Reduction of CO Emissions From Blast Furnace With Carbon Recycling Methane
Reduction of CO Emissions From Blast Furnace With Carbon Recycling Methane
Reduction of CO Emissions From Blast Furnace With Carbon Recycling Methane
† *2
Originally published in JFE GIHO No. 49 (Feb. 2022), p. 8−14 Dr. Eng.,
Senior Researcher General Manager,
Ironmaking Research Dept.
(currently, Environmental Process Research Dept),
Steel Res. Lab., JFE Steel
*1 *3
enior Researcher Deputy Manager,
S Dr. Eng.,
Ironmaking Research Dept., Senior Researcher Manager,
Steel Res. Lab., Ironmaking Research Dept.,
JFE Steel Steel Res. Lab., JFE Steel
Copyright © 2022 JFE Steel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Reduction of CO 2 Emissions from Blast Furnace with Carbon Recycling Methane
Figure 7 shows the change of the specific carbon B gas calorie (MJ/Nm ) 3
3 400 7 100
consumption reduction ratio, together with the permis- Carbon consumption (kg/t-HM) 425 293
sible range (upper/lower limits) of TFT and the region CO 2 emissions reduction (%) 31
where injection of preheating gas is necessary. Basically, CO reduction ratio (%) 61 61
specific carbon consumption can be reduced signifi- H 2 reduction ratio (%) 9 35
cantly by massive injection of CN methane. Therefore, Direct reduction ratio (%) 30 4
at the same O 2 concentration in the blast, the specific
carbon consumption reduction ratio increase as TFT
decreases. In addition, preheating gas injection is also blast) is not linear, and the temperature of the thermal
necessary in order to reduce specific carbon consump- reserve zone decreases as the O 2 concentration in the
tion by 20 % or more. From these results, it was shown blast increases.
that oxygen blowing and preheating gas injection from Table 1 shows the conditions of the carbon recycling
the upper shaft are effective for maximizing the volume blast furnace at the maximum CO 2 emission reduction
of CN methane injection. Here, it may be noted that rate, that is, the conditions of oxygen blowing and CN
the specific carbon consumption reduction rate takes a methane injection to the lower limit of TFT, in com-
minimum value with respect to the O 2 concentration in parison with the conditions of the conventional blast
the blast due to the assumptions that the relationship furnace. The specific carbon consumption of the car-
between the O 2 concentration in the blast and the spe- bon recycling blast furnace is 293 kg/t-HM, showing
cific hot blast volume (i.e., sensible heat of the hot the possibility of reducing specific carbon consumption
by more than 30 % in comparison with the conven- in comparison with the conventional blast furnace.
tional blast furnace.
4.2 Change of Heat Balance
Next, the conventional blast furnace and the carbon
4. Discussion
recycling blast furnace were compared in terms of the
heat balance. Figure 9 shows the necessary heat
4.1 Change of Rist Operating Line
(demand) and supplied heat (supply) for production of
A comparison of the Rist diagrams of the conven- 1 ton of hot metal by the respective processes. As
tional blast furnace and the carbon recycling blast fur- shown in Table 1, in the carbon recycling blast furnace,
nace is shown in Fig. 8. In the carbon recycling blast the amount of heat necessary for the reduction reaction
furnace, the W point, which is the reduction equilib- is small due to the small amount of direct reduction,
rium constraint, shifts further to the oxidation gas side which is a large endothermic reaction. Therefore, the
due to the decrease in the temperature of the thermal heat demand for production of 1 ton of hot metal is
reserve zone. Furthermore, because massive injection reduced by approximately 1 000 MJ/t-HM in compari-
of CN methane is possible under the condition of oxy- son with the conventional blast furnace process. In
gen blowing, the specific reducing gas volume per ton addition, the amount of heat supplied by combustion
of hot metal increases, and the slope of the corre- of coke is also reduced because heat is supplied by the
sponding operating line becomes larger. As a result of reaction of CN methane and oxygen in front of the
these changes, the point of intersection between the tuyeres. Because this effect cannot be obtained by
operating line and the Y axis at X = 1 shifts downward, blowing hydrogen directly into the blast furnace, this
and the direct reduction amount Y d decreases greatly can be considered an advantage of the carbon recycling
blast furnace, in which hydrogen is converted to a
chemical compound.
Fig. 8 Rist diagrams of conventional blast furnace and Fig. 10 Breakdown of carbon consumption of conventional
carbon recycling blast furnace blast furnace and carbon recycling blast furnace
Fig. 9 Heat balance of conventional blast furnace and carbon recycling blast furnace