Islamic Studies Chapter 1 Notes
Islamic Studies Chapter 1 Notes
Islamic Studies Chapter 1 Notes
1. Allah is Himself
a.) This passage is the Ayat-ul-Kursi, from Surah al Baqarah, which is a Madni surah. The theme of this
passage is Allah in Himself. This passage explains the unique attributes of Allah which make him
matchless. This passage first describes the oneness of Allah and stresses that there is no God but Allah.
Moreover, this passage also describes how Allah is free from all human weaknesses like sleeping,
drinking, eating, etc. Allah has perfect knowledge of all the times. As the Holy Quran also says:
“It is He who knows what you hide and what you disclose”
Moreover, no one can make changes to the universe without his permission, and nothing in the universe
can happen without the permission of Allah. As the Holy Quran also states:
“To Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and on Earth and He is the highest, the greatest.”
b.) This passage helps Muslims to believe in Tawhid in terms of Allah’s uniqueness and his majesty. This
passage also helps Muslims to stay away from shirk as they know that Allah knows everything; whatever you
hide and whatever you disclose. This passage also strengthens the faith of its readers as this passage
repetitively mentions Allah’s authorities, unlimited knowledge, and powers. This passage also reminds
Muslims that, Allah alone should be worshipped and obeyed with no other partners. Moreover, surah Ikhlas
also describes the oneness of Allah and his uniqueness, as it says.
“He begets not, nor is he begotten.”
Furthermore, the Holy prophet also used to recite Ayat-ul-Kursi after every prayer and before he went to
bed, so we should also follow him as it is a Sunnah. The Holy Prophet said:
“If someone recites Ayat-Ul-Kursi after every Fardh salah nothing stops him from entering paradise except
Passage 2 (Surah Al-Anaam) 6:101-103-
To Him is due the primal origin of the Heavens and the earth: how can He have a son when He has no
consort? He created all things, and He has full knowledge of all things. That is Allah, your Lord! There is no
god but He, the creator of all things: then worship Him: and He has the power to dispose of all affairs. No
vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension yet is acquainted with
all things.
a.) This passage is from surah Al-Anaam which is a Makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah in
Himself. This passage describes Allah as the originator of the universe and rejects all misconceptions of
God having any family. As Surah Ikhlas also says:
“He begets not, nor is he begotten.”
All is All-powerful and he can do whatever he wants to. Above all his creations, he only deserves to be
worshipped alone. This passage also refers to Allah’s infinite power and unlimited knowledge. This
passage also stresses that Allah’s attributes are limitless while human senses, reason, and imagination
are all limited.
b.) This passage is important for Muslims as it clearly makes them understand the meaning of Tawhid.
Moreover, it also reminds Muslims that Allah is too glorious to be identified but He is always present and All-
powerful. As the Holy Quran says:
“And He is with you wherever you are.”
The Holy Quran also states the following:
“We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein.”
This passage also strikes shirk by negating the false beliefs of God having wives or children. This way Muslims
develop a better concept of tawhid and bound themselves to adore and worship Allah only. Muslims also
remember that shirk is an unforgivable sin, disliked by Allah, which makes them abstain from it.
a.) This passage is from surah Fussilat, which is an early Makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah
in Himself. This passage mentions the cosmic sign and phenomena of nature that reflect Allah’s unity
and majesty. This passage refers to the cycle of day and night as evidence of divinity. As the Holy Quran
also supports this by saying:
“Behold! In the creation of the Heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day…
there are signs for people of understanding.”
This passage commands us to worship the creator of the Sun and the moon, not the creations
themselves because the creator is always superior to the creations.
b.) The theme of this passage is important for Muslims as it urges them to observe various objects of nature
that reflect Allah’s presence, majesty, and glory. Since humans cannot afford to see Allah physically, they will
identify the real creator through His creations. This helps Muslims develop a strong belief in Tawhid. As the
Holy Quran also says:
“Verily, in the alteration of the night and the day, and in all that is Allah has created in the heavens and the
earth, are signs for those who fear Him.”
So, Muslims realize the need of expressing their gratitude to Allah for enabling them to see and think deeper.
Muslims hence avoid shirk and worship the one supreme God.
a.) These are two verses from Surah Shura which is a Makki surah. The theme of this passage in Allah in
Himself. This passage describes Allah’s complete authority over the entire universe. As the Holy Quran says:
“His are all the things in the Heavens and on the Earth.”
This passage also refers to the countless angels who are busy in the prayers and glorification of the Lord and
they seek His mercy. The angels also ask forgiveness for humans who tend to disobey Allah. As the Quran
“It is man that wrongs his own soul.”
And it also says:
“But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Oft Forging Most Merciful.”
b.) The theme of this passage is important for Muslims as it guides them to Allah’s powers and authority to
make them His obedient servants. This passage, therefore, guides Muslims to two articles of faith: belief in
Tawhid and angels. This passage makes Muslims believe that Allah loves His creations, and hence this makes
Muslims love Allah. As the Holy Quran says:
“My Grace and Mercy outstrips My Wrath.”
This passage also gives hope to the sinners by mentioning Allah’s mercy and His forgiveness and prepares
them to repent for their bad deeds. It also reminds Muslims that they should also worship Allah and become
His righteous servants just like angels.
a.) This passage is Surah Ikhlas, which is an early Makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah in Himself,
which describes Allah’s uniqueness. When the Holy Prophet preached Tawhid and invited people to Islam to
worship Allah, the Quraish asked him about the attributes of Allah, His ancestry, gender, etc. Hence Allah
revealed this surah to answer them. This passage outlines the most fundamental aspect of Tawhid and denies
the false belief of Allah has ancestors and descendants. As the Holy Quran also says:
“How can He have a son when He has no consort?”
Then, this passage further highlights Allah’s unity by saying that Allah’s Nature or person can never be
compared to anyone throughout the universe. It also mentions God’s freedom from time and space by saying
that He has always been and will always be there.
b.) The theme of this passage purifies Muslim’s belief in Tawhid, and this is why this passage is called al-
Ikhlas which means the purity of faith. When Muslims get to know about the uniqueness and power of Allah,
it makes them sure of their inability and limitations before their Lord. Thus, it eliminates from orms of shirk
from their minds. Muslims recite this surah in daily prayers in order to reject shirk. The Holy prophet declared
this passage to be equivalent to one third of the Holy Quran. This passage is important as the Holy Quran
repetitively mentions this in other words:
“And your God is one God.”
“Allah! There is no God but He.”
b.) The beginning of this surah assures Muslims of the mercy of Allah which makes Muslims love Allah and
the next verse reminds us to be righteous and pious because Allah is also Just. He will distribute absolute
justice on the day of judgment. We shall remember that we will surely get a reward in the Hereafter as
promised by Allah in the Holy Quran:
“…and only on the day of judgment you shall be paid your full recompense”
This passage also encourages Muslims to turn to the guidance sent by Allah in the form of the Quran and
sunnah as they are the only means to help Muslims walk on the right path. By following the right path, we
can earn Allah’s blessings and avoid his anger.
a.) This passage is from surah al-baqara, which is a madni surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
relationship with his created world. This passage outlines Allah’s power to create and make arrangements for
the food and growth of mankind through all ages. This passage also commands humans to identify their real
Lord by serving and worshipping Him. It is Allah who has given them His special blessings by making the earth
a living place and giving all the necessary and luxuries of life. We should worship only the one who is
independent of all, and everything depends on Him. This passage further commands Muslims to reject
associating partners with Allah as He is the only Supreme creator, Cherisher and Caretaker of all. The Holy
Quran also repetitively says:
“…There is no God but I; therefore, worship and serve Me”
“And your God is one God”
b.) This passage stresses on the need to be obedient and thankful to Allah for His countless bounties. By
looking at the statement ‘earth your couch’, we feel that our physical growth, productivity of earth and its
resources are completely in Allah’s hands. Similarly, ‘heavens your canopy’ reminds us that our spiritual
growth is also a blessing of Allah. These two things make us realize our dependency on Allah. Surah Rahman
also asks man to acknowledge the countless bounties of Allah;
“So, which of the bounties of Your Lord will you deny?”
So, these help us to worship Allah alone and keeps us away from doing any kind of shirk. This way Muslims
are motivated to turn to Allah only whenever in need.
Passage 8 (Surah Al-Alaq) (Knowledge) 96:1-5 –
Read! In the name of your Lord, who created, created man out of a clot of congealed blood: Proclaim! And
your Lord is most bountiful, He Who taught by the pen, Taught man what he did not know.
a.) This passage is from surah Alaq, which is a makki surah. This was also the first revelation to the Holy
prophet. The theme of this passage is Allah’s relationship with his created world. This passage mentions
Allah’s power to create and ensure the survival and growth of mankind. Similar attribute of Allah is
mentioned in Surah al-Fatiha:
“Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and the sustainer of the worlds.”
Allah created man from a low origin and then matured him physically, intellectually and spiritually by
enabling him to read and write. Hence, human should learn worldly means of physical survival and his
intellectual and spiritual development. This passage further describes the importance of pen, as it is a very
important instrument of collecting knowledge in the history. Without pen, knowledge would have been
restricted to few people only. Hence, this passage shows that knowledge is a special gift from Allah.
b.) This passage makes Muslims acknowledge Allah’s goodness and His greatness as He created them from a
low origin and then enabled them to gain knowledge. The Holy Quran frequently mentions Allah as creator
and sustainer of the universe and describes His bounties on man. This passage, however, highlights the
power of reading and writing that makes man the most superior creature of Allah. As the Holy Quran also
“We indeed created man in the best molds”
This theme makes Muslims responsible to identify the link between man and Allah by gaining worldly
knowledge through pen and by seeking inspiration from the Holy Quran.
a.) This passage is called surah zilzal, which is a makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s relationship
with his create world. This passage describes Allah’s powers to end the entire existing universe. It also
describes the events and the outcome of the day of judgement, the ending of time. The word ‘zilzal’ itself
describes horror and destruction. Mankind will be shocked to see earth releasing all it’s hidden contents. As
the Holy Quran also says:
“And when the Earth is flattened and casts forth what is within it and becomes empty.”
When the time ends, mankind will appear in the divine court of justice for the rewards of their worldly deeds.
Every man will have to be accountable for his every action no matter how small it may be.
b.) This passage reminds Muslims about the day of judgement, Allah’s power to end time and make all stand
accountable before him for the ultimate justice. This way, Muslims learn about worthlessness of this world
and realize the value and importance of Hereafter. As the Holy Quran says:
“Nay, you prefer the life of this world. But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.”
This passage makes Muslims fear Allah as He can do everything that seems impossible to them. It also makes
Muslims responsible for their deeds and they lead a righteous life in this world believing in being justified for
the smallest good and evil deeds. It also makes Muslims feel humble and prepare for a successful end.
a.) This passage is from the last surah of the Holy Quran, named surah Al-Naas, which is a makki surah. The
theme of this passage is Allah’s relationship with His created world. This passage describes Allah as the Lord,
King and God of mankind that means only He can rule them. The power and authority of everything is in the
hands of Allah and Allah is in control of everything. Allah alone can protect from the evils of His creation s,
therefore, it ask man to seek Allah’s shelter against all the evils injected by Satan or jinns. As the Holy Quran
also says:
“….Satan is an avowed enemy to man.”
So hence Muslims should remember the following Quran commandment:
“…and on Allah let the believers put their trust.”
b.) This passage together with Surah Al-Falaq guides Muslims to seek Allah’s refuge against all evils as Satan
is always there to mislead them so they should strengthen their relation with Allah towards all evil forces.
The best way to do this is to remember Allah as guided by the Quran:
“and establish regular prayer in order to remember Me.”
Muslims are also motivated to recite the Holy Quran as it brings the reader close to Allah. The Holy prophet
also used to recite these surahs to guard against evil as he got protection from black magic over him by his
enemies. This passage connects the believers to Allah making them believe that only He has the absolute
control and power over everything alone and He alone deserves to be worshipped.
3.Allah’s Messengers
a.) This passage is from surah Baqara, which is a madni surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
messengers. This passage describes the story of the creation of Adam and his uplifted status granted by
Allah’s decree. When Allah asked all the angels to bow down to Adam, all the angels bowed down except
Ibless who showed arrogance (since he was a jinn and not an angel). Adam and Eve were granted paradise,
but Iblees (now named Satan) tricked them and got them thrown out of there, because of jealousy. When
Adam and Eve asked for forgiveness, they were forgiven by Allah and were awarded with a new phrase of
worldly living. As the Holy Quran says:
“And We have certainly established you upon the earth and made therein for you the ways of livelihood.”
b.) This passage contains a very important lesson for Muslims. This passage gives us the reasons for making
human being superior to all the other creatures. Allah appointed man on earth because of free will and
knowledge. This reminds us that we should be obedient to Allah as we are made His agents and given highest
status among His creation. We must use the power of knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong
and to follow the right path to keep us away from the path of Satan as he is our open enemy. As the Holy
Quran also says:
“Indeed, Satan is an avowed enemy to man.”
This passage also guides us to ask forgiveness and seek Allah’s mercy if we are trapped in Satan’s tricks and
commit a mistake.
a.) This passage is from surah Al-Anaam, which is a makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
messengers. This passage outlines the story of Prophet Ibrahim’s search of One Supreme God. Ibrahim was
slowly guided to identify the real creator and Lord by way of His creations such as sun, moon and the stars.
He realized that God is eternal and therefore he rejected all other false gods around him. He finally, declared
that shahada as a sign of acquiring internal peace. Allah’s favor of guidance for prophet Ibrahim is often
mentioned in the Holy Quran, as the following.
“And We bestowed aforetime on Ibrahim his guidance, and We were Well-Acquainted with him.”
Hence, just like other messengers, Ibrahim was also blessed with Allah’s special support and favor.
b.) This passage guides Muslims to refuse shirk and to believe in Tawhid. Muslims are guided that a unique
and logical approach should be used to make the people understand the reality of Allah. It assures that
heavenly thing reflect Allah’s glory and they are His creatures, despite their looks. They should never be
worshipped. As the Holy Quran says:
“He has made subject to you the night and the day; the sun and the moon and the stars are in subjection
by his commands.”
Muslims are also assured that Allah granted prophet hood to His messengers by various modes and that all
these Messengers preached the universal message of Tawhid. So, they should equally respect all Messengers.
As the Holy Quran says:
“We do not make difference between any of his messengers.”
Passage 13 (Surah Al-Maidah) (Isa) 5:110 –
Then will Allah say: ‘Jesus son of Mary! Recount my favor to you and to your mother. Behold! I
strengthened you with the holy spirit, so that you spoke to the people in childhood and in maturity.
Beholds! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the law and the Gospel. And behold! You make out of clay, as
it were, the figure of a bird, by my leave, and you breathe into it and it becomes a bird by my leave, and
you heal those born blind, and the lepers, by my leave. And behold! You bring forth the dead by my leave.
And be hold! I restrained the children of Israel from you when you showed them the clear signs, and the
unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing but evident magic’.
a.) This passage is from surah Al Maidah, which is a madni surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
messengers. This passage refers to the favors of Allah on Esa. Allah gave him birth and made him one of his
mightiest prophets. Allah also protected him from all the difficulties that come on his way. He was also
blessed with a book to bring people to the right path, as the Holy Quran says:
“Allah will teach him the book and the wisdom and the law and the gospel”
Allah also gave him signs of prophet to make his role clear to the people to whom he was sent to. Such as
giving life to dead, making birds out of clay and giving them life, curing the born blind, etc. This passage
mentions that Hazrat Isa was only a prophet and Allah’s creation, as he could do all these things with Allah’s
permission only.
b.) This passage helps Muslims to understand many important things like Allah addressed Hazrat Isa as “Esa
son of Mariam” which refuses the belief of those who think Hazrat Isa as God. Muslims are required to belief
that Hazrat Isa was also a man chosen by Allah, like all the others. This passage also reminds Muslims that
Allah helps his prophets by granting them powers to help them in their missions. As the Hold Quran also says:
“We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit”.
Muslims are assured that Allah is always with his messengers in all their righteous actions. Muslims also
understand that Allah’s messengers were rejected by the people, however they continued their mission. So,
hence they also have to be consistent, firm and steadfast in all difficult times and not to give up.
Passage 14 (Surah Al-Duha) (Holy Prophet) 93–
By the glorious morning light, and by the night when it is still, Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He
displeased. And truly the hereafter will be better for you than the present. And soon your Lord will give
you so that you will be pleased. Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter? And He found you
wandering, and He gave you guidance. And He found you in need and made you independent. Therefore,
do not treat the orphan with harshness, nor drive the beggar away; But tell about the bounty of your Lord.
a.) This passage is called surah Al-Duha, which is a makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
messengers. This passage was revealed after a long break that worried the Holy prophet and his makkan
enemies began to mock him. Allah consoled and reassured him that He would not abandon him. Allah
reminded Holy prophet His past favors. The Holy prophet was born as an orphan, but Allah made
arrangements for his growth and upbringing. Allah then granted him prophethood, which was his greatest
rewards. The purpose of these reminders was that similar support will be given in the future too. However,
Allah instructed him to be kind to those in need. Allah has conditioned His care and support to the Holy
prophet with regular prayers and spirit for sacrifice. As the Holy Quran says:
“To you have We granted the abundance, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice.”
b.) This passage helps Muslims to understand the importance of faith in Allah’s help. Holy prophet was
assured by Allah when the Makkan started to mock him. Muslims today should keep firm faith in difficult
times by remembering the following ayah of the Holy Quran:
“So verily with every difficulty there is a relief.”
Moreover, Muslims know that their relationship with Allah can be strengthened by their kindness to the
weak and unsupported as it expresses love. As the Quran says:
“And they give food to the needy, the orphan and the prisoner for love of Him.”
In addition to that, Muslims also know that along with being kind to the needy, they should also guide those
who come to seek knowledge or advice as it was the mission of the Holy prophet as well.
Passage 15 (Surah Al-Kawathar) (Holy Prophet) 108:1-3–
To you have we granted abundance. So, pray to your Lord and sacrifice. For he who hates you, he will be
cut off.
a.) This passage is named as Al-Kawthar, which is a makki surah. The theme of this passage is Allah’s
messengers. This passage mentions special care for the Holy prophet in the time of pain when he was
mocked by Makkans on the death of his sons. It also refers to the unlimited blessings and favors of Allah to
him in this world as well as in the hereafter. Moreover, Allah asked him to stay patient as it is the quality of
his messengers. As the Holt Quran also says:
“Rejected were the messengers before you; with patience and constancy they bore their rejection.”
Furthermore, Allah advised the Holy prophet to continue with devotional activities and later Allah will bless
him with a lot of followers and his enemies would be forgotten. Allah also told the Holy prophet to remember
Allah through regular prayers to strengthen his bond with Allah.
b.) This passage guides Muslims to develop a spirit of sacrifice and establish prayer as they are the best way
to get closer to Allah. As the Holy Quran also says:
“And establish regular prayer in order to remember me.”
This short passage carries a vast amount of Allah’s assurance. The word “kauthar” itself means abundance of
spiritual strength, wisdom and knowledge; it is also a special river in paradise. This passage also assures
Muslims that Allah will help you against your enemies if we have patient.
The first passage is from Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:225), which is from surah Baqarah. This passage explains the
properties of God, which makes him matchless to anyone else. It also starts with the core of Islam which is
the shahada. As the passage says:
“Allah, there is no God but He.”
Then, this passage describes how Allah is free from all human weaknesses and he does not depend on
anyone else. Moreover, Allah has perfect knowledge of the entire universe. This passage also mentions how
Allah has authority over the heavens and the earth.
The second passage is from surah Al-Anaam (6:101-103), which is a makki surah. This passage refers to the
unity of Allah and rejects the conception of Allah having any family. As the passage says:
“How can he have a son when He has no consort.”
This passage also teaches Muslims that Allah can do anything he wants with his will. Allah is above all the
creations and hence only He should be worshipped. This passage also refers to the unlimited knowledge and
power Allah has. All of Allah’s attributes are limitless, whereas human senses, reasons and imagination are all
The third passage is from surah Fussilat (41:37), which is a makki surah. This passage refers to the day and
night cycle. As the passage says:
“Among his signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon”.
Moreover, this passage also commands us to worship the creator of these creations instead of worshipping
the creations itself, as the creator is always superior to the creations. This passage also helps Muslims to
avoid shirk and develop strong belief in Tawhid.
The fourth passage is from surah al-shura which is also a makki surah. This passage describes Allah’s
complete authority over the whole universe. As the passage says:
“To him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth”.
Moreover, this passage also refers to the countless number of angels who are busy prayed to Allah for
forgiveness for mankind’s mistakes. Allah is merciful and Oft forgiving and Muslims should be obedient to
Allah just like angels.
The fifth passage is surah Ikhlas, which is a makki surah, which was revealed when the Quraish asked the Holy
prophet about Allah’s attributes. This passage refuses all false beliefs of Allah, having a family, as the passage
“He does not beget, nor is He begotten”.
Moreover, this passage also highlights that Allah’s attributes and nature cannot be compared with anyone
else in this whole universe. Furthermore, it also highlights Allah’s unity and freedom of time, as Allah was
always there, and He will always be there, forever.
These five passages describe Allah’s main attributes such as knowledge, powers, creations, unity and more.
These passages help Muslims to develop a stronger belief in Tawhid and the oneness of Allah, and that Allah
alone should be worshipped.
The first passage describes about how Allah has given mankind guidance to the right path. As surah al-fatiha
(1:1-7) says:
“Your aid we seek. Show us the straightway”.
It further also teaches that Allah is the Lord and master of this world and Muslims should seek guidance for
the right path and his favor to help. Moreover, man should worship Allah alone, even though Allah does not
force anyone to follow his way.
The second passage describes Allah’s power to create and make arrangements for the growth of mankind.
Allah has given us his blessings by making the Earth a living place and giving all the necessities and luxuries of
life. As surah Al-Baqarah (2:21-22) says:
“Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy”.
It further commands us to reject any belief of Allah having partners with Him, as He is the only supreme
The third passage refers to the importance of gaining knowledge and the use of pen. This passage also
describes the importance of pen, as it is the foremost important instrument of collecting treasure of
knowledge in the history. Knowledge is a blessing given by Allah. As surah Al-Alaq says:
“He who has taught by the pen. Taught man what he did not know.”
It further commands us to learn worldly affairs as well as his intellectual and spiritual development.
The fourth passage from Surah Al-Zilzal (99:1-8) describes Allah’s power to end the entire existing universe.
Moreover, it describes that all mankind will appear in the court of Justice for the rewards of their worldly
deeds. And that man will be accountable for his every action no matter how small it it. As the passage says:
“Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s
weight of evil shall see it”.
This passage makes Muslims fear Allah as He can do anything he wants to.
The fifth passage from Surah Al-Naas (114:1-6) describes Allah’s protection. It teaches man to seek refuge of
God who is the master of mankind. Allah also instructs man to see His protection against all evils. As this
passage says:
“I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind”.
This passage further asks man to seek Allah’s shelter against all evils as Satan is an avowed enemy to man. As
the Holy prophet also used to recite this surah against his enemies.
These five passages mainly describe about Allah’s great blessings given to mankind, and the guidance that
Allah has given mankind to identify their God.
3.Allah’s Messengers
The syllabus teaches Muslims about Allah’s messengers through five passages. These passages mainly
describe events about prophet Adam, Ibrahim, Isa and Muhammad, that highlights some important lessons
for the Muslim community.
The first passage is from Surah Al-Baqara(2:30-37), which is a madni surah. This passage explains the event of
prophet Adam, when Allah gave him a high status and asked all angels to bow him; all angels bowed except
Iblees who showed arrogance, because he was a jinn. Allah granted Adam and Eve paradise, but Iblees
tricked them in jealousy. Then they asked Allah for forgiveness, and Allah forgave them. As the passage says:
“He is Often-returning, most Merciful”.
This passage also teaches Muslims that they must use the power of knowledge to differentiate between
wrong and right and to follow the right path, in order stay away from the path of Satan.
The second passage is from Surah Al-Anaam, which is a makki surah. This passage explains prophet Ibrahim
in search of one supreme God to worship. Prophet Ibrahim asked for guidance, as it says in the passage:
“Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among those who go astray.
And so slowly he was guided to identify the creator and Lord of the creations like sun, moon and stars. He
then realized the God, and refused all other false gods around him, and she declared shahada. This guides
Muslims to refuse shirk and to believe in Tawhid.
The third passage is from Surah-Al-Maidah (5:110), which is a madni surah. This passage refers to the favors
of Allah on Hazrat Isa. Allah made Hazrat Isa one of his greatest prophets, protected him in difficult times and
blessed him with a book to bring to the people. Allah also gave him signs of prophethood to make people
belief, as he could give life to the dead, he could make birds out of clay and gave them life, he could cure
people born blind and many more. This passage mentions all these as miracles. As the passage says:
“This is nothing but evident magic”.
This also helps Muslims to understand the false belief of those who thought Hazrat Isa as God, when he was
addressed as Isa son of Mariam.
The fourth passage is from Surah Al-Duha (93), which is a makki surah. This passage was revealed after a long
break that worried the Holy prophet as the makkan enemies started to mock him. Allah assured him that he
would not abandon him. Allah also reminded the Holy prophet of some of His past favors. As the passage
“Did he not find you an orphan and gave you shelter”.
Moreover, Allah also granted him prophethood, which was the greatest reward. However, Allah instructed
him to be kind to those in need as it would express his love for Allah. As the passage says:
“Therefore, do not treat the orphan with harshness.”
The fifth passage is from Surah Al-Kawthar, which is a makki surah. This passage mentions Allah’s special care
for the Holy prophet in the painful time when he was mocked by makkans on the death of his sons. It also
refers to the unlimited blessings and favors of Allah to him in this world and the hereafter. So Allah asked him
to remain patient and continue with religious activities and later Allah would bless him with a lot of followers
that his enemies will be forgotten. Allah told the Holy prophet to remember Allah through regular prayers
and sprit of sacrifice to strengthen his bond with Allah. As the passage says:
“So pray to your Lord and sacrifice”.
These five passages give very important lessons to mankind, as they should apply the teachings of these
passages in their daily problems in life.