A Video Streaming Services Taxonomy (VSST)
A Video Streaming Services Taxonomy (VSST)
A Video Streaming Services Taxonomy (VSST)
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The "Video Streaming Services Taxonomy" primary form of communication, fostering an environment
(VSST) classifies video streaming platforms into distinct where short-form video and live streaming are not only
categories based on their core functions and content popular but essential. In the realm of education, online
offerings. This taxonomy highlights the diversity of video courses from providers like Coursera and Khan Academy rely
streaming services, encompassing entertainment, social on video lectures to facilitate learning. Business and
media, business communication, education, news, sports, communication tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have
music, virtual reality, and niche content. It serves as a become integral for video conferencing and collaboration,
framework for understanding the multifaceted landscape particularly in an era marked by remote work and virtual
of video streaming, providing a structured overview of meetings. This taxonomy illuminates the broad spectrum of
platforms designed to cater to a wide range of user applications for video streaming, from social interactions to
preferences and needs in the digital age. professional communication and education.
Keywords:- Video Streaming, Services, Taxonomy, Services. This paper consists of seven sections. The importance of
video streaming in modern life is discussed in Section II. The
I. INTRODUCTION VSST taxonomy is given in Section III with the relationships
between taxonomy elements in Section IV. A discussion is
The world of digital entertainment and communication given in Section V and taxonomy uses in Section VI. Finally,
has been dramatically transformed by the proliferation of the conclusion is given in Section VII.
video streaming services. From entertainment giants like
Netflix to social media platforms like YouTube, video II. VIDEO STREAMING
streaming has become an integral part of our daily lives. The
sheer diversity and scope of these services have given rise to a Video streaming services have evolved to become an
complex ecosystem that serves a multitude of purposes, from indispensable part of modern life, profoundly impacting the
delivering captivating content to facilitating business meetings way people consume and engage with digital content. The
and educational instruction. This "Video Streaming Services significance of these services can be attributed to their
Taxonomy" seeks to provide a structured framework for transformative influence on various aspects of our daily lives.
understanding this intricate landscape, categorizing these
services into distinct types based on their primary focus and One of the key factors driving the importance of video
utility. streaming services is their unmatched accessibility and
convenience. These platforms allow users to access a vast
Video streaming [13] has evolved into a dominant force array of content, including movies, TV shows, educational
in the entertainment industry. Services like Netflix and Hulu materials, and live events, at their own convenience. Gone are
have revolutionized the way we consume television shows the days of rigid broadcasting schedules; users can now watch
and movies, ushering in the era of Subscription Video on what they want, when they want, and on the devices of their
Demand (SVOD). Users can access vast libraries of on- choice, making it incredibly convenient for busy, modern
demand content, all at their fingertips, often for a monthly lifestyles.
subscription fee. Simultaneously, Ad-Supported Video on
Demand (AVOD) platforms such as YouTube have Personalization is another critical element that sets video
democratized content creation, enabling anyone to share their streaming [14] services apart. These platforms employ
videos with the world, supported by advertising revenue. In sophisticated algorithms and user profiles to offer tailored
contrast, Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) platforms content recommendations. As a result, users are exposed to
like iTunes offer the opportunity to rent or purchase content that aligns with their interests, enhancing the
individual titles, allowing for a more a-la-carte approach to relevance and engagement of their viewing experience. This
content consumption. This taxonomy encapsulates these personalization has reshaped how content is discovered and
varied entertainment streaming experiences, offering a consumed, contributing to the popularity and appeal of
comprehensive understanding of the diverse avenues for streaming platforms.
content consumption.
Moreover, video streaming services offer an extensive
Beyond entertainment, video streaming [15] has range of content, catering to a diverse array of interests. This
permeated the worlds of social media, education, business diversity spans entertainment, education, news, sports, and
communication, and more. Social media networks, including more, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether
Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, have embraced video as a you're looking for blockbuster movies, educational resources,
The "Video Streaming Services Taxonomy" presents a Overall, the relationships within the "Video Streaming
structured framework for categorizing various video Services Taxonomy" provide a structured means of
streaming platforms and services based on their primary focus understanding the diverse and evolving landscape of video
and functionalities. The relationships that exist among the streaming platforms. These relationships are valuable for
elements in this taxonomy can be described as follows: users seeking specific content or services, as well as for
industry professionals and researchers interested in the impact
Categories and Subcategories: The taxonomy is organized of video streaming on various domains.
into distinct categories and subcategories. Each category
represents a broad area of video streaming services, while V. DISCUSSION
subcategories provide more specific groupings within
those areas. For example, "Entertainment Streaming The "Video Streaming Services Taxonomy" serves as a
Services" is a category, and within it, "Subscription Video valuable framework for understanding the multifaceted
on Demand (SVOD)," "Ad-Supported Video on Demand landscape of video streaming services, offering insights into
(AVOD)," and "Transactional Video on Demand the diverse purposes and functionalities of these platforms. By
(TVOD)" are subcategories. These relationships create a categorizing video streaming services into various types, this
hierarchical structure for understanding the different types taxonomy facilitates a comprehensive examination of the
of services. digital ecosystem, shedding light on the pivotal role that video
Common Purpose: Elements within the same category or streaming plays in our interconnected world.
subcategory share a common purpose or focus. For
instance, services within the "Music and Live One of the key takeaways from this taxonomy is the
Performance" category, such as music streaming platforms sheer variety of video streaming services available. The
and platforms showcasing live concerts, all revolve around taxonomy encompasses a wide range of categories, reflecting
music and live performance content. They serve similar the different needs and preferences of users in the digital age.
user needs and preferences. The diversity of offerings, from Subscription Video on
User Segmentation: Elements within the taxonomy are Demand (SVOD) services for entertainment to video
often designed to cater to specific user segments or target conferencing tools for business communication, underscores
audiences. For example, "Education and E-Learning the broad reach and adaptability of video streaming
Platforms" encompass various platforms dedicated to technologies. This diversity ensures that there is something
educational content. While "Online Courses" and for everyone, whether you are looking for educational content,
"Language Learning" serve learners seeking structured live sports, or social media interaction.
courses, "Educational Streaming" may target students and
educators looking for supplemental videos. The taxonomy also underscores the democratization of
Technology Integration: Some services integrate content creation and distribution. Platforms like YouTube and
technology and content delivery methods. For example, TikTok have empowered individuals and small creators to
"Virtual Reality and 360-Degree Video" platforms share their content with a global audience, providing a level
leverage VR technology or 360-degree video to offer playing field for creators of all sizes. In contrast, services like
immersive experiences. These relationships highlight the Netflix and Disney+ are gateways to high-quality,
integration of technology to deliver content in unique and professionally produced content, showcasing the evolving
engaging ways. landscape of the entertainment industry. This discussion
Content Synergy: Some services may offer highlights how video streaming has transformed the way we
complementary or related content. For instance, in "Sports access and create content, allowing for a wide spectrum of
Streaming," sports leagues and teams provide live game content types, from user-generated short videos to blockbuster
streaming, while sports networks offer sports-related movies and TV shows.
content. This creates a synergy where users interested in
sports can access a spectrum of related content through Moreover, this taxonomy reflects the impact of video
different services. streaming on various sectors, such as education, business, and
Consumer Preferences: The taxonomy reflects the news. The availability of online courses and educational
diversity of consumer preferences and needs in the digital content has expanded the possibilities for distance learning
age. Users have different preferences for content and skills development. In the business world, video
consumption, ranging from entertainment and social conferencing and collaboration tools have become essential
interaction to education and news. The taxonomy allows for remote work and global communication. News networks
users to identify platforms that align with their specific utilize live streaming to bring real-time events and reports to a
interests and requirements. global audience. The taxonomy highlights the role of video
Industry Impact: Some categories, such as "News and streaming in reshaping these domains and underscores its
Broadcasting," have a profound impact on specific adaptability to meet the needs of different industries.