Should cars be banned from city centresBrE/downtownsAmE? What do you think the effects of such a ban
would be?
How much more would you be prepared to pay for an environmentally-friendly car?
Would you like to own a hybrid or electric car?
Car security
What are your feelings about car alarms? Which annoys you most: car thieves or car alarms?
What is the best security device you can fit to your car?
Do you have a remote locking device? Some people claim they are easy to hijack - what do you think?
Have you ever had your car stolen? What happened?
Car safety
Car insurance
Car accidents
Have you ever had an accident? Was it a minor one or was it serious? What happened?
What should you do if you have an accident? What steps should you follow?
What should you do if a motorist is injured inside a vehicle after a car accident? What if the car was on fire?
Future cars
Consider the following possible improvements and classify them as follows: A. Already available and/or
technologically possible; B. Possible and desirable; C. Possible but not desirable; and D. Impossible to implement.
Give reasons.
Cars fitted with an “alco-lock” which will not start if the driver is over the legal limit.
Cars fitted with GPS technology to identify speeding cars and either slow them down or automatically fine the
Satellite and chip technology which would find and remotely jam the engines of stolen cars.
Cars which would read road markings to correct alignment if the car drifts into the wrong lane
Technology which ensures the driver keeps a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
Changes to car design which would reduce the top speed at which a car could be driven.
Specially designed animal seatbelts to restrain dogs and cats carried in cars.
The introduction of "black box"-style information recorders that could be used in crash investigations. These
would record things such as what signals the driver had given, how long he had been on the road and what
speed he had been driving.
Technology which would ensure that a car could not be driven if the motorist were not insured or the vehicle
were not taxed.
Emergency ejector seats which the motorist could use to escape in an extreme emergency.
Technology which would immobilise the car if any of the passengers were not wearing seatbelts.
Self-driving cars