Janey - US
Janey - US
Janey - US
You can find me on Instagram @the_burrow_uk and I would love for you to use the
tag #Janeysquare so I can see and share your makes.
Please also use #bamcal2023 and #bamcal
Also please upload your projects to the Ravelry project page.
It is so encouraging and inspiring for other crocheters to see different colour ways
and projects, I look forward to seeing your makes!
Instagram: @the_burrow_uk
Please do not copy, share or redistribute this pattern, in
part or in whole. You may sell finished items from my
patterns but please credit me, Alice Tarry, as the designer
with a link to my stores. Thank you.
Special Stitches
ST: Stitch/es.
BEG: Beginning.
RND: Round.
CH: Chain.
CHSP: Chain space.
MR: Magic ring.
SS: Slip stitch.
BLO: Back loop only. Instead of working through both loops of the ST, insert your
hook under the back loop only. I also pick up the hidden 3rd loop at the back of
the ST for a neater, tighter finish.
SC: Single crochet. Insert hook into ST, yarn over, pull up a loop (2 loops on hook),
yarn over and pull through both loops.
STANDING SC: Make a slip knot on your hook, then insert hook into ST and make a
SC as you would normally mid row.
HDC: Half double crochet. Yarn over hook, insert hook into ST, yarn over and pull
up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through all 3 loops.
DC: Double crochet. Yarn over hook, insert hook into ST, yarn over and pull up a
loop (3 loops on hook), (yarn over and pull through 2 loops) twice.
TR: Treble crochet. Yarn over hook twice, insert hook into ST, yarn over and pull up
a loop (4 loops on hook), (yarn over and pull through 2 loops) 3 times.
FPSS: Front post slip stitch. Work a slip stitch around the post of the stitch instead
of into the top. Do so by inserting your hook from the front, around the post and
back to the front before completing a SS as usual.
FPSC: Front post single crochet. Work a SC around the post of the ST instead of
into the top. Do so by inserting your hook from the front, around the post of the
ST and back through to the front. The ST will sit in front of your hook. Complete SC
as normal.
BPSC: Back post single crochet. Work a SC around the post of the ST instead of
into the top. Do so by inserting your hook from the back, around the post of the ST
and back to the back, The ST will sit behind your hook. Complete SC as normal.
FPDC: Front post double crochet. Work a DC around the post of the ST instead of
into the top. Do so by inserting your hook from the front, around the post of the
ST and back through to the front. The ST will sit in front of your hook. Complete
the DC as normal.
FPTR: Front post treble crochet. Work a TR around the post of the ST instead of
into the top. Do so by inserting your hook from the front, around the post of the
ST and back through to the front. The ST will sit in front of your hook. Complete
the TR as normal.
Special Stitches
SPIKE SC: Spike single crochet. Work a SC into the row below the current row.
SC2TOG: Single crochet 2 together, also known as a decrease. Insert hook into ST,
yarn over and pull up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into next ST, yarn over
and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), (2 incomplete ST), yarn over and pull through
all 3 loops. You have turned 2 SC into 1.
TR3TOG: Treble 3 together. *Yarn over hook twice, insert hook into ST, (yarn over
and pull up a loop* (4 loops on hook), (yarn over and pull through 2 loops) twice (2
loops left on hook). Repeat from *to* (5 loops on hook), (yarn over and pull
through 2 loops) twice (3 loops left on hook). Repeat once more from *to* (6 loops
on hook), (yarn over and pull through 2 loops) twice, (4 loops left on hook: 3
unfinished TR and your working loop). Yarn over and pull through all 4 loops.
PC: Popcorn. Work 5DC into ST, loosen the working loop and remove your hook.
Reinsert hook into first DC made, then place loosened loop back on hook and
tighten. Yarn over hook and pull through both loops, pinching the shell into a
PUFF ST: (Yarn over hook, insert into ST and pull up a loop to the height of a DC) 4
times (9 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 8 loops, yarn over and pull
through final 2 loops. You may find it helpful to rotate your hook so that it faces
downwards as you pull through all the loops, this prevents them slipping off your
PICOT: CH3, insert hook through the front loop of the last ST made and the side
bar of the post, yarn over hook and pull through all loops. See pic.
I have designed this pattern to use several colors, making it a great stash buster.
For this reason I have detailed which rows to fasten off after. If you would like to
make this in one yarn/colour, please see separate PDF as the beginning and ends
of rounds differ slightly towards the end of the pattern.
I used DK yarn and a 4mm hook to create a 12” block.
Flower Centre. Begin by making a magic ring.
Rnd 2: CH1, work 16 SC over rnd 1 and your yarn tail, back
into the centre of the MR.
As you work the stitches you may need to push them back
a little to fit them all in.
SS join to first SC made. Pull the magic ring closed. Fasten
You should have a nice puffy centre.
Total: 16 SC.
Rnd 7: Outer petals. For this round, each CH7SP will have
(SC, 7HDC, SC) in, with the fourth HDC securing the petal
at the back as follows:
Begin with a standing *SC in CH7SP,
work 3HDC into same SP, work a HDC behind, through the
SS from rnd 5 at the back of PUFF ST (horizontal bar
around top of PUFF ST, see pic) and the CH7SP at the
same time, work another (3HDC, SC) into same CH7SP,
work a FPSC around next PUFF ST*
repeat from *to* around. SS to first SC made.
Do not fasten off.
Total: 8 SC, 28 HDC, 4 FPSC.
Rnd 17: Skip all TR3TOGs in this rnd. Begin in a CHSP after
the 2nd TR3TOG in corner, with a standing SC, work 2SC in
same CHSP, *2SC in next CHSP, SC in each of next 17 ST,
2SC in next CHSP, 3SC in next CHSP, CH3 (corner made),
3SC in next CHSP*, repeat from *to* around, SS to first SC
made after final CH3. Fasten off.
Total: 108 SC (27 per side), 4 CH3SP.
I hope you have enjoyed making this as much as I enjoyed designing it!
Please check out my Ravelry store for more of my crochet patterns and upload
your pics to the Ravelry project page. Thank you so much.
Share your makes with me on Insta @the_burrow_uk #janeysquare #bamcal2023