1 Item Details & SOW - 23073 Final 1
1 Item Details & SOW - 23073 Final 1
1 Item Details & SOW - 23073 Final 1
Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
IR & PI both HV & LV winding are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
1. Generator Transformer-2Nos.
2. UAT-2Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Tan Delta, Power Factor & Capacitance of both HV & LV windings are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to
be done.
1. Generator Transformer-2Nos.
2. UAT-2Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Tan Delta & Capacitance of 132KV Condenser bushings of GTs & ST and 18KV surge capacitors of generator LAVT
are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
1. Generator Transformer-2Nos.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. Generator LAVT surge capacitor-6
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Winding resistance of HV at all taps & LV windings are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
1. Generator Transformer-2Nos.
2. UAT-2Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Turns Ratio at all taps are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-2 Nos.
2. UAT-2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 5 transformers in one year and 10 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-2 Nos.
2. UAT-2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 5 transformers in one year and 10 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Magnetic balance of both HV & LV is to be tested, recorded & Condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-2 Nos.
2. UAT-2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 5 transformers in one year and 10 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Percentage Impedance measurement of each transformer is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-2 Nos.
2. UAT-2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 5 transformers in one year and 10 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Magnetising current measurement of both HV & LV is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-2 Nos.
2. UAT-2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 5 transformers in one year and 10 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
1. The job will be carried out in three phases during overhauling of each unit & one additional visit. The party has to
quote mobilization charges which includes to & fro travel charges, local conveyance, boarding & lodging of testing
equipment & testing personnel for each phase as mentioned in the BOQ. No guest house facility can be provided by
NSPCL, Rourkela.
2. The entire job will be carried out by the agency after obtaining necessary permit from EIC & in presence of NSPCL
3. A Comprehensive report for the above testing followed by comments if any to be submitted to the EIC after
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
1. Agency has to perform following tests on 132KV Current transformers:
a) Ratio Test
b) Knee Point Voltage Test
C) Polarity & Continuity Test
d) Winding resistance
e) Insulation Resistance Test
f) Tan delta & Capacitance Test
g) Accuracy class Test
All readings to be recorded and condition analysis is to be done. Current Transformer Details:- 132KV, 5 Core CT,
Core-1(1500/1, Class-PS), Core-2 (1500/1, Class-PS), Core-3 (1500-1000-500-200/1A, Class-0.5), Core-4
(1500-1000-500-200/1A, Class-5P), Core-5 (1000-500-200/1A, Class-PS)
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Harmonic Analysis (Online Test) of 132KV recorded and condition analysis is to be done.
Lightening Arrester details: - Rated Voltage- 120KV, Class-3, Gapless.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
FDS testing of transformer bushing is to be carried out.
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
IR & PI both HV & LV winding are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 No.
Total 4 Transformers in one year and 8 transformers in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Tan Delta, Power Factor & Capacitance of both HV & LV windings are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to
be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 transformer in 1 year & 8 in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Tan Delta & Capacitance of 220KV Condenser bushings of GTs & ST are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is
to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
Total 6 bushings in 1 year & 12 in 2 years.
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Winding resistance of HV at all taps & LV windings are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 transformer in 1 year & 8 in 2years
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Turns Ratio at all taps are to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 transformer in 1 year & 8 in 2years
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 transformer in 1 year & 8 in 2years
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Magnetic balance of both HV & LV is to be tested, recorded & Condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1No.
2. Station Transformer-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 transformer in 1 year & 8 in 2years
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Percentage Impedance measurement of each transformer is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ Qty:-
1. Generator Transformer-1
2. Station Transformer-1
3. UAT- 2 Nos.
Total 4 transformers in 1 year, 8 in 2 years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Magnetising current measurement of both HV & LV is to be tested, recorded & condition analysis is to be done.
BOQ qty:-
1. GT-1 No.
2. ST-1 No.
3. UAT-2 Nos.
Total 4 Nos. in one year, 8 in two years.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
1. The job will be carried out in two phases one during overhauling of unit & one additional visit. The party has to quote
mobilization charges which includes to & fro travel charges, local conveyance, boarding & lodging of testing equipment
& testing personnel for each phase as mentioned in the BOQ. No guest house facility can be provided by NSPCL,
2. The entire job will be carried out by the agency after obtaining necessary permit from EIC & in presence of NSPCL
3. A Comprehensive report for the above testing followed by comments if any to be submitted to the EIC after
completion of the tests.
4. Necessary manpower support during testing of the equipments will be given by NSPCL.
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Service Description
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
Harmonic Analysis (Online Test) of 220KV Lightening Arrestors of to be tested, recorded and condition analysis is to be
198KV gapless lightening arrestor.
Long Text:
As per SOW
Line Text:
FDS testing of transformer bushing is to be carried out.
3 bushings of 1 transformer will be treated as 1 Qty.
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Scope of Work
Intent of the Contract:
The scope covers "BMC for testing of GT/UAT/ST and LA & CT testing in NSPCL Rourkela ".
The Intended Date of Start is 01.05.2023. But actual Date of Start shall be communicated with issue of detailed Letter of
Area of Work:
1. Transformers, Current transformers and lightening arrestors of PP-II and PP-II Expansion.
List of major Equipment and System Covered in this Contract:
Following are the major equipments covered in Line Item 10.:-
1.Generator Transformers:82.5MVA, 138KV/11.5KV, YNd11, OFAF, OCTC-5Taps on HV side- 02 Nos
2.Unit Auxiliary Transformer:12.5MVA, 11.5KV/6.9KV, Dyn1, ONAN, OCTC-5 Taps on HV side-02 Nos
3.Station Transformer:25MVA, 132KV/6.9KV/3.3KV (unloaded), YNynd11, ONAF, OLTC-13 Taps on HV side- 1 No.
4.132KV Current Transformers:- 132KV, 5 Core CT, Core-1(1500/1, Class-PS), Core-2 (1500/1, Class-PS), Core-3
(1500-1000-500-200/1A, Class-0.5), Core-4 (1500-1000-500-200/1A, Class-5P), Core-5 (1000-500-200/1A, Class-PS)
5. 132KV Lightening Arrestors (120KV, Gapless)
6. 18 KV surge capacitor in generator LAVT(0.25microF,18KV,0.942A)
Following are the major equipments covered in Line Item 20:-
1. Generator Transformer :- 315MVA 220/16.5KV Ynd1 OFAF - 1 No.
2. Unit Auxilliary Transformer:- 37.5 MVA ,16.9/6.9 KV Dyn11 ONAF- 2 Nos.
3. Station Transformer :- 37.5 MVA 220/6.9KV ONAF Ynyn0- 1 Nos.
4. Lightening arrestor 220KV.
General Scope of Work:
1. The BMC includes testing of all the equipments as per BOQ and SOW during unit shutdown/line shutdown except for
lightening arrestors for which online 3rd harmonic analysis needs to be done. The job will be carried out at
NSPCL-Rourkela in three visits for line item 10 and 2 visits for line item 20.Visits can be combined if possible depending
on S/D.Schedule date of start will be intimated to agency in two weeks in advance. Accordingly agency has to mobilize
their resources, so that the job could be started in all respect without fail. GTs, UATs & Station Transformer, CTs & LAs
of respective units will be tested during the corresponding unit annual overhauling period. Other 132KV CTs & LAs of
132KV & 220 KV lines, Bus Coupler will be tested during a separate third visit as per requirement which will be
communicated to the contractor well in advance.
2. NSPCL shall provide the necessary support of technicians/helpers for the assistance of testing Engineer to carry out
the jobs during the scheduled visits for maintenance/repairs/troubleshooting
3. Testing reports of all the equipments to be submitted in both hard and soft copy within 1 month of testing. However
any abnormality observed in any of the test or any deviation from previous test reports to be reported immediately to the
site engineer.
4.. Before starting any work the agency has to ensure proper Isolation of the system if required in all sides.
3.Isolation of the equipment, disconnection of conductors & bus duct will be arranged by NSPCL.
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
4.All test instruments and test leads required for carrying out the above job will be in the scope of the agency.
5.All testing instruments should have valid calibration certificates FROM NABL accredited LAB, copies of which are to
be submitted to the EIC on demand.
6.The entire job has to be carried out by the agency after obtaining necessary permit from EIC & in presence of NSPCL
7.The contractor should collect the previous test results, equipment history and problems if any from NSPCL, Rourkela
and include those in the detailed test report along with detailed analysis.
Agency shall be informed 2 weeks in advance for carrying out the job. Job is to be completed within stipulated shutdown
NSPCL Inputs
a. Dismantling & reassembling of equipment required for testing of transformer.
b. Cleaning and surface preparation for testing.
c. Supply source for testing.
Contractor#s Inputs
All types of Test instruments required for testing is to be supplied by the Agency.
Safety Clauses
As per Annexure-A
Penalty Clause
Special Terms and Conditions
Payment terms
Payment will be done in the RA bills after the receipt of Invoice as per certification of EIC after submission of test
Wage Escalation clause
Defect Liability Clause
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Rourkela PP2
Purchase Requisition:1300007852
Security deposit
3% of contract value. as per rules
Quantity Variation Clause
As per GCC.
Period of Contract Validity
Two years from the date of Start
Period of Contract Execution
All the testing to be done every year.Contract is valid for 2 years.
Tentative Date of Start
Time Extension Clause
6 Months with same terms and conditions
Quality and Inspection Clause
Not applicable
Indemnity Bond Clause
Not applicable
Freight Clause
Not Applicable
Accommodation Clause
Travel expenses, lodging, boarding and local conveyance is in the scope of vendor.Guest house facility cannot be
provided by NSPCL.
Agreement Clause:
You are further requested to enter into a formal agreement with us on Non Judicial stamp paper (of Odisha state) of
appropriate amount within 30 days from the date of issue of this award letter, failing which your payment will not be
released, however Engineer-In-Charge will ensure execution of agreement before processing the bill raised by the
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