Reparability of Aged Silorane With Methacrylate-Based Resin Composite: Micro-Shear Bond Strength and Scanning Electron Microscopy Evaluation
Reparability of Aged Silorane With Methacrylate-Based Resin Composite: Micro-Shear Bond Strength and Scanning Electron Microscopy Evaluation
Reparability of Aged Silorane With Methacrylate-Based Resin Composite: Micro-Shear Bond Strength and Scanning Electron Microscopy Evaluation
Reparability of Aged
Silorane With
Methacrylate-Based Resin
Composite: Micro-Shear
Bond Strength and
Scanning Electron
Microscopy Evaluation
L Giachetti D Scaminaci Russo M Baldini
C Goracci M Ferrari
Clinical Relevance
Aged silorane composite restorations can be repaired with a methacrylate-based resin
composite by using a phosphate-methacrylate–based adhesive as the intermediate layer.
substrates without any IL. The micro-shear ly lower polymerization stress. In addition, more
bond strength test was carried out after ther- esthetically satisfactory results could be achieved by
mocycling. Bond strength data were statisti- using methacrylate composite resin as an enamel
cally analyzed using analysis of variance and restorative. According to the literature,11,12 in order
Tukey post hoc tests. Failure modes were to stratify a methacrylate composite on a silorane
assessed by means of scanning electron mi- composite, the use of a phosphate-methacrylate–
croscopy observations. based intermediate resin such as the second compo-
Results: The silorane-methacrylate group nent (Bond) of the Silorane Adhesive System (3M
without any IL showed the lowest bond ESPE) is required. The application of this hydropho-
strength values (0.4 6 0.1 MPa). The use of a bic resin coating promotes bonding not only to
methacrylate-based IL (1.6 6 1.7 MPa) led to a silorane-based composites but also to methacrylate-
slight increase in bond strength, whereas the based materials.13 The phosphate group reacts with
use of phosphate-methacrylate IL (9.1 6 5.4 oxirane, whereas the acrylate group reacts with
MPa) significantly increased bond strength. dimethacrylate, thus resulting in the adhesion be-
There was no statistically significant differ- tween the two composites.11 Tezvergil-Mutluay11 also
ence in bond strength between silorane-silor- demonstrated that the bond strength between con-
ane (7.9 6 3.6 MPa) and methacrylate- secutive layers of silorane composite decreased when
methacrylate (9.5 6 4.1 MPa) groups without the time of placement between consecutive layers
any IL. increased. This suggests that as the chemical reac-
tivity decays over time,14 the bond strength could be
INTRODUCTION affected. Consequently, another clinically interesting
point to consider is the possibility of repairing an aged
The use of composite resin restorative materials has silorane restoration with a conventional methacrylate
been widely accepted in dental practice.1 However, composite system. According to the manufacturer,
although methacrylate-based composites exhibit silorane restorations can be repaired with a conven-
acceptable clinical performance, polymerization tional methacrylate composite system using a dime-
shrinkage is still a drawback.2 Polymerization
thacrylate-based intermediate layer. On the other
shrinkage results in volumetric contraction, causing
hand, according to the literature,11,12 the use of a
stress in bonded restorations that can lead to clinical
phosphate-methacrylate–based adhesive as an inter-
failure.3-7 Recently, a new category of polymers for
mediate layer could be more appropriate. However,
dental-restorative use was introduced: silorane-
the studies by Tezvergil-Mutluay and others11 and
based composites. Polymerization of silorane-based
Lührs and others12 were conducted on fresh sub-
composites occurs through a photocationic ring-
strates, while it has not yet been determined whether
opening reaction, which results in a lower polymer-
a phosphate-methacrylate–based adhesive should
ization contraction compared with the free radical
also be applied as an intermediate layer on aged
polymerization of dimethacrylate monomers.8,9 The
silorane composite restorations.
volumetric shrinkage of the silorane composite was
determined to be 0.9%, which is clearly the lowest Using the micro-shear bond strength test (lSBS)
value observed for the investigated materials.9 This and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the aim of
is in good agreement with stress measurements by this study was to evaluate the ability of silorane- and
Ernst and others,10 showing the lowest stress methacrylate-based aged composites to be repaired
development for siloranes among all tested compos- and to examine the compatibility between siloranes
ite materials. and methacrylate-based composites by simulating a
common repair technique. The tested null hypothe-
According to the manufacturer of Filtek Silorane
ses were 1) there is no difference in bond strength
(3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), which is the only
between silorane-silorane, methacrylate-methacry-
silorane-based marketed composite, silorane compos-
late, and silorane-methacrylate combinations, and 2)
ite resin can be used for direct class I and class II
similar bond strength develops between silorane-
restorations and as a base under a methacrylate-
based and methacrylate-based composites regardless
based composite. In fact, siloranes can have an
of the application of an intermediate bonding layer.
important role as a base under methacrylate compos-
ite resin in what is commonly referred to as a
sandwich restoration. By replacing part of the
methacrylate composite with silorane composite, it The materials used in this study are listed in Table
is possible to obtain lower shrinkage and consequent- 1. A silorane composite (Filtek Silorane, A3 shade,
30 Operative Dentistry
1,3,5,7-tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxanemethyl-bis[2-(7-
Silorane System 3M, ESPE 7AJ TEGDMA, Phosphoric acid methacryloxyhexylesters, 1,6-hexanediol
Adhesive Bond dimethacrylate
Abbreviations: bis-EMA, bisphenol A polyethylene glycol diether dimethacrylate; bisGMA, bisphenol A-glycidyl dimethacrylate; TEGDMA, triethylene glycol
dimethacrylate; UDMA, urethane dimethacrylate.
3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA) and a methacrylate Hanau, Germany) in order to allow for repeatable
composite (Filtek Supreme XT, A3B shade, 3M placement of the disk during the mechanical test.
ESPE) were used as substrate and adherent mate- Substrates were aged in 0.9% NaCl solution in a
rials. As a substrate material, silorane was used in light-proof container at 378C for 72 hours and then
groups 1 to 4, whereas a methacrylate-based com- randomly divided into five groups (n=4) according to
posite was used as a substrate in group 5 (Table 2). the used method of substrate preparation (Table 2).
The substrates were fabricated by placing unpoly- One of the two surfaces of each disk was roughened
merized composite between two glass microscope for five seconds with P600-grit abrasive paper (WS
slides. The material was then light polymerized for Flex 18 C, Hermes Abrasives Ltd, Virginia Beach,
30 seconds with a light-curing device (Astralis 10, VA, USA) under running water using a lapping
High Power Program 1200 mW/cm2, Vivadent- machine (LS2, Remet, Bologna, Italy). Silorane
Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein). Thus, disks of about build-ups were constructed on silorane substrates
15 mm in diameter and 1 mm in thickness were without any intermediate layer (IL; group 1).
obtained. A 2-mm-diameter hole was produced near Methacrylate build-ups were constructed on silorane
the margin of the disk using a hand piece and a substrates without any IL (group 2), with a methac-
parallelometer (CL-MF2002S, Heraeus-Kulzer Inc, rylate IL (Heliobond, Ivoclar Vivadent; group 3) or
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of Micro-Shear Bond Strength and Distribution of Failure Modesa
the other groups, suggests that there is no chemical base of the cylinder. Consequently, to avoid such
compatibility between the aged silorane substrate inconvenience, samples were prepared by means of
and the added methacrylate resin composite. How- an especially designed, custom-made device. The
ever, the use of Silorane System Adhesive Bond as lower bond strength measured in this study can be
an intermediate layer between the aged silorane attributed to this newly devised method of sample
composite and a methacrylate composite led to a preparation. In this study, the lSBS test was
significant increase in bond strength. Silorane IL is preferred to the microtensile test as it allowed easier
based on methacrylate chemistry with the addition quantification of the number of specimens that
of phosphate groups. The reaction of the phosphate prematurely failed or accidentally detached during
group with oxirane and of the acrylate group with preparation. The number of prematurely failed,
dimethacrylate might account for the recorded discarded specimens in each test is probably related
increase in bond strength.11 to the aggressiveness of the preparation proce-
dure.35 The cutting procedure that is carried out
Numerous repair modalities have been evaluated
during the microtensile test transmits vibrations to
in vitro for conventional methacrylate-based com-
the specimens. Consequently, a common occurrence,
posites.15-19 The treatment of methacrylate compos-
especially if the bond strengths are relatively low
ite surfaces with a methacrylate bonding agent can
(5–7 MPa),36 is a premature failure of the specimen,
be regarded as a standard procedure in today’s
which makes microtensile useless. 37-39 In this
dentistry. On the other hand, this study demon-
regard, because of the weak bond strength between
strated that the application of a methacrylate-based
silorane-based and methacrylate-based resin com-
IL is not beneficial when repairing an aged silorane-
posites, the micro-shear test was preferred to
based composite with a conventional methacrylate-
microtensile as it did not require cutting after
based composite. Therefore, it can be hypothesized
bonding, which avoided any additional stress on
that the repair modality for a silorane-based com-
posite is different from that of a methacrylate-based
resin composite. However, in clinical practice, the
operator is blind to the type of composite resin that
was originally used to restore the tooth. According to A reliable bond between aged silorane composite and
the literature,20 Silorane System Adhesive can also methacrylate composite was obtained by using a
be used to bond conventional methacrylate-based phosphate-methacrylate–based adhesive as an in-
composites to dentin. However, the application of the termediate layer. The interfacial bond strength
Silorane System Adhesive Bond as an intermediate achieved when repairing aged silorane with silorane
layer when repairing an aged methacrylate-based was similar to that obtained by repairing aged
composite with a fresh methacrylate-based compos- methacrylate-based composite with methacrylate-
ite has not yet been tested. Further research should based composite.
be carried out to allow clinicians to use Silorane
System Adhesive Bond as an IL in reparations (Accepted 26 July 2011)
regardless of the type of composite used in the
original restoration.
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