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Section 1 Scopc ............................................................. 1
Section 2 Dcfinition ofTerms ............................................. 1
Section 3 Gencral Requirements .......................................... 6
Section 4 Sanitary Rcquirements for the Segrcgation and
Storagc of Refuse/ Sol id Wastc ............................... 9
Section 5 Sanitary Requiremcnts for Collection of
Refuse/ Solid Waste ............................................ 11
Section 6 Sanitary Requiremcnts for the Transportation of
Refuse/ Solid Waste ........................................... 12
Section 7 Sanitary Requiremcnts for Disposai Areas and
Facilities and othcr Waste Processing Technologies....... 15
Section 8 Sanitary Requircments for Recovered Materials ............ 21
Section 9 Specific Rcquircmcnts for Biomcdical Waste
l\,1anagc1nent ...................................................... 24
· Section 10 Ev:iluation and Inspection ..................................... 24
Section 11 Responsibility of Owner or Occupant of Buildings,
Family Dwclling Units and Premises ......................... 30
Section 12 Responsibi!ity'ofOwners ofldle or Vacant Lots ........... 31
~ Section 13 Rcsponsibility of the Refuse Collector ........................ 3 J
Section 14 Responsibility of the Rcgional Director ...................... 32
Section 15 Rcsponsibility of the Local Health Officcr .................. 32
..... Section 16 Rcsponsibility of the Local Govcnunent... .. . . .............. 33
Section 17 Pen al Provision ................................................... 33
Section 18 Separability Clause .............................................. 34
Section 19 Repcaling Clause ................................................ 34
Section 20 Effectivity ........................... ·.............................. 34
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Heallh
San Lazare Compound, Rizal Avehue, Sta. Cl'\lZ
Manila, Philippines
Tel. No. 7119502 to 03 • Fax No. 7431829

15 April 1998



To carry out the provisions of Chapter XVIII • "Refuse Disposai" of the Code
on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856), thcse rules and rcgulations are
hcrcby formulated for implcmcntation and strict compliance of ail conccrned.


Thcse implement:ng rulcs and regulations shall apply to al! occupants, owners,
tenants, lcssces of buildings and dwelling houses, owncrs or opeqitors of
industrial, commercial and business establishments, local governmcnt units,
other government agencies or govemment owned or controlled corporations,
private firms or corporations, institutions, refuse collectors, disposai area
operators,junk dealers, scavengers and all other persons and entilies generating,
accumulating, storing, collecting, transporting, processing, trcating, utilizing and
disposing refuse or other waste matter.


As used in these rules and rcgulations, the following terms shall mean:

2.1 AGRICULTURAL WASTE - waste generated from planting or

harvcsting of crops, trimming or prawning of plants and wastes or run
off mat.criais from farms or fields ·

2.2 ASHES - the residue from the burning of wood, coal, or othcr solid
combustible materials.

2.3 BIODEGRADABLE WASTE -any material that can be reduced into

üner par!icles (degraded or decomposed) by micro-\)iological
organismo or enzymes.
2.13 GARDEN REFUSE - waste from cutting or loping of grasses, trecs,
CHEMICAL WASTE - comprises of discarded solid, liquid and bushes, shrubs, flowers, secds, or other similar materials.
gascous chemicals. Chcmical waste may be l~a':-ardo~s or n~n-
hazardous. It is considered to be hazardous when 1t 1s t~x1c, corro~1ve 2.14 GENERAL WASTE - domcstic type of waste and othcr waslc
(acids of pH <2 and bases of pH> 12), fla~mable,_ reacll~e (cxplos1~e, materials or substances that do not rcquirc special handling.
water rcactive shock sensitive), or genotox1c (carcmogemc, mutagem~,
teratogenic 0 ; otherwise capable of altering g~nctic material). It 1s 2.15 HAZARDOUS WASTE - any waste that is potentially dangcrous to
considercd non-hazardous if it consists of chemicals other than those cnvironmen! and health bccause of chcmical reactivity, flammability,
dcscribed abovc. and explosivencss.

COMMERCIAL REFUSE - refuse resulting from the use. or 2.16 llEALTH CARE FACILITY - includcs hospitals, clinics,
2.5 faborntorics, rescarch institutions and othcr similar cstablisluncnts.
occupation of any commercial or business establishments or prcnu~cs
where any business of work is carried out, other than a manufactunng
2.17 HEAL TH CERTIFICATE - a certification in wriling issucd by the
city or municipal hcallh officcr using the prescribcd fonn to a pcrson
COMPOSTING. a process ofbiological degradation under controlled aftcr passing the requircd physical and mcdical cxaminalions and
conditions; :he proccssing of biodegradable waste such as ~ood wast~, having bccn administered the rcquircd immunizations.
garden waste, animal waste, human wast_e mto soi!
conditioncr/cnhancer or humus by m1xmg them wllh soi!, water, 2.18 INCINERATION - the controllcd process by which combustible
biological additives or activators and air. wastcs are burned and changed into gascs and residucs that contain
littlc or no combustible materials.
2.6. l AEROBIC COMPOSTING - decomposition of organic
mattcr in the presence of o>.)'gen with a range temperature 2.19 INDUSTRIAL REFUSE - solid wastes resulting from industrial
bcyond 60°C for a certain lcngth of lime. processes and manufacturing operations, such as food processing
wastcs, boiler house cindcrs, wood, plastic, and metal scraps and
ANAEROBIC COMPOSTING - decomposition of organic shavings and other similar wastcs.
malter in the absence of oxygcn.
2.20 INFECTIOUS WASTE - includes cultures and stocks of infectious
CONTAMINATION - the presence of pathogcnic organisms, agents from laboratory work, wasle from surgery and autopsies of
suspendcd air emissions, heavy metals, èhemicals and other pollutants patients wilh itûectious diseascs, waste from infcctcd patients in
in an inanimate article or substance. isolation wards, waste from potentially infcctious cases, wastc that has
been in contact with infected patients undergoing haemodia!ysis and
DEPARTMENT- the Departmcnt ofHcalth. waste that bas bcen in contact with animais inoculatcd with an
i1ûcctious agent or suffcring from an iruectious discase.
DISPOSAL AREA - any site, location, tract of land, or structure uscd
or intcndcd to be used for refuse disposai. 2.21 JUNK DEALER - any persan, firm, agcncy, or enlily cngaged in the
collection, transportation, sorting, scgrcgation, storing, cxchangc or
DOMESTIC REFUSE - refuse from houscholds, as distinguishcd sale of wastc matter or rubbish, or of any old, uscd or sccondhand
from industrial, commercial and institutional waste. materials of any kind, including cloth, rags, paper, bottle, rubbcr, iron,
brass, coppcr, or othcr metal, furniture, used motor vehicle or parts
ECOLOGICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT - a mcthod ~f hat~dling thcrcof, or of any olhcr article which from ils worn condition rcndcrs it
2.11 practically uselcss for the purposc for which it was made .and which is
wastcs that facilitates thcir sanitary rctrieval, rcuse or rccy~lrng w1thout
dcgrading the environment nor polluting air, water and s01I. commonly classitied as junk.

GARBAGE - refcrs to the wastcs or rcjccted food constituents which
have bcen produccd during the prepar~tion, cooking or storagc of mcat,
fruit, vegctablcs, an~ other food matcnals.

LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORJTY - an official or ~mployce 2.33 RECYCLABLE WASTE - any waste material that can be retrieved
responsible for the application of a prcscribcd health meas~re ~n a. local and re-used as feeds, factory returnables, fuel, fennentables, fine crafts
political subdivision. For a province, the local health autuon~y 1_s the or filling materials.
governor and for a city or municipality, the local heallh authonty 1s the
mayor. 2.34 REFUSE OR SOLID WASTE - all organic and inorganic non-liquid,
and non-gaseous portions of the total waste mass. It consists of ail
LOCAL IIEALTII OFFICER - the provincial, city or municipal putrescible and nonputrescible solid materials except for body waste.
hcalth office.-.
2.24 NIGHT SOIL - any refuse matcrial composcd wholly r
parHy_ of
human excrcment and shall include the extrnctcd contents .rom pnv1e~,
2.35 REFUSE OR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL - complete final
discarding ofwaste matcrials that cannot be rcused and recycled.
privy vaults. latrines, septic tanks, cesspools, sanitary sewage gnt 2.36 ~EFUSE OR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT • an integrated
chambcrs, scrccns or racks, grcase traps, raw sewagc sludge, and other system, approach or process on the generation, segregation, storage,
such matcrials rctaining the charactcristics of human excremen_t, collection, transport, processing, rccycling, recovery and final
providcd that propcrly digcsted and dricd scwagc sludge from public disposal/containment of sol id waste.
scwage trcatmcnt plant sha!l not be includcd.
2.37 REGIONAL DIRECTOR - an official who heads a regional health
NON-BIODEGRADABLE WASTE rcfcrs to non- office of the Department of Health.
compostablc/non-putrcscible waste.
2.38 RESOURCE RECOVERY the extraction of materials or energy

2.26 OFF AL - the by-products, organs, glands and tissues othcr than meat from wastes.
or the food animal which m~y or may not be edible.
2.39 RUBBISH - refers to the non-putrescible solid waste constituents and
2.27 OPEN DUMPSITE - a site used for the disposai of refuse whcre includes such items as papers, tin ·cans; glass, wood, bottles, broken
wastc is c;,;poscd in the open. glass, cardboard, plastics, yard cuttings, discarded porcclain wares,
pieces of mctals and other wrapping materials.
2.28 OPERA TING PERMIT - the permission or certification in. writing
issucd by the regional health office t)rn~ the r~fu~e collcc~1on and 2.40 SANITARY ENGINEER - a person duly registered with the Board of
disposa! sys,cm complies with the ex1stmg samtat1on requircments Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (Republic Act 1364) and who heads
upon cvaluation and inspection. or works with the sanitation division/section/unit of the
provinciaJJcity/rnunicipal health office or rural health unit or employed
2.29 PATHOLOGICAL WASTE - includcs tissues, organs, or body parts \Vith the Department of Health or its regional field health oflïc~'s.
from surgical opcrations, biopsy and autopsy: rcmains, aborted fctuses
and animal carcasses, and blood and body fluids. 2.41 SANITARY LANDFILL · a land disposai site employing an
engineercd method of disposing solid wastes on land in a manner that
2.30 PUARMACEUTICAL WASTE - includcs spoiled, spilled, banned, n)inimizes environmental hazards by spreading the solid wastes in thin
cxpircd, contaminatcd or uscd pharmaceutical products, drugs and layers, compacting the solid wastes to the smallest practical volume,
chcmicals that arc to be discardcd because tbey are no longer and applying cover material at the end of each operating day .
neccssary. .....
2.42 SANITARY PERMIT - the permission or certification in wnt111g
2.31 PRESSURIZED CAN OR CONTAINER - includcs innocuous or issued by the city or municipal health officer or sanitary engineer that
incrt gas a,1d acrosol can or container that may cxplo0.c whcn the establishment complies with the existing minimum sanitation
incincratcd ,::r accidcntally puncturcd. requirements upon evaluation or inspection conducted in accordance
with Presidential Decree Nos. 522 and 856 and local ordinances.
2.32 RADIOACTIVE WASTE - waste contaminated wich mdio~cti:ity
l:cncratcd from hospital nuclcar mcdicine ~ection,_ rcscarch 1_nst1tut10~,
nuclcar plant, radionctive implant, diagnosuc and tncrapcut1c
proccdurcs and the paraphcrnalia uscd.

4 5
SANITA TION INSPECTOR • a government officer employed by the C. Locational plan, and
nntional, ç;rovincial, city or municipal governrnent, who enforces
sanitary rulcs, laws and regulations and irnplements environmental d. Technical spcciflcations/descriptions of facilities/equipmcnt
sanitation activities under the supervision of the
provincial/city/municipal hcalth officer/sanitary engineer. 3.1.3 The regional health office through the sanitary engineer shall
conduct evaluation and site validatîon before the issuance of
2.44 SCAVENGER - a person engaged in the business of collection, the operating pcnnit.
recovcry and transportation of recyclable refuse by specific hire or
contract with another individual, firrn, corporation, public agcncy or 3.1.4 The operating permit shall be suspended or revoked by the
institution and does not include public agency responsible by law for regional director upon violation of the provisions of these
the collection of refuse in a given jurisdiction. implementing rulcs and regulations.
3.1.5 The following shall be exempted from the opcrating permit
2.45 SECRET ARY - the Secretary ofHealth.
requirement but shall be required to register the service with
2.46 SHARPS - include nccdles, syringes, scalpels, saws, blades, broken the local health office and to comply to ail sanitary
glass, nails and any other items that can cause a eut or puncture. rcquirements for collection, transportation and/or disposai of
2.47 SWILL - includcs that particular garbage which is wholly or nearly so,
edible and usablc as a food and having food value for animais or fowls, a. Industrial or commercial or business establishment
C. accumulating from animai, vegetable or other matter wastcd from opcrating its own collection service cntircly for the
houscholds or food establishments. bencfit of such establishment and disposing of refuse
at a public disposai area.
2.48 VERMIN - a group of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches,
lice. ticks, and bedbugs, or small animais such as mice and rats that are b. Owner of farms collecting and disposing refuse on
vcctors of diseases. his premises or disposing them at a public refuse
disposai arca.
2A9 VERMIN f\BATEMENT PROGRAM - a series of p;eventive ahd
contre! proccdures and activities for vermin control. C. Owner or occupant of dwelling units who fceds his
table scraps, swill or garbage to animais or fowls
SECTION 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS owned by him on his premises, or for collccting and
transporting refuse from such premises in a vchiclc
3.1 Opcrating Permit Rcquircmcnts owned and operated by him to a public disposai arca.

3.1.1 Person. corporation, local government unit, public agcncy, or d. Junk dealers and scavengers.
institution owning, managing, or opcrating the follow;ng shall
first secure an opcrating permit from the rcgional bcallh office C Person who operates a fceding platform for feeding
concerncd prior to thcir operation: garbagc or swill to swine.

a. Refuse collection service f. Ail domcstic garbage grinder installa1ion and

b, Refuse disposai arca and focilitics
3.2 Sanitary Permit Rc<1uircmcnts
J.1.2 The following rcquiremcnts shall be submittcd by the
proponcnt bcîorc the issuancc of an opcrating permit 3.2. l No pcrson, firm, corporation, local government unit. public
agency or institution shall operate or manage a refuse
a. Lcttcr of application. collection service, refuse disposa! arca and facilitics, swill
collection, junk dealership, private scavengi ng or a swi ne
h. Projcct description. fccding platfonn withoul a sanitary permit issucd by the local
hcalth officer.
6 7
An~ -2xtc:11:.1on or add1tt011al construcuon or altcrat10n in an
estàblislunent shall require a ncw sanitary permit before it ii. The location of the establishment;
could be opcratcd.
iii. The nature and kind of business for which
3.2.3 Application for or rcnewal of the sanitary permit. the permit has been issued;

a. The application for or renewal of the sanitarf permit iv. The date the first permit was issued and the
shall be filed with the city or municipal health office dates of any renewal thercof;
havi ng jurisdiction over the establishment.
V. Every change of the managemen! of the
b. The·sanitary pennit shall be issued upon compliance establishment since the first permit was
to at least a satisfactory rating utilizing the form for issued;
sanitary inspection of public places establishment
(EHS Form No. 103-B). vi. Sanitary conditions under wbich the permit
was issued or any renewal thereof granted;
C. Fees shall be paid to the local government unit upon and
application, renewal and noting of sanitary permit.
The amount of fees shall be set through city or vii. The rcvocation of the pennit.
municipal ordinance.
c. The record shall be available at all reasonable times
3.2.4 Notîng of permit. If there is a change in ownerslüp of the for inspection by any authorized officer of the
establishment, the new owner shall apply to the city/municipal Department of Health or local government unit.
health office within fourteen (14) working days to have such
change noted in the records and permit certificate and shall SECTION 4. SANITARY REQUIIŒMEN'_I'S FO;R THE SEGREGATION
pay the corresponding fee for such noting. AND STORAGE OF REFUSE/SOLID WASTE

3.2.5 Validity. The sanitary permit shall be valid on the day of The foll?wing shall be the minimum standards and requirements for sanitary
issuancc until the last day of December of the same ycar, and segrcgatlon and storage of refuse pending collection.
slrn li be rencwed every bcginning of the year, thcreaftcr. Upon
the rccommendation of the local health officer to the local 4.1 There shall be a separate container for each type of waste in all
hcalth authority, the sanitary permit shall be suspended or establishments and dwelling units. ·
revoked for violation of any sanitary mies and regulations.
4.2 The refuse container depending on its use shall be properly marked for
3.2.6 Posting of Permit. The sanitary permit shall be postcd in a on-site collection as ''biodegradable waste" or "non-biodegradable
conspicuous place of the establishment for public information waste" or "infectious waste" or "chemical waste" or "radioactive
and shall be available for inspection by authorized health and waste" or "sharps" in bold letters with the height of 5 centimeters in
other regulatory personnel. size, or in any case, refuse container shall be painted with a particular
color idcntifying the waste or lined with color-codcd plastic bags.
3.2.7 Record of sanitnry permit.
4.3 Standard color coding for refuse storage:
a. Evcry city or municipality slrnll kccp a record of al!
establishments tlrnt have bcen issucd sanitary permit 4.3.1 Black - for storage of non-biodegradable general waste.
and rcncwal thcrcof.
4.3.2 Green - for storage ofbiodegradable general waste.
b. The record slmll be in every case show the following:
4.3.3 Ycllow - for storage of infectious and pathological waste.
i. Name and address of the holder of the
sanitary permit;

4.3.4 Orange - for storage of radioactive waste.
The füllowing shall be the minimum standards and requirements for the sanitary
4.3.5 Red - for storage of sharps and prcssurized containers (or collection of refuse.
puncturcd-proof containers for sharps).
5.1 Opcrating Permit
4.3.6 Yellow with black band - for storage of chemical waste.
5.1.l No refuse/solid waste collection service shall be allowed
4.4 Refuse/solid waste container shall be sufficient in nurnber and/or size without an operating permit issued by _the regional health
to s!ore the total volume of refuse produccd within the colléction period office.
of 2·3 days. lt shall be cquippcd with tight closing and wcll attached
hinged lids to prevent the escape of foui odors and entry of verrnin. 5.2 Sanitary Permit
Container with capacity of more than 38 kilograms (10 gallons) shall be
equippcd wilh handles or dcsigned with rollers. lt shall be made of non- 5.2.1 No refuse/solid waste collection service shall operate \vithout
corrosive lightweight materials and leak proof. a sanitary permit issued by the local health office. Sanitary
pennit application and renewal shall be in accordance with
4.5 Other accumulation of refuse/solid waste between the collection may sub-section 3.2 of these implementing rules and regulat.ions.
be placed in a container of any size and shape that can be easily lifted
and handlcd without spillage by the collector but shall be placcd only at 5.3 Personnel
the designatcd collection point
5.3.1 Ail refuse collectors, drivers and those involved in the
4.6 Collection of cxtraordinary accumulation or bulk of refuse/solid waste
collection of refuse shall possess an up-to-date health
shall be placcd in appropriate containers acceptable to the collector and certificate issucd by the local health officer.
the local hcalth officer.
5.3.2 Health certificates are non-transferable and shall be renewed
4.7 Tree trimmings may be placed for collection outsidc of a container at least once a year. Health certificate shall be attachcd to the
provided such trimmings are secured in bundles of convenienl size and upper portion of the refuse collector's gannent while working
weight and do not exceed 1.20 meters in length.
5.3.3 Refuse collectors, drivers and other personnel involved in the
4.8 Ashcs shall be placed only in plastic, metal or equivaknt containers coHection of refuse shall be provided with and required to use
with covers. Other waste materials shall be placcd in sturdy wcll built persona! protective equipment.
containers that will not break, fall apart, rip or tear while bcing handlcd
by the collcctor. 5.3.4 The refuse collectors shall be given orientation by the local
health office on the collection of refuse with particular
4.9 Bulk handling and storagc of refuse of any character shall be subject to e1riphasis on refuse storage, color--coding scheme, handling.
revicw by the local health officer as recommended by the sanitary recycling and disposa!.
cngineer/sanitation inspector. The owner and occupant of any
residcntinl, industrial, commercial or business cstablishmem shall make 5.3.5 The refuse collectors shall net be allcwed te collect refuse that
such provisions as the local hcalth officcr may rcquire. is not sortcd or segregated (either by color-<:oding or labeling).
5.4 Operation

5.4.1 The collector shall empty and return ail containers to the
dcsignated collection area with care.

5.4.2 Paper and other temporary containers may be placed in

collection vehlcle unemptied unless the occupant or owncr
requcsted the return of the container.

;C 11
5.4.3 The collector shall not dent, bend, or otherwise damage, or
alter the condition of a container. 6.2.2 For vehicles with built-in compactor, only the non-
biodcgradable wastes shall be compacted and the
5.4.4 A container in poor condition shall not be retumed unless biodegradable wastes hauled in a specially designe11
specifically requested by the owner. The collector shall compartment.
thereafter inform the owner to repair or replace the container.
6.2.3 The special types of waste sb.all be collected on a separate
5.4.5 The collecter shall not leave behind the spilled contents of any vehicle with necessary precautions.
container, or any refuse falling out of the collection vehicle, or
any refuse properly placcd in the designated collection area. 6.3 Hauling Body

5.4.6 Any person who shall observe any violation of these 6.3. l Every vchicle used for the transportation of refuse shall have a
implementing rules and regulations shall report the plate hauling body constructcd of metal, or shall have a metal lining
numbcr of the collection vchicle, the date and time of the on floor and ail side walls.
incident to the local health office or to the main offiœ of the
refuse collection service. 6.3.2 Ail joints in the hauling body shall be effectively closcd and
smooth so that no drippage or lcakage of draining water or
SECTION 6. SANITARY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE liquid or any debris can occur.
6.4 Vehicle Covering
The following sha·u be the minimum standards and requirements for the sanitary
transportation of refuse. 6.4.1 Every vehicle shall be provided with a rneans of covering the
refuse to be hauled and ofk.eeping such refuse securely within
6.1 Approval the hauling body.
6.1.1 Every vehicle used for the transportation of refuse shall be 6.4.7 The hauling body shall be provided with any of the followi ng:
approved by the local health officer as recommended by the
sanitary engineer/sanitation inspecter. a. a tight metal hood having adequate openings fitted
with smoothly operating loading and unloading
6.1.2 The vehicle shall be owned by, and/or operated under the doors, or
supervision of the person who is the holder of the sanitary
permit to transport refuse. b. a heavy tarpaulin or other ·canvas cover fitted with
proper eyes, grommets and tie ropes and books
6.2 Vchicle Compartmcnts whereby the cover can be held securely over the
loadcd refuse.
6.2.1 The vehicle shall be constructed preferably with two
compartments, one for biodegradable wastes painted with 6.4.3 Vehicle without permanent cover shall not be loaded with
green color and the othcr for non-biodegradable wastes rcfuse/solid wastc to a level above the side wall height.
painted with black color. In the absence of such type of
yehicle, the following options shall be practiced: 6.5 Maintenance and Cleanliness

a. separate placement. of refuse within the collection 6.5. l Every vehicle used for refuse/solid waste collection and
vehicle, or transport shall be kept well painted, clean and in good
b. separate schedule for collection of refuse.

d. The record shall divide materials received into
sources such as private individuals, industrial
establishments, agricultural, processing pla.nts and
local refuse collection service.

e. The record shall be available for inspection by ·suon111mîo.1 pue s01ru flunu;,m;;i1duq ;;is;;i1n .1::>pun s.1::>upnuo:,
authorized personnel of the Department of Health, JOJ siu::>UJOl!nb::u .i111 100m JIBl!S p.>p.180 os SJOU!l?JUOJ
the local government unit, or other government 01(1 'JO)ll?UI ·O}SUM JO 'Jl!MS 'O~BqJt?a illl!PJO\I SJ::m!l?:1100
regulatory offices. JO UO!}B)JOdSUIUl :ll[l JOJ posn .>q 01 :;)JI): SO[:>!t{::li\ JOI\OUOl(M lT9

7.1.11 Vermin Control "OP!lJOi\ ;)l{l JO 1no !ll?J 01 JO UMO[q oq Ol Jl?IJOll?Ul

q::ms MO([!l ll!M l[:)Jl!M iJU!11Bf 10 ''.iJu![fü}!f '[BSJ;)dS!P PU!t.\ ,\UB
a. A venuin abatement program shall be maintained at JSU!B'.iJB p;:m,Jos ::iq 11uqs SJB!.1::i1eur ncms pue qsc.11 '1::idi,d osoo1 Zl'9
ail times in the disposa! area by the operator.
'llO!)Olll UJ .>(!lJ,\\ punoJil ;)ljl 0) J]l'.J
b. Ali non-biodegradable waste materials when used as pue OSOO! Jllf JO 1no JIBJ 'JJO iJll!A\S OJ Jll!J',}}!lUI )JUIJOd Il!A\ lBl(l
filling materials shall be compacted to prevent J;)UUBUI BU! illSCM P!JOSJOSOJ;).l ljl!A\ popuo1 ;;,q JIBl[S ::>[J!1PA ON ll9
harborage ofvermin.
OJSBA\ P!JOS/OS!ljJ}J JO ~ll!!J1?01 l 9
c. No biodegradable waste shall be used as filling
material. ·uo!l!lUOdsmm pue
UO! lJ;)[JOJ osnp.1 .IOJ posn UilljA\ ::>JJ!l[::>A ill[l 0) p::>X!J ÂJUU!J oq
7.2 Garbage Grinder J[Bl[S l!J!l(A\ ;;,nbB[d poO,\\ .10 JB!Olll ::>Jqemp ::>}!lrndos ll uo p:ntqd
;;,q nm1s oâo1 puu 2m.1;,1p1 ;)t[l 'sosn .101no seq opnpA :.->tn JI ['9 9
7.2.1 Domestic garbage grinder shall only be permitted whenever a
scwerage system or street sewer is 20 centimeters (8 inchcs) or ;)jJl\{JA
larger irt diameter and it shall be proportionate to the designed 8l]l JO JOjOJ ;)l[\ 01 îSB1)UOJ li! ;;iq 11cqs JOjOJ ;;iqi ,<poq iluqirnq
capacity. ;;>t[l JO 11eM;:,p1s ::>l[l uo p;:i1urnd :.->q 11e11s oâo1 pue âu11;:im1 ;:iq1, z 9·9
7.2.2 Whcnever a garbage grinder is used, the following design for ')t\â!;:,q Ul(S:."JlPU! t) SJJ):."JU!l)U;)J Ol Ul?l[l SSJ)
sewerage system shall be followed: ;){j JOU []HIIS SJJHJ( Jl[l ';}Sl\}:)J ilUllJ:)l!OJ ,buo'àll/JO)JIJJ)UOJ
;:,snp1 JO J:'.lqumu ouoqdop) pue o'iloJ '::mmu ;,qJ ,(JJBJ
a. The requirements for sludge capacity in the scptic l!Bl[S :))$li,\\ P!fOS/:)Sllj;)J JO illl!)JOdSUllJ) JOJ p:,sn J(Jll(OA ,Û:l,Y3 1·9 ·9
tank or digester shall be increased at the rate of 0.23
kilogram (0.50 pound) dl)· solids per capita per day; o't:07 pur. s:111!}[.rt:1,\I <) 9

b. The allowance for flow capacity shall be incrcascd by 'J:lJUJO l(l{llJl[ p!OOj Jlj)
2%; and ,{q ()OAOJddt! ;:iq l[l!l[S S:lJJ!lIJA JOJ llJJll Ât,q \jSllN1 JOJ U01Sf,\01d t,'Ç'9

C. The allowance for any filter treatmcnt shall recognize ·;,sodmd 1;i1po
a 25% increase in Biochcmical Üx')'gcn Dcmand i<u11 p::isn füq;;iq g1opq p:'.llJJJUIS!P ÂpJdo.1d pur. p:'.lu1::,p
(B.0.D.) loading. Jq 11eqs :."J)SllA\ P![OS/:)Sl\)'JJ fütqm,q 10] posn ;;l(J!l(;)A ,U:)A3 ss·9
7.2.3 Wastc gcnerated by the garbage grinder which has not bccn ")j::)::lt.\ C JJ\10 )StJ( )B p:'.lUt;J(J ::>q []lil{S
thoroughly macerated and pulvcrized to a size passing a ,(un U! pue s1opo )U;;>JS!SJ::,d îU:."JMJd 01 Â1BSS:,"JJ8U :.->q ,\HUI
number 16 (1/16 inch) wire mesh screen shall not. be permittcd SB u::iuo SB 1n,10po:ipflUlllJ;)JU!S!P 4l!A\ po![dde pue p:.->qsc,\\
in a house drainage system. Jq 11e11s JJSI;,\\ P!!OS/JS11JJ.l ilU!,UJBJ JOJ p::,sn JJJ!l[JA ,ÛJA3 z Ç'<)

.7.1.5 Drainage
7.1.8 cm,ering of Refuse/Solid Waste
a. The disposai area shall be free of standing water as
much as fcasible and practicable. a. Ail rcfuse/solid wastcs shall be covcrcd with fill of
earth or othcr matcrial acceptable to the local health
b. No plan for a new disposai area shall be approved officer within 24 hours upon arrivai at the disposai
where the arca is subject to flooding. area.

c. The arca shall be providcd with sufficient natural or b. The thickness and soi! type of cover shall be
artificial drainage to kecp the disposai arca free of · dctcrmined by the sanitary enginecr on the basis of
standing water. the charactcr of fill material, but in no event shall the
depth of cover be lcss than 15 ccntimc1crs (6 inches)
d. Drainage from rcfuse/solid waste disposai shall be
handled as sewage and shall be disposed in
1 soi! cover free of cracks and extrnsion of refuse.

accordance with the provisions of ChaptC'ï XVII- C. Cover matcrials shall be so placed that settling by
"Sewage Collection and Disposai, Excreta Disposai weather, rain compaction, or decomposition will not
and Drainage" of the Code on Sanitation of the open up cracks or allow extrusions of refuse within
six (6) months' time.
Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and
7.1. 9 EquiJ)ment

7.1.6 Accesibility a. The disposai area shall have all required or neccssary
equipment comprised of bulldozer, or clam, or bull
a. The disposai area shall be accessible at ·ail limes over clam, and compactor, or equivalent equipment in
sufficient capacity and of such operating quality that
a hard surfaced roadway.
the fill can be covered according to schedules
b. The access road shall be kept free from ail hazards to
vehicles or vehicle tires by the landfill operator.
b. Ali such equipment shall be kept serviceable. 1'

c. Ali access roads shall be maintaincd, paved and kcpt

clcan by the Jandfill operator. 7.1._IO Rccording

7.1.7 Fire Protection a. The character and volume of refuse ma1erials to be

acccptcd in the public disposai arca shall be listcd
a. The property shall be providcd wilh adequale and posted at the premises entrance or in the premises
facilitics and equipment for controlli:ig and office which shall be adjaccnl to lhe entrance.
e~tinguishing fircs. t b. The permi1 holdcr shall furnish copy of the list to lhc
local hcalth office and the public service office or any
b. Where no fire waler service is availablc from a public
water system, the premises shall be providcd wilh
water supply of not Jess than 32 !Hers per second al
l. othcr office having jurisdiction over the disposai
276 Kpa (500 gallons per minute at a pressure of 40 C. The pcrson in charge permanently stationed at the
pounds pcr square inch).
disposai area shalI keep a record of the source of
material and the estimated volume, or tonnage
c. In addition, one mobile foam type extinguishcr or tire
disposed of every month in such form as may be
truck of a design and capacity approved by the local
required by the local hcalth officer or the
fire dcpartment shall likewise be providcd.
public/general services department.

7.3 Rccycling
0111 ~U!PJlltUJ 10 ~Ul)!JOM. :,EtJM. s:,sodJnd ~u!1s:,1 10J Refuse shall be segregated or sorted for re-use or rccycling purposes
;i::>ll[d :,in ;)Sn i1uo Jll!t[S rouuos1:,d pozpmnnv ·sp1e~ according 10 the following:
JO (;)UUOSJ;)d p;)Z!10l!)tl8 Oljl JOJ Jd::iox::i •s;,sodJnd
fü11d::io1s 10 fül!l'!I JOJ 801e 1esods1p e se p:,1gu:!1sop 7.3.1 Factory Returnable. Ali non-biodegradable, non-
S;)S!UIOJd ;)t[) Âdtl:XlO 0) POJITUIJOd :,q !Wl{S UOSJOd ON ·q compostable wastcs such as tin cans, mctals, boules, glass
including broken picccs, plastic, styrofoam, rubber, dry paper,
"ll;)J8 ll!JPUBJ dry cardboard, dry cloth, fibers, leathcr, fcathcr, lrnrd shclls,
Il se p:l)BUjJ!SOP SOS!UI.>Jd ;)lj) JO UO!).lOd ÂUB Ol SJ;)j:)UI hard bones, and othcrs shal! be segregatcd in scparate
ooi ue1p 1::isop )!un :!u!lJoM.p ou ;)(l IIBL!S :i1:i11.1 "8 containers, and may be collccted and returned to the factory.

uo1iimq1:H pu-e s~uma.\\(J tTL 7.3.2 Feed Materials. Ali food wastes, peelings, vcg1ctrims, fish
en(rnils, fowl innards, spoiled fruits, lcftovcrs, egg shclls,
'BlllP Sup:,:,u!jJu.-, 1u.-,pduzoo ricc/fish/meat washings, and others shall be collected and kept
1111,\\. pouoddns oq !!tll[S ÂJqedi:o JO $;)J8lUT)SO ;)IJ.L ·q in covcrcd containers and may be used as animal fccd.
·::,w;::ido 01 p.>sodOJd sr l! t[O!lJM 7.3.3 Fermentables/Fruit Crop Peeling. Fruit peelings, spoiled or
pouod ::,1pu:, :,ql JOJ po1d:i:X)ll :,snpJ
su,rnp ;)Ul!) JO
ovcr-ripe fruits, juices and others rnay be processed into
11~1011 01 011mb:ipe oq 11e1ts B:,w 1esodS!P :JJ!Juo OlfJ. ·e vinegar, wine, "nata de coco", nata de piffa, or other similar
fruit products.
ta.iv p,sodsm JO ÂJptdl?;) ["J "L
7.3.4 Fcrtilizer Matcrials. Ali compostables or biodegradable
'SUO!Jll[ll.~ÎOJ materials such as garden waste (leaves, twigs, weeds), animal
pull s:,pu :!11puour:,1du1! OSO\[) JO n.: UO!)O;)S-qns lj)!M. waste (manure, carcasses), human waste (fcces, urine, blood,
;)JuBpJo:)oe u, :,q f11ll1S [Bt.\Ouo1 pue uope::>nddB nuu:,,d all cxcreta, soiled wipes, pads, diapers excluding plastic cover)
Â.!BJ!lll?S ';)JUJO tJllB<>lJ lllJOJ ;'lt[l Âq ponss1 l!UIJ:id
may be processed into compost for organic gardening.
Âllll!UL?S e 1no1pJA\ 01B1;;ido 11cn1s 80J8 1esods1p ON 'l/

7.3.5 FiHing Materials. Materials that can be compacteâ, mixed

)!LU.l;)d .ÜU}!UUS Z:Tl with rice chaff, and binders may be uscd for appropriate
construction project. Little bits and pieces of plast_ic bags,
'SUO!)l!JIUJ:JJ synthetic fi bers, hair, and other materials of similar nature may
pue SA\l!j ll?llO!JBU ~UJJSP,(;) JO\]lO t!l!lt\ ;);)UBPJOJ;)J? U!
be \!Sed for stuffing toys, furniture, pillows, and otherts.
::iq Jll!l[S IDJR 1r.sodsrp ::,1p JO j8A01ddr. ;,iq.L ·p;iu1<>::>uo;:i
OJ!,lJO ljl[l?OI( [UUO!jJOJ Ol[l ÂQ ponSSf l]UUOd jJuneiodo
7.3.6 Fine Crafts. Many of the non-biodegradable wastcs may be
ue 1no1t)!t.t p::>A\Ol[II ;;,q Ill!l{S e:,rn 1esodS!P ON ·r. uscd as materials for handicrafts, cottage industrie.;, art works,
toys, and other livelihood projects such as paper mache, paper
J!UUJJ ~U!)l1.lJ!IO !Tl baskctry, tin craft, metal craft, plastic twine, or rope braids,
craft, fcather craft, woodcraft or glass craft.
ll!JPUWJ ,ÜUJ!UtS l 'l
7.3.7 Food Matcrials. Certain kinds of seeds, pulp, and peelings
"SO!~fo1ouqoo1 âll!SS::lOOJd O)SR,\\ JOl!lO pm; S;)l)!(!Jlij puB Sl?OJC jCSOdS!P may be made into pickles, sweets or candies, or snacks.
,Ûl!i l lWS Ol[l JOJ SIUOUl:'.>J!nb;,1 pu8 sp1Bp1rn1s UltlUI!U!UI Ol{l oq 11eqs ~U!A\O!IOJ 01(.L
7.3.8 Fticl Matcrials. Sawdust, wood shavings, rice hu!J, chaff,
S3WOïONH.'.)3..L husks, shclls, cobs, paper, cardboard, fibers, and others may be
ONISS:DOlld 3...LSYM H31UO ONY s:.HJJ'U:)Y.>I ŒNY uscd as fuel matcrials.
SV3UV ïVSOdSIO 'UO/J S.LN3.1\l3'UiflÙ3.'U ,UIYl.lNYS '/. NOU:)3.S

7.4 7.10 Other Wastc Proccssing and Disposai Technologies
7.10.l Other types or methods of solid waste processing and;disposal
7.4.l Burying of refuse/solid waste shall be only for temporaty
such as incineration technology, microwave technology,
contrai such as in households and camps.
autoclave technology and others shall be subject to
compliance with pertinent laws, and the rules, regulations and
7.4.2 Only biodegradable solid wastes shall be allowed to be buried.
standards set by appropriate governrnent agencies.
7.4.3 Burying may be practiced within the premises, provided the
7.10.2 No waste processing and disposai technologies mentioned
refuse deposited in the pit shall not be less than l meter deep
above (silb-section 7.10.1) shall be allowed without an
covcred with soil to prevent the possible excavation of refuse
operating permit issued by the regional health office.
by dogs, cats and other pet animais. Refuse/solid waste shall
not be buried in a flood prone area.
7.10.3 Sanitary permit application and renewal shall be in accordance
with subsection 3.2 of these implementing rules and
7.4.4 The local health officer shall prohibit burying of refuse/solid
waste if this is found to be a nuisance.


., 7.5.1 ~og feeding of lcftover food shall only be allowed provided it
The following shall be the minimum standards and requirements for the sanitaty
is thoroughly cooked.
recovery of materialst
7.5.2 No leftover food shall be shipped or transferred from one town
8.1 General Requirements
to another for hog feeding unless first cooked at 100 °C f<'lr 30
~.1.1 Sorting, picking, recovering, or retrieving of refuse/solid
waste shall be permitted only under strict supeIVision of the
7.6 Composting
local health office.
Compost or decaying organic rnatter/material may be used as a soil
conditioner, or when reinforced, as fertilizer. 8.1.2 Recovered or retrieved bottles or other articles of glass shall
be' cleaned and disinfected in a manner prescnbed by the local
7.7 Open Dumping health officer:

8.1.3 All clothes, rags, beddings, upholstered fumiture or any textile

Open dumps shall be prohibited. In the event that open dumping
of cotton, kapok, wool, plastic, foam or other similar material
disposai mcthod is existing, strict supervision by the local health
shall be retrieved only when sanitizing equipment to treat such
authority shall be observed until after the disposai method is converted
articles is provided. Such materials shall be sanitized prior to
to an approved method.
reuse or recycling.
7.8 Dumping lnto Bodies of Water
8.1.4 The permit holder shall keep an accurate record by weight,
Dumping_ of refuse/solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, esteros -and •. volume, or numerical count, as appropriate, of the articles
other bodies of water shall be prohibited. reè'overed and the disposition of ail these articles. Such record
shall be available for inspection by authorized persoru;el of the
7.9 Open Buming local government unit.

The outdoor burning of waste and the buming of open waste <lumps
shall be prohibited.

20 21

-- -----
8.2 Junk Dealers and Scavcngcrs d. Aisle of not less 1.20 meters in width shall be
provided and maintained clear and unobstructed so
8.2. l Sanitary Permit that the entire premises can be inspected.

a. No person or entity desiring to engage in the e. If the establishment is not entirely enclosed in a
recycling and collection and/or disposai of junk, old, building, the exterior premises shall be enclosed by a
used or second band material of any kind including tight fence of wood or other material approved by
rags, clothing, papcr, rubbish, bottles, rubber, plastic local building official: Tight shall mean that no
iron, brass, copper or other metal, furniture, motor article within the premises may pass surreptitiously
parts, or any other article whose condition rendcrs it or otherwise through the fence.
particularly useless so as to be classified as junk,
shall operate without a sanitary permit issued by the f. All secondhanll giassware, bottles, or any other
local health officer. container which is intended to be used for holding
food and drinks shall be cleaned and disinfected
b. Application and renewal of sanitary permit shall be in when such material is brought to the premises, or
accordance with sub-section 3.2 of these before such material is mixed with clean articles on
implementing rulcs and regulations. the premises.

c. Sanitary permit shall be issued only for the collection i. Cleaning and disinfecting shall be in
of any waste food, damaged food, or condemned or accordance with the sta11dard provisions of
retained food products by junk dealers if it will be Chapter III- "Food Establishments" of the
used for composting purpose or other approved Code on Sanitation of the Philippjnes and its
disposai method, provided the storage (cemperature implementing rules and regulations.
control) shall be in accordance with these
implementing rulcs and regulations. ii. Storage of all clean articles shall be in such
a way as to keep them clean until sold or
8.2.2 Personnel disposed of.

a. Requirements as to health certificate of junk dealers, g. Every article of upholstery, furniture containing hair,
scavengers and other workers shall be in accordance cloth, felt, kapok, wool or similar material, articles of
with sub-section 5.3 of these implcrnenting ru les and clothing, footwear, rags, clothes and all such.irticles
regulations. of similar character shall be sanitized before being
placed with disinfected or sanitized articles, or before
8.2.3 Oth{!r Rcquircmcnts being offered to any person.

Junk dealers shall have premises and shelter h. Ail sanitary· conveniences, facilities, water supply,
approved by the local hcalth office. lighting, ventilation and other such requirements shall
be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII-
b. Ail clothing, rags, textiles of cotton, hair, felt, leather, "Industrial Hygiene" of the Code on Sanitation of the
rubber, kapok, or woolcn or other simllar matcrials Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and
shall be kept in a clean dry place, frce fr~:,in mildcw, regulations.
fungal growth and othcr damagine clemcnts.
8.3 Food Waste Retricval Operator
C. Ali materials kept or stored on or in the prcmises
8.3.1 Sani1ary permit and personnel requirements shall be in
shall be piled, stacked, placed in bins, lockcrs, or
ac,;ordance with the provisions of sub~sections 3.2 and 5.3 of
containers in such manner that no portion of the
premises can be or is likely to be a harborage or place thcsc rn!cs and regulations.
ofvermin infestation.
10.2 Sanitation anù Inspection Fce
8.3.2. The ex1st10g standards of the Department of Health with
regard to food preservation shall be applied herewith. Food The fecs payable for every inspection shall be of such amount
waste products failing to meet such requirements shall not be prescribed by local ordinance.
retrieved for sale as food for human consumption or for use in
the preparation of such food. 10,3 Mission Ordcr

8.3.3 No person who is the owner or custodian of any animal or 10.3.1 The city or municipal health officer or the chief of saniiation
fowl, livestock or game that has died other than by slaughter division/section/unit of the local health office, as the case
for food shall be allowed to dispose the remains by selling as may be, shall issue a mission order (EHS Form No.112) for
food for human consumption. evcry sanitary inspection that will be conductcd by the
sanitary enginccr/sanitation inspector.
8.3.4 The retrieval operation shall be in accordance with :he food
handling provisions of Chapter III- "Food Establishments" of 10.3.2 The mission order must contain the date, m1ss10n ordcr
the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and its implementing number and scries, the name of the inspector and LD.
rulcs and regulations. number, the business names, addresses, categories of
establishments to be inspected and the scheduled dates of
8.3.5 Non-retrievable food shall be disposcd of in a manner inspection. This must be shown to the owner/ operator of
approved by the local hcalth officer. the establishment before any inspection is conduc'.ed. The
immediate superviser of the inspector shall monitor the
8.3.6 Non-retrievable food may be safely fcd to animais or fowl, enforcernent of the mission order.
provided, such feeding shall be permitted by the local health
officer as a method of disposa! of the materiaL 10.3.3 Sanitary inspection conducted without a mission order is
WASTE MANAGEMENT 10.3.4 The owncr/operator of the establishment shall report to the
local health officer or chief of sanitation
The management of biomedical waste produced by health care institutions and division/section/unit the unauthorized inspection that was
other similar establishments shall be based on the standards and guidelines conducted.
contained in the Manual on Hospital Waste Management prepared by the
Department of Health which is hereby made part of these implementing rules 10.4 Uniform of the Sanitation Inspcctor and Aids to Inspection
and regulations.
I 0.4. 1 The sanitation inspecter shall wear the prescribed uniform
SECTION 10. EVALUATION AND INSPECTION of the office with the proper identification card whilc
conducting the inspection.
10.1 Responsiblc Officcr
10.4.2 He shall likcwise bring ail the equipment and supplies
It shall be the duty of the city or municipal health officcr to cause the needed in the inspection such as the inspection forms,
evaluation and inspection of every refuse collection se1 vice, refuse clipboards, thcnnomctcrs, flashlight, mcasuring tape,
disposai arca and facililies, other waste processing technologies, junk camera, Iight metcr, water pressure gauge, rcsidual chlorine
dealership, private scavenging or swine fecding platform ownership at and pH comparator kits, blacklight, etc., and copy of the
least once every thrce (3} months and to cause additional inspections sanitation laws and other materials.
and re-inspcctions and evaluation as dcemed necessary for the
emorcement of these rules and regùlations. Inspection of the
establishment shall be conducted within seven (7) days after payment
of the inspection fee to the city or municipal treasurer concerned.

24 25

iU.:i ikrnrding of Inspection 10.5.5 The average sanitation standard of the establishment shall
be evaluated by the local health officer/chief of sanitation
10.5.1 The sanitary engincer/sanitation inspector shall kecp a division/section/unit every yearend to determine its
~ccord of ail his inspections or evaluation reports in an improvement/maintenance of rating.
inspection form (EHS Form 103-B).
10.6 Report of Inspection
10.5.2 The sanitflry engineer/sanitation inspcctor shall furnish the
original of such report to the owner/operator. 10.6. l The sanitary engineer/sanitation inspector who conducted
the inspection shall complete the sanitary inspection report,
JO 5.3 Dcmerits cntcred in the approprialc column of the and whcnever an inspection form issued indicatcs non-
inspection form shall indicale that the item docs not complying items, he shall notify the owner/operator of the
confonn with the rcquircments of thcse rulcs and corrections to be made and indicate a reasonable period for
regulations. ils cornpliance.

a. The inspection fonn has twcnty (20) items_ Non- a. The recommended corrective measures shall be
complying items arc indicated with an (X). Every specific in nature or easy understanding of the
such item is wcightcd with a dcmcrit 5. The rating of owner/operator of the establishment.
the establishment is thcrcforc: 100 lcss (numbcr of
dcmcrits x 5). The rcsult is cxpressed as a perccntage b. Rcasonable period for compliance or gracc pcriod
. (%) rating . shall be inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and
I0.5.4 Sanitation Standard
10.6.2 The sanitary engineer/sanitation inspector who conducted
a. The perceHtagc rating has an cquivalcnt s;:nitation the inspection shall likewise prepare a sanitary order (EHS
slilndard as follows: Fonn No. 107) for approval by the city or municipal health
officer or chicf of the sanitation division/section/unit as the
case maybe.
Po1,.•r("t..•ntnge S;,u1_it~ttion c,,!01· Cod,·
Raling Slm11la1·J
10.6.3 Within 48 hours of the inspection or evaluation, the original
copy of the inspection report (EHS Fonn No. 103-B) and
90 -100% Excdknt Lu minous Grè~n the sanitary order shall be furnished and acknowledged by
the holder of the sanitary permit or the owner/operator of
the establishment. The inspection report shall be personally
70 • 89 % Vc,y Sat isfacto,y l.lunlnous Yèllow
dclivered, or shall be ·sent through postal service, rcgistcrcd
with return card.
50 -69% s~, isfa.:10,y Luminous lkd
r•.:i; 10.7 Re-inspection

b. The sani!alion standard rating stickcr (SSRS) (EHS 10.7.1 Ifupon rc-inspcction of the establishment aftcr the dcadlinc,
Fonn No. l04 -NC) shall be postcd in a conspicuous the sanitary engineer/ sanitation inspector finds that
part of the establishment. It shall be updatcd once correction has not been affected, he shall report to the local
cvcry three (3) months, unless rcvokcd earlicr. hcalth officcr who shall recommcnd to the local hcalth
authority the revocation of sanitaiy permit.

10.7.2 A copy of the inspection form and any notice ~erved shall,
in all cases be filed and kept by the local health office and
be available for inspection by authorized officiais.

26 27
10.<> Scn·ice of Notice
10.9.3 Lifting of suspension of permit may be recommended when
10.8. l Whencver an inspection or evaluation fonn indicates non- tlie owner/operator of the establishment compl!es with the
complying items, the city or municipal health officer shall notices.
serve the owner or operator a sanitary order requiring him,
within the grace period stated in the order, to such 10.9.4 The owner of the establishment may file a motion for
remcdial action as may be specified thercin. reconsideration to the local health authority if he is not
satisfied with the action of the local health officer.
10.8.2 In the event of non-compliance of the first sanitary order by
the owner/operator, the hcallh officer may serve a second 10.9.5 The local health authority may file court procecdings
notice: against any establishment for continuously operating after
the revocation of its permit.
a. Second Sanitary Order
10.10 Summary Suspension of Permit
i. If the owncr of the establisluncnt nccds
additional time to comply with ·,he first Whenever the city or municipal health officer finds unsanitary or
sanitary order, he shall rcquest the city or unhealthy conditions in the operation of the establishment which
municipal health officer in writing, prior to constitutc a substantial hazard to public health, the local health officcr
the expiration of the sanitary order, for an shall recommend the immediate suspension of the sanitary permit. Any
. extension of the grace period. The local person to whom such order is issued may file a written pctition and
health officer, upon the'-fecommendation of shall be affordcd a hcaring within 48 hours.
the sanitary enginecr/ sanîtatîon inspector
who conductcd the inspection, will act on 10.11 Appeals
such request.
The person or panel conducting the hearing :i:iiay confirm, modify or
ii. Notice of hearing (EHS Form No.118). The reverse the decision appealed from which decision shall be final.
city or municipal health officer shall cal! the
holder of the sanitary permit to show cause, l O.11 Power of Entry
at a timc and place stated in the notice, why
the permit issued in respect of the Any sanitary engineer/sanitation inspector or duly authorized officer of
establishment should not be revoked. Ille Depart111ent of Health or of the provincial, municipal or ci ty healt h
offices, upon presentation of proper credentials may at all rcasonable
10.9 Rcvocation of Permit times enter into any prcmiscs used for any of the purpose refcrrcc! to in
thcse rulcs and rq,'lllations for the purpose of inspection or any other
10. 9.1 Aftcr prior notices and hearing as pmvided above, the local action ncccssary for administration of t!tcse mlcs and regulations.
health officer, if salisfied that the terms of the two notices
have not been complied with or failure to comply therewith I0.12.1 Sanitary inspections shall be conductcd by officiais in
is not excusable, shall recommend the rcvocation oftlie said accordance with sub-section 10.3 of these rules and
permit, or; rcgulations.

10.9.2 Aftcr the second sanitary order on an extended grace pcriod, 10.12.2 Sanitary inspections shall be done prcfcrably during the
a re-inspcction was conducted and still the owncr/operator time while the establishment is in operatîon.
fails to comply with such ordcr as reported by the sanitary
10.13 Hcarings
engineer/sanitation inspector, the local health vfficer shall
rccommend to the local heal!h authority the revocation of
The local health authority may conduct hearings regarding erring
the sanitary permit without delay and shall infonn other
establishments. The decision of the local health authority shall be
related agencies of the city or municipality of such
revocation deemcd final and executory.

28 29
BUILDINGS, FAMILY DWELLING UNITS AND 11.2.5 Buiying of garbage or swill in areas not designated for
PREMISES refuse disposai;
11,l It shall be the duty of evety person, occupant, owner, permit .holder, 11.2.6 Picking over, sorting, segregating- or salvaging of any
tenant or Iessee of any residential, industrial, commercial and business refuse/solid waste·without the necessary operating permit as
establishment, institution or open spaces like parks, camps and picnic junk dealer or food salvage operator;
grounds producing refuse to:
J 1.2,7 Feeding of animais with uncooked offal or viscera obtained
11.1.1 Maintain prernises, facilities or equipment clean; from slaughterhouse, poultry killing house or fish market;
11.1.2 Provide and maintain appropriate and sufficient number and
size of containers of sufficient size to handle the 11.2.8 Throwing or depositing of any refuse/solid waste in any
accumulation of refuse on tlie building, farnily dwelling unit sewer manhole or stonn water catch basin, bodies of water
or premises during interval bctween collection; oresteros.
11. l.3 Keep containers in a designated place; 11.3 It shall be the responsibility of every occupânt or owner of building,
family dwelling unit or premises lining the street to keep it clean and
11.1.4 Refrain from placing refuse in street, alley, sidewalk, free from refuse/solid waste from the line of the propérty to the middle
footpath, or any public place whatsoever except for the of the street and from one property to the other.
period oftime immediately prior to collection;
11.1.5 Dispose refuse in designated containers provided for the VACANT LOTS
purpose when in public places;
12.l It shall be the responsibility of the owners of idle or vacant lots to keep
11.1.6 Prevent and control harborage ofvermin; and their lots clean to protect them from becoming the breeding places of
venni.n. In the event of their failure or inability .to comply with this
11.1.7 Provide odor or nuisance control program. obiigatiott, ~Ile local government unit shall undertake the cleaning of
said lots at the expcnse of the owners.
11.2 Every person, occupant, owner, permit holder, tenant, or lessee shall
11.2.l Removal of any refuse/solid waste placed in containers by The refuse collector shall:
unauthorized persons;
13.1 Provide refuse collection setvices for residential areas at least twice a
11.2.2 Storing, depositing or keeping of refuse/solid waste in any week;
place or in any manner where vennin can have access to or
fecd thereon, or can use such refuse as a harborag~. nest or 13.2 Provide daily collection service of putrescible wastes produced by
breeding place; public markets, food establishments, heal~h care institutions, schools,
public places and other congested/urban areas;
11.2.3 Placing refuse/solid waste in low areas and low lots without
tilling, leveling and covering it, thus creating unsanitary 13.3 Transfer the contents of ail containers into the vehicle provided thereof,
condition or nuisance; without spilling any refuse on stairs, walks, yards, or streets;
11.2.4 Burning of refu~solid waste thereby causing excessive 13A Clean ail refuse spilled during the collection and oompletely empty
smoke, Uberating toxic substance of combustion, or containers and replace the lids;
producing noxious odor likely to affect the occupants of
neighboring premises:
30 3]
13.5 Use evcry prccaution while collccting refuse at night or in the carly
morning to prevent unnecessary noises;
13.6 Return containers/cans to their proper locations or designated places Recommend to the local health authority the withholding, disapproval
without damage after each refuse collec.tion; or revocation of the sanitary permit upon violation of or pcnding
compliance to certain terms and conditions stipulated under these rules
13.7 Use pcrsonal protective equipment while conducting collection and regulations;
15.5 Inform ail concerned agencies/organizations regarding these
13.8 Clean iminediately onesclf after working; implementing rùles and regulations; and

13.9 Submit information, records and periodic report as may be requircd by 15.6 Enforce the provisions ofthese implementing rules and regulations.
the local health officer for the purpose of evaluating the compliance
with these implementing rules and regulations; and SECTION 16. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT

13. l O Abide with thc provisions of these rules and regulations. The local governmem shall:

SECTION 14. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR 16.1 Provide an adequate and efficient system of collecting, transporting and
disposing refuse in their areas of jurisdiction;
The regional director shall:
16.2 Maintain the cleanliness of parks, plazas and streets adjacent to public
14.1 issue operating permlt as rccommendcd by the sanitary cngineer to buildings;
refuse collcction service, refuse disposa! area and facilities upon
evah iation of the application and site validation; and 16.3 Promote resource recovery scheme in solid waste management;

14.2 Cause the conduct of regular inspection and monitoring of refuse 16.4 Promote recycling of refuse for beneficial use and in augmenting the
collection service, refuse disposai arca and facilities. income of the people in the community/local government;

SECTION 15. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL HEALTH 16.5 Allocate tract of land for use in sanitary disposai of refuse/solid waste;
16.6 Establish buying stations for the recovery of re-cycled materials;
The local health officcr shall:
16.7 Conduct traming on proper solid waste management;
15.1 Conduct or cause the conduct of regular inspections and visits to any
place or prcmises wherein refuse may accumulate and to ail refuse 16.8 Enforce the provisions ofthese implementing rules and regulations; and
collection, transportation and disposai sites, locations, equipmcnt and
premises for the purpose of ascertaining the status of complia:1ce with 16.9 Pass and enforce local ordinance in strengthening these implementing
the requirements of these implementing rulcs and regulations; rules and regulations.

15.2 Issue sanitary permit after a complcte investigation of the prcmises, SECTION 17. PENAL PROVISION
~quiprnent, plan of opcration, schedules of co!lection, places of
disposai, and other pertinent information indicative of abilily to comply 17. l Any person who shall violate, disobey, refuse, omit or neglect to
with ail standards and requiremcnts; comply with any of the provisions of these rules and regulations shall
be guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by
15.3 Conduct constant dialogue with the holder of the sanitary permit for the imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months or by a fine not
purpose of discussing the terms and conditions deemcd necessary to exceeding Php 1,000.00 or both depending upon the discretion of the
assure compliance with these implementing rulcs and regulations; court.

Any person who shall interfcre or hindcr, or oppose any officcr, agent ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
or me1!1bei of th~ Department of Healrh or of the burcaus and offices
under 11: pr_ov11~cial, c1ty ~r municipal hcalth offices, sanita:-y engincers The Department of Health sincerely appreciates the dedication and enthusiasm
and sarntat10n mspcctors m the performance of his duty as providcd for of Dr. Mario C. Villaverde, Director of the Environmental Health Service for
under these rules and regulations, or shall tear down, mutilate, deface his role in bringing these Irnplementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) from
or alter any placard, or notice, affixed to the prcmisc~ in the concept to reality.
en:orcement of thes~ rules and regulations shall be guilty of
m1~demeanor and _puntshable upon conviction by imprisonmcnt for a It is also worth mentioning the enduring commitment of the Environmental
pcnod not cxceedmg s1~ (6) months or by a fine not excccding Php Sanitation Division headed by Engr. Victor V. Sabandeja together with his
1,000.00 or both dcpendmg on the discrction of the court. technical staff in the plans, programs and policies formulation section namely:
Engr. Antonio A. Hormillosa, Engr. John C. Foz, Engr. Luis F. Cruz, Engr.
SECTION 18. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE Reynante C. Francisco, Engr. Pamela A. Mogol and Engr. Joselito M. Riego
de Dios for thcir invaluable contributions in the revision and refinement of this
ln the cvcnt tliat ?ny r'.1le, section, paragraph, sentence, clause or word of these document.
rulcs and regulauons 1s dcclared invalid for any rcason, the othcr provisions
thcreof shall not be afîcctcd thcrcby.
Deep sense of gratitude is also given to the agencies, associations and
organizations who shar~d their insights and experiences during the writeshops,
. consultative meetings and series of public hearings conducted nationwide. Their
struggles, arguments and even temporary setbacks have enforced feasible
Ali pertinent rulcs and regulations that are inconsistent with the provisions of sanitation laws. The following agencies, associations and organizations pursued
these rules and regulations are hereby repealed or amended accordiugly. their ongoing interests, invaluable comments and contribution to these effort:

SECTION 20. EFFECTIVITY L Department ofEnvironment and Natutal Resow=, Quezou City 13. Eogr. Simon M Cuevo, City Health D<p3rtment, Manila
2. Dcpartment of Pubüc Worl<s and Hîghways, Manita 14. lntegrated Waste Man.agement locorpor:it<:d
3. Philippille Nuclear Resc;u,:h Institute, Quezon City 15. Manila Pts! Control lnrorporatcd
These _~les _and rcgula_tions shall take effect afier fifieen ( 15) days from date of 4. Pepann,.cnt ofE<lu<::>tion, Cull\lte and Sports, Zamboanga City 16. Baguio Association ofHotels Jnns
publ1c<1t1on 111 the official gazette or a ncwspaper of general circulation. S. Mctro Manih Dovelopmcnt Authority, Makarl City 17. Makati MediCSll Cen!éî, Makati City
6. Philippine Society of Sanitary Enginoers, Ine., Manila lS. Dr. Jose Fal>,U.,, Memorial Hospital. Ma.aila
7, Office of'Publfo Health Sczvi=, Ilepanment ofHealth, Manila 19. Univorsity of Santo t',i mas Hospita( Màni!a
8. Office for Legal Aflâirs, Dcpartment ofHeallh, Manila 200, Metropolita.n H~sp}tal, ManÎÏa .
Ap?rn\'cd on this 15th day of April ninctcen hundred and nincty eight Manï ?. Healt!I PoUcy Dovelopment Stafl; Depanment ofHealth, Manila 2L _Makati Meiical Cent.~_~tiC_il}'
Plul!ppmcs. , 1 a,
10. Depart.ment ofHealt!I RcgioMl Offices 22. The Medic.11 City, Mandaluyong City
11. Provincial Healt!I Offices of Sultan Kud:u-at, Maguilldaoao, Cotab3to, 23. Pe,petual Help Hospital, Manila_ .
Lanao Sur, Riw, Laguna. Quezon, Aklan, Nueva Ecija 24. Benguet Statc University, Baguio City
12. City/Municipal Healtil Offices of Quezon City, Baguio City, 2S. Western Mindanao Statc Univorsüy, Zamb-oaoga City
rK-;.,., iVV' t.~ /;(?P /"-,_/ l- c..-,:__, Mandà!U)'Qng City, Taguig. Zamboanga City, Pagadian City, Dipolog
.Cicy, Cagayan de Oro Cizy, Gingoog City, Na.votas. Koronadal-South
O:>tabato, La Trinidad Bcoguet. Palo-k';te, f!inmaley,Pang3Sirian,
26. Zamboanga City M"1ical Center, Zlml=nga City
27. Atcnoo de ZamI:,oanga. Zamboanga City
28. Ayala Health Stations. Zan\l><wlga City
Sccrctary ofHeallh
Recognition is hereby extended to the following DOH personnel _who
compassionately nurtured the spirit of.collaborative effort in the final review and
approval of the manuscript:

Date of Publication: I. Dr. Antonio S. Lopez 2. Atty Aguslln C. Mangila V 3. Ms. Mylecn Menlado-Beltran
12 Mav 1998 Undersecrecary ofHealth Directorm Offi.::er-in-Charge
Manila Standard Office for Public Health Services Office for Legal Affairs Health Policy Dcvelopment Staff

The Department of Health enjoins all agencies especially the Local Govemment
Executives in meeting the demands and challenges for a healthful living
environment as we enter our journey for economic development towards
Philippines 2000.

<K~~ e...· ~~ ~ '


Secretary of Health

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