Catálogo DK - Inglês
Catálogo DK - Inglês
Catálogo DK - Inglês
32282-13 34613
Hoists have carried the name Demag
for over 180 years. Almost 2 million
hoists have been delivered to countries
around the world to fulfil the most
varied tasks.
Demag DK Chain Hoists
Modular assemblies and a wide range of options
for tailor-made solutions
Slipping clutch
Integrated in the first-stage gear.
Asbestos-free linings with
outstanding emergency running
Reliable protection against
extreme overloading; also acts
as emergency limit switch for
the highest and lowest hook
Chain drive
Low-tolerance, hardened chain guide with inserts
for precise, low-wear guidance of the chain.
Six-pocket, hardened sprocket for low-vibration
Chain and reduced chain wear; easy to convert from
Special Demag chain of high-strength, ageing- one to two lead-off design.
resistant material with high surface hardness.
Galvanised and additionally surface-treated to
protect against hostile environments.
29101 30506
Suspension elements Operation limit switch Geared limit switch for direct control
Short suspension eye for optimum headroom. Ring For switching off the motor at the highest and 3 adjustable contacts; with incremental encoder for
suspension eye for turning the chain hoist through lowest hook positions for direct or contactor control; use in automatic systems; add-on encoder revolution
90º. Suspension hook for quickly changing location. required where these positions are used regularly in counter enables recording of chain hoist operating
Suspension eye suitable for installation of a strain normal operation. time.
gauge carrier link or a load measuring unit.
Geared limit switch for contactor control Pulse generator Plug-and-socket connector
Up to 8 contacts for positioning tasks with several For high resolution position measurement in For simple, fast connection of the control cable
operating levels; for use in automated systems. automated systems. Any number of positions can and supply lead.
be approached; can be installed on either input or
output side.
Electrical equipment
and control
convenient and safe
27191 19196
36717 34534
Demag Manulift DKM
ideal workplace hoists
Trolleys for horizontal travel
with various free and powered running styles
KPA clamp-fitted buffers are ideally suited as trolley The RU/EUDK monorail hoist features a bottom- The particularly compact, short RK/EKDK monorail
stops on tracks. They can be bolted quickly and flange trolley for I beams. It is available with manual, trolley with extremely low headroom enables
easily to the inclined and parallel flanges of I beams. hand chain and electric drives; load capacity range optimum utilisation of the hook path; load capacity
The travel path can be shortened or extended by up to 5000 kg. range up to 4000 kg.
simply moving the buffers.
31104 31102
The RL/ELDK monorail trolley has two mechanically synchronised chain lead-offs for spreader beam operation The RK/EKDDK monorail hoist features an articulated
or for transporting long loads; load capacity range up to 2500 kg. trolley for curve radii down to 800 mm.
Guide rollers ensure quiet and free running operation
on the track. The trolley is suitable for use in auto-
mated systems; load capacity range up to 4000 kg.
30345 32572
Outstanding cornering: RK/EKDDK monorail hoist The short hook dimension C of the chain hoists can be further reduced by using the RK/EKDK monorail trolley.
with articulated trolley.
Universal and quick to use: DK Click-fit trolley, Runs smoothly and Quiet and compact:
simple to install thanks to snap closing mechanism. quietly: RUDK monorail electric travel trolley
For flange widths up to 143 mm, minimum curve hoist with push travel of the EUDK monorail
radius 800 mm. Load capacity up to 800 kg. trolley. hoist.
KBK crane construction kit
for simple and fast overhead material transport
Load handling attachments
so that you can take on any load
The parallel gripper system also features grippers for The parallel gripper system includes When fitted with support shafts,
various containers. Grippers are available for various shaft grippers. These can they can be used to pick up
containers with lifting recesses, such as MF, LWB or be adapted to suit different shaft shafts with various diameters or
KLT containers, for example. shapes and handling tasks by an unknown centre of gravity.
But containers only fitted with handles, e.g. stacking changing the gripper jaws. This significantly improves the safety
or Euro containers can also be handled with a of handling tasks that, until now,
further parallel gripper. always involved a certain risk.
DPMN permanent
magnets are convincing
solutions offering low
operating costs, constant
availability and versatility.
38497-1 34234
Demag DK chain hoists
You have the choice from 100 to 5000 kg, from 4 to 25 m/min
Selection criteria
The size of the hoist is determined by the load
spectrum, average operating time per working day,
Explanation of chain hoist designation
SWL and reeving. E U DKUN 2-250 K V 1 1 / 1 F4 143 28
Cross travelling speed in 28 m/min
1. What are the operating conditions? F4 creep lifting 1 : 4 (pole-changing)
2. What is the specified SWL? F6 creep lifting 1 : 6 (pole-changing)
3. To what height must the load be lifted? Number of falls from chain drive
4. What is the required lifting speed? Total number of chain falls
5. Do the loads need to be lifted and lowered with Hoist speed code
high precision? Motor type: K = squirrel-cage
6. Is horizontal load travel required? SWL on loaded chain fall
7. How is control to be effected? (for 1/1 reeving)
Load supporting means = chain
Demag chain hoist type DKUN
U = Standard headroom monorail hoist
K = Low headroom monorail hoist CF =
E = Electric travel carriage Click-fit
R = Push travel carriage
SWL 315 kg The average operating time per working day is estimated or calculated as follows:
Load spectrum medium from table
Lifting speed 8 m/min
Reeving 1/1 2 · average hook path · no. of cycles/h · working time/day = 2 · 2 · 20 ·8
Operating time/day = = 1.34 h
Average hook path 2m 60 · 8
60 · lifting speed
Number of cycles/hour 20
Working time/day 8 hours
For the medium load spectrum and an average daily operating time of 1.34 hours the table shows SAA (FEM) group M4 (1 AM).
For a SWL of 315 kg and 1/1 reeving, the tables indicates a hoist size DKUN2-315.
The load spectrum (in most cases estimated) The group is determined from the operating time and load spectrum.
can be evaluated in accordance with the following
1 light
Hoist units which are usually subject to very small
loads and in exceptional cases only to maximum loads.
Average operating time per day in working
Load spectrum
Operating time
16 0 3 15 - - - 16 0 - 16 0
3 heavy 200 40 0 DKUN 1 200 - - - 200
Hoist units which are usually subject to medium
loads but frequently to maximum loads. 2 50 50 0 DKST 2 50 0 - - 2 50 2 50
3 15 630 - - - 315 - 3 15
SWL SAA (FEM) Standard Hoist speed SAA (FEM) Standard Hoist speed
Size hook path¹) m/min Size hook path ¹) m/min
kg m V1 V2 V3 m V1 V2 V3
80 DKM 1-80 M6 (3 m) 2,8 8/2 14/3,5
DKM 1-125 M5 (2 m) 8/2 14/3,5
12 5 2,8
DKM 2-125 M6 (3 m) 25/4
2 50 DKM 2-250 M5 (2 m) 2,8 8/2 14/3,5
10 0 DKUN 1-100 M6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 8/2 14/3,5
12 5 DKUN 1-125 M5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 8/2 14/3,5
DKUN 1-160 M4 (1 Am) 3 ; 4; 6 8/2
16 0 DKUN 2-160 M6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 25
DKUN 1-200 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4; 6 8 DKUN 1-100 M 6 (3 m) 3;4 4/1 7/1,7
DKUN 2-200 M 6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 14
8/2 14/3,5
DKUN 2-250 M 5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 14 DKUN 1-125 M 5 (2 m) 3;4 4 7
8/2 14/3,5 4/1 17/1,7
2 50
DKUN 5-250 M 6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 25
DKUN 2-315 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4; 6; 8 8 12,5 DKUN 1-160 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4 4/1
8/2 12,5/3,1
3 15
DKUN 5-315 M 6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 15 DKUN 2-160 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 12,5
8/2 12,5/3,1 12,5/2
DKUN 2-400 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4; 6; 8 8 DKUN 1-200 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4 4
8/2 4/1
40 0
DKUN 5-400 M 5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 15 DKUN 2-200 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 4 7
8/2 12,5/3,1 4/1 7/1,7
DKUN 5-500 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4; 6; 8 8 15 DKST 2-500 2) M 2 (1 Cm) 3,5 4
8/2 12,5/3,1
DKUN 10-500 M 6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 20 DKUN 2-250 M 5 (2 m) 3; 4 4 7
50 0
20/3,3 4/1 7/1,7
DKUN 5-250 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 12,5
DKUN 5-630 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4; 6; 8 8 DKUN 2-315 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4 4 6,3
8/2 4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 10-630 M 6 (3 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 9 12,5 DKUN 5-315 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 4 7,5
9/2,2 12,5/3,1 4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 10-800 M 5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 9 12,5 DKUN 2-400 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4 4
9/2,2 12,5/3,1 4/1
80 0
DKUN 16-800 M 6 (3 m) 8 12,5 DKUN 5-400 M 5 (2 m) 3; 4 4 7,5
8/2 12,5/3,1 4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN10-1000 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4; 6; 8 9 12,5 DKST 5-1000 2) M 2 (1 Cm) 3,5 4
9/2,2 12,5/3,1
DKUN16-1000 M 5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 12,5 DKUN 5-500 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4 4 7,5
10 0 0
8/2 12,5/3,1 4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 10-500 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 10
DKUN 10-1250 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4; 6; 8 9 DKUN 5-630 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4 4
9/2,2 4/1
DKUN 16-1250 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4; 6; 8 8
12 50
DKUN 20-1250 M 6 (3 m) 8/2 12,5/3,1 16/4 DKUN 10-630 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 4,5 6,3
4,5/1,1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 16-1600 M 3 (1 Bm) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8 DKUN 10-800 M 5 (2 m) 3; 4 4,5 6,3
8/2 4,5/1,1 6,3/1,5
16 0 0
DKUN 20-1600 M 5 (2 m) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8/2 12,5/3,1 DKUN 16-800 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 4 6,3
4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 20-2000 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4; 6; 8 8/2 DKST 10-2000 2) M 2 (1 Cm) 3,5 4,5
DKUN 10-1000 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4 4,5 6,3
2000 4,5/1,1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 16-1000 M 5 (2 m) 3; 4 4 6,3
4/1 6,3/1,5
DKUN 20-2500 M 3 (1 Bm) 3 ; 4; 6 ; 8 8/2 DKUN 10-1250 M 2 (1 Cm) 3; 4 4,5
2 50 0 DKUN 16-1250 M 4 (1 Am) 3;4 4
DKUN 20-1250 M 6 (3 m) 3; 4 4/1 6,3/1,5 8/2
DKUN 16-1600 M 3 (1 Bm) 3;4 4
3200 4/1
DKUN 20-1600 M 5 (2 m) 3; 4 4/1 6,3/1,5
40 0 0 DKUN 20-2000 M 4 (1 Am) 3; 4 4/1
5000 DKUN 20-2500 M 3 (1 Bm) 3; 4 4/1
) Standard hook path; other hook paths upon request 20814602.tbl
) Only available in this design 13
Chain hoist DKM 1 / DKM 2 l3
Size C C1 b b3 b4 l1
b4 short l ong
DKM 1-80-V1-F4
7 10 3 85 19 5 271 2 18 220 2 10
DKM 1-80-V2-F4
DKM 1-125-V1-F4
7 10 3 85 19 5 271 2 18 220 2 10
DKM 1-125-V2-F4
1/1 335
2/1 395
2 56 457 556
71 B
l4 b3
1/1 355
7 1 B 2 9 2 49 3 59 2
416 311 44.eps DKUN 2 415 47 5 52 0 3 0 5 2 3 7 150 9 1
80 Z 3 0 0 50 1 6 0 0
2/1 415
80 B 3 3 0 53 1 6 3 0
7 1 B 2 9 0 49 8 59 7
1/1 395
80 B 3 3 1 53 9 6 3 8
DKUN 5 440 49 0 545 3 29 2 6 3 16 8 9 1
90 Z 3 3 1 53 9 6 3 8
2/1 465
9 0 B 3 59 666
1/1 49 0 90 B 368 623 768
DKUN 10 6 3 5 7 55 43 2 3 40 2 15 10 7
2/1 59 0 10 0 B 391 791
1/1 540 90 B 368 623 768
DKUN 16 6 3 5 7 55 43 2 3 40 2 15 10 7
2/1 6 40 10 0 B 391 791
1/1 630 10 0 B 40 3 702 846
DKUN 20 7 3 1 851 9 3 1 52 3 414 2 7 2 146
2/1 7 55 112 B 452 7 51 89 5
With short suspension eye, dimensions C/ C1 are reduced by 45 mm for DKUN 2 and by 40 mm for DKUN 5 / DKUN 10
With long suspension eye, dimensions C/ C1 are increased by 20 mm for DKUN 1
Size Reeving
C C1 b3 b4 h2 h KMP I1 I4
C C1 C C1
1/1 3 80 395
D KU N 1 43 0 49 0 445 50 5
2/1 440 455
1/1 370 390
D KU N 2 43 5 49 5 540 455 515 56 0
2/1 43 0 450
417 783 44.eps
D KM 1 1/1 7 55 43 0 770 445
D KM 2 1/1 7 55 43 0 775 450
CF 8 trolley
Standard headroom monorail hoist (max. SWL 850 kg)
Hook dimension C from girder running surface
C C1 C C1
1/1 410 42 5
D KU N 1 46 0 52 0 47 5 53 5
2/1 47 0 485
1/1 40 0 42 0
D KU N 2 46 0 52 0 56 5 480 540 585
414 216 44.eps 2/1 46 0 480
1/1 445 46 5
D KU N 5 49 0 550 59 5 510 57 0 6 15
2/1 515 53 5
D KM 1 1/1 7 85 46 0 80 0 47 5
D KM 2 1/1 7 85 46 0 80 5 480
Track girders with inclined flanges
Flange width 58 - 143 mm
At right angles to the track girder Parallel to the track girder
Chain collector box size Chain collector box size
Size 1 2 3 1 2 3
i ng
C C1 C C1
1/1 40 0 415
D KU N 1 450 510 46 5 52 5
2/1 46 0 47 5
1/1 390 410
D KU N 2 450 510 555 47 0 53 0 57 5
2/1 450 47 0
1/1 43 5 455
D KU N 5 480 540 585 50 0 56 0 605
2/1 50 5 52 5
D KM 1 1/1 775 450 790 46 5
D KM 2 1/1 775 450 795 47 0
20814606.tbl 15
Monorail hoist
Trolley max. Flange R Size H ook
size width C2
Standard headroom RUDK / EUDK dimension C
a1 R SWL
Reeving Chain collector box size
kg mm 1/1 2/1 1 2 3 4 5 6
D KU N 1 3 80 440 43 0 49 0
CF 5 550 50-91
D KU N 2 370 43 0 43 5 49 5 540
CF 8 850 55-143 D KU N 5 445 515 49 0 540 59 5
450 D KU N 1 3 80 440 43 0 49 0
58-300 D KU N 2 46 0 46 0 52 0 56 5
RU 6 D K 10 0
700 D KU N 5 440 510 485 53 5 59 0
l1 58-300 ¹) D K U N 10 53 5 6 80 80 0
416 312 44.eps
l4 850 58-300 D KU N 2 46 0 46 0 52 0 56 5
a1 = Mot. 13/3 = 208 58-143 510 485 53 5 59 0
Mot. 13/6 = 266 R U 11 D K 144 D K U N 5
13 50 144-300 50 5 480 53 0 585
Mot. KMF 80 = 345
58-300 ¹) D K U N 10 53 5 635 6 80 80 0
D K U N 10 545 6 45
6 9 0 810
RU 22 D K 2600 82-300 168 DKUN 16 59 5 695
D K U N 20 6 85 7 85 9 0 5 9 85
D K U N 16 6 40 7 40 7 10 83 0
RU 36 D K 3600 106-300 222
D K U N 20 705 83 0 80 5 9 2 5 10 0 5
R U 55 D K 550 0 106-300 222 DKUN 20 705 82 5 80 5 9 2 5 10 0 5
Clamp-fitted buffer D K U N 1 3 80 440 43 0 49 0
850 58-300
D K U N 2 40 0 46 0 46 0 52 0 56 5
EU 11/
H U 11 D K 58-143 144 440 510 485 53 5 59 0
D KU N 5
13 50 144-300 43 5 50 5 480 53 0 585
58-300 ¹) D K U N 10 53 5 635 6 80 80 0
D KU N 10 545 6 45
EU 22/ 6 9 0 810
2600 82-300 16 8 D K U N 16 595 695
H U 22 D K
D KU N 20 6 85 7 85 9 0 5 9 85
D KU N 16 6 40 7 40 7 10 83 0
For further information, EU 36 DK 3600 106-300 222
D KU N 20 705 83 0 80 5 9 2 5 10 0 5
see technical data 203 313 14
EU 55 DK 550 0 106-300 222 DKUN 20 705 83 0 80 5 9 2 5 10 0 5
EK 22 98-300 DKUN 16-1600 510 675 795 875 80 152 410 159
m1 EK 11 90-300 DKUN 20-2000 410 865 945 224 130 548 127
EK 22 98-300 DKUN 20-2000 555 870 950 2 11 130 578 159
418 210 44.eps
16 Not suitable for M 2 ( 1 Cm) 20814608.tbl
29589 32282-19
Selection of Demag chain hoists
simple and precise
units and equipment. You receive Select the 1000 4m 1 Am DKUN 5 500 2/1 4 V1 1620.00
detailed information and comprehensive parameters
List of
1000 4m 1 Am DKUN 5 500 2/1 7.5 V2 1723.00
support from finding the optimum results 1250 4m 1 Cm DKUN 5 630 2/1 4 V1 1723.00
version product
Data sheet
Requires no installation and no hard Project
Heres how to select the correct hoist.
Well find the best solution for you.
Demag Cranes & Components has the the following fax form and send it to us Demag Cranes & Components
right hoist for every business and every or your dealer. You will promptly receive P. O. Box 67 · D-58286 Wetter
load. In order to select the best product a concrete recommendation with the Telephone (+49/2335) 927745
for your individual needs from the wide corresponding offer. Telefax (+49/2335) 922406
variety of sizes and versions, just fill out
Hoist speed:
Up to 7 m/min
From 8 to 15 m/min
Over 15 m/min
Electric trolley
(Mark as applicable)
Not liable for errors or omissions. Subject to change.
Printed in Germany CDL/0702/2T