits and mechanism on depression. In a
diola rosea extract induced proliferation of neural stem cell, rat model of depression, Nelumbinis semen showed antide-
repairing the damaged neuronal cells in the hippocampus pressive effects via reversing a decrease in 5-HT1A recep-
[83]. Mattioli et al. showed antidepressant activity of Rhodiola tor binding [92]; interestingly, its therapeutic effect was
rosea extract (10–20 mg/kg, PO for 3 weeks) using behavioral greater than Hypericum perforatum—the most popular nat-
tests in rats. Chronic administration of Rhodiola rosea extract ural antidepressant today [93]. In the forced swimming test,
strongly inhibited chronic mild stress-induced behavioral Nelumbinis semen treatment markedly improved the start
and physiological alterations [84]. van Diermen and his latency, rearing number, and grooming time and decreased
coworkers showed that the antidepressant effect of Rhodiola visiting counts caused by chronic mild stress. During 28 days
rosea resulted from MAO inhibition [120]. A randomized, of administration in dogs and 13 weeks of administration in
double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III clinical trial using rats, Nelumbinis semen treatment-linked toxicity was not
Rhodiola rosea extract (340–680 mg/day) demonstrated a detected [94].
remarkable recovery in Rhodiola rosea-treated group com-
pared with placebo for mild to moderate depression [85].
4. Conclusion
3.7. Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender). Lavandula angustifo- During the last century, scientific knowledge about psychoac-
lia is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to the tive herbs has remarkably progressed. Now it is a common
Mediterranean. The utility of lavender oil involves an antibac- concept that there are powerful neuroprotective phytochem-
terial, antifungal, carminative, sedative, and antidepressant icals in nature. The antidepressive actions of phytochemicals
BioMed Research International 7

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