Saep 1140
Saep 1140
Saep 1140
Qualification and Certification of Saudi Aramco NDT
Document Responsibility: Nondestructive Testing Standards Committee
Summary of Changes.................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 9
3 References .............................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Saudi Aramco References ................................................................................ 9
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards .......................................................................... 9
4 Terminology .......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Definitions........................................................................................................ 10
5. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Methods ................................................................ 11
8. Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 17
8.1 Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority .......................................................... 17
8.2 Ndt Level III ..................................................................................................... 17
8.3 Ndt Instructor ................................................................................................... 17
9. Certification Of NDT Personnel ............................................................................. 18
9.1 Certification ..................................................................................................... 18
9.2 Expiration ........................................................................................................ 18
9.3 Recertification.................................................................................................. 19
9.4 Suspension...................................................................................................... 19
9.5 Revocation ...................................................................................................... 19
9.6 Reinstatement ................................................................................................. 20
10. Examination........................................................................................................ 20
10.1 Vision .............................................................................................................. 20
10.2 General (Written) For NDT Level I And Ndt Level II ........................................ 21
10.3 Specific (Written) For NDT Level I And Ndt Level II ........................................ 21
10.4 Practical Examination For NDT Level I ............................................................ 22
10.5 Practical Examination For NDT Level II ........................................................... 22
Summary of Changes
Paragraph Number
Change Type
Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification,
Deletion, New)
(9 July 2019) (04 October 2021)
Formal Training
Paragraph Number
Change Type
Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification,
Deletion, New)
(9 July 2019) (04 October 2021)
An individual possessing a
currently valid NDT Level III
Certificate and certified in
accordance with this procedure.
An individual possessing a
certificate issued by ASNT, ACCP
Professional Level III, CSWIP, or
PCN central certification
4.5 4.5 Modification
programs can also be certified in
accordance with this procedure.
A Level III certificate issued by
central certification program other
than those listed shall be
evaluated by the Saudi Aramco
NDT Certifying Authority on a
case-by-case basis for
compliance to this engineering
Paragraph Number
Change Type
Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification,
Deletion, New)
(9 July 2019) (04 October 2021)
Paragraph Number
Change Type
Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification,
Deletion, New)
(9 July 2019) (04 October 2021)
Paragraph Number
Change Type
Technical Change(s)
Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification,
Deletion, New)
(9 July 2019) (04 October 2021)
An employee's supervisor is
responsible for tracking
requirements of paragraphs 9.4
9.5 9.5
and 9.5 and communicating any
deficiencies to the Saudi Aramco
Note Note
NDT Certifying Authority and NDT
Section of Saudi Aramco
Inspection Department.
When an examination is
administered for qualification,
each candidate shall achieve a
grade of at least 70% on each
written examination, whereas for
Addition & practical examinations, each
10.7.2 10.7.2 candidate shall achieve a grade
Modifiction of at least 80%. A composite
average grade of 80% is required
to be eligible for certification. All
certification examinations shall
have equal weight in determining
the average grade.
1 Scope
1.2 This Engineering Procedure applies to all personnel whose specific tasks or jobs
require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying
Nondestructive Testing methods for which they have responsibilities within the
scope of their employment. These specific tasks or jobs include, but are not
limited to, performing NDT, analyzing NDT data, and evaluating NDT work.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.
3 References
4 Terminology
4.1 Definitions
NDT Level III: An individual possessing a currently valid NDT Level III Certificate
and certified in accordance with this procedure. An individual possessing a
certificate issued by ASNT, ACCP Professional Level III, CSWIP, or PCN central
certification programs can also be certified in accordance with this procedure. A
Level III certificate issued by central certification program other than those listed
shall be evaluated by the Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority on a case-by-
case basis for compliance to this engineering procedure.
5.2 Individual NDT methods may be subdivided into other specialized techniques as
approved by the Saudi Aramco Head NDT Level III. Performance qualification
shall be required in each of the applicable specialized techniques.
6. Levels of Qualifications
Five classifications of NDT qualification are defined in terms of the skills and
knowledge required in a given method or methods to perform specific NDT
6.1 Trainee
A person who is not yet certified to any level shall be considered a Trainee.
A Trainee shall work with a certified individual and shall not independently
conduct any tests, interpret or evaluate the results of a test, or report test results.
NDT Level I personnel shall have the skills and knowledge to perform specific
standardization, specific tests, and with prior written approval of the NDT Level
III, perform specific interpretations and evaluations for acceptance or rejection
and document the results, in accordance with specific approved NDT procedures.
The NDT Level I shall be able to follow approved nondestructive testing
procedures and shall receive the necessary guidance or supervision from a
certified NDT Level II or NDT Level III individual.
NDT Level II personnel shall have the skills and knowledge to set up and
Standardize equipment, to conduct tests, and to interpret, evaluate and document
results in accordance with procedures approved by an NDT Level III. The NDT
Level II shall be thoroughly familiar with the scope and limitations of the methods
to which certified and should be capable of directing the work of trainees and
Level I personnel. The NDT Level II shall be able to organize and report the
results of nondestructive examinations.
An NDT Level III shall have the skills and knowledge to establish techniques and
procedures; interpret codes, standards, and specifications; designate the
particular test methods and techniques to be used; and to verify the adequacy of
NDT procedures. The NDT Level III is responsible for the NDT operations for
which he is qualified and to which he is assigned, and shall be capable of
interpreting and evaluating NDT results in terms of existing Codes, standards,
and specifications. The NDT Level III shall have sufficient practical background
in applicable materials, fabrication, and product technology to establish
techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria where none are
otherwise available. The NDT Level III shall have general familiarity with other
appropriate NDT methods, and shall be qualified to train and examine NDT Level
I and Level II personnel.
An NDT Instructor shall have the skills and knowledge to plan, organize, and
present NDT classroom, laboratory, demonstration, and/or education programs
in accordance with course outlines approved by the Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying
Authority or his designate. The NDT Instructor shall possess a currently valid
NDT Level III Certificate in the method for which he is responsible and shall have
a minimum of 40 hours of instruction in teaching and training techniques. The
Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority may require a practical demonstration by
the NDT Instructor for the NDT method being taught.
7. Qualification Requirements
7.1.1 To receive credit for training hours, the candidate shall have passed, with
a minimum score of 80%, a final examination covering the topics
contained in the course outline.
7.1.2 The minimum number of hours of classroom training required for NDT
Level I and Level II are described in Table 1.
7.1.3 All training shall be presented by an NDT Instructor. However, the NDT
Instructor may use personnel with specialized experience, e.g.,
metallurgists, welding engineers, equipment manufacturers and
suppliers, etc., who are not qualified in accordance with this Procedure
to assist in the presentation of specific information.
7.1.4 Training requirements for NDT Level III personnel will be satisfied if the
individual holds a current Level III Certificate in the specific NDT Method.
Table 1 – Initial Training Requirements for Level I and Level II NDT Personnel
RT 40 40
DR1 40 40
CR1 40 40
UT 40 40
UTT 8 16
MT 12 8
PT 8 8
VT 8 16
ET 40 40
MFLT 16 12
AE 40 40
AE Valve Leakage 8 8
IR 40 40
ToFD2 N/A 40
PAUT2 N/A 80
CM2 N/A 40
SWC2 N/A 40
7.2 Candidates for certification shall have acquired the practical experience to assure
they are capable of performing the duties of the level in which certification is being
7.2.1 The minimum number of hours of experience required for NDT Level I
and NDT Level II are summarized in Table 2.
7.2.2 Experience requirements for NDT Level III will be satisfied if the
individual holds a current NDT Level III certificate in the specific NDT
Table 2 – Experience Requirements for NDT Level I and NDT Level II Personnel
Experience shall be based on the actual hours worked in the specific NDT method.
A person may be qualified directly to NDT Level II with no time as a certified Level I,
providing the required experience consists of the sum of the hours required for NDT
Level I and Level II.
The required minimum experience shall be verified and documented by method and by
hour with supervisor or NDT Level III approval.
While fulfilling total NDT experience requirements, experience may be gained in more
than one (1) method. Minimum experience hours must be met for each method.
Candidates must be certified or have previously been certified Level II or Level III in UT
prior to obtaining field experience in ToFD, PAUT, CM, and SWC method(s).
7.3 For Level I and Level II, a candidate's previous training and experience may be
accepted by Saudi Aramco, if verified and documented in writing by the previous
employer(s) or, for training, by the previous training agency(ies). A copy of the
previous NDT certification shall be verified. Any claimed training and experience
which cannot be verified and documented to the satisfaction of the responsible
NDT Level III shall be considered invalid.
7.4 For Level III personnel, the Inspection Department shall verify and document the
current validity of a candidate's NDT Level III Certificate.
7.5 An NDT Instructor shall be designated by the Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying
Authority or delegated authority. The designation shall be in writing and
annotated in the individual's qualification records.
8. Responsibilities
Saudi Aramco NDT Standards Committee Chairman is the Saudi Aramco NDT
Certifying Authority, with Saudi Aramco NDT Standards Committee Vice
Chairman as backup. Qualification and certification of all levels of NDT personnel
is the responsibility of the Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority. The Saudi
Aramco NDT Certifying Authority may designate other NDT Level III's to provide
training and certification services as necessary.
The NDT Section of Inspection Technical Support Division shall administer the
NDT personnel qualification and certification program as governed by this
An NDT Level III is responsible for evaluating questionable test results and
resolving problems in interpretation of test results. He is the ultimate technical
authority for Saudi Aramco regarding the acceptance or rejection of items based
on NDT findings when evaluated in accordance with his interpretation of existing
Codes, standards, and specifications. The NDT Level III is responsible for
determining the particular test methods, techniques, and procedures to be used
to examine specific items and is responsible for providing specialized test
procedures and training in the use of these procedures whenever required.
The NDT Level III is also responsible for developing and writing NDT procedures
when applicable and as required to address specific NDT inspection activities at
operating facilities and projects.
An NDT Instructor is responsible for training and examination of NDT Level I and
NDT Level II personnel in preparation for qualification examinations.
9.1 Certification
9.1.2 Supplemental NDT qualification(s) added to a main NDT method are not
acceptable as certification in a new method. Certification can only be
obtained by examination in a single NDT method.
9.2 Expiration
9.2.2 At the end of five years for NDT Level I and II.
9.2.3 The Level III certificate has expired for Level III personnel.
9.3 Recertification
9.3.1 NDT Level I and Level II personnel shall be re-qualified for certification
by examination in accordance with Section 9 of this Procedure.
9.3.2 NDT Level III personnel shall be re-certified every five years by verifying
that the Level III certificate is current in each method for which
certification is sought.
9.4 Suspension
9.4.2 The individual has not performed the duties in the method(s) for which
certified during any six month period; or
9.4.4 For NDT Level III personnel, when the Level III certificate has not been
9.5 Revocation
9.5.1 The individual has not performed the duties in the method(s) for which
certified during any consecutive twenty-four months period; or
9.5.2 For NDT Level III personnel, the Level III certificate has been revoked;
9.6 Reinstatement
9.7 At the discretion of the Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority, or his designated
representative, NDT personnel may be re-examined any time.
10. Examination
10.1 Vision
10.1.2 NDT personnel for all methods shall demonstrate the capability of
distinguishing and differentiating contrast between colors or shades of
gray used in the NDT method as determined by the Saudi Aramco NDT
Certifying Authority.
RT 40 40 20 20
DR 40 40 20 20
CR 40 40 20 20
UT 40 40 20 20
UTT 40 40 20 20
MT 40 40 20 20
PT 40 40 20 20
VT 40 40 20 20
ET 40 40 20 20
AE 40 40 20 20
IR 40 40 20 20
CM N/A 40 N/A 20
10.4.2 The candidate shall demonstrate proficiency using the applicable NDT
method and technique to examine at least one test sample for each
technique to be used in the candidate's job.
10.6.1 Prior to Saudi Aramco certification examinations, the Level III candidate
shall hold a Level III Certificate with a currently valid endorsement for
each method for which certification is sought.
10.6.2 Saudi Aramco, with approval of Saudi Aramco NDT Certifying Authority,
has the right to request NDT Level III certificate holders to set and pass
an examination for which certification is sought. The certification
examination(s) shall be in accordance with an international standard.
10.7.1 An NDT Level III shall be responsible for the administration and grading
of examinations for NDT Level I and II personnel for those methods in
which the NDT Level III has a valid Level III certificate. The
administration and grading of multiple choice questions may be
delegated by the NDT Level III in writing. For the practical examination,
the individual administering the examination must be an NDT Level III in
the respective test method; or somebody designated by NDT level III in
the respective test method.
10.8 Reexamination
10.8.1 Candidates that fail to attain the required passing grades must
receive additional documented training or wait at least 30 days for
re-examination. The additional training shall address the deficiencies
which caused the failure. A candidate shall not be reexamined using the
examination and/or specimen previously failed.
10.8.3 Candidates may re-sit the failed portion(s) only, i.e., general, specific or
practical of an NDT certification examination provided that the score of
the failed portion(s) is 60% or higher.
11.1 The CNDT&PS Unit of Saudi Aramco Inspection Department shall be responsible
for the administration and documentation of the Personnel Qualification and
Certification Program in accordance with the policies established by the Saudi
Aramco NDT Certifying Authority with concurrence by the Inspection Department
Manager. Personnel qualification and certification records shall be stored in
Saudi Aramco approved applications.
11.2 The NDT records of the certified NDT individuals shall include the following:
11.2.2 Level of certification and NDT method including the techniques covered;
11.2.7 Results of all, and copies of the most recent examination taken;
11.2.9 Signature of the Saudi Aramco Head NDT Level III, or designated NDT
Level III.
Document History
29 August 2016 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the content of the document,
and reissued with the following minor revisions:
Document title change Qualification and Certification of Saudi Aramco NDT
Align and incorporate changes from international standards (ANSI/ASNT CP-
189, ISO).
Add qualification/certification for new NDT methods.
Recognize AWS and CSWIP certification equivalent to Saudi Aramco Visual
Testing Level II.
9 July 2019 Editorial revision to extend the “Next Planned Update” to 29 August 2021 and
revised “Conflicts and Deviations” to be in line with the Technical Deviation
Approvals of SAEP-302.
04 October 2021 Major Revision. Procedure is revised to align with the 2020 revision of