Semiconductors Notes
Semiconductors Notes
Semiconductors Notes
Subject – Physics
Chapter- Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and simple circuits
Examples of Semiconductors:
Gallium arsenide, germanium, and silicon are some of the most commonly
used semiconductors. Silicon is used in electronic circuit fabrication and
gallium arsenide is used in solar cells, laser diodes, etc.
Properties of Semiconductors
Semiconductors can conduct electricity under preferable conditions or
circumstances. This unique property makes it an excellent material to
conduct electricity in a controlled manner as required.
Unlike conductors, the charge carriers in semiconductors arise only because
of external energy (thermal agitation). It causes a certain number of valence
electrons to cross the energy gap and jump into the conduction band, leaving
an equal amount of unoccupied energy states, i.e. holes. Conduction due to
electrons and holes are equally important.
Types of Semiconductors
Semiconductors can be classified as:
• Intrinsic Semiconductor
• Extrinsic Semiconductor
Intrinsic Semiconductor
An intrinsic type of semiconductor material is made to be very pure
chemically. It is made up of only a single type of element.
Extrinsic Semiconductor
The conductivity of semiconductors can be greatly improved by introducing a
small number of suitable replacement atoms called IMPURITIES. The
process of adding impurity atoms to the pure semiconductor is called
DOPING. Usually, only 1 atom in 107 is replaced by a dopant atom in the
doped semiconductor. An extrinsic semiconductor can be further classified
• N-type Semiconductor
• P-type Semiconductor
N-Type Semiconductor
P-Type Semiconductor
Also, when an electron diffuses from the n-side to the p-side, an ionized
donor is left behind on the n-side, which is immobile. As the process goes on,
a layer of positive charge is developed on the n-side of the junction. Similarly,
when a hole goes from the p-side to the n-side, an ionized acceptor is left
behind in the p-side, resulting in the formation of a layer of negative charges
in the p-side of the junction. This region of positive charge and negative
charge on either side of the junction is termed as the depletion region. Due to
this positive space charge region on either side of the junction, an electric
field direction from positive charge towards the negative charge is developed.
Due to this electric field, an electron on the p-side of the junction moves to
the n-side of the junction. This motion is termed as the drift. Here, we see that
the direction of drift current is opposite to that of the diffusion current.
• P-type
• N-type
There are three biasing conditions for p-n junction diode and this is based on
the voltage applied:
• Zero bias: There is no external voltage applied to the p-n junction diode.
Forward Bias
When the p-type is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and the
n-type to the negative terminal then the p-n junction is said to be forward
biased. When the p-n junction is forward biased, the built-in electric field at
the p-n junction and the applied electric field are in opposite directions. When
both the electric fields add up the resultant electric field has a magnitude
lesser than the built-in electric field. This results in a less resistive and thinner
depletion region. The depletion region’s resistance becomes negligible when
the applied voltage is large. In silicon, at the voltage of 0.6 V, the resistance
of the depletion region becomes completely negligible and the current flows
across it unimpeded.
When the p-type is connected to the negative terminal of the battery and the
n-type is connected to the positive side then the p-n junction is said to be
reverse biased. In this case, the built-in electric field and the applied electric
field are in the same direction. When the two fields are added, the resultant
electric field is in the same direction as the built-in electric field creating a
more resistive, thicker depletion region. The depletion region becomes more
resistive and thicker if the applied voltage becomes larger.
The flow of electrons from n-side towards p-side of the junction takes place
when there is increase in the voltage. Similarly, flow of holes from p-side
towards n-side of the junction takes place along with the increase in the
voltage. This results in the concentration gradient between on both the sides
of the terminals. Because of formation of concentration gradient, there will be
flow of charge carriers from higher concentration region to lower
concentration region. The movement of charge carriers inside the pn junction
is the reason behind current flow in the circuit.
• The half wave rectifier has both positive and negative cycles. During the
positive half of the input, the current will flow from positive to negative
which will generate only positive half cycle of the a.c supply. When a.c
supply is applied to the transformer, the voltage will be decreasing at
the secondary winding of the diode. All the variations in the a.c supply
will reduce and we will get the pulsating d.c voltage to the load resistor.
In the second half cycle, current will flow from negative to positive and
the diode will be reverse biased. Thus, at the output side, there will be no
current generated and we cannot get power at the load resistance. A small
amount of reverse current will flow during reverse bias due to minority
• Affordable
• Simple connections
• Easy to use as the connections are simple
• Number of components used are less
• Very expensive
• Full wave rectifiers are used for supplying polarized voltage in welding
and for this bridge rectifiers are used.
The filter is one type of electronic device mainly used to perform signal
processing. The main function of this filter is to allow the ac components and
blocks the dc components of the load. The filter circuit output will be a stable
dc voltage. The construction of a filter circuit can be done with the basic
electronic components like resistors, inductors, and capacitors. There are
different types of filters available namely LPF (low pass filter), BPF
(bandpass filter), HPF (high pass filter), capacitor filter, etc. The main
function of the capacitor, as well as an inductor in this circuit, is, a capacitor
allows the ac and blocks the dc, whereas an inductor permits only DC
components to supply and blocks ac.
What is a Capacitor Filter?
A typical capacitor filter circuit diagram is shown below. The designing of
this circuit can be done with a capacitor (C) as well as load resistor (RL). The
rectifier’s exciting voltage is given across the terminals of a capacitor.
Whenever the voltage of the rectifier enhances then the capacitor will be
charged as well as supplies the current to the load.
Due to this thinner depletion layer, voltage gradient or electric field strength
across the depletion layer is quite high. If the reverse voltage is continued to
increase, after a certain applied voltage, the electrons from the covalent
When the reverse bias applies across the diode and the supply voltage is
equal to the Zener voltage then it starts conducting in the reverse bias
Here the Zener diode is connected across the load RL. We want the voltage
across the load to be regulated and not cross the value of Vz. Zener diode
provides a path for the current to flow and hence the load gets protected from
excessive currents. Thus the Zener diode serves Depending on our
requirement, we choose the suitable Zener diode with a Zener breakdown
Keeping the zener diode in parallel with a variable load resistance RL,
ensures a constant output voltage even though the load current and the
supply voltage varies. In practical circuits the simplest form of current source
is a resistor. The key in using the zener diode as voltage regulator is that as
long as the zener diode is reverse biased, the flow of current greater than a
few micro amperes must be accompanied by a voltage greater than the
Zener voltage.
Selecting the appropriate values of series resistance Rs is also important
because it also causes greater diode current, so that maximum power
dissipation of the diode should not be exceeded under no load or at high
impedance condition.
Whenever a load is connected in parallel with zener diode, voltage across the
load is same as the zener diode voltage. However the source voltage must
be greater than the zener voltage and the upper limit of zener current
depends on the power rating of the zener diode; otherwise the zener voltage
will simply follow the applied input voltage.
A solar cell is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy. A
solar cell works on the same principle as that of a photodiode, where incident
light generates electron-hole pairs in the depletion region of the p-n junction.
Unlike a photodiode, a solar cell works without any external bias. The large
surface area of the p-n junction in a solar cell generates measurable
photocurrent making it a source of electricity. The photocurrent produced by a
solar cell depends on the intensity of the incident light.
What is a Photodiode?
The electrons present in the p side and holes present in n side are the
minority carriers. When a certain reverse-biased voltage is applied then
minority carrier, holes from n-side experiences repulsive force from the
positive potential of the battery.
Similarly, the electrons present in the p side experience repulsion from the
negative potential of the battery. Due to this movement electron and hole
recombine at the junction resultantly generating depletion region at the
Due to this movement, a very small reverse current flows through the device
known as dark current.
The combination of electron and hole at the junction generates neutral atom
at the depletion. Due to which any further flow of current is restricted.
At the two gets separated then electrons from n side gets attracted towards
the positive potential of the battery. Similarly, holes present in the p side get
attracted to the negative potential of the battery.
This movement then generates high reverse current through the device.
With the rise in the light intensity, more charge carriers are generated and
flow through the device. Thereby, producing a large electric current through
the device.
So, we can say the intensity of light energy is directly proportional to the
current through the device.
Only positive biased potential can put the device in no current condition in
case of the photodiode.
The figure below shows the VI characteristic curve of a photodiode:
The change in reverse current with change in light intensity is shown above.
The photocurrent is proportional to the incident light intensity.
Solar cell
o The generation of emf by the solar cell, when light falls on, is due to the
following three basic processes – (a) generation (b) separation and (c)
o Generation
o The generation of electron-hole paid due to light with energy h>ט
Eg close to the junction
o Separation
o The separation of electrons and holes due to the electric field of the
depletion region
o The electrons are swept to the n-side and the holes to the p-side
o Collection
o The electrons reaching the n-side are collected by the front contact and
holes reaching the p-side are collected by the back contact
o Thus, the p-side becomes positive and the n-side becomes negative giving
rise to photo voltage
o When external load is connected, a photo current IL flows through the load