Transfer Function
Transfer Function
Transfer Function
( )
1 position of the microphones, the sound field changes and does not
u( x ) = p e - jkx - p_ e jkx (2) consist of plane waves.
rc +
A comparison of the direct simulated volume velocity output
where rc is the characteristic impedance of air. spectrum and what was predicted based on the simulated sound
At the duct opening, x = 0, we have: pressures inside the duct at the microphone diaphragms is shown
in Figure 5 for the full frequency range considered. Moreover, the
u(0) =
rc +
p - p_ ) (3) two spectra were subtracted to provide the error made by the two-
This expression leads to volume velocity estimation if we multi- microphone method as a function of frequency. Clearly in the range
ply by the cross-sectional area of the duct. We can further express where the actual low-mid-frequency source is active, 50 Hz-6 kHz,
the volume velocity output as an autospectrum based upon the the error is always less than 1.5 dB, and for most of the frequency
dB, Re: 20 µPa
0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k
Frequency, Hz
frequency (around 1.5 kHz) the different outputs from the source
are all within a few dB, but at higher frequencies the deviations
from the free space measurement become more evident especially
for the more confined spaces. The change in the output volume
velocity spectrum due to change in the acoustical environment
would require a reference signal that also changed accordingly.
Some of the volume velocity sources available are based on a
single reference microphone for calibrating the volume velocity
output from the source. The idea of such a principle is to estimate
the volume velocity under anechoic conditions using a far-field
microphone and then relate the calculated volume velocity output
to a fixed reference signal; in this case, a microphone sitting close
to the opening of the sound source. This results in a calibration
spectrum. When using the sound source in a real application, we
measure the sound pressure at the reference microphone, which
can then be translated into a volume velocity spectrum using the
calibration curve.
But the question is, what influence will the acoustic environment Figure 9. Measurement of acoustic transfer function from top engine surface
have on the volume velocity estimations we measured, since the point to left and right ear, using the mid-high frequency sound source: (a)
actual measurement environment may be very confined (like inside Hose at engine source position for direct transfer function measurement;
(b) Positioning of sound source at right ear for reciprocal transfer function
an engine compartment). In our test cases, we use the signal from measurements.
the microphone closest to the opening as a reference to examine this
ratio for our four setups. Figure 7b shows the individual curves, and transfer functions.
we see less variation in the ratio compared to the volume velocity
spectrum. However, some errors are introduced if the environment Application of Volume Velocity Sources
becomes more confined. Especially at high frequencies, there are The volume velocity source described so far has been used to
quite large differences. At the same time, we should remember that measure acoustic transfer functions between an assumed source po-
the source itself is only omnidirectional up to 3 kHz, so the largest sition inside an engine compartment and receiver positions inside
errors will occur outside this frequency range. Nevertheless, we the vehicle. Direct transfer function measurements – from source at
have seen that the acoustical environment will have an effect on engine surface to microphones inside a vehicle – were compared to
the output volume velocity spectrum and that we should measure reciprocal measurements where the source (the duct orifice), was
the actual output in situ to minimize errors on volume velocity positioned at the receiver with a microphone measuring the sound
estimation, transfer functions, etc. pressure at the engine surface position. Since the receiver positions
Another simple experiment was conducted to investigate if in the direct measurement consisted of microphones in the ears of
the sound was radiated mainly from the opening of the tube (as a head and torso simulator (HATS), the reciprocal measurement
desired) or if the driver and tube walls contributed significantly. A should ideally be made with a HATS having sound sources placed
microphone was placed 30 cm in front of the opening of the duct, at the entrance of the closed ear canals. This was not practical us-
and a narrowband sound pressure spectrum was recorded for white ing the current sound sources, so in this experiment, the orifice of
noise excitation of the sound source. Then the orifice of the duct the adapter was placed as close to the ear microphones as possible
was blocked and another narrowband sound pressure spectrum but still outside the pinna/concha.
was recorded. For normal operation with the duct open (and with The effect of the head and torso is included in the reciprocal
the opening blocked by a thick layer of damping material inside transfer functions. However, the full effect of the concha is not
the duct opening), the measured spectra in front of the opening are included, so this measurement should give an indication if it is
shown in Figure 8 and compared to the general background noise possible to measure binaural transfer functions related to an in-the-
inside this normal room. The tests show that the sound is mainly ear receiver using a reciprocal approach (sound source is simply
radiated from the opening of the open duct, and even though the attached just outside the pinna). In that case, a standard HATS
blocking of the orifice was not perfect, the levels in this case are with microphones in the ears can be used for measuring binaural
more than 20 dB lower than the case of the open duct over the transfer functions based on the reciprocal approach with one of
complete frequency range for that source. When the source was the described sound sources attached to the pinna. The validity of
blocked, some sound was transmitted through the damping at the this approach can be examined by comparing it to binaural transfer
duct opening, especially at lower frequencies. Otherwise, only functions using the direct approach, which contain the effect of the
sound coming directly from the driver itself was identifiable. concha, since the microphones are placed at the entrance of each
Altogether, we concluded that sound produced by the assembly ear canal. At the same time, we want to compare the low-mid fre-
of driver and hose is mainly radiated from the duct orifice, which quency sound source to a mid-high frequency sound source based
means it can be used as a monopole to measure vibro-acoustic on a similar principle. The mid-high frequency sound source is
Source Directivity
A couple of measurements were carried out with each of the
investigated sound sources for the same source position on the top
engine surface, where the orientation of the adapter or hose was
changed. When comparing transfer functions from the same posi-
tion but different orientations, the directivity of the source can be
examined with respect to omnidirectionality. Figure 10 compares Figure 10. Acoustic transfer function measured between top engine position
and HATS left ear for different nozzle orientations using low-mid frequency
a transfer function measured with the low-mid frequency sound sound source. (a) 0-2 kHz; (b) 2-4 kHz.
source for different orientations of the adapter; that is, pointing
toward the rear, front or left side of the vehicle. The measured
transfer functions are valid down to 50 Hz, where the output
power of the loudspeaker starts to decrease significantly, and we
see similar transfer functions for all three orientations up to 2-3
kHz. From that frequency on, the sound from the orifice of the
adapter becomes more directive, as explained earlier; this can be
seen from the plot in Figure 10b.
In all measurements, a white-noise signal band-limited to 6.4 kHz
was driving the sound source at a maximum level. FFT processing
and averaging were used to calculate transfer functions as FRFs
with frequency resolution of 1 Hz.
Figure 14. Direct (red curve) and reciprocal (blue curve) measurement of top
engine surface to HATS left ear transfer function using mid-high frequency
source; 0-6 kHz.
Sound sources for measuring vibro-acoustic transfer functions
have been investigated, although the emphasis has been on acoustic
transfer functions. The type of source presented here was based
on a powerful driver attached to a long hose equipped with two
microphones close to the orifice for measuring the volume velocity
source strength in situ. Transfer functions measured as FRFs can
then easily be estimated.
The principle was reviewed and some error analysis related to
the current sources was made. Acoustic transfer functions were
measured in a vehicle environment proving that it is possible to
measure binaural transfer functions reciprocally, with some confi-
dence, by placing the orifice close to the entrance of the outer ear.
In this case, a standard HATS and a volume velocity source can be
used to do all operating and transfer function measurements related
to source-path-contribution analysis (including binaural effects).
Additionally, a sound source aimed for mid-to-high-frequency
measurements was investigated and compared to the current low-
to-mid-frequency sound source.
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