Icu 3
Icu 3
Icu 3
SUBJECTIVE DATA: Ineffective Breathing At the end of the 1. Assess the patient’s 1. Assessing the rate Partially Met.
(Patient unable to Pattern related shift, the patient will respiration and depth of At the end of the
communicate, Exudative Pleural achieve an effective characteristics and breathing along with shift, the patient
presence of Effusion, breathing pattern as vital signs. O2 saturation, pulse, achieved an effective
Endotracheal Tube) Compromised Lung evidenced by a and blood pressure breathing pattern as
Expansion and Excess respiratory rate of 12- are necessary to evidenced by a
Fluid Buildup in the 20 bpm and oxygen monitor for changes respiratory rate of 12-
pleura secondary to saturation above 95%. or worsening in 20 bpm and oxygen
infection, respiratory status. saturation above 95%
inflammation, cardiac With the aid of a
disease, and ventilator.
OBJECTIVE DATA: pulmonary disease as 2. Review the 2. Understanding the
05/10/2023 0700H evidenced by patient’s underlying patient’s underlying
T- 36.3 C tachypnea, condition. condition is essential
PR- 75bpm desaturation with to providing
RR-28 bpm dyspnea without appropriate
BP- 130/42 mmHg ventilation support, interventions.
02 sat- 100% (on bilateral wheezes on
pressure control both lungs, 3. Administer 3. The patient may be
ventilator) Respiratory Acidosis medications as prescribed antibiotics
GCS- 3/15 on ABG and Pleural prescribed. to treat pneumonia or
Eye- 1 Fluid cytology of diuretics for
Verbal-1 Exudative pleural congestive heart
(endotracheal tube) effusion with failure and
Motor- 1 (No motor moderate bronchodilators as
response) inflammatory indicated.
RASS Score- -5 (No organizing pleuritis.
response to voice or
stimuli) 4. Elevate the
CXR- Bilateral patient’s Head of the 4. Elevating the head
wheezes all over the Bed. of the bed can
chest improve lung
ABG- on admission expansion and help
-pH- 7.16 open the airways
-PCO2-104 enabling air to pass
-PO2-55 through with less
-HCO3-26 obstruction making it
(RESPIRATORY easier to breathe.
ACIDOSIS) 5. Prepare for
PLEURAL FLUID surgery/procedure as 5. Depending on the
CYTOLOGY: ordered. cause, pleural
Exudative Pleural effusion may require
Effusion with placing a pleural
moderate drain or chest tube or
inflammatory performing
organizing pleuritis procedures like
Contraptions: 6. Administer oxygen
-Central Line Right therapy as 6. Providing
Internal Jugular Vein prescribed. supplemental oxygen
19/9/23 is essential to prevent
-Arterial Line G20 cellular hypoxia
Left Radial 17/9/23 caused by low
-NGT F12 Left oxygen secondary to
Nostril 17/9 ineffective breathing
-Endotracheal Tube patterns (non-
7.5mm 20/9 invasive ventilation
-IFC F16 2/8/23 or Mechanical
CULTURES (blood,
Tracheal aspirate, 5. Administer oxygen
urine, and pleural therapy as 5. Providing
fluid) prescribed. supplemental oxygen
is essential to prevent
Contraptions: cellular hypoxia
-Central Line Right caused by low
Internal Jugular Vein oxygen secondary to
19/9/23 ineffective breathing
-Arterial Line G20 patterns (non-
Left Radial 17/9/23 invasive ventilation
-NGT F12 Left or Mechanical
Nostril 17/9 Ventilator).
-Endotracheal Tube 6. Administer
7.5mm 20/9 medications as 6. The patient may be
-IFC F16 2/8/23 prescribed. prescribed antibiotics
to treat pneumonia or
diuretics for
congestive heart
failure and
bronchodilators as
CXR- Bilateral
wheezes all over the
ABG- on admission 4. Consider the 4. Malnutrition has
-pH- 7.16 patient’s dietary an impact on the
-PCO2-104 requirements. Weight development of
-PO2-55 and laboratory immune cells, which
-HCO3-26 parameters, such as are essential for
(RESPIRATORY serum albumin, fighting off
ACIDOSIS) should be monitored. infections.
after hooked to the 5. Wash hands 5. Washing
ventilator. frequently or minimizes the chance
pH-7.4 performs hand of infections
PCO2-43 hygiene before spreading from one
HCO3-26 contacting the part of the body to
Normal ABG patient. another.
CYTOLOGY: frequently is
Exudative Pleural intended to break the
Effusion with infection cycle.
organizing pleuritis
CULTURES (blood,
Tracheal aspirate,
urine, and pleural
Medical History:
-Ischemic Heart
-Congestive Heart
-Pulmonary Edema
-Central Line Right
Internal Jugular Vein
-Arterial Line G20
Left Radial 17/9/23
-NGT F12 Left
Nostril 17/9
-Endotracheal Tube
7.5mm 20/9
-IFC F16 2/8/23
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