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(Brought to you by Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry – www.ignitedinchrist.org)

Dear believer in Jesus Christ, we have found in the ministry of inner healing and deliverance
that there is a demon that lurks below the surface, hoping not to be detected, who (as the
Kundalini spirit) is able to totally block deliverance and healing of a believer in soul and body
(by the power of the Holy Spirit).
Why is this demon able to do this and why does God seemingly “allow” this? Because God
says in His Word that He resists the proud and gives His grace to the humble (James 4:6 and
1 Peter 5:5). The Lord also warns us in Proverbs 16:18 that pride goes before destruction and
a haughty spirit before a fall. Spiritual pride was also the cause of Lucifer’s downfall (Isaiah
14:12 -14). Therefore, if you are still caught up in the web of Leviathan and, even worst, has
an inability to see it, you may be seeking inner healing and deliverance but it will not come,
simply because there is still a huge and powerful strongman in your life that blocks out the
grace of God.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

This strongman may also have gained entrance to your soul and body as a result of bloodline
(or generational) curses and demonic soul copies (DSC’s)1 that have followed the entry point
of the bloodline curse into your soul and body. It is therefore possible, and actually very likely
(especially in the Afrikaner bloodlines) that Leviathan is a “familiar spirit” in your bloodline.
Leviathan is a powerful demon that God addresses in His Word in Job 41: 1 to 34 as
“1. Can you (Job) draw out Leviathan with a hook, or snare his tongue with a line
which you lower?
2. Can you put a reed through his nose, or pierce his jaw with a hook?
3. Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak softly to you?
4. Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a servant forever?
5. Will you play with him as with a bird? Or will you leash him for your maidens?
6. Will your companions make a banquet of him? Will they apportion him among
the merchants?
7. Can you fill his skin with harpoons, or his head with fishing spears?
8. Lay your hand on him? Remember the battle – Never do it again!
9. Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false, Shall one not be overwhelmed at the
sight of him?
10. No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up, who then is able to stand
against Me?
11. Who has preceded me that I should pay him? Everything under heaven is mine.
12. I will not conceal his limbs. His mighty power or His graceful proportions.
13. Who can remove his outer coat? Who can approach him with a double bridle?
14. Who can open the doors of his face? With his terrible teeth all around not be
15. His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal.
16. One is so near another that no air can come between them.
17. They are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted.
18. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
19. Out of his mouth go burning lights, Sparks of fire shoot out.
20. Smoke goes out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
21. His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.
22. Strength dwells in his neck, and sorrow dances before him.
23. The folds of his flesh are joined together, they are firm on him and cannot be

See our complete teachings on Demonic Soul Copies on our web page that may be downloaded for free. In
short a DSC is a copy of the soul dimension of a person (alive or already deceased) that was made by demonic
forces (witchcraft) and was put in someone else (still alive) with the purpose of strengthening a particular curse
or bondage in that person’s life (e.g. a copy of the deceased grandmother’s soul dimension (who died unforgiving
and bitter) is placed by the demons in the grandchild in order to strengthen the demonic stronghold of
unforgiveness and bitterness that is already in the grandchild, since it gained entrance through the bloodlines.)
Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer
Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

24. His heart is as hard as a stone, even as hard as the lower millstone.
25. When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid, Because of his crashing, they
are beside themselves.
26. Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail, nor does spear, dart or javelin.
27. He regards iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood.
28. The arrow cannot make him flee, slingstones become like stubble to him.
29. Darts are regarded as straw, he laughs at the threat of javelins.
30. His undersides are like sharp potsherds, he spreads pointed marks in the mire.
31. He makes the deep boil like a pot, He makes the sea like a pot of ointment.
32. He leaves a shining wake behind him, one would think the deep had white hair.
33. On earth there is nothing like him, which is made without fear.
34. He beholds every high thing, He is king over all the children of pride.”

(Also see: Psalm 74: 13 and 14, Isaiah 27:1)

From this piece of Scripture, where God Himself speaks to Job, we learn that
Leviathan is a spiritual being or a demon who:

 Is a water spirit (since it apparently lives in water or in the sea)

 Is a fierce and formidable spiritual creature, with terrible teeth
 Wants to remain hidden (undetected)
 Has rows of scales that are shut tight as with a seal – no air can come in
 Blows fire and smoke from his mouth and nostrils (like a dragon)
 Has a very strong and stiff neck
 Is very strong, also in his heart (or very being) – i.e. stubborn
 Approaches us softly and subtly when he initially makes his appeal to us
 Intimidates and instils fear in everyone that come across him
 Cannot be fought against and overcome with human weapons
 Creates boiling and unrest
 Is totally fearless and defiant
 Is the king of pride and of all the children of pride


Now that we know who the power demon Leviathan is, we may move on to the
characteristics of Leviathan. When you discern some or all of these to be present in a
child of God or in a church or any situation, you may be sure that Leviathan is one of
the power demons at play:

 Pride – me, myself and I (the unholy trinity)

 Arrogance, inflated ego, haughtiness, jealousy, vanity, seduction, superiority,
fearlessness, stubbornness
Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer
Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

 Talking “down” to people and using people for their own selfish interest
 Nobody can be trusted (not even God) – I rely only on myself and my own
reason (I am my own source of authority)
 Atheism and the inability to grasp and accept the message of salvation – a
spiritual veil of Leviathan (Psalm 10:4)
 Spiritual pride - Spirit-filled Christians get so ”chuffed” with the piece of
revelation or truth that they have received (or with their calling) that they
become inflated with spiritual pride.
 Spiritual jealousy – when believers become jealous upon each others’
spiritual gifts and starts to compete with each other
 Deceit – keeps people in self-deception
 It opposes the glory of God – he wants to confuse, distract and destroy
 It causes chaos and wants to disrupt Godly order and discipline
 It blinds people – closes their spiritual eyes and ears to the truth – results in
denial – they usually cannot see their own bondage and spiritual captivity
(whilst often everybody around them can clearly see it)
 Anger, irritability, impatience, intolerance and resentment
 Its approach is slow but sure (as a crocodile that approaches you under the
 Targets relationships, wants to divide and separate and does not want us to
be connected to each other (Strife – Proverbs 28:25, 1Tim. 6:4)
 Will always try to twist the truth that is said – you say one thing but the
person with Leviathan hears another thing (miscommunication)
 Wants to block you spiritually, hide Godly revelation from you – people
become “spiritually disabled” (shuts out completely the working of the Holy
Spirit). Tries to stop your spiritual growth and the free flow of the Holy Spirit.
Does not want us to have real intimacy with Jesus.
 It blocks or poisons your spiritual gifts: Prophetic word becomes polluted and
it may even give false tongues! Injects poison of self-pity and wants the
person to blame others and not to take his/her own responsibility
 Self-righteousness – blames God and everybody else for what goes wrong in
our lives
 A “know-it-all” mentality and unteachableness
 Self-serving agenda - get your identity and validation out of what you do for
God and not from who you are in Christ (therefore works with the spirits of
Legalism and Religion)
 Wants to promote you ahead of god’s leading and timing – NB: Do not get
ahead of God …
 May cause (or attribute to) sleeplessness (insomnia), restlessness, irritability
and tiredness as well as overall fatigue and burn-out
 Sometimes causes painful stiffness in the neck and shoulder region
(especially when challenged)

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

 Leviathan almost always works with Jezebel - controlling and possessive

 May cause learning disabilities in children
 Its chief job is to block deliverance and healing and therefore it also heavily
opposes the deliverance ministry. It tells pastors and others in the churches
that “Christians cannot have demons”.
 A cutting and critical tongue – gossips about people and easily judges people
(especially those in the deliverance ministry). Also wants to stir others up in
the same way… Always quarrelling, being contentious (Proverbs 13:10)
 Argumentativeness - always arguing and wanting to always prove that they
are right (must have the last word)
 Rejects dependence upon and total submission to God
 If it cannot keep you in pride, it takes you into self-pity, condemnation and
 It causes a false humility …
 It creates a false peace – Often people who are in the grip of Leviathan will
not be aware of anything that is wrong in their lives, since Leviathan creates a
false peace, that is not of God
 Intellectualism and rationalisation – People infected with Leviathan will
always try to argue intellectually about everything and they are almost
unable to spiritually discern and understand spiritual things – to them it has
to be rationalised and if it cannot be rationalised, it simply cannot exist
(similar than the Sadducees in Biblical times)
 Believing in masculine superiority (especially in ministry), looking down on
woman ….. (unable to grasp that a woman may have a separate and distinct
calling in Jesus Christ than that of her husband)
 Gives way to a spirit of heaviness and distress that ultimately leads to
depression and despair

(NB: Remember that for Leviathan to have a hold on a person or a situation only some
of the above characteristics may be present in that certain individual or situation and
not necessary all.)


In our ministry we have often come across the power demon Leviathan. When
challenged by its name it may cause pain and discomfort (in varying degrees,
depending on its strength) in the neck and shoulder area. It may in extreme cases
cause the person’s neck to become totally stiff and some people have also witnessed
that they could feel the demon in their jaws and especially under their lower jaw as it
contracts and twirls in an attempt to safeguard itself from being cast out.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

In our experience, Leviathan is one of the most difficult demons to cast out and IT
WILL NOT GO if the person in whom it is has not sincerely repented for his/her own
sin (relating to Leviathan’s stronghold) as well as that of his/her forefathers.


This power demon wars against the true Bride of Christ and is hidden in almost every
church or ministry. He wants to stifle and block out the true moving of the Holy Spirit
and opposes the glory of God.

This demon heavily opposes the apostolic ministry of deliverance and healing since
it wants to remain hidden and in a Bride of Christ that is delivered and free its works
will be exposed and it will no longer be able to lurk within the muddy waters of
spiritual captivity. Every church that therefore expels a pastor, minister or a mere
believer who does deliverance therefore has a Leviathan spirit in it who wants to push
its demonic agenda through this church. Every pastor or minister that teaches that
“Christians cannot have demons” is empowered by Leviathan since it protects this
demonic force and its spiritual allies and allows them to keep God’s people in

Leviathan often works with other demons (such as Religion, Tradition and Dogma,
Jezebel and Mammon) to stifle the work of the Holy Spirit in a church until the entire
church becomes spiritually dead.

In the charismatic churches it may also work with Kundalini (the counterfeit holy
spirit), Jezebel and Witchcraft to pollute the spiritual gifts of believers and to thereby
create a false Pentecostal religious experience. Have you ever watched a sermon or
listened to preaching and just sensed that everything is false and therefore not a
genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit? It is indeed possible and it is primarily the
work of Leviathan working with Jezebel, Kundalini, spirits of Deceit and Confusion,
Religion and Mammon.

Since this demon works with pride and self-righteousness, it also makes people
depend more upon “things” than upon God. This demonic authority is therefore also
behind the prosperity gospel in our churches that also focuses primarily on “me and
my desires to be blessed”, especially financially. This spirit therefore also works with
its close ally Mammon.

Since this demon wants you to find your identity more in what you do for God than in
who you are in Him, it also is one of the power demons behind the Hebrew Roots
movement, working in there with its close allies the spirits of Religion and Legalism.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017


When ministering to fellow-believers and challenging the Leviathan, you should

remember that Leviathan is a power demon and, in addition to that, a “ruler” in the
spirit. This means that he is always like a spiritual manager who has other evil spirits
under his authority.

Therefore, always remember to also look for and bind the following spirits to
Leviathan, before casting it out (if any of them appear to be very strong in itself, you
may deal with that particular spirit separately and therefore also cast it out
separately): Pride, Arrogance, Unteachableness, Fearlessness, Argumentativeness,
Self-Righteousness, Stubbornness, False humility, False Peace, Self-deception, Denial,
Jealousy (and specifically spiritual jealousy), Conflict, Bickering, Disloyalty, Religion,
Tradition and Dogma, Legalism, Selfishness etc. (be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s
leading – these demons may all be present or just certain of them – here the gift of
discernment should lead you to know who to look out for in a certain individual).


The root spiritual cause for Leviathan or Pride is rejection. People who has a root of
rejection in their soul dimensions are much more susceptible to going into pride and
therefore for Leviathan to gain a foothold. This also explains why Leviathan usually
works very closely with Jezebel. Put differently, where you find Leviathan, you will
almost always also find Jezebel, equally strong. Therefore, to gain lasting victory over
Leviathan, it is very important for the believer to deal with each and every root of
rejection in his/her soul and body. Rejection sometimes lies very deeply imbedded in
our souls and bodies e.g. by way of hurt inner children and hurt inner adults2 (who
may still feel rejected or unloved).

This also explains why it is so vitally important for spiritual leaders such as pastors,
ministers and other leaders of ministries to allow the Holy Spirit to heal them on a
very deep level in soul and body. The sad reality is that those who oppose the
deliverance ministry and believes the lie that Christians cannot have demons will most
probably never gain inner healing of their own rejection (if not by a divine intervention
of God) and therefore remain in the demonic stronghold of Leviathan.

See our teaching on our webpage that may be downloaded for free on Hurt inner children and Hurt inner
Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer
Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017


This spiritual being apparently has seven heads and each one of these heads are linked
in the spirit to one of the seven stars that make up the star constellation of Orion.
These seven stars are: Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.

This star constellation looks like an hour glass with a belt in the middle.

A picture drawn of it would look as follows:

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

In order to defeat the Leviathan spirit in prayer (over a person and/or a situation) the
spirit should be cut off of this star constellation and specifically its seven heads from
the seven stars mentioned above. This will result in the demon losing a lot of its
power. We have often in ministry sessions seen the result of cutting a particular
demon or DSC loose from the star constellation from which it draws its power.


8.1 Roots of entrance

If this teaching has spoken to you and the Holy Spirit has convinced you that Leviathan
may be a demonic stronghold within your soul and body, it is firstly necessary to
understand how Leviathan gained entrance to your soul and body. Remember that,
in a reborn child of God, Leviathan (or any demon) is not able to gain entrance to your
spirit but it is in our souls and bodies that it is still able to oppress us.

The first and foremost root of entrance for Leviathan into the soul and body of a
believer is through our bloodlines. Especially if some of your ancestors were atheists,
Broederbonders, members of the Ossewabrandwag, Nazis, Freemasons, high up in the
traditional Afrikaans churches etc. This curse of Leviathan may have gained a strong
entry point into your spiritual bloodlines. The blood line curse of Leviathan therefore
has to be cancelled by the blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit over you
and your descendants.

Secondly, through our own sin. If we have turned our backs upon God, were atheists
(before we came to Christ) and/or wilfully chose to agree with the characteristics of
Leviathan mentioned under paragraph 2 above, we will need to repent of these things
and ask God to forgive us and to wash us clean with His blood that He has shed for us
on the cross.

However, Leviathan often blinds us to such an extent that we are totally unable to
“see” (spiritually) how far we have already been entangled in Leviathan’s web. Usually
the people who has the strongest oppression by the Leviathan spirit, is totally in denial
of their own bondage and totally caught up in self-deception. Then only a miracle
from God (called into being by the sincere intercession of others) will be able to free
this person from the oppression of Leviathan.

Leviathan however often finds his stronghold in us rooted in both our bloodlines and
our own wilful behaviour. One thing that we should clearly understand is that we may
NEVER simply blame a demon, we should ALWAYS take personal responsibility for the
sin in our lives and we should STOP blaming other people, Satan or his demons.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

Lastly, this demon may also have been imparted to us by the laying on of hands or by
way of a false prophecy spoken over us or by way of an unholy soul tie with someone
else (or even a church or ministry) who has the Leviathan spirit.

8.2 Confession and sincere and heartfelt repentance of sin

The first approach to getting rid of Leviathan is confession of our own sin and then
heartfelt and sincere repentance. After repenting for our own sin, we should ask Jesus
to wash us clean with His blood.

In order to be able to repent with sincerity we have to ask Jesus to open our spiritual
eyes and ears to the truth about ourselves. Often our lives display the characteristics
of Leviathan, but we are unable to “see” or recognise it. In this regard, it may also
help to ask our brothers and sisters in Jesus (whom we trust) to tell us how they
perceive us and our behaviour and whether they can detect any of the characteristics
of Leviathan in our lives.

Make a list of all these things that the Holy Spirit has shown you (also through others)
and then repent and ask Jesus for His forgiveness and the cleansing of His blood.

8.3 Cancellation of the blood line curse of Leviathan

The second layer of prayer that is necessary in order to get rid of Leviathan is to repent
for the sins of our ancestors and to ask Jesus to forgive these sins and to wash us and
our children clean of these sins and iniquities with His blood.

We should also cut any unholy soul ties with our ancestors that are already deceased
(and still alive) who were infected by the Leviathan spirit.

The most excellent way to do this, according to how we have been taught by the Holy
Spirit, is to ask Jesus to take us back (in the spirit) to our mother’s womb and to the
time of our conception. The reason here fore is that the spiritual seed of the bloodline
curses (including that of Leviathan) fell at the time of our conception in the womb.

We have time and again seen the magnificent spiritual fruit resulting from breaking
the bloodline curses (including that of Leviathan) in the womb at conception.

8.4 Cutting of any unholy soul ties with people, churches and institutions

We should also not forget to cut (spiritually) the unholy soul ties that we may have
with any people and even churches and organisations where the Holy Spirit has shown
us that Leviathan operates. Ask Jesus to plant His cross between you and that person,
church or organisation and forgive the relevant person or group and set them free.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

8.5 Deliverance from the demon and the demonic soul copies (DSC’s) that are
empowered by it

Lastly, and only after all the rights of Leviathan were taken away (as mentioned under
8.1 to 8.4 above), we should test for any demonic soul copies (DSC’s) that may have
been empowered by Leviathan and that may want to keep you in a stronghold of
pride, arrogance and stubbornness. Often the DSC’s will also hold on to the Leviathan
spirit thereby making it very difficult (if not impossible) to cast the demon out.

Lastly, you should test for the demon Leviathan and cast it, together with all of its foot
soldiers and associated demons, out.

8.6 A constant turning away (a life-change and renewal of the mind)

We should also understand that although we have addressed the demons and DSC’s
spiritually and have taken all their blood line and other rights away, we should take a
deliberate stand against pride and everything that Leviathan stands for. If we do not
do that, our own deliberate or tacit agreement with Leviathan through our thoughts
and/or behaviour may still give him the right to re-enter our souls and bodies.

The key to countering Leviathan in our lives remains to keep our eyes focused on Jesus
and to stay humble at all cost. Here we need the grace of God and we should daily ask
the Holy Spirit to show us the intentions of our hearts and the reasons why we do
what we do.

We should also constantly pray against Leviathan and the stronghold of pride. Also
stay away from prosperity gospel and churches where Leviathan’s stronghold is
sensed in the spirit.


My Father, I come before your throne in the name of my Saviour, King and
Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. I bow before you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit and come to
repent of my own sins as well as those of my forefathers who gave the Leviathan spirit
a place (or a foothold) in their lives.

Lord, through your Holy Spirit, you have convinced me that I also display the
characteristics of Leviathan’s stronghold in my life namely: Pride, arrogance,
stubbornness, anger, irritation, impatience and intolerance, spiritual pride and
jealousy, focusing more on myself and my own spiritual gifts than on you and on your
Kingdom Jesus, stealing the glory that only belongs to you Jesus for myself, wanting
to be honoured and rewarded by others, unteachableness and a know-it-all mentality,

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

intellectualism, rationalisation, thinking more of myself than a sinner should, seeking

power and acknowledgement by men rather than seeking you Jesus, fearlessness in
that I sometimes talk about you and minister in your name without a holy fear for who
you are, finding fault with others and being quarrelsome, judging others, using and
abusing others for my own benefit, seeking my own benefit in all situations etc. etc.
(NB – list what the Holy Spirit has shown you personally about yourself and your ways)

Lord Jesus I now ask for your forgiveness for all of these things whilst I make an earnest
undertaking to You that I am (with your power in me) going to break with these sins
and want to permanently turn away from it.

Jesus, I also forgive myself for all of these sins and know that your blood has washed
me clean and white as snow and I therefore refuse to be condemned or to feel guilty.

Lord I now also forgive my ancestors and particularly ………………………………………..

(name those that the Lord has revealed to you) as well those that are already deceased
and whom I have not even known, who lived and behaved in the spirit of Leviathan
and particularly I repent for the following sins of my ancestors:

 Pride – me, myself and I (the unholy trinity)

 Arrogance, inflated ego, haughtiness, jealousy, vanity, seduction, superiority,
fearlessness, stubbornness
 Distrust in God and self-reliance
 Atheism and rebellion against God
 Spiritual pride and spiritual jealousy
 Self-deception, confusion and twisting of the truth
 Not giving God the glory that only He deserves
 Spiritual blindness and deafness to the truth of the Gospel resulting also in
denial and an inability to see and realise that they are lost and in need of
 Anger, irritability, impatience, intolerance and resentment
 Breaking down of relationships, division and separation from others
 Not taking responsibility for their own faults and mistakes but rather blaming
 Self-righteousness – blames God and everybody else for what goes wrong
 A “know-it-all” mentality and unteachableness
 A self-serving agenda - being all just about you
 Putting your own intellect and ability to reason above God
 Being controlling and possessive (submitting to the Jezebel spirit)
Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer
Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

 A cutting and critical tongue, gossip about people and easy to judge people.
Always quarrelling, being contentious, always arguing and wanting to prove
that they are right (always having the last word)
 Rejecting dependence upon and total submission to God
 False humility and false peace that is not from God
 Believing in masculine superiority (also in ministry) and masculine dominance
in an ungodly way

Lord, I now ask that you would (by the power of the Holy Spirit) take me back in the
spirit to the point of conception in my mother’s womb. I ask that this blood line curse
of Leviathan (that is also associated with Jezebel and Mammon) be cancelled over me
and my children at the point of conception in my mother’s womb by the power of your
blood and that me and my children be set free from it. I now, in the name of Jesus,
command the spiritual seed of Leviathan to die (in me and my spouse and my

I also plant your cross Jesus between me and my ancestors who were slaves to
Leviathan and I cut all unholy soul ties between me and them in the spirit (even if they
are already deceased).

I declare that the spiritual cord coming through the blood lines that bound me and my
children to this stronghold of Leviathan is now cut by the Sword of The Spirit, Jesus

I now cut Leviathan, and all DSC’s empowered by Leviathan, loose from the star
constellation Orion and specifically I cut all seven heads of Leviathan loose from the
seven stars of Orion being Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph, Alnitak, Alnilam and

To Leviathan and all its spiritual allies I quote Isaiah 27:1: “In that day (which I declare
is now this day) the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan
the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is
in the sea.”

I now command all DSC’s of any of my ancestors who were empowered by Leviathan
to consolidate and become one copy each and to bow their knees before Jesus and to
acknowledge that He is Lord. I also break the curse of Leviathan over each and every
one of these DSC’s. I now ask you Lord Jesus to (by the power of your Holy Spirit) rip
all these DSC’s (that are empowered by Leviathan) out of my soul and body and also
out of the souls and bodies of my children and all my descendants into all eternity.

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

I also now command the spirit of Leviathan (as well as Pride, Unteachableness,
Stubbornness, Superiority etc. (as the Holy Spirit shows you) to leave my soul and body
and also the souls and bodies of my children and wife/husband.

Lord Jesus I now ask you to teach me humbleness and meekness whilst also being able
to take up my full spiritual authority in you. Show me the difference between pride
and spiritual authority and teach me your ways. Please make me less so that your
Spirit in me can become more.

To you alone Jesus Christ, God our Father and Holy Spirit be all the glory in Heaven
and upon the Earth for ever after. AMEN


It is impossible to get rid of the Leviathan spirit in our lives without sincere repentance
and completely humbling ourselves before God.

When the spirit has left, it would still remain a struggle to starve out the habits and
behaviour of Leviathan in our lives (mind-renewal is a key here).

We should remember that to receive deliverance from any demon is absolute grace
from God’s throne. We should therefore have the holy fear of the Lord to not allow
something such as pride to again gain a foothold in our lives (after we have been
delivered) since the demon may return (often then 7 times stronger) and we should
never play around with God’s grace.

We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and should allow Him frequently to search
us for any evidence that Leviathan is again trying to secure a foothold in us. We should
repent as soon as the Holy Spirit shows us that we have collaborated with Leviathan
in the spirit. Another way to put it is to say that we should crucify the flesh daily and
allow Jesus to sit on the thrown of our lives whilst we hang on the cross…

We should at all times remain accountable to our co-labourers in Jesus. We, as the
Body of Christ, should love each other enough to warn each other in love if we should
pick up any strategies of Leviathan (or any other demon) in a ministry or group.

By: Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry

Setting the captives free

(If you were blessed by this teaching, consider to register as a “friend” of our ministry on our web
page and (if so led by the Holy Spirit) to make a monthly donation towards the work of our Lord Jesus
to “set the captives free”. Friendship of our ministry is however for free and not conditional upon any

Leviathan stronghold and renunciation prayer

Ignited in Christ Healing Ministry - February 2017

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