127317engo (2) - 9
127317engo (2) - 9
127317engo (2) - 9
This document is essentially graphic and presents the working out of the chosen
scenario, bringing out its advantages and disadvantages by means of detailed
analysis. I n the case of restructuring or re-employment of an already existing
building, it paves the way for the outline preliminary project. In the case of a
new building, it corresponds to the specifications for an ideas’-as opposed to
a ‘project’-competition, i.e. a competition for the best design.
Final programne
This document supplements and continues the basic programme and takes into
account the architect’s outline preliminary project. As well as bringing the head-
ings in the basic programme up to date, it includes the following new headings:
mode of functioning (activities), mode of functioning (functional sectors), mode
of functioning (services-post, telephone, upkeep, etc.), manning table with job
descriptions, quantitative estimate of standard equipment (furniture, office machi-
nes, etc.), with details of useful life or performance, quantitative estimate of spe-
cial museum equipment (hanging facilities, show-cases, storage grids, etc.), with
similar details, and quantitative estimate of other special equipment (security and
surveillance systems, etc.), with similar details.
User’s manual
This document may be in the form of booklets designed for the (internal) users
of the museum-curator, administrative and technical staff, security personnel,
etc.-or for its (external) users-visitors, research workers, teachers, etc. In either
case the aim is to help the reader to take full advantage of the museum’s facilities,
including any novel features. The document covers the following headings : time-
tables, directories, sketch plan, practical guide to upkeep, pratical guide to mainte-
nance, practical guide to modification of exhibition areas, practical guide to use
of equipment, lists of dos and don’ts, etc.
It is drawn up in close co-operation with the director or curator of the museum.
Basic activities
The basic activities of the museum cover all the functions relating to the perma-
nent exhibition rooms, the study rooms, the temporary exhibition rooms, and
where applicable, the areas used for Presentation or exhibitions.
Reception activities
Reception activities follow on from the basic activities. They take account of fac-
tors involved in the psychological and practical conditioning of the public. They
usually cover reception areas proper, together with information, orientation, sales,
cloakrooms and toilets, issuing of tickets, meeting points, cafeteria and/or restau-
rant, reading-room, play room, rest-rooms, children's workshops, etc.