Buhalis Dimitrios E Tourism Information
Buhalis Dimitrios E Tourism Information
Buhalis Dimitrios E Tourism Information
Dimitrios Buhalis, Ph.D.,
International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research,
Bournemouth University, UK
(G) http://www.goodfellowpublishers.com
Copyright © Goodfellow Publishers Ltd 2011
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Soo Hyun Jun is Lecturer in the School of Tourism at Bournemouth University. Her current
research interests are consumer behaviour, information-processing strategies, information
and communication technology, and strategic marketing for tourism and hospitality. Her
works appear in Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Parks
and Recreation, and several referred conference proceedings. Before moving to USA and UK,
Soo worked for the Division of Corporate Strategic Planning at CJ Corporation in Seoul, Korea,
which focuses on food services and entertainment businesses; and the Division of Marketing
at CJmall.com.
1.0. Introduction
The Internet is the most important innovation since the development of the printing press
(Hoffman, 2000). There have been signiicant innovations, such as the railroad, electricity, the
telephone, the automobile, the airplane, radio and television, which had widespread impact
on both business and everyday life (Barwise, Elberse, & Hammond, 2006). However, the Internet
combines many of the features of existing media with new capabilities of interactivity and ad-
dressability; thus, it transforms not only the way individuals conduct their business with each
other, but also the very essence of what it means to be a human being in society (Barwise et
al., 2006). Nowadays, millions of people worldwide rely on the Internet for working, learning,
socializing, entertainment, leisure and shopping.
In 2009, worldwide Internet users reached 1.8 billion (27% of the population worldwide) in-
cluding 360.0 million Internet users in China (27% of its population) and 227.7 million users
in the US (74% of its population) (www.internetworldstats.com). This statistic represents an
increase of 399% compared to year 2000. With the continuous growth in Internet penetration,
demographic characteristics of online population are getting to resemble the general popula-
tion. The average age of Internet users is rising in tandem with that of the general population,
and racial and ethnic characteristics are more closely mirroring those in the ofline population
(eMarketer, 2010). More interesting is the fact that over 90% of people between age of ive and
17 use the Internet on a regular basis (Turban, King, McKay, Marshall, Lee, & Viehland, 2008).
These younger people are more familiar with the Internet than other media such as radio and
television. When they grow into the economically active population, the Internet will be the
most inluential medium in business.
Since the emergence of the Internet, travel planning (e.g., travel information search and
booking) has always been one of the main reasons that people use the Internet. The top ive
most popular online purchases were books (66%), clothes (57%), travel arrangements (57%),
gifts (51%) and CDs (45%) in the US in 2007 (Center for the Digital Future, 2008). A study con-
ducted in Britain (Dutton & Helsper, 2007) also found that respondents’ most search activity
conducted online was making travel plans (84%), followed by getting information about local
events (77%), looking for news (69%) and inding information about health or medical care
(68%) in 2007. The revolution of the Internet and information and communication technolo-
gies (ICTs) has had already profound implications for the tourism industry. A whole system
of ICTs and the Internet has been rapidly diffused throughout tourism sectors (Buhalis, 2004;
Buhalis & Law, 2008; Poon, 1993; Werthner & Klein, 1999). Subsequently, online travel bookings
and associated travel services are recognized as one of the most successful e-commerce imple-
mentations, with estimates of sales of $73.4 billion in 2006 (Turban et al., 2008).
It is evident that e-business is an essential prerequisites for successful organisations in the
emerging, globally networked, internet-empowered business environment, especially for the
tourism industry. Many tourism-related organisations had to go through a major business
processes re-engineering to take advantage of the emerging technologies in order to trans-
form their processes and data handling as well as their ability to operate and to compete in the
emerging global marketplace (Laudon & Laudon, 2007).
The purpose of this review is to provide essential knowledge related to ICT developments and
main implications of ICT in tourism. It illuminates the complexity of the various types of systems
and demonstrates how they it together in the production, distribution and delivery of tourism
products. In addition, the utilisation of ICTs and the Internet by different functions and sectors of
the industry is examined and conclusions for the future impact of ICTs are outlined.
Website Links
Internet World Stats: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
eMarketer: http://www.emarketer.com/Products/Reports.aspx
Center for the Digital Future: http://www.digitalcenter.org/pages/site_content.
Oxford Internet Institute: http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/
for the production of goods and services. As a result, extranets utilise the same principle and
computer networks to enhance the interactivity and transparency between organisations and
their trusted partners. This facilitates the linking and sharing of data and processes between
organisations to maximise the effectiveness of the entire network.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs): ICTs include not only the hardware and
software required but also the groupware, netware and the intellectual capacity (humanware)
to develop, program and maintain equipment (Buhalis, 2003) (Figure 1). Synergies emerging
from the use of these systems effectively mean that information is widely available and acces-
sible through a variety of media and locations. In addition, users can use mobile devices such
as portable computers, mobile phones as well as digital television and self serviced terminals/
kiosks to interact and perform several functions. This convergence of ICTs effectively integrates
the entire range of hardware, software, groupware, netware and humanware and blurs the
boundaries between equipment and software (Werthner & Klein, 1999).
According to Buhalis (2003), ICTs include “the entire range of electronic tools, which facilitate
the operational and strategic management of organisations by enabling them to manage their
information, functions and processes as well as to communicate interactively with their stake-
holders for achieving their mission and objectives.” Thus, ICTs emerge as an integrated system
of networked equipment and software, which enables effective data processing and commu-
nication for organisational beneit towards transforming organisations to e-businesses.
but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, conducting e-learning, and
conducting electronic transactions within an organization (Turban et al., 2008).
Electronic tourism (e-tourism): the application of ICTs on the tourism industry (Buhalis, 2003).
Buhalis (2003) suggests that e-tourism relects the digitisation of all processes and value chains
in the tourism, travel, hospitality and catering industries. At the tactical level, it includes e-com-
merce and applies ICTs for maximising the eficiency and effectiveness of the tourism organi-
sation. At the strategic level, e-tourism revolutionises all business processes, the entire value
chain as well as the strategic relationships of tourism organisations with all their stakeholders.
E-tourism determines the competitiveness of the organisation by taking advantage of intranets
for reorganising internal processes, extranets for developing transactions with trusted partners
and the Internet for interacting with all its stakeholders and customers. The e-tourism concept
includes all business functions (i.e., e-commerce, e-marketing, e-inance and e-accounting,
eHRM, e-procurement, eR&D, e-production) as well as e-strategy, e-planning and e-management
for all sectors of the tourism industry, including tourism, travel, transport, leisure, hospitality,
principals, intermediaries and public sector organisations. Hence, e-tourism bundles together
three distinctive disciplines: business management, information systems and management,
and tourism.
Computer reservation system (CRS): a database which enables a tourism organisation to
manage its inventory and make it accessible to its partners. Principals utilise CRSs to manage
their inventory and distribute their capacity as well as to manage the drastic expansion of global
tourism. CRSs often charge competitive commission rates while enabling lexible pricing and
capacity alterations, to adjust supply to demand luctuations. Airlines pioneered this technology,
although hotel chains and tour operators followed by developing centralised reservation
systems. CRSs can be characterised as the “circulation system” of the tourism product.
Global distribution systems (GDSs): Since the mid 1980s, airline CRSs developed into GDSs by
gradually expanding their geographical coverage as well as by integrating both horizontally,
with other airline systems, and vertically by incorporating the entire range of principals, such
as accommodation, car rentals, train and ferry ticketing, entertainment and other provisions.
In the early 1990s, GDSs emerged as the major driver of ICTs, as well as the backbone of the
tourism industry and the single most important facilitator of ICTs globalisation (Sheldon, 1993).
In essence, GDSs matured from their original development as airline CRSs to travel supermar-
kets. Since the late 1990s GDSs have emerged as business in their own right, specialising in
travel distribution. SABRE, GALILEO, AMADEUS and WORLDSPAN are currently the strongest
GDSs in the marketplace.
Intermediaries: Intermediaries (brokers) play an important role in commerce by providing
value-added activities and services to buyers and sellers (Turban et al., 2008). The most
well-known intermediaries in the physical world are wholesalers and retailers. Traditionally,
intermediaries of the travel industry have been outbound and inbound travel agencies and
tour operators (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). However, the Internet restructured the entire touristic
value chain, forcing the existing intermediaries to take up the new medium and to develop
corresponding business models (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). Intermediaries in the cyber-world refer
to organizations/companies that facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and receive
a percentage of the transaction’s value (Turban et al., 2008). Expedia, a system developed by
Microsoft, has had a very rapid growth, demonstrating that the new major e-mediaries constitute
not only a stronger competition but are also able to displace many companies with years of
experiences in tourism, such as American Express and Rosenbluth Travel (Buhalis, 2003).
Infomediaries: an electronic intermediary that provides and/or controls information low in
cyberspace, often aggregating information and selling it to others (Turban et al., 2008). The
most well-known infomediaries in the tourism industry are TripAdvisor and HolidayCheck
which successfully implement a Web 2.0 approach and integrate the users as producers of
trusted content (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). Metamediaries like travel meta-search engines (TSEs)
appear between suppliers and consumers to aggregate and ilter out relevant and pertinent
information from the wealth of material (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). TSEs like Sidestep, Mobissimo
and Kayak enable customers to compare offers and prices by carrying out live queries to
suppliers, consolidators and online agencies and presenting the results transparently.
Web 2.0: coined by O’Reilly Media at the Web 2.0 Conference held in San Francisco in 2004,
refers to “the second-generation of Internet-based services that let people collaborate and
share information online in perceived new ways-such as social networking sites, blogs, wikis,
communication tools, and folksonomies” (Turban et al., 2008). A Web 2.0 website may feature
a number of the following techniques: Rich Internet application techniques, optionally Ajax-
based; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); Semantically valid XHTML markup and the use of Micro-
formats; Syndication and aggregation of data in Really Simple Syndication (RSS/Atom; Clean
and meaningful URLs; Extensive use of folksonomies (in the form of tags or tagclouds, for
example); Use of wiki software; Weblog publishing; and Mashups and REST or XML Webservice
APIs. Increasingly the Internet is becoming a platform of data/views/knowledge creation and
sharing which harness the network to get better information to all users.
Figure 2 illustrates differences between Web 2.0 and the previous generation, referred to as
Web 1.0. The igure indicates how the Web 2.0 emphasizes online collaboration and sharing
among users via various Internet application tools.
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick Google AdSense
Ofoto Flickr
Akamai BitTorrent
mp3.com Napster
Britannica Online Wikipedia
personal Web sites blogging
Evite upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation search engine optimization
page views cost per click
screen scraping Web services
publishing participation
multimap Google Earth with content layers
content management systems wikis
directories (taxonomy) tagging (“folksonomy”)
stickiness syndication
Figure 2: Examples to Illustrate Differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
Source: O’Reilly, T. (2005). What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of
Software. Retrieved from http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html.
Social media: Social media is deined as the online platform and tools that people use to share
opinions and experiences, including photos, videos, music, insights, and perceptions with each
other (Turban et al., 2008) (Figure 3). As a powerful democratization force, social media enables
people, rather than organizations, to control and use various media with ease at little or no
cost; consequently, it enables communication and collaboration on a massive scale (Turban et
al., 2008).
Blogs: Blogger, LiveJournal, Open Diary, TypePad, WordPress, Vox, Xanga
Micro-blogging/Presence applications: FMyLife, Jaiku, Plurk, Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous
Social networking: Facebook, Geni.com, Hi5, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Orkut, Skyrock, Qzone, Vkontakte, RenRen,
Kaixin, ASmallWorld, studivz, Xing, RunAlong.se, Bebo, BigTent, Elgg, Hyves, Flirtomatic
Social network aggregation: NutshellMail, FriendFeed,dillidost.com
Events: Upcoming, Eventful, Meetup.com
Wikis: Wikimedia, PBworks, Wetpaint
Social bookmarking (or social tagging): Delicious, StumbleUpon, Google Reader, CiteULike
Social news: Digg, Mixx, Reddit, NowPublic
Photography and art sharing: deviantArt, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, SmugMug, Zooomr
Video sharing: YouTube, Viddler, Vimeo, sevenload, Zideo
Livecasting: Ustream.tv, Justin.tv, Stickam, Skype, OpenCU
Music and audio sharing: MySpace Music, The Hype Machine, Last.fm, ccMixter,
Presentation sharing: slideshare, scribd
Reviews and opinions
Product reviews: epinions.com, MouthShut.com
Business reviews: Customer Lobby, yelp.com
Community Q&A: Yahoo! Answers, WikiAnswers, Askville, Google Answers
Media and entertainment platforms: Cisco Eos
Virtual worlds: Second Life, The Sims Online, Forterra
Game sharing: Miniclip, Kongregate
Brand monitoring
Social media monitoring: Attensity Voice of the Customer, Sysomos Heartbeat
Social media analytics: Sysomos MAP
Information Aggregators: Netvibes, Twine (website)
Social network: a place where people create their own space, or home page, on which they
write blogs (Web logs); post pictures, videos or music; share ideas; and link to other Web loca-
tions they ind interesting (Turban et al., 2008). Using the Web 2.0 application tools, individuals
tag contents they post with keywords they choose themselves and this process makes their
contents searchable through the Internet. According to the social network theory, a social
network is a social structure made of nodes and ties (Turban et al., 2008). Nodes are the indi-
vidual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors (Figure 4).
Social networking indicates the ways in which individuals are connected through various social
familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds (Turban et al., 2008).
Website Links
SABRE Holdings: http://www.sabre-holdings.com/index.html
Travel Port (GALILEO and WORLDSPAN): http://www.travelport.com/uk/sitecore/content/
AMADEUS: http://www.amadeus.com/
Expedia: http://www.expedia.com/daily/service/about.asp?rfrr=-950
American Express Travel and Vacation Services: https://www134.americanexpress.com/
Rosenbluth Travel: http://www.rvacations.com/about/
TripAdvisor: http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/pages/about_us.html
HolidayCheck: http://www.holidaycheck.com/aboutus.php
Kayak and SideStep: http://www.sidestep.com/help/kayak-sidestep.html
Mobissimo: http://www.mobissimo.com/company/about.html
O’Reilly Media: http://oreilly.com/archive.html
Beneits to Organizations
• Locating customers and/or suppliers worldwide, at reasonable cost and fast
• Reduce cost of information processing, storage, distribution
• Reduce delays, inventories, and cost through supply chain improvements
• Business always open (24/7/365); no over time or other cost
• Customization/personalization at a reasonable cost
• Seller can specialize in a narrow ield, yet make money
• Facilitate innovation and enable unique business models
• Rapid time-to-market and increased speed
• Lower communication cost
• Saves time and reduces cost by enabling e-procurement
• Improve customer service and relationship through direct interactions with customers
• May need fewer permits in business and be able to avoid sales tax
• All distributed material is up-to-date
• E-commerce may help small companies to compete against large ones by using special business
• Using customization inventories can be minimized
• Reduce distributing cost by deliver online
Beneits to Consumers
• Can shop any time from any place because of ubiquity
• Large selection to choose from a variety of channels (e.g., vendor, products, styles)
• Can customize many products and/or services
• Can compare and shop for lowest prices
• Digitized products can be downloaded immediately upon payment
• Easy inding what you need, with details, demos, etc.
• Do auctions any time and from any place
• Sometimes no sales tax
• Can work or study at home
• Can socialize online in communities yet be at home
• Can ind unique products/items
Figure 5: Beneits of Electronic Commerce
Source: Turban et al. (2008)
The Internet and ICTs have enabled tourism organisations to develop their processes and adapt
their management to take advantage of the emerging digital tools and mechanisms to:
Increase their internal eficiency and manage their capacity and yields better. For
example an airline’s reservations system allows the company to manage their inventory
more eficiently and the managers to increase occupancy levels. They also incorporate
sophisticated yield management systems that support organisations to adjust their pricing
to demand luctuations in order to maximise their proitability (Buhalis, 2004).
Interact effectively with consumers and personalise the product. For example, British
Airways has launched the Customer Enabled BA (ceBA) strategy to enable passengers to
undertake a number of processes, including booking, ticketing, check-in and seat and meal
selection, from the convenience of their computer.
Revolutionise tourism intermediation and increase the points of sale. For example, Expedia,
Travelocity, Lastminute, Orbitz and Opodo have emerged as some of the most dominant
global electronic travel agencies, offering an one-stop-shop for consumers.
Empower consumers to communicate with other consumers. For example www.
tripadvisor.com, www.virtualtourist.com or www.igougo.com supports the exchange of
destination information and tips, whilst www.untied.com or www.alitaliasucks.com enables
dissatisied customers to make their views available.
Provide Location Based Services by incorporating data, content and multimedia
information on Google Maps and Google Earth.
Support eficient cooperation between partners in the value system. For example Pegasus
enables independent hotels to distribute their availability through their web sites and
other partners online whilst an extranet allows hoteliers to constantly change availability
and pricing.
Enhance the operational and geographic scope by offering strategic tools for global
Website Links
Customer-enabled British Airways (ceBA): http://www.hotelmarketing.com/index.php/
Lastminute: http://www.lastminute.com/
Orbitz: http://www.orbitz.com/
Opodo: http://www.opodo.com/
TripAdvisor: www.tripadvisor.com
VirtualTourist: www.virtualtourist.com
IgoUgo: www.igougo.com
Dissatisied customers’ review for United Airlines: www.untied.com
Dissatisied customers’ review for Alitalia: http://www.alitaliasucks.com/index.html
Google Maps: http://maps.google.co.uk/
Google Earth: http://earth.google.co.uk/
Pegasus: http://www.lypgs.com
Pegasus Solutions, Inc: http://www.pegs.com/
Technological Limitations
• Lack of universal standards for quality, security, and reliability
• The telecommunications bandwidth is insuficient, especially for m-commerce
• Software development tools are still evolving
• It is dificult to integrate Internet and e-commerce software with some existing (especially legacy)
applications and databases
• Special web servers are needed in addition to the network servers, which add to the cost of e-
• Internet accessibility is still expensive and/or inconvenient
• Order fulilment of large-scale B2C requires special automated warehouses
Nontechnological Limitations
• Security and privacy concerns deter customers from buying
• Lack of trust in e-commerce and in unknown sellers hinders buying
• People do not yet suficiently trust paperless, faceless transactions
• Many legal and public policy issues, including taxation, have not yet been resolved or are not clear
• National and international government regulations sometimes get in the way
• It is dificult to measure some of the beneits of e-commerce, such as online advertising. Mature
measurement methodologies are not yet available
• Some customers like to feel and touch products. Also, customers are resistant to the change from
shopping at a brick-and-mortar store to a virtual store
• In many cases, the number of sellers and buyers that are needed for proitable e-commerce opera-
tions is insuficient
• Online fraud is increasing
• It is dificult to obtain venture capital due to the failure of many dot-coms
Figure 6: Limitations of Electronic Commerce
Source: Turban et al. (2008)
One of the most concerned technological barriers is a lack of global standards for quality, secu-
rity, and reliability (Turban et al., 2008; Van Toorn, Bunker, Yee, & Smith, 2006). The lack of stand-
ards in technology and its applications eventually increases the cost of system integration for
effective and eficient management in distribution, operation and communication worldwide.
Large hospitality corporations have invested to transform their systems into a total netware
system; however, small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (SMEs) struggle to integrate the
systems due to a shortage of inancial sources. Consequently, SMEs are at a competitive disad-
vantage and ind it increasingly dificult to maintain their position in the marketplace.
Payment security and privacy concerns are one of the major nontechnological barriers that
prevent consumers from completing transactions online (Buhalis & Law, 2008). Business organ-
izations must therefore pay more attention to protect themselves and their customers from
losses due to cyber-crimes, such as auction fraud, vacation fraud, gaming fraud, spamming,
identity theft and hacking booking details (e.g., credit card numbers and card-veriication
codes) (Buhalis & Law, 2008; Mills, Ismail, Werner, & Hackshaw, 2002).
Additionally, the recent surge of Internet usage and availability has caused overwhelming
volumes of information, some of which is inaccurate or misleading (Jun, Vogt, & MacKay, in
press; Susskind, Bonn, & Dev, 2003). For this reason, the Internet has lead to a decrease in the
eficient search for information (Allen & Shoard, 2005; Farhoomand & Drury, 2002; Lurie, 2004).
From the consumer perspective, the increasing number of alternatives or attributes in a choice
set increases uncertainties and risks in consumer choices (Bettman, Luce, & Payne, 1998; Lurie,
2004) and entails higher transaction costs, such as search costs for identifying alternatives,
learning costs associated with familiarizing oneself with alternatives, and activity costs involved
in motivating a change (Jun et al., in press; Schweitzer, 1994).
Using ICTs as a stand-alone initiative is inadequate and has to be coupled with a redesign of
processes, structures and management control systems. ICTs can support business success
when rational and innovative planning and management is exercised constantly and consist-
ently. Corporations should be able to respond to current and future challenges, by having the
resources and expertise to design new processes from scratch, in a timely fashion. As a result
of the rapid ICT developments, corporations need to convert their operations from business
functions to business processes, as well as re-conceive their distribution channels strategy, and
even more importantly, their corporate values and culture (Tapscott, 1996). Perhaps the great-
est challenge organisations face is to identify and train managers who will be effective and
innovative users of ICTs and would lead technology based-decision making. Intellect therefore
becomes a critical asset, while continuous education and training are instrumental for the in-
novative use of ICTs and the competitiveness of tourism organisations.
Website Links
News articles about hacking of customers’ booking details:
such as Expedia, Travelocity, Lastminute, Orbitz and Opodo has created powerful “travel
supermarkets” for consumers. They provide integrated travel solutions and a whole range of
value added services, such as destination guides, weather reports and insurance. By adopting
dynamic packaging (i.e., the ability to package customised trips based on bundling individual
components at a discounted total price), they effectively threaten the role of tour operators
and other aggregators.
A thorough analysis of the various sectors of the tourism industry demonstrates the key devel-
opments and the inluence of ICTs and the Internet for their internal organisation, their rela-
tionships with partners and the interaction with consumers and stakeholders.
3.1.1. eAirlines
Due to the complexity of their operations, airlines realised quite early the need for eficient,
quick, inexpensive and accurate handling of their inventory and internal organisation. Origi-
nally, reservations were made on manual display boards, where passengers were listed. Travel
agencies had to locate the best routes and fares in manuals and then check availability and
make reservation by phone, before issuing a ticket manually.
In 1962, American Airlines introduced the SABRE CRS as an alternative to expand its Boeing
707 leet by 50%. The growth of air trafic and air transportation deregulation stimulated the
expansion of CRSs to gigantic computerised networks. As prices, schedules and routes were
liberated, airlines could change them indeinitely, while new airlines entered the market. CRSs
enabled airlines to compete by adapting their schedule and fares to demand. To increase com-
petitiveness, airlines developed the “hub and spoke” systems, while their pricing became very
complex and lexible. “Fare wars” multiplied the fare structures and increased the computing
and communication needs, while most major CRSs installed terminals in agencies to facilitate
distribution. In addition, vendor airlines biased their CRSs screens in order to give higher display
priority to their lights rather to their competitors. The remote printing of travel documents,
such as tickets and boarding passes, itineraries and invoices, as well as the sale settlements
between airlines and travel agencies, and the partnership marketing through frequent lyer
programmes were invaluable beneits supported by the emerging ICTs.
CRSs were developed to GDSs and re-engineered the entire marketing and distribution proc-
esses of airlines. They essentially became strategic business units (SBU) in their own right due
to their ability to generate income and to boost airlines’ sales at the expense of their com-
petitors. Many airlines sold their interests in GDSs enabling them to operate as independent
distribution companies.
Distribution is a crucial element of airlines’ strategy and competitiveness, as it determines the
cost and the ability to access consumers. The cost of distribution is increasing considerably and
airlines ind it dificult to control. Nowadays ICTs and internal CRSs are used heavily to support
the Internet distribution of airline seats. These systems are at the heart of airline operational and
strategic agendas (Buhalis, 2004). This is particularly the case for smaller and regional carriers as
well as no-frills airlines which cannot afford GDSs’ fees and aim to sell their seats at competitive
prices. This has forced even traditional/full-service/lag airlines, such as British Airways and Air
Lingus, to recognise the need for re-engineering the distribution processes, costs and pricing
structures. Hence, they use the Internet for:
Website Links
SITA: http://www.sita.aero/
About SITA: http://www.airport-technology.com/contractors/trafic/sita/
3.1.2. eHospitality
Hotels use ICTs in order to improve their operations, manage their inventory and maximise
their proitability. Their systems facilitate both in-house management and distribution through
electronic media.‘Property management systems (PMSs)’ coordinate front ofice, sales, planning
and operational functions by administrating reservations and managing the hotel inventory.
Moreover, PMSs integrate the “back” and “front” of the house management and improve general
administration functions such as accounting and inance; marketing research and planning;
forecasting and yield management; payroll and personnel; and purchasing. Understandably,
hotel chains gain more beneits from PMSs, as they can introduce a uniied system for planning,
budgeting and controlling and coordinating their properties centrally.
Hotels also utilise ICTs and the Internet extensively for their distribution and marketing func-
tions. Global presence is essential in order to enable both individual customers and the travel
trade to access accurate information on availability and to provide easy, eficient, inexpensive
and reliable ways of making and conirming reservations. Although Central Reservation Ofices
(CROs) introduced central reservations in the 1970s, it was not until the expansion of airline
CRSs and the recent ICT developments that forced hotels to develop hotel CRSs in order to
expand their distribution, improve eficiency, facilitate control, empower yield management,
reduce labour costs and enable rapid response time to both customers and management re-
quests. Following the development of hotel CRSs by most chains, the issue of interconnectivity
with other CRSs and the Internet emerged. As a result, ‘switch companies,’ such as THISCO and
WIZCOM, emerged to provide an interface between the various systems and enable a certain
degree of transparency. This reduces both set-up and reservation costs, whilst facilitates res-
ervations through several distribution channels (Emmer, Tauck, Wilkinson, & Moore, 1993;
O’Connor, 2000).
One of the most promising developments in hospitality is ‘application service providers (ASPs)’.
ASPs will be increasingly more involved in hosting a number of business applications for hos-
pitality organisations. Hotels will ‘rent’ the same software for a fee and will use it across the
Internet. For example, some hotel irms may ‘rent’ their PMS software application from supplier
Micros/Fidelio. ASPs are ideal for hotels, especially for smaller- to mid-sized ones, that want to
leverage the best vertical and enterprise support applications on the market without having
to deal with the technology or pay for more functionality than needed. As they do not have
extensive ICT departments and expertise, they can easily access up-to-date applications and
beneit from the collective knowledge accumulated by ASP providers without having to invest
extensively in technology or expertise building (Paraskevas & Buhalis, 2002).
The development of the Internet has provided more beneits as it reduces the capital and
operational costs required for the representation and promotion of hotels. For example the
cost per individual booking can be reduced from US$10-15 for voice-based reservations, to
US$7.50-3.50 for reservations through GDSs, to US$0.25 through the WWW. Savings can also be
achieved in printing, storing, administrating and posting promotional material.
Chan and Law (2006) suggest that hotel websites are a basic requirement to an increasing
number of communication and business strategies. The usability of a website, effectiveness of
its interface, as well as its amount of information, ease of navigation, and user friendliness of its
functions, are central to the success of these strategies and an Automatic Website Evaluation
System (AWES) can provide objective and quantitative guidance to website design. However,
many small and medium sized, independent, seasonal and family hotels, ind it extremely dif-
icult to utilise ICTs due to:
lack of capital for purchasing hardware and software;
lack of standardisation and professionalism;
Website Links
Formation of THISCO: http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4012295.search?query=thisco
News article related to WizCom: http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PressReleases
WizCom International, Ltd.( Pegasus Solutions Inc.): http://www.wizcom.com/
Micros/Fidelio: http://www.micros.com/
HeBS (Hospitality eBusiness Strategies): http://www.hospitalityebusiness.com/
innovative, personalised and competitive holiday packages. As ICTs will determine the future
competitiveness of the industry, the distribution channel leadership and power of tour operators
may be challenged, should other channel members or newcomers utilise ICTs effectively to
package and distribute either unique or cheaper tourism products. However, many key players
including TUI have started disintegrating their packages and selling individual components
directly to the consumers. In this sense they will be able to re-intermediate, by offering their
vast networks of suppliers through their channels.
Innovative tour operators use the Internet extensively to promote their products and to attract
direct customers. They also use the Internet to de-compose their packages and sell individual
products. Thomson.co.uk for example has developed a comprehensive online strategy to
provide media rich information on its web site. The company supports podcasting and vide-
ocasting and also has integrated Goggle Earth geographical information data on its website.
It also distributes branded content on a wide range of Internet sites such as youtube.com to
attract consumers to its web site and to encourage them to book. In January 2007 a total of 5.5
million people visited the Thomson.co.uk website demonstrating that the customer acquisi-
tion strategy used is effective. It is evident therefore that tour operators that will use technol-
ogy innovatively will be able to provide value to their clientele and safeguard their position in
the marketplace.
Website Links
Thomson Holidays: www.thomson.co.uk
TUI Travel PLC: http://www.tuitravelplc.com
with the back ofice; cannot interface with multimedia applications; and are unable to take
advantage of the emergent ICTs. Effectively, the type of agency and its clientele determine the
type of ICTs utilised. Typically business travel agencies are more GDSs dependent, whilst leisure
agencies and holiday shops are more likely to use videotext systems (Inkpen, 1998).
The Internet has revolutionised the travel agency industry as for the irst time ever. Agencies
had the ability to reach travel inventory directly without having to invest in time and costs for
acquiring GDSs. They are able to search and book suppliers such as airlines and hotels online,
increasing their bookable inventory. They also have the tools to sell their own services and to
promote their organisations. However, until recently travel agencies have been reluctant to
take full advantage of the ICTs, mainly due to:
a limited strategic scope;
deicient ICTs expertise and understanding;
low proit margins which prevents investments; and
focus on human interaction with consumers.
This has resulted in a low level of integration of ICTs and capitalisation on the Internet’s poten-
tial. Many agencies still do not have Internet access and are unable to access online information
or suppliers. As a result many agencies lack access to the variety of information and reservation
facilities readily available to consumers and therefore their credibility in the marketplace is
severely reduced. This may jeopardise their ability to maintain their competitiveness and con-
sequently, they may be threatened by disintermediation. Several forces intensify this threat:
Consumers increasingly search information and make reservations on-line;
principals aim to control distribution costs by communicating directly with consumers and
by developing customer relationship management;
commission cuts; and
travel agencies have limited expertise as they employ inadequately trained personnel.
Gradually it is becoming evident that travel agencies around the world not only will have to
utilise the Internet to access travel suppliers and information online but will also have to rely on
the media to communicate with their clientele, to put the offerings forward to the marketplace
and to attract business. Traditional travel agencies can use the Internet to provide extra value
to their clientele by integrating additional products and services to their core products. In addi-
tion, they may use the internet to specialise to particular niche markets and to offer specialised
services to those markets.
In contrast, new players (e.g., Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz, Lastminute, Opodo) have already
achieved a high penetration the marketplace and grown spectacularly. Through a number
of mergers and acquisitions, there are effectively 5 major groups that have emerged in the
marketplace: 1) Amadeus IT Group includes Vacation.com, Opodo and TravelTainment; 2) the
Expedia group includes Expedia.com, Hotels.com, Anyway.com (Expedia.fr), Egencia (formerly
Expedia Corporate Travel), Travelnow.com, Hotwire.com, Venere.com, ClassicVacations.com,
eLong.net, TripAdvisor and SeatGuru.com; 3) the Orbitz group includes Orbitz, CheapTickets,
ebookers, HotelClub, RatesToGo, the Away Network, Asia hotels, and corporate travel brand
Orbitz for Business; 4) Priceline includes Priceline.com, Active Hotels.com, Booking.com and
Agoda.com; and 5) the Sabre group (Sabre Holdings or Sabre, Inc.) includes Travelocity.com,
Sabre Travel Network, Sabre Airline Solutions, Sabre Hospitality Solutions, Cubeless, GetThere,
Website Links
Amadeus IT Group: http://www.amadeus.com/
Vacation.com: http://vacation.com/
Opodo: http://www.opodo.com/
TravelTainment: http://www.traveltainment-group.com/
Priceline: : http://www.priceline.com/
ActiveHotels.com: http://www.activehotels.com/
Booking.com: http://www.booking.com/
Agoda.com: http://www.agoda.com/
Expedia group
Expedia.com: http://www.expedia.com
Hotels.com: http://www.hotels.com/
Anyway.com (Expedia.fr): http://voyages.anyway.com
Egencia (formerly Expedia Corporate Travel): http://www.egencia.com/
Travelnow.com: http://www.travelnow.com/
Hotwire.com: http://www.hotwire.com/
Venere.com: http://www.venere.com
ClassicVacations.com: http://www.classicvacations.com/
eLong.net: http://www.elong.net/
TripAdvisor: http://www.tripadvisor.com
SeatGuru.com: http://www.seatguru.com/
Sabre group (Sabre Holdings or Sabre, Inc.): http://www.sabre-holdings.com
Travelocity.com: http://www.travelocity.com/
Sabre Travel Network: http://www.sabretravelnetwork.com
Sabre Airline Solutions: http://www.sabreairlinesolutions.com/
Sabre Hospitality Solutions: http://www.sabrehospitality.com/
Cubeless: www.cubeless.com
GetThere: www.getthere.com
Holidayautos.com: www.holidayautos.com
IgoUgo: www.igougo.com
Lastminute.com: www.lastminute.com
Moneydirect: www.moneydirect.com
Nexion: www.nexion.com
Trams: www.trams.com
Travelguru: www.travelguru.com
Travelocity Business: www.travelocitybusiness.com
World Choice Travel: www.wctravel.com
Zuji: www.zuji.com
Orbitz Worldwide: http://corp.orbitz.com/
Orbitz: http://www.orbitz.com/
CheapTickets: http://www.cheaptickets.com/
ebookers: http://www.ebookers.com/
HotelClub: http://www.ebookers.com/
RatesToGo: http://www.ratestogo.com/
Away Network: http://away.com/
Asia hotels: http://www.asiahotels.com/
Orbitz for Business: http://www.orbitzforbusiness.com/
Ctrip.com: http://english.ctrip.com/
3.1.5. eDestinations
Destinations are amalgams of tourism products, facilities and services which compose the total
tourism expertise under one brand name. Traditionally the planning, management and coordi-
nation functions of destinations have been undertaken by either the public sector (at national,
regional or local level) or by partnerships between stakeholders of the local tourism industry.
They usually:
provide information and undertake some marketing activities through mass media
provide advisory service for consumers and the travel trade;
design and distribute brochures, lealets and guides; and
coordinate local initiatives.
Although ICTs were never regarded as a critical instrument for the development and manage-
ment of destinations, increasingly ‘destination management organisations’ (DMOs) use ICTs in
order to facilitate the tourist experience before, during and after the visit, as well as for coordi-
nating all partners involved in the production and delivery of tourism. Thus, not only do DMOs
attempt to provide information and accept reservations for local enterprises as well as coordi-
nate their facilities, but they also utilise ICTs to promote their tourism policy, coordinate their
operational functions, increase the expenditure of tourists, and boost the multiplier effects in
the local economy.
Despite the fact that studies on destination-oriented CRSs have been traced back to as early
as 1968, it was not until the early 1990s that the concept of ‘destination management systems’
(DMSs) emerged. Even at this stage however most DMSs are mere facilitators of the conven-
tional activities of tourism boards, such as information dissemination or local bookings. Several
planned DMSs have failed in their development phase, mainly due to:
inadequate inancial support;
lack of long term vision of the developers;
lack of understanding of industry mechanisms and the interest groups;
expensive and inappropriate technological solutions; and
IT leading rather following tourism marketing.
This has discouraged DMO managers to further invest in the development of suitable systems
(Buhalis, 1997). However, by 2004 most destinations around the world had recognised the value
of the DMS concept and had some type of system offering information about their region. In
the last few years, DMOs have realised that it is critical for their competitiveness to develop
their online presence. To the degree that tourists increasingly research their holidays online
DMOs realise the need to have an inspirational web site that can encourage and facilitate
tourist visitation. Most importantly several DMS system providers - including Tiscover (Figure
8), World.net, Integra, and New Vision - have emerged as the leading suppliers in the market-
place. Interesting destinations are coming together to coopete- compete and collaborate at the
same time. As demonstrated in Figure 9, the European Portal visitEurope.com brings together
34 European destinations and creates a virtual window to the world where each destination
both competes and collaborates online.
Figure 8: Tiscover.com
Using the emergent opportunities for multimedia distribution, DMSs increasingly utilise the
Internet to provide interactive demonstrations of local amenities and attractions and to enable
consumers to build their own itinerary based on their interests, requirements and constraints.
In addition, DMSs are utilised to facilitate the management of DMOs, as well as the coordina-
tion of the local suppliers at the destination level. DMSs are particularly signiicant for SMEs
which lack the capital and expertise to undertake a comprehensive marketing strategy and
rely on destination authorities and intermediaries for the promotion and coordination of their
products (Frew & O’Connor, 1999; WTO, 2001). Interestingly it is not only DMOs that provide
destination information online but a wide range of players (Buhalis & Deimezi 2004). Govers
and Go (2006) demonstrate how destination identity can be projected only through the use
of photographic imagery and narratives in an online environment in the context of marketing
a fast growing tourist destination such as Dubai. They conclude that private sector organiza-
tions, in particular hospitality and transport, are product oriented and projected images relate
primarily to the speciic facilities and tourist activities on offer. In contrast, the destination mar-
keting organization focuses on the projection of cultural identity and heritage.
Advanced DMSs would enable destinations to achieve differentiation by theming their products
and targeting niche markets. Providing accurate and realistic information would also improve
the balance between the expectations and the perceived experiences for both tourists and
locals, improving their interaction. This would enable destinations to integrate their offering
and satisfy the needs of both indigenous people and visitors. In addition, DMSs can increase
the bargaining power of local enterprises with tourism intermediaries as they enable them to
explore new and innovative distribution channels. The illustration of environmentally sensitive
areas as well as the demonstration of socio-cultural rituals would enable a better understand-
ing by locals and tourists and therefore would improve the tourism impacts in the area. DMOs
should beneit by implementing advanced DMSs (or Destination Integrated Computer Infor-
mation Reservation Management Systems).
Gretzel and Fesenmaier (2003) suggest that the development of knowledge-based tourism
business-to-business (B2B) communities requires the adoption of a multidimensional, multi-
level perspective on system design that incorporates processes of knowledge creation and
transformation and takes organizational stages of effective technology use into consideration.
Integrating the management of information and knowledge lows can foster capacity build-
ing among community members towards strengthening the collective competitiveness of
destinations. DICIRMS can rationalise destination management and marketing by supporting
their promotion, distribution and operations and also by offering innovative tools for strategic
management and amelioration of tourism impacts (Buhalis, 2003; Buhalis & Spada, 2000; WTO,
Website Links
Tiscover: http://www.tiscover.com/
World.net: http://www.world.net/
New Vision Group: http://www.newvisiongroup.co.uk/
The European Travel Commission Portal: http://www.visiteurope.com/
Newspaper: 3%
Tourist ofice: 2%
TV: 2%
Other: 5%
Marcussen (2009) demonstrates that the Internet European Market has increased dramatically
since 1998 and in 2009 it is expected to be accounted for 25.7% of the total market as demon-
strated in Table 1. The UK accounted for 30% of the European online travel market in 2008, with
Germany in second place at 18% (Figure 10). The direct sellers accounted for 64% of online sales
in the European market in 2008, followed by intermediaries 36% (Figure 11).
Table 1: Trends in overall online travel market size - Europe 1998 - 2008 with projections to 2009
The Internet and ICTs have furthermore changed travel markets from a customer-centric
market to a customer-driven market in which consumers play a stronger role in creating and
sharing travel information through community/networking websites and review websites
using Web 2.0 (Egger & Buhalis, 2008; Jun et al., in press). Product information has traditionally
been produced, distributed and controlled by suppliers to promote their products. Information
is now easily created/recreated, distributed and fortiied by consumers through the network-
ing/review websites (e.g., TripAdvisor, Twitter) exempliied by Web 2.0. Consumers are more
likely to trust information generated by consumers rather than product suppliers (Figure 12).
The tourism industry is required to treat consumers as “co-producers” and leverage network
resources to successfully operate their businesses in this consumer-centric era.
Looking forward, successful tourism organisations will increasingly need to rapidly identify
consumer needs and to interact with prospective clients by using comprehensive, personal-
ised and up-to-date communication media for the design of products which satisfy tourism
demand. Thus, destinations and principals need to utilise innovative communication methods
in order to maintain and increase their competitiveness. They also increasingly need to engage
in to Web 2.0 activities and engage dynamically with all stakeholders that generate content for
their regions and organisations.
The ICT developments have introduced new best strategic and operational management prac-
tices that lead organisations to shift their orientation from product-orientation to a consumer-
orientation that customises products and services and adopt lexible and responsive practices
to the marketplace. Success will increasingly depend on sensing and responding to rapidly
changing customer needs and using ICTs for delivering the right product, at the right time,
at the right price, for the right customer. To the degree that ICTs can contribute to the value
chain of products and services, by either improving their cost position or differentiation, they
reshape competitiveness and thus have strategic implications for the prosperity of the organi-
sation (Porter, 1985, 2001). The competitiveness of both tourism enterprises and destinations
will increasingly therefore depend on the ability of those organisations to use ICTs strategically
and tactically for improving their positioning.
Website Links
Kelkoo: http://www.kelkoo.co.uk/
Kayak: http://www.kayak.com/
TripAdvisor: http://www.tripadvisor.com/
Panoramio.com: http://www.panoramio.com/
IPK International’s European Travel Monitor: http://www.ipkinternational.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/
information instantly and to communicate directly with suppliers, while beneiting from lower
switching costs. The Internet led to the intensiication of rivalry among tourism suppliers as it
introduced transparency, speed, convenience and a wide range of choice and lexibility in the
Transparency enabled buyers to increase their bargaining power by facilitating price compari-
sons and access to instant, inexpensive and accurate information but reduced the bargaining
power of suppliers. Rivalry was further intensiied because of lowered barriers to entry and
because of the possibility of equal representation of small businesses. Innovative suppliers
increasingly use advanced CRM to gather information on consumers’ proile and to offer tai-
lored and value added products whilst expanding their distribution mix widely to harness the
marketplace. Suppliers should enhance their direct communications with end consumers and
online intermediaries to save on costs, increase proitability and enhance their eficiency. Real
time representation facilitated instant distribution and led to bypassing the traditional dis-
tribution channels. This not only changed the structure of the tourism value system but also
raised challenges for traditional intermediaries.
The need for traditional intermediaries to shift their role to consumer advisors is becoming
evident and unless TAs and TOs utilise internet tools for building and delivering personalised
tourism products they will be unable to compete in the future. Although the tourism industry
structure has been altered dramatically it is evident that both tourism suppliers and online
intermediaries should apply constant innovation, in terms of marketing techniques and tech-
nological advancements, in order to be able to offer differentiated, personalised, tailored and
value added products. The key point for sustaining their competitive advantage is to focus on
their core competencies and to exploit the opportunities that technology offers to improve
their strategic position in the tourism value system.
ICTs provide innovative strategic tools for tourism organisations and destinations to improve
both their operations and positioning. Hence, the visibility and competitiveness of principals
and destinations in the marketplace will increasingly be a function of the technologies and
networks utilised to interact with individual and institutional customers. Unless the current
tourism sector utilises the emergent ICTs, and develops a multi-channel and multi-platform
strategy they will be unable to take full advantage of the emerging opportunities (Buhalis
& Licata, 2002). It is safe to assume that only creative and innovative principals and destina-
tions which apply continues innovation in using intelligent e-tourism applications and adopt
their processes accordingly will be able to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the
II. ENTER Conference Proceedings: Wide Range of Papers on ICTs and Tourism
Buhalis, D., Tjoa, A. M., and Jafari, J. (1998). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, ENTER
1998 Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York.
Buhalis, D., and Schertler, W. (1999). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, ENTER 1999,
Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, ISBN3211832580.
Fesenmaier D., Klein, S., and Buhalis, D. (2000). Information & Communication Technologies in tourism,
ENTER’2000, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, ISBN3211834834.
Fesenmaier, D., Werthner, H., and Wober, K. (2006). Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioural
Foundations and Applications HB 0851990231, CABI, London.
Frew A., O’Connor P, and Hitz M. (2003). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism,Springer-
Verlag Vienna ISBN: 3211839100
Frew A. (2004). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2004, Springer-Verlag Vienna
ISBN: 3211206698
Frew A. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism: Proceedings of the International
Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, Springer-Verlag Vienna ISBN: 3211241485
Sheldon, P.J. Wöber,K., and Fesenmaier D. R. (2001). Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2001: Proceedings of the International Conference in Montreal, Canada, 2001: Springer-Verlag
Vienna ISBN: 3211836497
Wöber, K. W., Frew, A. J., and Hitz, M. (2002). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
2002:Springer-Verlag Vienna ISBN: 3211837809
Farhoomand, A., and Drury, D. (2002). Managerial information overload. Communications of the ACM, 45
(October), 127-131.
Flipo, J. (1988). On the intangibility of services. The Services Industries Journal, 8 (3), 286-293.
Frew, A., and O’Connor, P. (1999). Destination marketing system strategies: Reining and extending an
assessment framework. In D. Buhalis, & W. Scherlter (Eds.). Information and Communications Technologies
in Tourism: Proceedings of the International Conference ENTER in Innsbruck, Austria (pp. 398-407). Springer-
Verlag Wien.
Govers R., and Go, F. (2006). Projected destination image online: Website content analysis of pictures and
text. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 8 (3-4), 73-89.
Gretzel, U., and Fesenmaier, D. (2003). Implementing a knowledge-based tourism marketing information
system. The Illinois Tourism Network, 6 (3), 245-255.
Gupta, U. (2000). Information Systems: Success in the 21st Century. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
HeBS (2007). Mastering Internet marketing in 2007: A benchmark survey on hotel Internet marketing
budget planning and best practices in hospitality. Retrieved from http://www.hospitalityebusiness.
Hoffman, D. (2000). The revolution will not be televised: Introduction to the special issue on Marketing
Science and the Internet. Marketing Science, 19 (10), 1-3.
Inkpen, G. (1998). Information Technology for Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). London, UK: Addison Wesley
Jun, S., Vogt, C., & MacKay, K. (in press). Online information search strategies: A focus on lights and
accommodations. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
Karcher, K. (1996). Re-engineering the package holiday business. In S. Klein, B. Schmid, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.).
Information and Communications Technologies in Tourism: Proceedings of the International Conference
ENTER in Innsbruck, Austria (pp. 221-233). Springer-Verlag Wien.
Laudon, K., and Laudon, J. (2007). Management Information Systems (10th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Li, L., and Buhalis, D. (2006). eCommerce in China: The case of travel. International Journal of Information
Management, 26 (2), 153-166.
Lurie, N. (2004). Decision making in information-rich environment:The role of information structure. Journal
of Consumer Research, 30 (4), 473-486.
Marcussen, C. (2009). Internet distribution of European travel and tourism services. Denmark: Centre for
Regional and Tourism Research. Retrieved from http://www.crt.dk/UK/staff/chm/trends.htm.
Mattila, A. (2001). Do emotional appeals work for hotels? An exploratory study. Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism Research, 25 (1), 31-45.
Mills, J., Ismail, J., Werner, W., and Hackshaw, K. (2002). Cyber crimes and the travel and tourism consumer. In K.
W. Wober, A. J. Frew, & M. Hitz (Eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism: Proceedings
of the International Conference ENTER in Innsbruck, Austria (pp. 197–206). Springer-Verlag Wien.
The Nielsen Company (2009). Personal recommendations and consumer opinions posted online are the
most trusted forms of advertising globally. New York, NY: www.nielsen.com. Retrieved 04/01/2010 from
Nyheim, P., McFadden, F., and Connolly, D. (2005). Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
O’Brien, J. (1996). Management Information Systems: Managing Information Technology in the Networked
Enterprise. Chicago, IL: Irwin Professional Publishing.
O’Connor, P. (2000). Using Computers in Hospitality (2nd ed.). London, UK: Thomson Learning.
O’Connor, P. (2002). An empirical analysis of hotel chain online pricing strategies. Information Technology
and Tourism, 5 (2), 65‑72.
O’Reilly,T. (2005).What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.
Retrieved from http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html.
Paraskevas, A., and Buhalis, D. (2002). Web-enabled ICT outsourcing for small hotels: Opportunities and
challenges. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 43 (2), 27-39.
Poon, A. (1993). Tourism, Technology and Competitive Strategies. Oxford, UK: CAB International.
Porter, M. (1985). Competitive Advantage. New York, NY: Free Press.
Porter, M. (2001). Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review, 103D (March), 63-78.
Schweitzer, M. (1994). Disentangling status quo and omission effects: An experimental analysis.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 58 (3), 457-476.
Sheldon, P. (1993). Destination information systems. Annals of Tourism Research, 20 (4), 633-649.
SITA (2006). SITA Airline IT Trends Survey Executive Summary 2006: A Joint Airline Business and SITA Survey.
Retrieved from http://www.eurokiosks.org/pdf/SITA_AirlineIT_Booklet06.pdf.
Susskind, A., Bonn, M., and Dev, C. (2003). To look or book: An examination of consumers’ apprehensiveness
toward Internet use. Journal of Travel Research, 41, 256-264.
Tapscott, D. (1996). The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. New York, NY:
Tarn, D. (2005). Marketing-based tangibilisation for services. The Service Industries Journal, 25 (6), 747-772.
Turban, E., King, D., McKay, J., Marshall, P., Lee, J., and Viehland, D. (2008). Electronic Commerce 2008: A
Managerial Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Van Toorn, D., Bunker, d., Yee, K., and Smith, S. (2006). The barriers to the adoption of e-commerce by micro
businesses, small businesses and medium enterprises. Proceedings for the Sixth International Conference
on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations in Prato, Italy (July 11-14).
Werthner, H., and Klein, S. (1999). Information Technology and Tourism - A Challenging Relationship. New
York, NY: Springer.
Wikipedia (2010). Social Media Software Applications. Retrieved 04/01/2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/
Wikipedia (2010). Screenshot of free software taken by User: DarwinPeacock. Retrieved 04/01/2010 from
Wöber,K.(2006).Domain speciic search engines.In D.R.Fesenmaier,K.Wöber & H.Werthner (Eds.).Destination
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WTO (2001). eBusiness for Tourism: Practical Guidelines for Destinations and Businesses. Madrid, Spain: World
Tourism Organisation.
Zeithaml, V., A. Parasuraman, and L. Berry (1985). Problems and strategies in services marketing. Journal of
Marketing, 49, 33-46.
Since the late 1990s GDSs have emerged as business in their own right, specialising in travel
distribution. SABRE, GALILEO, AMADEUS and WORLDSPAN are currently the strongest GDSs in
the marketplace.
Infomediary: the electronic intermediary that provides and/or controls information low in cy-
berspace, often aggregating information and selling it to others (Turban et al., 2008). The most
well-known infomediaries in the tourism industry are TripAdvisor and HolidayCheck which
successfully implement a Web 2.0 approach and integrate the users as producers of trusted
content (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). Metamediaries like travel meta-search engines (TSEs) appear
between suppliers and consumers to aggregate and ilter out relevant and pertinent informa-
tion from the wealth of material (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). TSEs like Sidestep, Mobissimo and
Kayak enable customers to compare offers and prices by carrying out live queries to suppliers,
consolidators and online agencies and presenting the results transparently.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): include not only the hardware and
software required but also the groupware, netware and the intellectual capacity (humanware)
to develop, program and maintain equipment (Buhalis, 2003). Synergies emerging from the use
of these systems effectively mean that information is widely available and accessible through a
variety of media and locations. In addition, users can use mobile devices such as portable com-
puters, mobile phones as well as digital television and self serviced terminals/kiosks to interact
and perform several functions. This convergence of ICTs effectively integrates the entire range
of hardware, software, groupware, netware and humanware and blurs the boundaries between
equipment and software (Werthner & Klein, 1999).
Intermediaries (brokers): play an important role in commerce by providing value-added ac-
tivities and services to buyers and sellers (Turban et al., 2008). The most well-known interme-
diaries in the physical world are wholesalers and retailers. Traditionally, intermediaries of the
travel industry have been outbound and inbound travel agencies and tour operators (Egger
& Buhalis, 2008). However, the Internet restructured the entire touristic value chain, forcing
the existing intermediaries to take up the new medium and to develop corresponding busi-
ness models (Egger & Buhalis, 2008). Intermediaries in the cyber-world refer to organizations/
companies that facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and receive a percentage
of the transaction’s value (Turban et al., 2008). Expedia, a system developed by Microsoft, has
had a very rapid growth, demonstrating that the new major e-mediaries constitute not only a
stronger competition but are also able to displace many companies with years of experiences
in tourism, such as American Express and Rosenbluth Travel (Buhalis, 2003).
Internet: the network of all networks. Nyheim, McFadden, and Connolly (2005) deined the
Internet as a network which links multiple networks and users around the globe and a network
that no one owns outright. The terms, the Web and the Internet, have often been used inter-
changeably; however, the Web is part of the Internet as a communication tool on the Internet
(Nyheim et al., 2005). Additionally, the terms, the Internet and ICTs, are often utilized in parallel;
however, rigorously speaking, the Internet is part of ICTs.
Intranet: a corporate or government network that uses Internet tools, such as Web browsers
and Internet protocols (Turban et al., 2008). Intranets are “closed,”“secured” or “ire walled” net-
works within organisations to harness the needs of internal business users, by using a single
controlled, user-friendly interface to support all company data handling and processes.
Online Travel Bookings: the process of consumers booking travel products over the Internet.
Property management systems (PMSs): part of hospitality information systems. They provide
an accounting function, record keeping, guest history, housekeeping data and revenue data for
operating departments.
Social media: the online platform and tools that people use to share opinions and experiences,
including photos, videos, music, insights, and perceptions with each other (Turban et al., 2008)
(Figure 3). As a powerful democratization force, social media enables people, rather than organi-
zations, to control and use various media with ease at little or no cost; consequently, it enables
communication and collaboration on a massive scale (Turban et al., 2008).
Social network: a place where people create their own space, or home page, on which they write
blogs (Web logs); post pictures, videos or music; share ideas; and link to other Web locations they
ind interesting (Turban et al., 2008). Using the Web 2.0 application tools, individuals tag contents
they post with keywords they choose themselves and this process makes their contents search-
able through the Internet. According to the social network theory, a social network is a social
structure made of nodes and ties (Turban et al., 2008). Nodes are the individual actors within the
networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors (Figure 4). Social networking indicates
the ways in which individuals are connected through various social familiarities ranging from
casual acquaintance to close familial bonds (Turban et al., 2008).
Web 2.0: coined by O’Reilly Media at the Web 2.0 Conference held in San Francisco in 2004,
refers to “the second-generation of Internet-based services that let people collaborate and share
information online in perceived new ways-such as social networking sites, blogs, wikis, communi-
cation tools, and folksonomies” (Turban et al., 2008). A Web 2.0 website may feature a number of
the following techniques: Rich Internet application techniques, optionally Ajax-based; Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS); Semantically valid XHTML markup and the use of Microformats; Syndication
and aggregation of data in Really Simple Syndication (RSS/Atom; Clean and meaningful URLs;
Extensive use of folksonomies (in the form of tags or tagclouds, for example); Use of wiki software;
Weblog publishing; and Mashups and REST or XML Webservice APIs. Increasingly the Internet is
becoming a platform of data/views/knowledge creation and sharing which harness the network
to get better information to all users. Figure 2 illustrates differences between Web 2.0 and the pre-
vious generation, referred to as Web 1.0. The igure indicates how the Web 2.0 emphasizes online
collaboration and sharing among users via various Internet application tools.
World Wide Web (WWW or the Web): a multimedia protocol which uses the Internet to enable
the near instant distribution of media-rich documents (e.g., textual data, graphics, pictures,
video, sounds) and to revolutionise the interactivity between computer users and servers.