Contents 2020 Dermatologic-Clinics
Contents 2020 Dermatologic-Clinics
Contents 2020 Dermatologic-Clinics
Preface: Oral Medicine in Dermatology: An Interprofessional Partnership xi
Eric T. Stoopler and Thomas P. Sollecito
Clinicians should be knowledgeable about the anatomy of the oral cavity and varia-
tions of normal because of oral and systemic health connections. This article pre-
sents an overview of normal and variations of normal anatomy of the oral cavity.
Oral health is a critical component of overall health and well-being. Dental caries and
periodontitis are two of the most common oral diseases and, when not treated, can
have irreversible sequelae and overall psychosocial and physiologic impact on indi-
viduals, diminishing quality of life. The burden of advanced dental caries and peri-
odontal disease leading to tooth loss is severe. Physicians and allied medical
professionals can help in early detection of dental caries, abscess, and periodontal
diseases and initiate management followed by prompt referral to dental colleagues.
A variety of acute oral lesions may be encountered in the scope of dermatology. Oral
lesions may be single or multiple; may arise secondary to infectious, immune,
congenital, medication use, or idiopathic causes; and may take a variety of forms.
A thorough evaluation of the oral cavity is required to assess patients with oral le-
sions. Affected patients may be monitored, treated, or referred to an appropriate
specialist for further management as needed. Many acute oral lesions are self-
limiting in nature and patients may require only assessment and reassurance.
Several common acute oral lesions are discussed in this article.
Chronic oral mucosal lesions can be associated with several mucocutaneous dis-
eases. This article reviews the autoimmune and immune-mediated, reactive, ge-
netic, and infectious diseases that may present with chronic oral and/or
cutaneous manifestations and provides a rational approach to diagnosis and
Oral pigmented lesions have a wide range of clinical presentations, some of which
correlate with cutaneous pigmented lesions. This article highlights these correlates
and underscores important differences that can potentially have clinical impact.
Moreover, given a nonspecific presentation of an oral pigmented lesion, the article
provides a reference to aid clinicians with differential diagnoses based on clinical
features. This article is an overview of pigmented lesions of the oral cavity, including
localized reactive pigmented lesions, neoplastic pigmented lesions, and pigmented
lesions as sequelae of a systemic disease.
Contents ix
Signs and symptoms representative of a systemic condition can manifest in the oral
cavity and orofacial region. Such conditions may be previously diagnosed, or the or-
ofacial manifestation may be the presenting sign of an acute or chronic systemic
condition not previously diagnosed. Pathologic processes in the mouth, jaws, and
contiguous structures could have a direct and indirect impact on the patient’s overall
systemic condition. Moreover, systemic conditions may result in compromised func-
tion of the orofacial region or impact patients’ oral health profile. This article reviews
selected systemic conditions that present or impact on the oral cavity and orofacial
Oral and pharyngeal cancer incidence is increasing and largely related to an in-
crease in HPV1 oropharynx cancers. Early detection of oral cavity cancers leads
to improved survival, and opportunistic screening by trained clinicians is recommen-
ded by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Oral Medi-
cine. A visual and tactile oral examination followed by biopsy with histologic
evaluation of oral potentially malignant disorders remains the gold standard to
establish a definitive diagnosis. Evidence-based management of oral cavity cancer
requires a multidisciplinary team and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy,
or immunotherapy. The management oral epithelial dysplasia is not well defined.
Adverse reactions to medications are common and may have a variety of clinical
presentations in the oral cavity. Targeted therapies and new biologic agents have
revolutionized the treatment of cancers, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory
and rheumatologic diseases but have also been associated with adverse events in
the oral cavity. This review describes the most common clinical presentations of
oral mucosal reactions to medications, namely hyposalivation, lichenoid reactions,
ulcers, bullous disorders, pigmentation, fibrovascular hyperplasia, reactive kera-
tosis, dysesthesia, osteonecrosis, infection, angioedema, and malignancy.
Oral mucosal diseases represent a significant health care burden, rendering a com-
plex patient population in which interdisciplinary care among dermatologists, pri-
mary dental providers, and dental specialists is required for optimal care. Oral
mucosal diseases often cause painful ulceration and blistering which can impede
a patient’s ability to perform dental home care and the dental professional’s ability
to deliver routine and complex treatment. It is crucial to consider the environment
of the oral cavity. It is paramount to be aware of the potential side effects that certain
medications may cause and the possible interactions with other medications the pa-
tient is using.