Open ERP - Book Logisitcs
Open ERP - Book Logisitcs
Open ERP - Book Logisitcs
OpenSourceSoftware MakingBusinessApplicationsaccessibletoAllCompanies
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OpenObjectPressisadivisionofOpenERPS.A. (
Copyright 2011ElsVanVosselandFabienPinckaers
FirsteditionJuly2011 ISBN:9782960087628
SpecialThankstoMarcLaporte,OlivierLaurent, GaryMalherbeandGrgoryDethier
OpenERPisatrademarkofOpenERPS.A. ThesoftwareisavailableundertheAGPLlicenseversion3.
OpenERPforRetailandIndustrialManagementStepstowards Sales,LogisticsandManufacturingIntegration,2009, FabienPinckaersandGeoffGardiner,ISBN:9782960087604 DriveyourSales&MarketingActivitieswithOpenERP CloseLeads,AutomateMarketingCampaignsandGetAccurate Forecasts,2011,ElsVanVosselandFabienPinckaers, ISBN:9782960087611 StreamlineyourManufacturingProcesseswithOpenERPA SimpleApproachtoManagetheManufacturingandSupply ChainComplexity,2011,ElsVanVosselandFabienPinckaers, ISBN:9782960087635
Open Source Software: Making Business Applications accessible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The OpenERP Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xi xii xii
About the authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Fabien Pinckaers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Els Van Vossel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
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Testing a Complete Sales Cycle according to an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 Sales Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparing Goods for Shipping to Customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invoicing Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
45 45 52 53 56 56 56 57 57 59 59 59 60 60 61 63 64 65 68 71 71
Management of Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 Tariff Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delivery Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delivery based on Ordered Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delivery based on Shipped Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keep Track of your Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 Margins on Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margins by Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margins by Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pricing Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 Creating Price Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example of a Pricelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pricelists and Managing Currencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
73 74
79 79 79 79 83 83 85 85 86 87 89 89 91
Purchase Analysis through Analytic Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 5.2.2 Powerful Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Each Enterprise its own Analytic Chart of Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding Double-Entry Stock Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Managing Physical Inventory Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Keeping Track of Stock Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 Goods Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Internal Stock Moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Shipping of Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Logistics Conguration through Advanced Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Procurement Methods Make to Stock and Make to Order . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Choosing Supply Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Packaging with Various Logistics Units of Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Scheduling Procurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 Processing Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Manual Procurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Sales Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Production Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Managing Lots and Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Stock Moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Scrapping Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Identifying Products and Locations with Barcodes and RFID Devices . . . . . . . . . 151 Financial Inventory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.8.1 6.8.2 Manual and Real-time Stock Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Managing Transportation Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Organize your Deliveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 6.9.1 6.9.2 The Different Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Using the Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.10 Estimating Delivery Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.10.1 Standard Delivery Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.10.2 Schedule Logistic Flows according to MRP1 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.11 Incoming and Outgoing Products Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.12 Managing Inventory Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 6.13 Building Reports to Track Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 6.14 Import / Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 6.14.1 Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.14.2 Rental Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.14.3 Consigned Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 6.15 Stock Location Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 7 Multi-Company Environment 167
Logistics in a Multi-Company Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 7.1.1 7.1.2 Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Process: Sales and Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
On Site Installation
OpenERP Installation on Linux 8.1
PostgreSQL Server Installation and Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 8.1.1 8.1.2 Example on Ubuntu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Setup a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
OpenERP Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 Installing the required packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Downloading the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Testing the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Installing the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
OpenERP Client Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Installing the required packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Downloading the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Testing the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Installing the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Conguring a PDF Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
OpenERP Web Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 Downloading & Installing the OpenERP Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Testing the OpenERP Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Installing the OpenERP Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Web Browser Compatibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 193
OpenERP All-In-One Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 Downloading OpenERP All-In-One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Installing the OpenERP All-In-One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Starting the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
OpenERP Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 Downloading the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Installing the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Customized Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Monitoring the OpenERP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Congratulations, you have successfully installed OpenERP Server . . . . . . . 205
OpenERP Client Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 Downloading the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Installing the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Starting the OpenERP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
OpenERP Web Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 Downloading the OpenERP Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Installing the OpenERP Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Starting the Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Troubleshooting and Windows Complementary Install Information . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9.6.1 PostgreSQL Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 213
Information Systems have played an increasingly visible role over the past several years in improving the competitiveness of business. They are more than just tools for handling repetitive tasks; they will guide and advance all of a companys daily activities. Integrated Management Software is today very often a key source of signicant competitive advantage.
Some may look at the Business Application market as a mature market dominated by a few large key players, with no new business opportunities. This would be ignoring the market reality. So many customers are frustrated by their experience with existing vendors; so many companies around the world need to have access to business applications, but cannot afford them. OpenERP believes that business applications should not be a luxury. That any company, anywhere in the world, should be able to afford the best tools to professionally expand business. That is one of the reasons why OpenERP needs to break the existing rules of the ERPs and the Business Applications market. Customers should use their budget smartly and invest in customizing the application to their specic needs, rather than paying expensive license fees. OpenERP is committed to the Open Source Business Model precisely because Open Source allows for this. Open Source is a disruptive model, as it creates more value for the customers. For decades, customers have developed applications which remained specic to their own needs, and in the end proved extremely expensive to maintain. Open Source means that customers can benet from past developments of other companies. Also by contributing to the evolution of the software, the users will enjoy the guarantee that their development will be included in future versions of the software. One of the major advantages is that such a Community brings a wealth of new functionality. Open Source also allows us to engage with our customers differently. Since there is no licensing cost, any potential customer can download, test and use the software. OpenERP has no need for an expensive sales force to promote the product. OpenERP just needs to make the best product and make it available to customers. Open Source allows for many barriers in this industry to be broken. The software is available to many companies who could otherwise not afford expensive business applications license fees. The OpenERP solution allows customers to use their money smartly and tailor the software to their individual needs. OpenERP leverages from its customer base to enrich the software and nally eradicate any lock-in to allow customers to use and even drop the software freely.
Educated as a Professional Translator in Antwerp, she worked as an independent translator on the localization of major ERP software. Els acquired ERP knowledge and decided to start working as a functional ERP consultant and a Technical Communicator for ERP software. As such, the world of OpenSource software became more and more attractive. She started working with OpenERP software in her free time and doing so, Els really wanted to meet Fabien Pinckaers to share thoughts about documentation strategy. Now Els is reviewing and writing the OpenERP Books. Being an author of several Software Manuals, she nds it exciting to work on the OpenERP documentation and continuously take it to a higher level. Please note that this is a hell of a job, but Els nds great pleasure in doing it! Follow Els on her blog or on twitter elsvanvossel.
From Els Van Vossel Thank you Fabien, for offering me the opportunity to work with OpenERP. I thank all OpenERP team members for their support and understanding. My special thanks to my family who encouraged me to write this book. From Fabien Pinckaers I address my thanks to all of the team at OpenERP for their hard work in preparing, translating and re-reading the book in its various forms. My particular thanks to Laurence Henrion and my family for supporting me throughout all this effort.
Part I
In this chapter, you can start exploring OpenERP through a basic conguration, with the modules that are discussed in this book. As mentioned before, we want to show an integrated ow, not just logistics management. Use a web browser of your choice to connect to OpenERP Web.
Figure 1.1: Web Client at Startup Start by creating a new database from the Welcome page by clicking Databases and then completing the following elds on the Create Database form. Super admin password : by default it is admin , if you or your system administrator have not changed it, New database name : DemoCompany , Load Demonstration data checkbox: checked, Default Language : English (US), Administrator password : admin (because it is the easiest to remember at this stage, but obviously completely insecure), Conrm password : admin . Press Create to start creating the database. Language You can install OpenERP in many languages. To be able to easily follow the instructions in this book, we recommend you to choose English (US).
OpenERP suggests that you congure your database using a series of questions. In the software, these series of questions are managed through so-called Configuration Wizards. Click the Start Configuration button to continue. The next conguration wizard will help you to decide what your user interface will look like, whether the screens will only show the most important elds - Simplified - or whether you also want to see the elds for the more advanced users, the Extended view. Select Extended and click Next to continue. User Preferences You can easily switch from Simplied to Extended view by changing your User Preferences.
In the next wizard, you can ll your company data, select your companys base currency and add your company logo which can be printed on reports. Click Next to continue. Select the Warehouse Management, Purchase Management, Sales Management and Accounting & Finance business applications for installation and click Install. Now OpenERP will start to install these four applications, allowing you to do a complete cycle, from sales / warehouse / purchase to invoice. You will have to wait for the next conguration wizard to be displayed (Loading will appear).
Figure 1.2: Selecting the Required Functionality OpenERPs modularity enables you to install a single Business Application (such as Purchase) if that is all you need. Of course, you can choose to install extra applications such as Sales Management, to handle quotations, sales orders and sales invoices as well. For now, please install Warehouse Management, Purchase Management, Sales Management and Accounting & Finance, as these four Business Applications will be discussed in this book. Recongure Keep in mind that you can change or recongure the system any time, for instance through the Recongure option in the main bar.
When you choose a business application for installation, OpenERP will automatically propose to add or congure related (smaller) applications to enrich your system. When you install Sales, OpenERP will also ask you whether you want to install Invoicing Journals for instance. The gure Selecting Accounting Conguration (page 5) shows the Accounting Application Conguration screen that appears when you select Accounting & Finance to be installed.
Figure 1.3: Selecting Accounting Conguration Select the Generic Chart of Account and ll in the Sale Tax (%) applicable in your country. The Purchase Tax will automatically be set as well. Click one of the disk icons in front of the bank accounts to conrm the bank accounts to be created. Then click Congure to continue the conguration. OpenERP Logistics Management offers lots of features. You can easily manage your address book (customers, suppliers, ...), keep track of procurements and sales, manage your warehouse and inventory, and much more. The gure Selecting Purchase Conguration (page 5) shows the Purchases Application Conguration screen that appears when you select Purchase Management to be installed.
Figure 1.4: Selecting Purchase Conguration Simply click Configure to continue the database creation. The following wizards will appear: Congure your Sales Management application: click Configure to accept the default settings CHAPTER 1. CONFIGURING YOUR OPENERP 5
(no options checked). Congure your Accounting application: click Configure to accept the default settings. Congure Sales Order Logistics: click Next to accept the default settings. OpenERPs menu will be displayed, because your system is now ready for actual conguration. In the next chapter Complete Example: Sell, Check the Stock, Purchase (page 7) you will start working in the Logistics application in a step-by-step approach. As your business is growing and evolving all the time, your requirements as to the use of OpenERP are likely to change. To sustain your growth, you can easily extend your Logistics Management with other OpenERP business applications, such as HR or CRM, to name some. OpenERP offers this exibility; you can start with one business application and gradually complete OpenERP to suit your ever changing needs!
In this chapter, we will show you a complete Sales / Purchase / Warehouse ow. We will explain how to create a product, create a sales order, have an automatic purchase proposal and receive the goods, deliver to the customer, and get sales and purchase invoices in a step-by-step scenario. First you will get an explanation about the scenario (what Thomas or one of his colleagues is supposed to do). Then the Notes will learn you how Thomas (or a colleague of his) enters the information in OpenERP. For the simplicity of the use case, we will do all of the steps under the Admin user. Please note that we will not discuss all elements in detail in this chapter. Later in the book, you will nd all required information. Simplied or Extended View In OpenERP your user interface will look slightly different according to the User Preferences. In Simplified view, the screens will only show the most important elds / tab pages. To see also the elds for the more advanced users, you should switch to the Extended view. You can easily switch from Simplied to Extended view by changing your User Preferences through the Edit Preferences button. For this use case, please switch to Extended view. Your company will have a stand at the House & Design Fair to promote a series of products. Thomas, the salesman, shows the new products to the visiting prospects and customers. 1. Create a new customer John Smith from the company Clarkson Ltd. visits your stand and decides to order the brandnew Desk you are promoting. Thomas will have to create this new customer in OpenERP. New Customer To create a new customer, Thomas clicks the Sales button in OpenERPs main screen. Then he goes to Sales Address Book Customers and clicks the New button. The name of a customer is in blue, because it is a mandatory eld, so Thomas enters Clarkson in that eld. He notices that the Customer check box is already checked. Thomas enters John Smith in the Contact Name, he selects the Default address type. In the Street eld, Thomas enters London Street 40; he also enters the City London and the Country United Kingdom as shown in the screenshot below. He takes a look at the other three tabs and decides to keep the default values. Thomas then clicks the Save button to store the new customer.
Figure 2.1: New Customer 2. Create a new product category and product Because the desk from the new OfceSecrets series does not yet exist in OpenERP, Mitchell, the Product Manager, will create this brandnew product as a Make to Order product that will be bought directly from the supplier concerned. He will have to create a new product category for the OfceSecrets series too. Conguring Products For more information about conguring products, please refer to the next chapter Creating Products and their Categories (page 30).
Product Category Product categories do have an effect on the products assigned to them, and a product may belong to only one category. To create a new product category, Mitchell goes to Warehouse or Sales, selects the menu Conguration Product Products Categories and clicks New to get an empty form for dening a product category. Mitchell enters OfficeSecrets in the Name eld and adds it to the parent category All products / Sellable. He leaves the other elds as such, and clicks Save.
Then Mitchell will create a new product. Note that he could also have created the new product category directly from the Product form.
Product To create a new product, Mitchell goes to Sales Products Products and clicks the New button. The name of a product is in blue, because it is a mandatory eld, so he enters 1600 Desk Wave Right-hand W1600x D1200x H725mm Maple in that eld. He notices that the Can be Sold and Can be Purchased check boxes are already checked by default. Mitchell selects the Stockable Product product type, because he wants to keep track of the stock movements of the desks. In the Procurement Method eld, Mitchell selects Make to Order, because the company decided to only buy the product at the supplier when there is a sales order for it. The Supply Method will be Buy. He sets the Cost Price to 300 and the Sales Price to 541.25, as shown in the screenshot Product (page 9). Mitchell selects the product category OfficeSecrets. Now he just has to add the supplier from whom he will buy the desks. He clicks the Suppliers tab, then clicks New. He clicks the Magnifying glass to get a list of suppliers, from which he selects Wood y Wood Pecker. He sets the minimal quantity to 1 and clicks the Save & Close button. He takes a look at the other tabs and decides to keep the default values. He then clicks the Save button to store the new product.
3. Warehouse and locations Now Thomas will have a look at how the warehouse and the locations have been organised.
Conguring locations We will not create a warehouse and congure locations in this chapter. For more information, please refer to the chapter Stock Locations (page 31) later in this book. Just have a look at the list of locations dened with the demo data.
Warehouse and Location Structure OpenERP has three predened top-level location types: Physical Locations which dene where your stock is physically stored, Partner Locations for the customer and supplier stock and Virtual Locations representing counterparts for procurement, production and inventory. Thomas clicks Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Locations to display a list view of the locations.
The customer Clarkson asked to receive a quotation for two Ofce Desks from the OfceSecrets series. Thomas enters the sales quotation. Sales Quotation / Order Thomas goes to Sales Sales Sales Orders. He clicks the New button, to make a quotation. He enters Clarkson in the Customer eld. Now he can enter the products he will be selling. Next to Sales Order Lines, Thomas clicks the New button to enter sales order lines. He selects the Desk product and changes the quantity to 2 as specied in the screenshot g-so. Thomas clicks the Save & Close button. Then he clicks Compute to see the total price of the quotation. He opens the Other Information tab because he wants the sales invoice to be created from the picking. So he changes the Shipping Policy to Invoice from the Picking. To print the quotation, he clicks Quotation / Order in the Reports section at the right side of the screen.
Price Lists In this chapter, the Public Pricelist will be used. Later on, you will learn more about creating price lists.
5. Conrm the sales order John Smith calls Thomas to tell him that he agrees with the quotation. Thomas now conrms the sales order.
Sales Quotation / Order Thomas goes to Sales Sales Sales Orders. He enters Clarkson in the Customer eld and then clicks Search. Thomas clicks the sales order to open it. He clicks the Confirm Order button to make a sales order from the quotation. To print the sales order, he clicks Quotation / Order in the Reports section at the right side of the screen.
Order Conrmation When you click Confirm Order, red text will be displayed at the top of the screen depending on the parameters of the sales order. In our example, you will see two text lines, one about the quotation conversion and another one about the delivery order. You can click the second line to be directed to the delivery order. You can also open the delivery order from the History tab of the sales order.
6. Open the delivery order and run the scheduler The goods have to be delivered to the customer, but Thomas notices that the desks are not available in stock. Because the Desk was dened as a Make to order & Buy product, OpenERP will automatically create a procurement order on conrmation of a sales order, allowing you to directly generate a purchase order. OpenERP has a scheduler that will run by default every day. In this case, Jason, your companys Purchaser, will run the scheduler manually. Scheduler Jason goes to Warehouse Schedulers. He clicks Compute Schedulers because he needs to purchase material and wants to check whether anything needs to be added. In the Wizard, Jason clicks Compute Schedulers to start the computation.
7. Change the purchase request and conrm it Now OpenERP will have created procurements (in this example purchase requests) for the products that need to be supplied.
Purchase Requests Jason goes to Purchases Purchase Management Request for Quotation. He notices the purchase request for Wood y Wood Pecker, and clicks the yellow pencil to open it in Edit mode. Now he decides to purchase some extra desks, because Luke, the Sales Manager, told him he expects more sales. To do this, he clicks the yellow pencil in front of the order line and changes the quantity to 10. He clicks the Save & Close button, then he clicks Compute to see the total price of the quotation. From the Delivery & Invoicing tab, he species that the invoice has to be created from the picking (Invoicing Control From Picking). To conrm the purchase order, he just has to click the Convert to Purchase Order button.
8. Receive the products The supplier Wood y Wood Pecker sends the goods to your company. Jason receives the goods and enters this receipt in OpenERP. Incoming Shipments Jason goes to Warehouse Warehouse Management Incoming Shipments. He notices the incoming shipment for Wood y Wood Pecker, and clicks the green arrow to start receiving the products. He clicks the Validate button to conrm that the desks have been received from the supplier. From the Incoming Shipments list view, he notices that the Delivery order for the customer is now ready to process (red text at the top of the screen). He wants to check the stock of Desks and goes to Warehouse Product Products. In the Name eld, Jason types desk, then clicks Search. The real stock is 10, the virtual stock is 8, because of the conrmed sales order for two desks.
List versus Form view You can receive / deliver goods from both list and form view. You can also receive / deliver goods by product instead of by complete order.
9. Create the draft purchase invoice Because the purchase order was set to be invoiced from the picking, Jason can now create the draft invoice, which allows for easy invoicing control.
Draft Purchase Invoice Jason returns to Warehouse Warehouse Management Incoming Shipments and clicks Clear. He opens the extended lters and clicks the To Invoice button. He ticks the check box in front of the incoming shipment to be invoiced and then clicks the Create Invoice action in the Reports section at the right side of the screen. He selects the Purchase Journal and clicks Create to generate the draft invoice. The screen with the supplier invoice will open. We will get back to this later.
10. Deliver the goods to the customer and create draft sales invoice The Desks are now available in stock and can be delivered to the customer. In the warehouse, they check the open delivery orders. Delivery Randy from the warehouse goes to Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders to check the goods ready for delivery. He clicks the yellow pencil to open the delivery order. He clicks the Process button to deliver the 2 desks, then he clicks Validate.
11. Create the sales invoice Thomas now checks whether the desks have been delivered to his customer. He can check this from the sales order, or he can tell from the status of the delivery order.
Creating a Sales Invoice To create the draft sales invoice, Thomas has several possibilities. He opens Sales Invoicing Deliveries to Invoice and selects the corresponding delivery for invoicing by ticking the check box and clicking the Create Invoice action in the Reports section at the right of the screen. He goes to Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders, and clicks the Create Invoice button. He goes to the list of sales orders, and opens the sales order concerned. Thomas clicks the History tab, clicks the picking list and then the Create Invoice button. He selects the Sales Journal and clicks the Create button. The draft invoice is now displayed in list view. Thomas opens the invoice and clicks the Validate button. To print the invoice, he clicks the Print Invoice button, or the Invoices action in the Reports section at the right of the screen. The printed invoice will automatically be added as pdf document to Attachments.
12. Create the purchase invoice Robin, the accountant, now receives the invoice from his supplier. He can do the invoicing control according to the picking directly from the Purchase Invoices screen. Invoice Control Robin goes to Accounting Suppliers Supplier Invoices and opens the Wood y Wood Pecker invoice. Robin veries whether the invoice from the supplier matches this draft invoice created from the picking order. The invoice indeed matches and he clicks the Approve button to conrm the invoice and assign a document number to it.
Purchaser The purchaser can also do the invoice matching from Purchases Invoice Control Supplier Invoices to Receive.
Below you nd a graphical representation of the sales ow we explained before; the part from quotation to invoice. This view is available in OpenERP. You can open this Process view by clicking the question mark next to the Sales Order title.
A database loaded with demonstration data is very useful to understand OpenERPs general capabilities. But to explore OpenERP through a lens of your own companys needs, you should start with an empty database. You will work in this chapter on a minimal database containing no demonstration data, so that there is no confusion about what you created. You will keep the database you have created, to allow you to build on it throughout the rest of this book if you want to. You will develop a real case through the following phases: 1. Specify a real case; 2. Describe the functional needs; 3. Congure the system with the essential modules; 4. Carry out the necessary data loading; 5. Test the system with your database. The case is deliberately simple to provide you with a foundation for the more complex situations you might have to handle in your company. Throughout this chapter, we assume that you access OpenERP through its web interface. And it is also assumed (as in the rest of this book) that you are using the latest download of OpenERP version 6, the stable production version at the time of writing (not the trunk version, which is likely to have new and potentially unstable features).
Press Create to start creating the database. OpenERP suggests that you congure your database using a series of questions. In the software, these series of questions are managed through so-called Configuration Wizards. Click the Start Configuration button to continue. The next conguration wizard will help you to decide what your user interface will look like, whether the screens will only show the most important elds - Simplified - or whether you also want to see the elds for the more advanced users, the Extended view. Select Extended and click Next to continue. User Preferences You can easily switch from Simplied to Extended view by changing your User Preferences.
In the next wizard, you can ll your company data, select your companys base currency and add your company logo which can be printed on reports. Fill out the required data and click Next to continue. Select the Warehouse Management, Purchase Management, Sales Management and Accounting & Finance business applications for installation and click Install. Now OpenERP will start to install these four applications, allowing you to do a complete cycle, from sales / warehouse / purchase to invoice. You will have to wait for the next conguration wizard to be displayed (Loading will appear).
Recongure Keep in mind that you can change or recongure the system any time, for instance through the Recongure option in the main bar.
When you choose a business application for installation, OpenERP will automatically propose to add or congure related (smaller) applications to enrich your system. When you install Sales, OpenERP will also ask you whether you want to install Invoicing Journals for instance. CHAPTER 3. LETS GET STARTED AND CONFIGURE A NEW INSTANCE 19
Skip the step that asks you to congure your Accounting Chart, because you will learn how to create accounts. In the Purchases Application Conguration screen, simply click Configure to continue the database creation. The following wizards will appear: Congure your Sales Management application: click Configure to accept the default settings (no options checked). Congure your Accounting application: click Configure to accept the default settings. Congure Sales Order Logistics: click Next to accept the default settings. OpenERPs menu will be displayed, because your system is now ready for actual conguration. Setup Wizard You will have to go through the Setup wizard in steps. You have two options: 1. If you click the Start Conguration button, OpenERP guides you through a series of steps to: Congure Your Interface - proceed with Simplified (the other option is Extended); and Congure Your Company Information - enter a Company Name and select a Currency for your company. Then OpenERP helps you to install various applications with different functionality through wizards. OR 2. When you click the button Skip Conguration Wizards, you can have the screen as shown in screenshot Starting the minimal database (page 21). Then you can start working with this minimal database (we will not use this option here).
When you log on, OpenERP will display the opening screen with all selected business applications installed.
Figure 3.3: Database with all Required Functionality for this Example You will create all the elements in the database that you need to carry out the use case. These are specied in the functional requirements. Examples Of course, we will provide examples for you to congure your database, such as customers and suppliers. Make sure to use your own data instead.
Table 3.1: Dening Account Types Acc. Type Name View Income Expense Cash Receivable Payable Code view income expense cash receiv pay P&L / BS Category / Prot & Loss (Income Accounts) Prot & Loss (Expense Accounts) Balance Sheet (Assets Accounts) Balance Sheet (Assets Accounts) Balance Sheet (Liability Accounts) Deferral Method None None None Balance Unreconciled Unreconciled
Accounts To create accounts, go to Accounting Conguration Financial Accounting Accounts Accounts and click the New button. You need accounts to keep track of your customers and suppliers, two more to sell and buy goods, and one for the payment and receipt of funds. And also one organizing account that is just a view of the other ve. So basically you will need at least the following six accounts, one of which is shown in New Account (page 24). Click Save to conrm each account. Chart of Accounts Structure When you create a chart of accounts, you should always start with the main view account to dene the chart, as shown in the table (Minimal Chart). This will allow you to easily link new accounts to the correct chart directly.
Table 3.2: Dening Accounts Name Minimal Chart Payable Receivable Bank Purchases Sales Code 0 AP AR B P S Parent 0 Minimal Chart 0 Minimal Chart 0 Minimal Chart 0 Minimal Chart 0 Minimal Chart Internal Type View Payable Receivable Liquidity Regular Regular Account Type View Payable Receivable Cash Expense Income Reconcile unchecked checked checked unchecked unchecked unchecked
Figure 3.5: New Account The Account Type entry is taken from the list of types that you just created. Although it looks a bit like a text box, it does not behave in quite the same way. A single Del or Backspace keystroke is all you need to delete the whole text, and when you type the name (or part of the name), you still need to associate that text with the entry by clicking the Tab or Enter key to conrm your selection. You can also use the Search icon to open a list of available account types.
Properties You now dene some default properties, so that you do not have to think about which account is used for a certain transaction every time you do something. The main new properties are the four that associate accounts payable and receivable to partners, and expenses and income to product categories. Create properties using Administration Conguration Parameters Conguration Parameters and then clicking the New button. This menu is only available in Extended view. Selecting the correct eld When you have several elds with the same name, make sure to select the eld for which the Field Name corresponds to the property name you are dening. Note that you can also duplicate properties and then change the required elds.
Table 3.3: Dening Properties Name property_account_payable property_account_receivable property_account_expense_categ property_account_income_categ Field Account Payable Account Receivable Expense Account Income Account Type Many2One Many2One Many2One Many2One Value (account.account) AP Payable (account.account) AR Receivable (account.account) P Purchases (account.account) S Sales
To check the result of your conguration, you can go to Accounting Customers Customers and open the form containing your company data. On the Accounting tab, you will notice that both the default account receivable and account payable have been lled. Mistakes in conguring accounts and properties It is easy to make mistakes in conguring accounts and their properties, but the consequences are not immediately obvious. You will mostly discover mistakes when trying to make a Purchase or Sales Order (see later, for example, Purchase Order (page 36)), where the accounts are required elds or, if you are diligent, when you set up Partners. If you congure them correctly at this stage, then elds will be completed automatically and you will never know a thing. If you do not congure all this correctly, then you will not be able to save the order form until you have corrected the problem or until you manually set the accounts. Since this conguration is quite tedious, you would do best by nding a certied Chart of Accounts that has already been set up to meet your needs, and adapt the predened chart if necessary.
Table 3.4: Dening Journals Journal Name Purchase Journal Sales Journal Bank Journal Code Type PUJ SAJ Purchase Sale Display Mode Sale/Purchase Journal View Sale/Purchase Journal View Bank/Cash Journal View Default Debit Account P Purchases S Sales B Bank Default Credit Account P Purchases S Sales B Bank
In this example, validating a Purchase Order creates a draft invoice (see later, again for example, Purchase Order (page 36)), where a journal is required. As with accounts and properties, if you congure them correctly at this stage, the elds will be completed automatically and you will never know a thing. If you do not congure all this correctly, there will be errors with the order form or corresponding draft invoice, until you have corrected the problem or until you manually set the journal.
Editable Form in the Web Client When toggling from the list view to the form view of an item, you can generally click its name in the list view to show a non-editable view, or the pencil icon by the left-hand edge of the line to open it in an editable view. You can toggle between editable and non-editable once you are in form view. Change the contact name to match your rst name and name. The company name and the contact name below are just an example. Name : Ambitious Plumbing Entreprises . Contact Name : George Turnbull . Before you save this, look at the partners accounting setup by clicking the Accounting tab. The elds Account Receivable and Account Payable have account values that were taken from the account properties you just created. You do not have to accept those values: you can enter any suitable account you like at this stage, although OpenERP limits the selection to accounts that make accounting sense. Back at the rst tab, General, change any other elds you like, such as the address and phone numbers, then click Save. This changes one Contact for the Partner, which is sufcient for the example. From the MAIN MENU, click Administration Companies Companies and edit the only entry there. Please note that you have to keep your own company data, but for the example we use the Ambitious Plumbing company. Company Name: AmbiPlum , Partner: should already show Ambitious Plumbing Enterprises , Report Header: Ambitious Plumbing , Report Footer 1: type your slogan, i.e. Best Plumbing Services, Great Prices , Report Footer 2: type your company details, such as bank account or Ambitious - our Registered Company Details . Figure Changing Company Details (page 28) shows the effect of this. You can also change various other company-wide parameters for reports and scheduling in the other tabs, and you can upload a company logo of a specic size for the reports. Click Save to store the changes. You can leave the currency at its default setting of EUR for this example. Or you can change it in this Company and the two default Pricelists (Sales Conguration Pricelists Pricelists) if you did not set the correct company currency in the Conguration Wizard. Currency The examples in this book are in USD and EUR. You, the reader, can use your home currency instead.
Figure 3.7: New Partner Form Figure New Partner Form (page 29) shows the result. Contact Types If you have recorded several contacts for the same partner you can specify which contact is used for various documents by specifying the Address Type. For example, the delivery address can differ from the invoice address for a partner. If the Address Types are correctly assigned, OpenERP can automatically select the appropriate address during the creation of the document an invoice is addressed to the contact that has been assigned the Address Type of Invoice, otherwise to the Default address.
For the second partner, proceed just as you did for the rst, with the following data:
Name : Smith and Offspring, Customer checkbox : checked, Supplier checkbox : unchecked, Contact Name : Stephen Smith, Address Type : Default, add Customers in the Categories eld, Save the form. To check your work, you can go to the menu Sales Conguration Address Book Partner Categories and click on each category in turn to see the companies in the category. Multiple Partner Categories If this partner was also a supplier, then you would add Suppliers to the categories as well, but there is no need to do so in this example. You can assign a partner to multiple categories at all levels of the hierarchy.
UOM UOM is an abbreviation for Unit of Measure. OpenERP manages multiple units of measure for each product: you can buy in tons and sell in kgs, for example. The conversion between each category is made automatically (so long as you have set up the conversion rate in the product form rst).
Managing Double Units of Measure The whole management of stock can be carried out with double units of measure (UOM and UOS for Unit of Sale). For example, an agro-food company can stock and sell ham by piece, but buy and value it by weight. There is no direct relationship between these two units, so a weighing operation has to be done. This functionality is crucial in the agro-food industry, and can be equally important in fabrication, chemicals and many other industries.
Now create a new product through the Warehouse or Sales menu: 1. Go to Products Products and click New. 2. Create a product type Titanium Alloy Radiator in the Name eld. 3. The Product Type eld should be assigned as Stockable Product. The elds Procurement Method, Supply method, Default Unit Of Measure, and Purchase Unit Of Measure should stay at their default values. For more information about these methods, please refer to chapter Procurement Methods Make to Stock and Make to Order (page 134). 4. Enter 57.50 into the Cost Price eld and 132.50 into the Sale Price eld. 5. Click the Search icon to the right of the Category eld to select the Radiators category. 6. Click the Accounting tab, then click Save and observe that Accounting Properties here remain empty. When product transactions occur, the Income and Expense accounts that you have just dened in the Product Category are used by the Product unless an account is specied here, directly in the product, to override that. 7. Once the product is saved, it changes to a non-editable state. If you had entered data incorrectly or left a required eld blank, an error message would pop-up, the form would have stayed editable and you would need to click from tab to tab to nd a eld colored red that would have to be correctly lled in.
Figure 3.8: Product Form OpenERP has three predened top-level location types , Physical Locations and Partner Locations that act as their names suggest, and Virtual Locations that are used by OpenERP for its own purposes. 1. From the Main Menu click Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Locations to reach a list view of the locations (not the tree view). 2. Click the Clear button to display a complete list of all predened locations. 3. Click the name of a location, such as Physical Locations/Ambitious Plumbing Enterprises to open a descriptive form view. Each location has a Location Type and a Parent Location that denes the hierarchical structure. While you are here you might have to change the locations name to Ambitious Plumbing Enterprises. 4. From the Main Menu click Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Warehouses to view a list of warehouses. There is only the one at the moment, named after your company, or in the example Ambitious Plumbing Enterprises . A Warehouse contains an input location, a stock location and an output location for sold products. You can associate a warehouse with a partner to give the warehouse an address. That does not have to be your own company (although it can be); you can easily specify another partner who may be holding stock on your behalf.
Location Structure Each warehouse is composed of three locations Location Input, Location Output, and Location Stock. Your available stock is given by the contents of the Location Stock and its child locations. So the Location Input can be placed as a child of the Location Stock, which means that when Location Stock is interrogated for product quantities, it also takes into account the contents of the Location Input. Location Input could be used as a goods-in QC location. The Location Output must never be placed as a child of Location Stock, since items in Location Output, which can be considered to be packed ready for customer shipment, should not be thought of as available for sales elsewhere.
the Code and the rst day of your nancial year as the Start of Period and the End of Period dates. Then check the Opening/Closing Period checkbox. Click Accounting Charts Charts of Accounts to open a Chart of Accounts form where you dene exactly what you want to see. Simply click Open Charts to accept the defaults and display a hierarchical structure of the accounts.
Drop (delete) a Database To delete a database, go to the web Login screen and click the Databases button. Then click the Drop button, select the database you want to delete and enter the super-administrator password. Click the Drop button to conrm that you want to delete the database.
Restore a Database To restore a database, go to the web Login screen and click the Databases button. Then click the Restore button, click the Choose File button to select the database you want to restore. Give the database a name and enter the super-administrator password. Click the Restore button to conrm that you want to install a new copy of the selected database. To restore a database, you need to have an existing copy, of course.
Duplicating a Database To duplicate a database, you can: 1. make a backup le on your PC from this database. 2. restore this database from the backup le on your PC, and give it a new name. This can be a useful way of making a test database from a production database. You can try out the operation of a new conguration, new modules, or just the import of new data.
A system administrator can congure OpenERP to restrict access to some of these database functions so that your security is enhanced in normal production use. This operation enables you to test the new conguration on testing so that you can be sure everything works as designed. Then if the tests are successful, you can make a new database from, perhaps called live or production, for your real work. From here on, connect to this new testing database logged in as admin if you can. If you have to make corrections, do that on YourCompany and copy it to a new testing database to continue checking it. Or you can just continue working with the YourCompany database to get through this chapter. You can recreate YourCompany quite quickly if something goes wrong and you cannot recover from it but, again, you would need to know your super-administrator password for that.
Save the order line and close the Order Line window by clicking the Save & Close button. You can then save the whole one-line order by clicking Save, which makes the form non-editable. It is now in a state of Request for Quotation. To approve the quotation, click Convert to Purchase Order, which corresponds to an approval from a manager or from Accounts within your own company and moves the order into Approved state. If you click the Delivery & Invoicing tab you will see the delivery Destination is your own companys Stock location and that the invoice was created from the order. It is not entirely obvious at this stage, but the invoice is in a draft state so it can be edited and, crucially, it has no accounting impact yet: it is just ready for your accounting group to activate it.
2. When the Incoming Shipments window appears, select the name of the entry in the list (IN/00001) to display the Packing List itself you would usually do a search for the supplier name or order number in a list that was larger than this then click Process to load the Process Document form. 3. Click Validate to indicate that you are receiving the whole quantity of 10 units. At this point you have accepted 10 units into your company, in a location that you have already seen. Using the menu Purchases Products Products you can nd the product Titanium Alloy Radiators with Real Stock and Virtual Stock 10. Open the product form, and click the Stock by Location link at the right side of the screen to see the Real Stock and Virtual Stock of this product in various locations. Now select the checkbox in front of the Stock and Suppliers locations. The right side menu appears. Click the Location Inventory Overview report to see the inventory valuation for each of these two locations.
Traceability in Double-Entry OpenERP operates a double-entry stock transfer scheme similar to double-entry accounting. Because of this you can carry out various analyses of stock levels in your warehouse, along with the corresponding levels in Partner Location at your Supplier. The double-entry system, similar to that of accounting, enables you to keep track of stock movements quite easily, and to resolve any errors that occur.
Accounting entries are generated automatically once the invoice is validated. You can check the entry from the Other Info tab, in the Journal Entry eld. To see the effects on your chart of accounts, go to the menu Accounting Charts Chart of Accounts, and click Open Charts at the Chart of Accounts page to see that you have a debit of 560.00 in the Purchases account and a credit of 560.00 in the Payable account. Invoice Control Should your purchase invoice have to be checked by the purchaser rst, he can go to the menu Purchases Invoice Control Supplier Invoices to Receive to check whether the invoice corresponds with the order (or the goods receipt according to the Invoice Control settings).
You can monitor the accounting impact of paying the invoice through the chart of accounts available from the menu Accounting Charts Chart of Accounts. OpenERP automatically creates accounting entries from the payment, and can reconcile the payment to the invoice. You now have a new transaction that has debited the Payable account with 560.00 and credited the Bank account. If you look in Accounting Journal Entries Journal Entries you will see both accounting transactions, one in the Purchase Journal and another one in the Bank Journal, both with the Posted state.
7. In the last tab of the order History, you can see the Picking List that has been created and you will be able to see any invoices that relate to this order when they are generated. Go to Sales Products Products to display a list of products: just the one, Titanium Alloy Radiator , currently exists in this example. Its Real Stock still shows 10.00 but its Virtual Stock now shows 4.00 to reect the new future requirement of 6 units for dispatch.
Although OpenERP has automatically been made aware that items on this order will need to be dispatched, it has not yet assigned any specic items from any location to full it. It is ready to move 6.00 Titanium Alloy Radiators from the Stock location to the Customers location, so start this process by clicking Check Availability. The Move line has now changed from the Confirmed state to the Available state. Then click the Process button to reach the Process Document window, where you click the Validate button to transfer the 6 radiators to the customer. To analyze stock movements that you have made during these operations, go to Warehouse Product Products and select the radiator by clicking the checkbox in front of it, then click the action Stock by Location which is at the right most side to see that your stocks have reduced to 4 radiators and the generic Customers location has a level of 6 radiators.
Once you conrm an invoice, OpenERP assigns it a unique number, and all of the corresponding accounting entries are generated. So open the invoice and click Validate to do that and move the invoice into an Open state with a number of SAJ/2011/0001. You can send your customer the invoice for payment at this stage. Click Print Invoice to get a PDF document that can be printed or emailed to the customer. The PDF of your invoice will automatically be added as an attachment. This gives you a permanent non-editable record of your invoice on the OpenERP system. Review your chart of accounts to check the impact of these activities on your accounting. You will see the new revenue line from the invoice.
Figure 3.11: Invoice Form Check your Chart of Accounts as before to see that you now have a healthy bank balance in the Bank account.
Part II
For this chapter you can continue using the database already created or you can start with a fresh database that includes demonstration data, with sale and its dependencies installed and no particular chart of accounts congured.
Figure 4.1: New Quotation Once the customer name has been selected, different elds of the order are completed automatically, based on the conguration of the partner form for that customer: Ordering Contact : person handling the order at the customer end. By default, OpenERP proposes the Ordering Contact at the selected partner. Delivery Address : address used on the delivery order. By default, OpenERP proposes the delivery address from the partner form. If no specic delivery address is dened, the default address will be used instead. Invoice Address : address used to send the invoice to the customer. By default, OpenERP proposes the address labelled Invoice from the partner form. If no specic invoice address is dened, the default address will be used instead. Pricelist : will determine both the currency of the quotation and the price that will be used for each product. Payment Term : available in the Other Information tab, it shows the payment method that the customer will follow, for example 30 Days End of Month. You can modify any of these elds on the order as you go. You can also set an analytic account for your order. This account will be used during invoicing to generate accounting entries corresponding to the invoice automatically. This is extremely useful for assigning revenues to the project or case specied by this order.
Analytic Accounts If you are managing by task, the analytic account to be selected is the one that corresponds to the project for the order. The sales carried out by the order can be allocated to the project so that protability calculations can be made.
Once the information has been entered, you can enter data for the order lines. To do that, create a new order line as shown in the gure Entering a New Sales Order Line (page 47).
Figure 4.2: Entering a New Sales Order Line First of all, select the product that is to be sold to the customer. OpenERP shows some useful information in the list of products to help you making a sales quotation: Real Stock : physically present in your warehouses. This value depends on the Shop (sales point) selected in the order header. Different shops can be linked to different warehouses, giving different stock levels, or can use the same warehouse. Virtual Stock : shows a salesperson the quantity that can be sold, taking into account both stock reserved for other orders and the number of products planned to arrive in the short term. Public Price : the basic sales price for the given product. It provides a basis for the salesperson to be able to judge whether to offer a discount to the customer, and how much the discount should be. Pricelist : (may not be shown, depending on the installed modules) depends on the pricing conditions attached to the customer, calculated on the list price. This is the price that is proposed by default in the customer quotation, unless it has been modied by the salesperson.
Cost Price : shows the cost price of the product. If the salesperson sells at less than this amount, the company incurs a loss.
Figure 4.3: Selecting a Product in a Sales Order Line Once the product to be sold to the customer has been selected, OpenERP automatically completes all the other required elds: quantity, unit of measure, description, unit price, discount, procurement method, lead times and applicable taxes. All of this information comes from the product form. Visible Discount If a discounted price is taken from a price list, by default that gure is shown as the sales price to the customer. He will see a discount of 0% along with the unit price that is different from the list price. If you install the module product_visible_discount from extra-addons, you can congure whether you want to make the discount explicitly visible in an order form as a percentage difference from the list price, or just show a reduced unit price as in the default conguration.
When you enter a quotation, the selected product is presented in the language of the user so that he can see what he is selling. The description of the product sold can also be expressed in the customers language. The translation to the customers language is used on the quotation or order when it is printed.
Figure 4.4: Selling a Product in a Partner Language that differs from the User Language
One-off Sales If a product is sold to a customer only once, you do not have to create a completely new product form just for that sale. You can manually complete all the information in the order without actually creating a product: description, price, quantity, lead time, taxes. In this case, OpenERP will not generate a delivery note because the a pure description is not a product, and so it is not in stock.
When all of the products are entered, you can print the quotation and send it to the customer. To do this, click the Quotation / Order link in the Reports section to the right. OpenERP opens the quotation in PDF to enable to you to check it before printing. When the order is conrmed by the customer, you can conrm the quotation to turn in into a sales order. You can also just cancel the window without conrming the order to leave it in quotation state. To see all the current quotations, you can use the menu Sales Sales Sales Orders and click the Quotations lter button. To follow the process for your order, you can click on the process view (indicated by a question mark) from the order form. OpenERP shows you an interactive process view of that order. For more information about its use, look at ch-process.
4.2 Packaging
Products can be managed in several packaged forms. For example, if you sell batteries you can dene the following packages for a given battery product: Piece: a battery, Blister Pack: a pack of 4 batteries, Pack of 100 blisters: 400 batteries, Palette: 40 packs for a total of 16,000 batteries. OpenERPs package management enables you to sell the same product in several different forms. The salesperson could sell separately, one battery or a palette of batteries. In the order, you can select the default packaging type as a function of the quantities ordered. For example, if the customer wants to buy 30,000 batteries, the salesperson can select the palette package. OpenERP will then propose to sell 32,000 batteries, which corresponds to two palettes. Or the salesperson can select 75 packs. The available packages are dened in the product form, in the Packaging tab. The rst item on the list is the one that will be used by default. Once a package has been dened on the order, OpenERP will throw up an alert if the ordered quantities do not correspond to the proposed packages. The quantity must be a multiple of the eld Quantity by Package dened on the packaging form.
Figure 4.7: Alert on the Quantities sold compared to the Packaging Do not confuse the management of packaging with the management of multiple units of measure. The Unit of Measure is used to manage the stock differently according to the various units. With packages, the stock is always managed by individual items, but information about the package to use is supplied to the storesperson along with that item. Even if the effects are the same, the printed documents will be different. The two following operations have the same effect on stock movement levels, but will be printed differently on the sales order and the packing order as where quantities are concerned: 32,000 batteries, delivered on two palettes, 2 palettes of batteries, with no information about packaging. If the customer wants to order a palette and 10 packs, the salesperson can put two order lines on the sales order using the same product with different units of measure. 52 CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES
It is sometimes more useful to dene different products than to dene several possible packages for the same product. A case of beer in a supermarket is a good example. A case holds 24 bottles, plus the empty case itself. The customer can buy bottles by the piece or a case of 24 bottles at one go. You could dene two packages for the Bottle of beer : PCE and case . But this representation does not let you manage the stock and price of empty cases. So you might instead prefer a Bill of Materials, dening and using three different products: the empty case for the beer, the bottle of beer, the case of 24 bottles of beer. You also dene the bill of materials below which determines the make-up of the case of 24 beers: Case of 24 bottles of beer: 1 unit, Bottle of beer: 24 units, Empty case of beer: 1 unit. Each of these three products has a different price. The products Bottle of beer and Empty case of beer have a stock level that needs to be managed. The Case of 24 bottles of beer has no stock because, if you sell the product, OpenERP automatically moves the stock in two lines, one for the empty case and the other for the 24 individual bottles of beer.
4.3 Alerts
To manage alerts on products or partners, you can install the warning module. Once that is installed, you will be able to congure a series of alerts on the partners or products by setting parameters in the new Warnings tab on each of the forms. You can select any of the following types of warnings and create different warnings for purchases and for sales: No Message: This option will not display a message. Warning: This option will show the user the message entered. Blocking Message: The message displayed will cause an exception and block the workow. You can activate alerts for a series of events. For each alert, you should enter a message that will be displayed when the event concerned is started. The available warnings in the partner form are: Create a warning for a sales order, Create a warning for a purchase order, CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES 53
Figure 4.8: Management of alerts on partners Create a warning for a delivery to a partner (or receiving an item), Create a warning when invoicing a partner. For example, if you enter an alert for the invoicing of a customer, for an accountant entering an invoice for that customer, the alert message will be attached as shown in the gure Alert from Invoicing a Customer (page 55). The alerts that can be congured on a product form are related to: The sales of that product, The purchase of that product. A practical example: Now when could you use such an alert? Suppose that your customer asks you to never make any deliveries on Tuesday morning, because the street is blocked due to a weekly market. You surely would like your transporter to be aware of this, so it could be useful to have a kind of message printed by default on each delivery order for this customer. To do this, you could create a Warning on the Picking in the Customer form of the partner concerned, saying that no deliveries are allowed on Tuesday morning.
To get to the Extended view mode, go to the Edit Preferences link and select the interface of your choice. You can also use the Recongure wizard and congure your interface as Extended, or assign the group Usability Extended View to the current user.
Table 4.1: Example Delivery Modes Carrier Express Track Priority Courier EFG Standard EFG Express Carrier Partner Mail Ofce Mail Ofce EFG Inc EFG Inc Delivery Product Express Track Delivery Courier Express Delivery Delivery EFG Delivery EFG Express
Information about the invoicing of transport (such as accounts, applicable taxes) is entered in the product linked to the delivery mode. Ideally the product should be congured with Product Type Service and Procurement Method Make to Stock. You can use the same product for several delivery modes. This simplies the conguration, but it has the disadvantage that you will not be able to separate your sales gures by delivery mode.
For example, for the postal tariffs for Priority Courier, you generally dene the three tariff grids for Mail Ofce: National Courier, Courier in Europe, Courier Outside Europe. To dene a new delivery grid, use the menu Warehouse Conguration Delivery Delivery Pricelist. Give a name to your delivery grid and dene the region for which the tariffs in the grid will apply in the second tab Destination. There you can set: A list of countries (for UK or Europe, for example), A list of states, A range of postal codes (for Paris you might have 75000 75900). Then you have to set the rules for calculating the transport price in the rst tab Grid denition. First of all, give the rule a name. Then set the condition for which this rule is applicable, for example Weight < 0.5kg. Weights Weights are always expressed in kilograms. You can dene a number with a decimal point or comma, so to set 500g you would put 0.5 in the weight rule.
Next you can set the sales price and the cost price. Prices can be expressed in various ways: a xed price, a variable price, as a function of weight, volume, weight x volume or price. For example, mailing within France using current tariffs would be dened as shown in the table below:
Table 4.2: Example Tariff Rules Name S M L XL Condition Weight < 3 kg Weight < 5 kg Weight < 6 kg Weight < 7 kg Price 6.90 7.82 8.53 9.87 Price Type Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
You can also dene rules that depend on the total amount on the order. For example to offer xed price delivery if the total order amount is greater than 150 USD, add the following rule:
Table 4.3: Additional Tariff Rule Name Franked > 150 USD Condition Price > 150 USD Price 10 Price Type Fixed
Figure 4.11: Adding Transport Costs to an Order Once the delivery mode has been selected, OpenERP automatically adds a line to the quotation with the amount calculated by the delivery function. This technique enables you to calculate the delivery charge based on the order and then, separately, how the products will really be delivered to the customer. If you want to calculate the exact delivery charges depending on the actual deliveries, you must use invoicing based on deliveries.
Figure 4.12: An order with the module sale_margin The margin on each line is dened as the quantity sold multiplied by the sales price for the customer less the cost price of the products. By default, products are managed using standard price in OpenERP (cost price xed manually and reviewed once per year). You can change that to Average Price, meaning that the product cost uctuates with purchases from suppliers. After product receipt you can include xed costs, such as delivery costs, in the cost of each product. OpenERP supports a third method of updating the cost price of products. This is through the button Update on the product form which lets you automatically recalculate the cost price for the selected product. The cost price is calculated from the raw materials and the operations carried out (if the products have been manufactured internally, so that you have set their costs).
Figure 4.13: Product Margins You then get a margin analysis table. The following elds are displayed for the sales of each product: Avg. Unit Price: the average unit sales price, Catalog Price: the list price based on this product, # Invoiced: the number of sold products that have been invoiced, Sales Gap: the difference between the revenue calculated from list price and volume, and the actual sales, Turnover: the actual sales revenue for the product selected, Expected Sale: the number of products sold multiplied by the list price.
Figure 4.14: Margin Details for a Given Product The following elds are given by product for purchases: Avg. Unit price : the average unit purchase price, Standard price : the standard cost price of the product for the company, # Invoiced : the number of purchased products, Purchase Gap: the difference between the total actual cost and the standard cost multiplied by the number of units purchased, Total Cost: the total cost of purchases for the product under consideration, Normal Cost: the number of products sold multiplied by the standard cost price. The following elds are given by product for margins: Total Margin, Expected Margin, Total Margin in percent, Expected Margin in percent.
Figure 4.15: Detail of margins for a case Start by opening a projects analytic account through Project Billing Overpassed Accounts and selecting one of them. In the forms Analysis summary tab you will nd the following information: The total costs for the analytic account, The total amount of invoiced sales, The number of hours worked, The number of hours remaining to be worked, The remaining income, The theoretical income (hours worked multiplied by their sale price), The number of hours invoiced, The real income per hour, The real margin, CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES 63
The theoretical margin taking into account everything yet to be invoiced, The real margin rate in percent, The last invoicing date, The last worked hours, The number of hours remaining to be invoiced, The amount remaining to be invoiced. For detailed information on the analytic account you can use any of the several reports available in the toolbar to the right.
Intelligent price management is difcult, because it requires you to integrate several conditions from clients and suppliers to create estimates quickly or to invoice automatically. But if you have an efcient price management mechanism you can often keep margins raised and respond quickly to changes in market conditions. A good price management system gives you scope for varying any and all of the relevant factors when you are negotiating a contract. To help you work most effectively, OpenERPs pricelist principles are extremely powerful yet are based on simple and generic rules. You can develop both sales pricelists and purchase pricelists for products capable of accommodating conditions such as the date period, the quantity requested and the type of product.
Do not confuse the Different Price Specications Do not confuse the sales price with the basic price of the product. In OpenERPs basic conguration, the sales price is the list price specied in the product form, but a customer can have a different sales price depending on the conditions. The same applies to the purchase price and standard cost. Purchase price is your suppliers selling price, which changes in response to different criteria such as quantities, dates, and supplier. This is automatically set by the accounting system. You will nd that the two prices have been set by default to the same for all products with the demonstration data, which can be a source of confusion. You are free to set the standard cost to something different.
Each pricelist is calculated from dened policies, so you will have as many sales pricelists as active sales policies in the company. For example, a company that sells products through three sales channels could create the following price lists: 1. Main distribution: pricelist for Walbury, pricelist for TesMart, 2. Postal Sales. 3. Walk-in customers. A single pricelist can exist in several versions, only one of which is permitted to be active at a given time. These versions let you set different prices at different points in time. So the pricelist for walk-in customers could have ve different versions, for example: Autumn, Summer, Summer Sales, Winter, Spring. Direct customers will see prices that change with the seasons. Each pricelist is expressed in a single currency. If your company sells products in several currencies, you will have to create as many pricelists as you have currencies. The prices on a pricelist can depend on another list, which means that you do not have to repeat the denition of all conditions for each product. So a pricelist in USD can be based on a pricelist in EUR. If the currency conversion rates between EUR and USD change, or the EUR prices change, the USD rates can be automatically adjusted.
a Type of list: Sale for customers or Purchase for suppliers, the Currency in which the prices are expressed.
Price List Versions Once the pricelist is dened you have to link at least one version. You can create a new version directly from the pricelist or from the Sales Conguration Pricelists Pricelist Versions menu. The version contains all of the rules that enable you to calculate a price for a product and a given quantity. Start by setting the Name of this associated version. If the list only has a single version, you can use the same name for the pricelist and the version. In the Price List eld, select the pricelist you created (this is not necessary if you create the version directly from the pricelist). Then set the Start Date and End Date of this version. The elds are both optional: if you do not set any dates the version will be permanently active. Only one version may be active at any one point, so bear this in mind when creating them. Use the Active eld in the versions to activate or disable a pricelist version. Automatically Updating the Sales Pricelist Any sales pricelist can be set to depend on one of the other pricelists. So you could create your sales pricelist based on the suppliers purchase pricelist, to which you add a margin. The prices are automatically calculated as a function of the purchase price and need no further manual adjustment.
Calculation Rules A pricelist version is made up of a set of rules that apply to the basic product prices.
Figure 4.16: Rule in a Pricelist Version You dene the conditions for a rule in the rst part of the screen labelled Rules Test Match. The rule applies to the Product or Product Template and/or the named Product Category. If a rule is applied to 66 CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES
a category, then it is automatically applied to all of its subcategories too (using the tree structure for product categories). If you set a minimum quantity in Min. Quantity, the rule will only apply to a quantity equal to or larger than the quantity set. This way, you can dene reduced rates in steps according to the quantities ordered. Several rules can be applied to an order. OpenERP evaluates these rules by sequence number, to determine which rule(s) to apply to the specied price calculation. If several rules are valid, only the rst in sequence is used for the calculation. The Sequence eld determines the order, starting with the lowest number and working up. Once a rule has been selected, the system has to determine how to calculate the price from the rule. This operation is based on the criteria set out in the lower part of the form, labelled Price Computation. The rst eld to complete is Based on. Set the way in which the partner price will be calculated, choosing between: the Public Price set in the product le, the Cost Price set in the product le, an Other Pricelist given in the eld If Other Pricelist, the price that varies as a function of a supplier dened in the Partner section of the product form. Several other criteria can be considered and added to the list, as you will see in the following section. Next, various operations can be applied to the basic price to calculate the sales or purchase price for the partner, according to the specied quantities. To calculate it, you apply the formula shown on the form: Price = Base Price x (1 + Field1) + Field2 . The rst eld, Field1, denes a discount or a supplement. Set it to -0.20 for a discount of 20% from the basic price. If your price is based on standard cost, you can set 0.15 to get a 15% price uplift compared to the standard costs. Field2 sets a xed supplement to the price, expressed in the currency of the pricelist. This amount is just added (or subtracted, if negative) to the amount calculated with the Field1 discount. Then you can specify a rounding method. The rounding calculation is carried out to the nearest number. For example if you set 0.05 in this example, a price of 45.66 will be rounded to 45.65, and 14,567 rounded to 100 will give a price of 14,600. Swiss Special Situation In Switzerland, the smallest monetary unit is 5 cents. There are not any 1 or 2 cent coins. So you set OpenERPs rounding to 0.05 to round everything in a Swiss franc pricelist.
The supplement from Field2 is applied before the rounding calculation, which enables some interesting effects. For example, if you want all your prices to end in 9.99, set your rounding to 10 and your supplement to -0.01 in Field2. CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES 67
Minimum and Maximum margins enable you to guarantee a given margin over the base price. A margin of 10 USD enables you to stop the discount from returning less than that margin. If you put 0 into this eld, no effect is taken into account. Once the pricelist is dened, you can assign it to a partner. Go to the Partner form and select its Sales & Purchases tab. You can then change the Purchase Pricelist and the Sale Pricelist that is loaded by default for the partner. Decimal Accuracy There are several conguration settings related to the decimal accuracy of prices, or the number of decimal places to hold with each price eld. To change the accuracy of a eld, follow these steps: 1. Make sure you have the Extended user interface. The setting is in your user preferences. 2. Go to Administration Customization Database Structure Decimal Accuracy. This list contains a number of predened elements. 3. Open the entry you want to change. Purchase Price and Sale Price are the most common ones related to prices, but some elds are controlled by the Account entry. 4. Type a new value in the digits eld, and save the entry. Do not change the description in the Usage eld, or it will stop working. 5. Close the screen where you were editing prices and reopen it. The price eld should now have the number of digits you asked for.
In addition, the products presented in the table below are dened in the currency of the installed chart of accounts. TABLE
Table 4.4: Examples of products with their different prices Product Acclo Portable Toshibishi Portable Berrel Keyboard Ofce Computer Sale Price 1,200 1,340 100 1,400 Cost Price 887 920 50 1,000 Default supplier price 893 920 50 1,000
Figure 4.17: Default pricelist after installing OpenERP When you install the software, two pricelists are created by default: one for sales and one for purchases. Each of them contains only one pricelist version and only one line in that version. The price for sales dened in the Default Public Pricelist is set by default to the Public Price of the product, which is the Sales Price in the Product form. The price for purchases dened in the Default Purchase Pricelist is set by default in the same way to the Cost Price of the product. Trading Company Take the case of a trading company, where the sales price for resellers can be dened like this: For portable computers, the sale price is calculated from the list price of the supplier Acclo, with a supplement of 23% on the cost of purchase.
For all other products the sales price is given by the standard cost in the product le, to which 31% is added. The price should end in .99 . The sales price of Berrel keyboards is xed at 60 for a minimum quantity of 5 keyboards purchased. Otherwise it uses the rule above. Assume that the Acclo pricelist is dened in OpenERP. The pricelist for resellers and the pricelist version then contains three lines: 1. Acclo line: Product Category : Portables , Based on : Other pricelist , Pricelist if other : Acclo pricelist , Field1 : 0.23 , Priority : 1 . Product Template : Berrel Keyboard , Min. Quantity : 5 , Field1 : 1.0 , Field2 : 60 , Priority : 2 . Based on: Standard Price , Field1 : 0.31 , Field2 : -0.01 , Rounding : 1.0 . Priority : 3.
It is important that the priority of the second rule is set below the priority of the third in this example. If it were the other way around, the third rule would always be applied, because a quantity of 5 is always greater than a quantity of 1 for all products. Also note that to x a price of 60 for the 5 Berrel Keyboards, the formula Price = Base Price x (1 + 1.0) + 60 has been used. Establishing Customer Contract Conditions The trading company can now set specic conditions to a customer, such as the company TinAtwo, who might have signed a valid contract with the following conditions: For Toshibishi portables, TinAtwo benets from a discount of 5% of resale price. For all other products, the resale conditions are unchanged. The sales price for TinAtwo, called TinAtwo contract, contains two rules:
1. Toshibishi portable : Product : Toshibishi Portable , Based on : Other pricelist , Pricelist if other : Reseller pricelist , Field1 : 0.05 , Priority : 1 . 2. Other Products: Product : Based on : Other pricelist , Pricelist if other : Reseller pricelist , Priority : 2 . Once this list has been entered, you should look up the partner form of TinAtwo again. Click the Sales & Purchases tab to set the Sale Pricelist eld to TinAtwo Contract. If the contract is only valid for one year, do not forget to set the Start Date and End Date elds in the Pricelist Version. Then when salespeople prepare an estimate for TinAtwo, the prices proposed will automatically be calculated from the contract conditions.
Take the case of contract negotiations with a wholesaler. To get the best selling price, the wholesaler will ask you for a good deal and will sign up to a certain volume of orders over the year. You can then propose a price based on the volume that the wholesaler agrees to sell. But then you do not have any control over his orders. If at the end of the year the wholesaler has not taken the agreed volumes, you can do nothing. At most you can review his terms for the following year. Rebates at the end of a campaign can help you avoid this sort of problem. You can propose a contract where the price depends on the usual wholesalers terms. You can propose a rebate grid which will be assigned at the end of the year as a function of the actual sales made. Install the discount_campaign module (in extra-addons at the time of writing) to generate rebates at the end of the campaign. Once the modules have been installed, you can congure your campaign using the menu Sales Conguration Sales Discount Campaigns. Year-end Rebate Most companies use the term year-end rebate, where rebates are applied at the end of the year. But of course you can also dene rebates for a campaign that lasts less than or more than one year.
Figure 4.18: Conguring a Campaign Rebate A campaign should have a name, a refund journal (to create the credit notes at the end of the campaign), a start date, and an end date. After entering this information, you should describe the lines of the campaign. Each line can be applied to a product or a category of products. Then set the quantity of products sold from which the discount is applied, and the amount of the rebate as a percentage of the actual sales volume. When you have dened the campaign, you can activate it by clicking the Open button. The gure Conguring a Discount Campaign for Computers (page 73) shows a campaign with a rebate on computers which is between 10% and 20% depending on the sales volume. Once the campaign has been dened and activated, you can assign it to various partners. To do that set a Discount Campaign in the second tab Sales & Purchases of the partner form. 72 CHAPTER 4. DRIVING YOUR SALES
Figure 4.19: Conguring a Discount Campaign for Computers Finally, at the end of the campaign, you should close it and OpenERP will automatically generate invoices or credit notes for your partner associated with this campaign. OpenERP opens credit notes in the Draft state so you can modify them before validation. To calculate the amount on the credit note, OpenERP uses all of the invoices sent out during the period of the campaign as a basis. You can also get an overview of all draft credit notes using the menu Accounting Customers Customer Refunds.
Invoicing Mode If you work with Open Orders, you should set Invoice Control to the mode Shipped Quantities. Then the storesperson will be able to re-plan and change the quantities of the forecast deliveries in the system.
Part III
For this chapter you can continue using the database already created or you should start with a fresh database that includes demonstration data, with purchase and its dependencies installed and no particular chart of accounts congured.
created by OpenERP, you will nd a reference to the document that generated the request in the Origin eld.
Managing Alerts If you install the warning module, you will be able to dene alerts that appear when the purchaser enters a price request or order. You can set alerts on the product and on the supplier.
The internal reference, the date and the warehouse the products should be delivered to, are completed automatically by OpenERP, but you can change these values if needed. Next, when you select a supplier, OpenERP automatically completes the contact address for the supplier. The pricelist is also automatically completed from the pricelist in the supplier form. This should bring in all of the conditions that you have negotiated with the supplier for a given period. Supplier Selection Searching for a supplier is limited to all of the partners in the system that have the Supplier checkbox checked. If you do not nd your supplier, it might be worth checking the whole list of all partners to make sure that the supplier does not yet exist without the Supplier checkbox being checked.
Once the main body of the purchase order has been completed, you can enter the product lines. When you have selected the product, OpenERP automatically completes the other elds in the form: 80 CHAPTER 5. DRIVING YOUR PURCHASES
Figure 5.2: Purchase Order Line Product UoM, taken from the Purchase Unit of Measure eld in the product form, The Description of the product in the suppliers language, Scheduled Date, calculated from the order date and the delivery lead time for the supplier (for the given product), Unit Price, taken from the suppliers pricelist, Taxes, taken from the information on the product form and partner form, depending on the rules seen in Financial Analysis. Product Wording and Code When you enter supplier names in the product form, you can set a name and a product code for each individual supplier. If you do that, OpenERP will then use those details instead of your own internal product names for that selected supplier.
If you work with management by case, you can also set the analytic account that should be used to report all the purchase costs. The costs will then be reported at the receipt of the supplier invoice. Management by Case Analytic accounts can be very useful for all companies that manage costs by case, by site, by project or by folder. To work with several analytic axes, you should install the module purchase_analytic_plans, by selecting Purchase Analytic Plans in the Recongure wizard and clicking Congure.
To make sure that the analytic account is automatically selected according to the partner, the date, the products or the user, you can install the module account_analytic_default (which is installed automatically as a dependency of purchase_analytic_plans). In the Notes tab of the product line, you can enter a note that will be attached when the order conrmation or price quotation is printed. This note can be predened on the product form to automatically appear on each order for that product. For example, you can enter Do not forget to send by express delivery as specied in our contract reference 1234. Once the document has been completed, you can print it as a price estimate to send to the supplier. You can set a note for the attention of the supplier in the forms third tab.
Figure 5.3: Printing the Supplier Price Quotation Then leave the document in the Request for Quotation state. When you receive a response from the supplier, use the menu Purchases Purchase Management Requests for Quotation. Select the order and complete its details. When you want to approve the order, use the button Convert to Purchase Order. The price request then passes into the Approved state. No further changes are possible.
Select the document that corresponds to the item that you are receiving. Usually, the goods receipt note is found by making a search on the order reference or the supplier name. You can then conrm the receipt of the products. As described in Your Warehouse (page 101), if you receive only part of the order, OpenERP manages the remainder of that order. A second receipt note is then automatically created for the goods not received. You can cancel it if you think that you will never receive the remaining products. After receiving the goods, OpenERP will show you which orders are open and the state of their receipt and invoicing if you return to the list of orders.
Figure 5.5: List of Open Orders, and their Receipt and Invoice Status From Order : invoicing based on quantities ordered, From Picking : invoicing based on quantities received, Manual : manual invoicing. The mode of invoicing control is set in the second tab of the purchase order in the eld Invoicing Control.
Default Value A company generally uses a single invoicing control method for all of its invoices. So you are advised to set a default value in the Invoicing Control eld after installation.
Delivery Charges To manage delivery charges, install the module delivery using the Recongure wizard and selecting Delivery Costs in Sales Application Conguration section. This will automatically add delivery charges to the creation of the draft invoice as a function of the products delivered or ordered.
5.1.7 Tenders
To manage tenders, you should use the module purchase_requisition, installed via the Purchase Requisition option in the Recongure wizard. This lets you create several supplier price requests for a single supply requirement. Once the module is installed, OpenERP adds a new Purchase Requisitions menu in Purchases Purchase Management. You can then dene the new tenders.
Figure 5.7: Dening a Tender To enter data for a new tender, use the menu Purchases Purchase Management Purchase Requisitions and select New. OpenERP then opens a new blank tender form. The reference number is set by default and you can enter information about your tender in the other elds. If you want to enter a suppliers response to your tender request, add a new draft purchase order into the list on the Quotation tab of your tender document. If you want to revise a supplier price in response to negotiations, edit any appropriate purchase order that you have left in the draft state and link that to the tender. When one of the orders about a tender is conrmed, all of the other orders are automatically cancelled by OpenERP if you selected the Purchase Requisition (exclusive) type. That enables you to accept just 86 CHAPTER 5. DRIVING YOUR PURCHASES
one order for a particular tender. If you select Multiple requisitions, you can approve several purchase orders without cancelling other orders from this tender.
The Standard Price setting means that the product cost is xed manually for each product in the eld Cost Price. This is usually revalued once a year based on the average of purchase costs or manufacturing costs. You usually use standard costs to manage products where the price hardly changes over the course of the year. For example, the standard cost could be used to manage books, or the cost of bread. Those costs that can be xed for the whole year bring certain advantages: you can base the sale price on the product cost and then work with margins rather than a xed price per product,
accounting is simplied because there is a direct relationship between the value of stock and the number of items received. To get an automated periodic revaluation of the standard price you can use the action Update on the product form, enabling you to update prices of all the selected products. OpenERP then recalculates the price of the products as a function of the cost of raw materials and the manufacturing operations given in the routing. Average Price Working with standard prices does not lend itself well to the management of the cost price of products when the prices change a lot with the state of the market. This is the case for many commodities and energy. In this case, you would want OpenERP to automatically set the price in response to each goods receipt movement into the warehouse. The deliveries (exit from stock) have no impact on the product price. Calculating the Price At each goods receipt, the product price is recalculated using the following accounting formula: NP = (OP * QS + PP * QR) / (QS + QR), where the following notation is used: NP: New Price, OP: Old Price, QS: Quantity actually in Stock, PP: Price Paid for the quantity received, QR: Quantity Received.
If the products are managed as a weighted average, OpenERP will open a window that lets you specify the price of the product received at each goods receipt. The purchase price is, by default, set from the purchase order, but you can change the price to add the cost of delivery to the various received products, for example.
Once the receipt has been conrmed, the price is automatically recalculated and entered on the product form.
Figure 5.9: Analysis of Purchases over the Month by Product This analysis is carried out on supplier orders and not on invoices or the quantities actually received. To get an analysis by product, use the module product_margin. The function of this module is described in detail in the chapter about sales (only in Logistics, not in Manufacturing). To analyze the received quantities, you can use the statistical reports in Warehouse. To manage purchases by project, you should use analytic accounts. You can set an analytic account on each line of a supplier order. The analytic costs linked to this purchase will be managed by OpenERP from the goods receipt and conrmation of the supplier invoice. The hr_timesheet_invoice module lets you re-invoice the analytic costs automatically using parameters in the analytic accounts such as sale pricelist, associated partner company, and maximum amount. So you can put an invoice order with a dened invoice workow in place based on the analytic accounts. If you are working Make to Order, the workow will be: 1. Customer Order, 2. Procurement Order on supplier, 3. Receive invoice and goods from the supplier, 4. Delivery and invoicing to the customer.
When re-invoicing based on costs you would get the following workow: 1. Enter the customer contract conditions from the analytic accounts, 2. Purchase raw materials and write the services performed into the timesheets, 3. Receive the supplier invoice and the products, 4. Invoice these costs to the customer.
Analytic Multi-plans If you want several analysis plans, you should install the module purchase_analytic_plans. These let you split a line on a supplier purchase order into several accounts and analytic plans.
Sitting at the heart of your companys processes, analytic accounts (or cost accounts) are indispensable tools for managing your operations well. Unlike your nancial accounts, they are for more than accountants - they are for general managers and project managers, too. You need a common way of referring to each user, service, or document to integrate all your companys processes effectively. Such a common basis is provided by analytic accounts (or management accounts, or cost accounts, as they are also called) in OpenERP. Analytic accounts are often presented as a foundation for strategic enterprise decisions. But because of all the information they pull together, OpenERPs analytic accounts can be a useful management tool, at the center of most system processes. There are several reasons for this: they reect your entire management activity, unlike the general accounts, the structure of the analytic accounts is not regulated by legal obligations, so each company can adapt it to its needs. Independence from General Accounts In some software packages, analytic accounts are managed as an extension of general accounts for example, by using the two last digits of the account code to represent analytic accounts. In OpenERP, analytic accounts are linked to general accounts but are treated totally independently. So you can enter various different analytic operations that have no counterpart in the general nancial accounts.
While the structure of the general chart of accounts is imposed by law, the analytic chart of accounts is built to t a companys needs closely.
Just as in the general accounts, you will nd accounting entries in the different analytic accounts. Each analytic entry can be linked to a general account, or not, as you wish. Conversely, an entry in a general account can be linked to one, several, or no corresponding analytic accounts. You will discover many advantages of this independent representation below. For the more impatient, here are some of those advantages: you can manage many different analytic operations, you can modify an analytic plan on the y, during the course of an activity, because of its independence, you can avoid an explosion in the number of general accounts, even those companies that do not use OpenERPs general accounts can use the analytic accounts for management. Who Benets from Analytic Accounts? Unlike general accounts, analytic accounts in OpenERP are not so much an accounting tool for Accounts as a management tool for everyone in the company. (That is why they are also called management accounts.) The main users of analytic accounts should be the directors, general managers and project managers.
Analytic accounts make up a powerful tool that can be used in different ways. The trick is to create your own analytic structure for a chart of accounts that closely matches your companys needs.
Analytic Chart of Accounts for an Industrial Manufacturing Company 1. Marketing Department 2. Commercial Department 3. Administration Department 4. Production Product Range 1 Sub-groups Product Range 2
In daily use, it is useful to mark the analytic account on each purchase invoice. The analytic account is the one to which the costs of that purchase should be allocated. When the invoice is approved, it will automatically generate the entries for both the general and the corresponding analytic accounts. So, for each entry on the general accounts, there is at least one analytic entry that allocates costs to the department that incurred them. Here is a possible breakdown of some general accounting entries for the example above, allocated to various analytic accounts:
Table 5.1: Breakdown of general and analytic accounting entries (Case 1) General accounts Title Purchase of Raw Material Subcontractors Credit Note for defective materials Transport charges Staff costs Account 600 602 600 613 6201 Debit 1500 450 450 10000 Credit Analytic accounts Account Production / Range 1 Production / Range 2 Production / Range 1 Production / Range 1 Marketing Commercial Administrative Production / Range 1 Production / Range 2 Marketing Value -1 500 -450 200 -450 -2 000 -3 000 -1 000 -2 000 -2 000 -450
The analytic representation by department enables you to investigate the costs allocated to each department in the company. So, the analytic chart of accounts shows the distribution of the companys costs using the example above:
Table 5.2: Analytic chart of accounts (Case 1) Account Marketing Department Commercial Department Administration Department Production Product Range 1 Product Range 2 Total -2 450 -3 000 -1 000 -6 200 -3 750 -2 450
In this example of a hierarchical structure in OpenERP, you can analyze not only the costs of each product range but also the costs of the whole of production. The balance of a summary account ( Production ) is the sum of the balances of the child accounts. A report that relates both general accounts and analytic accounts enables you to get a breakdown of costs within a given department. An analysis of the Production / Product Range 1 department is shown in this table: Table 5.3: Report merging both general and analytic accounts for a department (Case 1) Production / Product Range 1 General Account 600 Raw Materials 613 Transport charges 6201 Staff costs Total Amount - 1 300 - 450 -2 000 -3 750
The examples above are based on a breakdown of the costs of the company. Analytic allocations can be just as effective for sales. That gives you the protability (sales - costs) of different departments. Representation by Unique Product Range This analytic representation by department and by product range is usually used by trading companies and industries. A variant of this is not to break it down by sales and marketing departments but to assign each cost to its corresponding product range. This will give you an analysis of the protability of each product range. Choosing one over the other depends on how you look at your marketing effort. Is it a global cost allocated in some general way, or does each product range have responsibility for its own marketing costs?
Case 2: Law Firm Law rms generally adopt management by case, where each case represents a current client le. All of the expenses and products are then attached to a given le. CHAPTER 5. DRIVING YOUR PURCHASES 93
A principal preoccupation of law rms is the invoicing of hours worked, and the protability by case and by employee. Mechanisms used for encoding the hours worked will be covered in detail in the Human Resources chapter on line. Like most system processes, hours worked are integrated into the analytic accounting. Every time an employee enters a timesheet for a number of hours, that automatically generates analytic accounts corresponding to the cost of those hours in the case concerned. The hourly charge is a function of the employees salary. So a law rm will opt for an analytic representation which reects the management of the time that employees work on the different client cases. Example Representation of an Analytic Chart of Accounts for a Law Firm 1. Absences Paid Absences Unpaid Absences 2. Internal Projects Administrative Others 3. Client Cases Client 1 Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Client 2 Case 2.1
All expenses and sales are then attached to a case. This gives the protability of each case and, at a consolidated level, of each client. Billing for the different cases is a bit unusual. The cases do not match any entry on the general account and nor do they come from purchase or sale invoices. They are represented by the various analytic operations and do not have exact counterparts in the general accounts. They are calculated on the basis of the hourly cost per employee. These entries are automatically created on billing worksheets. At the end of the month when you pay salaries and benets, you integrate them into the general accounts but not in the analytic accounts, because they have already been accounted for in billing each account. A report that relates data from the analytic and general accounts then lets you compare the totals, so you can readjust your estimates of hourly cost per employee depending on the time actually worked. The following table gives an example of different analytic entries that you can nd for your analytic account:
Table 5.4: Analytic entries for the account chart (Case 2) Title Study the le (1 h) Search for information (3 h) Consultation (4 h) Service charges Stationery purchase Fuel Cost -Client trip Staff salaries Account Case 1.1 Case 1.1 Case 2.1 Case 1.1 Administrative Case 1.1 Amount -15 -45 -60 280 -42 -35 General Account Debit Credit
705 Billing services 601 Furniture purchase 613 Transports 6201 Salaries
280 42 35 3 000
You will see that it allows you to make a detailed study of the protability of different transactions. In this example, the cost of Case 1.1 is 95.00 (the sum of the analytic costs of studying the les, searching for information and service charges), but has been invoiced for 280.00, which gives you a gross prot of 185.00. But an interest in analytical accounts is not limited to a simple analysis of the protability of different cases. This same data can be used for automatic recharging of the services to the client at the end of the month. To invoice clients, just take the analytic costs in that month and apply a selling price factor to generate the invoice. Invoicing mechanisms for this are explained in greater detail in ch-services. If the client requires details of the services used on the case, you can then print the service entries in the analytic account for this case. Invoicing Analytic Costs Most software that manages billing enables you to recharge for hours worked. In OpenERP, these services are automatically represented by analytic costs. But many other OpenERP documents can also generate analytic costs, such as credit notes and purchases of goods. So when you invoice the client at the end of the month, it is possible for you to include all the analytic costs, not just the hours worked. So, for example, you can easily recharge the whole cost of your journeys to the client.
Case 3: IT Services Company Most IT service companies face the following problems: project planning, invoicing, protability and nancial follow-up of projects, managing support contracts. To deal with these problems, you would use an analytic chart of accounts structured by project and by contract. A representation of that is given in the following example:
Example Analytic Representation of a Chart of Accounts for an IT Services Company 1. Internal Projects Administrative and Commercial Research and Development 2. Client Projects Client 1 Project 1.1 Project 1.2 Client 2 Project 2.1 Project 2.2 3. Support Contracts 20h Customer X Customer Y
The management of services, expenditures and sales is similar to that presented above for lawyers. Invoicing and the study of protability are also similar. But now look at support contracts. These contracts are usually limited to a prepaid number of hours. Each service posted in the analytic accounts shows the remaining available hours of support. For the management of support contracts, you would use the quantities and not the amounts in the analytic entries. In OpenERP, each analytic line lists the number of units sold or used, as well as what you would usually nd there the amount in currency units (USD or GBP, or whatever other choice you make). So you can sum the quantities sold and used on each analytic account to determine whether any hours of the support contract remain. To differentiate services from other costs in the analytic account, you use the concept of the analytic journal. Analytic entries are then allocated into the different journals: service journal, expense journal, sales journal, purchase journal. So to obtain the detailed breakdown of a support contract, you only have to look at the service journal for the analytic account corresponding to the contract in question. 96 CHAPTER 5. DRIVING YOUR PURCHASES
Finally, the analytic account can be used to forecast future needs. For example, monthly planning of staff on different projects can be seen as an analytic budget limited to the service journal. Accounting entries are expressed in quantities (such as number of hours, and numbers of products), and in amounts in units of currency (USD or GBP perhaps). So you can set up planning on just the basis of quantities. Analyzing the analytic budget enables you to compare the budget (that is, your plan) to the services actually carried out by month end. Cash Budgets Problems of cash management are amongst the main difculties encountered by small growing businesses. It is really difcult to predict the amount of cash that will be available when a company is young and rapidly growing. If the company adopts management by case, then staff planning can be represented on the analytic accounts report, as you have seen. But since you know your selling price for each of the different projects, you can see that it is easy to use the plan in the analytic accounts to more precisely forecast the amounts that you will invoice in the coming months.
Part IV
Your Warehouse
OpenERPs stock management is at once very simple, exible and complete. It is based on the concept of double entry that revolutionized accounting. The system can be described by Lavoisiers maxim nothing lost, everything changed or, better, everything moved. In OpenERP you do not talk of disappearance, consumption or loss of products: instead you speak only of stock moves from one place to another.
Just as in accounting, the OpenERP system manages counterparts to each of its main operations such as receipts from suppliers, deliveries to customers, prot and loss from inventory, and consumption of raw materials. Stock movements are always made from one location to another. To satisfy the need for a counterpart to each stock movement, the software supports different types of stock locations: Physical stock locations, Partner locations, Virtual locations as counterparts for procurement, production and inventory. Physical locations represent warehouses and their hierarchical structure. These are generally the locations that are managed by traditional stock management systems. Partner locations represent your customers and suppliers stocks. To reconcile them with your accounts, these stores play the role of third-party accounts. Reception from a supplier can be shown by the movement of goods from a partner location to a physical location in your own company. As you see, supplier locations usually show negative stocks and customer locations usually show positive stocks. Virtual locations as counterparts for production are used in manufacturing operations. Manufacturing is characterized by the consumption of raw materials and the production of nished products. Virtual locations are used for the counterparts of these two operations. Inventory locations are counterparts of the stock operations that represent your companys prot and loss in terms of your stocks. The gure Location Structure when OpenERP has just been installed (page 102) shows the initial conguration of the locations when the software is installed (Warehouse Warehouse Management Locations). Hierarchical Stock Locations In OpenERP, locations are structured hierarchically. You can structure your locations as a tree, dependent on a parent-child relationship. This gives you more detailed levels of analysis of your stock operations and the organization of your warehouses.
Figure 6.1: Location Structure when OpenERP has just been installed
Locations and Warehouses In OpenERP a Warehouse represents the place where your physical stock is stored. A warehouse can be structured into several locations at multiple levels. Locations are used to manage all types of storage places, such as at the customer and production counterparts.
For this chapter you can continue using the database with demo data from a previous chapter or start with a fresh database that includes demo data, with Warehouse Management and its dependencies installed and any chart of accounts congured. In this chapter, the following modules will be used:
Table 6.1: List of modules Name stock stock_planning stock_location delivery account_anglo_saxon Description to handle the stock functions to dene planning on products to dene pull and push ows to dene delivery methods and costs to illustrate the valuation according to the anglo-saxon principles sale_journal to handle stock by journal mrp_jit to illustrate the just-in-time functionality sale_supplier_direct_delivery directly deliver the product from the supplier to the to customer
If you deliver 2 bicycles to a European customer, you will get the following transactions for the delivery: Table 6.3: Stock Move Operation from Stock to European Customers Location Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Partner Locations > Customers > European Customers Products -2 bicycles +2 bicycles 103
When the two operations are complete, you will see the following stock in each location:
Table 6.4: Resulting Stock Situation Location Partner Locations > Suppliers Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Partner Locations > Customers > European Customers Products -30 bicycles +28 bicycles +2 bicycles
So you can see that the sum of the stocks of a product in all the locations in OpenERP is always zero. In accounting you would say that the sum of the debits is equal to the sum of the credits. Partner locations (customers and suppliers) are not located under your company in the hierarchical structure, so their contents are not considered as part of your own stock. So if you just look at the physical locations inside your own company, those two bicycles are no longer in your company. Although they are no longer in your own physical stock, it is still very useful to see them in your customers stock, because that will help when you carry out detailed stock management analysis. Consignment Stock To manage Consignment Stock, you need to dene the location for the consignment customer or supplier as part of your own stock and not as a partner location.
Accounts In managing stock, a gap between the data in the software and real quantities in stock is difcult to avoid. Double-entry stock management gives twice as many opportunities to nd an error. If you forget two items of stock, this error will automatically be reected in the counterparts location.
You can make a comparison with accounting, where you will easily nd an error because you can look for an anomaly in an account or in the counterparts: if there is not enough in a bank account then that is probably because someone has forgotten to enter a customers invoice payment. You always know that the sum of debits must equal the sum of the credits in both accounting and OpenERPs stock management. In accounting, all documents lead to accounting entries that form the basis of management accounting. If you create invoices or enter statements of account, for example, the results of the operations are accounting entries on accounts. And it is the same for stock management in OpenERP. All stock operations are carried out as simple stock moves. Whether you pack items, or manufacture them, or carry out a stock inventory operation, stock moves are carried out every time. You have seen a fairly simple example of goods receipt and product delivery, but some operations are less obvious a stock inventory operation, for example. An inventory operation is carried out when you compare the stock shown in software with real stock numbers counted in the stores. In OpenERP, with its double-entry stock management, you would use stock moves for this inventory operation. That helps 104 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
you manage your stock traceability. Suppose there are 26 bicycles in real stock, but OpenERP shows 28 in the system. You then have to reduce the number in OpenERP to 26. This reduction of 2 units is considered as a loss or destruction of products and the correction is carried out as in the following operation:
Table 6.5: Inventory Operation to Adjust Stock Location Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Virtual Locations > Inventory Loss The product stock under consideration then becomes: Products -2 bicycles +2 bicycles
Table 6.6: Real and Counterpart Stocks when Operations are Completed Location Partner Locations > Suppliers Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Partner Locations > Customers > European Customers Virtual Locations > Inventory Loss Products -30 bicycles +26 bicycles +2 bicycles +2 bicycles
This example shows one of the great advantages of this approach in terms of performance analysis. After a few months, you can just make a stock valuation of the location Inventory Control Location Structure Virtual Locations Inventory Loss to give you the value of the companys stock losses in the given period. Now see how the following manufacturing operation is structured in OpenERP. To make a bicycle you need two wheels and a frame. This means that there should be a reduction of two wheels and a frame from real stock and the addition of a bicycle there. The consumption / production is formalized by moving products out of and into physical stock. The stock operations for this are as follows:
Table 6.7: Stock Situation Resulting from Manufacturing Location Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Virtual Locations > Production Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Virtual Locations > Production Virtual Locations > Production Physical Locations > OpenERP S.A. > Stock Products -2 Wheels +2 Wheels -1 Frame +1 Frame -1 Bicycle +1 Bicycle Step Consumption of raw materials Consumption of raw materials Consumption of raw materials Consumption of raw materials Manufacture of nished products Manufacture of nished products
So now you have got the outcome you need from the consumption of raw materials and the manufacturing of nished products.
Assessing Created Value You might already have noticed a useful effect of this approach: if you do a stock valuation in the Virtual Locations > Production location you get a statement of value created by your company (as a negative amount). Stock valuation in any given location is calculated by multiplying quantities of products in stock by their cost. In this case, the raw material value is deducted from the nished product value.
You can also set an address for the warehouse. This address should ideally be an address of your company. Once the warehouse has been dened, it can be used in: Minimum stock rules, Supplier orders, Customer orders (using the denition of a point of sale, which is linked to a warehouse). Automatic Procurement Several methods of automatically procuring products can be carried out by OpenERP: the workow used by products that have the procurement method Make to Order, using minimum stock rules for Make to Stock products, using the master production schedule for Make to Stock products. The last two methods are described below. Minimum Stock Rules To automatically make stock replenishment proposals, you can use minimum stock rules. Go to the menu Warehouse Automatic Procurements Minimum Stock Rules. The rule is the following: if the virtual stock for the given location is lower than the minimum stock indicated in the rule, the system will automatically propose a procurement to increase the level of virtual stock to the maximum level given in the rule.
Conict Resolution You may nd draft production or procurement orders to be created although they should not exist. That can happen if the system is badly congured (for example, if you have forgotten to set the supplier on a product). To check this, look at the list of procurements in the exception state in the menu Warehouse Schedulers Procurement Exceptions. More details about processing these exceptions is given in ch-mnf.
We underline that the rule is based on virtual quantities and not just on real quantities. It takes into account the calculation of orders and receipts to come. Take the following example: Products in stock: 15 Products ordered but not delivered: 5 Products in manufacturing: 2 The rules dened are: Minimum stock: 13 Maximum stock: 25. Once the rules have been properly congured, the purchasing manager only needs to look at the list of orders for conrmation with the supplier using the menu Purchases Purchase Management Requests for Quotation. Procurement Note that the procurement does not require that you buy from a supplier. If the product has a Supply Method Produce, the scheduler will generate a Manufacturing order instead of a supplier order.
You can also set multiple quantities in the minimum stock rules. If you set a multiple quantity of 3 the system will propose procurement of 15 pieces, and not the 13 it really needs. In this case, it automatically rounds the quantity upwards.
Maximum Quantity Pay attention to the fact that the maximum quantity is not the maximum you will have in stock. If we take the following situation: a company has 10 pieces of product with minimum stock rules dened for this product by Min quantity = 10, Max quantity = 30 and Qty multiple = 12. If an order of 2 pieces comes, a purchase of 24 pieces order will be executed. The rst 12 pieces will be ordered to reach the minimum quantity and the other 12 to reach the maximum quantity. At the end, the stock of this product will be equal to 32 pieces.
In a minimum stock rule, when you indicate a warehouse, it suggests a stock location by default in that warehouse. You can change that default location when the scheduler completes.
6.2.2 Location
A location is one component of the warehouses that is used to managed all types of storage places, such as at the customers and production counterparts. There are different types of locations that allow you to structure your warehouses according to your needs. Locations are structured hierarchically to account for the subdivision of a warehouse into sections, aisles, and/or cupboards. The hierarchical view also enables you to structure virtual locations such as production counterparts. That gives you a ner level of analysis. Go to the menu Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Locations, then click New to dene new locations.
Figure 6.4: Dening a new Stock Location Here are the different available types of locations: Supplier Location: virtual location representing the source location for products received CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE 109
from suppliers, View: shows that the location is only an organizational node for the hierarchical structure, and cannot be involved in stock moves itself. The view type is not made into a leaf node in a structure it usually has children. Internal Location: physical location inside your own stock, Customer Location: virtual location representing the destination for products sent to customers, Inventory: virtual location serving as the counterpart for inventory operations used to correct stock levels (physical inventories), Procurement: virtual location serving as temporary counterpart for procurement operations when you do not yet know the source (supplier or production). Products in this location should be zero after the scheduler run completes, Production: virtual counterpart location for production operations; consuming raw material and sending nished products, Transit Location for Inter-Companies Transfers: used as an intermediate location in a multi-company environment. You can have several locations of the same type. In that case, your product, supplier and warehouse congurations determine the location that is to be used for any given operation. Location Addresses Each location can have a specic address that enables you to create a location for a customer or a supplier, for example. You can then give it the address of that customer or supplier. Go to the partner form to tell OpenERP it should use this location rather than the default location given to partner deliveries. Subcontracting Production You will see in the on line chapter Manufacturing that it is possible to assign a location to a manufacturing workcenter. If this location is at a suppliers, you must give it an address so that OpenERP can prepare a delivery order for the supplier and a receive operation for the manufactured goods. Creating a location specically for a partner is also a simple solution for handling consigned stocks in OpenERP.
Consigned Stock Consigned stock is stock that is owned by you (valued in your accounts), but is physically stocked by your supplier. Or, conversely, it could be stock owned by your customer (not valued by you), but stocked in your company. Make sure that you create consignment locations as part of your internal stock.
To enable you to easily consolidate at a higher level, the location denition is hierarchical. This structure is given by the eld Parent Location. That also enables you to manage complex cases of product localization. For example, you could imagine the following scenario: One Company with Two Warehouses A company has a warehouse in Paris and in Bordeaux. For some orders, you have to deliver the products from Paris, and for others from Bordeaux. But you should also specify a ctitious warehouse that OpenERP uses to calculate whether it should deliver products from Paris or from Bordeaux. To do this in OpenERP, you would create a third warehouse France which consolidates the warehouses in Paris and Bordeaux. You create the following physical locations: Company Output * Warehouses France Warehouse Paris Warehouse Bordeaux OpenERP will then deliver the goods from the warehouse that has the ordered product in stock. When products are available in several warehouses, OpenERP will select the nearest warehouse. To formalize the notion of distance between warehouses you should use the geographic co-ordinates (X, Y, Z) of the different stores to enable OpenERP to search for the nearest goods. The same co-ordinates could also be used to structure the shelves, aisles and interior rooms in a warehouse. Linked Locations Locations in OpenERP can be linked between each other to dene paths followed by products. So you can dene rules such as: all products that enter the warehouse should automatically be sent to quality control. The warehouse and quality control are represented by two different locations. Then when a product arrives in a location, OpenERP can automatically suggest that you send the product to another linked location. Three link modes are available: Manual Operation, Automatic Move, Automatic No Step Added.
The Manual Operation mode will create an internal move order to the linked location once products arrive in the source locations. This order will wait for a conrmation of the move by a user. This enables you to have a list of moves to do, proposed by the system and conrmed by the storesperson. The Automatic Move mode will do the same, but will not wait for a conrmation from the user. Products will automatically be sent to the linked location without any intervening manual operation to do. This corresponds to the case where, for simplicity, you delete a step in the process so the end user can set off the process automatically. The Automatic No Step Added mode will not include the additional stock move, but will change the destination move transparently to assign the linked location. You could then assign a destination location to which you send all the products that arrive in your warehouse. The storesperson will modify the goods receipt note. Product Logistics The module stock_location lets you generate paths to follow, not just at the level of locations, but also at the level of products. It then enables you to manage default locations for a given product or to refer to the products as a function of operations such as quality control, supplier receipt, and after-sales service. A more detailed explanation of this module, with examples, is given at the end of this chapter.
If there is linking to do, the Chained Location Type eld allows you to determine the destination location. If the eld is set to Customer, the location is given by the properties of the partner form. If the eld is set to xed, the destination location is given by the eld Chained Location If Fixed. Some operations take a certain time between order and execution. To account for this lead time, you can set a value in days in the eld Chaining Lead Time. Then the extra move (automatic or not) will be carried out several days after the original move. If you use the mode Automatic No Step Added, the lead time is inserted directly into the initial order. In this way, you can add security lead times at certain control points in the warehouse. Structuring Locations In the next part, you will see that by linking locations you can manage a whole series of complex cases for efcient production management: Handling multiple operations for a customer order, Tracking import and export by sea transport, Managing a production chain in detail, Managing rented products, Managing consigned products.
To show these concepts, different cases of structuring and conguring these locations are given below. Many other congurations are possible according to company needs. Examples: Handling customer orders Customer orders are usually handled in one of two ways: item note (or preparation order), conrmed when the item is ready to send, delivery order (or freight note), conrmed when the transporter has delivered the item to a customer. You use the following stock move in OpenERP to simulate these operations: Packing Note: Stock > Output, Delivery Order: Output > Customer. The rst operation is automatically generated by the customer order. The second one is generated by the stock management, showing that the Output location is linked to the Customer location. The two operations will be displayed in Waiting status. If the Output location is not situated beneath the stock location, you then have to move the item from stock to the place where the item is prepared. Some companies do not want to work in two steps, because it just seems like extra work to have to conrm a delivery note in the system. You can then set the link mode to Automatic to make OpenERP automatically conrm the second step. It is then assumed all the items have automatically been delivered to the customer. Linked production The stock_location module enables you to manage the linkages by product in addition to doing that by location. You can then create a location structure that represents your production chain by product. The location structure may look like this: Stock Level 1 Level 2 * Link 1 Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 3 Operation 4 You can then set the locations a product or a routing must go through in the relevant form. All products that enter the production chain will automatically follow the predetermined path. You can see the location structure using Warehouse Inventory Control Location Structure. CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE 113
6.2.3 Shop
The counterparts for procurement, inventory and production operations are given by the locations shown in the product form. The counterparts of reception and delivery operations are given by the locations shown in the partner form. The choice of stock location is determined by the conguration of the warehouse, linked to a Shop, which can be dened using Sales Conguration Sales Shop. Once a shop is dened, you will be able to make sales orders from this shop. You need at least one shop in order to be able to make sales orders.
6.2.4 Stock
In the Product form, the Stock by Location action will give you the stock levels of the various products in any selected location. If you have not selected any location, OpenERP calculates stocks for all of the physical locations. When you are in the Stock by Location view, click the Print button to print the Location Content or the Location Inventory Overview reports. Availability of Stock Depending on whether you look at the product from a customer order, or from the menu of a product form, you can get different values for stock availability. If you use the Product menu, you get the stock in all of the physical stock locations. Looking at the product from the order you will only see the report of the warehouse selected in the order.
In this respect, two important elds in the product form are: Real Stock: Quantity physically present in your warehouse, Virtual Stock: Calculated as follows: real stock outgoing + incoming. Virtual Stock Virtual stock is very useful because it shows what the salespeople can sell. If the virtual stock is higher than the real stock, this means products will be coming in. If virtual stock is smaller than real stock, certain products are reserved for other sales orders or work orders.
Detail of Future Stock To get more details about future stock, you can click Stock Level Forecast to the right of the product form to get the report Forecast Stock Levels as illustrated below. OpenERP shows a graph of the changes in stock in the days to come, varying as a function of purchase orders, conrmed production and sales orders.
Filter Stock by Location By default, in Product list view, the columns Real Stock and Virtual Stock show the stock gures for all stock locations where a product is stored. Use the Extended Filters to enter a specic stock location, if you want to only see the stock in a specic location.
Lead Times and Locations The tab Procurement & Locations in the Product form contains information about different lead times and locations. Three lead time gures are available: Customer Lead Time: lead time promised to the customer, expressed in number of days between the order and the delivery to the customer, Manufacturing Lead Time: lead time, in days, between a production order and the end of production of the nished product, Warranty (months): length of time in months for the warranty of the delivered products. Warranty The warranty period is used in the Repairs management and after-sales service. You can nd more information on this subject in the on line chapter about Manufacturing.
Fields in the section Storage Localisation are for information only; they do not have any impact on the management of stock. Counter-Part Locations Properties are automatically proposed by the system, but the different values can be modied. You will nd counterpart locations for: Procurement, Production, Inventory. A procurement location is a temporary location for stock moves that have not yet been nalized by the scheduler. When the system does not yet know if procurement is to be done by a purchase or production, OpenERP uses the counterpart location Procurement. In this location, you will nd everything that has not yet been planned by the system. The quantities of product in this location cancel each other out. Initial Inventory Once a product has been dened, use an initial inventory operation to put current quantities into the system by location for the products in stock. Go to the menu Warehouse Inventory Control Physical Inventories to do your initial inventory.
Give a name (for example Initial Inventory or Lost Product XYZ ) and a date (proposed by default) for each inventory operation. You have three ways of doing an inventory. Click the Import Inventory action and select the location concerned. You can choose to include child locations and set the inventory to zero (especially useful to ensure the count is done correctly). You can update the inventory from the Product form. Go to the Information tab, Stocks section, and click the Update button. On conrmation, OpenERP will create a Physical Inventory. You can manually add inventory lines. You can then enter data about the quantities available for each product by location. Start by entering the location, for example Stock , and then select the product. OpenERP automatically completes the quantity available for that product in the location shown. You can then change that value to correct the value in stock. Enter data for a single line in your inventory: Location : Stock, Product : PC1 Basic PC, Quantity : 23 Units. When your inventory operation is nished, you can conrm it using the Conrm Inventory button to the bottom right of the form. OpenERP will then automatically create the stock moves to close the gaps, as mentioned at the start of this chapter. You can verify the moves generated using the Posted Inventory tab of the inventory operation form. The correct levels of your product are now in your stock locations. A simple way of verifying this is to reopen the product form to see the quantities available in stock. Periodical Inventory You are usually legally required to do a stock check of all your products at least once a year. As well as doing a complete annual stock check, OpenERP also supports the method of periodical inventory. That means you can check the stock levels of a proportion of your products every so often. This system is accepted in France as long as you can guarantee that all of your products have been counted at least once per year. To see the last inventory count per product, use the report Warehouse Reporting Last Product Inventories. You can do this the same way for all products and all locations, so you only carry out small inventory operations through the year, rather than a single large stock check at one point in the year (which usually turns out to be at an inconvenient time).
Figure 6.7: Manual Data Entry for Product Receipt The second method is to receive products from a generated incoming shipment. To achieve the reception using this method, you have to go to Incoming Shipments section in the Warehouse Management submenu. You will nd the list of waiting incoming shipments. The third method is to receive products by waiting products without looking at the shipment document. You can validate the reception by products in Receive Products section in the :guilabel: Product Moves submenu. With this method, you will be able to receive one product, regardless of the document which is attached to this product. Receipt of a Supplier Order by Purchase Order If you use Purchase Orders in OpenERP, product receipts are automatically generated by the system when the purchase order is conrmed. You do not have to enter any date, just conrm that the quantities ordered match the quantities received. Incoming Shipments forms are automatically prepared by OpenERP from the purchase management process. You will nd a list of all the awaited receipts in the menu Warehouse Warehouse Management Incoming Shipments. Use the order number or the supplier name to nd the right goods receipt form for conrmation of a goods-in. This approach enables you to control quantities
Figure 6.8: List of Items Waiting You can also do goods-in data entry manually if there is no order, using the same menu by clicking the New button. A new goods-in data entry form opens. Enter the supplier data in the Address eld and type the reference number from your supplier in the eld Origin. You should then enter data about the products received in the lines. The source location is already completed by default because of your supplier selection. You should then give the destination location where you will place the products. For example, enter Stock. At this stage, you can set a lot number for traceability (this function will be described later in this chapter, so leave this eld empty for the moment). Once the form has been completed, you can conrm the receipt of all the products at the same time using the Process Now button. If you want to enter data for a goods receipt that you are still waiting for, click the button Process Later.
Partial or Complete Reception When you process the incoming shipment, you can choose between partial or complete. If you have to validate a partial incoming shipment, click Process now and change the number of items according to the quantity received.
Figure 6.9: Conrm partial reception Another object will be generated with a back order reference equal to the Reference number of the incoming shipment already conrmed.
Figure 6.10: Process a Partial Incoming Shipment Once the rest of the order has arrived and has been processed, both orders will be merged.
Figure 6.11: Form for Entering Goods received from a Supplier Order The products then arrive in stock and should reect the quantities shown on the product form. In the Incoming Shipments form, the eld Invoice Control lets you inuence the way you send invoices to suppliers. If this is set to To be invoiced, a supplier invoice will now be generated 120 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
automatically in the draft state, based on the goods received. Your accountant then has to conrm this pre-invoicing once the suppliers invoice is received. This enables you to verify that the invoiced quantities correspond to the quantities received. Print the Packing List In order to print the packing list of an incoming shipment, select the incoming shipment of which you need the details and click Packing List in the panel at the right side of the screen. This link is available in the Internal Moves and Delivery Orders sections.
In case you received damaged or wrong products, you can return them to the supplier. In the Incoming shipment form, click the Return Products button. A window will open that lets you choose the invoicing process to follow. Once you click Process, a stock move is generated with the same reference number and return to specify that this is a return move.
Receipt of a Supplier Order by Product The approach shown above is very useful if goods receipts correspond to the original orders. If your suppliers deliver items that do not necessarily coincide with the orders, however, it is easier to work by products received rather than by orders. From this version on, you can also handle receptions by product, even from List view. Go to Warehouse Products Moves Receive Products. Filters allow you to easily select receipts to be done, and so on. One way to quickly receive products is to Group by Supplier and select To Do. This is very useful functionality when your supplier sends the goods for several purchase orders at a time. You can now just receive the products, regardless of the purchase order they come from, simply by clicking the green arrow at the right side of the screen. The List view offers great exibility and allows you to rapidly receive products by keeping full functionality! Of course, you can handle both partial and complete receptions, and you can add information about the production lots and packs. This can be also accomplished from Form view.
Figure 6.14: Managing the Paths from one Location to Another in a Product Form This will let you congure logistics rules individually for each product. For example, when a specic product arrives in stores, it can automatically be sent to quality control. In this case, it has to be congured as a Push Flow with rules in the Product form. The elds that make up those rules are: Source Location: the rule only applies if a product comes from this location, Destination Location: the rule only applies if a product ends up in this location, 122 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
Automatic Move: Automatic Move, Manual Operation, Automatic No Step Added, Delay (days), Operation: a free text eld which will be included in the automatic stock move proposed by OpenERP. There are two main logistic ows: Pushed Flows Pulled Flows Push ows are useful when the arrival of certain products in a given location should always be followed by a corresponding move to another location, optionally after a certain delay. The original Warehouse application already supports such Push ow specications on the Locations themselves, but these cannot be rened per product. Pull ows are a bit different from Push ows, in the sense that they are not related to the processing of product moves, but rather to the processing of procurement orders. What is being pulled is a need, not directly products. You will now see some examples of using these locations and logistics by product through Pushed Flows for: A rentable product, A product bought in China, following its freight by ship from port to port, A product that you want to send to quality control before putting it in stocks. We will develop the third scenario: the quality control. You can congure the system to put a given product in the Quality Control bay automatically when it arrives in your company. To do that, you just congure a rule for the product to be placed in the Quality Control location rather than the Input location when the product is received from the supplier.
Table 6.8: Rule to Move Products manually from Input to Quality Control Field Source location Destination location Automatic Move Shipping Type Delay (days) Operation Value Stock Quality Control Manual Operation Getting Goods 0 Quality Control
Once this product has been received, OpenERP will automatically manage the request for an internal movement to send it to the Quality Control location. If you want to do this automatically without having to conrm it, in the Automatic Move eld, select Automatic Move or Automatic No Step Added.
Figure 6.15: Manual Stock Move to Quality Control With the conguration described in the table above, you will have to conrm the stock move manually once you have received the goods. If you do not want to conrm the stock move manually, but you want to see the move Suppliers > Stock then Stock > Quality Control, change the Automatic Move eld and select Automatic Move. With this conguration, you will see the two stock moves.
Figure 6.16: Automatic Stock Move to Quality Control If you select Automatic Move No Step Added, you will only see one stock move: Suppliers > Quality Control
Figure 6.17: Automatic Stock Move to Quality Control (No Step Added)
Everything about goods receipt can also be done manually in the same way for a customer delivery. This time, use the automated product delivery processes based on customer orders. Install the sale module (Recongure wizard, Sales Management), so that you can proceed further in this section of the chapter. Now create a new sales order from the menu Sales Sales Sales Orders. Enter the following data in this order: Shop : OpenERP S.A. Customer : Agrolait Sales order lines : Product : [PC2] Basic+ PC (assembly on order), Quantity (UoM) : 3, Product UoM : PCE, Procurement Method : from stock. You have already seen that OpenERP shows the available product stock in list view. The real stock is equal to the virtual stock because you have nothing to deliver to customers and you are not waiting for any of these products to be received into stock. The salesperson then has all the information needed to take orders efciently.
Figure 6.18: Entering an Order for Three Computers Then conrm the quotation to convert it to an order. If you return to the product form, you will see the virtual stock is now smaller than the real stock. Start the scheduler through the menu Warehouse Schedulers Compute Schedulers. Its functionality will be detailed in ch-mnf. This manages the reservation of products and places orders based on the dates promised to customers, and the various internal lead times and priorities. Three products will be reserved in the order that you created, so they cannot be sold to another customer.
Just in Time Install the module mrp_jit to schedule each order in real time after it has been conrmed. This means that you do not have to start the scheduler or wait for its periodical start time.
Now have a look at the list of deliveries waiting to be carried out using the menu Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders. You nd a line there for your order representing the items to be sent. Double-click the line to see the detail of the items proposed by OpenERP.
States OpenERP distinguishes between the states Conrmed and Assigned. An item is Conrmed when it is needed, but the available stock may be insufcient. An item is Assigned when it is available in stock and the storesperson reserves it: the necessary products have been reserved for this specic operation.
You can also conrm a customer delivery from a conrmed Sales Order. When you click the Process button of Outgoing Deliveries, a window opens where you can enter the quantities actually delivered. If you enter a value less than the forecasted one, OpenERP automatically generates a partial delivery note and a new order for the remaining items. For this exercise, just conrm all the products. However, if you want to look at a partial shipping, an example will be developed at the end of this section. 126 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
If you return to the list of current orders, you will see that your order has now been marked as delivered (Done). A progress indicator from 0% to 100% is shown by each order so that the salesperson can follow the progress of his orders at a glance.
Negative Stock Stock Management is very exible to be more effective. For example, if you forget to enter products at goods-in, this will not prevent you from sending them to customers. In OpenERP, you can force all operations manually using the button Force Availability. In this case, your stocks risk to become negative. You should monitor all stocks for negative levels and carry out an inventory correction when that happens.
Partial Shipping Should you have to process a partial delivery, you can go to Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders, then select the order to process it. In the new window, change the quantity to ship and then conrm it. If you go back to the list view, you will now see a new delivery order with a back order number equal to the just conrmed order. This is illustrated in the following gure.
Figure 6.21: Partial Shipping In the stock moves, you will see that there are two moves. The rst move is for the remaining quantities to ship and the second one is for the shipped goods. There will be more stock moves if you process CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE 127
Return Products from Customers If a customer returns damaged or wrongly delivered products, you can enter this information in OpenERP via Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders. You have to select the order related to the returned products and click the Return Products. A new window will open and will let you choose the invoicing method.
Figure 6.23: Return Products from Customers When the product is returned, it will go back to your stock and you will see a stock move from Customers > Shelf 1.
Just In Time By default, scheduling starts automatically once a day. You should make this scheduling execute overnight to ensure that the system does not slow down under a heavy load of scheduling when you are also trying to use it interactively. To set the start time for the scheduler, go to the menu Administration Conguration Scheduler Scheduled Actions. Select the rule called Run mrp scheduler and modify the date and time of the next execution. Some companies want to plan orders progressively as they are entered, so they do not wait until procurement orders are planned the next day. Install the module mrp_jit (Recongure wizard,
Just In Time Scheduling) to handle this. Once the module is installed, each requirement (that could result in a Production or Purchase Order) will be planned in real time as soon as it has been conrmed. Then if you make a sales order with a product that is Make To Order, the quotation request to a supplier will immediately be generated. Delivery from the Supplier or to the Customer The sale_supplier_direct_delivery module enables you to deliver the product directly from the supplier to the customer. At the time of writing, this module is in extra-addons. The logic that the product follows is congured individually for each product and affects only products marked Make to Order.
This mode does not always makes sense. Each order is processed immediately when conrmed. So if an order is to be delivered in three months, the scheduler will reserve goods in stock for each order once it has been conrmed. It would have been more sensible to leave these products available for other orders. If a Purchase Orders Invoicing Control is congured From Order, the scheduler will immediately create the corresponding supplier quotation request. It might have been better to delay it for several weeks, if you could have used the lead time to group the purchase with other future orders. So the negative effects of working with the Just in Time module are: Poor priority management between orders, Additionally stocked products.
Help rental management, by generating automated return moves for rented products. Once this module is installed, an additional Logistics Flows tab appears in the Product form, allowing you to add Push and Pull ow specications. Push Flow Push ows are useful when the arrival of certain products in a given location should always be followed by a corresponding move to another location, optionally after a certain delay. Product The core Warehouse Management application already supports such Push Flow specications on the Locations, but these cannot be rened per product.
A push ow specication indicates which location is chained with another location, as well as the parameters used. As soon as a given quantity of products is moved to the source location, a chained move is automatically foreseen according to the parameters set on the ow specication (destination location, delay, type of move, journal, etc.) The new move may be processed automatically, or may require a manual conrmation, according to what you have dened. Suppose whenever the demo data product CPU3 enters the Stock location, it rst has to be moved to the Quality Control location in order to check the quality. Look up the product CPU3 using the menu Warehouse Product Products. To have OpenERP accomplish this move automatically, you have to congure the Push ow as follows: Operation: Receptions to Quality Control Source Location: Stock Destination Location: Quality Control Automatic Move: Automatic No Step Added Delay (days): 1 Shipping Type: Getting Goods Invoice Status: Not Applicable A push ow is related to how stock moves should be generated in order to increase or decrease inventory.
Figure 6.25: Push Flow Specication for Product CPU3 Pull Flow Pull ows are a bit different from Push ows, in the sense that they are not related to the processing of product moves, but rather to the processing of procurement orders. What is being pulled is a need, not directly products. A classical example of a Pull ow is when you have an Outlet company, with a parent Company that is responsible for the supplies of the Outlet. [ Customer ] <- A - [ Outlet ] <- B - [ Holding ] <- C - [ Supplier ] Demo Data In our demo data example, the Outlet Company is Shop 1, while OpenERP SA is the parent company.
When a new procurement order A (resulting from the conrmation of a Sales Order, for example) is created in the Outlet (Shop 1), it is converted into another procurement B (through a Pull ow of the
move type) requested from the Holding. When procurement order B is processed by the Holding company (OpenERP SA), and if the product is out of stock, it may be converted into a Purchase Order (C) from the Supplier (Push ow of the Buy type). The result is that the procurement order, the need, is pushed all the way between the Customer and Supplier. Technically, Pull ows allow to process procurement orders differently, not only depending on the product being considered, but also depending on which location holds the need for that product (i.e. the destination location of that procurement order). To explain a pull ow for the product CPU1, we rst have to congure the minimum stock rules of CPU1 for the company OpenERP S.A. and Shop 1 using the menu Warehouse Automatic Procurements Minimum Stock Rules or by selecting the product concerned and then clicking the Minimum Stock Rules action. Minimum Stock Rules If you work with the demo data, these minimum stock rules have already been dened.
For the company OpenERP S.A.: Min Quantity : 10 Max Quantity : 50 For the company Shop 1; Min Quantity : 10 Max Quantity : 20 Look up the product CPU1 using menu Warehouse Product Products in order to dene the conguration of the pulled ow. There are two specications of a pull ow for product CPU1. Specication 1: Name : Receive from Warehouse Destination Location : Shop 1 Type of Procurement : Move Source Location : Internal Shippings Partner Address : OpenERP S.A., Belgium Gerompont Chaussee de Namur 40 Shipping Type : Getting Goods Procure Method : Make to Order 132 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
Figure 6.26: Pull Flow Specication for Product CPU1 Invoice Status: Not Applicable Specication 2: Name : Deliver Shop Destination Location : Internal Shippings Type of Procurement : Move Source Location : Stock Partner Address : Fabien Shipping Type : Sending Goods Procure Method : Make to Stock Invoice Status: Not Applicable Now sell 1 unit of product CPU1 from the Shop1 (do not forget to conrm your sales order) and run the scheduler using the menu Warehouse Schedulers Compute Schedulers. Then check the stock moves for product CPU1 from the menu Warehouse Traceability Stock Moves. CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE 133
Figure 6.27: Stock Move of CPU1 related to Pull Flow Specication These moves can be explained like this: [ Customer ] < [ Shop 1 ] < Internal Shippings < Stock < [ OpenERP S.A. ] When the company Shop 1 sells one unit of CPU1 to a customer, its stock decreases to 10 units. According to the minimum stock rule of the product CPU1, OpenERP generates a procurement order of 21 units of CPU1 for the company Shop 1 (OP/00007, or another number if you have added extra data). So 21 units of CPU1 move from OpenERP S.A. Stock to Shop 1 according to their internal conguration of Source and Destination Locations. A pull ow is related to how the procurement process runs in order to nd products to increase or decrease inventory.
You nd a mix of these two modes used for the different nal and intermediate products in most industries. The procurement method shown on the product form is a default value for the order, enabling the salesperson to choose the best mode for fullling a particular order by varying the sales order parameters as needed. The gures Change in Stock for a Make to Stock Product (page 135) and Change in Stock for a Make to Order Product (page 135) show the change of stock levels for one product managed as Make to Order and another managed as Make to Stock. The two gures are taken from OpenERPs Stock Level Forecast report, available from the product form.
Logistical Methods The Make to Stock logistical approach is usually used for high volumes and when the demand is seasonal or otherwise easy to forecast. The Make to Order approach is used for products that are measured, or very expensive to stock or have a short restocking time.
Table 6.9: Consequences of Procurement Methods Make to Stock (MTS) and Make To Order (MTO) Procurement Method MTS MTO Produce Wait for availability Production Order Buy Wait for availability Purchase Order
Table 6.10: Consequences of Procurement Methods when using Services Procurement Method MTS MTO Produce / Create task Buy / Subcontract
Figure 6.30: Workow for Automatic Procurement, depending on the Product Conguration
The table below shows some examples of units of measure and their category. The factor is used to convert from one unit of measure to another as long as they are in the same category.
Table 6.11: Example Units of Measure UoM Kg Gram Tonne Hour Day Half-day Item 100 Items Category Weight Weight Weight Working time Working time Working time Unit Unit Ratio 1 1000 1000 8 1 4 1 0.01 UoM Type Reference Smaller Bigger Smaller Reference Smaller
Depending on the table above, you have 1Kg = 1000g = 0.001 Tonnes. A product in the Weight category could be expressed in Kg, Tonnes or Grammes. You cannot express it in hours or pieces, for example. Use the menu Warehouse Conguration Products Units of Measure Units of Measure to dene a new unit of measure. In the denition of a Unit of Measure, you have a Rounding precision factor which shows how amounts are rounded after the conversion. A value of 1 gives rounding to the level of one unit. 0.01 gives rounding to one hundredth. Secondary Units OpenERP supports double units of measure. Notice however that the default unit of measure and the purchase unit of measure have to be in the same category. Only the sales unit of measure may be in a different category. This is very useful in the agro-food industry, for example: you sell ham by the piece, but invoice by the Kg. A weighing operation is needed before invoicing the customer.
To activate the management options for double units of measure, assign the group Useability / Product UoS View to your user. In this case, the same product can be expressed in two units of measure belonging to different categories for sales and stock/purchase. You can then distinguish between the unit of stock management (the piece) and the unit of invoicing or sales (kg).
Figure 6.31: Secondary Unit of Measure In the product form you can set one unit of measure for sales and stock management, and one unit of 138 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
measure for purchases. For each operation on a product, you can use another unit of measure, as long as it can be found in the same category as the two units already dened. If you use another unit of measure, OpenERP automatically handles the conversion of prices and quantities. So if you have 430 Kg of carrots at 5.30 EUR/Kg, OpenERP will automatically make the conversion if you want to sell in tonnes 0.43 tonnes at 5300 EUR / tonne. If you had set a rounding factor of 0.1 for the tonne unit of measure, OpenERP will tell you that you have only 0.4 tonnes available. Packaging The packaging allows you to ship products in several ways. For example, you can ship goods by boxes or by pallets. At rst, you have to dene possible packaging. To dene the packaging, go to :menuselection: Warehouse > Conguration > Product > Packaging and click New.
Figure 6.32: Packaging denition To complete the creation of a new packaging, you have to give it a name and a type. Different types are available in OpenERP: Box, Pack, Pallet and Unit. Once all packaging is dened, you can attach the packaging to your products through the following menu: Warehouse Conguration Product Packaging.
Product Trading Also called the Production Plan, this tool is also very useful for traded products which are not manufactured. You can use it for stock management with purchased and manufactured products.
No quantity available in stock: you have to create a rule for automatic procurement (for example, a minimum stock rule) and put it in the order, or manually procure it. Some problems are just those of timing and can be automatically corrected by the system. Use the menu Warehouse Schedulers Procurement Exceptions to see all the exceptions. If a product has to be in stock, but is not available in your stores, OpenERP will make the exception as temporary or to be corrected. The exception is temporary if the system can procure it automatically, for example, if a procurement rule is dened for minimum stock.
Figure 6.34: Example of a Procurement in Exception If no procurement rule is dened, the exception has to be corrected manually by the user. Once the exception is corrected, you can restart by clicking Retry. If you do not do that, OpenERP will automatically recalculate on the next automated requirements calculation.
The calculation of requirements prioritises the procurements. If you encode a purchase directly, you short-circuit the planning of different procurements. Shortcuts On the product form you have an ACTIONS shortcut button Create Procurements that lets you quickly create a new procurement order.
Go to the menu Sales Conguration Stock and Sales Periods Create Stock and Sales Periods. A window appears enabling you to automatically dene the next periods that will be provided for stock management. For this example, create weekly periods. Salespeople can then enter their sales forecasts by product and by period using the menu Sales Sales Forecasts Sales Forecasts. The forecasts can be made by quantity or by value. For a forecast by amount, OpenERP automatically calculates the quantity equivalent to the estimated amount. This can be modied manually as needed before completion. A salesperson can create sales forecasts manually, or he can use the Create Sales Forecasts wizard in the above menu.
Closed outgoings which are the consumption of manufacturing waiting and deliveries to be made to customers, Forecast outgoings, calculated from the planned outgoings, less the closing amounts, Planned outgoings, manually entered by the logistics manager, Sales forecasts, which represent the sum of forecasts made by the salespeople.
Figure 6.40: The Master Production Schedule (MPS) The production plan enables the logistics manager to play with the forecast receipts and outgoings and test the impact on the future stock for the product concerned. It enables you, for example, to check that the stock does not fall below a certain level for that product. You can also open the production plan for past periods. In this case, OpenERP shows you the real stock moves, by period for forecast reports. If you do not have automated procurement rules for a product, you can start procurement at any time based on the estimates of the production plan. To do this, press the button Procure Incoming Left (i.e. remaining) on the Master Procurement Schedule. OpenERP plans procurement for an amount equal to the entries forecast.
Upstream Traceability It runs from the raw materials received from the supplier and follows the chain to the nished products delivered to customers. (Note that the name is confusing - this would often be considered a downstream direction. Think of it as Where Used.)
Downstream Traceability It follows the product in the other direction, from customer to the different suppliers of raw material. (Note that the name is confusing - this would often be considered an upstream direction. Think of it as Where Supplied.)
Figure 6.41: History of Stock Movements Each stock move is in a given state. The various states are: Draft : the move so far has no effect in the system. The transaction has not yet been conrmed, Confirmed : the move will be done, so it will be counted in the calculations of virtual stock. But you do not know whether it will be done without problem because the products have been reserved for the move, Validated : the move will be done and the necessary raw materials have been reserved for the transaction, 146 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
Done : the stock move has been done, and entered into the calculations of real stock, Waiting : in the case of transactions From Order, this state shows that the stock move is blocked waiting for the end of another move, Cancelled : the stock move was not carried out, so it is not taken into account in either real stock or virtual stock. Delivery orders, goods receipts and internal picking lists are just documents that group a set of stock moves. You can also consult the history of these documents using the menu Warehouse Traceability Packs.
6.5.2 Lots
OpenERP can also manage product lots. Two lot types are dened: Production lots (batch numbers) are represented by a unique product or an assembly of identical products leaving the same production area. They are usually identied by bar codes stuck on the products. The batch can be marked with a supplier number or your own company numbers. Tracking numbers are logistical lots to identify the container for a set of products. This corresponds, for example, to the pallet numbers on which several different products are stocked. These lots can be encoded onto all stock moves and, specically, on incoming shipments lines, internal moves and outgoing deliveries.
To enter the lot number in an operation, you can use an existing lot number or create a new pack. A production lot (batch number) is used for a single product. A tracking number can be used several times for different products, so you can mix different products on a pallet or in a box. Simplied View In the Simplified view, the tracking numbers cannot be seen: the eld is hidden. To get to Extended view mode, assign the group Useability / Extended View to the current user, or change the User Preferences.
You can also specify on the product form the operations in which a lot number is required. You can then compel the user to set a lot number for manufacturing operations, goods receipt, or customer packing. You do not have to encode the lot numbers one by one to assign a unique lot number to a set of several items. You only need to take a stock move for several products line and click the button Split in Production Lots. You can then give a lot number prex (if you want) and OpenERP will complete the prex in the wizard with a continuing sequence number. This sequence number might correspond to a set of pre-printed barcodes that you stick on each product.
6.5.3 Traceability
If you key in the lot numbers for stock moves as described above, you can investigate the traceability of any given lot number. Go to the menu Warehouse Traceability Production Lots or Warehouse Traceability Packs.
Product Shortcuts From the product form, the toolbar to the right offers useful information: Minimum Stock Rules, Stock by Location, Product Sales, Bills of Material.
Search for a particular lot using the lters for the lot number, the date or the product. Once you can see the form about this lot, several actions can be performed: Upstream Traceability: from supplier through to customers, Downstream Traceability: from customer back to suppliers, Stock in all the physical and virtual locations.
Figure 6.45: Tracing Downstream in Make to Stock Finally, on a lot, you can enter data on all the operations that have been done for the product. That keeps a useful history of the pre-sales operations.
2. Warehouse Product Moves Deliver Products 3. Warehouse Warehouse Management Incoming Shipments
Figure 6.47: Scrapping from an Internal Move 5. Warehouse Warehouse Management Delivery Orders When you decide to scrap some products, they are transferred to the Scrap location. To display the content of this Virtual Location, go to :menuselection: Warehouse > Inventory Control > Location Structure, then select the virtual locations and display the Scrap location. If you want to transfer the products to another location, you can create a new one and check the Scrap Location in the additional information.
6.7 Identifying Products and Locations with Barcodes and RFID Devices
You can the barcode in the product form in the eld EAN13.
location or link several locations to the same account, depending on the level of analysis needed. You use this system for managing consigned stocks: a supplier location that is valued in your own accounts or, a location in your own company that is not valued in your accounts. How to Congure Accounting Valuation? In the Product form, go to the Accounting tab and select the Real Time (automated) option for Inventory Valuation, To dene your accounts, you have two options. Set them on the product category, or on the product. 1. From the Accounting Stock Properties section, for the Product Category, set the Stock Input Account, the Stock Output Account and the Stock Variation Account, 2. From the Accounting tab, for the Product, set the Stock Input Account and the Stock Output Account. You can also overwrite the accounts from the Product or the Product Category by dening Stock Input Account and Stock Output Account for a Location. account_anglo_saxon You can also install the account_anglo_saxon module (Recongure wizard, Anglo-Saxon Accounting) to value your stock according to Anglo-saxon principles.
The gure below shows the various accounts that can be used, with and without the account_anglo_saxon module installed.
To dene the delivery pricelist according to the price, the weight or the volume. Now, in each Delivery Order, two new elds are available to enter the right value to deliver the products to the customer. You can also nd a new eld in the Sales Order form that enables you to select a delivery method.
Default Values To enter all the orders in his own stock journal, a salesperson can use the default values that are entered in the elds when creating orders.
Finally, the stock journals can also be used as delivery journals to post each item into a delivery journal. For example, you can create journals dated according to customer delivery dates (such as Mondays deliveries, or afternoon deliveries) or these journals could represent the days work for delivery vehicles (such as truck1, truck2).
Figure 6.54: Partner Form in Invoicing Mode You can create a new Invoicing Journal for a partner through the menu Sales Conguration Sales Invoice Types. You can decide if the invoices should be grouped or not when generating them in the journal. Create a second invoicing journal End-of-Month Invoicing which you can assign to another partner. Then enter the data for some sales orders for these two partners. After entering sales order data, the eld Invoicing Mode in the second tab Other Information is completed automatically from the partner settings.
Figure 6.55: Dening an Invoicing Journal Look at the History tab of the Sales order, and observe the Picking List that has been created. The eld Invoicing Mode is automatically shown there.
Figure 6.56: Generated Picking Lists At the end of the day, the invoicing supervisor can display the list by journal. Go to the menu Sales Invoicing Lines to Invoice. Add a New Filter by selecting Invoice Type contains Daily, or any other part of the invoice journal you are using. Select the different orders in the list. You can automatically 156 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
carry out invoicing by clicking the action Make Invoices (the gears symbol). Conrming Invoices By default, invoices are generated in the draft state, which enables you to modify them before sending them to the customer. But you can conrm all the invoices in one go by selecting them all from the list and selecting the action Conrm Draft Invoices.
At the end of the month the invoicing management does the same work, but in the journal month-end invoicing. You can also enter a journal to conrm / cancel all the orders in one go. Then you can do several quotations, assign them to a journal and conrm or cancel them at once.
For example, if we have to deliver some products to a customer in a month (in 30 days). You promise to deliver the goods to the customer within 10 days, the manufacturing time is equal to 4 days and our suppliers deliver the raw materials within 3 days. According to those numbers, we will have to start the process in 23 days if we have to order raw materials.
Figure 6.58: Planning the Deliveries of Customer Products Thanks to this module, you will be able to calculate a planning of the stock for a product. Planned dates on a packing order are put in each stock move line. If you have a packing order containing several products, not all of the lines necessarily need to be delivered the same day. The minimum and maximum dates in a packing order show the earliest and latest dates on the stock move lines for the packing.
If you move a packing order in the calendar view, the planned date in the stock move lines will automatically be moved as a result.
Figure 6.59: Create your Own Reports This newly added section allows you to dene for your new report: The general conguration: The aim of this tab is to choose the models your report will rely on. The view parameters This tab will dene the display of your report. You can choose between the traditional available views (Tree/List, Form, Graph and Calendar) and you can dene three different ways to display your report. The elds to display CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE 159
The elds available to display will depend on the models you choose in the General Conguration tab. When you add a new eld to your report, different elds have to be specied: Sequence - denes the order in which the elds will be displayed in the report Field - the information you want to display in your report Grouping method - affects the way the eld is displayed. You can choose between Grouped, Sum, Minimum, Count, Maximum and Average Graph mode - denes which axe of the graph the eld will represent Calendar mode - denes the meaning of the eld for the calendar (Starting or Ending date, Delay, End Date, Unique Colours) The lters on elds This tab will let you choose which data to display according to the value of a eld. It is possible to manually modify or add new lters according to your needs. The security The security tab is used to select the groups that are able to display the report. Create Report with OpenOfce You can also create or edit reports with OpenOfce using the base_report_designer module. In order to add the extension to OpenOfce, load this module and start the conguration. A new window will ask you to Save As a le that contains the extension. Once you have saved the le, start OpenOfce and go to Tools Extension Manager, then click Add and select the previously saved le. Restart and now you have the extension installed.
know when they are likely to arrive at their destination, know your value in transit, follow the development of the different steps. Linked locations in OpenERP enable you to manage all this rather elegantly. You can use a structure like this: Suppliers European Suppliers Chinese Suppliers In transit Shanghai Port Pacic Ocean San Francisco Port San Francisco Customs
6.14.1 Stock
The transit locations are linked between themselves with a manual conrmation step. The internal stock move is validated at each port and customs arrival. OpenERP prepares all the linked moves automatically. Intrastat Companies that do import / export should install the module report_intrastat. This enables them to prepare the reports needed to declare product exports.
You can use the lead times between different locations to account for real delays. Your lead times and stock forecasts are calculated by OpenERP to estimate the arrival of incoming products, so that you can respond to a customers needs as precisely as possible. You can also value the products in transit in your account depending on the chosen stock location conguration.
Then the set of real and virtual stocks is maintained daily in real time. The different operations such as delivery and receipt after a few days are automatically suggested by OpenERP which simplies the work of data entry. You then have the product list found in the customer locations and your own stock in your stock location. The list of waiting goods receipts is automatically generated by OpenERP using the location links. Suppose you want to rent a product (PC3) to your customer (Axelor) for 30 days. Two stock movement entries are needed to manage this scenario: 1. Product goes from Stock (your companys location) to Axelor - Rental Location (your customer location). 2. Product will be returned into Stock (your companys location) from Axelor - Rental Location (your customer location) after 30 days. To manage rental products by linking locations, congure a rental location (Axelor - Rental Location) as shown in the following gure using the menu Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Locations.
Figure 6.61: Conguration of a Rental Location Axelor - Rental Location Through the menu Warehouse Traceability Stock Moves, you can create a stock movement entry from Stock to Customer Location (Axelor - Rental Location) in OpenERP for a rental product (PC3). The stock movement entry from Customer Location (Axelor - Rental Location) to Stock is generated automatically on the proper Scheduled Date by OpenERP when you have conrmed the previous stock movement entry by clicking the Process Now button. 162 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
Figure 6.62: Stock Movement Entry to Send the Product PC3 to the Customer Location The same principle is used for internal stock to generate quality control for certain products.
Table 6.12: Bill of Materials Field Product Product Qty Name BoM Type Company Value Product A 1 Product A Normal OpenERP US
The different components to produce one unit of Product A are one unit of Product B and one unit of Product C. Table 6.13: Companies and Products Company OpenERP SA OpenERP SA OpenERP US OpenERP US What Sell the Product A Store the Product C Produce the Product A Store the Product B
Table 6.14: Logistics Flows Name Ask for Production Launch Production Send Product to Transit Get Product from Transit Type Pull Pull Pull Pull Product Product A Product A Product C Product C Goal of the ow OpenERP SA asks OpenERP US to produce the Product A OpenERP US launches the production of the Product A OpenERP US asks for the Product C to OpenERP SA OpenERP US receives the Product C
Figure 6.63: Ask for Production With this conguration, when a Sales Order for 3 units of Product A is conrmed and the scheduler has been launched, you will have the following procurements: And the following stock moves have been generated: Because we are working in two different companies, different stock moves have been generated. The products have to move from OpenERP SA to OpenERP US for the products C. After the manufacturing process, the products A have to move from OpenERP US to OpenERP SA to be sold to the customer. 164 CHAPTER 6. YOUR WAREHOUSE
Figure 6.68: Stock Moves Once you have conrmed the different moves for the products B and C, the Manufacturing Order is in ready to produce status. So you can run the production of the three units of Product A.
Figure 6.69: Launch the Production Once again due to the use of two companies, you have to conrm different deliveries. One to deliver the product from OpenERP US to OpenERP SA and another to deliver the product from OpenERP SA to the customer. Now you have to conrm the delivery of the three units from OpenERP US to OpenERP SA, then to conrm the reception of the products in OpenERP SA and nally, deliver the products to you nal customer.
Multi-Company Environment
This part of the book concentrates on the multi-company environment of OpenERP. From version 6.0 of OpenERP, you do not have to install any additional modules to enable the multi-company environment. All components are included in the base modules. All you have to do to work in a multi-company environment, is add the Useability/Multi-Companies group to your user. The multi-company environment allows you to manage operations from different companies with different warehouses, customers and suppliers, products, ... In the following chapters, we will perform a complete order ow made by a customer in France that does not handle the stock, but delegates it to another company located in Belgium that will deliver the product to the customer. In order to achieve this, we will follow the schema dene hereunder.
To be able to manage the process, please install the following modules: sale purchase stock stock_location, Recongure wizard > Advanced route (in order to be able to dene pull & push ows)
Companies Structure
Three companies have to be dened. One mother company (OpenERP) and two children (OpenERP Belgium and OpenERP France). On the one hand, the two child companies will be used to support the ow of goods. On the other hand, the mother company will be used to aggregate the different information from OpenERP France and OpenERP Belgium.
User Group To view the companies structure, you have to add the group Useability/Multi Companies to your user.
Here are the different congurations for the mother and the child companies (for the child companies, do not forget to add a parent company):
Charts of Accounts
For each company, you have to dene an accounting setting. To do this, go to the Accounting Conguration Financial Accounting New company Financial Setting.
Accounting Plan Each of your companies can have its own specic chart of accounts.
Figure 7.6: Dening Users part 2 In addition to the user, the companies need suppliers and customers. For OpenERP France, you can dene one customer who will order the product that will be dened later, and for OpenERP Belgium, you can dene one supplier who will deliver the product to the company. The customers and suppliers go in the same object called Partners which can be classied in three ways: customer, supplier and customer and supplier. This has the advantage that you have to update address data only once. Customer: log in with the user of OpenERP France, then go to Sales Address Book Customers
Now that we have dened the different actors, we can dene our product that will be stored in Belgium and proposed to sell in France. Go to Sales Products Products and create a new product with the following specications: In the Suppliers tab, you can select the supplier dened above. In the tab Logistical Flows,
Figure 7.11: Dening Products we will dene the different ows in order to share the different objects between the companies. To order the product in Belgium from a sales order made in France, we will dene a Pull ow.
In our process, we have to create a pull ow, because the process begins with a need from OpenERP France. OpenERP France needs some products ordered by the customers. The ow will go through our two child companies. The starting point is OpenERP Belgium that will supply OpenERP France that will supply the goods to the customer. We can draw the process like this: Customer < [OpenERP France] < [OpenERP Belgium] < Supplier
Managing the Storage In our conguration, we have to dene the way in which we will store the products. The stock will be managed by OpenERP Belgium that will share the products with the other companies. OpenERP France will manage the sales part for these products. OpenERP France will transfer the sales order to OpenERP Belgium that will ship the goods to the customer. By default, OpenERP creates some locations and warehouses for the rst company. As a consequence, we have to create the other warehouses and locations for our child companies. We will start by creating the warehouses, then we will dene specic locations and we will nish by setting up the of shops.
In OpenERP, a warehouse represents your places of physical stock. A warehouse can be structured into several locations at multiple levels. We have to create three new warehouses. One for OpenERP, one for OpenERP Belgium and one for OpenERP France.
Figure 7.13: Warehouses Go to Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Warehouses and create the different warehouses according to the parameters shown in picture Warehouse Parameters (page 173).
Locations are used to manage all types of storage places, such as at the customer and production counterparts.
In order to store products, we will create one location for the two child companies. It will support the ow of goods between those companies.
Figure 7.15: Locations Go to Warehouse Conguration Warehouse Management Locations and create the different locations with the parameters dened in the picture Location Parameters (page 174).
OpenERP France needs a shop. The objective of this shop is to allow OpenERP France to receive orders from customers and then send it to OpenERP Belgium for the delivery of the products.
Figure 7.17: Dening a Shop Go to Sales Conguration Sales Shop to dene a shop for OpenERP France.
Figure 7.18: Dening a Sales Order You should not forget to set the correct parameters in the second tab Other Information to select the good shipping and picking policies. Here we select the Invoice From the Picking as Shipping Policy. Conrm the Sales Order, then run the Scheduler (Warehouses Schedulers Compute Schedulers) and run the Procurement from each company (OpenERP France, OpenERP and OpenERP Belgium). At this time, a Purchase Order and a Delivery Order have been generated. The Purchase Order is in the Request For Quotation state and you have to convert it into a Purchase Order to conrm the purchase. The Delivery Order is in Not Available state because you have to buy the products before delivery. Once the purchase order has been conrmed and the reception is completed, we can process the delivery order.
Delivery Order
Once the delivery order is processed, the products are sent to the customer and we can invoice the order from OpenERP France on the delivered quantities. The delivery order will be processed from OpenERP Belgium. OpenERP Belgium is the company that manages the stock of products. This company is responsible for the delivery of the products to the nal customers. However, the invoicing process will be handled by OpenERP France, because it is the company that received the order from the customer.
Figure 7.20: Deliver the Products From the user of OpenERP France, we can create the invoice for the order (Sales Invoicing Lines to Invoice), then pass the invoice from the Draft state to the Open state. To nalize the invoicing process, you have to go to Accounting Customers Customers Invoices to execute the payment process.
Part V
On Site Installation
For example:
openerp@openerp-desktop:/$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
For example:
openerp@openerp-desktop:/$ sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
You can nd the new menu item pgAdmin III in your Ubuntu system menu from Applications Programming pgAdmin III. 181
Figure 8.1: Figure demonstrating how OpenERP uses the PostgreSQL user to interact with it
Database Without creating and conguring a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP as described below, you cannot create a database using OpenERP Client.
First Method The default superuser for PostgreSQL is called postgres. You may need to login as this user rst.
openerp@openerp-desktop:/$ sudo su postgres password: XXXXXXXXXX
Make this new user a superuser. Only then you can create a database using OpenERP Client. In short, openerp is the new user created in PostgreSQL for OpenERP. This user is the owner of all the tables created by OpenERP Client. Now check the list of tables created in PostgreSQL using following command:
postgres@openerp-desktop:/$ psql -l
You can nd the table template1, run the following command to use this table:
postgres@openerp-desktop:/$ psql template1
To apply access rights to the role openerp for the database which will be created from OpenERP Client, use the following command:
template1=# alter role openerp with password postgres; ALTER ROLE
Second Method Another option to create and congure a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP is shown below:
postgres@openerp-desktop:/$ createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --pwprompt openerp Enter password for new role: XXXXXXXXXX Enter it again: XXXXXXXXXX Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y CREATE ROLE
Option explanations: --createdb : the new user will be able to create new databases --username postgres : createuser will use the postgres user (superuser) --no-createrole : the new user will not be able to create new users --pwprompt : createuser will ask you the new users password openerp : the new users name To access your database using pgAdmin III, you must congure the database connection as shown in the following gure: You can now start OpenERP Server. You will probably need to modify the OpenERP conguration le according to your needs which is normally located in ~/.openerprc.
Developer Book You can nd information on conguration les in the Developer Book, section Conguration
mxdatetime : Provides the most natural and robust way of dealing with date/time values in Python.
sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime
python-dateutil : The dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module, available in Python 2.3+.
sudo apt-get install python-dateutil
psycopg2 : Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL adapter for the Python programming language.
sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
pychart : PyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts.
sudo apt-get install python-pychart
pydot : This module provides a full interface to create, handle, modify and process graphs in Graphvizs dot language.
sudo apt-get install python-pydot
reportlab : The ReportLab Toolkit is the time-proven, ultra-robust, open-source engine for programmatically creating PDF documents and forms the foundation of RML. It also contains a library for creating platform-independent vector graphics. It is a fast, exible, cross-platform solution written in Python.
sudo apt-get install python-reportlab
vobject : VObject simplies the process of parsing and creating iCalendar and vCard objects.
The list of available command line parameters can be obtained with the -h command-line switch:
python -h
If your PostgreSQL server is up and running, you can now run the server using the following command:
If you do not already have a PostgreSQL server up and running, you can read PostgreSQL Server Installation and Conguration (page 181).
You also need to install the following Python libraries, because OpenERP Client uses these packages. To install the required libraries on your Ubuntu system, you can do the following in your favourite shell: gtk : GTK+ is a highly usable, feature-rich toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces which boosts cross-platform compatibility and an easy-to-use API.
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2
glade : Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.
sudo apt-get install python-glade2
matplotlib : matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality gures in a variety of hard-copy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
mxdatetime : Provides the most natural and robust way of dealing with date/time values in Python.
sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime
hippocanvas : The Hippo Canvas is a Cairo/GObject/GTK+ based canvas, written in C with support for exible layout, CSS styling, and initial work on animations.
sudo apt-get install python-hippocanvas
PDF Viewer You will also need a PDF viewer (e.g. xpdf, acroread, kpdf). See the Conguring a PDF Viewer (page 188) section.
The list of available command line parameters can be obtained with the -h command-line switch:
python -h
You can now run the client using the following command:
The client will try to nd one of these executables (in this order) in your system and open the PDF document with it. PDF For example, if xpdf, kpdf and acroread are the only PDF viewers installed on your system, the OpenERP client will use xpdf for previewing PDF documents.
If you want to use another PDF viewer or if you do not want to use the rst one the client will nd, you have to edit the OpenERP conguration le, normally located in ~/.openerprc. Find the [printer] section and edit the softpath parameter. For example:
[printer] softpath = kpdf
$ cd /path/to/openerp-web-6.0.2/lib $ ./ $ cd ..
This will install all required dependencies in private lib directory, and you do not need to install anything.
The list of available command line parameters can be obtained with the -h command line switch:
python -h
You can now run the OpenERP Web Client using the following command:
2. Internet Explorer >= 7.0 3. Safari >= 4.1 4. Google Chrome >= 9.0 5. Opera >= 10.0 Flash Plugin Your browser should have the Flash plugin installed because OpenERP Web Client uses some Flash components. Apply the following command in order to install the Flash plugin on an Ubuntu system:
$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
Stable Versions and Development Versions OpenERP development proceeds in two parallel tracks: stable versions and development versions. New functionality is integrated into the development branch. This branch is more advanced than the stable branch, but it can contain undiscovered and unxed faults. A new development release is made every month or so, and OpenERP has made the code repository available so you can download the very latest revisions if you want. The stable branch is designed for production environments. Here, releases of new functionality are made only about once a year after a long period of testing and validation. Only bug xes are released through the year on the stable branch.
To download OpenERP for Windows, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the site 2. Click the Downloads button at the right, then, under Windows Auto-Installer, select All-In-One. 3. Before you can proceed with the download, you will be asked to ll an online form with your contact and company details and information regarding your interest in OpenERP. 4. Once you submit the online form, the All-In-One Windows installer (currently openerp-allinone-setup-6.0.2.exe) becomes available for download. 5. Save the le on your PC - it is quite a substantial size because it downloads everything including the PostgreSQL database system (version 8.3, at the time of writing), so it will take some time.
Figure 9.1: Welcome to OpenERP 4. Select components to install You can proceed with the default install type All In One, which will install the OpenERP Server, GTK Desktop Client, Web Client and PostgreSQL Database (version 8.3, at the time of writing). Or, you may customize your installation by selecting only the components you require.
Figure 9.2: Customize component installation 5. Congure PostgreSQL connection The installer will suggest default parameters to complete your PostgreSQL connection conguration. You may accept the defaults, or change it according to your requirement. 6. Select folder for installation By default, OpenERP is installed in C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0. To install in a different folder, browse for a different location(folder) in this step. 7. Install The automatic installation of OpenERP begins and you can view its progress.
Figure 9.3: PostgreSQL conguration 8. Finish On successful installation of OpenERP, you will get an appropriate conrmation. You can click Finish to close the setup wizard.
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin>createuser.exe --createdb --username postgres --n Enter password for new role: openpgpwd Enter it again: openpgpwd Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y Password: XXXXXXXXXX
* * * * *
1 2 3 4 5
is the command itself asks you the new users password asks you to confirm the new users password new role is superuser or not? asks you the *postgres* users password
Option explanations: --createdb : the new user will be able to create new databases --username postgres : createuser will use the postgres user (superuser) --no-createrole : the new user will not be able to create new users --pwprompt : createuser will ask you the new users password openpg : the new users name. Alternatively, you may specify a different username. openpgpwd : the new users password. Alternatively, you may specify a different password. Password In OpenERP v6, openpg and openpgpwd are the default username and password used during the OpenERP Server installation. If you plan to change these defaults for the server, or have already installed the server with different values, you have to use those user conguration values when you create a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP.
Now use pgAdmin III to create database openerpdemo with owner openpg:
If you have installed the OpenERP Server, you can start it now. If needed, you can override the server conguration by starting the server at a Windows console and specifying command-line options. For more on this, refer the section Customized Conguration (page 201). To change a users password in any Windows version, execute the following:
net user <accountname> <newpassword> e.g. net user postgres postgres
If it is a domain account, just add /DOMAIN at the end. If you want to delete it, just execute:
net user <accountname> /delete
Case-Insensitive Search Issue For an installation which needs full UTF8 character support, consider using postgres >= 8.2.x. Using versions prior to this, OpenERP search will not return the expected results for case-insensitive searches, which are used for searching partners, products etc. Example:
SELECT x FROM my_table WHERE bt ilike BT --matches only in 8.2.x
You will need a PostgreSQL server up and running. If it is not the case, you can read the PostgreSQL Server Installation and Conguration (page 197) section.
5. Congure PostgreSQL connection The installer will suggest default parameters to complete your PostgreSQL connection conguration. You may accept the defaults, or change it according to your requirement.
PostgreSQL conguration 6. Create shortcuts Select a folder in the Start menu where you would like to create the programs shortcuts.
Create Start menu shortcuts 7. Install The automatic installation of OpenERP Server begins and you can view its progress. 8. Finish On successful installation of OpenERP Server, you will get an appropriate conrmation. You can click Finish to close the setup wizard. End of setup wizard The OpenERP Server installs as a Windows service. This means you do not have to start the server each time you start the computer and it runs without the need of an open user session.
The initialization of OpenERP Server provides necessary information for connection to the PostgreSQL database and the choice of data to load. Here is the explanation of used options: -d <db_name> : Name of the database created for OpenERP Server. -r <db_user> : Name of the PostgreSQL user (role). -w <db_password> : Password of the PostgreSQL user. --db_host=<postgresql_server_address> : Address of the server where PostgreSQL is. If you have installed PostgreSQL on the same computer as OpenERP Server, you can enter localhost, else, the IP address or the name of the distant server. --db_port=<port_no> : Port number where PostgreSQL listens. The default is 5432. --stop-after-init : This option stops the server after initialization. --logfile="<logfile>" : specify an alternate logle where all the output of server will be saved. The default is C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\Server\openerp-server.log. Before the execution of this command you have to decide the purpose of the database created in OpenERP. Sample command: CHAPTER 9. OPENERP INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS 201
Here you have to enter the username and password specied in the PostgreSQL connection conguration during server installation. When you execute the initialization command, if you specify a logle, the server runtime output is written to that le, and you will not see any server output in the prompt window. You have only to wait until the prompt comes back. Deciding about the purpose of the database You can initialize the database with OpenERP Server to: 1. Take a look at the system with modules installed and demo data loaded 2. Install a new clean database system (without demo data) 3. Upgrade an existing version
Sample command:
openerp-server.exe -d openerpdemo --stop-after-init -i sale
This command will initialize the OpenERP Server with the module sale and its dependencies, and ll its PostgreSQL database with their related demo data. As can be seen, you must specify the target database for the module installation. To install more than one module, specify a comma-separated module list at the command-line.
This will load base modules (and other modules if -i option is used), but will not load its demo data. Sample command usage:
openerp-server.exe -d openerpdemo --stop-after-init --without-demo=all
If you have already initialized the database with demo data loaded, you can create a new database and execute the above command on it.
OpenERP Server 6.0 in the Services list Here, you can dene how the service should act in case of server failure. Access the services properties by double-clicking OpenERP Server 6.0 in the list. Recovery tab to set service failure response The Computer Management logging service offers additional information about the execution of the OpenERP Server, for example, the startup or shutdown information of the service. CHAPTER 9. OPENERP INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS 203
Server information in Windows Logs list OpenERP Server runtime output can be found in the default logle. Given that the server is now running as a Windows service, it does not output any runtime messages. For this, the logle is the only option. Access it from the Start menu, through the View log link in the group of shortcuts for OpenERP Server 6.0. Alternatively, use the path C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\Server\openerp-server.log. OpenERP Server log le You can nd out whether OpenERP Server is running by invoking Windows Task Manager. When you look at the Processes tab, you will see OpenERPServerService.exe and openerp-server.exe, both having SYSTEM as their user (to see these, Show processes from all users must be enabled in the Task Manager).
Create Start Menu Shortcuts 6. Install The automatic installation of OpenERP Client begins and you can view its progress. 7. Finish On successful installation of OpenERP Client, you will get an appropriate conrmation. Click Finish to close the setup wizard. End of Conguration Wizard
OpenERP Public Licence 4. Select folder for installation By default, OpenERP Web is installed in C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\Web. To install in a different folder, browse for a different location(folder) in this step. 5. Create shortcuts Select a folder in the Start menu where you would like to create the programs shortcuts. Create Start Menu Shortcuts 6. Install The automatic installation of OpenERP Web begins and you can view its progress. 7. Finish On successful installation of OpenERP Web, you will get an appropriate conrmation. Click Finish to close the setup wizard.
The Windows service for OpenERP Web Server is also installed and is set up to start the server automatically on system boot.
User authentication failure You may also face another problem similar to this situation:
Database connection failure In this case, check if the service postgresql-9.0 - PostgreSQL Server 9.0 is running in the Services Manager (Control Panel System and Security Administrative Tools Services). PostgreSQL 9.0 in the Services list You can edit the service conguration to start PostgreSQL as a service on system boot. This is usually the default. Congure PostgreSQL 9.0 service If your PostgreSQL service is running, but you get connection errors, you can restart the service. Restarting the service
absences, 94 access, 35 account chart, 33 account types, 22 accountant, 85 accounts conguring, 22 alerts, 53 allocation cost, 92, 96 analytic chart of accounts, 91 Analytic Accounts, 89 delivery control, 56 delivery grid, 57
export stock management, 160
Flow, 6 forecasts, 143
import stock management, 160 Installation OpenERP All-In-One (Windows), 193 OpenERP Client (Linux), 186 OpenERP Client (Windows), 205 OpenERP Server (Linux), 184 OpenERP Server (Windows), 199 OpenERP Web (Linux), 189 OpenERP Web (Windows), 207 PostgreSQL, 181 PostgreSQL (Windows), 196 Windows installation quirks, 209 installation administrator, 194 Windows (all-in-one), 194 invoicing control, 56
backup database, 34
carriers, 57 category partner, 27 product, 30 chart of accounts, 33 analytic, 91 contact partner, 27 control delivery, 56 invoicing, 56 cost allocation, 92, 96
journals conguring, 25
database backup, 34 drop, 34 duplicate, 35 restore, 34
location structure, 32 Logistics, 6, 99
Main Company
conguring, 26 Master Procurement Schedule, 139 Master Production Schedule, 139 Module mrp_jit, 125 Sale, 125 module account, 21, 39 account_analytic_analysis, 63 account_analytic_default, 81 account_invoice_layout, 74 delivery, 57, 85 discount_campaign, 72 hr_timesheet_invoice, 89 mrp_jit, 41, 128 product, 21 product_extended, 60, 88 product_margin, 61, 89 product_visible_discount, 48 prole_manufacturing, 57 purchase, 21, 79 purchase_analytic_analysis, 81 purchase_analytic_plans, 81, 90 purchase_tender, 86 report_intrastat, 161 sale, 21 sale_delivery, 73 sale_journal, 154 sale_layout, 74 sale_margin, 60 sale_supplier_direct_delivery, 129 stock, 21, 103 stock_location, 161 stock_planning, 143 warning, 53, 80 MPS, 139 multi-company logistic, 167
OpenERP versions, 193 OpenERP Web Installation (Linux), 189 Installation (Windows), 207
partner, 27 category, 27 contact, 27 PDF viewer, 188 plan production, 143 PostgreSQL Installation, 181 Installation (Windows), 196 setup a database, 181 setup a database (Windows), 197 setup a user, 181 setup a user (Windows), 197 price, 66 pricelist create, 65 default pricelist, 69 pricelists version, 66 product, 30 category, 30 properties dening, 24 Purchase, 6 purchase tender, 86 Purchasing, 77
Real Case, 15 rent, 161
OpenERP All-In-One Installation (Windows), 193 OpenERP Client Conguring a PDF viewer, 188 Installation (Linux), 186 Installation (Windows), 205 OpenERP Server Installation (Linux), 184 Installation (Windows), 199
Sales, 6 Sales Management, 43 Stock Double-Entry, 103 Inventory operation, 104 Location, 109 Location types, 109 Negative, 127
Stock check, 104 Warehouse, 106 stock journal, 154 location, 31 Stock Management, 99
tender, 86 traceability downstream, 145 upstream, 145 traceability (stock), 148 trading company, 69
warning, 53