Iron Kingdoms 5e - Piéces - de - La - Rèsistance
Iron Kingdoms 5e - Piéces - de - La - Rèsistance
Iron Kingdoms 5e - Piéces - de - La - Rèsistance
For the first time in many years, the kingdom of Llael is now The warcaster has since faded from public view in the
reunited and controlled by its own monarch. Until recently, days following Henge Hold, with some saying that the
the land was divided under the control of three different combination of the Claiming and the weapon Soul Reaver
nations: Khador, the Protectorate of Menoth’s Northern have taken a permanent toll on both his sanity and his soul.
Crusade, and the Resistance movement of Free Llael.
During the Khadoran Occupation, the people of Llael had
to turn to asymmetrical warfare, espionage, and assassination
to seek their independence. The noble courts of Llael had The Resistance used traditional weaponry but also relied on
always been hotbeds of intrigue, so the Llaelese were quick tools ideally suited for covert operations.
to adapt to this method of battle. From their corner of Free Dagger, Poisoner’s. The poisoner’s dagger is a hollow-bladed
Llael, Resistance groups infiltrated occupied areas, striking at weapon with a poison reservoir concealed in its handle. A
high-value targets, sabotaging supply lines, and establishing would-be assassin can prepare the blade with the touch of
safe houses and supply caches. a button, causing poison to flow slowly from the reservoir
To achieve their goals, the Resistance turned to the tools of in preparation for a strike. The mechanism of a poisoner’s
sabotage and espionage. Many were developed by the Llaelese dagger makes it unbalanced and ill-suited for throwing.
themselves, but they also looked to the tools and weapons Triggering the flow of poison takes a bonus action.
utilized by other nations and organizations. Groups who Once triggered, the blade is prepared, and the next creature
supported the Llaelese, such as the Cygnaran Reconnaissance damaged by the weapon suffers the effects of the poison. The
Service, helped train and equip the Resistance fighters dagger can hold up to three doses of poison. Refilling the
with tools and techniques designed to oppose the military reservoir takes five minutes of careful labor. The dagger can
occupation of their kingdom. be used to deliver somnolence elixir as well as poisons.
While Llael now has armies of the Crucible Guard helping Garrote, Clockwork. The clockwork garrote is disguised
defend it as it rebuilds its military strength, the lessons within a common pocket watch. The user slips a finger into a
learned during the occupation will not soon be forgotten. ring at the top of the watch and twists it and can then unwind
The Llaelese people maintain the tools and techniques the attached garrote cord. After the garrote has been used,
developed by the Resistance should they ever need to rely on the ring is simply released and the cord automatically winds
them to oppose another foe that would occupy their lands back into the watch.
and try to lay claim to ruling their people. A garrote must be used as part of a grapple attack. A
creature grappled by a garrote can’t breathe, is choking, can’t
THE RESISTANCE speak, and can’t cast spells with verbal components while
it is grappled. A creature grappled by a garrote takes 1d4
AND THE CLAIMING bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.
When the Claiming began, the Resistance had only just A character can discern a clockwork garrote from a normal
recently taken back control of the occupied Llaelese territory pocket watch only by handling it and making a successful DC
and sat their rightful queen on the throne. Llael did not 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
have time to raise or levy a formal army, and so it fell to the Pistol, Collapsible. There is always a demand for concealable
veterans of the Llaelese Resistance to act as the land’s first weaponry, particularly in urban environments where it is
wave of defense against the infernals. unwise to carry a firearm openly. This demand has been
Among those defenders was the warcaster Lieutenant answered in a number of ways, among them a collapsible
Gastone Crosse. Unknown to many, Crosse was bonded to pistol and rifle developed by Blackfeather Ironworks of
Soul Reaver, a dark and cursed weapon of uncertain origin. Orven. Originally advertised as a “useful accessory for the
In the darkest nights of this shadow war, Crosse came close discreet gentleman,” this weapon is most often used by
to reaching the point of no return, as the whispers in his mercenaries, spies, and thugs who value the pistol’s covert
mind from infernal tempters and his soul-devouring weapon nature. The pistol’s construction allows it to be easily broken
grew ever louder. down to a few components for ease of concealment.
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Dagger, poisoner’s 20 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Garrote, clockwork 15 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Special, two-handed
Rynnish Fan 20 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Martial Firearms
Pistol, collapsible 45 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Firearm (range 40/120), light, magazine (1)
Rifle, collapsible 115 gp 2d6 piercing 10 lb. Firearm (range 60/180), magazine (1), two-handed
Spies use disguise kits to alter their physical appearance or
even to take on the guise of another person, but sometimes
a simple disguise is not enough. Several notable pieces of
equipment have been developed over the years to fit the
specific needs of agents executing espionage missions.
Explosive Cufflinks. Developed by Ordic spies and more
recently used by the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service, these
specialized cufflinks appear to be part of a standard military
uniform. When combined, however, they form a very small
but potent alchemical explosive. The cufflinks are attached
via a twist of the links. When combined, a short fuse is
activated for the now-primed explosive.
A character can use an action to combine the cufflinks,
which explode after 1 round. The cufflinks explode in a
5-foot-radius sphere powerful enough to destroy a standard
Item Cost Weight
Explosive Cufflinks 20 gp —
False Cloak 2 gp 1 lb.
Reversible Clothing 4 gp 1 lb.
Steamjack Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Dual Light Cannon 275 gp 2d8 piercing 35 lb. Firearm (80/240), magazine (10), Special
Gladius 225 gp 2d8 piercing 12 lb. Special
Guisarme 375 gp 2d12 slashing 20 lb. Reach
Tower Shield-Cannon 500 gp 2d10 piercing 80 lb. Firearm (30/90), Magazine (5), Special
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and
available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
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Writer: Matt Goetz • Editor: Michael G. Ryan • Graphic Designer: Andrew Hess
Illustrators: Jason Juta, Raphael Luebke, Andrea Uderzo
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