DEM Midsem
DEM Midsem
DEM Midsem
2. For the given Boolean function F(a,b,c,d) = b’d’ + bd’ + bc + ad’ + c’d’
a. Express F in canonical form. (sum of min terms and product of max terms).
b. Identify prime and essential prime implicants
c. Give minimized two level AND-OR implementation
d. Give minimized two level NOR-NOR implementation
4. Draw the sequential circuit for the below state table with JK flip flops.
What can you say about this circuit and its self-correcting ability?
QA QB QA(t+1) QB(t+1) JA KA JB KB
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
5. You are given a 3-bit Synchronous counter with Asynchronous Clear capability.
(Counter works on positive edge of clock)
a. How will you construct a Mod-5 counter from the 3-bit counter?
b. Show timing diagram for 8 clock cycles for all 3 outputs of the counter.
c. If 1MHz clock is given as input clock, what is the frequency and duty cycle
of the 3 output bits.
7. Design a 9s complement circuit for a valid BCD.
Ex - If input is 1000, 9s complement of it would be 0001 (9-8 =1)
Given to you is a Binary Adder, that can either add B3B2B1B0 with A3A2A1A0.
You are also given XOR gates and other minimal gates if required.
You don’t have to draw the internals of Binary Adder – you can assume it is given
to you and can be used as a black box.