Letter of Credit 2023 Version One
Letter of Credit 2023 Version One
Letter of Credit 2023 Version One
For any queries or clarifications on the Application Form, please call Trade Operations Department
on Tel. No: 0313114130
Applicant Name, Address & Contact Details Beneficiary Name, Address & Contact Details
LC Available with: _________ (a) ___________ by ___________ (b) __________. Please tick as applicable on the below
Tick as appropriate
Other Documents
Documents to be forwarded by the negotiating bank in one lot by courier unless otherwise stated
Bank Charges
Debit your charges from our account number ______________________________ Currency __________________
On receipt of SWIFT claim from the negotiating bank or upon your receipt of the relative import documents; you are
authorized to debit our account in settlement. Account Number ____________________ Currency _____________
(Please tick as applicable)
CASH COVER DETAILS (only applicable for cash covered Letters of Credit)
If Cash Covered, please insert the below details: Amount of cash cover (amount in figures and words)
Words ___________________________________________________________________________________________
We authorize the Bank to debit the above account number with the above cash cover amount and we authorize
the bank to utilize the same cash cover/margin in settlement of any drawing under this LC.
1. In consideration of the Bank opening the Letter of Credit / i. The Applicant’s liabilities to the Bank are to continue in
Standby Letter of Credit (hereinafter both referred to as force and to be applicable to all transactions entered
Letter of Credit or as the context permits) as per into hereunder, notwithstanding any change in the
particulars stated overleaf: composition of the firm or firms, parties hereto, or in the
a. The Applicant authorizes the Bank to debit its account beneficiary(ies) hereunder. In the event these Terms and
with the applicable Bank commissions, charges, Conditions are signed by two or more parties, the
marginal deposits, and expenses together with those Applicant hereby declares that its liability hereunder is
of the Bank’s correspondents where applicable as and joint and several.
when they become due.
b. The Applicant hereby undertakes to accept and pay in j. The Applicant authorizes the Bank to debit the Applicant’s
due course all drafts within the terms thereof and/or to account with all charges incurred by the Bank’s
take up and pay for all documents negotiated Overseas Correspondents, notwithstanding the clause
thereunder on presentation and on default of the “Overseas Bank Charges for Beneficiary’s Account”, if
Applicant so doing, the Applicant authorizes the Bank the LC expires unutilized and/or such charges are
to sell the goods before or after arrival and adjust the refused by the overseas supplier.
proceeds against the amount due to the Bank. In case k. The Applicant agrees that the Bank may restrict
of any shortfall, the Applicant undertakes to make good negotiations under this Letter of Credit to its own offices
the amount of the shortfall. or to any Correspondent of its choice. Interest, where
c. The Applicant agrees that the Letter of Credit is subject applicable, is payable by the Applicant from the date of
to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary payment by the Bank’s Correspondent until the
Credits latest version, International Standby Practice reimbursement currency is available to the Bank, and
(ISP) latest version and International Standard Banking any exchange risks are for the Applicant’s account.
Practice (ISBP) latest version as the case shall be. l. The Bank retains the right to advise and/or restrict the
d. The Applicant hereby authorizes the Bank to hold the availability to honour or negotiate the LC to such
documents called for by the terms of the Letter of person(s) the Bank may specify, even if the Applicant
Credit and merchandise to which they relate and the stipulates otherwise in the Application Form.
relative insurance as security for all liabilities incurred m. The Bank will honour (for the Applicant’s account) all
by the Bank, its Correspondents or Agents in presentations made in compliance with the terms of the
connection with this Letter of Credit including LC.
expenses and charges, of whatever nature incurred in n. The Bank may reject any complying and/or non-complying
relation to the said merchandise or the obtaining of presentations under the LC even if:
possession or the disposal thereof. The Applicant (a) The Bank has notified the Applicant that the
hereby authorizes the Bank to incur expenses and presentation was compliant; or
charges in fulfillment of its obligations herein and (b) The Applicant instructs the Bank to waive all
undertakes to reimburse the Bank the expenses and discrepancies the Bank has advised the Customer.
charges thereof. o. If the Bank receives a complying presentation the Bank
e. The Applicant agrees to provide in the manner and to will comply with its Reimbursable Payment Obligation
the extent required by the Bank all insurance even if the Bank mistakenly informs the Applicant that
necessary for the full protection of the Bank’s interest the presentation was non-compliant. The Bank is not
in the goods shipped under this Letter of Credit, and on liable to the Applicant for any losses the Applicant may
behalf of the Bank and subject to its instructions to suffer or incur as a result of such mistake.
prosecute or to ensure the prosecution of any claim p. The Bank may select the advising bank without consulting
that may arise under any insurance and to pay the the Applicant even if the Applicant stipulates an advising
proceeds thereof to the Bank. bank in the Application Form.
f. The Applicant further agrees to pledge to the Bank any q. If the Applicant does not waive any discrepancies within 5
additional security that the Bank may, from time to Banking Days after the Bank’s notice of presentation of
time, require to cover the Applicant’s liabilities to the discrepant documents (the “Cut-Off Period”) the Bank
Bank hereunder and in the event of the Bank selling may return the documents to the presenter within 21
the merchandise, pay on demand, the amount of any days after the Cut-Off Period.
deficiency. r. The Applicant must ensure that any goods under the
g. The Applicant agrees to hold the Bank and its officers Letter of Credit are permitted to be imported to the
and Correspondents free from any responsibility for relevant country. If the Bank requires to inspect the
mistakes or delays which may result in and from the import license, the Applicant must provide the original
transmission of its instructions. of such import license to the Bank at the time of the
h. It is agreed that the Bank will not be held responsible application.
for the genuineness or correctness of the Air Way Bill / s. These Terms and Conditions will extend to all extensions,
Bill of Lading or other documents or any endorsement renewals, amendments, modifications, replacements or
thereon or for any mistake or misrepresentation as to variations of the Letter of Credit.
the quality, quantity, weight, marks or value of any
merchandise comprised or as to the terms, conditions
or sufficiency of the insurance policies or certificates.
In witness whereof the Applicant has hereunto subscribed his name, address, and signature the day and year first herein
before written.
I / We the undersigned confirm I / We have read and understood the terms of the Privacy Policy and hereby give express,
unequivocal, free, specific, and informed authority to Equity Bank (Uganda) Limited and its affiliates to collect, use and process
my / our data as per the policy provided at https://equitygroupholdings.com/privacy-policy/