1513-Article Text-6439-1-10-20220821
1513-Article Text-6439-1-10-20220821
1513-Article Text-6439-1-10-20220821
Ability in English
DOI: 10.37729/scripta.v9i1.1513
Abstract. The objectives of this study are to reveal student’s personality, the students’
speaking ability, dan to find out if there is any specific influence of student’s personality
(extrovert introvert) on their speaking ability in English Education Program of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. This research was quantitative research. The
instruments of this research were questionnaire and documentation. Data collection
techniques used questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis used descriptive analysis
and inferential analysis. This study shows that (1) the dominant students’ personality was
in extrovert category with the means score = 84.47. (2) The students' speaking ability was
in good category with the means score = 77.55 at the interval of 70 - 79. (3) There was
positive and significant influence of students’ personality on speaking ability with the
value of regression analysis was 0.486 and the significant level score 0.000 was lower
than 0.05. The regression model (students’ personality) was able to be explained its
influence on speaking ability by 22.22%, while the influence of 77.78% is explained by
other factors that are not used in this regression model.
1. Introduction
English has established itself as a vital component of worldwide communication, commerce,
education, science, computing, technology, the internet, and the media. To keep up with globalization,
people should form bonds with other countries and nations. They will be left behind if they do not
communicate and contact with other countries or nations. English, according to Lucantoni, is one of
the most extensively used languages for communication across the globe[1]. The four key
communication abilities essential to use English as a communication tool are listening, speaking,
reading, and writing.
Speaking is one of the four basic talents in English. The ability to communicate successfully
with people is the most vital skill in English acquisition because it is the primary objective of learning
a language. Students should be aware that mastery of speaking is a critical talent in the globalization
period because English is used in all parts of life, including technology, education, politics, trade,
social issues, and culture. It signifies that in the future, the pupils' challenge and competitiveness
would be fierce.
Rokhayati stated that speaking was the skill which connected with interaction and
communication[2]. Many students, in fact, are unable to communicate effectively in English.
According to Wulandari there are lots of reasons why they have bad ability in English speaking[3].
Few students can speak in English and respond to their lecturer's inquiries at the university level.
Majority of people prefer to remain silent.
On January 21, 2021, I met and interviewed some students from Universitas Muhammadiyah
Purworejo's English Education Program. Students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English
Education Program also suffer from speaking challenges. Students frequently have difficulty
communicating, as the researcher observed during the learning process, because they are doubtful of
9 | Vol. 9 No. 1 May 2022 Hardian Alvin Eftiama, Titi Rokhayati, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
what to say. As a side effect, they remain silent. They are shy and panicky, and if they make a
mistake, they feel inadequate. They do not like being laughed at in class. Due to their unethical
pronunciation and limited vocabulary, they are not accustomed to speaking in class.
When teaching and learning how to talk, the teacher frequently discovers the students'
psychological issues. Personality is one of the issues. Personality, according to Colman, is the sum of
an individual's distinguishing behavioral and mental qualities[4]. What students prefer, how they
behave, and the decisions they make are all impacted by their personalities. It can also influence how
a person or a pupil learns. The teacher ought to be familiar with the students' personalities in order to
establish the best teaching tactics for teaching English speaking [5].
A good teacher should be able to recognize and respect the various personalities of his or her
students. The teacher should be able to motivate students to develop their speaking abilities. There are
a variety of things that can influence a student's ability to talk. This research, however, does not
address all of them. It focuses solely on students' personality types because this issue appears to be
more prevalent in real-life teaching and learning situations. In teaching practice, teachers who
consider students' personality types are better than teachers who do not, since teachers who consider
students' personality types can improve students' learning achievement or introduce new teaching
activities [6].
Lestari wrote in her journal that knowing a student's personality provides a doorway for the
teacher to manage the educational process[7]. This could be changed by controlling their mindset and
learning approach in an attempt to improve their course speaking abilities. In his journal, Hakim also
wrote that knowing a student's personality allows the teacher to select the best tactics for them[8]. As
a result, the teacher should carry out research into the students' personalities in order to generate a
productive environment for teaching and learning between the teacher and the students, as there is a
strong relationship with both teaching styles and the pupils' personality types in terms of improving
students' speaking abilities.
"There are two sorts of personality," according to Jung's theory described by Hakim, [8],
"extrovert personality and introvert personality." Both of them are incompatible." Extroverts are
extroverted people who find it simpler to make new friends and adjust to new situations. Meanwhile,
an introvert is a person who is focused on himself or herself, enjoys quiet and private times with a few
close friends, and derives vitality from spending time alone.
According to Uzer's journal, students with extrovert personalities and students with introvert
personalities have distinct learning styles, which would inevitably influence their learning
achievement, particularly in speaking skills. Introverted students must be encouraged to participate
actively in the learning process because they are often shy to speak. They are unconfident,
demotivated, and pessimistic, and they just listen to what their buddies say. Teachers do not need to
exert much effort with extrovert learners since they are secure in their ability to talk[9].
The researcher is interested in doing research on the impact of students' personalities (extrovert
and introverted) on their speaking ability at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo English
Education Program. The reason is that the students’ personality influences them to prefer different
things, react differently, and make different decision. It also has an impact on how kids learn. Students
with extrovert and introvert personalities have different learning patterns, which will affect their
ability to talk. Extrovert and introvert pupils will be shown how to use other skills groups such as
listening, reading, and writing in addition to speaking.
2. Literature Review
A. Teaching and Learning
In each country, English plays a specific role. It could be the first, second, or secondary
language, or even a foreign accent. English serves as a foreign language in our country. Lesiak
defines teaching as a didactic process in which both the teacher and the student engage, with the
primary purpose of promoting and supporting learning. [10]. The teaching process was not
separated from the learning process. It means that if a teacher teaches students about a subject, the
learners must be knowledgeable about the subject. The teaching process is carried out by the
instructor, and the teacher's duty is to enhance pupils in learning new material. It is not only about
studying facts, but also about students' behavior and attitudes in order to prepare them for their
future lives.
10 | Vol. 9 No. 1 May 2022 Hardian Alvin Eftiama, Titi Rokhayati, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
Brown describes teaching as "showing or instructing someone in learning to accomplish
anything," "providing instruction," "directing in the learning of something," "distributing
knowledge," and "enabling someone to recognize or grasp something[11]”. Teachers' roles in the
process of teaching and learning include guiding students in the learning process and creating a
positive learning environment. We can derive fields of research inquiry by separating the
components of the definition of learning[11]:
a) The process of receiving material, or "getting it," is known as learning.
b) Education is the process of acquiring and retaining information or skills.
c) Storage mechanisms, memory, and cognitive organization are all part of retention.
d) Learning entails paying active, conscious attention to and responding to external and internal
e) Though learning is a long-term process, forgetfulness is a possibility.
f) Learning requires practice, maybe reinforced by repetition.
g) Learning necessitates a change in one's behavior.
B. Teaching Speaking
Speaking lessons is an excellent way to learn a native language. According to Nunan[12],
Speaking is vital in children's entire language development, according to Nunan, and youngsters
learning English as their first language spend time improving their speaking skills. Speaking is the
primary form of language acquisition for children, it accounts for the majority of most people's
daily linguistic activity, and it is the primary driver of language change[13].It means that Speaking
is a vital skill for students learning English as a foreign language. They must speak in order to
improve their communication skills. They can increase their capacity to communicate information
and share ideas by conversing with the other person.
C. Speaking
Experts in language learning have given a variety of definitions for speaking. Effective
oral communication, according to Richards and Renandya[14] necessitates the capacity to
communicate properly in social interactions, which entails not only the appropriate language but
also various linguistic aspects of speech such as pace, tension, and tone. When communicating
directly without the use of words, nonlinguistic elements such as movements, expressions, and
posture are also crucial.
Furthermore, speaking, as Cameron[15] stated, would be the active usage of language to
convey ideas so that others might grasp it. To transmit information effectively, a speaker must use
acceptable words and be grammatically correct. Harmer[16] said that when two people
communicate with each other, they speak. It is obvious that people communicate for a variety of
reasons, including the desire to speak or show something.
D. Personality
The greatest distinguishing feature of a human being is his or her personality. When it
comes to the etymology of the term, Chamorro-Premuzic, as reported in Machnicka[17] claims
that "personality" comes from the Latin word "persona," which means "mask." As a result,
personality research might be thought of as a study of people's "masks."
According to Pervin and John, as stated from Dornyei[18] personality is the branch of
psychology that most considers persons as individuals and complicated beings in their whole.
Personality can be defined as psychological systems from the field of psychology that are
expressed and experienced through an individual's action and experience, as well as complex
entities, based on the criteria above.
a) Extroversion
As Canli also As implies in Jalili[19] some people are known for their laughter; the party
follows them everywhere they go; they draw others; they value social contact; they enjoy good
times anytime they are with other people; even when they are in a room with strangers, they
can be their best friend.
Extraverts seek to get their energy from places other than their own bodies , according to
Eysenck & Chan, cited in Jafarpour[20], introverts, on the other hand, prefer solitary actions
and the inner self as sources of power. Extraverts, according to Zhang[21] are prepared to try to
communicate even if they are unsure if they would succeed.
11 | Vol. 9 No. 1 May 2022 Hardian Alvin Eftiama, Titi Rokhayati, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
Extroverts want to direct their energy outward, interacting with people and objects. They
place such a premium on outside experience that they frequently begin things with little
forethought and then complete them by trial and error. They easily think and generate more
ideas in activity or discussion Because they spend lots of time focusing on outward experiences
rather than interior experiences
b) Introversion
Introverts are thought to be introspective, quiet, retiring, and restrained, according to
Dawaele and Furnham, as reported in Zafar[22]. Introverts are more interested in the inner
realm of thoughts and are more prone to engage in solo pursuits. Introverts, according to Apeh
and Ezemaduka[23], are people who pull back into themselves when confronted with
psychological issues or stress in their surroundings.
Introverts are shy people who shun social situations and prefer being alone. As opposed to
introverts, extroverts are more concerned with the outside world. Individuals that exhibit
personality traits that are difficult to categorize can be classed as ambiverts, according to Jung,
who was quoted in. Extroverts and introverts exist in ambiverts.
3. Method
The sort of research used in this study was quantitative research, which was determined by the
study's aims. "It deals with questions of relations, relationships between variables, or present
situations that investigators can answer by obtaining and quantitatively evaluating numeric values”,
Donald[24] explained. It is classified into two categories: experimental and non-experimental. A
quantitative non-experiment was utilized by the researcher.
The participants in this study are all students enrolled in Universitas Muhammadiyah
Purworejo's English Education Program's 2nd semester speaking class for the 2020/2021 academic
year. Purposive sampling was used to obtain the sample. The sample size for this study was 53
students. The 53 pupils were split into two groups of 26 and 27 students each.
The instruments of this research were questionnaire and documents. Data collection techinuqes
used questionnaire and documents. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential analysis
were performed. According Larsen and Buss[25], the most popular strategy for measuring personal
qualities is to administer a questionnaire.
This study's questionnaire was developed from the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ).
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), designed by Hans J[26]. Eysenck, is one of the most
well-known and commonly used methods for personality evaluation in both research and clinical
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was used. There are 30 questions in total, 16 for
extroverts and 14 for introverts.
A. Findings
1. Personality of the student (extrovert introvert)
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of pupils' personalities (extrovert introvert)
in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education Program.
12 | Vol. 9 No. 1 May 2022 Hardian Alvin Eftiama, Titi Rokhayati, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
(extrovert introvert) in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education
Program were in the extrovert group.
The average score (Means) generated from the research results is 77.55. The score falls
into the good group, with a range of 70 to 79. As a conclusion, it can be inferred that
students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education Program have
good speaking abilities.
B. Inferential Analysis
The inferential analysis consisted of normality test and linearity test. The normality test
is performed to check whether the test was normal. The significance of the research variables was
determined using the normality test. The researcher utilized Kolmogrov-Smirnov Z in this work.
The SPSS 23.0 program was used to perform the normality test. The normality experiment was
conducted to investigate whether or not the populations from which samples were chosen were
Based on the SPSS 23.0 program's normality result. It was revealed that the
Kolmogrov-Smirnov Z of the test score of students' personality was 0.806, with a significance
score of 0.536, which is greater than 0.05, while the test score of students' speaking ability was
1.020, with a significance value of 0.249, and this is higher than of 0.05. As a result, the null
hypothesis is accepted and the data was found to be normally distributed.
The SPSS 23.0 program was used to examine the linearity of the learners' personality
and talking ability data, and Anova was used to present the results. Because the significance
0.106 was greater than 0.05, the data were linear.
C. Hypothesis Testing
In Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education Program, hypothesis
testing was attempted to determine the impact of students' personalities (extrovert introvert) on
their speaking ability. The hypothesis testing in this study was done with the SPSS 23 program and
Pearson correlation.
As seen by statistical analysis, the robs score was 0.486, with a significance level score
of 0.000, which was less than 0.05. In Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education
Program, there was a good and considerable influence of students' personalities on speaking
As established by statistical analysis, the value of the regression analysis was 0.486. It
was greater than 0.40 and smaller than 0.599, so it fell into the fair-level category between 0.40
and 0.599. The 0.000 significance level was less than 0.05. In Universitas Muhammadiyah
Purworejo's English Education Program, there was a good and considerable influence of students'
personalities on their speaking ability.
The coefficient of determination (R2) is a metric that indicates how well a model can
explain variations in an independent variable. The higher the R2 (near 1), the better the regression
model's results and the closer to 0, the independent factors cannot describe the dependent variable
as a whole.
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When the modified R square is taken into account, the coefficient of determination (R2)
is 0.222, or 22.22%. It reveals that the regression model's independent variable (students'
personality) can explain 22.22 percent of its influence on speaking ability, while the remaining
77.78 percent is explained by other characteristics not included in this study's regression model.
D. Discussion
1. The Students’ Personality
According to the findings, the totally dominant participant's personality (extrovert
introvert) in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's English Education Program was in
the extrovert category, with an average score (mean) of 84.47 in the range of 82-108.
According to the findings, the majority of students were in the extrovert category
(67.92%), followed by the ambivert category (30.19%), and the introvert category
(1.89%). It may be mentioned that individuals in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo's
English Education Program have an extrovert personality (extrovert introvert).
14 | Vol. 9 No. 1 May 2022 Hardian Alvin Eftiama, Titi Rokhayati, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
B. Suggestion
The advice is dedicated to English language department students, English language
lecturers, and future researchers. The following are the details:
1. To the English Education Program students
a. The findings of the research showed that students could be assisted in recognizing
their personalities and minimizing their flaws.
b. It will be better if students know their self sooner by finding out their personality
thus they can find learning styles that are suitable for
2. To the English Education Program Lecturers
a. It is suggested that they pay more attention to their pupils' personality types. It is not
necessary to know every pupil's personality; but, knowing at least those who
struggle and require assistance in their studies is essential.
b. They should know that every student is different. By seeing student’s personality
when they are learning at the classroom, the teacher can choose the best method to
treat every student to be better in language class.
c. Introvert pupils that have a lower speaking score might be used as evidence that they
require more attention when speaking. The teacher may or may not give them all of
the attention they require. This is something that the teacher can encourage extrovert
pupils to do. It is a good idea to pair an outgoing student with an introverted student
in a group.
3. Suggestions for Further Research
This research discussed about speaking. For the next research it would be better if discuss
another English skill, such as listening, writing, or reading.
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