Iron Kingdoms 5e - Piéces - de - La - Rèsistance

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For the first time in many years, the kingdom of Llael is now The warcaster has since faded from public view in the
reunited and controlled by its own monarch. Until recently, days following Henge Hold, with some saying that the
the land was divided under the control of three different combination of the Claiming and the weapon Soul Reaver
nations: Khador, the Protectorate of Menoth’s Northern have taken a permanent toll on both his sanity and his soul.
Crusade, and the Resistance movement of Free Llael.
During the Khadoran Occupation, the people of Llael had
to turn to asymmetrical warfare, espionage, and assassination
to seek their independence. The noble courts of Llael had The Resistance used traditional weaponry but also relied on
always been hotbeds of intrigue, so the Llaelese were quick tools ideally suited for covert operations.
to adapt to this method of battle. From their corner of Free Dagger, Poisoner’s. The poisoner’s dagger is a hollow-bladed
Llael, Resistance groups infiltrated occupied areas, striking at weapon with a poison reservoir concealed in its handle. A
high-value targets, sabotaging supply lines, and establishing would-be assassin can prepare the blade with the touch of
safe houses and supply caches. a button, causing poison to flow slowly from the reservoir
To achieve their goals, the Resistance turned to the tools of in preparation for a strike. The mechanism of a poisoner’s
sabotage and espionage. Many were developed by the Llaelese dagger makes it unbalanced and ill-suited for throwing.
themselves, but they also looked to the tools and weapons Triggering the flow of poison takes a bonus action.
utilized by other nations and organizations. Groups who Once triggered, the blade is prepared, and the next creature
supported the Llaelese, such as the Cygnaran Reconnaissance damaged by the weapon suffers the effects of the poison. The
Service, helped train and equip the Resistance fighters dagger can hold up to three doses of poison. Refilling the
with tools and techniques designed to oppose the military reservoir takes five minutes of careful labor. The dagger can
occupation of their kingdom. be used to deliver somnolence elixir as well as poisons.
While Llael now has armies of the Crucible Guard helping Garrote, Clockwork. The clockwork garrote is disguised
defend it as it rebuilds its military strength, the lessons within a common pocket watch. The user slips a finger into a
learned during the occupation will not soon be forgotten. ring at the top of the watch and twists it and can then unwind
The Llaelese people maintain the tools and techniques the attached garrote cord. After the garrote has been used,
developed by the Resistance should they ever need to rely on the ring is simply released and the cord automatically winds
them to oppose another foe that would occupy their lands back into the watch.
and try to lay claim to ruling their people. A garrote must be used as part of a grapple attack. A
creature grappled by a garrote can’t breathe, is choking, can’t
THE RESISTANCE speak, and can’t cast spells with verbal components while
it is grappled. A creature grappled by a garrote takes 1d4
AND THE CLAIMING bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.
When the Claiming began, the Resistance had only just A character can discern a clockwork garrote from a normal
recently taken back control of the occupied Llaelese territory pocket watch only by handling it and making a successful DC
and sat their rightful queen on the throne. Llael did not 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
have time to raise or levy a formal army, and so it fell to the Pistol, Collapsible. There is always a demand for concealable
veterans of the Llaelese Resistance to act as the land’s first weaponry, particularly in urban environments where it is
wave of defense against the infernals. unwise to carry a firearm openly. This demand has been
Among those defenders was the warcaster Lieutenant answered in a number of ways, among them a collapsible
Gastone Crosse. Unknown to many, Crosse was bonded to pistol and rifle developed by Blackfeather Ironworks of
Soul Reaver, a dark and cursed weapon of uncertain origin. Orven. Originally advertised as a “useful accessory for the
In the darkest nights of this shadow war, Crosse came close discreet gentleman,” this weapon is most often used by
to reaching the point of no return, as the whispers in his mercenaries, spies, and thugs who value the pistol’s covert
mind from infernal tempters and his soul-devouring weapon nature. The pistol’s construction allows it to be easily broken
grew ever louder. down to a few components for ease of concealment.

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Dagger, poisoner’s 20 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Garrote, clockwork 15 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Special, two-handed
Rynnish Fan 20 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Martial Firearms
Pistol, collapsible 45 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Firearm (range 40/120), light, magazine (1)
Rifle, collapsible 115 gp 2d6 piercing 10 lb. Firearm (range 60/180), magazine (1), two-handed


The collapsible pistol is easy to hide completely from casual
inspection, though the components are easily identified
if discovered.
Assembling a collapsible pistol requires an action by a
character proficient with martial firearms or 1 minute by a
character who is not. The pistol must be assembled before it
can be fired.
Rifle, Collapsible. The collapsible rifle was developed by
Blackfeather Ironworks to provide an easily concealed quality
weapon. The rifle’s construction allows it to be easily broken
down to a few components for ease of concealment.
These weapons are most often carried in custom-
fitting cases.
The collapsible rifle is easy to hide completely from casual
inspection, though the components are easily identified
if discovered.
Assembling a collapsible rifle requires an action by a
character proficient with martial firearms or 1 minute by a
character who is not. The rifle must be assembled before it
can be fired.
Rynnish Fan. The courts of Llael featured intrigue,
both literal and figurative backstabbing, and occasional
bloodshed. The ladies of the court, ever on the lookout for
any advantage, took to carrying all manner of concealed
arms for protection and to punctuate their dramatic points.
The Rynnish fan is one such tool. Favored by courtesans,
assassins, and Llaelese noblewomen, the fan conceals several
hidden blades that can be exposed with an easy flick of the
wrist and then concealed again just as easily.
The blades of a Rynnish fan are obvious to anyone who
handles it. An observant character can discern a Rynnish fan
from a normal fan without handling it with a successful DC
17 Wisdom (Perception) check.

Spies use disguise kits to alter their physical appearance or
even to take on the guise of another person, but sometimes
a simple disguise is not enough. Several notable pieces of
equipment have been developed over the years to fit the
specific needs of agents executing espionage missions.
Explosive Cufflinks. Developed by Ordic spies and more
recently used by the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service, these
specialized cufflinks appear to be part of a standard military
uniform. When combined, however, they form a very small
but potent alchemical explosive. The cufflinks are attached
via a twist of the links. When combined, a short fuse is
activated for the now-primed explosive.
A character can use an action to combine the cufflinks,
which explode after 1 round. The cufflinks explode in a
5-foot-radius sphere powerful enough to destroy a standard

Item Cost Weight
Explosive Cufflinks 20 gp —
False Cloak 2 gp 1 lb.
Reversible Clothing 4 gp 1 lb.


lock. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed Maps
save, or half as much on a successful one. Item Cost Weight
False Cloaks. False cloaks are warm, lightweight fur cloaks Double-Down Cards 10 gp —
with hidden pockets between the layers of padding and fabric. False Ammunition Cartridge 4 sp —
Many have extra panels of fabric sewn in to make the wearer
appear larger than he really is. These cloaks have several sizes
of pockets to accommodate several different items, including of western Immoren. As a result, espionage agencies
those large enough to hold a heavy pistol. have developed numerous methods to conceal maps from
A character has advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) confiscation.
checks to conceal items within a false cloak. Double-Down Cards. Developed by the Unseen Hand, this
Reversible Clothing. Reversible clothing is a simple piece deck of cards appears to be a standard deck used in gambling
of espionage equipment frequently used by the Llaelese halls across the Iron Kingdoms. The faces of the cards are
Resistance and agents of the Unseen Hand. It is a double- standard, but the backings hold their true importance. The
sided outfit with one side being formal wear for court events backs of the cards feature intricately drawn art that seems to
and the other being the clothes of a servant or commoner. be nothing more than artistic choice or style of the craftsman,
Reversible clothing often contains all the necessary yet there are secret markings within that are used when
accouterments to complete the disguise, such as gloves or laying the cards flat. To the trained eye, the markings show
jewelry, stashed in hidden pockets sewn between the layers. how to align the card, which in turn reveals a detailed map
Reversing the garment requires an action. After reversing of a region.
the garment, Wisdom (Perception) checks to identify the A character using the double-down cards must spend an
wearer as a specific individual suffer a –2 penalty. action and make DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
decipher how to align the cards appropriately and thus reveal
X MARKS THE SPOT the map hidden within the art.
False Ammunition Cartridges. Used almost exclusively by
Maps are among the most important pieces of intelligence, the CRS, false ammunition cartridges are a popular way for
revealing the locations of military assets and even detailing CRS agents to transport maps and messages through hostile
troop movements. Obtaining accurate maps and returning territory. Stored as if they were normal cartridges, these
them to safe territory has become a priority for the forces empty shells can hold very small items such as silk maps.


Delivering accurate intelligence to an organization’s Sabotage and assassination are common tasks in the Iron
command structure is one of the challenges of espionage. Kingdoms, and the tools used for such tasks range from
The use of secret codes and ciphers has become an art form subtle to the obvious. Gas candles and sabotage munitions
among the covert agencies of the Iron Kingdoms—even the are some of the more recent developments in these fields.
Church of Morrow and the Order of the Golden Crucible With the Khadoran occupation of Llael and the birth of
have developed unique methods for the secret transfer of the Resistance, these new technologies have had plentiful
information. opportunities for field tests.
Heat-Responsive Inks. Simple invisible inks have existed Gas Candles. Used by many organizations and even some
for centuries; however, it was the innovation of the Order Thamarite cults, a gas candle is a simple means of attacking
of the Golden Crucible that took this idea to a new level someone without notice. Designed to appear as a normal
of complexity. The ink itself is not invisible and has been candle, contained within the wax is a small canister that holds
brewed to trigger a glow when exposed to heat and viewed an alchemical gas that can either incapacitate or eliminate
under alchemically treated lenses that detect the heat a target. Once the candle burns to a certain point, the gas is
signature of the ink. Typically, an agent writes a letter with released into the air, the burning wick acting as a fuse for
regular ink and, once it has dried, either goes over certain the canister.
words with the responsive ink or writes his true message A gas candle releases its poison into the air 1 minute after
in the margins. The recipient wears the appropriate lenses the wick has been lit. The cloud of poison expands to fill a 20-
(either a monocle or in a pair of glasses) while holding the foot radius sphere. The cloud spreads around corners.
parchment above a candle to read the message. Lenses can be When purchasing a gas candle, choose any inhaled poison.
bought in pairs for 10 gp. The cost of the poison is not included in the gas candle’s
A message written with this ink is essentially invisible purchase price.
unless read using specially treated lenses while the message Sabotage Munitions. These munitions have existed for
is held near a source of heat like a candle. A character can some time and have been used by many nations to sabotage
make a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to identify that enemy artillery. During a full-scale retreat, artillery pieces
something has been written on a page but not the specifics of that cannot be recovered or quickly destroyed are loaded with
its contents. sabotage munitions to punish an enemy that tries to use them
against their former owners.
Sabotage munitions are loaded as normal to the weapon
being sabotaged.
Cipher Gear
Detecting the faulty munitions requires a character
Item Cost Weight
proficient with the sabotaged weapon to examine the
Heat-Responsive Inks 5 gp —
ammunition and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
If the roll fails, the sabotage munitions are not detected.
If a character fires a weapon loaded with sabotage
munitions, the munition detonates. The attack misses its
target. To determine the outcome, roll 2d20. If one of the
rolls is 10 or lower, the weapon is destroyed with no further
effect. If both rolls are 10 or lower, the weapon detonates in
a 10-foot-radius sphere. Creatures in the area must make a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to the
damage of the sabotaged weapon. Otherwise, there is no
additional effect.
When purchasing sabotage munitions, choose any type of
ammunition. The cost of the ammunition is not included in
the purchase price.

Tools of Sabotage & Assassination

Item Cost Weight
Gas Candles +45 gp —
Sabotage Munitions +10 gp Varies


THE VANGUARD The Vanguard formed a keystone in d’Maxinault’s quest
to modernize the Llaelese army. He retained the services
WARJACK of the Order of the Golden Crucible—this proved an
auspicious choice, as this Llaelese order of wizardry, eager
e heavily to demonstrate mechanikal prowess, wished to expand
ar an ’jack yet mor
q uick as any
C y gn ill provide its operations beyond blasting powder and alchemical
“It must be as n on an d blade yet st a
ust bear both
ca n warden and innovation. Duke d’Maxinault used his own funds to secretly
armored. It m st er s. It m u st serve as a
finest warca commission advanced military-grade cortexes from the Order
shelter to our an d’Maxinau
nst our foes.” Knight Basti
of Wizardry for installation in these new machines.
weapon agai — M ar sh al l
Eschewing the style of the Corvis Engines East mechaniks,
the Order built the Vanguard along new lines. D’Maxinault
While Cygnar and Khador had scores of warcasters, at the hoped to prove Llael need no longer rely on Cygnaran
time of the 604 AR Khadoran invasion, Llael possessed a castoffs and to use this success to leverage for additional
meager handful. For centuries, Llael relied on Cygnar and warjack designs. The mechaniks of the Order of the Golden
an array of mercenary contracts to bolster their small and Crucible considered the project a matter of Llaelese national
inadequately supplied army. Yet not all Llaelese nobles pride and took to it with similar enthusiasm.
ignored this weakness; some took measures to bolster Unfortunately, the high cost of producing the Vanguards
the Llaelese army. The Vanguard warjack exemplifies proved to be an ongoing problem, particularly as the Order
these efforts. of the Golden Crucible never intended their foundry for
The first Vanguard warjacks strode from the foundries mass production. Additional planned Llaelese warjack
of Thunderhead Fortress—stronghold of the Order of the designs rarely saw life beyond drawings on paper or
Golden Crucible—in the year 566 AR. King Rynnard di la the odd prototype, like the Duelist configuration of the
Martyn and a gathering of Llaelese and Cygnaran military Vanguard chassis.
commanders witnessed this proud march accompanied by the The Vanguard saw excellent service in covert battles
father of the Vanguard, Duke and Marshall Knight Bastian along the western border in the decades before the invasion.
d’Maxinault. Quick-thinking Llaelese warcasters employing the Vanguard


Cost Cost Fuel Load/
Chassis (Chassis Only) (With Stock Cortex) Burn Time Stock Cortex
Vanguard 5,700 gp 8,200 gp 365 lbs / 6.5 hrs general, 70 mins combat Aurum Grade

Steamjack Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Dual Light Cannon 275 gp 2d8 piercing 35 lb. Firearm (80/240), magazine (10), Special
Gladius 225 gp 2d8 piercing 12 lb. Special
Guisarme 375 gp 2d12 slashing 20 lb. Reach
Tower Shield-Cannon 500 gp 2d10 piercing 80 lb. Firearm (30/90), Magazine (5), Special

quelled Khadoran incursions, uprisings of ambitious nobility, NEW GEAR

and even the occasional intrusion by Menite zealots, Cryxian The following weapons are commonly used by Duelist and
interlopers, or trollkin marauders. These warjacks served Vanguard warjacks.
with distinction against the inexorable tide of Khadorans Dual Light Cannon. The dual cannon is a two-barreled
who invaded Llael. In the rubble outside Redwall Fortress, steamjack weapon that harnesses the recoil action of the gun
a number of battered Vanguard frames lie where they stood to reload the second barrel automatically with every shot.
their ground against Juggernauts, Marauders, and other A steamjack with this weapon can spend a focus point
Khadoran heavies in a doomed defense. to make one additional attack with this weapon when it
The Vanguard went on to become a vital addition to takes the Attack action on its turn. Reloading the cannon
mercenary companies and the Llaelese Resistance. The outside of combat takes 5 minutes. The cannon fires light
Llaelese Resistance uncovered several stashes of these artillery rounds
’jacks tragically stowed far from the battlefield while others Gladius. The warjack gladius has a leaf-shaped blade and is
smuggled Vanguards out of the nation along the Black River designed for rapid, close thrusting attacks. When a steamjack
to Cygnar and Ord in order to sell in black markets to other makes an attack with the gladius and has advantage on the
mercenaries for a tidy profit. attack roll, if both dice in the attack would hit the target, the
The Vanguard would become a symbol for the Llaelese attack is a critical hit.
Resistance. In their eagerness to reclaim every Vanguard, Guisarme. This long-hafted polearm has a crescent-shaped
they went so far as to steal the ’jacks from mercenaries who blade, counterbalanced with a hooked back spike, and is
did nothing to aid the cause of liberty. To those stalwarts, balanced for use by light warjacks.
this warjack represented hope and defiance, and it embodied Tower Shield-Cannon. The Vanguard’s shield cannon
Llaelese endurance. was designed specifically for this machine. Its arms and
While it has become an aging platform, especially in the cortex design allow for precise aiming of the cannon that is
face of more modern warjacks used by the Crucible Guard impossible for other steamjacks to achieve. The tower-shield
and the advanced prototypes being developed in Cygnar, the cannon is also a functional shield. Reloading the cannon
Vanguard remains a symbol of the Resistance and those who outside of combat takes twenty minutes.
fought so hard to liberate their nation. Those that are still The cannon fires light artillery rounds in metal casings.
in service bear many marks of distinction from numerous
battles. It remains an ambitious and versatile weapon in the
arsenal of Llael.
fo il, on e sh ou ld seek to draw an
“As one feints with
th e aps simple
sh , a charge, or perh
VANGUARD CHASSIS in with what appe
ar s to be a ru of the
y. Br in g th em closer to the tip
Height/Weight: 8’ 7”/ 3.8 tons e en em oment that
indecision. Fool th iz e un til the last possible m
Initial Service Date: 566 A.R. t no t re al
blade. They mus to change their m
Original Chassis Design: Crucible Arms to o la te fo r th em — Ashly nn d’Elys
it is far
Vanguards are effective mechanikal bodyguards as well
as offensive weapons. Able to keep up with the fleetest
warcasters and to shield them from danger, Vanguard
is highly prized by those who can afford to keep one. Its
variants include the Duelist.
Duelist. The Duelist comes stock with a gladius and dual
light cannon.
Vanguard. The Vanguard comes stock with a guisarme and
tower shield cannon.


Vanguard Light Warjack usually communicated telepathically by warcasters). Verbal
Large construct (steamjack), unaligned commands must be akin to those issued to a trained animal, such
as “stay,” “guard,” “attack,” and so on. The Vanguard will carry out
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) these commands with no regard for its own safety.
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50) Heavy Metal. The Vanguard’s attacks are magical for the purpose
Speed 30 ft. of overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks for
steamjacks, colossals, and warbeasts.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Steam Powered. The Vanguard requires coal and water to
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) function. When not in combat, it can function for 6 hours with a
full fuel load of 365 pounds of coal and fresh water in its boiler.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from While in combat, the Vanguard can function for 1 hour with a full
nonmagical weapons fuel load. If the Vanguard’s coal and water are not refilled at the end
Damage Immunities poison, psychic of this time, it suffers one level of exhaustion at the end of each
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, minute. Due to the amount of noise its steam engine produces, the
petrified, poisoned Vanguard has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, passive Perception 10 Vanguard Assault. If the steamjack moves at least 20 feet straight
Languages understands the languages of its manufacturer but toward a creature, it can make a ranged attack as a bonus action.
can’t speak
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Actions
Multiattack. The Vanguard makes two melee attacks.
Cortex. The Vanguard’s cortex allows it to understand basic Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
commands from its controller (spoken verbally by most but 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and
available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at

Section 5 of CC-BY-4.0 includes a Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability that limits our liability to you.

All contents copyright 2001–2023 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks contained herein including Privateer Press®,
Iron Kingdoms®, Full Metal Fantasy, Immoren, WARMACHINE®, Cephalyx, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®,
Grymkin, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®, Retribution, warcaster®,
warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Formula P3,and
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Writer: Matt Goetz • Editor: Michael G. Ryan • Graphic Designer: Andrew Hess
Illustrators: Jason Juta, Raphael Luebke, Andrea Uderzo

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