How Is Risk Assessment

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Ume School of Business Master in Strategic Project Management (European) Supervisor: Ralf Mller Fall semester, 2009




: Wendy Chia Chin Hui Alfonso Daniel Cardenas Davalos

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Firstly, we would like to thank the three different universities where the Master in Strategic Project Management (European) is conducted. It begins with Heriot-Watt University for selecting us and giving us this opportunity to be part of this amazing journey, with special note to Professor Amos Haniff. Secondly, to Politecnico di Milano for providing us with the most beautiful weather in Europe and some of the best and most experienced professors, with special thanks to Professor Antonio Calabrese and Mlanie Houette. Thirdly, Ume University, particularly the Ume Business School for the great support in the last stage of this master programme, with a very special thanks to Professor Ralf Mller who constantly guided, supported and shared his knowledge and experience with us. We would like to extend our heart felt thank you to the practitioners who supported our study. Our appreciation to Mr. Erwin Weitlaner and Mrs. Dagmar Wtzel who were our primary contacts that helped us in the data collection process. Also, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to interview nine practitioners who were willing to sacrifice their time for the interview sessions, thus, a special thank you to: Mr. Kai-Uwe Hailer Mr. Georg Paulus Mr. Jens Reichert Mr. Reinmann Guenter Mr. Wolfgang Rashaka Mr. Burkard Straub Mrs. Edith Schatz Mr. Roland-Adam Wieczorek Mr. Thomas Roellecke Last but not least, we would like to thank our family and friends for all the encouragement and valuable support during the process of this research. Thank you Grazie - Tack

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In todays ever changing business landscape, technology and innovation projects play a key role in creating competitive advantages for an organisation. However, many such projects are often hampered by under performance, cost overruns and lower than predicted revenue (Morris and Hough, 1987 and Christoffersen et al, 1992). This seems to indicate the lack of risk management in the way we manage projects. On the other hand, it is impossible to have any projects without risks. Thus, it is essential to have effective risk management rather than trying to eliminate risk out of projects. These factors have guided this study to focus on understanding the way risk assessment is performed in international technology projects. It aims to identify the link between risk assessment and project categorization, drawing from the transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective. A qualitative approach applying semi-structured interviews was conducted with ten interviewees holding different roles in the engineering and technology projects within a multinational company with presence in more than 100 countries around the world. The application of the data display and analysis technique by Miles and Huberman (1984, 1994) enables initial findings to be presented using the dendogram method, thereafter, leading to the development of a two-dimensional risk assessment matrix as the final result of this study.

Keywords: Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Project Categorization, Transaction Cost Economics


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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________ 1 1.1 Definition of Terms __________________________________________________ 3 1.2 Architecture of the Thesis ____________________________________________ 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW____________________________________ 5 2.1 Definition of Risk ___________________________________________________ 5 2.2 Risk Management ___________________________________________________ 6 2.2.1 Principles for managing risk _________________________________________ 9 2.2.2 Risk management framework ________________________________________ 9 Components of the framework for managing risk _____________________ 10 Traditional frameworks __________________________________________ 11 AS/NZS 4360 ________________________________________________ 12 PMBOK guide _______________________________________________ 13 PRAM guide _________________________________________________ 13 M_o_R guideline _____________________________________________ 14 SHAMPU framework____________________________________________ 15 Comparison between the frameworks _______________________________ 16 2.2.3 Process for managing risk _________________________________________ 17 Common failures in processes_____________________________________ 17 2.3 Art Aspects of Risk _________________________________________________ 18 2.4 Project Types______________________________________________________ 19 2.5 Managing Risk in Different Industries _________________________________ 20 2.6 Risk Assessment ___________________________________________________ 22 2.6.1 Project categorization models _______________________________________ 22 2.6.2 Qualitative or quantitative? _________________________________________ 24 2.7 Knowledge Gap ____________________________________________________ 26 2.8 Transaction Cost Economics _________________________________________ 28 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ________________________________________ 30 3.1 Underlying Philosophy ______________________________________________ 30 3.2 Research Approach_________________________________________________ 34 3.3 Sampling _________________________________________________________ 35 3.4 Data Collection and Analysis _________________________________________ 37 3.4.2 Data collection method ____________________________________________ 38 3.4.3 Data analysis technique ____________________________________________ 39


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3.5 Reliability and Validity______________________________________________ 41 3.6 Summary _________________________________________________________ 43 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS_______________________________________________ 45 4.1 Overview of the Analysis Process _____________________________________ 45 4.2 Overview of the Research Context ____________________________________ 46 4.3 Overview of Project Categorization and Risk Assessment _________________ 47 4.3.1 Project categorization _____________________________________________ 47 4.3.2 Risk assessment __________________________________________________ 49 4.4 Relationship between Project Categorization and Risk Assessment _________ 51 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION ____________________________________________ 56 5.1 Project Categorization ______________________________________________ 56 5.1.1 Large scale projects: attributes ______________________________________ 56 5.1.2 Small scale projects: attributes ______________________________________ 58 5.2 Risk Assessment ___________________________________________________ 59 5.2.1 Approach and definition ___________________________________________ 59 5.2.2 Process _________________________________________________________ 59 5.2.3 Techniques ______________________________________________________ 60 Qualitative techniques ___________________________________________ 60 Quantitative techniques __________________________________________ 62 5.3 Relationship between Project Categorization and Risk Assessment _________ 63 5.3.1 Process _________________________________________________________ 63 5.3.2 Techniques ______________________________________________________ 63 5.4 Summary _________________________________________________________ 63 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION ___________________________________________ 65 6.1 Results versus Theoretical Framework ________________________________ 65 6.1.1 Project categorization _____________________________________________ 65 6.1.2 Risk assessment __________________________________________________ 66 6.1.3 Linking risk assessment with project categorization _____________________ 66 6.1.4 Summary________________________________________________________ 70 6.2 Managerial Implications ____________________________________________ 70 6.3 Theoretical Implications_____________________________________________ 71 6.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of this Research_____________________________ 71 6.5 Recommendations for Future Research ________________________________ 72 REFERENCES _______________________________________________________ 73 APPENDIX A: Questions for the Interviews _______________________________ 80


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APPENDIX B: A Sample of the Data Display Matrix Used for Analysing Attributes within Project Categorization ___________________________________________ 81 APPENDIX C: A Sample of the Data Display Matrix Used for Analysing Attributes within Risk Assessment ________________________________________________ 83

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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 6.1 Title Architecture of the thesis The hierarchical representation of the risk management elements Relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process Components of the framework for managing risk The AS/NZS 4360 risk management process The PMBOK guide project risk management process The PRAM guide risk management process The M_o_R guideline risk management process SHAMPU flow chart The project definition process Process comparison Risk management process A framework for defining innovation Goals-and-methods matrix A two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment approaches An example of the expected result The research onion process Relation between ontology and epistemology for the research Four paradigms by Burrell and Morgan (1982) Selected underlying philosophy Flow model of the components of data display and analysis technique Interactive model of the data display and analysis technique Selected research methodology for this research Overview of the analysis process for this research The mapping wheel between project types and project categorization Results of the project categorization using dendogram method Results of the risk assessment using dendogram method Results of the two-dimensional matrix of the risk assessment techniques Attributes of project categorization - comparison between results of this study and theoretical framework Page 4 7 9 10 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 22 23 26 28 30 32 33 34 40 41 43 45 46 48 50 55 66


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Figure 6.2

Title Two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment techniques comparison between results of this study and theoretical framework Qualitative techniques for large scale projects - comparison between results and proposition Qualitative techniques for small scale projects - comparison between results and proposition Quantitative techniques for large scale projects - comparison between results and proposition Quantitative techniques for small scale projects comparison between results and proposition

Page 67

6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

68 68 69 69

List of Tables
Table 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 Title The most commonly used qualitative and quantitative techniques Key choices of research design Descriptions of the interviewees Main differences in interview techniques Some thick descriptions for risk identification on risk workshops mapping to small and large scale projects Results of the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment approaches and process Some thick descriptions for Checklist Analysis (CA) mapping into the two-dimensional matrix of the risk assessment techniques Comparison between results of this study and the conceptual framework in performing risk assessment Page 26 34 35-36 38 51-52 52 53-54




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APM BPR CPM EMV EPSRC GDP ISO IT LCOF NPV OBS OGC PBS PERT PMBOK PMI PRAM RAMP RBS RMP SHAMPU SLA SWOT TCE UCP WBS Association for Project Management Business Process Re-engineering Critical Path Method Expected Monetary Value Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Gross Domestic Product International Organisation for Standardization Information Technology Life Cycle Objective Functions Net Present Value Organisation Breakdown Structure Office of Government Commerce Product Breakdown Structure Program, Evaluation and Review Technique Project Management Body of Knowledge Project Management Institute Project Risk Analysis and Management Risk Analysis and Management in Projects Risk Breakdown Structure Risk Management Process Shape, Harness, and Manage Project Uncertainty Service Level Agreements Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats Transaction Cost Economics Uncertainty, Complexity and Pace Work Breakdown Structure


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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The importance of technology and innovation in organisations seeking competitive advantages over its rivals has lead to the creation of multifaceted mega projects with values running into the billions of dollars. Todays mega projects not only play a key role in creating value or benefits that significantly impact communities and the environment but also affects the physical and economic scale of the entire nations either in the medium or long term basis (Lam, 1999; Bruzelius et al, 2002 and Flyvbjerg, 2003). Mega projects are very large investment projects and entails substantial risks and resources in developing, planning and managing this type of projects (Flyvbjerg, 2003). In addition, Bruzelius et al (2002) characterized mega projects as high investment projects with expenditure in excess of US$1 billon or have a life time exceeding 50 years, contain extensive uncertainty with respect to demand forecasts and cost estimations as well as a considerable share of indirect benefits. The Demonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology (DART) Spacecraft project and the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) by NASA are some examples of mega projects in America. Other notable mega projects in America are the Denver International Airport and the Central Artery/Tunnel (Big Dig) projects. In Latin America, the Venezuela-Brazil highway and the Panama Canal fit nicely into the category of mega projects. Examples of mega projects in Europe are the fixed link across the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Denmark, the Paris Nord TGV line which is a French 333 kmlong high speed rail line that connects Paris to the Belgian border and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is the worlds largest and highest energy particle accelerator located at the France-Swiss boarder near Geneva, Switzerland. Meanwhile, some examples of mega projects in Asia are the Three Gorges dam in China and the Shinkanse Joetsu rail line in Japan. As the numbers of projects being proposed and initiated are increasing around the world, it is noticed that the rate of projects failure is also increasing at an alarming figure. Based on the well-known survey of the Chaos Report (The Standish Group, 1995, 2009), the results in 1995 shows that 52.7% of the projects will cost over 189% of its original estimates with only 9% of large organisations projects being delivered on-time and on-budget while a minimum improvement on the figures was reported in 2009 where 44% of the projects will be cost overrun and/or completed late. Also, the KPMG International survey (Hollaway, 2005) of 600 organisations across 22 countries indicated that 86% of the respondents reported a 25% loss of their targeted benefits across their project portfolios due to poor project management. PM Solution Research (2006) found that nearly half of an organisations projects are at risk at any give time regardless of the size of the organisation. Thus, these obviously indicate and show that there isnt any significant improvement over the years. It is evident that there are a lot of underlying reasons behind all these failures in projects that lead many practitioners as well as researchers to take a step forward to diagnose and understand the root cause of these failures. Winters (2002) attempted to do so by listing the top 10 reasons of projects failure while Matta and Ashkenas (2003) believed that the problem lies within the traditional approach to project management where project teams are diverted from focusing on the end result. Although high cost contingencies have been allocated, Kujawski (2002) highlighted that such projects are still likely to result in substantial cost overruns and/or failure if 1

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the allocation is done at the individual subsystems. On the other hand, Flyvbjerg (2003) identified insufficient consideration about risk and the lack of accountability in the project decision-making process to be the main causes of the mega projects paradox. This is supported by Functowicz and Ravtez (1992) as they stated that in projects where decision-stakes are high and values are in dispute due to little or unknown facts, the decision making process must have risk assessment built into the very core of it. Tiwana and Keil (2004) also agreed with the need of effective risk management to avoid project failures. Studies on risk management were undertaken by NASA when they realized the need to integrate risk management processes into its projects life cycle (Warren et al, 2004). This is due to the complexity of its programs and projects that requires processes, techniques, tools and other variables to function together in order to achieve mission success. The most recent findings by Hillson (2009) state that unforeseen events disrupt project progression and cause irrecoverable deviation from plan as one of the major reasons for project failure. In the last three decades, there has been a steady concept modification in risk management. During the 1960s and 1970s, project teams often forestalled risks by downgrading their impacts. Subsequently, in the 1980s and 1990s, project teams started tacking opportunities alongside risks. This shows a clear emphasis on the use of opportunities being treated as things that happen with good results as opposed to being a threat to project management, Forsberg et al (2005). The purpose of project risk management as defined by Cooper et al (2005) is to minimize the risks of not fulfilling the objectives of the project while Raftery (1994) added that it is impossible to remove all risks and considered risk management as an enabling tool of good decision making. Therefore, risk assessment is the heart of risk management as being emphasized by many researchers. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lack of clearly defined risk management processes in journals, books and best-practices documentation. In the wake of a spate of project failures and based on suggestions by numerous practitioners and academic researches stressing the importance of risk management, there seems to be some underlying problems hidden in the ways projects are managing risk. Although it is impossible to have projects without risks, there must be an effort to ensure that the unavoidable risks within the project are at an acceptable level to key stakeholders. This can be achieved through effective risk management rather than trying to eliminate risks out of projects. This compelled us to undertake a study of the core portion of risk management which is risk assessment. This study is done within the context of a multinational company that has a presence in more than 100 countries around the globe. This company develops mega projects in various sectors and businesses but is mainly focus on engineering and technology projects. Semi-structured interview will be applied to this study in order to answer to the research question of How is risk assessment performed in international technology projects?. The research unit analysis for this study is implementation of risk assessment. This study aims to lower the transaction cost in terms of administration drawing from the transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective.

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1.1 Definition of Terms Project: Project is a unique and temporary organisations created in order to achieve a desired outcome (APM, 2006), create a unique product, service or result (PMI, 2004) and realise one or more business outcome as specified in Business Case (OGC, 2005) in order to achieve defined objectives that are linked to strategy. Project Management: Project management is defined as the vehicle used to effectively manage attributes and activities within a project in order to fulfil project objectives and requirements. This includes application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques according to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide (PMI, 2004) while APM Book of Knowledge (APM, 2006) defined it as a process to define, plan, monitor and deliver. Risk: The authors have the same opinion with many practitioners and researchers that risk is defined as an uncertain event or condition that has a positive (known as opportunity) or negative effects (known as threat) on the projects objectives as referred to the PMBOK guide (PMI, 2004), although the definition of risk has not reached a common agreement. Risk Management: Risk management is referred to the underlying principles of managing risk using the appropriate framework with structured processes to perform planning, identification, analysis, responses and monitoring and control of risks on a project according to the PMBOK guide (PMI, 2004) in order to understand and manage individual risk events and overall project risk in a proactive and effective manner (APM, 2006). Risk Assessment: Based on the different stages within risk management being defined by the PMBOK guide (PMI, 2004), the authors deduce that risk assessment comprises of risk identification and risk analysis. Project Categorization: Project categorization is referring to cluster of projects having similar properties and characteristics. It is to note that this is different from classification of projects. Categorization of items may have an item belong to several sets as illustrated by Crawford et al (2006) while item under classification can only belong to one set and it is mutually exclusive as defined by Crawford, Hobbs and Turner (2002).

1.2 Architecture of the Thesis The structure of this thesis is divided into six sections: introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis, discussion and conclusion, as illustrated in Figure 1.1.

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Figure 1.1: Architecture of the thesis In Chapter 1, it presents the introduction of this research with a brief illustration of the study within the field of project management that is pursued. It also covers several justifications to support this research as well as the research question and unit of analysis. For the literature review chapter, an intensive literature review was conducted from the definition of risk to the science and art of risk management. In addition, the authors also took a broader view to look into how risk is managed in different industries and the impact of project types to risk management style. Thereafter, risk assessment was analyzed deeply in two aspects; project categorization models and risk assessment approaches, which lead to the identification of knowledge gap(s) for this study. The research methodology which consists of the research philosophy, research approach, data collection method and data analysis techniques is outlined in Chapter 3. This chapter ends with the description of the validity and reliability of the data which are important aspects to be taken into consideration in the field of research. In Chapter 4: Analysis, the results of the data collected through interviews are presented using data display and analysis technique being described in the Methodology section. This chapter ends with the illustrations of how the recognised linkage between project categorization and risk assessment in the international technology projects were generated. Chapter 5: Discussion is where the results are clearly explained and elaborated in details. It is divided into project categorization, risk assessment and the relationship between them. In the conclusion chapter, the implications of the research for both, the academics and practitioners are illustrated. Based on the results of the relationship between the attributes within project categorization and risk assessment, they are compared and contrasted with the conceptual framework. Also, the similarities and differences between the results of this study and the proposed two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment approaches conceptual framework will be presented here. Lastly, this chapter indicate the advantages and limitations of this research before recommending areas for future research.

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter establishes the scope of this study by examining literatures pertaining to risk management. It also identifies the appropriate theoretical perspective to be applied on this study. In order to identify the knowledge gap(s) in answering to the research question, the literature review process begins by looking into various journals and books by often cited authors in this knowledge area such as David Hillson, Chris Chapman, Robert Charette and Stephard Ward in order to understand deeply the underlying meaning of risk management as well as to be aware of where and how far the research has gone. Thereafter, a broader view is used to look into how risk is managed in different industries, the subjective elements embedded in risk management and the impact of different project types on ways risk is managed. Lastly, the review is directed towards risk assessment where detailed studies is performed to identify the modest value add that this study can contribute to the field of research, thus, form the basis for this study. We begin our search of literatures through academic databases especially the Business Source Premier and Elsevier ScienceDirect with the access through Ume University and Heriot-Watt University. The approach of our search was based on the used of keywords such as risks, risk management, risk assessment, project categorization and transaction cost economics. From the initial books and journals that we found, we went through the individual reference list to further expand our search. The number of citation and newness of the literature are the two acceptance criterions that were applied to select the respective literatures for this chapter. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. This chapter contains the following sub-categories: Definition of risk; Risk management; Art aspects of risk, Project types; Managing risk in different industries; Risk assessment; and Transaction cost economics.

2.1 Definition of Risk Although project risk management has been known and developed to a certain degree of maturity, there is yet to be a common definition for the term risk, as is still being debated by the risk community. To most people, risk is viewed in terms of a negative effect and quite surprisingly, some national standard-setting bodies such as the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) ISO/IEC 27005:2008 also uses the negative definition of risk. Based on What is risk? Towards a common definition by Hillson (2002a), it clearly identified that there are two options towards the definition of risk. Firstly, risk is defined as an umbrella term which consists of two elements where risk with positive effects is known as opportunity while threat is risk with negative effects.

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Secondly, the word uncertainty is an overarching term to express risk solely representing negative effects or threat and refers opportunity to be an uncertainty that have positive effects. It is observed that option one seems to be the current trend being widely accepted by many practitioners and researchers of risk management. According to Heldman (2005), most of us often overlooked the other side of the picture, thus tend to think of risk in terms of negative consequences. Although risks are potential events that cause threats to projects, they are also potential opportunities embed in risk. It is an obstacle preventing a project, either positively or negatively, to be delivered based on goals being set. In contrast to the perspective of viewing risk as an event that results in a positive or negative effect on the project objective if it occurs, is viewed as uncertainty. Uncertainty was defined as an unknown probability of occurrence of an event that derives from three principles sources, external factors, change of business strategies and ill-defined methods for project realisation as mentioned by Jaafari (2001). The unknown probability of impact and multiple variables with various levels of uncertainties within the context of a rapid changing environment creates complexity to manage project. A slightly different view was developed by Chapman (1997) where risk is an uncertain effect rather than as a cause of an effect on project performance such as cost, time and quality. Thus, the term uncertainty as risk includes variability in terms of performance measures and ambiguity which is closely connected with the lack of clarity due to various factors. Thus, this leads to constant recognition of uncertainty in a variety of ways as a central issue in the UK EPSRC funded the Network on Rethinking Project Management between the year of 2004 to 2006 that triggered Atkinson et al (2006) to explore the fundamental sources of uncertainty in projects. The three key areas of uncertainty are associated with estimates, project parties and phases of the project life cycle. In contrast to several perspectives of risk illustrated above, Dowie (1999) argued persuasively to abandon the term risk. He illustrated that the word itself contains multiple usage that consistently creates confusion and ambiguity in order to perform identification and evaluation on available facts that support the decision making process as well as elicit and process quality judgements. Thus, it makes it difficult to integrate both distinct types of inputs in a logical and transparent manner. It doesnt matter how the term risk is classified since the decision consist of both opportunities and threats that are equally important elements influencing project success as mentioned by Hillson (2002b). Thus, both needs to be managed proactively and effectively through risk management approach which is covered in the next category of this literature review.

2.2 Risk Management The concept of risk management in projects is miscellaneous and extensive with some of the definitions having a focal point in the decision-making process. Risk management had their distinctive foundations in the insurance industry in USA since the 1940s. As a result of facing a world of uncertainty, risk management has arisen to be a vital weapon in the managers arsenal to face daily businesses in order to obtain a successful risk-taking approach, Hillson (1999). The three main risk management 6

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aspects that are integrated to certain degree are illustrated in Figure 2.1; principles of risk management, frameworks and processes. In the framework section, it is further subdivided into three key aspects; the components of the framework, different types of frameworks and the differences between the frameworks.


Framework Components



RiskManagement Frameworks


Comparisonbetween Frameworks

Figure 2.1: The hierarchical representation of risk management elements In the context of decision making, many researchers, besides those in the project management field, indicate the importance of risk management in the decision making process. This prompted Kaplan (1997) to state that the use of the Bayesian probability to decode the probabilistic concepts throughout the decision analysis as part of the risk management, resulting in the best decision option instead of an acceptable risk level. The idea that only senior executives make decision or that merely senior executives decision count, runs contrary to the successful decision making process as delineated by Drucker (2004). He states that the decision making process should involve all levels within the organisation. An example of breakdown in the decision making process is analyzed by Kerzner (2006) in the NASA Challenger tragedy. The tragic event occurred due to multiple factors such as launch conditions, mechanical failure, faulty communication, and poor decision making. Initial warnings against the launch was issued by NASA engineers but was disregarded by the management team and a last minute decision to launch resulted in the lost of all seven crew members. Subsequent investigations into the accident found that NASA management concluded that the risk of launching was at an acceptable level, fully aware of the unfavourable conditions and warnings for doing so. In risk management, different terminology was used and defined. For Chapman et al (1997), the definition of risk management is to facilitate better business and project results, providing insight, knowledge and a superior decision-making capability. Unfortunately, risk management is not the magic wand that removes all risks as Raftery (1994) defined. However, it provides the opportunity to make better decisions as well as to reduce the potential effect of certain risks. Practitioners such as PMI also have the definition for risk management in the PMBOK guide where it is defined as the processes concerned with conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, responses and monitoring and control in order to increase the probability and impact of the positive events while reducing the probability and impact of adverse events to the project (PMI, 2004). Another view on this is presented by Heldman (2005) as applying skills, knowledge, and risk management tools and 7

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techniques to projects in order to reduce threats to a suitable level as well as taking advantage of the opportunities. In this sense, risk management is a permanent and iterative process that leads to progressive elaboration. The main concern of Ward et al (2003) in the project risk management is when many solely focus in the identification and management of threats, oversee and fail to manage opportunities embedded in risk, resulting in ineffective risk management being performed. In addition, this suggestion is shared by Chapman et al (2002) where the uncertainty management should be a balanced approach of management between opportunity and threat. The used of the term uncertainty management is increasingly favour as opposed to the more established terms risk management and opportunity management. The purpose of project risk management is to diminish the risks in order to accomplish the objectives of the project and stakeholders expectation, and to exploit the advantage of opportunities. Particularly, risk management assists project managers in setting priorities, allocating resources and implementing actions and processes that reduce risks in the project as mentioned by Cooper et al (2005). The risk management process defined by Cooper et al (2005) is to engage with the methodical treatment of management policies, processes and procedures to the tasks of establishing the context, identifying, and analysing, assessing, treating, monitoring and communicating risk. For this reason, the project risk management process is significant at all phases of the project life cycles. In contradiction with the decision making articulation of risk management, Godfrey (1996) argued that the risk management process is a continuous learning process taking into consideration the soft factors associated with the manner in which stakeholders think, behave and interact. In a more extensive context, Hillson (2002b) argued that risk management processes are inclined to converge on management of threat, showing that the ordinary practice of risk experts tends to focus all their effort in identifying potential pitfalls and problems rather than to look for hidden opportunities. For this reason, Green (2001) delineates risk management as a process of adopting opportunity management with a risk efficiency perspective, and a defined goal of full amalgamation of opportunity management and risk management. Moreover, conventional risk management is normally restricted to 'technical' issues where the definition of 'technical' frequently refers to financial issues and hazardous operations. In the same context, Jaafari (2001) shares the same concern where risk and uncertainty management should not be seen as disconnected individual activities preceding the conceptualisation phase, instead risk and uncertainty management should channel into all decisions and form a component in all evaluations and decisions made throughout the project life cycle. This process ought to be seen as a constant real time procedure integrated with other project management operations. An area of opportunity in the risk management process is identified by Hillson (1998) with the inclusion of the best practice. Nevertheless, this field has not entirely settled and there are number of areas that require additional improvement as the assimilation of risk management with overall project management and corporate culture. As part of a structural approach of the risk management process in organisations, the recommendation of Hillson (1999) is to incorporate the practice into the corporate culture and processes to form a connected management branch that is built-in rather than bolt-on. Proactively, addressing risk will improve decisionmaking by minimising uncertainty and maximising the chances of business success, a clear win-win situation. If this is done effectively, risk management could become the single most critical factor in achieving business success. 8

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The use of an efficient, coherent, easy to understand risk management framework is an inherent part of a successful risk management process in organisations. It is an integral part of the project management approaches of practitioners in the daily decision making process. 2.2.1 Principles for managing risk The International Standard Organisation (ISO 31000) affords principles and common procedures on the achievement of risk management. Figure 2.2 shows the general principles of risk management applied to any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individual. Thus, the use of this international standard is not industry or sector specific. In this sense, these principles are recommended to be applied to most of the project oriented organisations risk management process. The recognition of these principles is the first step towards the construction of the risk management framework.
a) Creates value b) Integral part of the organisational processes c) Part of decision making d) Explicitly addresses uncertainty e) Systematic, structured and timely f) Based on the best available information g) Tailored h) Takes human and cultural factors into account i) Transparent and inclusive j) Dynamic, iterative and responsive to change k) Facilitates continual improvement and enhancement of the organisation
5.2 Mandate and commitment

5.3 Design of framework for managing risk 5.6 Continual improvement of the framework 5.5 Monitoring and review of the framework 5.4 Implementing Risk Management

Principles for managing Risk (Clause 4)

Framework for managing risk (Clause 5)

Process for managing risk (Clause 6)

Figure 2.2: Relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process Source: ISO31000:2009 2.2.2 Risk management framework

Although the application of risk management has been growing over the years in different types of businesses and industries, the use of a standard methodology being represented by a framework with critical elements is able to improve the efficiency of managing risks in different type of organisations. Therefore, organisations need to operate their risk management in the context of a risk management framework. Risk management framework allows the fundamentals and managerial measures to be implemented in all different levels of the organisations. As shown in Figure 2.2, it is to be understood that the framework effectively supports the management of risks in a form of a group by using the risk management process. The

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framework helps to ensure that the risk information resulting from these procedures is efficiently managed and are available for the decision-making and accountability processes in the organisation. The main components of the framework for managing risk are shown in Figure 2.3 where the most important objective of this framework is not to create a management system but to facilitate organisations to incorporate risk management into the entire organisation. It is recommended that organisations need to customize the components of the framework to suit their particular requirements and needs.
5.2 Mandate and commitment

5.3 Design of framework for managing risk

5.3.1 Understanding the organisation and its context 5.3.2 Risk Management policy 5.3.3 Integration into organisational processes 5.3.4 Accountability 5.3.5 Resources 5.3.6 Establishing internal communication and reporting mechanisms 5.3.7 Establishing external communication and reporting mechanisms

5.6 Continual improvement of the framework

5.4 Implementing risk management

5.4.1 Implementing the framework for managing risk 5.4.2 Implementing the risk management process

5.5 Monitoring and review of the framework

Figure 2.3: Components of the framework for managing risk Source: ISO31000:2009 Components of the framework for managing risk 5.2 Mandate and commitment: The establishment of the risk management by constant and fully committed executives in all levels of the organisation making certain its continuing value, and focusing in strategic and precise planning. This is similar with Hillsons (1999) definition of strategic risk management. The application of a similar framework corresponds to an existing risk management approach to be applied at the strategic level by making modifications on some of the risk processes and increase the attitudes and habits of the people involved within the organisation. 5.3 Design of framework for managing risk: 5.3.1 Understanding the organisation and its context: It is vital to comprehend the internal and external environment of the organisation due to the effect these factors have on the design of the framework before its actual design and implementation. 5.3.2 Risk management policy: The policy is supposed to make clear the objectives and the obligation to risk. 10

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5.3.3 Integration into organisational processes: The risk management process must be fused to the organisational processes, especially the policy development, business and strategic planning and change management processes. 5.3.4 Accountability: To insure that there is existence of accountability and authorization for managing risks as well as to make certain the capability and value of risk controls. 5.3.5 Resources: To assign resources for risk management, the organisation is supposed to build on practical methods. 5.3.6 Establishing internal communication and reporting mechanisms 5.3.7 Establishing external communication and reporting mechanism 5.4 Implementing risk management 5.4.1 Implementing the framework for managing risk: Employ the risk management policy and process to the organisation processes, obtain information and training sessions, communicate and consult with stakeholders to guarantee that its risk management framework is appropriate. 5.4.2 Implementing the risk management process: Risk management is put into practice by assuring that the risk management process is appropriate to the different levels within the organisation which is the key component of the organisations practices and business processes. Jaafari (2001) remarks that the starting point for project development and implementation is supposed to be a series of strategic objectives indicating the projects significance as a business connection to the project decisions and the strategic business decisions distinguished as life cycle objective functions (LCOFs). 5.5 Monitoring and review of the framework: To ensure the efficiency of the risk management process, the organisation should set up performance measures and periodicals reviews of the effectiveness of the risk management framework. 5.6 Continual improvement of the framework: The periodical reviews will end in performance measures reports, part of this should lead to improvements in the organisations risk management as a continuous process. Traditional frameworks For Cooper et al (2005), the project risk management is an area of foremost potential and recent attention. It is being vigorously referred by government agencies and majority of the professional project management associations around the world. Many relevant standards are presented or developed, some of the examples in use include: Project Management Institute (PMI), USA (2004), Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Chapter 11 on risk management; and Association for Project Management (APM), UK (1997), PRAM Guide.

These two professional organisational frameworks are the most frequently used and well-known guidelines around the project management community. There are four additional sources of guidance that also focused their recommendations on project risk management: AS/NZS 4360 (2004), Risk Management, Standards Association of Australia; IEC 62198 (2001), Project Risk ManagementApplication Guidelines;


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Office of Government Commerce (OGC), UK (2002), Management of Risk; and Treasury Board of Canada (2001), Integrated Risk Management Framework.

In conformance with the recommendations of the ISO31000:2009 regarding risk management, these standards and guidelines from the professional associations only provide an outline of the topics that are essential for managing risk. Organisations should develop their own risk management processes based on these different frameworks. Every section of these frameworks has many attributes of the risk management field in terms of approaches, methods and goals, thus, organisations need to perform their selection wisely. AS/NZS 4360 The Australian and New Zealand Standard were originally available in 1995 and updated in 1999 and 2004. It is one of the common risk management standards that promptly relate to project risk management. Moreover, it is not constraint to projects where it includes safety, financial and security risk management that provide a comprehensive level of individual actions to the whole business. The standard depicts a general methodology to risk management, not merely risk analysis of risk assessment. It can also be applied as the basis of integrating programme on both sides of the project portfolio. Thus, it embraces the relationship between risk management process and the strategic direction. Since it is a common approach that does not focus on project-specific issues, Cooper et al (2005) argued that it has to be improved in certain areas in order to be applied as a project risk management method. Figure 2.4 presents the AN/NZS risk management process.

Figure 2.4: The AS/NZS 4360 risk management process Source: Cooper et al (2005)


Chia and Cardenas Davalos, MSPME 08/10 PMBOK guide For this approach, its explicit section for project risk management is enclosed in Chapter 11 of the PMIs PMBOK Guide (2004), where it is structured in a framework of inputs, processes and outputs. It deals with the process of managing responsibility and its relationship to the broad project management process restricted in the remnants of the PMBOK Guide. Figure 2.5 illustrates the risk management process by the PMBOK Guide. However, there is a lack of straight forward depiction of the risk management where Cooper et al (2005) remark that the approach is only obliged to many large complex technology projects in the operation sector. Also, it is supported without a clear link between the qualitative and quantitative risk analysis methods. In contrary, Heldman (2005) argued that the PMI does provide a framework for project management processes and stresses that the framework merely act as a guideline for organisations to expand their own processes and procedures. Chapman et al (2006) mentioned that this framework manifest a common practice more robustly than PRAM or RAMP.

Figure 2.5: The PMBOK guide project risk management process Source: Cooper et al (2005) PRAM guide The PRAM Guide is an objective project risk management guide that breaks the risk management process into meticulous procedures or processes to be used in different phases of the project life cycle. It is to be applied with a project management structure that deals with the process and is responsible for the process as well as integrating its documentation and techniques for each individual process step. Cooper et al (2005) appointed that the core material is well structured and easy to be followed. Figure 2.6 illustrates the PRAM process.


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Figure 2.6: The PRAM guide risk management process Source: Cooper et al (2005) M_o_R guideline The M_o_R is a risk management guideline mainly for organisations in the public sectors. This methodology consists of risk management process, management structure, roles and responsibilities as well as various checklists to support different phases of the process. Additionally, its risk management section contains the setting up of different strategic level which includes corporate governance, programmes, projects and operations. Figure 2.7 presents the risk management process of the M_o_R guideline. The guideline demonstrates flexibility to the organisational framework and management structure. It also takes into consideration other factors such as culture to ensure a successful implementation of an effective risk management process within an organisation. According to Cooper et al (2005), the M_o_R guideline sub-divides the universal risk management process into strategic, programme, project and operational contexts as well as specific tools and methods that could be utilized to implement the process.

Figure 2.7: The M_o_R guideline risk management process Source: Cooper et al (2005)


Chia and Cardenas Davalos, MSPME 08/10 SHAMPU framework Chapman et al (1997) has been involved in the development of work aimed at practitioners especially with the PRAM and RAMP project management associations. They developed a generic framework named SHAMPU (Shape, Harness And Manage Project Uncertainty), which is a set of supplementary knowledge and recommendations to the PRAM and RAMP frameworks. The SHAMPU framework is made up of nine phases as illustrated in a flow chart is shown in Figure 2.8. The SHAMPU process framework and the majority of its content are not new instead it is a mixture of previous project risk management processes and models. For Chapman et al (1997), the SHAMPU framework is deeply influenced by the PRAM guide, but with some prominent differences. The first difference is the central importance of risk efficiency where the PRAM Guide does not mention risk efficiency. A second difference is the inclusion of the six Ws framework by Chapman and Ward (1997) with the defined phase that is integrated in the project life cycle, in comparison with the PRAM Guide where it is restricted to the planning stage of the project life cycle. Figure 2.9 shows the six Ws framework that forms the foundation for addressing cost-time-quality trade-offs by answering six basic questions.

Figure 2.8: SHAMPU flow chart Source: Chapman and Ward (1997) The third difference is the use of the harness phase to develop with responses in order to achieve risk efficiency and balance at a strategic level, then at a tactical level, after which a simple deterministic approach is formulated for implementation. A fourth difference is that the PRAM Guide does not effectively consider the latest trend of emphasizing the formation of risk.


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1. Who /who are the parties ultimately involved? (parties); 2. Why /what do the parties want to achieve? (motives); 3. What /what is it the parties are interested in? (design); 4. Which way /how is it to be done? (activities); 5.Where withal /what resources are required? (resources); 6. When /when does it have to be done? (timetable).

Figure 2.9: The project definition process Source: Chapman and Ward (1997) Comparison between the frameworks The different frameworks of risk management guidance do not diverge much from one another. For Cooper et al (2005), the different stages in the processes can be linked to one another as shown in Figure 2.10, where it illustrates the different phases of a particular framework in relation to similar phases of other frameworks. M_o_R and AS/NZS 4360 contain fewer task-oriented phases than the other two approaches, as they are related to high-level process requirements.

Figure 2.10: Process comparison Source: Cooper et al (2005)


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2.2.3 Process for managing risk The risk management process is supposed to be a fundamental element of management. It comprises of the activities described from the risk management processes of the organisation. For the risk management process by the ISO, it is extended from the AS/ NZS 4360:2004 framework which comprises of five main activities: communication and consultation, establishing the context, risk assessment, risk treatment, monitoring and review as illustrated in Figure 2.11. For Turner (2007), a proper risk management process (RMP) ought to be useful at all stages of the project life cycle. It is important to note that the risk management process should be easily understandable in broader terms during its implementation with a comprehensive approach on behalf of the customer in the course of the development of a strategic plan.

Figure 2.11: Risk management process Source: ISO31000:2009 Common failures in processes There is an evident area of opportunity for organisations in risk management process terms with frequent weaknesses demonstrated by organisations and guidelines. Some of the risk project management principle deficiencies are outlined by Chapman et al (2007): Focus on defining the detail activities in each phase while neglecting the other five Ws, project life cycle and the financial cash flow model. A focus phase that is not perceptible with a lack of understanding which concern the purpose of risk management process in relation to the various interested parties as well as the link between the motives for analysis and the selected models.


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Not including control phase that assists in handling the changes from an iterative process to the detailed plan which is required in managing the implementation of the project plan.

This is the end of risk management category and the subjective aspects of risk is viewed in the subsequent category; art aspects of risk.

2.3 Art Aspects of Risk Risk management is still being developed and has yet to reach a maturity state which often leads to high promises but minimum delivery as indicated by researchers and practitioners. This is due to focus being placed more towards the scientific aspects of risk management and overlooking the natural subjective aspects that is vital for effective risk management, such as risk attitude. Risk attitude is a chosen response to an uncertainty, influence by perception which is a source of significant bias in decision-making and the effectiveness of the risk management process based on several journals by Hillson and Murray-Webster (2005, 2006a). It presents on a spectrum of risk attitudes ranging from risk-version, risk-tolerant and risk-seeking, thus, requires deep understanding of the human brain system and psychology that can be analysed in three key segments known as risk psychology (in terms of perceptions, attitudes, decisions and behaviours towards risk as well as affinity to risk), emotionally literate and emotional literacy as defined by Hillson and Murray-Webster (2006a) in order to understand and modify risk attitude. Emotionally literate individuals and groups understand why they respond to risk in a particular way and can adopt attitudes which are appropriate to the situation, helping them to maximise their risk management effectiveness (ibid). In addition, defining the link between risk and objectives is a pre-requisite for risk management processes as well as critical factor to understanding risk attitude. Many studies show that risk judgements and attitudes are strongly related to gender. Weber et al (2002) conducted a risk taking assessment using the psychometric scale based on five different content domains; financial decisions (separately for investing versus gambling), health/safety, recreational, ethical, and social decisions. Interestingly, Weber et al (2002) found through a regression of risk taking that gender and content domain differences are link to perception of differences between an activities benefits and risk instead of differences in attitude towards perceived, which opposed to Slovic (1999) stated that different attitude of people lead to different perception that results in different benefit and risk judgements due to influence of world views and information about risk. According to Slovic (1999), risk management rely heavily on trust which is a fragile element that can be destroyed easily. This reflects the basic mechanism of the human psychology that is weighted more towards distrust, due to higher visibility and weight being placed on negative events as well as source of bad news gaining more credibility than source of good news. He also stressed that conflicts and controversy faced in risk management is beyond science as it is strongly embedded in the social and political aspects of society.


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A simple process where the application of emotional intelligence and emotional literacy was presented by Hillson and Murray-Webster (2005) to perform assessment on as well as to modify risk attitude if required. Emotional intelligence covers the understanding of people towards their subconscious pattern and to be able to change them, if required. On the other hand, emotional literacy in the context of risk management is about understanding and managing emotions issues either on the individual or group level is necessary as it impact all parts of the risk processes (Hillson and Murray-Webster, 2006b). After reviewing the subjective or soft area of risk, we move on to review risk in different types of project which is the scope of the next category.

2.4 Project Types Based on present standard project management guide by several project management bodies and project management literature, most still hold with the assumption that all projects contains similar fundamentals, thus, one approach is suited for all. However, Shenhar and Dvir (1996) and Shenhar (2001) proved that projects have a wide spectrum of variations and one size does not fit all. By applying the hierarchical framework of systems and subsystems where projects are classified into four levels of technological uncertainty and three levels of system complexity, the two dimensions, technological uncertainty and system scope were found to be dominating factors that affect the characteristics of the project as well as management approach. The studies demonstrated an inter-link between project type and management methods that connect to project success. Therefore, a more projectspecific approach to manage projects is required. A different mode was undertaken by Crawford and Pollack (2004) in viewing project categorization where a framework of seven dimensions of hardness and softness of projects were identified. The seven dimensions are: a. Goal / objective clarity b. Goal / objective tangibility c. Success measures d. Project permeability e. Number of solution options f. Degree of participation and practitioner role g. Stakeholder expectations The graphical view of the dimensions shows that projects closer to the hard end of the spectrum are exposed to lower uncertainty than projects closer to the soft end of the spectrum. Therefore, harder projects are more amenable to uncertainty reduction while softer projects will be focusing on reducing ambiguity before embarking on reduction of uncertainty. The framework provides a basis for comparing projects and identifies responsive management approaches as well as concrete evidence to question the standard application of hard approaches to project management. Atkinson et al (2006) also acknowledged that the widely available project and risk management methodologies, tools and techniques that have been developed are primarily focus on the hard end of the spectrum to manage uncertainty in projects. Thus, project or programme managers are often caught between 19

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ambiguities, soft, unclear domain of strategic management and structure and concrete implementation, according to Thiry (2002). This results in a high ambiguity and high uncertainty situation. Nevertheless, Thiry proposed the use of sensemaking and value analysis for projects that fall in the soft end of the spectrum to deal with both high uncertainty and ambiguity. Since different project types required different project management approach, this does not exclude the need of non-standard approach to risk management. Since back in the 1970s, McFarlan (1981) recognized that different dimensions of project size, project structure and experience with the technology influence risk in a project. Therefore, different management styles as well as ways to manage risk are required. However, limited or no current literatures were found to be studying the link between project types and risk management particularly risk assessment. Thus, this directs us to view how risk is managed in different type of industries in the following category and ends this category of project types.

2.5 Managing Risk in Different Industries Besides looking into the project types that impact the style of managing risk, it is worthwhile to view how risk management takes place in projects of different industries such as construction, engineering, information technology, business and research and development. Generally, construction and engineering industry tend to be dealing with mega projects that involve high investment expenditure, substantial uncertainty and having a certain degree of impact on the environment. It is observed that financial risk is the key focus of such projects before go-no-go decision is made due to the fact that pattern of risks inherent in projects is largely influenced by the financial structure of the projects based on studies by Lam (1999) on infrastructure development projects. Moreover, Bruzelius et al (2002) found that cost overruns, inaccurate forecasts and often over-optimistic forecasting of project viability are common problems of mega projects. Thus, risk management and analysis are found to be applied way before the project is initiated, usually during the feasibility study. According to Miller and Lessard (2001), large engineering projects often carry with it substantial commitments which are binding, high probabilities of failure as well as reward structures that are skewed even in successful cases irregardless of the success or failure of the project. They stated that risks are essentially broken down into categories like market-related, completion and institutional, thereafter, decision theoretic approaches and managerial approaches are applied in order to manage them. On the other hand, Flyvbjerg (2006) noticed a high percentage of inaccuracy of cost forecasts for the transportation infrastructure projects such as rail, roads, bridges and tunnels and this has not improve over the past 70 years based on available cost data. This is because most individuals and organisations are applying the conventional and intuitive way of thinking about complex projects by focusing on the project itself rather than its details. Thus, inaccurate forecasts of the project such as costs and demand become a major source of risk in project management. He then proposed the application of reference class forecasting to mitigate such risk in terms of any type of human bias (including strategic bias) and strategic misinterpretation. This approach was applied in the Edinburgh Tram Line 2 project in 2004 that helped 20

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to improve risk management of the project. This method coupled with measures of accountability is necessary in order to achieve more accurate forecasts. The measures of accountability were found to be applied in the feasibility study of the link across the Baltic Sea connecting Scandinavia and Germany project. The four specific measures that were applied to increased accountability are transparency, performance specifications, explication of regulatory regimes and involvement of risk capital as mentioned by Bruzelius et al (2002). The Information Technology (IT) projects can be found in our daily life, from the use of the ATM machine to get money, to making a simple phone call or driving our car. These kinds of projects are defined by Charette (1991) as part of the new technologies trend that organisations and governments are spending on to improve our life. Unfortunately, it is found that 5 to 15 percent of the projects that are initiated were either stopped before completion of the projects or fail to deliver the projects requirements and objectives. Some of the projects require reworking, shifting their scopes or will not completely fulfil the customer requirements. This is due to several problems, but in a study by Boehm (1991), the lack of interest in the process of identifying and determining high-risk elements is one of the main issues faced by many practitioners. In a recent survey carried out by Charette (2006), the results shows that 80% of the organisations in the IT sector declared that they are practicing risk management but the continuous exercise of risk management has only matured by approximately 25% along this period. The result of this survey indicates that the three highest weaknesses areas faced are the difficulty in getting an accurate estimate of the level of risk encountered, the difficulty of getting organisational buy-in, and the difficulty in separating risk management based on traditional risk management. Following the same trend, the Bakker et al (2009) study encountered that risk management is not being conducted in order to be effective, where risk management can only be effective in some specific project situations. Risk management has been accepted as an issue of particular significance in this industry. Nevertheless, some difficulties have been identified by Nosworthy (2000) beside the implementation process where there is an apparent lack of real effective approach and the incurring of excessive costs. In fact, the risk approach of this sector defined by Boehm (1991) is only applying the traditional method where risk exposure is used to detect the unsatisfactory effects. This is done with the use of decision-trees as a method for designation of project exposure while another technique applied is the sensitivity analysis, which is used with the finality of take strategy decisions. On the other hand, the business process re-engineering (BPR) projects defined by Remenyi and Headfield (1996), which are a subset of the IT industry, are focusing mainly on five main components of risk: business, financial, technology, corporate culture and organisation structure. They identified a suitable framework of risk management for these types of projects which consist of risk categories identification (using the weighted and scoring techniques), risk evaluation, risk control and financial risk. Part of their study highlighted that risk management is an on-going process through the project lifecycle. The importance of the risk management for Charette (2005) is the ability to help and assist software managers gauging problem situations and in the formulation of practical solutions. A good example is the key risk management concept of risk 21

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exposure. Risk, after all, reflects economic change and human ingenuity. Thus, there are undoubtedly new types of risk being created in every moment that will require new thinking (and terminology) on how they are approached according to Charette (2006). The completion of reviewing on ways risks are managed in different industries in this category has triggered us to undertake further review focusing in risk assessment being the next category of this chapter.

2.6 Risk Assessment 2.6.1 Project categorization models Further reviews were undertaken to explore and understand better and deeper the various models of project categorization that have been developed so far and its respective contribution. Many of the project categorization models were found to have been developed in the technological arena. In 1990, Henderson and Clark studied the characteristics of innovation and managed to differentiate the components of a product and the product architecture which are techniques of integrating parts of product into the system, leading them to propose a simple 2 x 2 model categorization of innovation as shown in Figure 2.12. Their studies clearly reveal that the traditional categorization of innovation is incomplete, potentially misleading and do not take into consideration the bad effect when minor improvements of technological products are introduced. This concept by Henderson and Clark (1990) enriches the different categorization of innovation and deepens the understanding of the linkage between innovation and organisational capability.

Figure 2.12: A framework for defining innovation Source: Henderson and Clark (1990) Besides that, the aggregate project plan as explained by Wheelwright and Clark (1992), in the product development division to enable management to identify the gaps that exists in the development strategy and improve its management approach of the development function. This approach also allows organisations to understand the concept of project mix and sequencing as well as provides overall development effort and direction to formulate strategy for decision making. They suggested five different categories of projects, namely derivative, breakthrough,


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platform, research and development based on the level of change in the product and the manufacturing process. On contrary, Turner and Cochrane (1993) took a broader view in categorizing projects based on the level of certainty of the goals and the method of achieving the goals. A four-quadrant model (Figure 2.13) which is referred to as the goals-andmethods matrix was illustrated to imply the four types of projects; engineering or earth projects, product development or water projects, applications software development or fire projects and research and organisational change or air projects. The definition of all the four types of projects lies within the three essential aspects of product breakdown structure (PBS), organisation breakdown structure (OBS) and work breakdown structure (WBS) that is needed in order to develop structured project governance through selection of start-up and management techniques. Recently, expanding from the hierarchical concept of project-facilitypurpose model by Turner and Cochrane, Crawford et al (2006) indicated the two hierarchical structure that bring to mind a decision tree in order to develop a project categorization system. It is an approach based on multiple organisational purposes and various organisational characteristics to cluster projects into groups. The objectives of such categorization are to develop and allocate appropriate competencies to undertake projects successfully and to prioritize projects within an investment portfolio to maximize return on investment (Crawford et al, 2006).
No Type 2 Projects Type 4 Projects
Product Development Research & Organisational Change
ce an ch ter ilure ea a Gr o f f

Methods Well Defined Yes

Type 1 Projects Type 3 Projects

Engineering Systems Development

ce an ch s ter cces ea G r of su Yes

Goals Well Defined


Figure 2.13: Goals-and-methods matrix Source: Turner and Cochrane (1993) The increasing importance that innovation has on organisational growth and the inexistence of any typologies that were developed into a standard, full-range and fully accepted description of the project innovation spectrum (Shenhar et al, 1995) has lead Shenhar and Dvir to perform multiple studies since 1992 to identify the most suitable way in categorizing products and innovation. In 1996, Shenhar and Dvir successfully developed a typological theory of project management where four different types of projects were divided based on a three dimensional framework known as the UCP Model. The four different categories of projects suggested are low technological uncertainty (low-tech), medium technological uncertainty (mediumtech), high technological uncertainty (high-tech) and super-high technological uncertainty (super-high-tech) since the emergent of technological uncertainty was found to be the dominant factor affecting projects characteristics. The three dimensions of the UCP Model include uncertainty, complexity and pace. 23

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Since the objective of this research is to identify and understand the most effective approach to perform risk assessment in international technology projects, we selected the Shenhar and Dvir (1996) project categorization model because it was based on rigorous empirical studies and quantitative modelling. Their concept was also developed with the purpose of going beyond the scope of solely to create a project categorization system. Furthermore, the three dimensions suggested were found to be the common factors that are able to represent inherent risks characteristics in projects and their studies indicate the different levels of risk were found in different categories of projects. 2.6.2 Qualitative or quantitative? Risk assessment is a topic that researchers have emphasized on recently. The definition found in the ISO 31000:2000 is that risk assessment comprises of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation as illustrated in Figure 2.11. Risk identification is the step where the organisation should identify sources of risk, areas of impacts, events and their causes and respective potential consequences. It is clearly stressed by Forsberg et al (2005) that risk analysis is not the same as a technical risk assessment foremost to a risk management plan. The risk analysis is the procedure of an upward insight of the risk. The purpose of risk evaluation is to support decisionmakings, focused on the risk analysis results, concern with those risks that required management attention and to prioritize treatment implementation. The PRAM provided by Chapman (2001) is divided into two sub-stages: a qualitative analysis sub-stage that focuses on identification together with risk assessment while the quantitative analysis sub-stage focuses on risk evaluation. In addition, the PMBOK Guide (PMI, 2004) clearly differentiates the qualitative risk analysis from the quantitative risk analysis in Chapter 11. Although the PMBOK Guide Section 11.3 defines that qualitative analysis as risk prioritization, Thompson and Perry (1992) define the qualitative risk analysis as the process of two objectives: the risk identification and the initial risk assessment. This initial phase is essential because it gives substantial benefits in project understanding. This is further supported by Heldmans (2005) comments that the purpose of the qualitative risk analysis process is to determine the consequences that the identified risks may have on the project objectives. It involves determining the probability that the risks will occur and risks are ranked according to their effect on the project objectives. In her opinion, the qualitative risk analysis is the most commonly and probably the easiest method for analyzing risks. In this sense, Chapman and Ward (1997) added that the qualitative analysis and its documentation can also help to capture corporate knowledge in an effective manner, for use in both current and future projects where an explicit corporate culture management can pay major dividends. Restrepo (1995) avowed that majority of decisions are based on the qualitative risk assessment results than the quantitative ones, thus, Patterson (2002) explain that the qualitative assessments are generically easier and less costly to complete than utilizing the quantitative simulation techniques. Nevertheless, as a result of this, qualitative assessments can contain more uncertainties and potentially less accurate information than quantitative analysis methods.


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The quantitative risk analysis is defined as the process of evaluating and quantifying risk exposure by assigning numeric values to the risk probabilities and impacts as illustrated by Heldman (2005). However, some of the quantification techniques are closely related to qualitative techniques because it required the overall score that needs to be obtained through the application of the probability and impact scales. The PMBOK Guide Section 11.4 defines quantitative risk analysis as the numerical analysis of the risk effect on the project. For Thompson and Perry (1992), the quantitative analysis frequently includes complex analysis methods, regularly with the need of computer programs as a large formal feature of the whole process requiring estimates of uncertainty and probabilistic combination of individual uncertainties. Cooper et al (2005) acknowledged that the quantitative analysis uses numerical ratio scales for likelihoods and consequences, rather than descriptive scales. The value of quantitative analysis is to facilitate in distinguishing between targets, expectations, and commitments, the pursuit of risk efficient ways of carrying out a project, and related culture changes according to Chapman and Ward (1997). The risk management process described in the BS 6079-3:2000 is applicable for each aspect of the business activity with a focus at each level of decision making which includes the business and project objectives, the risk identification, the risk analysis, the risk evaluation and the risk treatment. In the case of the PMBOK Guide Chapter 11, the process consists of risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning and risk monitoring and control. These processes interact with each other and with the processes in other knowledge area too. The SHAMPU framework by Chapman and Ward (1997) contains nine phases which embraces the identification of the qualitative analysis through identification, structuring, clarification of issues and adding the quantitative analysis that includes the estimate variability and the evaluation of implications. In recent years, the project cash flow model by Caron et al (2007) which is an event oriented analysis used with the typical risk management methods such as risk identification, qualitative analysis and the planning of response actions, gives as a result the data for the variation oriented analysis, conformed by a quantitative analysis including the model of the project, probability distribution of model parameters, simulation and the Net Present Value (NPV) distribution. The most commonly used risk identification and analysis techniques are divided into qualitative and quantitative approaches as shown in Table 2.1 based on the PRAM proposed by Chapman (2001). The table was created by referencing to various sources such as Kliem and Ludin (1997), Kendrick (2009) and PMBOK Guide (PMI, 2004). The qualitative techniques cover the two stages of the risk management process, namely the risk identification and risk analysis. In the case of risk identification, the PMBOK Guide (PMI, 2004) and Kerzner (2009) recommend the use of documentation reviews, information gathering techniques such as brainstorming, SWOT, checklist analysis and assumptions analysis as well as diagramming techniques such as the cause and effect diagramming. In contrary, the risk probability and impact matrix, risk categorization (e.g. risk breakdown structure) and heuristics are commonly used techniques to perform risk analysis. The quantitative techniques which are widely used to perform risk analysis comprise of earned value monetary, simulation and modelling techniques. For example, the commonly known decision trees analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, CPM and PERT analysis. In addition, Vose (2008) illustrated the benefit and advantages of using Monte Carlo analysis especially integrating with the Primavera software. However, it 25

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is surprisingly to know from the study by Besner and Hobbs (2008) that this technique is low in application in the practical field and quantitative techniques of risk assessment are mostly found to be applied in big organisations especially for high technology projects. Qualitative Techniques Quantitative Techniques Critical Path Method (CPM) Documentation Reviews (e.g. lesson learned documentation of past projects) Program, evaluation and review technique (PERT) analysis Brainstorming Expected monetary value analysis (e.g. Root Cause Identification (e.g. Ishikawa Decision tree analysis) fishbone) Sensitivity Analysis Strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) Variance trend analysis Delphi technique Numerical approximations Checklist analysis Monte Carlo analysis Assumptions analysis Risk categorization (e.g. Risk breakdown structure) Probability and impact Matrix Heuristics (Rule of thumb) Table 2.1: The most commonly used qualitative and quantitative techniques

2.7 Knowledge Gap From the literature reviews, we see that there is an incomplete knowledge about linking risk assessment (particularly, techniques) with project categorization. Based on Shenhar and Dvir (1996) studies that different patterns of managerial style and practices of management were exhibited in different project categories, thus, theoretically, risk assessment approaches should be different too. This triggered us to take a step forward to pursue our study in identifying and understanding the respective risk assessment approaches to be applied to different project categories. However, the selected project categorization model by Shenhar and Dvir is modified to simplify and draw a greater significant difference between the projects. A 3 x 2 matrix of project categorization and risk assessment approaches is developed to perform this study, as shown in Figure 2.14.
Risk Assessment Approach


Qualitative Low-tech Medium-tech High-tech Technology Uncertainty

Figure 2.14: A two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment approaches


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For the different project categorization based on technological uncertainty, three attributes of the UCP model that is complexity, uncertainty and pace will be used to identify the relation with the respective risk assessment approaches; either qualitative or quantitative. The sub-elements in complexity that we will be addressing are the number of aspects involved in the project (such as stakeholders, type of contracts and suppliers), size of the projects and the interconnectedness of technology involved while uncertainty contains the degree of vagueness at the project initiation stage (such as project objectives/goals and performance measures). Lastly, pace will cover the available time frame of the project. As for risk assessment approaches, we will be looking into the methods, processes and commonly used techniques used in different types of projects. Thereafter, this will allow us to identify, analyze and understand the pattern within the respective axis that will then enable us to understand and identify the relationship between them by mapping those patterns into the matrix that is developed. The matrix that is presented in Figure 2.14 is a concept being defined as an abstraction of the real world that is simplified in order to allow us to have a straightforward understanding of the true nature of events according to Adams et al (2007). This concept then allow us to develop testable propositions in order to search for patterns within the data to be collected and to recognise relationships between project categorization and risk assessment approaches as stated by Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009). The propositions which are concerned with the relationship among the concept will then explained the logical linkage among the variables by affirming a common connection between them. For this study, an example of the expected result is developed and illustrated in Figure 2.15 using the most commonly applied qualitative and quantitative techniques listed in Table 2.1. It is created based on the assumptions that the level of uncertainty and risk increased from low technological to high technological type of projects. Thus, more time and effort will be allocated to perform risk assessment that leads to more sophisticated techniques being applied. Also, the numbers of technique are expected to increase from the left to the right of the x-axis. Since many indications were highlighted that the tendency of using qualitative approach is higher than quantitative approach to assess risk due to the present of experience risk manager, sometimes, the availability of time and budget as well as appropriateness of those approaches in order to develop effective risk responses, the authors are expecting the results of this study to skew towards the qualitative approach and limited data will be collected with regards to quantitative approach. It is expected that 4 out of the 6 boxes will be filled, referring to the matrix shown in Figure 2.14.


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Risk Assessment Approach




High-tech Technology Uncertainty



Quantitative Techniques DR : Documentation Reviews BS : Brainstorming RCI : Root Cause Identification SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats DT : Delphi technique CA : Checklist analysis AA : Assumptions analysis PI : Probability and Impact Matrix Quantitative Techniques MC : Monte Carlo analysis CPM : Critical Path Method PERT : Program, Evaluation and Review technique analysis EVM : Expected Monetary Value analysis (e.g. Decision tree)

Figure 2.15: An example of the expected result This ends the knowledge gap category and we move on to the next category illustrating the theoretical perspective for this study; transaction cost economics (TCE).

2.8 Transaction Cost Economics Transaction cost economics (TCE) was formed from the economics that centres around the classic make or buy decision which is the appropriate governance theory for this research. This perspective was chosen for this study with the objective to balance the control costs of administration with the required efforts to manage risks. It is applied to justify whether to produce a product internally within the hierarchical organisation or to purchase it externally. According to Williamson (1971), TCE deals with vertical integration within the internal organisation as well as between the internal organisation and the outside market. It focuses on the level of transactions from the input to the output in order to achieve the desired results. The three dimensions that form the characteristics of transactions are the degree of asset specificity, the degree of uncertainty and the frequency of the transaction as defined by Williamson (1975). Asset specificity refers to the nature of the source that drives the uniqueness of each transaction which is not repeatable while the level of uncertainty emerges from various factors. For example, three key sources of uncertainty were outlined by Winch (1989) in the construction sector based on static condition. They are task uncertainty, natural uncertainty that typically refers to the level of risk and organisational uncertainty which are found to be within the project. On the other hand, uncertainty points towards technology and environment factors in 28

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the study by Alder et al (1998) on validating the contract topology. The third dimension is associated to the frequency with which transactions recur, that bears the reputation effects on the efficacy in the market and the incentive to incur the cost of specialized governance (Williamson, 2003). One underlying reason for TCE to be formed is the complexity in transactions due to the unavoidable incompleteness of contract according to Williamsons framework in 1975. This is based on the assumptions that firms are built up by a set of contracts. Thus, TCE regards a firm as a governance structure, rather than a production function (Williamson, 1985, p.387). In determining the choice of governance structure, Williamson (ibid) indicates assest specificity as the main factor to be focused on. As explained by Winch (2001) that transaction cost approach takes both the production costs and transaction costs into consideration in order to economize on the total cost of a product or service. TCE recommends a make decision to be applied for high level of asset specificity, uncertainty and contract incompleteness while low levels of those three dimensions lead to a buy decision if economy of the transaction cost is to be achieved, as described by Adler et al (1998). Using this principle, Williamson (1971, 1975) identify three areas where cost will be incured in order to govern the project as transaction. They are the cost of adaptiveness, contract governance and contract administration. Adaptiveness refers to the costs that are incured due to the need to align the requirements and interest of multiple parties involved in the contract. The costs of managing the contract execution and the costs of monitoring and control of project execution to ensure conformity to the contract are classified under the contract governance while contract administraction is refers to the costs for developing and affirming the contract contents. Besides that, the TCE concept was also applied by Winch (2001) to understand the governance of construction project processes that resulted a common conceptual framework to be proposed for governing transactions through the project life cycle. Nevertheless, transaction cost economics has been implemented through other key moves as defined by Williamson (1999) such as being used as the basic unit of analysis and to study the nature of human behaviour in the way people react to bounded rationality, learning and opportunism. It is also used as an efficiency criterion in order to complement the respective transaction cost dimensions with the suitable governance structures. This ends the literature review chapter and we move on to the next section describing the research methodology.


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CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY After identifying and illustrating the scope of this study in the previous chapter, it is then important to move on to identify and select the most appropriate research methodology to be applied for this study. In order to ensure this research is rigorous, the research onion process (as illustrated in Figure 3.1) by Saunders et al (2009) is used to assist in the construction of the research framework, methods and steps that this study will undertake. This chapter begins with the illustration of the underlying philosophy and research approach and method that will be used. It will serve as a basis to further identify the data collection approach, process and analysis that is best suited for this research. The validity and reliability issues which are the key aspects used in the research field to assess the quality of this study will also be covered in this chapter. Below is the list of sub-categories under this chapter: a. Underlying philosophy; b. Research approach; c. Sampling; d. Data collection and analysis; and e. Reliability and validity.

Deductive Experiment Mono method Cross-sectional Data collection And data analysis Case study Action research Grounded theory Ethnography Inductive Archival research

Realism Survey

Mixed methods

Longitudinal Interpretivism Multi-method

Figure 3.1: The research onion process Source: Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009)

3.1 Underlying Philosophy In order to develop the knowledge, it is important to have a clear picture of the process and the steps of the research methodology. As noted by Saunders et al (2009), it is fundamental to understand the nature of the research and the underlying 30

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philosophy on the choice of research strategy to be pursued. For this reason, selecting the right strategy has a significant impact not only on what we do but also in what we understand as reality. The purpose of selecting a philosophy is to answer the specific question of this study; How is risk assessment performed in international technology projects? with a modest ambition to understand, answer and analyze this specific question as well to develop new knowledge. There are different ways of viewing the research philosophy: ontology and epistemology, with some important variations that shape the researchers thoughts in relation to the research process. The discussion on ontology and epistemology is often divided into positivist and interpretivist. In fact, Saunders et al (2009) stressed the importance of selecting the appropriate epistemology, ontology and axiology, placing research method as the secondary consideration for any social science research. The definition of ontology is used in different research methodologies books; where Saunders et al (2009), Bryman and Bell (2007) and Easterby-Smith et al (2002) grant that the concept is concerned with the nature of reality. Ontology is comprised of two core aspects. The first aspect is objectivism that describes the view that social entities exist in reality external to the social actors while the second aspect is subjectivism that believes the social phenomena are created from the perception and consequent actions of those social actors. The ontology is delineated in three different perspectives: positivist, realist and interpretist (Saunders et al, 2009). The social ontology are concern with the nature of social entities where the central point as presented by Bryman and Bell (2007) is the direction of whether social entities can and should be reflected solely on objective or constructive entities. Interpretivist is a subset of constructivism where social constructivism views the reality as being socially constructed. Thus, Saunders et al (2009) and Bryman and Bell (2007) stressed the importance of understanding constructivism views where constructionism frequently focus on the social phenomena rather than viewing social entities independently from the social actors. Therefore, as researchers, the aim is to comprehend the subjective reality in order to make sense, grasp and understand significantly peoples perceptions, motives, actions and intentions within a particular social phenomena. The subsequent consideration to look into is the epistemology where it deals with the way of testing the nature of truth. Before embarking into the selection of the concept for epistemology, Saunders et al (2009) and Hair et al (2007) indicated the importance of addressing the level of acceptable knowledge required in the field of study. However, Easterby-Smith et al (2002) believed that acceptable knowledge to be the only consideration for this selection but array of assumptions in the nature of the world needs to be addressed. Epistemology embraces three different concepts: positivism, realism and interpretivism; as shown in Figure 3.2. The main focus for positivism is to approach it in the traditional natural scientist way where the main target of the research is to perform through observation that will lead to the production of credible data. Positivism tends to rely on existing theory to develop hypothesis as described by Saunders et al (2009) that will be tested, contributing to further development of the theory. Thus, most positivist researchers are more likely to use highly structured methodology that enables replication to happen by emphasizing on quantifiable observations using statistical analysis. For Bryman and Bell (2007), positivism is related to objectivism where social phenomena 31

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confront us as external facts that are beyond our reach or influence. Thus, it should be noted that it is wrong to treat positivism as synonymous with science. The realism is another philosophical position defined by Saunders et al (2009) which relates to scientific enquiry. It is a branch of epistemology which is similar to positivism where it takes for granted the scientific approach towards knowledge development. In addition, the core of realism is the interpretation of senses illustrating to us as reality is the truth where the objects exist independently from the human mind. Therefore, realism is contrast from idealism. The third epistemology concept is interpretivism where it is based on understanding the differences between humans in our roles as social actors (Saunders et al, 2009). The important thing is to differentiate between performing research among people as compare to objects. This is a well known metaphor in theatre with the roles of actors acting out according to their own interpretation. With the same approaches, we interpret our daily social roles in accordance with the meaning given to these roles. Easterby-Smith et al (2002) added that the focus should be on what people in terms of individual or collectively think and feel in a particular way to explain and express their behaviour. Intepretivism is derived from two traditional intellectual practices as mentioned by Saunders et al (2009): phenomenology and symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism is a continual process of interpreting the social world around us where we interpret the actions of others with whom we interact that leads to adjustment of our meanings and actions while the phenomenology refers to the way in which we as humans make sense of the world around us. Based on the description of both types of intellectual practices, phenomenology is found to be the appropriate practice to be used, as shown in Figure 3.2.
Ontology: Subjectivism Philosophy

Positivism Realism Interpretivism


Symbolic interactionism


Figure 3.2: Relation between ontology and epistemology for the research Axiology is a branch of philosophy that studies judgments about value (Saunders et al, 2009). The role that our own values play in all stages of the research process is of great importance if we wish to have credible research results. Since our choice of philosophical approach is subjectivism, we value our personal interaction 32

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with our respondents through interviews to perform data collection (as described in details in section 3.4.2) where we are considered as part of the research.

Figure 3.3: Four paradigms by Burrell and Morgan (1982) In an interesting work of Burrell and Morgan (1982), they presented a categorization of social science paradigms which can be used in management and business research to generate fresh insights into real-life issues and problems. The figure above illustrates the four paradigms: functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist, and radical structuralist, with the purpose to help researchers clarify their assumptions about their perceptions of the nature of science and society, to assist in designing their research route and understand the manner in which other researchers approach their work. As referred to Figure 3.3, interpretive paradigm is located at the bottom left corner of the quadrant. It is noted earlier that the philosophical position to which this refers (subjectivism) is the way we, human, attempt to make sense of the surrounding around us. Distant from highlight rationality, it may be that the principal concern as researcher is to realize illogicality. Based on the pragmatism arguments that in order to determine the appropriate ontology and epistemology which are the underlying major ways of the research philosophy, one needs to refer to the aim of the study in answering the research question. For this study, the research question is how is risk assessment performed in international technology projects? leads the authors to seek answers to the question of how. Thus, the most appropriate research philosophy for this research question is subjectivism where it is a subjective view to understand the perceptions and consequent actions of humans. The underlying meaning is embedded in situational contexts where the reality is in the mind of the people in order to identify and understand the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment approaches. Figure 3.4 shows a quick overview of the selected underlying philosophy for this research.


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Ontology:Subjectivism Epistemology:Interpretevism Phenomenology

Figure 3.4: Selected underlying philosophy This ends the underlying philosophy category and we move on to the subsequent category illustrating the research approach.

3.2 Research Approach Although the critical step in any research is first to decide the ontology and epistemology positioning of the study, we cannot just stop at that point but need to move to the next important aspect which is concerned about the research design. This is because the research approach provides the basic directions for carrying out the study (Hair et al, 2007). For this study, the authors perform the selection of the most appropriate approach based on the constraints of this research such as time and resources, and with reference to the key criteria listed by Easterby-Smith et al (2002) in order to obtain the relevance information for the research question and to complete the research in a more efficient manner. In addition, those key criteria are also closely connected to the chosen philosophy position and assist in ensuring that the different elements of the research design are consistent and link to each other along the research process. Those key criteria that were taken into consideration are as illustrated in Table 3.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Researcher is independent Large samples Testing theories Experimental design Universal theory Verification vs Researcher is involved vs Small numbers vs Generating theories vs Fieldwork methods vs Local knowledge vs Falsification

Table 3.1: Key choices of research design Source: Easterby-Smith et al (2002) The two widely known research approaches are deduction where theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) are develop and research strategy is design to test those hypothesis, and where data is collected and theory is developed as a result of data analysis as describe by Saunders et al (2009). Based on the criteria listed in Table 3.1 in relation to the subjectivity nature of this study to gain an understanding of the 34

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meanings and/or perceptions of people towards project categorization, risk assessment approaches and the inter-link between the both, the authors believe that the inductive approach is the best suited approach to be applied to this study. The inductive approach towards research will allow an understanding of new or unknown phenomena to take place. Besides that, the reasoning adopted by inductive approach is that the logical process to establish a general proposition is based upon observation of particular facts, and also this approach depends on the empirical verification of conclusions interpreted from a finite number of observations, according to Adams et al (2007). The strength of the inductive approach to enable a cause-effect link is to be made between variables with an understanding of the way in which humans interpret their social world. Also, its main concern with the context in which such events were taking place (Saunders et al, 2009) are highly necessary for this study in order to understand the way people perceive both the variables (project categorization and risk assessment approach) in order to identify the patterns that leads to the derivation of the relation between the both. Therefore, a small number of subjects are more suitable to be sampled across the research context besides taking into account the unit analysis of this study which is implementation of risk assessment that forms the basis to determine the size of the sample. The identification of research approach then leads us to the next category of sampling; therefore, this category ends here.

3.3 Sampling For this research, sampling is address using the theory of saturation in the context of the number of interviews to be conducted in order to collect the sufficient data for analysis. It is where the patterns of the results will not deviate by increasing the number of interviews. The interview sessions were conducted via teleconference with 10 interviewees and each session lasted between 25 to 60 minutes. The interviewees were selected based on their knowledge, experience and involvement within risk management especially risk assessment and project categorization in the organisation. This is done through our point of contact in the organisation. The overview as well as the roles and responsibilities of the selected interviewees are as illustrated in Table 3.2. Interviewee Position 01 Head of Project Management in a sector within the organisation Project management coordinator of one business unit within the organisation Project management Roles and Responsibilities Duration Responsible of the Project 17 years Management Office (PMO) Role is to review all the project management related techniques, reporting and training sessions Responsible of the project 20 years management coordination, training and reporting. Managing risks around the 35 15 years



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coordinator of one division within the organisation Head of Project Management in the bidding unit of a sector within the organisation Project management coordinator of one division within the organisation Head of central unit function and part of the organisation excellence within the organisation

07 Working in the central Project Management Office of a division within the organisation Working in the Project Management Office of a division within the organisation Project Manager of a division within the organisation


different countries locations mainly focus in Europe and Eastern Europe projects. Managing processes, reviewing and supporting projects. Covering highways and urban cities projects. Supporting category A projects around the world Responsible of the limit of authority process. Responsible of project management, quality management, organisational regulations, environment and security and risk management of the organisation Covering 19 countries in Europe Responsible of project control and reporting of the division Dealing with the central accounting reporting regarding the projects Responsible of the IT projects; internal projects

20 years

20 years

13 years

12 years

22 years


Working in the Project Management Office of a division within the organisation, used to be a Project Manager Table 3.2: Descriptions of the interviewees 10

Responsible of managing projects mainly on the technical aspects dealing with different type of systems. Responsible of overseeing the entire project management activities Experienced in managing 2 large international projects

11 years

33 years

This is the end of the sampling category and we move on to the data collection and analysis category, which is the next category of this chapter.


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3.4 Data Collection and Analysis For better illustration, the data collection and analysis is divided into three sub-categories; approach and type of data collection, data collection method and data analysis technique. The first sub-category covers the descriptions of the research approach undertaken in this study and also the type of data to be collected. Thereafter, different qualitative data collection methods are viewed in order to select the most appropriate method for this study. This sub-category also covers the processes of collecting data that will then be analysed. Thereafter, the best fit data analysis technique is identified and the processes and steps are explained in the sub-category of data analysis technique which ends the data collection and analysis category of the research methodology chapter.

3.4.1 Approach and type of data collection Since it is illustrated in the previous category that the inductive research approach perspective is selected for this study, the next step of framing the research methodology process is to determine whether a qualitative or a quantitative research should be applied that leads to the identification of the most appropriate data collection method and data analysis techniques. According to Bryman and Bell (2007), an inductive approach of linking the data and theory or conceptual framework is mainly connected with a qualitative research strategy. In addition, the qualitative research approach is also consider to be the most appropriate and definitely the only mode to achieve some research objectives such as if the primary objective of the research is to proposed a conceptual framework which symbolise the current reality and potentially be tested with quantitative research or if the researcher needs to understand fully the phenomena in order to clarify patterns, as delineated by Hair et al (2007). Thus, qualitative research is indeed the most appropriate way for this study since the goal of this research is to identify patterns and understand the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment methods. Qualitative research is most often being differentiated clearly from quantitative approach in order to obtain a better understanding of the necessary attributes and steps required to collect data effectively, thereafter, analyse those data meaningfully. The key characteristics of qualitative research is to seek for unanticipated and expected relationships, situational conditions are unknown in advance, independent variables are expected to develop in unexpected ways and findings are assertions rather than findings as describe by Adams et al (2007). Furthermore, Van Maanen (1983) defines it as a form of array technique to describe and translate, resulting in meanings that are natural phenomena that happens in the social world. This approach is recommended for discovering purpose as it provides an in-depth understanding of the information (Hair et al, 2007) as well as to articulate the trustworthiness of respondents. Qualitative data is the collection results of the qualitative data collection that is associated with non-standardised data that requires classification into categories based on Saunders et al (2009). It is based on meanings that are expressed through words, phrases and sometimes, sketches, pictures and video clips. Besides that, these types of data have the properties of highly complex and context-bound information according to Easterby-Smith et al (2002) while Saunders et al (2009) refer qualitative data to 37

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non-numerical data that have not been quantified and requires subjective interpretation to discover the underlying meanings of the collected data. Thus, the type of data to be collected, in this case is qualitative data, has certain degree of implication to the way of analysing the data. 3.4.2 Data collection method The data collection methods available for the qualitative research approach are being mentioned by different researchers. These techniques are recognized as interpretative techniques which seek to describe, decode, and translate certain physical phenomena that happen in the social world. In fact, Silverman (2000) emphasizes that those methods are techniques with a specific significance according to the applied methodology. The six main qualitative techniques identified by Easterby-Smith et al (2002) are critical incident technique, repertory grid technique, projective techniques, protocol analysis, group interviews and cognitive mapping. For them, the most fundamental qualitative method is the in-depth interviewing method. In addition, Bryman and Bell (2007) listed ethnography or particular observation, qualitative interviewing and focus group, language-based approaches to the collection of qualitative data and collection, and qualitative analysis of texts and documents to be the most commonly methods associated with qualitative research. However, Silverman (2000) argued that majority of the research methods can be used in either qualitative of quantitative studies with the comparison of four methods: observation, textual analysis, interviews and transcripts. The most appropriate method identified for this research is interview, due to the nature and scope of the qualitative research being an explanatory study. Silverman (2002) defined interview in qualitative research as open ended questions with small samples. Nowadays, contemporary social research is often considered as part of the interview study. The main concern on selecting a method is the way research sought to preserve the phenomenon of interactions since input of information is based upon data which rise from daily activities. The different types of interviews in qualitative research are clustered into nonstandardized interviews such as semi-structured interview and unstructured or indepth interviews, and standardized interviews such as structured interviews as mentioned by Saunders et al (2009). The purpose of non-standardized interviews is to gather information and data where these data are likely to be used not only to reveal and understand the research question of what and how but also to explore the why question. Table 3.3 presents the use of different types of interview in each of the main research categories. Type of interview Structured Semi-structured Unstructured Exploratory Descriptive Explanatory
Legend: = less frequent = more frequent

Table 3.3: Main differences in interview techniques Source: Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009)


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The semi-structured interview is selected for this study because this research is an explanatory study to understand the relationship between variables; project categorization and risk assessment approaches. Semi-structured interview is a nonstandardised method where the interview is conducted based on a list of questions specifically tailored towards the topics to be covered but may vary during the interview session as defined by Saunders et al (2000). As compared to structured interview, this method provides the flexibility in the sequence of the topics to be covered to allow the interviewee to develop ideas and speak more widely on the interviewers questions (Descombe, 1998). In addition, it provides the opportunity to explore answers that the interviewer would want the interviewee to explain or elaborate his or her points of interest that could potentially add significance and depth to the data obtained. The set of questions (refer to Appendix A) for the interview was prepared with reference to the two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment approaches as shown in Figure 2.12 and the respective attributes for each axis. The developed set of questions was reviewed by the authors supervisor to ensure all key aspects are covered and questions are broad enough to allow interviewee to express his or her opinions. During the interview sessions, additional and revision of questions may be required in order to obtain relevant information leading to answering the research question of this study given the nature of the research context. 3.4.3 Data analysis technique The nature of qualitative data has connotation to the analysis stage of the research life cycle. On the other hand, data collection, data analysis and the development as well as the verification of propositions are highly interrelated and interactive set of processes (Saunders et al, 2009). Therefore, analysis of this type of data needs to be performed through the application of conceptualisation. There are three main processes of grouping the data being proposed by Saunders et al (2009), namely summarising or condensing of meanings, grouping or categorising of meanings and structuring or sequencing of meanings using narrative method. The proposed processes can be used independently or through combination in order to assist the process of interpretation. There are several numbers of inductively based analytical procedures such as data display and analysis, template analysis, grounded theory, and analytic induction and narrative analysis as listed by Saunders et al (2009) that can be applied to analyse qualitative data. Due to the nature and aim of this research, both the authors selected the data display and analysis technique by Miles and Huberman (1984) which focus on the process of doing analysis as this is found to be the most suitable technique to be applied. For this research, analysis during the data collection stage helps to shape the direction of the data collection as proposition emerges from the collected data. This is because the framework coupled with proposition that is developed during the literature review process is used as a basis to create questions for the semi-structure interviews which is before the data collection stage. According to Hair et al (2007), interaction between data collection and data analysis will enable the identification of common themes, patterns and relationships to take place due to the back and forth interaction between the conceptual framework and collected data. The matrix of project categorization and risk assessment approaches that was created prior to the 39

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data collection and analysis stages of this study somehow influence the grouping of the collected data. For this study, data will be gathered accordingly and placed within the cells of the matrix as shown in Figure 2.14. According to Miles and Huberman (1994), this is part of the data analysis process and it is an iterative process of rearranging the collected data in order to look for patterns or relationships in the data.

Figure 3.5: Flow model of the components of data display and analysis technique Source: Miles and Huberman (1984) According to Miles and Huberman (1984), the data display and analysis technique comprise of three concurrent flows of components: data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification as shown in Figure 3.5. Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the raw data (ibid). It is a continuous sub-process throughout the research life cycle from conceptualising the framework to the completion of the final report. It is also a subset of the analysis stage that focuses, eliminates, sorts and organises the data in a way that final conclusions can be drawn and verified. The second major component is the data display where information is organised to assist in drawing of conclusions. The form of display chosen for this study is matrix which is tabular in form (Saunders et al, 2009) where rows and columns of the matrix is design for the collected qualitative data besides assisting in the selection of data and deciding on the types of data to be input into the cells. The last stream of analysis is conclusion drawing and verification (Miles and Huberman, 1984). This happens since the beginning of the data collection phase where decisions are made on the meaning behind the data and this stream of activity will not end till verification of the final conclusions takes place through lengthy arguments and consensus are drawn between the authors as well as development of inter subjective consensus as illustrated by Miles and Huberman (1984). The three sub-processes of this analysis technique couple with the data collection method forms an interactive, cyclical process as illustrated in Figure 3.6.


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Figure 3.6: Interactive model of the data display and analysis technique Source: Miles and Huberman (1984) For this research, the thick descriptions type of data mentioned by Guba and Lincoln (1994) will be used for entry of data into the matrix cells. Besides that, two different matrices for data entry of project categorization and risk assessment will be develop in order to analyse each aspect independently that enables different level of grouping to take place within each axis. This is coupled with the noting pattern and clustering tactics using the dendogram method which is a type of content-analysis technique described by Miles and Huberman (1984) for generating meaning and building relationship. Once the thick descriptions have been clustered to form attributes and sub-attributes, relationship will be built through the dendogram approach to link these various attributes. Once each axis is clearly understood, the authors will then perform cross-axis patterns analysis that will display a similar matrix shown in Figure 2.15 to identify the link between risk assessment techniques with project categorization. It then guides us towards drawing of conclusions by tying the findings to the framework and proposition that were developed during the literature review process in order to answer to the how question of this study.

3.5 Reliability and Validity Reliability and validity are two key issues to be taken into consideration during the research design and the definitions are widely illustrated by many researchers stressing their importance for findings and analysis. These two components are important criteria to assess the quality of the research, according to Bryman and Bell (2007). Since semi-structured interview is the selected data collection method for this study, there are a number of data quality issues found to be related to reliability, form of bias, validity and generalisability as mentioned by Saunders et al (2009). For this research, the issue of reliability is being addressed by conducting several interviews that allows identification of patterns to take place. Also, reliable data were collected due to the accessibility to the best informants within the research context and constant patterns are found to emerge out of those interviews. Besides that, a set of similar questions are used during the interview sessions with only minor 41

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percentage of additional variety of questions in order to build trust and obtain the most relevant information for this research. In addition, the data display and analysis approach which contains systematic and structured set of procedures to be followed is used to assessed the answers by the interviewees in order to identify patterns, performed matrix analysis from different angles, linking relationships till drawing of conclusions as explained by Miles and Huberman (1994). The next consideration pertaining to semi-structured interview is biasing in the way we interpret responses (Easterby-Smith et al, 2008). This kind of bias is presented when the interviewer have lack of ability to build the trust of the interviewee, or lack of credibility and the value of the information. Secondly, it is the remarks, pitch or non-verbal conducts by the interviewer that produces bias due to interviewees reply to the questions. In this manner, the interviewer makes an effort to force its own beliefs and know-how through the asked questions. The third case is related with the interviewee or response bias. This type of bias is originated by the insight about the interviewer, or in relation to the perceived interviewer bias due to the intention of semi-structured interview to discover events or to look for specific details. The insight explanation given by Saunders et al (2009) is the possibility that the interviewees prefer not to reveal and discuss all the aspects of the matter that may lead to probing question towards confidential information. The fourth type of bias results from the nature of the individuals or organisational participants who consent to be interviewed. A few steps were taken prior and during the interview session in order to reduce the biasing problem. Firstly, an overview document of this study was created and disseminated to the interviewees prior to the interview session. During each interview sessions, the interview begins with a short explanation of this research and allowing interviewee to give a brief explanation of his or her role in the organisation, the type of projects being pursued in the division he or she is in and the length of service in order to gain credibility and confidence of the interviewees. Besides that, each question is short and phased clearly to the interviewee with a neutral tone of voice and the speed of speech is controlled while conducting the interviews in order to reduce the scope of biasing and increased the reliability of the collected data. The interviewer, sometimes, summarises the explanation provided by the interviewee to allow the interviewee to weight and affirm the accuracy of the interpretation and perform correction wherever necessary. Validation is concerned with whether the findings are really about they appear to be about (Saunders et al, 2009). The utilization of the questions aims to refine the significant of the answers and focus on arguments from a diversity of viewpoints. For this reason, the high possibility validation of the semi-structured interview is referred to the number of questions, standardization and consistency of questions being applied. According to Adams et al (2007), validation is a process of how conclusions are drawn, assumptions are identified or suggestions are proposed. Validity is performed in this study through selection of interviewees. Firstly, an overview document of this research that was created is shared with the contact person of the organisation which is the research context for this study. This is to ensure that the most appropriate candidates in terms of knowledge and experienced about risk assessment and project categorization within the organisation are selected for the interviews. Additionally, different group and level of people were selected for 42

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the interviews to capture different perspectives towards this topic resulting in better information to be obtained. On the other hand, the interviews were conducted by two interviewers where validation is achieved through the split of roles in executing the interviews and notes taking. Thereafter, the recording of each interview was used to validate the notes taken during the interview sessions. This ends the category of reliability and validity, and brings us to the last category of the research methodology, namely summary.

3.6 Summary The overview of the selected research methodology for this research is as presented in Figure 3.7 where subjectivism and interpretivism are the chosen ontology and epistemology philosophies respectively. Inductive is the best research approach for this study with qualitative data being the type of data to be collected. A qualitative research approach was decided for data collection using interviews. Lastly, the data are analysed using the data display and analysis technique by Milers and Huberman (1984) in order to draw conclusions.

Approach: Qualitative Research

DataCollectionMethod: Semistructured Interview DataAnalysistechnique: Datadisplay&analysis byMilesandHuberman


Figure 3.7: Selected research methodology for this research


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This ends the section on research methodology and this bring us to the next section describing the analysis of this study based on collected data.


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CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS In this chapter, we analysed the data which we have collected through the interviews based on the technique and process as described in the previous chapter. At the end of this chapter, we have identified the pattern that makes up the research results. 4.1 Overview of the Analysis Process The overview of the analysis process for this research is as illustrated in Figure 4.1. The analysis process begins in parallel with the data collection process where important notes were jotted down. Thereafter, the notes that were taken coupled with listening to recorded interviews were entered into the respective cells of the data display matrix. Colour coding is used to segregate descriptions related to project categorization and risk assessment as well as to identify descriptions that display the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment. The next step is to cluster the thick descriptions of similar elements together using different shapes. Thereafter, we observed and analysed these identified elements to build the relationships among them for project categorization and risk assessment respectively using the dendogram method (Krippendorff, 2004). Based on the results obtained for the project categorization and risk assessment using the dendogram method, we developed the matrix to link risk assessment and project categorization. This allows us to map the clustering outcome that indicates the link between the both in terms of risk assessment techniques into the matrix. As for the risk assessment approach and process, we further analysed the similarities and differences for small and large scale projects, allowing us to present in a tabular format.

Iterative Process

Risk Assessment











Small Scale

Large Scale

Project Categorization

Risk assessment Approach Process: i. Stadardization ii. Risk Identification

Project Categorization Small Scale Qualitative + Quantitative - Standard checklist - Do not require reporting - Do not conduct risk workshop - Less time effort is spend - Details checklist - Require reporting - Conduct risk workshop - More time effort is spend - Involve more number of participants - Involve less number of participants (specially subject matter experts) - Lower level of details - Higher level of details - Part of kick-off meetings - Part of risk workshop - Involved more number of participants - Involve less number of participants (specially SME) Large Scale

iii. Risk analysis

Figure 4.1: Overview of the analysis process for this research 45

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4.2 Overview of the Research Context The organisation for this study is a multinational company with presence in more than 100 countries covering various sectors. This research is confined to a division within the international engineering sector that provides products and solutions for customers in the transportation, manufacturing, building technology and lighting industries. This sector consists of six main divisions with different range of solutions to be applied to the respective industry. The objective of this division is to integrate different transportation systems in order to move people and goods efficiently and effectively. The different type of projects within this sector is divided into three main groups: plant and solutions, service and product business. The plant and solutions is the type of projects that creates a functional technical solution that is provided to the customer on an agreed-upon date to operate while service type of projects is to build service organisation that enables it to provide defined services such as Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to the customer over a longer period of time. The product business comprises of standard products and core competencies of the organisation. These different type of projects are categorized using alphabetical order where project that is categorized as A, B or C are defined as large scale projects while project that is categorized as D, E or F are clustered as small scale projects. The relationship between project types and project categorization is as illustrated in Figure 4.2.
Large Scale - Project Category A,B, C Small Scale - Project Category D, E, F

Figure 4.2: The mapping wheel between project types and project categorization


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4.3 Overview of Project Categorization and Risk Assessment In order to categorize the projects and understand the relationship between the attributes within the project categorization as well as within risk assessment, we followed the steps of the Data Display and Analysis technique of Miles and Huberman (1984) as shown in Figure 3.6. Firstly, a data display matrix was created with the list of questions (refer to Appendix A) as the horizontal axis and the vertical axis consist of the list of interviewees that is coded using two-digit numbers. Thereafter, the thick descriptions of the data based on recorded interviews are translated into verbatim format and entered into the respective matrix cells. Colour coding is used to separate descriptions that relate to project categorization and risk assessment where elements of project categorization is marked using yellow colour while green colour is used for risk assessment. During the colour coding process, irrelevant descriptions to either project categorization or risk assessment are eliminated. Two similar copies of the matrix were created in order to ease the identification of attributes and analysis of the relationship between the attributes for project categorization and risk assessment respectively. A sample of the matrix with different colour codes can be found in either Appendix B or C. 4.3.1 Project categorization For project categorization, the colour coded matrix is further analysed by clustering the similar elements of the thick descriptions together using different shapes (refer to Appendix B), focusing on the yellow coded descriptions. Each of the clusters is defined based on similar elements of the thick descriptions that were grouped together. As a result, seven attributes were identified; financial, technical complexity, organisational considerations, contractual, level of risks, geographical locations and duration. In each attribute, it is sub-clustered using different colours and dotted-line shapes to further separate those descriptions that referred to large scale projects, small scale projects or general descriptions of the respective attributes. Thereafter, these clustered of thick descriptions are transferred into a table format in order to identify the relationship between these identified attributes that builds up the project categorization. This is an iterative process until we are able to generate the relationship between the identified clusters. After that, further analysis is performed to identify subsequent clusters that enable us to divide projects into small and large scale. Under small scale, projects are further categorized into project category D, E and F while large scale consists of project category A, B and C. As the final result of this analysis process, a dendogram illustrating the relationship between the attributes is created. Figure 4.3 shows the result of the dendogram for project categorization where attributes are arranged in a descending level of importance based on the frequency being used and mentioned by the interviewees.


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Figure 4.3: Results of the project categorization using dendogram method 48

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4.3.2 Risk assessment The analysis steps similar to those used in project categorization are being applied for risk assessment where the focus is on the green coded descriptions. The related elements of the thick descriptions are clustered together using different types of shapes (refer to Appendix C) to form the respective attributes. Thus, four attributes namely, definition/approach, process, qualitative techniques and quantitative techniques were identified. After the first round of the clustering process, each attribute is further analysed to identify the possibility of sub-clustering. Thus, different colours and dotted-line shapes were created to further divide the thick descriptions into those that are related to risk identification, risk analysis or general descriptions of the respective attributes. It is found that only the definition/approach and process attributes were able to be sub-clustered. After that, these cluster of thick descriptions are transferred into a table format in order to ease the subsequent analysis process where sub-clustering were able to be created for the process attribute. At the same time, recurring patterns were noted in order to generate relationship between the attributes within risk assessment. The newly identified sub-cluster of the process attribute were further analysed to enable us to understand and consider only those attributes that are directly related to risk assessment. The result of risk assessment is as shown in Figure 4.4 using the dendogram method where risk assessment comprises of four main elements: (1) approach, (2) definition, (3) process and (4) technique. The qualitative and quantitative clusters form the approach attribute while the risk identification and risk analysis clusters build up the definition attribute. Besides that, the process attribute contains standardization, level of approval and risk workshop, with risk identification, risk analysis and preparation, forming the three key elements of risk workshop. The technique attribute is divided into qualitative and quantitative that is commonly used within the division of the international engineering sector. The first three qualitative and quantitative techniques are the most commonly used to perform risk assessment.


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SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats CPM PERT EVM : Critical Path Method : Program, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis : Expected Monetary Value analysis

Figure 4.4: Results of the risk assessment using dendogram method


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We finished this category covering the analysis of project categorization and risk assessment that lead us to the next category of analysing the link between project categorization and risk assessment.

4.4 Relationship between Project Categorization and Risk Assessment The data display matrix that was mentioned in section 4.2 is also used to analyse the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment in terms of approach, process and technique. The thick descriptions that indicate the link between project categorization and risk assessment were colour coded. Then, different shapes were used to cluster the thick descriptions that referred to similar elements. Each of the identified clusters was transferred into a table format for further analysis. At the same time, we listened again to the recorded interviews to verify some uncertain descriptions. The two main clusters which are related to risk assessment approach and process were further analysed for differences between small scale projects and large scale projects. Taking risk identification as an example, we began by looking through the thick descriptions in the data display matrix. Some of the thick descriptions that enable us to draw the conclusion that large scale projects perform risk identification through risk workshop while small scale projects execute risk identification as part of the project kick-off meeting are found in Table 4.1.
Interviewee Small Scale Projects Large Scale Projects 01 Q4: some of these projects are Q3: The important is that if there is a standard and doesn't need any risk big project the workshops are required workshop at all Q4: In the case of high level of uncertainty, is always used the workshops as primordial for risk identification the risk assessment is focused in larger projects and then the method can be decided during the workshop Q7: is important to notice that in the case of larger projects the workshops are mandatory for large projects. Q4: risk assessment with teams as workshops to know how the risks are A, B and C projects are using checklists for large projects with additional risk assessments.


Q4: Small projects used smaller checklists. The projects are discussed for one hour with management, no workshops but presentations with the project manager, with the division manager who gives feedbacks with the identification of the risks with opinions. Q6: In the case of small projects, there is another type of risk


Chia and Cardenas Davalos, MSPME 08/10 Interviewee Small Scale Projects assessment where during the projects realization and the opportunity phase are discussed the project with the division manager and board. No workshops are required, only information Q4: and below are standard without workshops with estimations of technical guys coming from Project Managers. Large Scale Projects



Q4: workshop sitting together and talking interfaces, define in risk and mitigation risk talking with experts we know when the risk are coming in big projects referring from project C Q7: D and F we dont have expert and above. Q7: A, B and C are from different type of risks like for example the commercial risks, more effort with workshops. Q4: The risk assessment for Q4: The most used methods are small projects is recommended. performed workshops, with the Risk assessment is a fundamental inclusion of experts that talk about risk tool for risk identification ... topics. risk workshops most of the topics is for identify the risks The risk assessment is mandatory for A, B, and C projects Risk assessment is a fundamental tool for risk identification Q6: but for small projects is one Q6: A very intensive workshop is small element of project start organized for large projects meeting, is familiar with the team work


Table 4.1: Some thick descriptions for risk identification on risk workshops mapping to small and large scale projects The analysis steps explained above were repeated till a table (as shown in Table 4.2) was produced illustrating the similarities and differences for small and large scale projects in relation to the risk assessment approach and process.
Risk assessment Approach Processes: i. Standardization Project Categorization Small Scale Qualitative and Quantitative - Standard checklist - Do not require reporting - Do not conduct risk workshop (Part of the project kick-off meeting) - Less time and effort are spend - Involve less number of participants - Lower level of details - Part of the project kick-off meeting - Involve less number of participants - Detailed checklist - Require reporting - Conduct risk workshop - More time and effort are spend - Involve more number of participants (especially Subject Matter Experts) - Higher level of details - Part of risk workshop - Involve more number of participants (especially Subject Matter Experts) Large Scale

ii. Risk Identification

iii. Risk analysis

Table 4.2: Results of the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment approaches and process 52

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After that, we performed the cross-axis patterns analysis within the techniques clusters of thick descriptions to identify the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment techniques. Checklist analysis is selected as an example to provide a better illustration of this analysis step. Based on some of the thick descriptions extracted from the interviews as shown in Table 4.3, we observed a pattern where checklist analysis is found to be used in the small and large scale projects to perform risk assessment. The similar approach was also applied to other qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Interviewee Small Scale Projects Large Scale Projects


Q3: The important is that if there is a

big project the workshops are required. For risk analysis is part of the workshop

Q6: In the qualitative techniques the

Checklist, experts opinions and brainstorming are the most common used especially in Workshops. There are some techniques that are recommended as the workshops with experts and the checklist as the most used tools. Q4: ... Small projects used smaller Q4: A, B and C projects are using checklists Checklists for large projects, with additional risk assessments ... Q4: Also, the risk reassessment with workshops. There are not special techniques, used mostly Checklist and Brainstorming ... in workshops but we dont use special techniques, some checklists we know when the risk are coming in big projects referring from project C and above. Q6: Checklist analysis, used to check if the input of all the experts are considered

03 04

Q7: A, B and C are from different

type of risks like for example the commercial risks, more effort with workshops ...


Q6: Small projects use more or

less another tools with brainstorming, and maybe checklist Q4: Usually, all the projects types use the brainstorming with 10 or 15 people, with the use of the standardized categorization of risk with the prioritization of risks and qualitative risk analysis ...


Q4: Usually, all the projects types uses

the brainstorming with 10 or 15 people, with the use of the standardized categorization of risk with the prioritization of risks and qualitative risk analysis ... talking impacts and

talking impacts and likelihoods 53

Chia and Cardenas Davalos, MSPME 08/10 Interviewee Small Scale Projects Large Scale Projects

07 08

to prioritize and start critical analysis ... Other sources of identification are checklists also are used Q6: In the case of small projects are more useful the checklist technique ... Q1: Usually our projects last between 1/2 year and two years. The total budget of the projects usually is million to like about 2 million Euros, more is not very often. Q6: Checklist we have a lot

likelihoods to prioritize and start critical analysis ... Other sources of identification are checklists also are used


Q1: managing B and C projects, the project are categorized we have a questionnaire that we fill the tool having some points

Q6: Checklist analysis, following checklist is used Table 4.3: Some thick descriptions for Checklist Analysis (CA) mapping into the two-dimensional matrix of the risk assessment techniques Consequently, the two-dimensional matrix of the risk assessment techniques was generated as presented in Figure 4.5.


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Risk Assessment











Small Scale

Large Scale

Project Categorization

Qualitative Techniques DR : Documentation Reviews BS : Brainstorming RCI : Root Cause Identification SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats DT : Delphi technique CA : Checklist analysis AA : Assumptions analysis PI : Probability and Impact Matrix HT : Heuristics RC : Risk Categorization Quantitative Techniques NA : Numerical Approximations CPM : Critical Path Method PERT : Program, Evaluation and Review technique analysis EVM : Expected Monetary Value analysis (e.g. Decision tree)

Figure 4.5: Results of the two-dimensional matrix of the risk assessment techniques This ends the section on analysis and we move on to the next section explaining in details the results for this study.


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CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION This chapter is where the detailed explanation of the results for this research will be presented. The results for project categorization covering the large and small scale projects as well as approach, process and technique of the risk assessment will be described with reference to the dendograms as illustrated in the previous chapter. Also, the table and two-dimensional matrix presented in the analysis chapter for the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment will be elaborated here. In short, the discussion chapter consists of the following categories: a. Project categorization; b. Risk assessment; and c. Relationship between project categorization and risk assessment.

5.1 Project Categorization Based on the findings of this research, project categorization is divided into two main categories known as large scale projects and small scale projects. Adopting the alphabetical order system, the projects that are categorized as A, B and C fall under the group of large scale projects while small scale projects comprise of project categories D, E and F. As referred to in the dendogram in Figure 4.3, financial, technical complexity, organisational consideration, contractual, level of risks, geographical location and project duration are the seven attributes being considered in the large scale projects while small scale projects only focus on financial, technical complexity, contractual, level of risks and duration as its key factors to categorize the projects. These attributes have different level of significance and are essentials for project categorization. Each of these attributes under the two different scales of projects will be explained in details in the following sub-categories. 5.1.1 Large scale projects: attributes As mentioned above, there are seven key factors that relate to the categorization of large scale projects. It is noticed that the first four attributes in Figure 4.3 (financial, technical complexity, organisational consideration and contractual) are primary factors being considered in the project categorization process. Level of risks, geographical location and project duration are considered as secondary attributes in the large scale projects. Financial The projects within the international engineering sector are categorized primarily based on the total project order value. In order to be categorized as large scale project, a minimum contract value with an amount of Euro 2.5 million is required. Large scale projects consist of project category A, B and C where there is a tendency that project category A has a higher monetary volume that project category B and project category B has higher total project order value that project category C. However, this does not apply to all projects because other factors also influence and contribute to the end result of categorizing the projects.


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Technical Complexity Based on the internal project categorization tool, it is noticed that technical complexity is set as the second most important factor. The level of technical complexity increases with the lack of know-how within the organisation to provide solution(s) to its customer. In addition, the maturity level of the technology as well as the number and types of integrations involved are also taken into consideration. Organisational Consideration Under the organisational consideration attribute, the size of the project and different type of projects such as turnkey, construction of infrastructure and interlocking systems, which are not core businesses of the international engineering sector, are reviewed and analysed in the project categorization process. The strategic position of the organisation with their implicit responsibilities related to the different type of projects is also often being looked into. Other elements that are considered in the organisational consideration factor are the importance of the customer to the organisation, the relationship with the customer and the relevance of the project to the customer. In addition, this attribute also covers the need to create a temporary organisation to support the project and the number of business units or regions involved. Contractual Contractual is the next attribute that was found to be an important factor in the project categorization of the international engineering sector. Within this attribute, several issues such as compliance, legal requirements, mitigation actions and evaluation of the different classes of risks are being focused on, as these areas increases the complexity of the contract and contributes to the overall complexity and risks of the project. The main concern with regards to legal requirements of the contract is the rules and regulations enforced by the specific country where the project will be executed. Besides that, the number and type of stakeholders, either internal or external (such as partnership, joint ventures, consortium and suppliers) is another element being considered in this attribute. Level of Risks The level of risks attribute comprises of the amount of uncertainty, intensity of the risks and type of risk involved in the project that differentiate the different category of the project. It is observed that category A projects tend to have more and higher implicit risks as compared to projects of category B and C. Geographical Location The second last attribute of the large scale project is the geographical location of the project. It is similar to project duration where this is not a factor being considered in the internal project categorization tool. However, this element is taken into consideration in the go-no-go decisions which is part of its bid process that happens before the project categorization process. Geographical location mainly refers to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the countries and the authorities power to create new and innovative infrastructure. For example, some of the A category projects were created due to high GDP of the respective countries with good collaboration between the governments and private sectors in order to fulfil the needs of the respective countries. Nevertheless, this attribute is also affected by the technical know-how required to accomplish the project, language, culture and the lack of experience customer(s). 57

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Project Duration Based on the responds by most interviewees, project duration is an attribute that is observed to be a secondary factor of the project categorization. The reason might relate to the standard project categorization tool that is currently used where this factor is not taken into consideration. However, based on the collected data, it is noticed that project category A tends to have longer duration than project category B and project category C has the shortest duration among all the categories under the large scale projects. Typically, projects in category C has an average duration from 1.5 to 3.5 years while B category projects last between 5 to 10 years. In the case of maintenance projects, some of them could have a length of 25 to 30 years. 5.1.2 Small scale projects: attributes After exploring the attributes within the large scale projects, we now look into the attributes within the small scale projects. The small scale projects only focus on five key factors, namely financial, technical complexity, contractual, level of risks and project duration as compare to the large scale projects. Most of the small scale projects are driven by the project volume that is mainly focusing on providing standard technical solutions. Project category D, E and F are grouped under the small scale projects. Financial The financial aspect for the small scale projects have a similar focus to the large scale projects where it also based on the total project order value or volume. However, it has a different set of limit as compare to the large scale projects. The criterion of project volume for small scale projects is set between Euro 100,000 and Euro 2.5 million. If the monetary value is less than Euro 100,000, it is does not qualify to be categorized as a project but is considered as a small piece of work that needs to be done. Technical Complexity The technical aspect of the small scale projects is not as complex and sophisticated as compared to the large scale projects. Most of the projects that fall under the category D, E and F are projects that focus mainly on providing standard solutions to the customers. Contractual In terms of contractual factor for the small scale projects, it does not take stakeholders into consideration because the majority of customers for such projects have a long term business relationship with the organisation and/or they have a lot of prior experience working with these customers in the past. It is observed that the different types of contracts found in the small scale projects are mainly standard or service contracts. It usually comprises of standard solutions which does not take special requirements such as construction of infrastructure into consideration. Level of Risks Based on the collected data, level of risks for small scale projects tend to be lower and lesser as compare to the large scale projects. Consequently, less effort and focus are put in such projects to perform risk assessment. This is because most of the risks are


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known and these projects rely on the experienced of the project manager and project team members. Project Duration It is noticed that the small scale projects have shorter period than the large scale projects. Typically, the small scale projects are completed within a few weeks or few months time frame. This ends the category on project categorization and we move on to look into the next category on risk assessment.

5.2 Risk Assessment Risk assessment using the dendogram method can be viewed in four different key attributes as presented in Figure 4.4. The four main attributes are approach, definition, process and technique. The approach attribute is divided into qualitative and quantitative while definition consists of risk identification and risk analysis. On the other hand, the process attribute can be divided into three subattributes known as risk workshop, standardization and level of approval. Risk assessment techniques can be divided into qualitative techniques and quantitative techniques. The detail explanation of each of the attributes is presented here. 5.2.1 Approach and definition The risk assessment approach that is adopted in the international engineering sector is comprised of qualitative and quantitative, which is part of the sectors standard project management methodology. The purpose of this approach is to drive standardization of its process and implementation to all related business units and regions within the sector. It is observed that more emphasis is placed on the qualitative approach rather than quantitative approach in assessing risk because it is more practical and qualitative techniques are easier to be learnt. Based on the collected data, the interviewees recognized that risk assessment is defined as risk identification and risk analysis. Risk identification is a qualitative approach that is mainly used in the acquisition and bidding phase of the project life cycle focusing on commercial risks, stakeholder risks, political risks, economic risks, financial risk and technical risks. In contrast, risk analysis which is a quantitative approach is usually performed in risk workshop and typically applied to commercial risks, stakeholder risks, financial risks, technical risks and project management risks. 5.2.2 Process As mentioned earlier, the three main sub-attributes of processes are risk workshop, standardization and level of approval. They are iterative processes that are applied throughout the project life cycle. The standardization is referring to the standard checklist and reporting format to be used as well as the frequency to perform risk assessment along the project life cycle. The level of approval is part of the limit of authority process to identify and obtain the required level of approval for different 59

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level of risks in the project after the initial risk assessment is performed. This is done in the early stage of the project especially in the bidding phase. It is a process mainly to control and reduce additional costs (or known as non-conformance costs) from incurring in the project. The risk workshop is comprised of three main areas; preparation, risk identification and risk analysis. The preparation attribute is referring to the required preparation by all participants prior to the risk workshop such as understanding of the customers requirements, project scope and ill-defined areas as well as identifying the right people to attend the risk workshop. The risk workshop mainly focuses on identifying and analysing possible project risks with more emphasis on the technical aspects. Usually, it is attended by project manager, project team members and subject matter experts of the required areas. The purpose of having subject matter experts in the risk workshop is to ensure that all major risks of the project are taken into account. As mentioned by the interviewees that there isnt any standard process and techniques being applied in the risk workshop but typically, documentation reviews of past projects lesson learned, brainstorming and checklist analysis are often used. The risk workshop is only mandatory for all large scale projects of category A, B and C. 5.2.3 Techniques Both the qualitative and quantitative techniques are found to be applied in the research context of this study. It is noticed that all the qualitative techniques as listed in Table 2.1 and stakeholder analysis were found to be applied in the international technological projects while only six quantitative techniques are used. The six quantitative techniques includes numerical approximations, Critical Path Method (CPM), Program, Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) analysis, Expected Monetary Value (EVM) analysis, variance trend analysis and failure mode analysis. The most commonly used qualitative techniques in risk identification are checklist analysis, brainstorming and documentation reviews while CPM, numerical approximations and EVM analysis are the frequently used quantitative techniques. As referred to in Figure 4.3, the sub-attributes of the qualitative and quantitative techniques will be described in details as follows. Qualitative techniques Checklist Analysis The most commonly and widely used technique to assess risk in the international engineering projects is the checklist analysis. There are lots of checklists with numerous questions being applied to different stages of the project life cycle to perform risk assessment. Also, this technique is typically used in the risk workshop. According to the interviewees, checklist analysis is the fundamental method for risk assessment before the consideration to apply any other techniques to further assess risks. Brainstorming Besides checklist analysis, brainstorming is another often used technique to perform risk assessment, particularly in the risk workshop. The objective of using the brainstorming technique in risk workshops is to generate ideas, gather different point of views of the participants and sharing of knowledge and solutions especially by the 60

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subject matter experts in order to ensure that risks are well-assessed. Based on the interviewees experienced, the best combination techniques to perform risk is the used of brainstorming and EVM analysis. Documentation Reviews The documentation reviews technique is usually used in the initial stage of identifying risks for any projects by looking into lesson learned documentations of past projects. In some business units of this sector, the lesson learned documentations and other important documentations of past projects are stored in a database for easy reference. Some interviewees acknowledged the usefulness of this method but sometimes, it is not applied in projects because the project managers prefer to rely on his or her past experience and also the incomplete and/or lack of information in some of the lesson learned documentations. Probability and Impact Matrix This technique is adopted as part of its internal standard document to assess risk which is mandatory to be applied to all the large scale projects under the category A, B and C. The probability and impact matrix is intensively used before the contract signing phase and after the acquisition phase of the project life cycle. In the project execution phase, it is used to continually assess risks in each of the defined project milestones. Root Cause Identification This technique is frequently used in the large scale projects and rarely used in small scale projects. The root cause identification method is mainly used to analyse nonconformance costs especially when a particular risk has turned into an issue or problem. This is to ensure or minimize the occurrence of subsequent risk(s) from happening. According to some of the interviewees, the Ishikawa fishbone diagram is often used to analyse issues along the critical path of the project especially when a delay happens in the project. Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) The next qualitative technique used is SWOT. This technique is applied to project milestones which is part of its internal project methodology. It is used along with the brainstorming technique especially to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Delphi Technique According to the interviewees, the Delphi technique is useful when it is used with the brainstorming method. This technique is useful to identify and analyse risks of the project when the project has external suppliers, customers, project teams, subject matter experts and other involved parties located in different geographical locations. Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder analysis is an important technique to assess risks as mentioned by some of the interviewees. It is an essential technique to identify the different stakeholders involved in the project, their perspectives and requirements as well as their power and influence. The key focus is the customer(s) of the project.


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Risk Categorization Risk categorization is a secondary technique being applied based on the collected data. The risk categorization that is used is the Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). It is used to identify and analyze in detail risks in each work packages of the projects WBS. RBS is integrated with the WBS to provide an overview of the risks enclosed in the different level of the WBS of the project. Assumptions Analysis Although the assumptions analysis is found to be applied, it is not often or widely used technique to assess risks. This technique is used throughout the project life cycle to validate and assess the assumptions that were defined in the initial phase of the project. Heuristics The heuristics technique is mainly used in the small scale projects which consist of project category D, E and F that deals mostly with the standard systems. It is performed based on past experience of similar projects to assess risks. Quantitative techniques Critical Path Method (CPM) The Critical Path Method is one of the commonly used quantitative techniques especially for time and schedule risks of the project. This is one of the many techniques that are used in the risk workshop. Numerical Approximations It is noticed from the collected data that this quantitative technique is often used in the large scale projects mainly for category B projects. However, no further information was provided with regards to the numerical approximations technique. Expected Monetary Value (EVM) Analysis One of the most important qualitative techniques used is the EVM analysis. It is applied mainly to assess financial risks that will impact the project. Program, Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Analysis The PERT analysis is used for similar purposes as the CPM technique, focusing on time and schedule risks. It is used to determine the worst case and best case scenario of the project duration. However, this technique is not commonly used but it is valuable to be applied in order to obtain improved accuracy on the probability and likelihood of results from the experts, according to some of the interviewees. Variance Trend Analysis The variance trend analysis is used together with the analysis of the WBS to review the required modifications along the project progression, thereafter, to assess the impact on the final position and situation of the project. Failure Mode Analysis The failure mode analysis is rarely used unless it is really necessary. It depends on the technical complexity of the project.


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The above descriptions end the category of risk assessment and bring us to delve into the cross-mix relationship between project categorization and risk assessment which is the next category of this chapter.

5.3 Relationship between Project Categorization and Risk Assessment Both the small and large scale projects applied the same risk assessment approaches. As referred to Table 4.2, the difference in the risk assessment processes for both categories of projects can be divided into standardization, risk identification and risk analysis. 5.3.1 Process In terms of standardization, it is noticed that the small scale projects use welldefined standard checklists while the large scale projects used a more detailed checklists to assess risks. Risk reporting is only mandatory to all projects of category A, B and C (large scale projects) while the small scale projects are recommended to prepare such report. Risk identification and risk analysis is performed through risk workshops in the large scale projects with large number of participants involved especially the subject matter experts from various areas. For small scale projects, both of these steps are part of the project kick-off meeting with less number of participants involved such as project manager, project team members and business unit manager. Thus, it is observed that higher level of details is required with more time and effort being spent on risk assessment for large scale projects as compared to the small scale projects. 5.3.2 Techniques The different qualitative and quantitative techniques being used in small scale and large scale projects are clearly presented in Figure 4.5. Both the small scale and large scale projects use more qualitative techniques than quantitative techniques. It is found that most techniques are being applied to the large scale projects. Nine qualitative techniques and four quantitative techniques were found to be applied in the large scale projects while five qualitative techniques and only one quantitative technique were found to be used in the small scale projects. Checklist analysis, documentation reviews, brainstorming, root cause identification and Critical Path Method (CPM) are risk assessment techniques that are commonly used in all categories of projects. This is the end of this category. The next category is summary that is the last category of the discussion chapter.

5.4 Summary The results of this study shows that projects are categorized into two main categories namely, small scale and large scale. The alphabetical order system is 63

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applied to further categorize the projects where large scale projects consists of categories A, B and C while categories D, E and F fall under the small scale projects. Using the dendogram method, seven attributes were found to be the key factors to categorize the projects with different level of significance in each category of the projects. It is found that the four main aspects of risk assessment are approach, definition, process and technique. Risk assessment is divided into qualitative and quantitative approach that leads to the distinction between qualitative and quantitative techniques. Lastly, there is a significant difference in terms of the risk assessment processes and techniques being applied to the different categories of projects. This ends the discussion section and brings us to the last section summarizing the conclusions drawn from this study.


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CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION In this final chapter, conclusions to tie the findings to the conceptual framework and proposition will be summarized, indicating the practical and theoretical implications of this research. Thereafter, it will be followed by illustrations on the limitations of this research before moving on to the last section of this chapter to recommend areas for future research. This chapter is comprises of the following categories: a. Results versus theoretical framework; b. Managerial implications; c. Theoretical implications; d. Strengths and weaknesses of this research; and e. Recommendations for future research.

6.1 Results versus Theoretical Framework This study is conducted due to the incomplete knowledge found within the scope of risk management. It is performed to identify the link between risk assessment and project categorization based on the TCE concept. We will begin by examining the similarities and differences between the developed conceptual framework and proposition through literature review and our findings. The comparison between theory and our findings can be viewed in two main composite: project categorization and risk assessment. Thereafter, the relationship between risk assessment and project categorization will be compared and contrasted in terms of results and the theoretical proposition. 6.1.1 Project categorization Based on our findings in this study, the project categorization is divided into two simplified segments, as shown in the conceptual framework drawing from the Shenhar and Dvir (1996) model. The project categorization of this study is divided into small and large scale projects which are further sub-categorized as A, B and C for large scale projects and D, E and F for small scale projects while the conceptual framework proposed three categories of projects that is low-tech, medium-tech and high-tech. It is observed that project categorization in our study is based on projects value while technology uncertainty was driving the project categorization in the proposed conceptual framework. In terms of the underlying attributes within project categorization, the results of this study indicate seven different attributes to be considered. They are financial, technical complexity, organisational consideration, contractual, level of risks, geographical location and duration. Only four (technical complexity, contractual, level of risks and duration) out of the seven attributes of our study are found to be connected with the three attributes (complexity, uncertainty and pace) of the UCP model proposed in theory. The overlapping and different attributes of the project categorization for our study and the theoretical framework is shown in Figure 6.1. However, it is observed that not all the attributes are essentials at any one time in categorizing project as indicated in this study. The reason is that different attributes have different degree of significance. 65

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Organizational Consideration

Geographical Location Contractual

Pace Uncertainty Complexity


Technical complexity

Level of Risks



Figure 6.1: Attributes of project categorization - comparison between results of this study and theoretical framework 6.1.2 Risk assessment The two approaches of risk assessment being proposed theoretically are found to be applied in the research context based on the findings of this research. Risk assessment consists of qualitative approach and quantitative approach to identify and analyze risks. It is found that the qualitative approach is more frequently used as compared to the quantitative approach which is inline with the theoretical explanation. The reasons given were that qualitative approach can be quickly and effectively applied especially in the acquisition and bidding phase of the project to identify and analyze risks as well as being easier to be learned and require less time and effort. On the other hand, the quantitative approach is only applied if more detail analysis is required. The two main elements of risk assessment approach are processes and technique. Firstly, risk identification and risk analysis, which are the key stages in risk assessment processes as noted in theory, were found to be elements within the organisations risk assessment processes. However, it is not clearly segregated as proposed by theory but rather both are embedded within the three different processes of risk workshop, standardization and level of approval as explained in section 5.2.2. It is also found that more time and effort are allocated to perform risk assessment for large scale projects than small scale projects which support the earlier proposed proposition. Secondly, the organisation uses both the qualitative and quantitative techniques as mentioned in theory. 6.1.3 Linking risk assessment with project categorization When risk assessment is mapped against project categorization using the twodimensional matrix method as proposed theoretically, it is noticed that there are no 66

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significance differences in terms of risk assessment approach and processes being practiced in different categories of projects. However, project categorization does have a significant link with the risk assessment techniques. The comparison between the developed proposition and the results of this study for the most commonly applied qualitative and quantitative techniques is as shown in Figure 6.2.
Risk Assessment












Large Scale




Project Categorization

Small Scale

High-tech Project Categorization



Qualitative Techniques DR : Documentation Reviews BS : Brainstorming RCI : Root Cause Identification SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats DT : Delphi technique CA : Checklist analysis AA : Assumptions analysis PI : Probability and Impact Matrix HT : Heuristics RC : Risk Categorization Quantitative Techniques NA : Numerical Approximations CPM : Critical Path Method PERT : Program, Evaluation and Review technique analysis EVM : Expected Monetary Value analysis (e.g. Decision tree) MC : Monte Carlo analysis

Figure 6.2: Two-dimensional matrix of risk assessment techniques - comparison between results of this study and theoretical framework As agreed with the proposition, most qualitative techniques are found to be used in the international technology projects. Besides that, it is noticed that higher number of techniques are found to be applied in large scale projects rather than in the small scale projects. The more complex techniques especially the quantitative techniques are also found to be applied in the large scale projects. In order to have a better comparison between the two matrices, the medium-tech and high-tech projects of the theoretical framework are clustered together to be compared with the large scale projects. Based on Figure 6.3, it is shown that all the qualitative techniques as predicted earlier in the medium-tech and high-tech projects were found to be applied in the large scale projects, as coloured in red. However, the risk categorization technique which is not included in the proposition, as represented in blue, is found to be used in the international engineering sector of the organisation.


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Large Scale Qualitative

Medium-tech + High Tech Qualitative


Legend: DR : Documentation Reviews BS : Brainstorming RCI : Root Cause Identification SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats DT : Delphi technique CA : Checklist analysis AA : Assumptions analysis PI : Probability and Impact Matrix RC : Risk Categorization

















Figure 6.3: Qualitative techniques for large scale projects - comparison between results and proposition In the case of the small scale projects, the organisation is using five different qualitative techniques (checklist analysis, documentation reviews, brainstorming, root cause identification and heuristics) as compared with only two techniques (documentation reviews and brainstorming) that were expected by the proposition, as shown in Figure 6.4. Heuristics technique is used because the small scale projects are mainly involved with standard systems while the root cause identification technique is used primarily to analyse non-conformance costs which is rarely applied in such category of projects. On the other hand, checklist analysis is a widely used technique within the organisation to assess risk. The only difference is that the small scale projects use standard checklists while the large scale projects use more detailed checklists.
Small Scale Qualitative Low Tech Qualitative

Legend: DR BS RCI CA HT : Documentation Reviews : Brainstorming : Root Cause Identification : Checklist analysis : Heuristics







Figure 6.4: Qualitative techniques for small scale projects - comparison between results and proposition


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In Figure 6.5, it shows the comparison of the quantitative techniques between the large scale projects and the combination of the medium-tech and high-tech projects. It is noticed that three techniques as expected in the proposition are used in practice. The three techniques are EVM analysis, PERT analysis and CPM, as represented as green bubbles. It is interesting to find out from this study that numerical approximations technique is being applied, as represented in blue, instead of the Monte Carlo analysis as mentioned in the proposition. This result further supports the study by Besner and Hobbs (2008) indicating Monte Carlo is rarely used in the practical field.
Large Scale Quantitative Medium-tech + High Tech Quantitative





: Numerical Approximations : Critical Path Method : Program, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis : Expected Monetary Value analysis : Monte Carlo analysis



Figure 6.5: Quantitative techniques for large scale projects - comparison between results and proposition Lastly, the comparison of the quantitative techniques between the result for the small scale projects and the low-tech projects according to theory is as illustrated in Figure 6.6. The small scale projects apply the CPM technique which is not stated in the proposition.
Small Scale Quantitative Low Tech Quantitative

Legend: CPM : Critical Path Method




Figure 6.6: Quantitative techniques for small scale projects - comparison between results and proposition 69

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6.1.4 Summary A summary of the comparison between the results of our study and the theoretical framework is as presented in Table 6.1. The model found in the results of this study is a 2 x 2 matrix which is a simpler model as compare to the theoretical framework of a 3 x 2 matrix. The comparisons describe in section 6.1.3 lead us to conclude that the proposition was partially supported by our study. Model Results 2 x 2 matrix Divided into the following axis: o Project scale o Risk assessment approach Theoretical Framework 3 x 2 matrix Simplification of the Shenhar and Dvir (1996) Divided into the following axis: o Technology uncertainty o Risk assessment approach Divided into 3 segments: o Low-tech o Medium-tech o High-tech Apply the UCP model with 3 attributes: o Complexity o Uncertainty o Pace

Project Divided into 2 segments: Categorization o Large scale project o Small scale project Consists of 7 attributes: o Financial o Contractual o Technical complexity o Organisational consideration o Level of risks o Duration o Geographical location Risk Divided into 2 approaches: Divided into 2 approaches: Assessment o Qualitative o Qualitative o Quantitative o Quantitative Processes: Processes: o Risk identification o Risk workshop o Risk analysis Preparation Risk identification Techniques: Risk analysis o Qualitative o Standardization o Quantitative o Level of approval Techniques: o Qualitative o Quantitative Table 6.1: Comparison between results of this study and the conceptual framework in performing risk assessment

6.2 Managerial Implications Which risk assessment technique(s) to use in what type of projects is the managerial implication that this study addresses. The practitioners are recommended to improve the current internal standard methodology by integrating and standardizing the risk management methods with project categorization in order to achieve effective risk management and minimize cost control. 70

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6.3 Theoretical Implications The main contribution of this study to new theory is the distinction between different risk methods (qualitative and quantitative techniques) in different categories of projects (small and large scale). Also, from the transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective, this study was performed to ensure that the most appropriate risk assessment is applied in the organisation for different project categorization in order to reduce administrative cost (minimize additional cost). Thus, we have presented that the most appropriate risk assessment technique(s) is applied to identify and analyze risk based on the different categories of projects. The underlying element of risk assessment is uncertainty. On the other hand, uncertainty is one of the key dimensions of TCE. Consequently, this study which is about uncertainty management is closely connected to theory which is drawn from the view of transaction cost economics (TCE) and it corresponds with one size does not fit all paradigm as acknowledged by Shenhar (2001).

6.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of this Research The strength of this research is that it fits squarely into the research context because of the clear evidence that was obtained through interviews. Additionally, the data collected from the ten interviews provide sufficient evidence to address reliability issues in terms of correctness and stability of the data. Although the results obtained from this research present the way to perform risk assessment through linking risk assessment with project categorization using the two-dimensional matrix, it cannot be generalized to all international technology projects especially in the engineering sector without further research. This is because this study was only conducted in a division within the international engineering sector of one organisation which is context specific. Besides that, our study was an inductive approach focusing on a small number of interviewees which is not a rigorous empirical study. This study applied a qualitative approach where data are analyzed and interpretation was performed in a subjective manner where biasing can only be reduced but not eliminated. Thus, this might affect the results of this study to a certain degree. Additionally, we did not manage to gain access to the organisations information such as documentation of the internal processes and methodologies that will help to improve further the quality of our study. This is due to confidentiality issue and numerous internal procedures of the organisation. This study was also limited by the mode of communication where interviewees were performed via voice over internet protocol calls instead of face-to-face meetings. This prevented us from capturing the expressions and body language of the interviewees that could potentially improve our data collection. Lastly, this research does not include the full framework of risk management such as planning, response actions and monitoring and control into the scope of study that may potentially impact the mapping of the relation to project categorization.


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6.5 Recommendations for Future Research To further improve and fill-in the incomplete knowledge within the knowledge area of risk management, this study proposed the subsequent areas for future research. A similar research can be carried out by increasing the sample size and covering all international technology projects within the organisation or projects from multiple organisations within the engineering sector. Besides that, future research could be conducted applying the mix approach of qualitative and quantitative to increase the robustness of the study that would significantly contribute towards generalizing the model of linking risk assessment with project categorization. Another suggestion for future research is to apply other project categorization models to further explore its impact to risk assessment, thereafter, make a comparison with this study. With regards to the underlying attributes within project categorization, future research should consider having different weights for each of the attributes. The scope of future research should include the entire risk management framework. Last but not least, this study has demonstrated the link of risk assessment technique(s) with project categorization. Linking these two aspects together has contributed a different view towards risk management that could potentially lower additional governance and administrative costs.


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APPENDIX A: Questions for the Interviews Introduction: The purpose of our research is to identify and understand the relationship between project categorization and risk assessment approaches. i. Please tell us about your division, the business it is in and the types of projects being pursued. ii. What is your position and role in this division? iii. How long have you been in this division/organisation? 1. What types of projects are you managing/overseeing in the company? 2. What are the key characteristics of the project you are managing? 3. From your point of view, what is risk assessment? 4. What risk assessment method(s) do you used? 5. How do you perform risk assessment in your project? 6. In your opinion, which techniques are useful to perform risk identification and risk analysis? Please refer to the pdf file as attached (Table 1 in this report). 7. How do you link risk assessment to project categorization? 8. How do you think risk assessment can be improved? * Is there anything else you would like to add? Any other aspects of linking risk assessment and project categorization that we should consider?


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APPENDIX B: A Sample of the Data Display Matrix Used for Analysing Attributes within Project Categorization


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APPENDIX C: A Sample of the Data Display Matrix Used for Analysing Attributes within Risk Assessment


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